Two Guidebooks to facilitate sustainable mobility
In order to assist decision makers and planners integrate sustainable mobility in their local development agendas PRO.MOTION has produced 2 guidebooks. Stressing the importance of energy efficient transport, the key objective is to strengthen the attractiveness of sustainability. One example being that less cars in residential areas can make way for the design of green spaces leading to a higher quality of life for the inhabitants.
ARENE Île-de-France and ARPE Midi-Pyrénées produced 2 Guidebooks to help decision makers and planners integrate sustainable mobility in their local development agendas. The Guidebooks are published under PRO.MOTION, a project within the framework of the Intelligent Energy Europe EU programme whose aim is to facilitate energy efficient transport forms in the joint field of housing and mobility and to reduce the need for transport by providing services and facilities, which replace transport services. The main tasks of PRO.MOTION are implementing new applications, educating key players and disseminating the project’s results aims to change mobility behaviour by influencing people’s travel decisions. The key objective is to reduce the favourable position of the private car and to strengthen the attractiveness of sustainable transport. PRO.MOTION is an application focussed project. The improvement of sustainable transport solutions for housing areas is realised by pilot projects in 13 countries. Less car transportation in residential areas results in a wider scope for the design of green spaces and the neighbourhoods’ social infrastructure leading to a higher quality of life for the inhabitants. The municipalities gain economically and by raising the standard of living. Planning or organisational measures, like the pedestrian network or bicycle connections to neighbouring city districts are expected to be improved. People’s perception of energy efficient transport need to be corrected and awareness for the subject will be created by showing personal benefits through e.g. individual mobility counselling or joint workshops. Motivating and informing people (existing and potential users to start changes) for trying and using energy-efficient modes of transport and mobility services (e.g. travel plans, car sharing PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)
schemes, demand oriented public transport) should achieve change of transport behaviour. Municipalities have several possibilities to influence the design of residential areas. The scope can lead to compact settlement structures, lower obligatory provision of car parking spaces, the installation of alternative transport means such as Car Sharing as well as priority for the accessibility of residential areas by public transport, bicycle and pedestrian paths. Key players active in the field of housing and mobility are the main targets. These are particularly construction and property management companies, local authorities, public transport providers, tenant associations, management / energy agencies and spatial planners. To download the guidebooks go to: For more information please contact: CĂŠline Meunier, ARENE Ile-de-France Fred Dotter, Austrian Mobility Research, FGM-AMOR
PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)