Home Outdoor 2017 Living 30th Anniversary
A Special Advertising Edition Of
Connecting readers with home improvement specialists.
Fairgrounds Friday, Feb. 24 Noon-8pm Saturday, Feb. 25 10am-8pm Sunday, Feb. 26 10am-4pm
2 Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017
CSBA show celebrates 30 years I
would like to welcome you to the 2017 CSBA Home and Outdoor Living Show. This year’s show is our 30th annual home show. Before Internet access, the only way to see new products was to visit with contractors and vendors. Today, you have access to all the information you need online, but the home show still has great value. Even if you have read everything about the products and typical installation, there are professionals in your local area who deal with them every day. They will know firsthand how to best fit your needs. Come see us at the show for new ideas and leave excited about the possibilities. Our neighbors and friends are doing more. New home starts are steadily climbing, and many are making improvements to their current homes. Many of us can have more confidence in our jobs and future. Many of the builders I know have work lined up, but they are still eager to help you with your dreams. Do you want to make your
to attend this year with even more products. When you find your new treasures, a profespliers that want to be the best. sional is just a few minutes walk away to help you get it The vendors in our show are ready to show you what is new installed. As always, we will have in today’s building technolomuch to see and do. There gies, whether it is new building technics, better insulation, will be door prizes and raffle tickets available for great electrical improvements, prizes. The Women’s Council heating and air conditioning, will be serving great food landscaping and many other through the whole event. The building- or home-related Lego contest is always a popuitems. lar way to see the creativity of Do you have family heirlooms or new found treasures our children. Middle school kids will be challenged to but do not really know what they are worth? Dr. Lori from build a car out of a mousetrap Dr. Lori’s Antiques Appraisal and compete with each other. Bring the family out and Comedy Show will be right learn about how the building here each day. She is offerindustry is improving. Have ing free appraisals on ana great meal and watch your tiques each day at the show. kids compete for prizes. We Her presentation is not only informative, but funny as well. certainly hope you enjoy our You will be able to see not only show, and we encourage you what you have, but what your to let us know what you think friends and neighbors have as of our show and how we may improve it for you in years to well. Our second annual surplus come. Sincerely hope to see you building materials auction will be held on Saturday, Feb. 25. there, Last year was so popular that Jason Williams our contributors are eager CSBA President
JASON WILLIAMS home more energy efficient? Are you thinking about clean energy? Would you just like a fresh new look? Whether you have already decided to start a new project and have done lots of research, or if you just started thinking about possibilities, the Central Susquehanna Builders Association represents builders and sup-
2017 CSBA SHOW SCHEDULE OF EVENTS BLOOMSBURG — Building • 8 p.m.: Show doors Here is the schedule of events for the 30th an- close until following day nual Central SusquehanSaturday, Feb. 25 na Builders Association • 8-10 a.m.: Auction Home and Outdoor Livpreview ing Show. • 10 a.m.: Show opens Today • 10 a.m.: Auction • 11-11:30 a.m.: Mouse starts • 11 a.m.: BBQ starts Trap Car registration • 11 a.m.: Wonderzone • 11:30 a.m.-noon: Mouse Trap Car partici- Traveling Children’s Museum pant lunch • noon: Dr. Lori Show, • noon: Show opens • noon-1 p.m.: Mouse Arts and Crafts Building • 2 p.m.: Wonderzone Trap Car build competiTraveling Children’s Mution start/finish • 1-2 p.m.: Mouse seum • 3 p.m.: Dr. Lori Trap Car obstacle course • 2 p.m.: Mouse Trap Show, Arts and Crafts Building Car awards ceremony • 5 p.m.: Wonderzone • 3 p.m.: Dr. Lori Show, Arts and Crafts Traveling Children’s Museum Building • 6 p.m.: Dr. Lori • 6 p.m.: Dr. Lori Show, Arts and Crafts Show, Arts and Crafts
Building • 8 p.m.: Show doors close until following day
Sunday, Feb. 26 • 10 a.m.: Show opens • 11 a.m.: Dr. Lori Show, Arts and Crafts Building • 1-1:15 p.m.: Lego Building Group I (8 and under) registration and seating • 1:15-2 p.m.: Lego Building Group I start/ finish • 2-2:15 p.m.: Lego Building Group I awards • 2:30-2:45 p.m.: Lego Building Group II (9-12) registration and seating • 2:45-3:30 p.m.: Lego Building Group II start/ finish • 3:30-3:45 p.m.: Lego Building Group II awards • 4 p.m.: Show closes
Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017 3
4 Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017
2017 CSBA 2ND Annual Auction PUBLIC AUCTION! SATURDAY FEBRUARY 25, 2017 ! 10:00 AM! BLOOMSBURG FAIRGROUNDS! CENTRAL SUSQUEHANNA BUILDERS ASSOCIATION! The Central Susquehanna Builders Association is hosting a Public Auction during the 2017 Builders Show at The Bloomsburg Fairgrounds. "They will be accepting consignments from Builders, Contractors, Businesses, as well as select consignments from the public."CSBA reserves the right not to accept consignments that do not meet the standards of the auction. If you would like to consign or have any questions, please call: Scott Sponenberg, Auctioneer at 570-784-1088 office or 570-204-5286 cell.! When you look around the shop, in your trailer, in the back of your pick up, in the garage at home; you often see materials that are unused from a job or two years ago that need a home. Bring them to the Fairgrounds, consign them or donate them to the CSBA and let the auctioneer find them a new home with happy owners and make a little cash for you or the CSBA. ! When do I bring them in? On Thursday the 23rd and Friday the 24th between 9:00 and 4:00 bring your building materials, no trash or junk, to the designated area on the north side of the show location and consign or donate. CSBA members and the Auctioneer will be there to take in your materials and get the paper work signed. PREVIEW OF AUCTION: 4:00 – 7:00 PM FRIDAY ONLY
CHICKEN BBQ SATURDAY AT AUCTION CSBA • P O BOX 409 • DANVILLE, PA 17821 • 570-966-0625 • csba@csbapa.org •
Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017 5
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6 Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017
14th Annual
“Builder Smart” Home Building Competition Feb ru a ry 26 ,2017 a t the
CSBA Home and Outdoor Living Show held a t the Bloom sb
u rg Fa ir Grou n d s S PAC E IS LIM ITED!
Reg istra tion : Co n testa n tsm u st be registered by theirpa ren t o rgu a rd ia n a t the LEGO ® Area a t the Ho m e Sho w , u p to 15 m in u tesprio rto theirco m petitio n tim e.By registerin g yo u rchild fo rthe LEGO ® Ho m e Bu ild in g Co m petitio n ,yo u a n d yo u rchild a gree to the ru lesa n d regu la tio n s.There a re O N LY 28 S EATS a t the ta ble a va ila ble pera ge gro u p.Lo o k in g fo rw a rd to seein g yo u rchild pa rticipa te.
C O PY & EM AIL THIS EN TRY FO RM TO csb a @ csb a p a .org FO R PREREG IS TRATIO N Ag e:
Na m e o fRegistra n t: Pho n e:
E-m a ila d d ress:
Pa ren t o rGu a rd ia n s(prin t n a m e): Pa ren t o rGu a rd ia n Sign a tu re: By signing up for this competition, you are providing the CSBA the right to use your child’s picture, name and age in advertisements, announcements and press release of this event.
Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017 7
Ag e G rou p s:
Child ren 8 yea rsold & UN DER
Child ren 9 yea rsold to 12 yea rsold
S ched u le: 1:00-1:15p m 1:15p m 2:00p m
REG IS TRATIO N fo rG RO UP 1 (Children 8 & under) C O M PETITIO N sta rtsfo r G RO UP 1 JUDG IN G fo r G RO UP 1
2:30-2:45p m 2:45p m 3:30p m
REG IS TRATIO N fo rG RO UP 2 (Children Ages 9 -12) C O M PETITIO N sta rtsfo r G RO UP 2 JUDG IN G fo r G rou p 2
Prizes: 1st,2n d ,3rd
Pla ce & Ho n o ra ble M en tio n Ribbo n sa re a w a rd ed in ea ch a ge gro u p LEGO ® Co m petitio n T-shirts Certifica te o fPa rticipa tio n 30 M in u teso fSlo t Ca rRa cin g fro m Blo o m Ra cew a y & Ho bbies Specia lLEGO ® Su rprise
Ru les& Reg u la tion s: • Tables, chairs and LEGO® bricks will be provided for the contestants. • Children are not permitted to bring along any LEGO® to use. • The LEGO® bricks provided are the small, basic building bricks and were obtained by the association in bulk. They were then divided as equally as possible for each contestant’s use. There will be some differences in what is contained in each package of bricks provided. • Children are given 45 minutes to complete their home. • No onsite assistant will be permitted during the competition; parents or guardians will not be permitted within the area in which the competition is held. The Central Susquehanna Builders Association is a nonprofit organization and is affiliated with the Pennsylvania Builders Association (PBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). • CSBA • PO BOX 409 • DANVILLE, PA 17821 • 570-966-0625 • www.csbapa.org • csba@csbapa.org •
8 Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017
What is Central Susquehanna Builders Association? By the Central Susquehanna Builders Association
Good question. Our organization, the CSBA, was established in November 1966 as a non-profit organization. It serves the counties of Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder and Union. The CSBA is an association of members of the trades: plumbers, electricians, carpenters, excavators, masons, HVAC technicians and vendors serving the construction industry. We are homebuilders; remodelers; general contractors; installers of windows, doors, roofing and siding; and many other things. When a business joins the CSBA, it becomes a member of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Pennsylvania Builders Association. As a member, it confirms, with signature, to abide by the CSBA’s Code of Ethics and to have current and proper licenses and insurance. The code is available for all to see at our website, www.csbapa.org. If your choice of contractor is a CSBA member he/she has been vetted at no charge to you. This is the year for our 30th annual Home and Outdoor Living Show and our 51st anniversary. If you were to take a survey in the Central Susquehanna Valley, the people you surveyed would either not know who we are or they would say, “They have an annual home show.” We are more than a legendary annual event. In 2016, the CSBA’s Women’s Auxiliary, known as Professional Women in Building (PWB), was awarded first place in the NAHB Innovative Programs contest and named Council of the Year in small council size by the NAHB. These awards do not come by easily and are highly sought after by PWB organizations throughout the USA. The CSBA’s PWB group is instrumental in providing scholarships for students seeking degrees and certifications in the building trades. These scholarships are available to students in Columbia, Mon-
tour, Northumberland, Union and Snyder counties. In 2016, the PWB, in conjunction with Columbia-Montour Area VocationalTechnical School, provided internships for students during the food preparations for the 2016 CSBA annual home show at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds. This intergenerational event was a meeting of experienced women providing menus starting from “scratch” to young minds seeking the skills to move successfully forward with careers in food service. At the end of the school year, scholarships are awarded to graduating trades’ seniors to help them further their education. This is handled through the CSBA PWB. The auxiliary uses the annual home show as a means for this philanthropy. The CSBA also supports scholarships through its annual golf tournament held each June. This year’s tournament will be held on June 23 at Wynding Brook Golf Club in Milton.
Choose the right professionals CSBA is a highly visible organization in the Susquehanna Valley and provides association support to assist consumers in choosing the right professionals for their building project(s). The CSBA is also tuned in to Harrisburg and challenges members of the House and Senate to make sure the building codes they are making into law are beneficial to the residents of the commonwealth and not just another added expense without benefit. For its members, the CSBA provides opportunities with PA One Call, personal and busi-
ness insurances and access to the biggest building industry library in the world — many of the items free of charge for members! The CSBA also offers continuing education events, visibility, social events, marketing thoughts and great networking opportunities at our several meetings. And, of course, with our annual home show in February, the CSBA does a lot! Again this year, teams from local middle schools will sign up to participate in the Mouse Trap Car competition that will be done by two-student teams from three of our area schools. They will build their car and then participate in an agility test. First-, second- and third-place ribbons will be awarded. Each participant will receive a certificate and a surprise gift. This competition is sponsored by Kreischer’s Cabinetry. Seven members of the CSBA will sponsor the Lego building contest. There are two age groups: 8 and under and 9 through 12 years of age. The winners and all participants are rewarded, creating an atmosphere of fun, competitive interaction. The judges have a tough time selecting first-, second- and third-place winners. Each year, the CSBA looks for new ways to engage our youth so that we may spark an interest in being a member of the trades and having a rewarding career in an ethical practice of their craft. The CSBA is also a traditional organization in that it has the interests of its industry, as well as its constituents, at heart. Through our memberships in regional and national organizations, we monitor proposed legislation that would affect the daily lives and well-being of our members — and of all area residents — with specific regard to the legislative adoption of laws pertaining to permitted construction and materials used. For more information, contact the CSBA at PO Box 409, Danville, PA 17821; 570-966-6025; csbapa@gmail.com or www. csbapa.org.
Learn to expect the unexpected when renovating home Courtesy of Metro Creative Graphics
According to projections released in 2015 by Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, a growing number of people in the United States planned to renovate their homes in 2016. The report estimated that spending on remodeling and repairs in 2016 would climb 8.6 percent to $310 billion, a figure that is close to the peak reached in 2006. While it is still too soon to tabulate all of the figures from
2016, a quick glance at the data indicates renovations have increased across the country. And one only need travel through communities to see a greater number of contractors and homeowners working on homes. Tackling any renovation project is an exercise in patience. Renovations can impede on daily activities and cause a certain level of upheaval in homeowners’ lives. Homeowners planning renovations also may find that they must
have some wiggle room when it comes to both their budgets and their expectations. Remodeling, particularly with regard to older homes, may unveil unforeseen issues that only arise in the face of the renovation. So what can homeowners expect during a renovation? The following are a few issues that might arise during home improvement projects. • Dirt and noise: Homeowners can count on dust, debris and noise throughout the renovation process. Dust appears
when walls come down or go up, and construction teams typically erect temporary walls or tarps to contain the debris. Air filtering systems also can limit dust particles. Noise is unavoidable. If it becomes troublesome, arrange to be outside of the home when the bulk of the construction is taking place. • Delays or schedule changes: Even the best contractors cannot control every aspect of the job. They rely on subcontractors and vendors to
Please see LEARN page 13
Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017 9
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10 Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017
Stop by the show and meet with these professionals for all your home improvement needs.
• 2 Twisted Sisters • A & B Sunrooms & Remodel, LLC • About Face Cabinetry • Aerus Electrolux • AMC Construction Services • Arrow Glass
• Central Susquehanna Builders Association
• Basement Waterproofing Specialists
• Deer View Homes, LLC
• Bath Saver, Inc dba Bath Fitter
• Deihl Vault & Precast Inc.
• Beaver Valley Envirnomental, LLC
• Eagle Construction Co.
• Boulder Landscape, LLC
• Earl Foust II Construction, Inc.
• Bower Electric Co.
• Earthwork Services, LLC
• Brookside Homes
• Elwood E. Brown, Inc.
• Buffalo Valley Fence
• Energy Technologies, Inc.
• Carriage Manor Builders, Inc.
• Epic Construction Services, LLC
• Chip Adams Sewer & Drain Cleaning
• Expert Homes Builders, Inc.
• Comfort Specialist Inc.
• Fine Line Homes, LP
• Confederation Log & Timber Frame of PA
• First Columbia Bank & Trust Co. • Freas Farm Winery • Fusion Homes, LLC • Gardner Homes
Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017 11
• Garvey’s Flooring America • Geo Climate Control, Inc. • Hans Cedardale Satellite Inc. • Hoover Industrial Supply • Innovative Building & Design Inc. • Install America • ITG Construction • J & K Simeone Enterprises, LLC • J & S Technology Solutions, Inc. • JNK Building Specialties • KDM Restorations, LLC • Keith Barnes Contracting • Kissinger Custom Cabinets • Kitchen Saver
• Superior Walls by Advanced Concrete Systems • Susquehanna Builders, Inc. • Susquehanna Marble & Granite
• Larry C Frace Inspections, LLC
• Swank & Son Well Drilling and Pump Company • TC Water, Inc.
• LeafFilter North of Pennsylvania, Inc.
• The Winery at Hunter Valley
• Lewisburg Builders Supply Company
• Timberhaven Log Homes, LLC
• Lezzer Lumber
• Vision Home Builders, LLC
• Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing
• Window World
• Millers Seamless Gutters
• XW Construction
• Minnicks Electric/Vacuflo
• YBC Building Center
• Kreischer’s Cabinetry
• Paul Q Ross Construction, Inc. • Philadelphia Federal Credit Union • Pro Fire Safety • Renewal by Andersen of Northeast PA • Roto-Rooter Sewer & Drain • Scentsy • Shaylor’s Ponds & Patios • Sporoco, Inc. • Spray it Green • Spring Hill Chimney Service • Strong Pools & Spas
12 Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017
Hiring pro contractors has benefits for a substantial amount of professionally contracted projects, but homeowners can cut those costs by volunteering to do some of the simpler tasks themselves. In addition, contractors often purchase materials at a much lower cost than individual homeowners because contractors buy in bulk. So while labor costs might be lower on DIY projects, the cost of materials can offset those savings.
Courtesy of Metro Creative Graphics
The DIY movement has inspired many homeowners to tackle home repair and remodeling projects on their own. DIY projects can be rewarding, and many homeowners who have embraced the DIY movement have discovered talents they never before knew they had. But no matter how simple popular home renovation television shows make remodeling projects appear, homeowners should know that such undertakings are far more difficult than they appear on television. Homeowners who overestimate their abilities and the time they have to complete projects can cost themselves substantial amounts of money. In fact, there are a variety of reasons homeowners might want to work with professional contractors when tackling home improvement projects.
Resale value
Metro Creative Graphics
THere are a variety of reasons homeowners might want to work with professional contractors when tackling home improvement projects. ommendations from friends or neighbors) won’t have to go through trial and error and are therefore more likely than DIYers to complete a project on time and on budget.
A trial and error approach can work with various projects and problems. But applying such an approach to home improvement projects is risky and potentially dangerous, not to mention costly. Experienced professional contractors with strong track records (seek rec-
One oft-overlooked benefit of working with professional contractors is the likelihood that they can draw up ideas for projects that homeowners might otherwise never have thought up on their own. Homeowners without specific ideas in mind can ask contractors to come up
with various scenarios before committing to a particular one. Veteran contractors can draw on years of experience to create designs that DIYers might be incapable of coming up with and/or incapable of seeing through to completion.
Cost Conventional wisdom suggests it’s less expensive to do something yourself than to hire someone else to do it for you, but that’s not necessarily true of home improvement projects. Labor costs typically account
Many homeowners renovate their homes with eyes on improving the resale value of those homes. But if homeowners want to showcase a newly remodeled kitchen when selling their homes, they should be prepared for prospective buyers to ask who worked on the project. Fearing potential problems down the road, some buyers might be put off by homes that were remodeled by DIYers and not professional contractors. Renovating a home on your own can be a rewarding project for homeowners. But it’s important that homeowners recognize the many benefits of working with professional contractors before making any final decisions with regard to who will tackle their next project.
Many homeowners moving laundry rooms Courtesy of Metro Creative Graphics
Laundry can be a cumbersome chore. In homes with more than one story, clothes are put in a hamper, carried down to the washer and dryer, where they are then cleaned, dried, folded, and taken back upstairs to be put away. The entire process can be inefficient, which may contribute to why so many people delay doing laundry for as long as possible. As unenjoyable as it can be, doing laundry is a necessity. Fresh clothing not only looks and smells good, it is essential to personal hygiene. One way to make the process of doing laundry go more smoothly is to consider moving the location of the laundry area. According to the National Association of Home Builders, more homeowners are moving their laundry rooms upstairs so they don’t have to transport laundry baskets up and down the stairs. Before moving their laundry rooms, homeowners should take steps to safe-
Metro Creative Graphics
Before Moving THeir Laundry rooMs, homeowners should consult with contractors to ensure things go smoothly. guard their homes, and that may involve finding the ideal location for the new room. Find space for an upstairs laundry room and then consult with an engineer to be sure that the plan is feasible. An engineer and an architect can assess if a home is structurally sound enough to handle the weight and vibration of an up-
stairs laundry. One of the biggest concerns with regard to moving a laundry room upstairs is the fear of flooding or leaks. There are certain steps to take to minimize these risks. Experts advise installing an easily accessible water shut-off valve. Turn off the valve when the washer is not in use. Also, steel-braided washer hoses are more sturdy than standard hoses and are less likely to burst. Homeowners also can place the washer in a drain pan, which will catch overflowing water and drain it through a pipe. Some areas may require a floor drain as an alternative. Homeowners also must recognize that noise can be a problem with upstairs laundry rooms. Front-loading appliances may cause more vibration and movement than top-loaders. However, some front-loaders are designed to be quiet. Anti-vibration pads may help with vibration issues. Before moving their laundry rooms, homeowners should consult with contractors to ensure things go smoothly.
Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017 13
Reliable Glass
Continued from page 8
Commercial Residential n
do portions of the work. Materials may not always arrive on time, or they may fall short of homeowners’ expectations. This can push back the project schedule. Homeowners should hope for everything to be done on time, but it can be less stressful if homeowners anticipate delays and be a pleasant surprise if there are no delays. • Hidden issues: Contractors may uncover all sorts of issues that need to be addressed before a project can progress. Examples include the presence of asbestos (common in older homes), plumbing problems, incorrectly wired electrical systems, and leaks or moisture issues. These problems also can impact the cost of the project, so set aside some money in the budget for unforeseen expenses. Chances are you are going to need some extra money to handle a few surprises during the project. It’s important to expect the unexpected when embarking
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“Building For The Future” Metro Creative Graphics
HoMeowners ofTen discover hidden problems when delving into renovations. Budgeting for remediation can help remove some of the stress of unexpected delays and concerns. on home renovations. Budgeting for hidden costs, expecting delays and coping with the upheaval to daily schedules are par for the remodeling course. However, the end result is often well worth the time and effort.
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14 Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017
Questions to ask home designer Courtesy of Associated Designs
You’ve made the decision to build your dream home or you want take on the home remodel project that can turn the home that you like to the home that you love. Now you need to find someone who can help turn that dream into reality. Hiring a home designer doesn’t need to be tedious or overwhelming, and if you start with a well thought out approach, it can be a smooth and exciting journey. First off, reach out to friends or relatives who have gone through the process and ask about their experiences and who they worked with. The AIBD (American Institute of Building Designers) or your local chapter of the HBA (Home Builders Association), and contractors can be other resources to find out who the local home designers are in your area. Next, have a phone consultation with your list of prospective designers. This will help weed down your list, as a few professionals may decline due to project scale or being unable to complete your project in your time frame. Once you have a list of potential designers, follow up with a second phone interview asking more extensive questions about their process, fee structure and schedule. After the second round of interviews, you should have a list that is narrowed down to two or three designers, and it’s now time to set up some faceto-face appointments. Before meeting, make sure you have a grasp on your basic goals, expectations and budget. Present this summary to the designer before your actual meeting so there is room for them to prepare and have realistic expectations. During the conversation, be on the lookout for a great communicator and someone you could get along with. Leaving questions open ended will bring light to how your home designer visualizes the big picture you have in mind, while considering and communicating all the small pieces of the puzzle. Give them the room to point out issues you may not have considered and the ability
Associated Designs
THe rigHT home designer will be confident and reassuring in bringing your vision for your home to life. to incorporate their creative beyond your expectations. It is a true talent to see sometouch. one’s dream and execute it creFind excellent fit atively and smoothly. Also, be Asking these questions is aware of their attention to decrucial to find an excellent fit tails. For example, if they fully in making your project a suc- see your vision, they should be cess. able to suggest a great contrac• Have they worked on tor that could see your specific projects similar to yours? project to completion. A home designer that un• What steps are involved derstands your goals for your in the design process? custom home or remodel projThe home designer must be ect is one thing, but to have al- able to have a clear and orgaready done similar projects to nized plan they can effectively yours in the past and then to explain. They need to plan and find them enjoyable is a great account for any challenges beadvantage. Having someone forehand. At this point in the working on your project who conversation, there should be is just as excited as you are an estimated time the design shows they genuinely love process will take for your spewhat they do. Be sure they cific project. Your involvement present their portfolio of com- must be included in their plans, parable projects, as well as a and they should mention what list of references. They should you can actively do to help keep have a track record that shows your project on target. they finish projects on time • How do they establish and within budget. and structure fees? • How will they approach No one appreciates beyour project? ing surprised by fees or “fine Find out what their design print.” This breaks trust, and philosophy is. What sets them the project that was supposed apart from any other home de- to achieve your dream home signer should be effortlessly quickly becomes a burden. apparent. A great designer Have your home designer exwill have a unique style that plain all basic and extra seris artfully incorporated into vices up front, with an explayour project, going above and nation of additional fees. If the
scope of your project changes throughout the process, they need to let you know what this entails and how much more it might be. Be sure they outline how frequently you will be billed and the conditions of payment for work to progress on your project. • Who will be the project leader? Right from the beginning, it needs to be clear who your project leader is and how they will be communicating with you. This is where the true chemistry in a professional relationship needs to be experienced. They must exhibit signs of impeccable service, dedication, responsibility and ownership of your project. Your project should be made a priority, not just something to check off their list. Remember, although this is your project and dream, they are professionals in this area. Giving them the freedom to offer insight and expertise could give you a plan that is more than you ever envisioned. The right home designer will be confident and reassuring in bringing your vision for your home to life. For more information, visit associateddesigns.com.
Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017 15
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16 Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017
what do millennials desire in homes? Courtesy of Associated Designs
Baby boomers and generation Xers have had their time to dominate the world of home ownership and home design, and now it is the millennials who are having a say in the way of home evolution. They have their own needs, desires and concerns that are getting to the core of what it means to be a homeowner in the 21st century. Associated Designs, a residential home design company, offers innovative home planning and design options that cater to the changing times and facets of home ownership. The first thing to consider when designing or planning a home for a millennial is the integration of technology. Members of this up and coming home buying generation are the primary consumers of technology, and they are looking for their homes to keep up with the times. “Smart” homes that integrate tablets, phones, audio systems, LED lighting and security features are at the forefront of this generation’s home preferences.
Associated Designs
THe MiLLenniaLs are a creative and innovative generation seeking home designers who are able to work with their needs and wants to create homes that will reflect their values and ambitions. Next up from technology is home efficiency. Efficiency in all types — from the home’s energy and water consumption to its size and layout — is something millennials are looking for to maximize their time and their money. With carefully-
considered layouts, each room in the house can be multifunctional, freeing the homeowners from traditional form and function. And with careful site review, future homeowners can make sure that their new home doesn’t require more
time maintaining it than they want. Lastly, millennials want flexibility in their homes. Continuing in the trend of the generation before them, millennials are looking for an open great room to fill the center of their homes. Great rooms provide multifunctional and highly-sociable space that is not limited in its use. Combining work and social spaces to make them more inclusive and communal is a modern and therefore popular solution for millennial households who desire a more cohesive living space. The millennial generation is unique and seeking homes that will cater to their highly social and active lifestyles. For these homeowners, practicality takes priority over lavish excess, and versatile space is more attractive than spaces with rigid, assigned functions. The millennials are a creative and innovative generation seeking home designers who are able to work with their needs and wants to create homes that will reflect their values and ambitions.
How building permits protect homeowners Courtesy of Metro Creative Graphics
You are thinking of making a major renovation to your home. Perhaps it’s time to create that master bedroom suite you long have admired or install that wrap-around porch? What is the first thing that should be done before getting down to business? The correct way to begin a home remodeling project is to obtain the necessary permits for the job. Many municipalities request individuals obtain permits for a range of work on homes or other structures, such as office buildings. Permits are generally required for all new construction as well as specific modifications that will affect structural, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical systems. It’s important to check with the local building office prior to beginning work to see which permits you will need before the project can begin. Permits are necessary whether a homeowner is doing the work or hiring an outside contractor. Due to the cost and time involved with securing permits, some homeowners skip this step so they can begin a project promptly. However, this can end up being a costly mistake. Permits might seem like a nuisance, but they actually protect
Metro Creative Graphics
oBTain THe proper perMiTs before beginning construction.
homeowners in various ways. • Permits ensure safe workmanship Permits provide a blueprint by which contractors and do-it-yourselfers must complete renovations. Because inspections will take place, there is no wiggle room. Shortcuts often translate into subpar work that may lead to malfunction and injury in the long run. Safeguarding against poor workmanship means homeowners can feel confident in the work being done. • Permits reduce the likelihood of costly mistakes As inspectors go through their check-
lists, they may notice things that were done incorrectly and will offer advice about how to mend the problem before it becomes a larger headache. If left unchecked, an electrical error could lead to a fire or another dangerous situation. Repairs that are not structurally sound may pose problems or deteriorate more quickly than structures that are constructed correctly. Furthermore, catching improper technique early on eliminates having to tear down and redo work, which can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor. • Permits protect against fines Sometimes work goes as planned even for homeowners who did not obtain the necessary permits. However, years later, when other work needs to be done, inspectors may discover homeowners never secured proper permits and inspections years earlier, leading to fines. Furthermore, if work is done without a permit and an accident occurs, any damages or injuries may not be covered by a homeowner’s insurance policy. Permits are an important part of the home improvement process. Homeowners should not skirt the responsibility because the permit and inspection process is in place to provide protection to occupants.
Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017 17
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20 Press Enterprise n Friday, February 24, 2017
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