EnviroFry Introduces 5 Year Mold Remediation Service Guarantee for Homes & Commercial Buildings EnviroFry Announces Five Year Mold Remediation Service Guarantee for residential and commercial building mold removal and remediation clients in Midwestern, Eastern, and Southern USA, plus nationwide USA and across Asia, United Kingdom, and Europe. Montrose, MI, January 03, 2015 -- “To protect clients against the re-appearance of mold growth after mold removal and remediation work, EnviroFry has introduced its Five Year Mold Remediation Service Guarantee for new residential and commercial client projects from Jan. 1, 2015, onward,” announced Phillip Fry, company co-manager, Professional Industrial Hygienist, Certified Environmental Hygienist, and webmaster since 1999 of the mold education website www.moldinspector.com. EnviroFry warranty program guarantees that no elevated levels of mold growth will occur in the specific remediated areas for a period of five years, or EnviroFry will retreat those re-growth areas at no charge if moisture levels are normal with no new, subsequent water intrusion problem after the completion of an EnviroFry mold removal project. The full details and conditions of the service guarantee and warranty are posted on the company website www.moldremediationquote.com. “Because a guarantee is only as good as the company that issues it, read the EnviroFry client testimonials, list of clients, and professional training certifications published at www.moldexpertconsultants.com,” recommends Mr. Fry, who is also a Certified Environmental Inspector, Certified Mold Inspector, Certified Remediation Specialist, Certified Mold Remediator, and Certified Air Duct Cleaning Specialist. The guarantee is fully-transferable to a new home or building owner during the five year guarantee time duration. In addition, EnviroFry also guarantees that when the areas that it has treated are tested by the company with a “Live Spore” (also known as “viable testing”) air sample type test within 48 hours following EnviroFry mould remediation treatment, that the total number
of live mold spores inside the treated areas will be no greater than the total mold spore counts of live mold outside, as collected by the Company in an outdoor control air test. If, in the event that the first remediation treatment and testing do not yield successful test results as described above, the company will continue to treat and test the areas at no charge until the above indoor/outdoor comparison objective is achieved. In business nationwide USA and across Asia since 1999, the international EnviroFry firm is insured with a million dollar general liability policy plus professional errors and omissions coverage. EnviroFry industrial hygienists and environmental hygienists provide mold inspection, testing, removal, remediation, and prevention services in metropolitan Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York, Hartford, Boston, Washington, D.C., Richmond, Nashville, Atlanta, and in most other cities and areas in the USA, Asia, UK, and Europe. To get a mold remediation quote or bid for a home, workplace or commercial building, phone Phillip Fry toll-free 1-866-300-1616 or cell phone 1-480-310-7970, or email phil@moldinspector.com, and/or visit the websites www.moldexpertconsultants.com, www.moldremediationquote.com and www.moldremediationbid.com. Contact: Phillip Fry, Co-Manager EnviroFry 10104 Sheridan Rd., Montrose, MI 48457 Phone toll-free 1-866-300-1616 Cell 1-480-310-7970 phil@moldinspector.com http://www.moldremediationquote.com and http://www.moldremediationbid.com