Make Your Favorite Movie of All Time the One You are Living

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Make Your Favorite Movie of All Time the One You are Living Why Not Win Your Own Oscar? Los Angeles, CA, February 20, 2015 -- It’s Academy Awards season. And while the 2015 Oscar for “Best Picture” is still waiting to be won or lost, motivational author and speaker Shawn Anderson offers a challenge to people as they consider their choice for favorite movie. “Why not make our favorite movie of all time the one we are living?” Anderson asks. “We live in a world loaded with Kardashian fantasy and Jay Z stardom that stimulates our attention, but what if we looked at our own lives as a chance to make a pretty cool life movie, too?” The author of six motivational books, including Amicus 101: A Story About the Pursuit of Purpose and Overcoming Life’s Chaos and Extra Mile America: Stories of Inspiration, Possibility and Purpose, Anderson is also the Founder of Extra Mile America. On November 1, 2014, his organization led 527 cities to declare Extra Mile Day...a day recognizing the capacity we each have to create positive change in ourselves, families, organizations and communities when we “go the extra mile.” “We get one life. Why choose to live it doing anything other than what thrills us?” Anderson shares. “The career we want, the places we want to travel, the experiences we want to have...our reality tomorrow is only limited by our actions today. Want the movie-like life? Then let’s quit reading about celebrity dream lives and start creating our own. Now.” Anderson concludes, “Life was not meant to be lived small. Let’s not wait for the perfect scenario to unfold before we start living the life we love. Why not live it full-out and create a life-movie that is positively and amazingly memorable. Never give up on being your very best you.” Contact: Shawn Anderson Los Angeles, CA (310) 402-4826

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