PE Faces of the Region

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C| ral ed alke ou s iller nna C lace |R ealty L L et H otel|C ent |487 R u stics | |R .J.W P R |I B u y H ebecca S.R eim c g s n r r n I e i e t r y l n n a t e P ar | tstre Su pp plies he H e ss,R A id C ise |K ey an k |T he L ig h n d C an dy Su p vice - Sorg In c m ber & a R .H e n T eleD ata |T r u d p L r n e s e ’ t r y n B r r |Pe nc ke A ess E bia B |L ar in Se dn er, are A g e A g en cy an k |P r |First C olu m m s In c ffer’s C a ew er A n d D ra e C e B a t c s h h y n t y t S l i a S | a r n e e h u n u c t In s ey H eal yston e C om m em ory C are In ppraisalServic R oto-R ooter S e First H om e H tralSu squ ehan l l a V h t A A C ar C en st K e g sM M ayla titu te | cy A n d nEdInitsion eyston e am ily H ealth | H earin g In c |Fir H eritag e Sprin state A gS ep necia o K i d d A l s | i e n i u o f V r s y r a l Ad ver t isin g | M a y 2018 e n Su b L ase ord |M a nd B lth | ou r F ealE hn R .G n act A n d C enters |W & L olu m bia M ont ld For Salm on ace H ea asich & D ellR o l r J a P t s k a e r c C o i f i |W Of W i hiso c |C B u cc ld M C are row icz | tic P L L C |L aw ehan n a |H u tc ia lty W or ylo Jew elers | Fin n eg an E ye idg es R ealty In o a g e e r R | G c u n o Br er & u sq |J.L Spec opra nc | di G ras C overed fices O fK reish rg Fam ily C hir t C o |U P M C S lO rthopaedic H ai u ction I f l el’s M ar others C on str e |C entu ry 21 s O rom J.B a m sbu & Tru r Br he L aw .D avid su res |F lC en r rs |B loo lu m bia B an k a e e D t r | n T -R oss ou ntry Folk Sto ce A g en cy |T T e g n n C e r i |C First C o u ran n ior L iv H earin g T im ew o |T he E m m anu n da ociation on |Stetler In s Service |A ce n g O ffice In c | |B rookdale Se redit U n ion | n ou a F s ni gi ds ion alC s B y Su m u n ity idel’ t f i m o G C & C redit U e |K im ’s A u ct bia M ontou r A R idg e V in eyar vice 1st Feder a n Se als Ser squ ehan um B y C J | |T rag ale etty Pet s!& Sto R eim iller |C ol P lace |R ed Sh |R .J.W alker | ealty L L C |P r tel|C entralSu tics |Fram in g A o us S. sR ea Y M C so nc ng H i r I r R a r e t y c A 7 a e l n c 8 e t e k p e r r 4 c p H t b a i | s u e s S R he ht rw yP ies rg Fair A m ber & In c |B e T he L ig D ata |T y Su ppl rise |K e Pen T ele In c |L arry’s L u |P ress E nterp lu m bia B an k | ake A n d C an d Service - Sorg n cy |B loom sbu ederalC re ms an k tCo rain ty F A ge r’s C th Syste C om m u n ity B n c |Firs ervice |Shaffe r Sew er A n d D e H ealth C are n n a C om m u n i H ou ses!& I e r a C ne ory eha oote B uy isalS H om t K eysto Sprin g s M em alSu squ A id C enter |I ss,R ebecca S d A ppra stitu te |R oto-R on e C are First r t n n A e y C e c | g .H e |H erita ealE state A g en aser V ision In Su baru |K eyst Fam ily H ealth sfield H earin g ren da R n T eleD ata |T B , r n L e r R a L n u l d l & o d M n e t R .G or ce A g en cy |Pe s In c |L ar lm on | ch & D ia M on taract A are C enters |W a n b a S h C r m o J i o u l c s F o c e m an ild C Bu |C ffic n In su r y H ealth Syste ty o w elers | Fin n eg an E ye g es R ealty In c reg orow icz |W P L L C |L aw O s i h c t u e m m u ni l l o | H d a i c G | c C i r V t a n e B & c I h n n a t r d r n n o a e e l t a ctio over reish hirop K eys qu eh em or |M ay c |First ag e Sprin g s M u ry 21 C w O ffices O fK sbu rg Fam ily C o |U P M C Su s dic Specialist t n n I e d C n g | o re Tru st C rthopae H air A n d B ey H ealth |H erit llR ealE state A |T he L a enters |B loom O y & l c l k n a n e B a g De ia B ac lace id J. rom ng C n ce A asich & ci C atar C olu m b ivin g |D r.D av n Treasu res |F |W orkP c e H eari M t c r u s e d r A B l t i r | | n F o e s e | r c E ye ervi ior L e In c ew or alty W ew ele nu elC in n eg an r n g O ffic B rookdale Sen it U n ion |T im n |T he E m m a ou n dation |R e G ras |J.L ylo J F i | g c A n r I u to red tion ds | u sa ed B ty F ardi on stru c tu ry 21 C over ces V in eyar e 1st FederalC ls & G ifts B y S n a C om m u n i del’s M i C e s S r | e J h t c n n a C e R idg e oss B ro olk Store |C e |T he L aw O ffi r |Servi L C |P retty Pet ntralSu squ eha |Fram in g B y R e k T l a | W A F s s R .J. ea Y M C ion |C ou ntry u ran ce A g en cy earin g C enter R ealty L treet H otel|C e ies |487 R u stic r s A r e k n c t i r | B erw r In s g hts u pp l ey P a sociat A ce H |T he L i A n d C an dy S ice - Sorg In c | sbu rg Fair A s t U n ion |Stetle tion Service | g in g O ffice In c k n a B ake edi erv rA Au c oom s |B m bia affer’s C r A n d D rain S re A g en cy |B l n ity FederalC r torag e |K im ’s u m bia M ontou idg e V in eyard h S | e c i e a v l S erv ter Sew ealth C ler |C o e |R ed Shale R J.W alker |Ser C om m u u y H ou ses!& l o i H a o e n m R i n e m o a o t R h |R . a S. P lac qu e |I B R rst H te |R o C are Fi h |C entralSu s n g A id C enter pply In c |K ey P artn ers ,R ebecc |T he H earin g s u e s S n e o & t H s . r y t e R |K e rise he L H eal H eari en da Lum b leD ata s E nterp m bia B an k |T s r Fam ily on |M an sfield R .G ordn er,B r g en cy |Pen T e s In c |L arry’s e u r o P t | n o M C olu B an k hn tem alm er’s C ce A ld For S L aw O ffices Jo hison In su ran lley H ealth Sys e C om m u n ity C are In c |First Service |Shaff te i W | z c i al y oo u tc C| h Va yston ylatup-close M em or y A n d A pprais titu te |R oto-R rst K eat ctic P L L an n a |H ialist |M aAn ilook g sof F n dozens | i r c p n s c S I on e hiropra P M C Su squ eh n n c e nd tag erimaking B eyoprofessionals dic Spe business ate A g e L aser V ision I Su baru |K eyst o H t e U d s | a | n E p h o l t o A an impact l a C h r a e t i t e &L ont ru s ellR A nd llO r ce H m Ha kP lathe ataract are C enters |W c |C olu m bia M vid J.B a reasu res |Fro nter |W oron sich & D BValley. C a a i Susquehanna D c M . c r | d u l D r | n E ye C idg es R ealty In & G reg orow icz ew orn T E m m anu elC e on |R ealty W o ylo Jew elers | a g m i e n T | n i c |F |J.L n ion dati hiro dBr sher T he Su san | m m u n ity Fou n l’s M ardi G ras on stru ction In tu ry 21 C overe ffices O fK rei bu rg Fam ily C y B s t f i s e O G k& aw C en ers C Seid aCo oom u ehan n am in g B y C J | |T -R oss B roth try Folk Store | A g en cy |T he L g C enters |B l C olu m bia B an L iv q s u S l a n t r ce |Fr CA ou n eari n ior |Firs In su ran rea Y M R u stics |A ce H tion |C kdale Se C red fice In c f o o O r g B es |487 n c |B erw ick A g Fair A ssocia U n ion |Stetler ction Service n | i g eral ards Au dit ntou r A bu r rg I e V in ey Service 1st Fed tty Pe g d i R ice - So en cy |B loom s ity FederalC re torag e |K im ’s C olu m bia M o e l Sha er | |P re S | Ag un ce |R ed In c |R .J.W alk rs R ealty L L C im iller u ses!& a e l o el| P R th C are ehan n a C om m H . g S y n i u a e c cYOUR tn IB ply ear News Since eet H ot r e r | p a b u t H u r s e P q t e S e s R t y h h Local Community 1902 u , e n g & s S T i e K s he L id C ata | .H e ise | ntral m ber n dy S rry’s L u |P ress E nterpr u m bia B an k |T C ake A n d C a r earin g A dn er,B ren da R n cy |Pen T eleD n c | a H L d l e i f ns C ol G or A ge fer’s an k m sI nd D John R . son In su ran ce y H ealth Syste C om m u n ity B C are In c |First lService |Shaf ooter Sew er A s e c i f o f i e O ppraisa itu te |R oto-R n e C are First H |H u tch |M aylath V all First K eyston e in g s M em ory A a d n n n a A t h ealt qu e en cy nc | alist e Spr n In s eysto am ily H n ic Speci A n d B eyon d I ealth |H eritag R ealE state A g n d L aser V isio & L Su baru |K F d r e a u p o t o n h rt D ell H air s |W act A ace H Salm o ia M o s |From enter |W orkP l orld M asich & s |B u cci C atar ye C are C enter In c |C olu m b icz |W ild For e r u s a La e r eg an E nu elC ealty W Jew eler s R ealty r & G reg orow practic P L L C | a n R e o n l | g m i y d F n i L m | r o . E i J B c t T he n da C Su n In ras | hiro eishe ered s O fK r bu rg Fam ily C ru st C o |U P M n ity Fou idel’s M ardi G rs C on stru ctio entu ry 21 C ov e u c i f m f m O o T C C Se J.B aw ms the

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Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

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the faces of R ealE state Services

T he m ission ofK E Y Partners Realty L L C is to provide clients w ith exceptionalprofessionalreal estate services throu g h leadership,experience and know ledg e.B y pu rsu ing edu cationalopportu nities,ag ents pledg e to provide innovative and cu tting -edg e strateg ies in a w ide rang e ofservices,w hile alw ays eng ag ing in honest,loyal and ethicalbu siness practices.T hey believe in the valu e ofhom e ow nership as the fabric oftheir com m u nities and w illcontinu e to g ive oftheir tim e and financialresou rces in su pport ofthe com m u nities they serve.T hey are passionately com m itted to exceeding their cu stom ers’expectations. Independent realestate firm s are thriving !T he difference: independents can acqu ire the m ost cu rrent technolog y;a cost better spent than franchise fees.It is an equ alizer that levels the com petitive field.Today’s technolog icaltools are m ore available, allow ing ag ents and firm s to be in charg e oftheir leads. R ,M L S,Z illow ,Tru lia,Facebook m obile service,etc., are available to independents and franchises alike.G lobal exposu re allow s independent brokerag es a strong presence in the realestate m arket on equ alfooting to franchises for m arketing ,leadership,edu cation,ethics,experience and resu lts. K E Y Partners is a fu llservice realestate office that featu res R ealtors w ith trem endou s experience,edu cation and ethics.In addition to their bachelor ofarts,bachelor ofscience and m aster ofscience deg rees,team m em bers have a variety ofrealestate credentials,su ch as C ertified R esidentialSpecialist (C R S), A ccredited B u yers R epresentative (A B R ),A t H om e W ith D iversity (A H W D ),O ne A m erica,A ccredited Stag ing Professional(A SP),G radu ate R ealtor Institu te (G R I),Seller R epresentative Specialist (SR S) and e-PR O ,as w ellas active involvem ent w ith the C entralSu squ ehanna Valley B oard of R ealtors (C SV B R ).

KEY PARTNERS REALTY LLC | 570-387-1600 | 530 East St., Bloomsburg

T he ag ents at K E Y Partners are not brand new to realestate (m ore than 175 years ofcom bined realestate experience),bu t they are a new brand! “KEY Pa rtn erspla cesa n em pha sison ren ew a l, u n dersta n din g,edu cation ,lea dership a n d creativity,” sa id M a ry Ra dle,Broker/Pa rtn er.“Kin dn ess,respectforothersa n d con fiden tia lity a re the cha ra cteristicsthatdefin e a greatrea l estate com pa n y.” T his effort to pu t ag ents in positions w here their talents can shine the brig htest is evident throu g hou t the ag ency,not ju st in residentialand com m ercialrealestate,bu t also in their com m u nity involvem ent.T he ag ents at K E Y Partners are very involved in the com m u nity,inclu ding the C olu m bia C ou nty indu strialboard,C olu m bia-M ontou r C ham ber ofC om m erce and V isitors B u reau ,food cu pboards,U nited W ay,A G A PE , M eals on W heels,B rig hter C hristm as Fu nd,B loom sbu rg Pu blic L ibrary,TreeFest and m any others. T he K E Y team has plans to g row ,and the expansion is tru ly exhilarating .T he new K E Y ag ents com ing aboard and those yet to com e are alw ays in this blu eprint,as those at K E Y Partners do allthey can to su pport them in their career.T his is allpart ofthe excitem ent at K E Y !E ach team m em ber bring s som ething different and valu able to K E Y Partners. “W hen you a ssem ble the righttea m a n d the a gen tsa re plea sed w ith the su pportthey a re gettin g,the en d resu ltisphen om en a l, a n d the clien tsben efit,” sa id Ra dle.“Itisra re to fin d the com bin ation ofin credible bu sin esssen se,lea dership,kn ow ledge a n d skilled m a rketin g abilitiesw e have in ou roffice.”

Main Photo by Press Enterprise/Jimmy May. The team of KEY Partners Realty LLC are seated, front row, from left, Vickie Welch, Patsy Bowers and Dawn Coulter; seated, second row, Deanna Swist, Kerry Seely and Joselle Confair; and standing, back row, Nancy Bellimer, Allison Kocher, Denise Stone, Mike Homer, Ron Kile, Sherry Conklin, Nicholas J. Franczak and Liz Masich.

Other Photo Special to Press Enterprise. The team of partners at KEY Partners, from left, Andy Conner, Kathy Lowe, Linda Bafile, Marylil Tombasco and Mary Radle

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of E xceptional H earing C are, Valu ed Relationships A C E H earing C enters at 2201 Fifth Street H ollow R oad in B loom sbu rg has been helping hearing -im paired children and adu lts since 1997. Ifyou are looking for a hearing solu tion,the board-certified au diolog ists and able staffcan help you .A C E H earing C enters specializes in diag nostic hearing evalu ations u tilizing the latest diag nostic equ ipm ent to properly evalu ate you r hearing .If hearing aids are recom m ended,only the latest,m ost advanced hearing devices from the best m anu factu rers are recom m ended. A C E H earing C enters offers a free tw o-w eek trialofall hearing aids.T hey also offer repairs on allm akes and m odels ofhearing aids. T heir able staffinclu des C arolFelix,w ho has served as office m anag er and receptionist since the inception ofthe practice.She g reets allpatients w ith a sm ile and treats allw ith kindness and respect.She is an expert at insu rance billing .She

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ACE HEARING CENTERS Sandra McGinley, audiologist Carol Felix, office manager and receptionist 2201 Fifth Street Hollow Road, Bloomsburg | 570-784-8050


w illverify you r insu rance benefits for the hearing evalu ation and hearing devices,then billproperly,so you r insu rance benefits are received. A u diologist Sandra M cG inley is an expert in the proper testing and evalu ation ofhearing .She is also an expert in the proper fitting ofthe finest hearing devices to insu re m axim u m su ccess w ith hearing aids.She provides g reat follow -u p care to insu re continu ed hearing health care. M cG inley is board certified by the A m erican SpeechL ang u ag e H earing A ssociation (A SH A ).She provided au diolog y services for D r.Franklyn G erg its at the form er N ortheast E ar,N ose and T hroat A ssociates.She had been in B loom sbu rg for 19 years prior to joining A C E H earing C enters last Ju ly.

Call ACE Hearing Centers to schedule your appointment today.

Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt. The staff at ACE Hearing Center includes, Carol Felix, office manager, left, and Sandi McGinley, M.S., CCC-A.



Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

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the face of C u stom Fram ing PO Box 103, 750 State Route 93 | Sybertsville, PA 18251 570-708-2929 |


Althou gh ou r location ischan gin g ou r service isstayin g the sam e. Please see u satou r n ew location .

117 E .SE C O N D STRE E T B E RW IC K ,PA 18603

570-7 59-9814

Framing by CJ Cindi “CJ” Whitenight-Hamill, owner | 570-784-5660 804 Market St., Bloomsburg (on the corner of Eighth & Market Sts) Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Wednesday and Saturday 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; other hours by appt.

D rive and creativity helped lead C indi“C J” W hitenightH am illto the career she enjoys today.A rtistic ability ru ns in the fam ily,as her father is a certified pictu re fram er and ow ned his ow n bu siness u ntilretirem ent.Trained by her father and edu cated at W idener U niversity,she opened Fram ing by C J in dow ntow n B loom sbu rg alm ost 20 years ag o. In colleg e,W hitenig ht-H am illlearned abou t m erchandising ,textiles and bu siness entrepreneu rship.She then spent tim e learning and honing her skills in other specialties before focu sing solely on fine fram ing and g ifts. She w orked in m anag em ent,retailand her father’s bu siness, w hich m ade it easier to transition to her ow n bu siness. W hitenig ht-H am illoffers a personaltou ch at her shop, bu ilding relationships w ith cu stom ers and offering expertise in fram ing desig n.She enjoys edu cating clients on elem ents that m ake g reat fram ing and personalization for their hom e or office space. “W e con tin u e to stretch bou n da riesw ith fra m in g a n d a rt,” she expla in ed.“W e a re n ow sta rtin g to offerperson a l photosa n d a rtw ork on a crylic,m eta la n d ca n va s.” She is alw ays looking to expand their on-trend,artisan g iftw are lines and jew elry,too. B eing able to offer u niqu e g ifts not u su ally fou nd in the area is also a g oalofhers.B u t the best part ofthe job?

“Definitely the ‘wow’ factor,” shared Whitenight-Hamill. “I love to experience the moment my client views their finished piece or purchase and is so happy!”

Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of C om m ercialL ending W hen H eller O rchards needed to store m ore apples on site,First C olu m bia helped them pu rchase a new cold storag e u nit.W hen K noebels A m u sem ent R esort im ag ined a new roller coaster for their park,First C olu m bia helped m ake that a reality.W hen radio personality C had E vans dream ed of opening a produ ction com pany in C entralPennsylvania,First C olu m bia helped g et his start u p offthe g rou nd.W hen K eystone H orse C enter envisioned m oving their barrelracing series to a 112 acre farm in C olu m bia C ou nty,First C olu m bia helped them constru ct it.W hen fire departm ents need new tru cks,police departm ents need new cru isers or schools need to renovate their g ym nasiu m s,First C olu m bia’s team of lenders is there to help them find solu tions. • H elping bu sinesses grow and prosper T hriving bu sinesses,u pdated schools,responsive infrastru ctu re and su stainable farm ing operations are som e of the key m easu res ofa vibrant ru ralcom m u nity like ou rs. E very day,ou r locally based com m erciallending team at First C olu m bia B ank & Tru st has the opportu nity to see firsthand how these enterprises im pact ou r localeconom y and w ay of life.T his localperspective and experience drives their com m itm ent to delivering financing solu tions that help bu sinesses — and ou r area — g row and prosper. • The valu e of pu tting a face w ith a nam e T he com m erciallending team at First C olu m bia serves not only as a sou rce offinancing ,bu t also as a resou rce to area bu siness ow ners.T hese lenders,w ho live and w ork in this com m u nity,know the localeconom y as w ellas key drivers of localbu siness.W hen a bu siness chooses to partner w ith First C olu m bia for banking and financing ,they g ain an ally on their

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path to su ccess.First C olu m bia V ice President Taylor Farr says one ofthe m ost enjoyable aspects ofbeing a com m ercial lender for a com m u nity bank is that he can sit dow n w ith his clients face to face,g et to know and u nderstand their visions, visit their places ofbu siness — and then say “hello” to them in the g rocery store,at chu rch and at the localhig h schoolsoccer g am e.T he charm and friendliness ofsm alltow n living extends to even the banking experience w hen w orking w ith a com m u nity bank like First C olu m bia. • The localdifference T hese personalrelationships and intim ate know ledg e ofthe bu sinesses allow the team at First C olu m bia to craft financing solu tions to m atch the u niqu e needs ofthe bu sinesses, m u nicipalities,farm s and schools in ou r area.U nlike reg ional and nationalbanks,lending decisions are m ade locally by the bank and its locally-based board ofdirectors.T his allow s for g reater flexibility w ith lending term s and the consideration of m ore dynam ic variables.A s a nu m ber ofbankers and board m em bers are bu siness ow ners them selves,they recog nize that w hen a bu siness needs capital,it’s not alw ays black and w hite, and there’s m ore to consider than ju st a spreadsheet of nu m bers. W hen a bu siness g row s and su cceeds,its com m u nity g row s w ith it.W hen the team at First C olu m bia B ank finances a new start u p,a farm expansion or a schoolrenovation,they know that they are playing a specialrole in the health and vitality of the entire com m u nity.T hey im ag ine its citizens m eeting at the new coffee hou se,g athering to cheer on the localhig h school team or taking a thrilling ride on a new roller coaster.T he First C olu m bia B ank C om m ercialL ending team is here to do allit can to su pport this com m u nity they know and love.

Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt The First Columbia Bank commercial lending team, from left, Taylor Farr, Pam Young, Michael Celli, Andrea Bartlett, Jean MacDermott, Paul Page and Brandon Ortman.



Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of FinancialFocu s


Service 1st FederalC redit U nion is a fu ll-service financialinstitu tion providing a com fortable approach to banking ,em pow ering m em bers to achieve their g oals and continu ing a tradition ofsu pporting the localcom m u nity. Service 1st w as established in 1975.O rig inally know n as G eising er E m ployees FederalC redit U nion,its footprint has since expanded to inclu de locations in B loom sbu rg ,D anville, L ew isbu rg ,L oyalsock,M ifflinbu rg ,Sham okin D am ,Su nbu ry and W ilkes-B arre.In addition to their office locations,the credit u nion provides m em bers a prog ressive online and m obile platform to m anag e their financialneeds.


“At Service 1st, you are more than a customer, you are a member and being a member matters,”

said L inda B row n,chiefadm inistrative officer. T he w ay the credit u nion is stru ctu red,the m em bers are the ow ners.M em bers vote for a volu nteer board ofdirectors w ho are localpeople invested in m aking a difference.D ecisions are m ade locally,and any revenu e g enerated com plem ents Service 1st’s prog ram s and helps keep rates and fees for produ cts and services com petitive. Service 1st continu es to g row in a nu m ber ofkey areas on the financialfront.A s ofA pril30,the credit u nion has increased



assets to m ore than $350 m illion.G row th has also rem ained consistent in m em bership,saving s balances and loans. T he staffat Service 1st shares seven core valu es,ensu ring their focu s is alw ays to streng then the financiallives oftheir m em bers and the com m u nity.A m ong these valu es are integ rity,ethics,su pport com m u nity,flexibility and fu n. “W e pu tthe fin a n cia lgoa lsofou r29,000 m em bersatthe hea rtofeverythin g w e do,” sa id Ka ren W ood,chiefexperien ce officer.“W hetherit’sa you n g fa m ily m eetin g w ith the Retirem en ta n d In vestm en tCen terto setu p life in su ra n ce for the firsttim e,a m em berrea lizin g theirdrea m to sta rttheirow n bu sin essorhostin g a firsttim e a u to-bu yin g cla ssw ith a loca l dea lership ata n a rea high school,w e en joy the opportu n ity to tou ch the livesofou rm em bersin a positive w ay.” Service 1st likes taking an active role to benefit the com m u nity.T he credit u nion is preparing for its 25th annu al C harity G olfTou rnam ent and seventh annu alC harity D u ck D erby in A u g u st.T his year’s beneficiaries inclu de G eising er’s A u tism and D evelopm entalM edicine Institu te,Janet W eis C hildren’s H ospitaland the T hinkB IG Pediatric C ancer Fu nd. Plans for G oing G old 2018,an initiative that benefits those affected by pediatric cancer,are already u nderw ay.

Photo Special to Press Enterprise (L-R) Karen Wood, Chief Experience Officer; Linda Brown, Chief Administrative Officer; Bill Lavage, President/CEO; Jeffrey Balestrini, Chief Lending Officer; Michael Thomas, Chief Financial Officer; and Jay Reed, Chief Information Officer.

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of RealE state R ealestate is an exciting , rew arding ,and ever chang ing career.Su e Barchik and D ot R hone ofC entu ry 21 C overed B ridg es R ealty Inc. help their clients achieve the dream ofhom eow nership and g u ide them throu g h their larg est financial investm ent,w hich increases their net w orth.A s broker/ ow ners,their philosophy is that their pu rpose,in addition to serving their ow n personal clients,is to provide allthe tools and training necessary so their ag ents are w ell prepared,g iving their clients a definite advantag e. B archik has a bachelor’s deg ree in recreation and parks/ resort m anag em ent from Penn State U niversity and 28 years of experience in realestate.H er professionaldesig nations (advanced realestate edu cation) inclu de C R S (C ertified R esidentialSpecialist),G R I (G radu ate R ealtors Institu te),A B R (A ccredited B u yer R epresentative),PSA (Pricing Strateg y A dvisor) and O ne A m erica (A t H om e W ith D iversity). R hone has a bachelor’s deg ree in bu siness edu cation from B loom sbu rg State C olleg e and 33 years ofexperience in real estate.She has been a consistent top produ cer since 1988 w ho has trained,tau g ht and m entored both rookies and experienced ag ents for m ore than 25 years.H er professional desig nations inclu de A B R ,C R S,C R B (C ertified R ealE state B rokerag e M anag er),G R I,e-PR O (Internet Professional), M R P (M ilitary R elocation Professional),PSA ,SFR (Short Sale and Foreclosu re Specialist),SR S (Seller R epresentative Specialist) and O ne A m erica. B archik bring s her bu siness and m anag em ent experience since 1986 to the table.She is able to com m u nicate effectively to m aintain a positive and produ ctive office atm osphere. A s an edu cator,R hone provides one-on-one adu lt edu cation each and every day both w ith clients and in training and g u iding ag ents throu g hou t their career. A t C entu ry 21 C overed B ridg es R ealty,they are able to provide professionaland personalservice backed by the pow er oftheir iconic brand,C entu ry 21,to deliver the levelof exceptionalqu ality service their clients dem and and deserve. T heir com m itm ent to com pany-w ide edu cation and training to m axim ize their ability to stay relevant w ith the constant ebb and flow oftheir indu stry sets them apart from others in their


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Dorothy (Dot) B. Rhone, broker/owner Susan (Sue) L. Barchik, broker/owner CENTURY 21 COVERED BRIDGES REALTY INC. | 99 Main St., Benton | 570-925-0210 395 Tenny St., Bloomsburg | 570-784-2821 Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.-noon; evenings/weekends by appointment

profession.T hey u tilize the latest cu tting -edg e technolog y that their franchise can provide.Taking cu stom er service to a w hole new level,clients w ho bu y or sellw ith any oftheir ag ents m ay u se their m oving tru ck for free! C entu ry 21 and realestate are synonym ou s.T hey are in every tow n and m any cou ntries throu g hou t the w orld and are fam iliar to bu yers and sellers.E very m inu te ofevery day a C entu ry 21 ag ent is helping a client bu y or sella property som ew here in the w orld! C overed B ridg es has been and continu es to be the leading realestate office in C olu m bia C ou nty for m ore than 20 years. T hat su ccess natu rally breeds excitem ent and com m itm ent from their ag ents to continu e that trend. B archik and R hone have achieved su ccess in their indu stry becau se they constantly m onitor the challeng es facing their ag ents and their com pany,w hich u ltim ately allow s their clients to benefit throu g hou t their transactions. For m ore inform ation,in addition to the w ays listed above, visit C entu ry 21 C overed B ridg es R ealty on Facebook, Instag ram and You Tu be.

Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt Century 21 Covered Bridges Realty broker/owners Dot Rhone left, and Sue Barchick



Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

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the faces of RealE state A gents CENTURY 21 COVERED BRIDGES REALTY INC. Kim Williams, associate broker | Dennis Williams, Realtor 395 Tenny St., Bloomsburg | 570-204-0719, Kim | 570-204-8112, Dennis

K im and D ennis W illiam s w ith C entu ry 21 C overed B ridg es R ealty Inc.have a com bined totalof37 years experience in the realestate indu stry. K im started her realestate career in 1995 and D ennis in 2004.O ver the years,they have received the follow desig nations:A ccredit B u yer A g ency,Senior R ealE state Specialist,e-Pro,A t H om e W ith D iversity,C ertified R eal E state Specialist,Pricing Strateg y A dvisor and M ilitary R elocation Professional. A t B loom sbu rg U niversity,D ennis earned a bachelor’s deg ree in m anag em ent in 1982 and an M B A in 1985.In 1997,he g ot a Ph.D .from Penn State in m anag em ent training and developm ent.H e retired from Penn C olleg e in 2014 and has been staying bu sy w ith his realestate career. D ennis is a V ietnam veteran and enjoys helping other veterans w ith their hom e pu rchases. O n a daily basis,K im and D ennis enjoy helping hom e bu yers m ake one ofthe m ost im portant financialdecisions they m ay ever m ake. Is the tim e rig ht? W illthis property w ork for u s in this location? D oes it fit ou r needs? W hat inspections w illw e need? T hese are ju st a few ofthe qu estions that g o throu g h a bu yer’s m ind. “W e a re here to help you m a ke thistim e a splea sa n ta n d rew a rdin g a sw e ca n ,” K im said. W orking w ith sellers is also very im portant,and they have very sim ilar qu estions.Shou ld I do this to m y hom e? Ifso, w illI g et the m oney back ou t? IfI over price m y hom e, w hat w illhappen? D oes m y hom e have the best exposu re to bu yers? W hen is the best tim e to sell? W orking w ith K im and D ennis w illpu t you at ease w hen bu ying or selling a hom e.C allthem today.T hey have the know ledg e and experience to help you w ith allyou r real estate needs. Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt


the face of Selling It A ll



KIM’S AUCTION SERVICE Kim (Autotore) Williams, owner and auctioneer 357 B Mainville Drive, Bloomsburg | 570-204-0719

K im (A u totore)W illiam s,ow ner and au ctioneer ofK im ’s A u ction Service for m ore than 40 years,has a lot of experience and know ledg e in the au ction profession.She w as raised in the bu siness by her late father,John A u totore w ho w as an au ctioneer in B loom sbu rg starting in the early 1970s. K im is a 1979 g radu ate ofR eppert Schoolof A u ctioneering .She then w orked in the fam ily bu siness u ntil1991,w hen her father retired and she started K im ’s A u ction Service. L ast year,K im w as the president ofthe Pennsylvania A u ctioneers A ssociation.She also is a m em ber ofthe N ationalA u ctioneers A ssociation and the localN ortheast C hapter ofthe Pennsylvania A ssociation,w here she w as honored by her fellow au ctioneers w ith the H allofFam e and A u ctioneer ofthe Year aw ard. K im offers alltypes ofau ctions to help her clients achieve top dollar for their item s,everything from traditional au ctions held at the property to consig nm ent au ctions w here item s are m oved to a halland online au ctions,the latter ofw hich she has been offering for the last fou r years. T hinking ofhaving an au ction? G ive K im a calltoday. She sells it all:residentialand com m ercialrealestate, hou sehold,antiqu es,collectibles,firearm s,farm m achinery and au tom obiles. Photo by Press Enterprise/Jimmy May

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of H earing Technolog y “Iw a n tpeople to kn ow tha thea rin g lossw illn otgetbetter.Ifyou ign ore it,it w illkeep gettin g w orse,” said M ansfield H earing A id C enter president and fou nder D enny G u ffey,a board certified in hearing instru m ent sciences (B C -H IS).“Ifyou are havin gtrou ble hearin g,you shou ld see a qu alified profession al.” W hen som eone experiencing hearing loss g oes to M ansfield H earing ,they g et a free,private consu ltation w ith G u ffey,w ho takes them into the booth and exam ines their ears w ith state-of-the-art testing equ ipm ent.O ne ofthese diag nostic devices is a video otoscope that allow s people to see inside their ow n ear canal,and G u ffey w ants to m ake su re there is no u nderlying m edicalcondition,su ch as im pacted ear w ax,that cou ld be cau sing the hearing loss. W hen asked w hat he is m ost prou d ofw ith the bu siness, G u ffey replied,“O u rcu stom ersa tisfa ction .W e ha ve a 30da y,100 percen tm on ey ba ck gu a ra n tee.O u rpa tien tsw ea r theirhea rin g a idsfor30 da ys,a n d,ifa fter30 da ysthey ca n ’t tellm e they love them a n d a re w orth every pen n y,w e w ill refu n d them 100 percen tofthe pu rcha se price.W e a re very prou d tha tn o pa tien tha severw orn ou rhea rin g in stru m en ts for30 da ysa n d told u sthey a re n otsa tisfied w ith the resu lts a n d w ou ld like theirm on ey ba ck.Sim ply pu t,ifw e ca n ’t m a ke a profou n d,positive im pa ctw ith you rhea rin g,w e w ill tellyou to sa ve you rm on ey.W e ta ke ca re ofevery pa tien tthe sa m e w a y w e w ou ld ou row n fa m ily.” M ansfield exclu sively offers hearing devices from Sig nia,a top-of-the-line brand ow ned by Siem ens,a g lobalindu stry leader.T he cu tting -edg e hearing technolog y from Sig nia provides clinically proven,better than norm alhearing w ith less effort,especially in environm ents in w hich it can be difficu lt to disting u ish sou nds,su ch as at a bu sy restau rant, ou tdoors in the w ind,listening to you r favorite m u sic,in m eeting places and au ditoriu m s,w atching television and at chu rch.T hey also offer w ireless stream ing w ith easyTek. W ith Sig nia’s C ellion technolog y,disposable batteries are a thing ofthe past.M ost ofits hearing aids com e w ith charg ing stations,so you no long er have to w orry abou t losing or ru nning ou t ofbatteries.T hey u se lithiu m -ion pow er ju st like sm artphones and are fu lly charg ed in fou r hou rs,w ith the option ofa 30-m inu te fast charg e. “They a re the bestin the w orld,” said G u ffey. H e noted that Sig nia hearing aids tend to be m ore expensive,

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MANSFIELD HEARING AID CENTER Denny Guffey, BC-HIS, president and founder | 570-317-2817 or 1-800-264-5685 1901 Columbia Blvd. (Route 11), Suite 3, Bloomsburg Hours: Monday through Friday or by appointment on weekends

bu t M ansfield provides them for less than m any com petitors selllesser brands.

“We put patients first, offering them the best care at reasonable prices,”

said Guffey. A fter pu rchasing a hearing device at M ansfield,allthe after care is free,inclu ding cleaning ,adju stm ents,testing and even hom e visits. W hile M ansfield accepts allinsu rances,G u ffey said m ost of their patients u se som e sort offinancing ,and they have plans available w ith as little as 0 percent interest. In addition to hearing devices,M ansfield also carries a fu ll line ofcu stom hearing protection for hu nters,sw im m ers, m u sic lovers,travelers and w orkplace environm ents. O ther m em bers ofthe team at M ansfield inclu de patient care coordinators M ack enzie Bou cher and Beth Pow ell,w ho answ er the phone,arrang e appointm ents and m anag e the office and G u ffey’s w ife Sabrina,director ofoperations,w ho m anag es thing s behind the scenes,su ch as billing and ordering su pplies. A llpatients are g iven G u ffey’s cellphone nu m ber,w here he can be reached at any tim e.

Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt. The staff at Mansfield Hearing Aid Center, from left, Denny Guffey, Sabrina Guffey, Beth Powell and Mackenzie Boucher are shown inside the business at 1901 Columbia Blvd. (Route 11) in Scott Township.


10 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of O u r C om m u nity Bank ing Partnering w ith its cu stom ers and prioritizing their needs is one ofthe fou ndations ofFirst K eystone C om m u nity B ank’s overallbu siness philosophy.You cou ld say it is one oftheir keystones. W hen the w ord “com m u nity” w as added to their title in 2010,it em phasized their focu s on providing traditional banking services and financialsolu tions in their local com m u nities and neig hborhoods. “Com m u n ity ba n ksa re im porta n tto the econ om iesofthe pla cesw e serve,” sa id in terim presiden ta n d CEO Ela in e W oodla n d.“W ha tsetsu sa pa rtisou rcon n ection w ith the com m u n itiesin w hich w e do bu sin ess.W e u n dersta n d the n eedsofthe people a n d bu sin essestha tw e serve.” A w ide variety ofg rou ps and org anizations have benefited from collaborating w ith First K eystone,su ch as the M cB ride M em orialand H oyt libraries;B erw ick,B loom sbu rg and Strou dsbu rg Y M C A s;C entralSu squ ehanna C om m u nity Fou ndation and the W om en’s G iving C ircle;Pocono Services for Fam ilies and C hildren;B erw ick Indu strialD evelopm ent A ssociation (B ID A );C olu m bia M ontou r C ham ber of C om m erce;C olu m bia A lliance for E conom ic G row th;and the C hildren’s Service C enter ofW yom ing C ou nty. T he bank also assem bled a larg e R elay for L ife team , participated in the W alk to D efeat A L S and su pported the W arrior ofthe Q u arter prog ram at the Tobyhanna A rm y D epot,w hich honors m ilitary veterans from allover northeastern Pennsylvania.From localcom m u nity g rou ps like fire com panies,food pantries,anim alshelters and L ittle L eag u e team s,to m ore w idely know n entities su ch as U nited W ay and Salvation A rm y,First K eystone is first in line to lend a helping hand. First K eystone is also dedicated to edu cation and fostering the next g eneration ofbu siness and com m u nity leaders. M em bers ofthe bank’s staffvisited localhig h schools throu g hou t the 2017 schoolyear to teach stu dents abou t banking ,tou ching on topics su ch as checking and saving s accou nts,credit and debit cards and m anag ing debt.T his initiative reached m ore than 1,500 stu dents.


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In addition to su pporting Ju nior A chievem ent of N ortheastern PA ,the D anville C hild D evelopm ent C enter and the N ew spapers in E du cation Prog ram ,First K eystone annu ally sponsors fou r stu dents to attend Pennsylvania Free E nterprise W eek (PFE W ),a residentialsu m m er cam p that teaches hig h schoolju niors and seniors to u nderstand and celebrate private enterprise and g ets them excited abou t bu siness,entrepreneu rship and career opportu nities in Pennsylvania. In the spring of2017,First K eystone’s execu tive staffhelped B loom sbu rg U niversity’s team in the nationw ide C om m u nity B ank C ase Stu dy C om petition,facilitated by the C onference of State B ank Su pervisors.T he com petition w as an opportu nity for stu dents to g ain valu able first-hand know ledg e ofthe banking indu stry,as w ellas the opportu nities and challeng es facing com m u nity banks today.B U w as one offive finalists am ong the 33 institu tions that participated. First K eystone em ployees also su pport w orthy cau ses them selves.For exam ple,D enim D ay is held one Friday per m onth,w ith the proceeds donated to variou s localprog ram s. In addition to m onetary donations,contribu tions also com e from the dedication oftim e and service by em ployees,totaling m ore than 2,300 hou rs in 2017. “M ostofou rbu sin essisdon e loca lly w ith loca lin dividu a ls a n d bu sin esses.Ta kin g ca re ofthe com m u n itiesin w hich w e live,w ork a n d pla y isvery im porta n tto a llofu sa tFirst Keyston e Com m u n ity Ba n k,” W oodla n d sa id. Tru e to its m ission — “Yesterday’s traditions.Tom orrow ’s vision.” — First K eystone is a leader in providing produ cts and services that stress convenience and flexibility,su ch as bill paym ent,m obile banking ,rem ote deposit captu re,online accou nt opening and its K eystone R ew ards su ite ofaccou nts featu ring hig h-yield checking and saving s accou nts.

Photo Special to Press Enterprise. Members of the First Keystone Community Bank team, made up of employees and relatives, hold a banner during the 2018 Walk to Defeat ALS on April 28.

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of Insu rance C overage Stetler Insu rance A g ency is an independent insu rance ag ency providing insu rance coverag e for allpersonal,com m ercialand life insu rance produ cts throu g h E rie Insu rance and nine other insu rance com panies. T he ag ency w as fou nded in 1981 by R oland Stetler.A fter his passing in 2004,his dau g hter, Pam ela Stetler,took over ow nership ofthe ag ency.Shortly after,the ag ency hired additionalstaffand renovated the existing bu ilding to accom m odate the g row th ofthe bu siness in the su rrou nding area. In 2017,C am eron Sm ith,w ho g rew u p in the area and had w orked as a sales m anag er for E rie Insu rance for six years,partnered w ith Pam Stetler and has assisted in the g row th of the ag ency and in reaching additionalm arkets it hadn’t previou sly targ eted. T he ag ency now em ploys a staffoffive and is looking to hire an additionalservice ag ent in the near fu tu re to assist w ith the sig nificant increase in new cu stom ers in the last 12-14 m onths. “W e trea tou rcu stom erslike fa m ily.O n a da ily ba sis,w e ha ve u pw a rdsof25-30 people stop in ou r office to m a ke pa ym en tsa n d ta lk a bou ttheirpolicies. W e love tha t!” Sm ith sa id.“W e sta y con n ected w ith them throu ghou ttheirlives.W e ha ve cu stom ersw ho ha ve been w ith u ssin ce da y on e,a n d w e n ow in su re theirchildren a n d gra n dchildren !(three gen era tion s).” Stetler Insu rance A g ency tru ly is connected to its cu stom er base.It is fortu nate enou g h to be part ofalloftheir m ajor life events.T hey callthe ag ency w hen they g et their driver’s license,g o aw ay to colleg e,m ove aw ay to take their first job, bu y their first hom e,bu y an eng ag em ent ring ,g et m arried, have a baby,retire,etc. “It’sa greatpartofthe bu sin ess!” Sm ith said. Insu rance is an intang ible asset.M ost people don’t see the benefits oftheir policies u ntilthey g o throu g h a claim s experience. “W e va lu e the tim e people spen d w ith u s,beca u se w e a re protectin g w ha tm a ttersm ost,” Sm ith sa id.“Everyon e w orks very ha rd to provide fortheirfa m iliesa n d w e w ork ha rd to protecttha tforthem .” Stetler Insu rance A g ency has spent a lot oftim e and energ y on its dig italm arketing prog ram s.It has a brand-new w ebsite that allow s its cu stom ers to retrieve policy inform ation and contact them after hou rs.It also has an interactive chat featu re prospects or cu stom ers can u se to m essag e them du ring the

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Region STETLER INSURANCE AGENCY Cameron Smith, owner 877 Bloom Road, Suite 101 Danville | 570-275-5764 Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday by appointment day w ith qu ick qu estions. T he ag ency is looking at expanding its hou rs ofoperation to accom m odate the w ork schedu les ofits new and existing cu stom er base.T his w illinclu de opening earlier and staying later on specific days ofthe w eek.T hey u nderstand people are bu sy,so they’d like to offer m ore tim e for them to see them . In the near fu tu re,the ag ency is looking at adding another office location in a neig hboring tow n to reach additional cu stom ers.T his m ay be throu g h acqu isition or a brand-new location.

“We want to offer the same great products and service to others we aren’t currently reaching!”

Sm ith said. Ifyou ’d like a no pressu re review ofyou r cu rrent insu rance policies,you can call,stop by the office on B loom R oad in D anville betw een M & T and Service 1st banks or visit the w ebsite.

Photo by Press Enterprise/Jimmy May The staff includes, seated, Jeff Plischke, left, and Cameron Smith, and, standing, Cindy Strawbridge, left, and Pam Stetler.


12 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of Fam ily H ealth






COLUMBIA MONTOUR FAMILY HEALTH Swanee Marcus, CRNP, executive director 570-387-0236 | 2201 Fifth Street Hollow Rd, Bloomsburg Hours: Monday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Tuesday, noon-8 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

C olu m bia M ontou r Fam ily H ealth (C M FH ) has been in existence since 1975.It started at G eising er M edicalC enter in D anville and m oved to B loom sbu rg in 1976. T he ag ency provides w om en’s healthcare,cancer screening ,birth control,ST D screening and treatm ent. H ealthy W om an is a service to w om en 40-65 w ho need Pap testing and m am m og ram s.ST D screening and treatm ent and the H ealthy W om an prog ram are free services su pported by the state. C M FH offers confidential,private caring fem ale providers (nu rse practitioners and physician’s assistants) w ho follow g u idelines approved by the m edicaldirector,w ho is also fem ale. A ppointm ents are available in a tim ely fashion and no one is ru shed throu g h a visit only to leave w ith qu estions that they didn’t ask. T heir services are covered by m ost insu rance com panies and the Pennsylvania m edicalA C C E SS card.W om en w ith no insu rance are able to apply for the free State Plan A m endm ent (SPA ) prog ram . C M FH is g overned by a localvolu ntary board ofdirectors w ho are concerned abou t folks achieving their optim al fam ily size and doing this w ith or w ithou t m oney. C M FH has a Facebook pag e w ith links to services and other providers and an Instag ram accou nt. Photo by Press Enterprise/Jimmy May. The staff at Columbia Montour Family Health includes, seated, from left, Ashley Allen, front desk, M.A., and Dee Whitenight, office manager. Standing are Kurstyn Pfleegor, PA, intern, and Swanee Marcus, CRNP, executive director.


the faces of Sew er & D rain Services ROTO-ROOTER SEWER & DRAIN SERVICE - SORG INC. Bob Sorg, president | Eric Sorg, vice president 131 Cross Road, Bloomsburg | 570-784-6093

A s president ofSO R G Inc.,Bob Sorg has been serving the com m u nity for m ore than 40 years.A g radu ate of K ing ’s C olleg e and the U niversity ofScranton,B ob pu t his bu siness edu cation to g ood u se and opened a localR otoR otor franchise in 1975.H is son,E ric Sorg ,beg an w orking for him in m iddle schooldu ring his su m m er breaks. A native ofB loom sbu rg ,E ric w ent on to attend M illersville U niversity to earn a deg ree in bu siness and m arketing .A fter g radu ation,he ju m ped at the opportu nity to w ork w ith his dad and to help bu ild the bu siness in the tow n w here he g rew u p.E ric now serves as the com pany’s vice president. T he Sorg s are prou d to offer localem ploym ent opportu nities to others.O ng oing training and certifications also ensu re that service w illalw ays be topnotch.T hey continu e to u pdate their skills and learn new techniqu es.T hey also attend indu stry events w here ideas for g row th and services are shared. T he Sorg s believe their com m itted,dependable,loyal em ployees are one oftheir g reatest assets.M any ofthem have years ofdedicated em ploym ent. T he father and son team lead a fam ily-ow ned com pany dedicated to helping people qu ickly and at reasonable costs.W ith 24-hou r em erg ency service,som eone is alw ays on callto respond.T heir qu alified and experienced technicians have the equ ipm ent and skills to fix any septic or sew er situ ation.W hether m aintenance,inspections or repair are needed,R oto-R ooter can do it allefficiently and rig ht the first tim e. Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt

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14 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of The Bloom sbu rg Fair

The Bloom sbu rg Fair is one ofthe area’s g randest attractions.Situ ated on 236 acres,it is the larg est ag ricu ltu ralfair in Pennsylvania.E ach year,nearly 500,000 visitors enter the g ates to experience the food,g am es, rides and entertainm ent.Planning for an operation the size of the g reat B loom sbu rg Fair is no easy task.T he B loom sbu rg Fair A ssociation is g overned by a board ofdirectors,w ith each director having a responsibility to oversee a specific seg m ent ofthe fair’s operation. President Pau lReichart,orig inally from L ig htstreet,has fond fam ily m em ories ofattending the fair as a child.H is m odest u pbring ing instilled in him a strong w ork ethic and a clever,sensible bu siness philosophy. R eichart beg an his career in banking as a teller and eventu ally ascended to president,C E O and chairm an ofthe board ofa m ajor localbanking institu tion.H is m any other bu siness entities,pu blic service and civic com m itm ents have prepared him w ellfor the responsibilities ofthe role offair president. In his first year as president in 2011,the L ee Flood forced the cancellation ofthe fair for the first tim e in its history.It cou ld have been a financialdisaster for the association,bu t w ith R eichart’s g u idance and financialexperience,the fair is ag ain on solid financialfooting . Tony Frazier spent 41 years as an internalau ditor w ith the Pa.L iqu or C ontrolB oard.Frazier has a trem endou s am ou nt ofknow ledg e and experience w ith the intricacies oflarg e bu dg ets and the u se ofinform ationaltechnolog y. In 1992,Frazier beg an w orking in the B loom sbu rg Fair Treasu rer’s O ffice.From 1999 to 2005,he served as a B loom sbu rg Fair au ditor.Frazier then took over his cu rrent role ofsu perintendent ofconcessions. O ne ofFrazier’s m ost im portant contribu tions to the fair

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Region BLOOMSBURG FAIR ASSOCIATION Paul Reichart, president Tony Frazier, superintendent of concessions Pa. State Rep. David Millard, superintendent of arts and crafts | 570-784-4949 620 W. Third St., Bloomsburg operation w as to beg in transferring data from paper to com pu ter storag e w ith off-site backu p,w hich proved to be very helpfu lin m aintaining records du ring the 2011 L ee Flood.Frazier also serves on the Pa.State A ssociation of C ou nty Fairs,w hich oversees the operation of114 fairs in the state,serving nearly 5,500,000 fairg oers each year. PA State Rep.D avid M illard’s passion for the fair beg an at an early ag e.G row ing u p ju st tw o doors dow n from the fair, M illard earned extra m oney du ring fair w eek by w orking at variou s jobs,inclu ding his tim e w ith “Jack the B lanket M an.” Since 1995,M illard has served as su perintendent ofarts and crafts.H e is the long est-serving director cu rrently on the board and also at present is the vice president. A m ong M illard’s accom plishm ents,he is m ost prou d ofthe partnership that has been form ed w ith the N orth M ou ntain A rt L eag u e to provide live artist dem onstrations in the A rts and C rafts B u ilding throu g hou t fair w eek.A s president ofthe B arton H istoric A ssociation,he is an integ ralpart ofthe plans for restoring and m aintaining the historic district ofthe fairg rou nds. T he role ofa fair director requ ires dedication,org anization and experience.R eichart,Frazier,and M illard have collectively g iven nearly 60 years ofpersonaldedication and experience to the org anization,resu lting in the continu ed positive g row th of the g reat B loom sbu rg Fair.

Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt. Bloomsburg Fair superintendent of concessions Tony Frazier, left, superintendent of arts and crafts and vice president David Millard, center, and president Paul Reichart.

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018


the faces of Region Friendly Fare OF THE

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the faces of C u tting E dge Style FROM HAIR & BEYOND INC. Darcy Fry, owner/stylist Marianne Dumberth, stylist 576 Valley Road, Danville | 570-389-9775 Hours: Tuesday-Saturday

W ith an eye for style,ow ner D arcy Fry opened From H air & B eyond.She loves the creative freedom that com es w ith being a stylist.D esig ning hair artistry is a passion of hers.W ith stylist M arianne D u m berth,the salon boasts a com bined 49 years ofhands-on experience in su ccessfu l desig n and techniqu es. In their new ly renovated salon,From H air & B eyond offers styles for the w hole fam ily.From bridalparties to kid cu ts,the stylists w elcom e alltypes ofsalon w ork.B esides a haircu t and blow dry,services inclu de coloring ,nailcare and facialw axing .Fry and D u m berth g u arantee the ou tcom e oftheir professionaldesig n.T his plu s excellent personalservice is w hat keeps clients retu rning tim e and ag ain. From H air & B eyond continu es to look for w ays to g row throu g h techniqu e and produ ct edu cation. A s styles and techniqu es chang e w ith the tim es,Fry explained,

“We aim to keep our vision of cutting edge artistry. We want to stay up-to-date with the directions and standards of the industry.”

So the next tim e you find you rselfin need ofa new style, g ive Fry or D u m berth a callat From H air & B eyond and g et ready to be pleased w ith you r resu lts! Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt. Darcy Fry, left, and Marianne Dumberth

THE LIGHTSTREET HOTEL Amanda Dunne and Angie Spaide, co-owners | 1361 Main St. (in the village of Lightstreet) Bloomsburg | 570-784-1070 Hours: Monday closed; Tuesday-Friday 3 p.m.-close; Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m.-close

C o-ow ners A m anda D u nne and A ngie Spaide alw ays aspire to keep m aking the L ig htstreet H otelbetter and better every year for their cu stom ers.T he cam araderie betw een their staffand cu stom ers is am azing .T hey love their com m u nity and their su pport,and it drives and m otivates them to g ive back as m u ch as they can. “Thisbu sin essisvibran t,lively,an d 100 percen tpeople orien ted.It’sn evera du llm om en t,”D u n n esaid.“A fter com pletion ofm y m a ster’sdegreean d ready to startm y career in edu cation ,m y heartstayed w ith thehotelan d Icou ldn ’tw alk aw ay.”Spaideadded,“Itw a salw aysa dream ofm in e.M y gran dm otherow n ed a barin Lou isian a w hen Iw a syou n ger. Thehotelgavem ea w on derfu lplatform to pu rsu ethis.” T hey both bring com passion and respect for the hospitality bu siness and its clientele.T hey have hired an incredible and devoted team to carry on the hotelnam e. T he cu linary team w orks tog ether dilig ently to prepare and stay one step ahead ofthe others. T he hotelhas recently g one throu g h a cu linary transition. E very cou ple m onths,their entire staffg ets tog ether and reg rou ps w ith new ideas and u p-to-date training to keep providing the experience ofenjoying a nig ht ou t ofdeliciou s food,drinks and entertainm ent.T hey w illalw ays continu e to bu ild a strong team ofem ployees becau se their cu stom ers deserve that. T heir establishm ent is 162 years old,and it is w ith com plete honor that the ow ners g et to pu t their nam es on the long listing deed.T he feeling ofw arm th,com fort,and history is am azing ! “It’sa cliché,bu tw earethen eighborhood ‘baran d grill,” said Spaide.“W ehavelocalsthathavebeen com in g to thehotel for40 plu syears!Som ehaveeven w orked here,an d n ow their fam ily ofchildren an d even gran dchildren arew orkin g here!” Photo by Press Enterprise/Jimmy May from left, Amanda Dunne, owner; Gaige Maurer, culinary team; Ryan Cool, culinary team; and Angie Spaide, owner.


16 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

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Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of E lder L aw M arianne E .K reisher com es from a long line of attorneys.H er g reat-g randfather and g randfather w ere both attorneys and served as ju dg e in C olu m bia and M ontou r cou nties. “Iw a sborn in M a rch ofthe yea rm y fa therw a sfin ishin g u p la w schoola n d stu dyin g forthe ba rexa m .H e tellsm e stories a sto how Iw ou ld be on hisla p a n d he’d u se m e to prop u p his la w books,” Kreishersa id.“Irem em bergoin g to cou rtto w a tch m y da d a rgu e a ca se w hen Iw a sa bou t10.H e w a sso con fiden t,a n d people listen ed to him .Tha tw a sw hen Ikn ew Iw a n ted to be a n a ttorn ey,too.” From as early as she can rem em ber,M arissa B.M arshall w as a problem solver and w anted to help people.T here w ere no attorneys in her fam ily,bu t her oldest sister alw ays talked abou t w anting to be one. “Irea lly looked u p to m y sister,a n d,a ftershe u n expectedly pa ssed in 1994,Idecided Iw a sgoin g to pu rsu e tha tgoa lfor her,” M a rsha llsa id.“A sIgrew older,Irea lized tha tshe w a s rea lly on to som ethin g,beca u se problem solvin g a n d helpin g people isexa ctly w ha ta ttorn eysdo. From tha tpoin ton ,it beca m e m y goa lto becom e a n a ttorn ey a n d help a sm a n y people Icou ld.” K reisher received her u nderg radu ate deg ree from Penn State U niversity and g radu ated cu m lau de from the W idener U niversity SchoolofL aw in H arrisbu rg in 1996.A fter law school,she w orked in the Pennsylvania A ttorney G eneral’s O ffice handling crim inalappeals before the state and federal appellate cou rts. She then m oved back to her hom etow n ofB loom sbu rg to raise her fam ily.She handled a variety ofm atters,inclu ding crim inal,child cu stody,divorce,realestate and estate planning . A fter seeing the need in the area for know ledg eable attorneys in the field ofelder law ,M edicaid and veterans’ benefits,K reisher beg an to focu s her practice and edu cational experiences in the area ofelder law .In 2011,after passing a rig orou s certification exam ,she becam e one ofabou t 35 elder law attorneys in the state and the only one in C olu m bia and M ontou r cou nties. A native ofIndiana,M arshallreceived her u nderg radu ate deg ree from Pu rdu e U niversity and g radu ated from the T hom as M .C ooley SchoolofL aw in 2008. She started her leg alcareer handling ju st abou t every type of case possible,inclu ding divorce,cu stody,crim inaldefense, federalcases,contract w ork and estate planning . In 2011,K reisher started to m entor M arshallin elder law and,by late 2013,at least halfofthe clients M arshall represented w ere for elder law pu rposes.B y 2016,after passing a rig orou s certification exam ,she becam e the second certified elder law attorney in C olu m bia and M ontou r cou nties and one ofabou t 50 in the state. K reisher and M arshall’s dow n-to-earth,personable Special to Press Enterprise.

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THE LAW OFFICES OF KREISHER & GREGOROWICZ Marianne E. Kreisher, certified elder law attorney and partner Marissa B. Marshall, certified elder law attorney and associate 401 S. Market St., Bloomsburg | 570-784-5211, ext. 2 Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Evening and weekend hours by appointment only.

dem eanor m akes people feelcom fortable.G oing to an attorney is a stressfu lsitu ation.T heir g oalis to set you r m ind at ease and m ake the process as stress free as possible.T hey em ploy a fu ll-tim e socialw orker in their office w ho has m ore than 25 years ofexperience in the elder care field and can provide a different perspective,g iving m u ch needed insig hts. K now ledg e is pow er.W hen faced w ith crisis,fam ilies often don’t know w here to tu rn for help,or they ju st assu m e that there is no help available.K reisher and M arshallhold several edu cationalsem inars throu g hou t the year in the hopes of g etting the correct inform ation ou t there,destroying the ru m ors and providing a resou rce to those facing these difficu lt decisions. Marissa B. Marshall, left, and Marianne E. Kreisher


18 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the face of A llthings that Spark le

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J. LYLO JEWELERS | Jeff Lylo, owner | 570-784-5104 | 140 E. Main St. Bloomsburg

Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Wednesday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Jeff L ylo’s interest in jew elry beg an w hen he w as ju st a kid.H is g randfather,L eonard “C hick” N espoli,ran a jew elry store in B loom sbu rg for years,so L ylo g rew u p arou nd the bu siness.H e enjoyed m any hou rs learning from N espoli,w ho tau g ht him abou t jew elry repair and cu stom er service. A fter hig h school,L ylo w ent to Penn State and cam e hom e a colleg e g radu ate.W ith his deg ree and fam ily su pport,he becam e certified by the G em olog icalInstitu te ofA m erica to expertly g rade diam onds and opened a jew elry store in dow ntow n B loom sbu rg .J.L ylo Jew elers is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. L ylo shared that his key to su ccess is one-on-one personal service. “Itreatm y cu stom erslike I’d w a n tto be treated,” he said. “Irea lize a lotofpeople m ightn otkn ow m u ch abou t jew elry w hen they visit.Ihope to m a ke them feel com fortable a n d try to n otpu ta n y pressu re on them to bu y. Iw a n tthem to leave feelin g good abou tthe experien ce.” E xpert,personalservice and com petitive pricing (even beating online prices!) is w hy cu stom ers keep retu rning . L ylo also has an eye for u nu su aland u niqu e jew elry, specializing in estate and antiqu e jew elry,as w ellas cu stom desig ned item s.L ylo’s offers service and repair for m ost item s,too. A s for w hat the fu tu re holds,L ylo said, “Iw a n tto con tin u e to grow m y bu sin ess.Ipla n on bein g here fora lon g tim e.Iha ve tw o boys,a ges4 a n d 5.W ho kn ow s?M a ybe som eda y it’llbe J.Lylo & Son sJew elers!” Photo by Press Enterprise/Jimmy May

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the face of YM C A A qu atics

BERWICK AREA YMCA Janelle Surkin, aquatics director | 231 W. Third St., Berwick | 570-752-5981

For m ore than 30 years,B erw ick Y M C A A qu atics D irector Janelle Su rk in has been leading aqu atic exercise classes,training lifeg u ards,and teaching people ofallag es how to sw im . A lthou g h she enjoys allaspects ofher job,her w ork w ith area seniors g ives her the m ost joy.Su rkin has had the pleasu re ofhelping m any older adu lts achieve a lifelong dream oflearning to sw im .She also leads senior w ater aerobics classes w ith nearly 100 older adu lts each w eek. U nder her leadership,the B erw ick Y M C A has becom e the year-rou nd prem iere aqu atics facility for active older adu lts and attracts daily sw im m ers from as far aw ay as M u ncy and M ou ntaintop. M any stu dies show that active older adu lts live long er and have a better qu ality oflife.Physicalactivities in the w ater are easier,safer and m ore com fortable. T he Y M C A poolis kept at 88 deg rees,m u ch w arm er than other area pools.M ost older sw im m ers find the w arm er w ater very therapeu tic.A g radu alslope ram p allow s for easy entry and for the u se ofthe w ater w heelchair for those patrons w ith specialphysicalneeds.Separate recreational and lap sections perm it variou s types ofactivities to be condu cted in the poolsim u ltaneou sly.T he poolactivity schedu le offers 13 w ater exercise classes each w eek, inclu ding w ater aerobics,A qu a Zu m ba,and C ardio Fit A qu a A erobics,plu s m any incentives for older adu lts. For the Y M C A poolschedu le,visit the w ebsite or the Y on Facebook. Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the face of V ision Technolog y FINNEGAN EYE CARE CENTERS Dr. Gary Finnegan | 570-387-0991 1901 Columbia Blvd. (Route 11), Bloomsburg


D r.G ary Finnegan ofFinneg an E ye C are C enters at 1901 C olu m bia B lvd.(R ou te 11) in B loom sbu rg has prou dly been serving the area for 23 years. D r.Finneg an is one ofonly abou t 150 optom etrists in the state w ho has attained D iplom ate statu s from the A m erican B oard ofO ptom etry,pu tting him in an elite g rou p.So,w hen you tru st D r.Finneg an for you r vision needs,you know you are seeing one ofthe best,m ost qu alified optom etrists in the field. H e and his staffg ive their patients their fu llattention to provide them the best possible im provem ent in their vision.

“We always use the latest, most advanced lenses for glasses and customized contact lenses, even for patients with the most unique vision difficulties,”

D r.Finneg an said. H e recently expanded the office to abou t three tim es its Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt.



previou s size,creating m ore space for a pre-screening area, exam room s,a specialty dry-eye clinic,bou tiqu e-style optical center,and dedicated su ng lasses center. T he practice also has added equ ipm ent to better serve patients,su ch as a L ipiFlow T herm alPu lsation System to treat g land blockag es ofthe eye lid,the leading cau se ofdry eye.H e also u ses the latest,m ost advanced diag nostic equ ipm ent for g lau com a and retina disorders.

“I’ve invested heavily in new technology, some of which is exclusive to the area,”

D r.Finneg an said. T he opticalcenter offers hig h-end,fashionable fram es from leading desig ners inclu ding C oach,D olce and G abbana, A rm ani,B rooks B rothers and V era B radley.W hile the dedicated su ng lasses center offers styles from trendsetters like O akley,M au i Jim ,C osta D elM ar and R ay-B an. In addition,D r.Finneg an has increased his staffto accom m odate m ore patients and u tilize the technolog y.


20 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018






the face of C hiropractic C are BLOOMSBURG FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC PLLC Elizabeth Ardo, DC Ph: 570-784-2282 | Fax: 570-784-2332 1000 S. Market St., Suite 1, Bloomsburg

D r.E lizabeth A rdo ofB loom sbu rg Fam ily C hiropractic, w hich opened in Janu ary 2017,provides treatm ents su ch as spinalm anipu lation,m anu altherapy and rehabilitative exercises. D r.A rdo believes in treating both the m u scles and the joints to provide the best reliefpossible.A ppointm ents are long er than m ost chiropractic visits becau se each patient receives m u scle w ork,stretching or other treatm ent m odalities in addition to the m anipu lation. D r.A rdo thinks the m ost interesting aspect ofher bu siness is being able to help patients in a conservative m anner and m aking su re they know they are heard and u nderstood. She said her philosophy is,

“Each patient is unique and their treatment should also be unique, tailored to their particular issues and lifestyle.”

M oving forw ard,B loom sbu rg Fam ily C hiropractic w ill now have doTerra essentialoils for sale,and essentialoils w illbe incorporated into som e treatm ents. Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt


the face of All Trades I BUY HOUSES! & Storage Craig Reichart, owner | 570-204-6550, call or text 4087 Sawmill Road, Bloomsburg | Hours: 8 a.m.-8 p.m.

Craig Reichart, owner of I BUY HOUSES! & Storage near Lightstreet, provides an opportunity for distressed property owners to quickly unload it. Opportunities come from settling of estates, divorce, bankruptcy, as-is purchases, foreclosure, and fast move situations. They have been beautifying the area’s distressed properties since 2001-02. Reichart has made many of his resale homes marketable to first-time buyers, qualifying for PFHA, FHA and VA, as well as many other loans. Along with the fixing up properties and purchasing land and commercial properties, Reichart has done many other small business spin-offs, including housing rentals, apartments, rent-to-own options, a laundromat, selling firewood, a Christmas Tree farm, Rock Side equipment, painting services, etc. Whether you made a deal together or not, Reichart wants you to come away feeling he had attempted to guide your potential property situation in the best direction for what you were looking to accomplish. In the self storage area of his business, Reichart plans on creating many more workshop areas to use or store in. The 22-by-14-foot spaces, work well for do-it-yourselfers or anyone without enough space. Short-term or long-term rentals are available. “I’m always creating more housing and beautifying the next home to be mortgageable,” Reichart said. “Try to have your best price in mind, and we will take it from there” Photo by Press Enterprise/Jimmy May

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of C ou ntry H om e D écor C ou ntry Folk Store in N escopeck is a fam ily-ow ned, one-stop hom e décor shop nestled am ong fields. W hen Ju dy C arrollfirst opened for bu siness in 1989, the entire store fit into tw o room s. From these hu m ble beg inning s,C ou ntry Folk Store has expanded to filla three-story post-and-beam barn w ith adjoining farm hou se.T he cou ntry setting and m ou ntain view s are stillas beau tifu las ever. C arrolland her team w ork hard to ensu re that strolling throu g h the store is a pleasant and delig htfu lexperience. R epeat visits are a m u st,as there is alw ays som ething new to discover. “Bu sin essisa lw a ysdifferen t,a lw a yscha n gin g,” sha red Ca rroll.“O u rm ercha n dise a n d displa yscha n ge w eekly a n d by sea son .” B e su re to visit du ring the C hristm as season,as they love to pu t tog ether the m ost spectacu lar displays. T hrou g hou t the year,C ou ntry Folk Store offers tastefu lly u niqu e hom e décor and g ifts for alloccasions.T he pleasant and helpfu lstaffis alw ays w illing to assist w ith su perb cu stom er service.From paint and ru g s to cu rtains and lig hting ,there is som ething for every hom e. T he hig h qu ality fu rnitu re fou nd at C ou ntry Folk Store is m ade in the U .S.A .U pholstered cou ches,settees and chairs hailfrom N orth C arolina,w hile handm ade w ooden pieces com e from their A m ish neig hbors.C om e explore the

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COUNTRY FOLK STORE Region Judy Carroll, owner | 570-379-3176 550 Zenith Road, Nescopeck Hours: Monday–Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday noon-5 p.m.

cu pboards,m edia centers,accent pieces and bed fram es ofall sizes and styles. D ecorative m irrors ofvariou s finishes,sizes and shapes w ill add a tou ch oflu xu ry to any room .W hile a larg e variety of w alldécor and fram ed prints,inclu ding w ildlife and m odern art,are ju st w aiting for you to find them .Indoor and ou tdoor ru g s from leading brands,as w ellas alltypes ofin-hom e lig hting fixtu res,are available,too. C arrollhas inclu ded textile collections in her store to help cu stom ers pu lla room tog ether.Q u ilts,bedding ,w indow treatm ents and tabletop textiles can serve as w onderfu lg ifts as w ell.You ’llbe am azed by their w ide selection ofg iftw are. C om e find baby item s,Polish pottery,B yers’C hoice C arolers, pu rses,jew elry and so m u ch m ore! C ou ntry Folk Store continu es to seek ou t the best for its cu stom ers,and C arrollhas an exciting im provem ent com ing soon. “W a tch forou rgra n d reopen in g ofou rfreshly pa in ted a n d n ew ly redecora ted displa y hou se,” she sa id.“W e ca n ’tw a it foryou to see it!”

Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt. The staff at Country Folk includes, seated, Gwen Moyer, left, and Debbie Hunsinger and, standing, from left, Vera Wolf, Carla Lynn, Glenn Moyer and Judy Carroll.


22 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of H om e H ealth K eystone C are First H om e H ealth C are A g ency ow ner K athryn Thom as said w hen she w as you ng ,she started w atching m any fam ily m em bers becom e illand need to be cared for.W hen she w as in her second year of colleg e,her father w as diag nosed w ith cancer,and she took an active role in his care. She realized then m eeting so m any people and hearing stories ofw hat people w ere endu ring that this w as som ething she w anted to help them w ith.T his w as her passion. “You rw hole life ca n be tu rn ed u pside dow n w hen som eon e isillora gin g.Iha d a lotoftim e to spen d w ith m y fa ther,bu t itw a sm ostly spen tta kin g ca re ofhim .Iw ish Iw ou ld ha ve ha d m ore tim e ju stbein g a ble to spen d tim e w ith him ,” Thom a ssa id.

“This is why I started this business, in hopes that we take the burden off of family members and let them enjoy the time they have with their loved ones.”

T hom as has a bachelor’s deg ree in health care adm inistration bu t believes the best qu alification she has is life experience. T he staffhas a w onderfu lability to listen and have com passion for their clients.T his allow s them to continu ou sly im prove the experience. “O u roffice sta ffisvery diverse.O n e thin g w e ha ve a lw a ys don e ista lk everythin g ou t.Iw a n tto hea rw ha tm y sta ff’s opin ion sa n d idea sa re,” Thom a ssa id.“W e ha ve com e u p w ith som e pretty good idea stha tw a y.Ithin k this colla bora tion m a kesou rcom pa n y tha tm u ch better.” W hen T hom as started this bu siness,she decided she w as g oing to treat every person as ifthey w ere one ofher fam ily m em bers w ho needed help.T his has been instilled in the office staffand careg ivers.T hey take the tim e to listen to their clients and do w hat is best for them .T hey treat them like people not ju st a “client.” “W e w a n tto a dvoca te forou rclien tsa n d m a ke su re they

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Region KEYSTONE CARE FIRST HOME HEALTH CARE AGENCY Kathryn Thomas, owner 390 Montour Blvd. (Route 11), Bloomsburg | 570-784-2005 Office hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; client care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. feela sthou gh they a re in con troloftheirlife even in their w orsttim es,” Thom a ssa id.“O u roffice person a lm a de ita poin tto kn ow w ho ea ch a n d every clien tisa n d w ha ttheir story is.W e m a ke su re tha ta n yon e in the office ca n help a clien tw ho ca llsin .W e bu ild a rela tion ship a sifthey w ere ou r fa m ily.” W hat drives everyone in the office and m ost ofthe careg ivers is that they have had to take care ofa fam ily m em ber or friend at som e point in their lives.It can be very stressfu land a vu lnerable tim e in life,and they have that em pathy w hich,in tu rn,m otivates them to do the best they can to m ake su re everyone’s experience w ith them is as g ood as it can be.

“I love what I do, and I can see myself in this business for a very long time,”

Thomas said. “I’m hopin g to expa n d a n d evolve w ith the n eedsofou r clien ts.There a re m a n y grea topportu n itiesto help people, a n d w e a re ju stgettin g sta rted!” T he staffis on call24/7,so ifyou cannot reach them du ring bu siness hou rs,feelfree to contact them after hou rs.You can also check them ou t on Facebook.

Photo by Press Enterprise/Jimmy May. The staff of Keystone Care First Home Health Care Agency includes, from left, Krista Quintrell, scheduling coordinator; Linda Thomas, human resources; Samantha Porter, office assistant; Kathryn Thomas, owner; Mary Lutz, training coordinator; and Nichole Goss, administrator.

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

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the faces of FinancialServices

CENTRAL SUSQUEHANNA COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION | 510 E. Market St., Danville | 570-275-3308 10 S. State St., Millville | 570-458-7126 Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.-noon

C entralSu squ ehanna C om m u nity FederalC redit U nion (C SC FC U ) serves C olu m bia,M ontou r and N orthu m berland cou nties w ith the sam e financialservices other banks and credit u nions offer.C u rrently,anyone w ho lives,w orks,w orships or attends schoolin these three cou nties — or is a relative ofa cu rrent m em ber — can apply for m em bership.C SC is a participant in the credit u nion “Shared B ranching N etw ork”;offers g reat,com petitive rates;and provides cou rteou s cu stom er service. E very accou nt C SC holds is interest bearing .M em bers ow n an equ alpart ofthe org anization and have voting rig hts.E ach accou nt is federally insu red to at least $250,000 and is backed by the fu llfaith and credit ofthe N ational C redit U nion A dm inistration (N C U A ),a U .S.g overnm ent ag ency. In addition to its m ain location in D anville,C SC recently opened an office in M illville.C SC ’s loyalm em bers now have the convenience oftw o fu ll-service branches in their area.T he new M illville location is at 10 S.State St.,on the corner ofM ain and State streets. C SC em ployees are actively involved in the com m u nity and look forw ard to their continu ed g row th and su pport of the com m u nity. To g et m ore inform ation,in addition to the w ays listed above,you can also follow C SC on Facebook. Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt. Central Susquehanna Community Federal Credit Union employees from left, branch manager Suzanne Levan and tellers Molly Mahaffey and Betsy Temple.

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the faces of Salm on Fishing


WILD FOR SALMON Steve and Jenn Kurian owners, captain and first mate of the Ava Jane | 570-387-0552 521 Montour Blvd. (Route 11), Bloomsburg

W ild For Salm on beg an as only an adventu rou s trip to A laska in 2002 to do som e com m ercialsalm on fishing w ith a friend. “Follow in g ou rfirstfishin g excu rsion ,w e a rrived hom e w ith tw o coolersofsa lm on forou rfrien dsa n d fa m ily,” sa id Jen n Ku ria n ,w ho ow n sW ild ForSa lm on w ith herhu sba n d, Steve.“Thisisw hen w e qu ickly rea lized the u n iqu en essof the produ cta n d the possibilitiesthatlie a hea d.” Steve accepted a job in com m ercialfishing ,and the tw o set ou t on w hat w as m eant to be no m ore than an exciting A laskan adventu re.For tw o years,the K u rians enjoyed an u nconventionalA laskan w ay oflife,before first shipping som e oftheir salm on back to Pennsylvania as g ifts for friends and fam ily. Since 2004,the K u rians have spent seven to eig ht w eeks a year on their boat,the A va Jane,in B ristolB ay,tirelessly w orking to bring the hig hest qu ality sockeye salm on to the area. W ild for Salm on is com m itted to produ cing the hig hest qu ality produ ct.T hey have extra hands on deck to expedite the process ofbleeding and cou nting the fish and g etting them qu ickly into the holds.A pproxim ately every eig ht to 10 hou rs the fish are offloaded onto another boat w hich transports them for processing .T here,the fish are filleted, flash frozen and vacu u m sealed to bring you the freshest flavor possible. Su stainability is im portant to the K u rians,and they are prou d to fish the w aters ofB ristolB ay,w here there is strict enforcem ent ofproper escapem ent to ensu re a su fficient salm on popu lation year after year.D u e in larg e part to the carefu lm onitoring ofthese w aters,there have been record ru ns ofsalm on in B ristolB ay over the past tw o years. W ild for Salm on hopes to edu cate their cu stom ers abou t the issu es challeng ing B ristolB ay’s su stainable fishery,like the proposed Pebble M ine,in hopes to protect it for g enerations to com e throu g h localand socialcom m u nity eng ag em ent.


24 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of C haritable G iving The C entralSu squ ehanna C om m u nity Fou ndation is a reg ionalphilanthropic org anization investing endow m ent fu nds,larg e and sm all,to benefit the com m u nities and residents ofC olu m bia,L ow er-L u zerne, M ontou r,N orthu m berland,U nion and Snyder C ou nties.It is an u m brella org anization m ade u p ofa collection ofindividu al fu nds and fou ndations that w ere established by local, com m u nity-m inded citizens,bu sinesses or other nonprofit org anizations.T he C om m u nity Fou ndation m anag es these fu nds tog ether to m ake the g reatest im pact on cu rrent com m u nity needs and create charitable resou rces for the fu tu re. T he m ission ofthe Fou ndation is enhancing the qu ality oflife in the C entralSu squ ehanna Valley — achieving donors’intentions. O n the eve ofits 20th anniversary,the Fou ndation has g row n to m ore than 250 fu nds,increased assets to $55 m illion and provides m ore than $2.9 m illion annu ally in g rants and scholarships to m eet the charitable needs ofthe reg ion.Its affiliates inclu de the B erw ick H ealth and W ellness Fu nd, B loom sbu rg A rea C om m u nity Fou ndation,D anville A rea C om m u nity Fou ndation,Selinsg rove A rea C om m u nity Fou ndation and Su nbu ry A rea C om m u nity Fou ndation. Impact Symposium T he Fou ndation is leading a 5½ cou ntyw ide initiative to m eet ever-chang ing com m u nity needs.Its R eg ionalIm pact Fu nd is an u nrestricted fu nd established to address a broad rang e oflocalneeds,inclu ding fu tu re needs that often cannot be anticipated.A s a com m u nity leader,it is their responsibility to evalu ate allaspects ofcom m u nity w ell-being .T he flexibility ofu nrestricted g ifts enables you r com m u nity fou ndation to respond to the com m u nity’s m ost pressing needs today and tom orrow . W ith this g oalin m ind,the Fou ndation is hosting the first reg ionalIm pact Sym posiu m on Ju ne 6 at B u cknellU niversity. T his initiative w illhave an im portant im pact on the fu tu re of this com m u nity and philanthropic investm ents. R epresentatives from nonprofit org anizations serving

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Region CENTRAL SUSQUEHANNA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION M. Holly Morrison, D.Ed., President and CEO Kara G. Seesholtz, Director of Donor Relations and Communications Albert Meale, Chief Financial Officer Christine Pangelinan, Program Officer Karri Harter, Administrative Assistant Tricia Missien, Receptionist | 725 W. Front St., Berwick | 570-752-3930 C olu m bia,L ow er-L u zerne,M ontou r,N orthu m berland,U nion and Snyder C ou nties,w ere invited to participate. T he sym posiu m is a reg ionalopportu nity to bring tog ether nonprofit partners from 5½ cou nties to identify and evalu ate u nm et needs,netw ork,learn and collaborate.E xperienced professionals w illlead breakou t sessions focu sing on cou nty and prog ram areas,inclu ding : • A rts and cu ltu re • H ealth • C ivic and com m u nity developm ent • H u m an services • E du cation • You th and recreation T hese nonprofit experts,w ho are w orking in local com m u nities every day,w illhelp the Fou ndation u nderstand cu rrent needs.T his invalu able know ledg e w illprovide its donors w ith g u idance for charitable g iving . T he sym posiu m w illconclu de w ith an exciting annou ncem ent abou t the R eg ionalIm pact Fu nd’s first $50,000 com petitive g rantrou nd occu rring Ju ly throu g h Septem ber. U nder the oversig ht ofthe C SC F B oard ofD irectors,w ith m em bership reflective ofthe reg ion,g rant requ ests w illbe review ed based on the inform ation and data g athered at the sym posiu m .A n event w illbe schedu led in O ctober to annou nce g rant recipients and extend appreciation to all donors w ho m ade it possible. G iving to the R eg ionalIm pact Fu nd w illprovide even g reater response and im pact in the years to com e.

Special to Press Enterprise. The staff at the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation includes, from left, Tricia Missien, Albert Meale, Kara G. Seesholtz, Karri Harter, Abigail Morrison, Christine Pangelinan, and M. Holly Morrison.

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018




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26 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the face of M em ory C are H eritag e Spring s M em ory C are a specialized dem entia care senior living com m u nity. C olleen E .Fritz,R N , PC H A ,C E O and president, saw a need for a senior living com m u nity that w as specifically desig ned for people w ith dem entia w ho need a calm ,qu iet,hom e-like environm ent,yet secu red for safety.H eritag e Spring s opened the bu siness in 2014 w ith 34 beds dedicated to the service ofthe elderly w ith dem entia.In Janu ary 2017,it added another neig hborhood w ith an additional30 beds.T hey have fou nd it to be a m u ch needed service that has helped m any people in the reg ion. T heir bu siness is u niqu e becau se they focu s solely on taking care ofpeople w ith dem entia.T hey are not a continu ing care com m u nity;they try to ag e their residents in place so they don’t have to m ove to a hig her levelofcare,as long as they can provide for their needs.T his alleviates the fam ily and the resident from m aking yet another adju stm ent in a trau m atic tim e period oftheir lives. T he m ost interesting aspect oftheir w ork is their residents. E ach person is an individu alw ith a history that can stillbe revisited and brou g ht ou t w ith the rig ht qu estions.

“It’s definitely a thrill to be able to talk to someone who flew fighter planes in WWII or someone who was a mom of eight kids! It’s amazing the stories they still remember.” Fritz said. Fritz w ants people to rem em ber that they care and respect these am azing people that are afflicted w ith this terrible disease,and they som ehow helped them keep their dig nity Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt.

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HERITAGE SPRINGS MEMORY CARE INC. Colleen E. Fritz, RN, PCHA, CEO/President 570-522-3671 | 327 Farley Circle, Lewisburg


and qu ality oflife as m u ch as possible in the tw ilig ht oftheir life. H eritag e Spring s plans to bu ild another specialized dem entia com m u nity in M ontou rsville w ithin the next year.T hey shou ld be breaking g rou nd at the end ofthis m onth or beg inning ofJu ne on H eritag e Spring s M em ory C areM ontou sville.

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the face of FloralD esign

Do you have Geisinger Gold Health Plan?

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PRETTY PETALS & GIFTS BY SUSAN Susan Adams, owner and floral designer 1168 State Route 487, Paxinos | 570-509-2072 158 E. Ninth St., Bloomsburg | 570-317-2753 Hours: Monday-Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Holiday hours may vary.

G row ing u p in the floralindu stry in a fam ily-ow ned bu siness,Su san decided to g o back to her roots and u se her G od-g iven talents and creativeness to open her ow n flow er shop bu siness. H er m any years ofexperience in m arketing ,bu siness, finance and cu stom er service g ave her a broad rang e of on-the-job edu cation to operate her ow n sm allbu siness su ccessfu lly. “N atu re ha sa lw aysbeen a n in spiration to m e.Ihave a vision in m y hea d a n d fin d itm y person a lcha llen ge m a kin g itcom e to life.W ho doesn ’tlove m a kin g people sm ile, kn ow in g thatin som e sm a llw ay you ’ve im pa cted theirday w ith the sim plicity offlow ers?Ilove thatea ch day isa n ew a dven tu re,” sa id A da m s. H er fu tu re g oals are continu ing to g row her tw o stores’ cu stom er bases and to provide personalized desig ns w ith excellent cu stom er service.She also plans to offers u niqu e classes to edu cate interested cu stom ers abou t flow ers,plants and desig n. W e allhave hidden talents;w e ju st need som e help and g u idance realizing them som etim es. Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt

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28 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of N u rsing A nd Rehab The E m m anu elC enter for N u rsing & Rehabilitation, part ofthe M aria Joseph C ontinu ing C are C om m u nity C am pu s,continu es to be ow ned and operated by the Sisters of Saints C yriland M ethodiu s. T he E m m anu elC enter offers long term care,short stay rehabilitation,w ou nd care,respite and end oflife care, M edO ptions,both L C SW and C R N P com e on-site,PC P/ C R N P coverag e five days per w eek,therapy seven days per w eek,activities and socialprog ram ing ,on-site socialw orkers and pastoralcare,faith-based opportu nities to w orship (C atholic and Protestant) and excellent staffing ratios. A nother disting u ishing featu re is a bladder scanner that prevents u nnecessary catheterization,thu s decreasing the risk ofinfection. E m m anu elopened N ovem ber of2001.O ver the years,it has chang ed and adapted to better serve its seniors.R ecently,it dedicated beds for a short-term rehabilitation center.It has never chang ed its m ission.It’s a faith-based com m u nity w ith on-site pastoralcare,chapel,in-hou se com m u nion and confession.A llrelig ions are w elcom e. T he Sisters ofSaints C yriland M ethodiu s live and breathe their m ission every day.T he staffthat w ork at E m m anu elare an extension ofthe Sisters.T hey allhold this m ission very hig h becau se ofthis.T heir residents are part oftheir fam ily. E m m anu elstrives to g ive excellent care ofthe body,m ind

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Region EMMANUEL CENTER FOR NURSING & REHABILITATION (part of the Maria Joseph Continuing Care Community Campus) | 570-275-6100 11 Schoolhouse Road, Danville Hours: 24 hours a day, seven days a week

and spirit in a fu n,loving environm ent w hile focu sing on the person as an individu al.It continu es to be a leader that sets standards ofcare for the elderly in the centralPennsylvania reg ion.It has consistently anticipated and accom m odated the needs ofseniors.It is the hom e w ith the heart. E m m anu elis alw ays looking at w ays to im prove and expand its prog ram m ing .C u rrently,a strateg ic planning process is being condu cted.In addition,it is beg inning to im plem ent a prog ram entitled T he C om passionate C are Prog ram .T he g oals for this prog ram are: • Increase patient/em ployee satisfaction • Focu s on the m ission and the five core valu es • C reate an environm ent that is patient centered and em ployee focu sed • Inspire staffand increase dedication/participation in the m ission

Photo by Press Enterprise/Bill Hughes. Resident Sister Carmela Wyzykowski is surrounded by Emmanuel Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation staff, from left, Tiffany Tanner, Kelly Mills, Lauren Houser, Jennifer Marhon, Becky Heimbach, Theresa Gosciminski, Courtney Kemp, Amy Rainier, Rebecca Beishline, Jenna Romig, Jacqueline Woodward, Lori Swanger (seated), Laura Ziegler, Anna Fogg and Christina Hauck. The center is part of the Maria Joseph Continuing Care Community, Danville.

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of D esign-B u ild C onstru ction For 60 years,T-R oss B rothers C onstru ction Inc.has been a tru sted nam e in the valley,specializing in com m ercial,indu strialand residentialconstru ction. B rothers Tom and Todd Ross m anag e the com pany of95 em ployees from their headqu arters in M ontandon. T he story ofT-R oss B rothers is deeply rooted in fam ily tradition.Fou nded in 1958 as T hom as H .R oss Inc.,the com pany beg an w hen vice president Tom R oss w as ju st an infant.U pon the arrivalofhis first-born son,Tom Sr.w as inspired to bu ild cu stom hom es after learning the trade from his ow n father.L ater,w hen Tom and Todd w ere boys as you ng as 8 years old,they beg an to w ork w ith their father on job sites,eventu ally pu rchasing the com pany in 1996. “In 1996,w hen w e firstpu rcha sed the com pa n y from m y da d,there w ere 15 regu la rem ployees,” said president Todd Ross. N ow w ith 95 em ployees and g row ing ,T-R oss B rothers C onstru ction prides itselfin its ability to take an idea for a project and tu rn it into a reality for its cu stom ers.A s a desig nbu ild contractor,T-R oss B rothers C onstru ction can integ rate

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T-ROSS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC. Todd Ross, president Tom Ross, vice president | 90 Weaver Lane, Montandon | 570-524-6411 near the intersection of routes 147 and 45

and coordinate allphases ofthe bu ilding process,from the concept to com pletion,essentially tu rning a person’s dream s into a reality. To celebrate 60 years in bu siness,T-R oss B rothers C onstru ction is expanding and rem odeling its cu rrent headqu arters to better serve its cu stom ers. “Expa n din g ou rfa cility w illa llow ou rtea m to grow a n d to show ca se theircrea tivity,” said Todd Ross. O ne thing that w on’t chang e is Tom and Todd’s com m itm ent to professionalism ,qu ality ofw ork and the relationships they bu ild along side their projects.C u stom er satisfaction has alw ays been and w illcontinu e to be a top priority.

Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt. Tom Ross, left, and Todd Ross


30 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

Bloom sbu rg’sPrem ier


H ere at B rookdale w e offer person-centered care tailored to m eet the needs ofeach individu al.R esidents ofB rookdale are em braced by ou r entire com m u nity and enjoy the m any benefits ofsocialinteraction w ith people ofallag es.O u r com m u nity inclu des the follow ing exclu sive benefits.






•S a fety AlertPen d a n t a n d S ervice provid ed •La u n d ry a n d Hou sekeepin g •Lin en S ervice provid ed •M a in ten a n ce on site •Hom e-cooked m ea ls •S n a cks& Refreshm en ts a va ila ble a ta lltim es •Allu tilitiesin clu d ed •A w ell-tra in ed a n d d ed ica ted sta ff; 24 hou rsa d a y 7 d a ysa w eek •Physica l,O ccu pa tion a l,S peech Thera py a va ila ble on site •Den ta l,Vision ,Pod ia try a n d Au d iolog y servicesa va ila ble on site •A w id e va riety ofa ctivities, en terta in m en ta n d offca m pu seven ts. •O ptim a lLife Prog ra m s C om e visitan d see w hatsets Brookdale Bloom sbu rg apartfrom the rest.

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Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of C aju n C u isine From D anville to Sou th C arolina and back,B loom sbu rg native Brian Seidelhas w orked in the restau rant indu stry for m ore than 20 years. H e joined the staffofR eichart’s M ardi G ras in 2000 and took over the bu siness abou t fou r years ag o. A s ow ner and operator,Seidel’s new ventu re w as renam ed Seidel’s M ardi G ras and is stilllocated on M ontou r B ou levard in D anville.

“We’ve improved all areas of our dining and catering business,” explained Seidel.

“Our staff has grown to be the best in the area, and we offer more catering options than ever.” A s a localfam ily-ru n bu siness,Seideland his dedicated staff w ork hard to offer u p a fu llm enu that featu res fresh seafood, hand-cu t steaks and C aju n cu isine.From traditional jam balaya to barbecu e to seafood A lfredo,there’s som ething deliciou s for everyone at Seidel’s. O perator Jam ie H ogarty has been w ith Seidel’s M ardi G ras from the start and bring s years ofexperience w ith her as w ell. From the M ou nt C arm elarea and a g radu ate ofthe Pennsylvania C u linary Institu te,H og arty w orked for several years in Florida restau rants before retu rning to the area. W hether it’s helping in the kitchen,serving ,catering or m anag ing ,Seideland H og arty do a bit ofeverything ,along w ith fam ily friend Steven Sm ith,better know n as “Pops.” T hey allw ork tog ether w ith their long tim e team to ru n a w arm and w elcom ing fam ily-oriented bu siness. A t Seidel’s,you ’re bou nd to see M eg an and N ino to serve you in the larg e dining room or at an ou tdoor table.W hile know ledg eable chefs D erek D ick,B rian H u nsing er and B lake O to w illbe bu sy cooking u p a feast for you in the back. Seidel’s m other and stepfather,Joanie and A lW alker,are a part ofthe restau rant,too.Joanie is in charg e ofdecorating , w hile A lw orks on bu ilding m aintenance and catering . Seidel’s M ardi G ras offers excellent in-hou se banqu et or offprem ise catering .Take the stress ou t ofyou r next special occasion,like a g radu ation or w edding ,and let Seidel’s take care ofit all.T hey provide fu llservice event planning and coordination to m eet allyou r needs. Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt


OF THE SEIDEL’S MARDI GRAS Region Brian Seidel, Owner/Operator Jamie Hogarty, Operator 1978 Montour Blvd. Danville, PA | 570-275-2215 Tuesday-Saturday 3 p.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 3 a.m-9 p.m.

Seidel’s boasts a fam ily-friendly atm osphere for staffand patrons alike.

“Our full-service bar is a comfortable place to be, I would say it’s a lot like ‘Cheers.’”

said Hogarty. C u stom ers retu rn ag ain and ag ain for dinner favorites and top shelfdrinks.It’s a g reat place to m eet friends and enjoy lively conversation. T hou g h you can’t g o w rong w ith any dish on the m enu ,the locals do have a favorite.T he Tenderloin N ew O rleans — a blackened filet m ig non topped w ith a blackened crab cake and crow ned w ith fresh hollandaise sau ce — is a hou se specialty. C heck ou t the fu llm enu on the w ebsite and find Seidel’s M ardi G ras on Facebook for daily specials.R eservations are accepted. W ith the freshest seafood and hig hest qu ality beef,and an ow ner w ho personally m akes su re everyone is happy,Seidel’s is the perfect place for you r next event or date nig ht — laidback,w ith a tou ch ofclass! Jamie Hogarty, left, and Brian Seidel


32 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

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the face of Sw eet Su pplies SHAFFER’S CAKE AND CANDY SUPPLIES Annette Commodore, owner 439 E. Eighth St., Berwick | 570-759-9372 | 1-800-820-9372

Hours: Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (Closed Monday June, July and August)

N ew ow ner A nnette C om m odore helped Joan Shaffer,the previou s ow ner ofShaffer’s C ake and C andy Su pplies,for abou t 15 years.Shaffer w anted to retire and sellto som eone w ho w as fam iliar w ith the bu siness.C om m odore learned a lot abou t the bu siness du ring the tim e she w orked for Joan. “Igrew u p w ith m y m om a n d a u n tm a kin g chocolatesto sellatEa ster,then Icon tin u ed doin g so form y da u ghter, frien dsa n d fa m ily,” Com m odore sa id.“Igotm y firstW ilton tip setform y 19th birthday a n d have been m a kin g ca kes sin ce forfrien dsa n d fa m ily.” C om m odore has a vast know ledg e in cake decorating , chocolate candy,cream cheese m ints and hard candy,along w ith her fair share ofepic fails.She has been m aking cakes, cream cheese m ints and chocolate candy for 23-ish years for birthdays,w edding s,parties and holidays. “I like to fin d n ew techn iqu esan d recipesan d try them ou t, then passthe in fo on to cu stom ersto m ake their projecteasier,” C om m odore said. “Ita ke the tim e to G oogle thin gsIa m u n su re ofa n d w a lk them throu gh w hateveritisthey a re havin g qu estion sor problem sw ith.Ilove to see theiren d produ ct!Ilike seein g them su cceed a n d en joyin g w hatthey a re doin g,” Com m odore sa id. “I like w hen they challen ge m e.I getthem allthe in fo an d su ppliesthey n eed,then like to see pictu resofthe en d produ ct,” C om m odore said. It w as im portant for her to keep a sm alltow n bu siness g oing that started ou t ofa kitchen w hen the M illow ays ow ned it to w hat the Shaffers m ade it. “M y goa listo m a ke iteven better,ifthatispossible.” She plans to offer cake and candy classes and try to stay u p w ith trends and new produ cts. Photo by Press Enterprise/Jimmy May


the faces of U niqu e D esign



TIMEWORN TREASURES Patti and Ron Kovilaritch and daughter Kim 1929 Montour Blvd., Danville | 570-275-9474 Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Tim ew orn Treasu res offers u niqu e finds for you and the hom e,inclu ding vintag e discoveries,architectu ralsalvag e, hom e g oods,textiles,g arden item s,holiday decor,jew elry and clothing . Tim ew orn Treasu res opened in 2003 and w as born ou t of a love for creating and discovering vintag e finds.T he shop boasts displays featu ring the old and the new — perfect for creating a one-of-a-kind look for you and the hom e. E ach item that m akes it’s w ay into Tim ew orn Treasu res is hand-selected and pu rposefu lly picked.T hey then pu t hou rs into creating arrang em ents that are a feast for the eyes,allw hile featu ring the latest shipm ents and finds. T hey also strive to bring you anything bu t ordinary,and it is their m ission to deliver to you the u nexpected.T hey w ant to m ake each tim e you shop an experience,finding som ething new and hoping you feelu plifted and inspired w hen you leave. Tim ew orn Treasu res carries m ore than ju st vintag e and antiqu e item s.It featu res a lot ofnew ,u ncom m on hom e g oods,jew elry and clothing . In addition to the w ays listed above,Tim ew orn Treasu res can also be fou nd on Facebook,Pinterest and Instag ram .

Photo Special to Press Enterprise

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018


34 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of Ru stic D écor


487 RUSTICS George O’Gorman and Donna Antinnes 1549 Route 487, Orangeville | 570-784-0487

Hours: Wednesday-Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday noon-4 p.m. Open seven days a week from early fall through Christmas Eve.

G eorge O ’G orm an and D onna A ntinnes,ow ners of487 Ru stics,beg an separately selling different thing s in local sm allbu sinesses and craft show s,O ’G orm an w ith w oodw ork,birdhou ses and sm allpieces,know n as G eorg e O ’s C ou ntry C rafts,and A ntinnes w ith her hand-pou red w ax m elts,candles and sm allhom e décor item s,first selling from her 16-by-20-foot store in Sw eet Valley,C om m on Scents in the Sticks. O ’G orm an beg an bu ilding birdhou ses and sm allcrafty item s in his 16-by-16-foot barn and has now created a beau tifu laddition spanning 24 by 32 feet w here you ju st never know w hat he w illcreate next! “W e a re often im ita ted bu tn everdu plica ted,a sthey sa y!” A n tin n essa id.“W e ha ve a u n iqu e style ofblen din g ba rn w ood a n d exoticw oodsw ith a va riety ofa n tiqu es, prim itivesa n d hom e décorfrom a crossthe cou n try,old a n d n ew ,a sw ella sa ddin g in ou row n bra n d ofha n dpou red w a x m eltsa n d ca n dles.” T heir item s inclu de g alvanized,indu strialpieces;w ooden barrels;farm tables;cu pboards;florals;antiqu es;prim itives; coffee and end tables;desks;dry sinks;and u niqu e pieces m ade from w oods su ch as bu bing a,w alnu t,sycam ore, sassafras,spalted m aple and the all-tim e m ost popu lar, localbarn w ood!C u stom ers love to bu y a piece that w as m ade rig ht from an old localbarn.E ach piece has character ofits ow n.O ’G orm an’s favorite w ood to w ork w ith is anything w ith a live edg e!It’s m u ch m ore ofa challeng e to pu t over stands and stretchers,and he enjoys that. “O u rcu stom ersn everkn ow w ha tthey’llfin d n ext!W e pride ou rselveson n otbein g a con sign m en tstore.W e ha ve pu rcha sed,orcrea ted a n d ow n ,everythin g tha t’sbrou ght in ,” A n tin n essa id.“O u rcu stom ersha ve com e to expectto fin d qu a lity item sw hen they shop w ith u s!” Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt






the faces of A L ocalW inery

PICKERING WINERY AND LIGHTSTREET LASER ENGRAVING Jim and Mary Pickering | Lanny and Susan Sheehan 570-387-9700, during store hours | 570-204-0554, after hours 1549 State Route 487, Orangeville Hours: Thursday-Saturday 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday noon-4 p.m.

For the past 15 years,hu sband and w ife du o Jim and M ary Pick ering have enjoyed m aking w ine from Pennsylvania fru it.T heir jou rney beg an in 2003 w hen they opened Pickering W inery in W ysox.W ith hard w ork and help from friends and fam ily,their bu siness flou rished.In 2013,they w ere excited to expand and opened a second location in O rang eville. M anag ed by L anny and Su san Sheehan,the w inery and tasting room offers 21 different varieties ofw ine.From dry to sw eet to fru ity,you can enjoy a w ine tasting for only $2. T heir w ine stew ards are cou rteou s,inform ative and u su ally entertaining .T hey w ant their cu stom ers to enjoy their experience and leave know ing that their tim e w as w ellspent. W ine slu shies are served on Satu rdays and Su ndays du ring the w arm er m onths.W ith flavors like peanu t bu tter and jelly,pom eg ranate and blu e raspberry,w ho know s w hat flavor w illbe next.T hey like to be creative! Speaking ofcreativity,L ig htstreet L aser E ng raving specializes in u niqu e personalized g ifts and joined the w inery in 2013.V isit this convenient one-stop shop w hen celebrating a w edding ,anniversary,birthday or retirem ent. B ottles ofw ine or anything w ood,g lass,stainless steelor leather can be eng raved.T he possibilities are as endless as you r im ag ination!Pre-eng raved g lasses are on hand for pu rchase in the tasting room .

The Pickerings and Sheehans hope you’ll visit Pickering Winery and Lightstreet Laser Engraving soon. Cheers!

Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt Susan and Lanny Sheehan

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018


the face of O ccu pational M edicine

WorkPlace Health Scott Saxon, PA-C, Bloomsburg director | 570-317-2794 1103 Old Berwick Road, Bloomsburg Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; additional hours available by appointment

W orkPlace H ealth (W PH ),w hose parent com pany is PH O E N IX R ehabilitation & H ealth Services,provides all aspects ofoccu pationalm edicine,inclu ding D O T exam s,nonem erg ency inju ry care,pre-em ploym ent exam s,dru g and alcoholtesting ,w ork readiness exam s and m ore for com panies ofallsizes. W PH has been in B loom sbu rg for m ore than five years.T he practice has g row n steadily,and it serves m any clients from larg e corporations to sm allfam ily-ow ned bu sinesses.Starting w ith one facility,it cu rrently operates six locations in Pennsylvania:B loom sbu rg ,Johnstow n,Sham okin,Pottsville, M ilton,and G ratz. “W e a re m edica lly-tra in ed pra ctition ersw ho specia lize in on e thin g,occu pa tion a lm edicin e,” sa id ScottSa xon , Bloom sbu rg director.“Thisspecia liza tion en su restha tea ch clien tgetsthe best,m ostpa tien t-cen tered ca re.W e offerou r clien tsthe a bility to choose the servicesthey n eed orw ork

w ith ou rtea m to develop a n occu pa tion a lhea lth progra m ta rgeted to specificcom pa n y objectives.” T he m ost interesting aspect ofthe bu siness is their ability to w ork w ith hig hly-trained and skilled w orkers in the valley, from farm ing to tru cking ,m anu factu ring and constru ction.

Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt



“Patients and employees always come first. Our practitioners also work closely with our employers to help their injured workers return to work in a safe, and timely manner.”

said Saxon. W orkPlace H ealth is constantly w orking to serve its popu lation the best it can.T his inclu des expanded office hou rs and delivered care on-site to developm ent in new areas and adding services as deem ed necessary and im portant in the indu stry.


Dr. David J. Ball

36 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

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Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

YOUR Local Community News Since 1902

the faces of L ocalPress

Brandon E yerly,pu blisher,and Pau lE yerly IV , president,are fou rth g eneration fam ily m em bers w ho ru n the day-to-day operations ofthe Press E nterprise (PE ).B randon oversees the daily new spaper,and Pau lleads the com m ercialprinting division. A s you can im ag ine,the daily new spaper has chang ed since first being pu blished in 1902.T he entire enterprise (pu n intended) has expanded dram atically over the past few decades.In addition to localnew s,advertising and m arketing services for bu sinesses,PE prints m illions ofg rocery/retail circu lars every w eek for cu stom ers u p and dow n the eastern seaboard. T hey developed their com m ercialprinting division m ore than 40 years ag o,and it’s becom e the larg est g row th sector in the com pany.In addition to the circu lars,PE prints sig ns, g lossy brochu res,banners,m ailers,flyers,stationary and even bu siness cards. From a daily new spaper perspective,PE strives to be local, relevant,u niqu e and interesting every day.

“We want to ensure that every issue contains significant, compelling and local information that’s unique to our communities,”

Brandon said.

Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt.


PRESS ENTERPRISE OF THE Region Brandon Eyerly, publisher Paul Eyerly IV, president 3185 Lackawanna Ave., Bloomsburg | 570-784-2121

T his probably explains w hy,according to the m ost recent Pennsylvania N ew sm edia A ssociation D irectory,PE is the 23rd larg est daily new spaper in the state,u p from 29th ju st three years ag o. T hey’ve recently introdu ced an exciting new pu blication, Valu e X Press,that targ ets hou seholds that don’t receive the m orning paper.T his allow s advertisers to reach 40,000 local hou seholds every w eek at a very affordable price. For dig italadvertising solu tions,their 70,000 u niqu e m onthly visitors to their w ebsite and their 634,000 pag e view s provide a g reat au dience for those looking to connect w ith cu stom ers dig itally. For m ore inform ation on Press E nterprise produ cts and services,please em ailor call: • A dvertising & M arketing Solu tions: 570-387-1234,ext.1210,advertising @ • C om m ercial& D ig italPrint Solu tions: 570-387-1234,ext.1261,tonya.corter@ Brandon R. Eyerly, left, and Paul R. Eyerly IV


38 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018


faces OF THE



Region is a specialadvertising pu blication of PRE SS E N TE RPRISE 3185 L ackaw anna A venu e B loom sbu rg ,PA 17815 (800) 228-3483 w w w


Columbia/Montour Aging Office, Inc.

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702 Sawmill Road, Bloomsburg, PA

Hours: 8am-4:30pm Monday thru Friday Business hours phone: 570-784-9272 • Toll Free 1-800-598-5001 For Emergencies after business hours, please call 570-784-0828 or Toll Free: 1-866-448-0141

Senior Centers - Benton 570-925-6533 • Berwick 570-759-8529 Bloomsburg 570-784-8615 • Catawissa 570-356-2219 Montour Co. 570-275-1466 • Wilburton #2 570-339-1386

the face of Better V ision

BUCCI CATARACT & LASER VISION INSTITUTE Dr. Frank Bucci Jr., physician owner | 1-877-DR-BUCCI 158 Wilkes-Barre Township Blvd., Wilkes-Barre Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Frank Bu cciJr.,M D ,is the physician ow ner ofthe B u cci C ataract & L aser V ision Institu te and fou nder ofT he H ospice ofthe Sacred H eart.T his year is the 20th anniversary for the practice.

“I decided to pursue a career in ophthalmology because I was fascinated by microsurgery and have a passion to make people see!”

Dr. Bucci said. H e earned a bachelor’s deg ree in econom ics in 1974 and m aster’s in pu blic health adm inistration in 1978.T hen follow ing his passion,he g radu ated from Ru tg ers M edical Schoolin 1985.D r.B u cci w as fortu nate enou g h to com plete a fellow ship u nder the tu telag e ofa w orld-leading ophthalm olog ist,D r.R ichard L indstrom . H aving m ore than 20 years ofexperience as an ophthalm olog ist,perform ing L A SIK & cataract su rg eries. D r.B u cci is also a pioneer in clinicalresearch,w ith a strong focu s on m u ltifocalor prem iu m intraocu lar lenses. B eing at the forefront ofthis innovative technolog y is tru ly exciting for him as w ellas his patients. W hat sets D r.B u cci apart from others in this indu stry. H e has perform ed m ore than 15,000 refractive and 35,000 m icrosu rg icalprocedu res him self.H e has also been voted as one ofthe top 50 ophthalm olog ists in the cou ntry by his peers and is deem ed the N o.1 m u ltifocalsu rg eon in Pennsylvania. W hat has driven D r.B u cci for the past 20 years are his patients and also his hig hly skilled staffw hich m ake it all possible. “You m ay also w an tto atten d on e ofm y m on thly sem in ars to learn m ore abou tthe procedu resI perform w ith n o obligation ,” D r.Bu ccisaid.

“I look forward to seeing you!”

Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the faces of M ak ing D ream s ‘Real’ W hen L arry D ellegrotto entered the w orld ofrealty in 1984,he believed that qu ality ofservice w as the key to su ccess.A s the ow ner and broker ofR ealty W orld - M asich & D ellR ealE state A g ency and A ppraisalService,the oldest real estate ag ency in B erw ick,it tu rns ou t he w as rig ht!W ith m ore than 30 years ofexperience,he leads a team of10 associates on Front Street in B erw ick w ho know that the rig ht ag ent m akes allthe difference in the w orld. D elleg rotto decided to pu rsu e a career in realestate becau se he loves to w ork w ith and help others.R ealestate is allabou t people,so it has been a perfect fit for his skillset.A dd in the characteristics ofhonesty,tru stw orthiness and ethics,and it isn’t hard to see w hy his com pany is a su ccess. A s a fu llservice brokerag e,R ealty W orld - M asich & D ell offers relocation and referralservices as w ellas residential, new constru ction and com m ercialsales and leasing .It also assists w ith estates,divorce and tax appeals. D elleg rotto and his associates enjoy seeing clients retu rn and

REALTY WORLD MASICH & DELL Larry Dellegrotto, Broker Real Estate Agency & Appraisal Service 1103 W. Front St. Berwick, PA | 570-759-6363

faces OF THE


show loyalty to them in retu rn.T heir m ission is to bu ild excellent service relationships betw een bu yers and sellers.To be their clients’tru sted R ealtor for life is their m ission.

“Customer satisfaction and loyalty is what drives us to accomplish more with every transaction,”

said D elleg rotto. H e also believes in investing in his team by offering ong oing edu cation.H e holds classes to continu e edu cating allag ents, brokers and new aspiring ag ents. “W e are looking forw ard to the fu tu re and to selling m ore hom es and com m ercialproperties to satisfy the needs ofeven m ore clients!” said D elleg rotto. D elleg rotto and his team are alw ays looking to help others in the com m u nity.Ifyou are interested in bu ying or selling ,g ive R ealty W orld - M asich & D ella calltoday!

Photo by Press Enterprise/Jimmy May. The staff of Realty World - Masich and Dell Real Estate includes, front row, from left, Brenda Post, Larry Dellegrotto, Susy Wiegand and Mallary McClintock. Standing are Tim Craig, Wendy Kramer, Charity Trapane Klinefetter, Jennifer Spaide and Darlynn Wolfe.


40 Press Enterprise n Thursday, May 31, 2018

the face of C om m u nity C om m itm ent

N ow in its new location at 535 Point Tow nship D rive in N orthu m berland,W & L (w hich orig inally stood for W arner and L ong ) Su baru continu es to offer new and certified pre-ow ned Su baru sales,as w ellas u sed vehicle sales and parts and service. “W e ju stbu iltou rbra n d n ew fa cility a n d a re lookin g to fa cilita te a la stin g experien ce forea ch a n d every cu stom er,” sa id A n dy Lon g,dea lerprin cipa l. E very pre-ow ned vehicle W & L sells has g one throu g h a rig orou s,152-point inspection (everything from brakes to tires) and com es w ith a seven-year,100,000-m ile pow er-train w arranty from the first service date. People w ho bu y a new or pre-ow ned vehicle at W & L g et free lifetim e state inspections,15 percent offaccessories,and every fifth oilchang e free. W & L offers easy,online schedu ling and w illpick u p and drop offcars for service w ithin a 30-m ile radiu s.For those w ho w ish to u se them ,the dealership offers late-m odelloaner vehicles for service cu stom ers. “W e w a n tou rcu stom ersto com e a w a y rem em berin g the ea se ofdoin g bu sin essw ith ou rdea lership a n d the en viron m en tw e provide forthem ,” sa id Lon g. T he bu siness opened in 1965 as a dealership for B ritish sports cars A u stin-H ealey and M G .In 1972,it becam e an 18,000-squ are-foot Su baru franchise w ith eig ht service bays. Photo by Press Enterprise/Keith Haupt

faces OF THE

Region W&L SUBARU Andy Long, dealer principal | 570-473-3432 535 Point Township Drive (Route 11), Northumberland Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Wednesday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. T his year,it m oved into its new 45,000-squ are-foot location featu ring 20 service bays;an au tom atic,com plim entary car w ash;and drive-in,clim ate-controlled service area w here cu stom ers can exit their vehicles ou t ofthe elem ents. “W e ta ke pride in ou rfa m ily ow n ership,n o-pressu re sa les a n d frien dly,kn ow ledgea ble,experien ced sta ff,” sa id M egha n Ba lu m ,m a rketin g m a n a ger. W & L is a dealership that cares.T hrou g h the Su baru Share the L ove prog ram ,it is a big donor to the C hildren’s M iracle N etw ork at G eising er’s Janet W eis C hildren’s H ospital. W & L also sponsors the C hild A dvocacy C enter in Su nbu ry, w hich,throu g h G eising er,aids abu sed and neg lected children. It offers “one place,one tim e” cou nseling and therapy,so children aren’t shu ffled arou nd to variou s ag encies to g et the help they need. “W e ha ve a com pellin g com m itm en tto the com m u n ity,” Lon g sa id.

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