Gadfly Publishing Announces Bible Bullies: How Fundamentalists Got the Good Book So Wrong Bible Bullies is a controversial new book that explores the nature of a special kind of bully: the kind who use the Bible to force or coerce others into conforming to their beliefs. Lutz, FL, May 14, 2013 -- Bible Bullies is a controversial new book that explores the nature of a special kind of bully: the kind who use the Bible to force or coerce others into conforming to their beliefs. The book identifies fourteen personality traits of these bullies, their tactics, and how they misuse the Bible to abuse children and attack identified “outgroups,” including women, the LGBT community, and social programs for the disadvantaged. Six of these personality traits were previously identified in a study, commissioned after World War II by the American Jewish Committee, to try to understand the mind-set of Europeans who supported Hitler’s atrocities.
Chapters discuss misogyny, sexual diversity, child abuse, intelligent design, public prayer, separation of church and state, social programs, and family planning, in the process revealing specific targets of Bible bullies and their misguided use of Scripture in their assault on their victims. After identifying the salient traits of Bible bullies and how they attack their victims, the book discusses the bullies’ MO—how they operate. Not content with abusing just the victims in their own hometown, the Bible bullies seek to expand their personal power
through political means, by arguing against separation of church and state and pushing for an exclusively Christian nation. The end goal, it seems, is to undermine the constitutional civil liberties guaranteed to us all. The final chapters reveal the crucial rift in the New Testament that laid the groundwork for those seeking to distort the message of peace and love brought by Jesus. Bible Bullies, through biblical analysis and documented research, explains many of the political issues of our times in ways that most Christians have not considered: 1. Why the Paul Ryan budget conflicts with the message of Jesus 2. Why pro-life advocates are violating freedom of religion and how they can save more unborn lives by abandoning attacks on Roe v. Wade and focusing on alternate strategies 3. Why gays, lesbians and transsexuals are born the way that God created them 4. Why using the biblical rod causes juvenile delinquency, depression, behavior disorders and hatred of authority 5. Why Congress continues to be misogynistic and why Jesus was not 6. Why civil laws differ drastically from the biblical laws of Leviticus and how Jesus pioneered the change 7. Why King James I sponsored the translation of the Bible for his own political gain, and what he and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia have in common 8. Why conflating politics with religion can be dangerous, as it was when Hitler declared Germany a Christian nation prior to WWII 9. Why the fundamentalist attack on educational institutions has contributed to the low standing of students in science in the United States in comparison with the standing of students of other nations, and what can be done about it without attacking religious beliefs Bible Bullies will be published in both E-book and trade book formats (epub and mobi) through all online retailers as well as in all bookstores by July 4, 2013. A video book trailer and preview of portions of the book may also be viewed at , a newsletter-style Web site maintained by the authors. Reviewers and News Outlets:
Reviewers and news outlets may contact the publisher at 1-866-611-8529 or fax request to 866-799-3496 for review copies in trade book format. The authors may also be reached directly by the media for specifics of the book through the contact link on their Web site, . News Release Product: Bible Bullies: How Fundamentalists Got The Good Book So Wrong Available on Amazon: Contact: Tom Simpson Gadfly Publishing, LLC Suite 112-345, 96 Craig Street, Ellijay, GA, USA 30540 866-611-8529