Central Voice: LGBT Pages 2014

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the LGBT directory for Central PA

CONTENTS Important numbers___________________ 2 personal quick List___________________ 3 business + service directory______ 5 LITTLE BLACK BOOK______________________ 9

Contributing editor Frank Pizzolli posops@aol.com Sales manager Dave Brown davebrown@pressandjournal.com Creative director Julianna Sukle julianna@juliannasukle.com Advertising Representative Steve Kozakas stevek@pressandjournal.com Sales assistant Sara Egan saraegan@pressandjournal.com

LGBT Pages is a publication of Central Voice Press And Journal Publications, Inc. 20 South Union Street Middletown, PA 17057 Tel: (717) 944-4628 Fax: (717) 944-2083 www.pandjinc.com info@pressandjournal.com

If you or someone you know would like to have your artwork featured in future issues of our publications, please e-mail us: sales@pressandjournal.com Please use ‘LGBT Pages’ in the subject line. All artwork will remain the sole property of the artist and we will not use any artwork without prior consent of the artist.


electIons Dauphin County (717) 780-6360

__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ credIt card companIes

Lancaster County (717) 299-8293


Lebanon County (717) 274-2801


York County (717) 771-9313


Cumberland County (717) 240-6388

lIbrarIes Cumberland County (717) 240-6388 Dauphin County (717) 780-6360

mobIle pHone number

IMPORTANT NUMBERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


numbers when you need them

__________________________________ telepHone provIder __________________________________

Lancaster County (717) 299-8293

cable company

Lebanon County (717) 274-2801


York County (717) 771-9313

FamIly doctor __________________________________

publIc utIlItIes Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Serving: _ Electricity _ Natural Gas _ Telecommunications _ Transportation + Safety _ Water

dentIst/ortHodontIst __________________________________ optometrIst __________________________________ veterInarIan __________________________________

Consumer Hotline: 1-800-692-7380 puc.state.pa.us

Goodwill Industries Computer Equipment Recycling (814) 371-2821 x. 108 goodwillinc.org/comrec.html

recyclInG + Waste manaGement

Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority (717) 397-9968 lcswma.org

Dauphin County Waste Management + Recycling (717) 982-6773 dauphincounty.org/waste-management-recycling

__________________________________ __________________________________

mecHanIc __________________________________


Insurance aGent





Computer Equipment Recycling (717) 436-2101 skillofcentralpa.org/public.services/recycling.php

FavorIte take-out restaurants


Cumberland County Recycling +Waste Authority 888-697-0371 ccpa.net

Solid Waste Authority of Cumberland County Electronics Recycling Program useitagainpa.org






Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority (717) 867-5790 gogira.org

York County Solid Waste Authority (717) 397-9968 ycswa.org







lGbt paGes 2014

locksmItH __________________________________

lGbt paGes 2014


busIness + servIce dIrectory Reaching South

antIque dealers

• Art Classes for Youths & Adults • Exhibitions of National & Regional Artwork • Sales Gallery

HOURS ✷✷ Monday-Thu rsday 9:30-9 Friday 9:30 Saturday 10 4 -4 Sunday 2-5 ✷✷

21 N. Front Street • Harrisburg 717.236.1432 • www.artassocofhbg.com Box office info

available in person, online or by phone

717-337-8200 | gettysburgmajestic.org 25 Carlisle street, Gettysburg, pa 17325

2 013 – 2 014 s e a s o n

44 North Bedford Street Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 241-5309 www.bedfordstreetantiques.com

appraIsals CORDIER ANTIQUES Consignment, estate, personal property and real estate auctions. Complete appraisal services. purchase, brokering, and private sale of antiques and fine art. 1500 Paxton Street Harrisburg, PA 17104 (717) 731-8662 www.Cordierauction.com

Summer of Love

art GallerIes

{ $49 • $46 • $43 }

ART ASSOCIATION OF HARRISBURG art classes, exhibitions, bal masque, Soirées, Sales gallery

vaLentine’S Day concert Friday, February 14, 2014 | 7:30pm

The ChurCh BasemenT Ladies in

a mighty fortreSS iS our BaSement aLL new naTionaL Tour Thursday, March 13, 2014 | 7:30pm

{ $39 • $36 • $33 } speCiaL moTher’s day ConCerT

JuDy coLLinS

Sunday, May 11, 2014 | 3:00pm

{ $55 • $51 • $47 } 4

BEDFORD STREET ANTIQUES over 100 antique dealers on the 24,000 sq. ft. first and second floors.

lGbt paGes

21 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 (717) 236-1432 carrie@artassocofhbg.com artassocofhbg.com See our ad on page 4

Central Pennsylvania with God's Radical Love! Worship Service: Sunday at 10am Midweek Service & Bible study: Wednesday's at 7pm Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 10am to 3pm [Alternate times by appointment] Rev. Lori E. Rivera, Senior Pastor 2973 Jefferson Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 Office: 717.236.7387 Office e-mail: Info@mccofthespirit.org

Visit us at www.mccofthespirit.org

Micah 6:8 “...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” lGbt paGes


art GallerIes con’t GOLDCRAFTER’S CORNER our designs are fresh and unusual, wearable art fabricated of silver and gold, precious and semi-precious stones. We can re-work your gold, and we do fine jewelry repairs on premises. 5301 Jonestown Road Harrisburg, PA 17112 (717) 412-4616 www.goldcrafterscorner.com See our ad on page 28 METROPOLIS COLLECTIVE an eclectic art gallery and music venue featuring contemporary art and music performance by regional and international emerging and established artists. 17 West Main Street Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 458-8245 info@metropoliscollective.com www.metropoliscollective.com THE PAPER LION GALLERY Come in and browse original art by local artists, photography by local photographers, and original glass and pottery by local artisans. 1217 Hummel Avenue Lemoyne, PA 17043 (717) 612-9950 paprlion@pa.net www.thepaperlion.net See our ads on pages 24 + 28


beauty salon

CORDIER ANTIQUES Consignment, estate, personal property and real estate auctions. Complete appraisal services. purchase, brokering, and private sale of antiques and fine art.

CALVIN’S SALON & BOUTIQUE over 25 years of doing it right! Style, color, cut, highlights, foils, perms, color corrections, italian color, lowlights, up-dos, waxing, and herbal candles, soaps, and oils!

1500 Paxton Street Harrisburg, PA 17104 (717) 731-8662 www.Cordierauction.com

109 South Front Street Steelton, PA 17113 (717) 939-4517 www.calvinsalonandboutique.com See our ad on page 24

automotIve FAULKNER FIAT OF HARRISBURG Stylish italian cars made affordable and fun with the Faulkner Fiat team! 2549 Brindle Drive (in the Shoppes at Susquehanna marketplace) Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 901-3222 www.FaulknerFiat.com See our ad on pages 16 + 17

aWards + GIFts TROPHY HOUSE Celebrate success! the trophy House offers a full range of trophies, plaques, awards, and promotional items as well as custom engraving and gifts. 308 Chestnut Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 (717) 238-2838 mjwertz@trophyHouseHarrisburg.com www.trophyHouseHarrisburg.com See our ad on page 20

bed + breakFast BATTLEFIELD BED AND BREAKFAST 2264 Emmitsburg Road Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-8804 www.gettysburgbattlefield.com

lGbt paGes 2014

Creating Community

The Central Pennsylvania Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is committed to expanding the economic interests of LGBT owned and allied businesses through advocacy, education and partnerships.

cHamber CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA GAY AND LESBIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Committed to expanding the economic interests of lgbt owned and allied businesses through advocacy, education, and partnerships with the local business community. Office Location (no mail, please): 3211 North Front Street, Suite 201 Harrisburg, PA 17110 Mailing Address: Box 135 Harrisburg, PA 17108 info@cpglcc.org www.cpglcc.org See our ad on page 7


Building Business,

info@cpglcc.org www.cpglcc.org lGbt paGes 2014


Caring Services. No Exceptions. Funerals

On Site Crematory





Ronald C.L. Smith

Jesse H. Geigle

3125 Walnut Street Harrisburg, PA 17109

325 N. High Street Duncannon, PA 17020

2100 Linglestown Road Harrisburg, PA 17110

Nathan Bitner, Supr

Matthew Sullivan, Supr

Vaughn Miller, Supr


(717) 545-3774


lGbt paGes 2014


(717) 834-4515



(717) 652-7701

© adfinity

arts + culture

arts + culture

Art Association of Harrisburg (717) 236-1432 artassocofhbg.com

Perry County Council of the Arts (717) 567-7023 perrycountyarts.org

BARAK Inc. Arts & culture for youth (717) 695-9466 barakdrama.org

Susquehanna Folk Music Society (717) 763-5744 sfmsfolk.org

Central PA Womyn’s Chorus (717) 564-0112 cpwchorus.org Central Pennsylvania Friends of Jazz (717) 232-5501 pajazz.org Citizens for the Arts in Pennsylvania (717) 234-0959 citizensfortheartsinpa.org Cultural Enrichment Fund (717) 233-1694 culturalenrichmentfund.org Gay & Lesbian Artisan Pride Mentoring and nurturing growth of artists in our community (717) 732-0233 Foundation For Enhancing Communities (717) 236-5040 tfec.org Greater Harrisburg Arts Council (717) 238-5180 harrisburgarts.org


Dauphin County Parks & Recreation (717) 599-5359 dauphincounty.org/parks-recreation Keystone Trails Association Preserve & protect hiking trails (717) 238-7017 kta-hike.org

busIness + consumer orGanIZatIons

PA Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources (717) 772-0234 dcnr.state.pa.us

Better Business Bureau South Central PA Branch (717) 364-3250 easternpa.bbb.org

PA Parks & Forests Foundation (717) 236-7644 paparksandforests.org

Central PA Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (717) 213-5034 cpglcc.org

The Nature Conservancy Preserves natural communities (717) 232-6001 nature.org/pennsylvania

PA Attorney General (717) 787-3391 attorneygeneral.gov

Glbt socIal + recreatIonal orGanIZatIons

PA Bureau of Consumer Protection (717) 787-9707 attgen.net/consumers.aspx

envIronment Groups

Harrisburg Men’s Chorus harrisburgmenschorus.org

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay-PA (717) 737-8622 alliancechesbay.org

Progressive Education of Children in the Arts Network (PECAN) (717) 469-7517 pecaninc.net

Central Pennsylvania Conservancy Acquires & protects land in Central PA (717) 233-0221 centralpaconservancy.org

Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (717) 787-6883 pacouncilonthearts.org

envIronment Groups


Harrisburg Gay Men’s & Women’s Volleyball (717) 233-3172 Harrisburg Ladies Night Out (717) 232-8382


HOWL Hanging Out With Lesbians groups.yahoo.com/group/howlofpa/ Lambda Car Club Int’l Central PA Region Organization of GLBT people who are interested in collectable automobiles (717) 238-9766 DENOTES LBGT SPECIFIC


lGbt paGes

lGbt paGes


Glbt socIal + recreatIonal orGanIZatIons

Glbt student + youtH orGanIZatIons



Rainbow Pride Rural Project Support for the GLBT community living in rural York, Juniata, Mifflin and Perry counties. (717) 236-7387

HACC Allies (717) 780-2300 www.facebook.com/groups/46528094581 Lebanon Valley College Freedom Rings (717) 867-6135 stuorgs.lvc.edu/freedomrings

Susquehanna Valley Bears svbears.com The Pennsmen, Inc Central PA’s glbt leather/levi/kink social organization (717) 232-3785 pennsmen.org

Franklin & Marshall LGBs & the Allies Resource Center (717) 399-6192 fandm.edu/allies.xml Dickinson College Spectrum dickinson.edu/storg/qa

The Rainbow Bowling League Both men and women are welcome. (717) 763-8444

Penn State Capital Alliance hbg.psu.edu/clubs/capitalalliance

Women’s Circle (717) 872-4512 pawomenscircle.org

Shippensburg University SALE Students Advocating LGBTA Equality (717) 477-1616 ship.edu/~msa/Sale.htm

Glbt student + youtH orGanIZatIons

pet resources

Common Roads (717) 920-9534 centralpalgbtcenter.org The Curve (717) 845-9683 x235 myspace.com/glbtyork Elizabethtown College Allies etown.edu/allies.aspx Gettysburg College Allies (717) 266-8007 gburgallies.org


lGbt paGes


pet resources


Friends of All Animals (717) 272-6466 friendsofallanimals.org Helen O. Krause Animal Foundation (717) 697-3377 helenkrause.org Helping Hands For Animals (717) 687-7297 helpinghandsforanimals.org Humane Society of Harrisburg Area (East) (717) 564-3320 humanesocietyhbg.org Humane League of Lancaster County (717) 393-6551 humaneleague.com Keystone Human Services (717) 232-7509 keystonehumanservices.org Merrick Fund Foundation Pays medical bills for adoptable animals (717) 215-0674 merrick-Fund.org

Animal Rescue Food Bank feedrescues.org

PAWS No-kill animal rescue & spay/neutering (717) 957-8122 pawsofpa.org

Best Friends Furever (717) 540-8833 bffpa.org

Spay Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) (717) 732-5377 snapofpa.org

Canine Rescue of Central PA, Inc. (717) 232-1644 caninerescueofcentralpa.org

prIde events

Castaway Critters (717) 831-5010 castawaycritters.org Central PA Animal Alliance (CPAA) (717) 576-0899 www.cpaa.info

Lancaster Pride lancasterpride.org Pride Festival of Central PA & PrideFest Unity Parade prideofcentralpa.org DENOTES LBGT SPECIFIC lGbt paGes


socIal + communIty servIces AIDS Communty Alliance/ Alder Health Services 1-800-867-1550 or (717) 233-7190 aca-pa.com or alderhealth.org AIDS Testing Site - Carlisle (717) 218-6670 sadlerhealth.org AIDS Testing Site - Lancaster (717) 397-6267 sacapa.org AIDS Testing Site - Lancaster (717) 299-6371 selhs.org Alcoholics Anonymous Harrisburg: Lambda AA (717) 234-5390 York: Rainbow AA (717) 843-5920 American Heart Association Pennsylvania Delaware (717) 795-9514 americanheart.org/pa-de American Cancer Society South Central Region (888) 227-5445 cancer.org American Diabetes Association Central PA (717) 657-4310 diabetes.org American Foundation for Children with AIDS (717) 489-0206 helpchildrenwithaids.org American Lung Association of the Mid-Atlantic (717) 541-5864 lungusa.org/associations/charters/mid-atlantic

Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation 1-800-238-6479 childrenscancerrecovery.org

American Red Cross Cumberland County Chapter (717) 243-5211 Susquehanna Valley (717) 234-3101

Colage Central PA For children with one or more glbt parent (717) 979-6353 colage.org

American Trauma Society PA Division (717) 766-1616 atspa.org

Compeer of Lebanon County Advocacy & Human Rights (717) 272-0898 compeer-lebanon.org

ARC of Dauphin & Lebanon Counties Support for persons with mental retardation (717) 920-2727 arcofdc.org

Community Action Commission Resources for self-sufficiency (717) 232-9757 cactricounty.org

Bethesda Mission Services for the homeless (717) 257-4442 bethesdamission.org Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region Mentoring network (717) 236-0199 www.capbigs.org Caitlin’s Smiles Support for children with life-threatening conditions (717) 412-4759 caitlins-smiles.org Capital Area March of Dimes Center (717) 545-4534 marchofdimes.com Capital Area Therapeutic Riding Assoc. Horseback riding for disabled persons (717) 469-7517 catra.net Central PA Food Bank (717) 564-1700 centralpafoodbank.org Celebrating Hope In Breast Cancer Survivors (CHICS) (717) 737-4718

CONTACT Helpline (717) 652-4400 Harrisburg (717) 249-6226 Carlisle 1-800-932-4616 toll free contacthelpline.org


Cumberland County Aging & Community Services (717) 240-6110 ccpa.net/index.aspx?nid=119 CURE International Children with disabilities in the developing world (717) 730-6706 cure.org Dauphin County Human Services (717) 652-4400 dauphincounty.org/human-services The JT Dorsey Foundation Services for at-risk youth & families (717) 329-8937 jtdorsey.org Drug Free PA (717) 232-0300 drugfreepa.org


lGbt paGes

lGbt paGes


socIal + communIty servIces (con’t)

Keystone Community Mental Health Services (717) 558-8450 keystonehumanservices.org

Easter Seals Central Pennsylvania Services for people with disabilities (888) 372-7280 eastersealscentralpa.org

Lancaster Mediation Center Conflict resolution (717) 293-7231 lancmed.org

Employment Skills Center Education, Literacy, Employment (717) 243-6040 employmentskillscenter.org

Lebanon Family Health Services (717) 273-6741 WIC (717) 273-6940 lebanonfamilyhealth.org

Family Health Council of Central PA fhccp.org or planitpa.org Cumberland County: (717) 243-0515 Dauphin County: (717) 234-2468 Lancaster County: (717) 299-2895

LGBT Center Coalition Spiritual, educational and cultural activities and services (717) 920-9534 centralpalgbtcenter.org

Goodwill Industries Keystone Area (717) 394-0647 yourgoodwill.org Grantville Community Outreach Link for human services in Dauphin & Lebanon counties (717) 469-0785 Institute for Cultural Partnerships (717) 238-1770 culturalpartnerships.org Habitat for Humanity of the Greater Harrisburg Area Homeless & housing (717) 545-7299 harrisburghabitat.org Hearts-n-Hands Sertoma Club For patients & families facing life-threatening diagnosis (717) 918-4790 hearts-n-hands.org

Manna Food Pantry (717) 232-7145 Multiple Sclerosis Society Central PA (717) 652-2108 Multiple Sclerosis Society Eastern Region (717) 509-6301 pac.nationalmSsociety.org Muscular Dystrophy Association (717) 540-4316 mda.org Neighborhood Dispute Settlement Conflict resolution for Dauphin & Cumberland counties (717) 233-8255 disputesettlement.us/cms Olivia’s House Support for grieving children (717) 699-1133 oliviashouse.org PA Coalition Against Rape (717) 728-9740 pcar.org

PA Hunger Action Center (717) 233-6705 PFLAG Parents, families & friends of lesbians and gays Central PA: (717) 728-8800 pflagcentralpa.org Lancaster: (717) 579-2559 York: (717) 845-6354 pflagyork.org Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg Free home repair services (717) 232-2557 rtgh.org

Susquehanna Association for the Blind (717) 291-5951 sabvi.com Susquehanna Service Dogs (717) 599-5920 keystonehumanservices.org/ssd TransCentralPA Transgender educational association (717) 236-7387 transCentralpa.org Tri-County OIC Adult learning center (717) 238-7318 tricountyoic.org

Renaissance of South Eastern Pennsylvania (ROSE) Transgender educational & support group (717) 332-1247 renaissanceSep.org

United Cerebral Palsy Central PA Assist disabled (717) 975-0611 ucpcentralpa.org

Retired & Senior Volunteer Program of the Capital Region (717) 541-9521

United Way of the Capital Region (717) 732-0700 uwcr.org

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central PA Support programs for children (717) 533-4001

Volunteer Match volunteermatch.org

Salvation Army of the Harrisburg Capital City Region (717) 238-8678 harrisburgsalvationarmy.org Senior Net Computer literacy for older adults (717) 564-6590 Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Services of Cumberland County (717) 258-4324 ywcacarlisle.org

Volunteers of America Pennsylvania (717) 236-1440 voapa.org YMCA Harrisburg Area (717) 737-9622 ymcaharrisburg.org YMCA of Greater Harrisburg (717) 234-7931 ywcahbg.org

Silent Witness Peacekeepers Alliance Gay and straight allies providing a buffer from those protesting glbt events silentwitnesspa.org DENOTES LBGT SPECIFIC


lGbt paGes 2014

lGbt paGes 2014



• Handmade, one of a kind couture frames - without traveling to New York or Baltimore! Frames $49-$495 • Handmade earrings, jewelry, scarves & ties •Introducing mineral makeup Kelly Shaffer

eyeglass aficionado Eyebizonline.com 717.561.1182 • 717.903.3262 cell 6110 Derry St. Harrisburg PA 17111




CELEBRATE SUCCESS Celebrate Success with purchases of trophies, awards, plaques and signs, custom engraved with logos, symbols or messages of appreciation, from the Trophy House. Please stop by or visit the website

308 Chestnut St., Harrisburg, PA 17101


www.trophyhouseharrisburg.com Mary Jane Wertz, Proprietor


lGbt paGes 2014

busIness + servIce dIrectory (con’t)

consIGnment sHop BEDFORD STREET ANTIQUES over 100 antique dealers on the 24,000 sq. ft. first and second floors. 44 North Bedford Street Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 241-5309 www.bedfordstreetantiques.com

event + entertaInment servIces MX2 DESIGNS planning – Consulting – management. 1519 North Third Street Harrisburg, PA 17102 (717) 254-5100 phone (717) 889-1875 fax www.mx2designs.net

eyeWear EYE BIZ EUROPEAN EYEWEAR Handmade, one of a kind couture frames, handmade earrings, jewelry, scarves, and ties. 6110 Derry Street Harrisburg, PA 17111 (717) 561-1182 eyebizonline.com See our ad on page 20

Funeral dIrectors HETRICK-BITNER FUNERAL HOME INC. We offer unique opportunities for families to create healing moments after loss. Whether traditional or unique, these tributes allow us to love, laugh, and live well again. 3125 Walnut Street Harrisburg, PA 17109 (717) 545-3774 jason@bitnercares.com www.hetrickbitnerfuneralhome.com See our ad on page 8 JESSE H. GEIGLE FUNERAL HOME 2100 Linglestown Road Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 652-7701 www.geiglefuneralhome.com RONALD C.L. SMITH FUNERAL HOME 325 North High Street Duncannon, PA 17020 (717) 834-4515 www.ronSmithFuneralHome.com

Garment care servIces

HealtH / HIv / aIds servIces ALDER HEALTH SERVICES 100 North Cameron Street, Suite 301-East Harrisburg, PA 17101 1-800-867-1550 Fax: (717) 233-7196 www.alderhealth.org See our ad on the back cover

Home Improvement FOUR SEASONS SUNROOMS We inStall SunSHine! award-winning, family-owned industry leader since 1987 … Year-round refuge adds drama and majesty to all architectural styles. Custom designed. patented glass. lifetime warranty. Harrisburg 322e between Hbg & Hershey (717) 564-2244 1-800-222-7724 Lancaster inside the patio Shop @ Stauffers of Kissel Hill (717) 390-2727 1-800-222-7724 www.pasunrooms.com See our ad on the inside back cover

CLASSIC DRYCLEANERS AND LAUNDROMATS With nine drycleaning stores, five laundromats and free home delivery service, Classic takes great pride in being known as Harrisburg’s preferred garment care specialist. Nine locations serving East & West Shores FREE Home Pickup & Delivery in select areas www.classicdrycleaner.com

lGbt paGes 2014





GOLDCRAFTER’S CORNER our designs are fresh and unusual, wearable art fabricated of silver and gold, precious and semi-precious stones. We can re-work your gold, and we do fine jewelry repairs on premises.

LANCASTER ARTS HOTEL lancaster arts Hotel is lancaster’s first unique boutique of its kind. We have 63 rooms and are housed in an historic tobacco warehouse. be inSpired!

CENTRAL VOICE Central pennsylvania’s only lgbt newspaper. published bi-monthly and distributed throughout dauphin, Cumberland, York, lancaster and lebanon counties.

5301 Jonestown Road Harrisburg, PA 17112 (717) 412-4616 www.goldcrafterscorner.com See our ad on page 28

300 Harrisburg Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603 guestservices@lancasterartshotel.com www.lancasterartshotel.com

20 South Union Street Middletown, PA 17057 (717) 944-4628 See our distribution list on page 25

JA SHARP CUSTOM JEWELER Handmade beauty in recycled precious metals by Jude Sharp and other regional artists, plus custom orders and expert repairs. 322 North Queen Street Lancaster, PA 17603 www.jasharp.com

leGal DUNN LAW estate planning, wills, trusts, powers of attorney, living wills, elder issues, focused on the glbt and allies community. 3508 North Second Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 503-1207 leo@leodunnlaw.com www.leodunnlaw.com See our ad on page 23

mental HealtH servIces ALDER HEALTH SERVICES 100 North Cameron Street, Suite 301-East Harrisburg, PA 17101 1-800-867-1550 Fax: (717) 233-7196 www.alderhealth.org See our ad on the back cover

massaGe tHerapIsts MUSCLE MANIPULATION Swedish massage, Sport massage, reflexology, Crainal therapy. $35 Full-hour massage for first time clients. 412 Rathton Road York, PA 17403 musclemanipulation@yahoo.com www.musclemanipulation.com REIKI BY RICKIE ~ REIKISPACE & LEARNING PLACE peaCe - it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work ~ it means to be in the midst of those things and still be Calm in your Heart. 2793 Old Post Road, Suite 10 Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 599-2299 rickie@reikibyrickie.com www.reikibyrickie.com

Dunn Law

3508 North Second Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 • Wills • Trusts • Living Wills • Powers of Attorney • Health Care Directives • Cohabitation Agreements • Estate Planning & Settlement • Conservation & Farmland Preservation Easements • Protect Your Partner, Your Children, and Yourself • Assure Yourself That You Have Taken Care of Your Loved Ones • Remember Lawyers are Here to Protect Your Rights Phone 717.503.1207 Fax 717.232.7022 leo@leodunnlaw.com



lGbt paGes 2014

lGbt paGes 2014



Custom Framing Art c Gifts

1217 Hummel Avenue Lemoyne, PA 17043 717.612.9950 Email: paprlion@pa.net www.thepaperlion.net Jim Hadfield, Bill Grace Proprietors



Salon & Boutique

“Over 25 years of doing it right”

939-4517 www.calvinssalonandboutique.com


lGbt paGes 2014

LUX NIGHT LOUNGE York’s newest lgbt night lounge, luX night lounge is a fresh transformation of night life and entertainment for the lgbt community. 1327 North Duke Street York, PA 17403 (717) 793-3770 See our ad on the inside front cover

+Let Central PA’sLGBt consumers know that you are a welcoming Business

+ Find Your


+ MECHANICSBURG: Laguna Pointe Spa, Providence Boutique, 2nd Floor Gallery, Art Depot, Fairy Godmother Vintage Clothing, Gallerie 13, Temple Beth Shalom + LEMOYNE: Antique Market Place, Paper Lion Gallery, Holgate Podiatry

TALLY HO open 7 days a week. 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Karaoke tuesday nights.

+ NEW CUMBERLAND: Coakley’s, Glassworx, Deuce Gibb Hair Salon, TEGS Canine Clippery, Tickle My Senses

201 West Orange Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 299-0661

+ WORMLEYSBURG: Bliss Full Service Salon + LANCASTER: Fulton Opera House, Dutch Apple Theatre,

pIcture FramInG THE PAPER LION GALLERY Come in and browse original art by local artists, photography by local photographers, and original glass and pottery by local artisans. 1217 Hummel Avenue Lemoyne, PA 17043 (717) 612-9950 paprlion@pa.net www.thepaperlion.net See our ads on page 24 + 28

podIatrIst HOLTGATE PODIATRY Compassionate care in a comforting environment for all of your foot care needs. 717 Market Street, Suite 101 Lemoyne, PA 17043 (717) 731-1123 www.holtgatepodiatry.com

+ HUMMELSTOWN: Fitness Fusion + HERSHEY: Gibson House + ELIZABETHTOWN: Playful Pups Retreat + STEELTON: Calvin’s Salon + HARRISBURG: Cordier Antiques, Appalachian Brewing Company, Alder Health Services, HACC, Crown Plaza Hotel, Ceoltas Irish Pub, Central PA Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, Firehouse Restaurant, Gallery @ Second Upstairs Gallery, Aleco’s, Harrisburg City Hall, Art Association of Harrisburg, Hilton Hotel - Downtown, PA League of Conservation Voters, PA Common Cause, Strawberry Square, McCormick Riverfront Library, Open Stage, Bare Wall Gallery, Foundation for Enhancing Communities, Downtown Café (Java’s a Brewin’), Roxy’s, Common Roads/ LGBT Center of PA, Broad Street Market, Caffeine Connection, Gaudenzia, Uptown Chicago Grill, Little Amps Coffee Roasters, Bar 704 , Stallions, Midtown Scholar Bookstore, Gallery Blu

+ MIDDLETOWN: Best Western Hotel,

Press And Journal

+ CAMP HILL: Excitement Video, Cornerstone Stone Coffee Shop, Cordier Antiques, Jupi’s Art Gallery & Custom Framing

Alder Health Drop-in Center, Arts & Glassworks, Barnes and Noble, Christiane David Gallery, Gallery 2, Downtown Books, Isadore Gallery, Radiance, Lancaster Arts Hotel, Tally Ho Tavern, The Loft Restaurant, PA College of Art & Design, Sundown, HACC Lancaster Allies, Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, Rachel’s Café & Creperie, Smilin Gal & Mommalicious, Remember This, Rev Chi’s Antiques, The Framing Concept, Orion’s Café, The Dude Shop, Ziggy’s Magic Shop, White Elephant, Lunar Child, Dosie Dough, The House of Clarendon, Virgnia Caputo Photography, Zap & Co., The Belvedere Inn, Wish You Were Here, Grace United Church of God, Railroad House, Altland’s Ranch

+ YORK: Omega World Travel, Bookland, Isaac’s, Excitement

Video, HACC-York, PSU York, Green Bean Coffee Company, Planned Parenthood, Lux Night Lounge, Cupid’s Connections, Unitarian Universalist Church, Salon Oxygen, Frank C Arcuri, Esquire, Kagen MacDonald & France, Donnelly Steen & Co, York Little Theater, York College, WellSpa

+ Art + Travel + Politics + Entertainment + Celeb Interviuews = Every Issue of Voice

lGbt paGes 2014


real estate


KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY providing excellent counsel and outstanding service to clients buying or selling residential or commercial real estate. no detail is too small in the pursuit of excellent service. Leah Muroff, ABR, GRI, SRES, Realtor

REIKI BY RICKIE ~ REIKISPACE & LEARNING PLACE peaCe - it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work ~ it means to be in the midst of those things and still be Calm in your Heart.

530 North Lockwillow Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17112 Cell: (717) 579-0010 Office: (717) 657-4700 Fax: (888) 600-7712 leahmuroff@kw.com www.kw.com See our ad on page 27

2793 Old Post Road, Suite 10 Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 599-2299

REMAX 1ST ADVANTAGE every agent is thoroughly trained and dedicated to providing high quality service to purchasers and sellers. our agents are ready to devote their attention to your real estate needs. Brad Cleland, Sales Associate 6375 Mercury Drive Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Office: (717) 591-5555 Direct: (717) 591-7725 Cell: (717) 319-2831 bradleycleland@hotmail.com See our ad on page 27 WCI PARTNERS LP offering residential and commercial leasing in the city of Harrisburg. visit our website for current listings. 220 Muench Street Harrisburg, PA 17102 info@wcipartners.com www.wcipartners.com

rickie@reikibyrickie.com www.reikibyrickie.com

relIGIon / spIrItualIty MCC OF THE SPIRIT mCC of the Spirit values the dignity of all people, recognizes the diversity of the community, calls for wholeness and healing, and commits to social action for those who suffer oppression. 2973 Jefferson Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 236-7387 rickie@reikibyrickie.com www.reikibyrickie.com See our ad on page 5

restaurant MANGIA QUI & SUBA TAPAS BAR Join us in experiencing a taste of europe. 272 North Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 (717) 233-7358 www.mangiaqui.com

tHeater + perFormInG arts DUTCH APPLE THEATRE provides top quality productions, award-winning food and exceptional service to over 150,000 guests annually. it features a simple yet sophisticated charm you won’t find in many theatres. 510 Centerville Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 898-1900 www.dutchapple.com See our ad on page 8

1st Advantage

Brad Cleland

Sales Associate 6375 Mercury Drive Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Office: 717-591-5555 Direct: 717-591-7725 Fax: 717-591-7273 Cell: 717-319-2831 bradleycleland@hotmail.com Each Office Independently Owned and Operated

MAJESTIC THEATER For the last 80 years, the majestic is where the adams County community has gathered to watch its favorite Hollywood stars, win free prizes on bank night, smooch in the balcony, and sip a Coke at the majestic grill. 25 Carlisle Street Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 337-8200 for tickets www.gettysburgmajestic.org See our ad on page 4


THEATRE HARRISBURG theatre Harrisburg presents performances at Whitaker Center and the Krevsky Center. upcoming: lend me a tenor, SWeeneY todd and laSt oF tHe red Hot loverS. 513 Hurlock Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 Office (717) 232-5501 Tickets (717) 214-ARTS theatreHarrisburg.com

Leah B. Muroff

ABR, GRI, SRES, Realtor®

Cell: 717-579-0010 Office: 717-657-4700 Fax: 888-600-7712 LeahMuroff@kw.com • www.kw.com 530 N. Lockwillow Ave., Harrisburg, PA 17112 Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated


lGbt paGes 2014

lGbt paGes 2014


Custom Framing Art c Gifts

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