Press Release Distribution Information

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Press Release Distribution Services One of the most talked-about ways to attract Google traffic to your webpage is through an SEO press release. There are a number of optimization tips that you should consider when writing SEO press releases. Over time, the value of this method has undergone some change, especially from a news perspective. One of the reasons why this promotion tactic is so loved is because people who use it are often well ranked on search engines like Google or Yahoo. Multiple studies have documented that consumers and journalists are searching for Free Press Release Submission. Studies indicate that journalists and consumers will opt for press releases as one of the primary sources of information online. By optimizing, you will be making them easier to find for your target audience. Therefore, Press Release Distribution Australia are a great way of attracting new traffic and marketing your products and services.

Optimize Press Release Submission In optimizing any piece of content for the web, there are a couple of things that you need to do:          

the target audience and objective of the release should be clearly defined keyword phrases ought to be added to the title, body copy, and subheading keyword phrases should be well researched make good use of keyword phrases when linking to sites or other landing pages you should include media such as audio, images, and video be certain to include various formats (i.e. PDF or MS Word) the right place to post is in the company's newsroom (on the website) publish a blog post version be certain to distribute it with the assistance of a wire service such as Marketwire, PRNewswire, Businesswire or PRWeb carefully study social mentions, outcomes, traffic and release rankings

Since the Press Release Distribution hosted by the wire service are new and lack link popularity, they receive a certain degree of direct SEO nominal value. However, when syndicated with other search conduits, for instance, search engines dedicated to news, they may rank very well based on factors like keyword placement and link popularity of the particular site. Unlimited Press Release Services usually have links that have been embedded into other blogs and news websites. When optimizing a Press Release Distribution, the thing that you should put the most emphasis on is that it should be targeted for people first and search engines second. If the person reading does not understand or find any value in the content of it, then no matter how highly ranked it is, it is of no use. A properly written, a targeted press release can be one of the most potent marketing tools available to you. By following the steps in this article, your press release has a much better chance of being accepted than the rest. In fact, this method should put you ahead of about 99% of all the other press releases submitted - provided it is timely and proper for the venue you submitted it to.

Main Objectives of Your Press Release Get your press release read by the editor. You have about 10 seconds to catch the editors eye with your Press Release Submission before it is tossed - even less if it is an email press release. If your headline doesn't grab the editor, it is all over. To ensure the headline will grab the editor's attention, you must know the publication you are submitting to and what their hot buttons are. Get your press release printed. For your press release to be printed, it must pass the editorial review. This means that it must give useful information to the readers of the publication. Editors know the purpose of a press release is to benefit the company it is about and they know a Free Press Release Distribution gives free advertising to the company. What they insist on though is that the press release gives something of value to their readers. Is the press release contributing to a discussion of current events? Does it offer a timely solution to a problem? Does it tell in a feature-rich way about a new product that your company produced that would interest and benefit their readers, etc.? In other words, your press release must be perceived as giving benefit to the readers of the publication even if they do not do business with you. Get the readers of the publication to take action after reading your press release in the manner you planned. Part of crafting a Press Release Distribution is to create a well-scripted call to action. Even though you are not writing a sales letter, the reader must be led to the conclusion that their life would be better if they visit your website, pick up the phone to call you, order your product, hire you for your service, attend your event or whatever the action is. If someone reads your press release and it doesn't hit their hot buttons, they will not take action. If your press release is a bit vague about what you want the reader to do, no action will be taken. Something as simple as "For further information, go to" can generate lots of new business from an interesting and targeted press release. Step by Step Guide to Writing Your Press Release Identify the publications you wish to contact. When you complete this step, you should have a list of all publications that would have an interest in what your business does. This can include newspapers, magazines, trade magazines, newsletters, ezines, etc. You should think targeted when making this list. While it may be impressive getting a press release in USA Today, you have a much better chance at succeeding in Widgets weekly (where widgets is your industry target.) Get a sample of each of the above publications for your files. (Note: It is a good idea to keep these sample publications as you will probably refer back to them many times.) Circle each press release in the above sample publications. It may take a bit of guesswork to sort the press releases from the articles in some magazines as some (generally trade publications) will seem like nothing but a series of press releases on products, services, etc. Go back to each publication and write a press release for that specific publication. From the previous step, you will be able to uncover a style that a particular publication favors. The closer you can craft your Press Release Distribution to that style, the more likely it will be accepted. Style includes word length, length of headlines, if photos are included, etc. Your goal is to minimize the editors work. If he is evaluating two press releases and if the first one can be run as is and the second one needs heavy editing to be run, the first one will win every time. This is a bit more work than the "write it once and blanket the world approach", it it will give you much higher returns. After it is written, proofread it carefully to be sure it reads exactly how you wish, fits in the publication's style and has no spelling or grammatical errors.

Print Free Press Release Distribution on a high-quality paper on a good printer - preferably a laser printer or an inkjet printer on high-quality print mode, attach any photos you may have and a short cover letter and send it to the editor of the publication. (Of course, if you fax the press release, you probably wouldn't include photos but rather let the editor know they are available.) Do this once for each publication and you should soon be getting publicity for your business.

Press releases can have a great impact on your business when written and distributed properly. This is why large PR companies charge thousands of dollars to do the work for you. But many small businesses don’t have the budget for a PR company and must do the work themselves. In the first installation of the Press Release Series, I explored what you need to have in place before your copywriter crafts your Free Press Release Submission. But what about distribution? Copywriters don’t offer distribution services; they’re too busy writing! So I turned to two experts for their industry insight to press release distribution. Steven Spenser is the principal of Praxis Communications as well as a former writer and editor with The Associated Press and Seattle Times. Carla Mata-Sprinkles is the principal of Creative Communication Services, which provides marketing and PR services specifically for the furniture industry. While Steven provides a global opinion from an editor’s point of view, Carla understands the world of niche markets. Together, these professionals spelled out the steps to effective Press Release Distribution. 1. Find print & online media for your target audiences. Carla: “This is likely one of the most time-intensive parts of handling your own press release distribution. It requires good, thorough research, which starts online with meaningful keywords. But if you’re interested in contacting local target media as well, I recommend getting in touch (via phone call) and reaching out to a local agency (i.e. area Chamber of Commerce). Let them know you’re not local but have a story relevant to their area and ask if they know of any local publications that might be interested in your story. If they don’t have any suggestions, they’ll likely point you in the right direction of someone who can/will suggest some local publications you might miss otherwise.” Steven: “Submit your release directly to: 1) the particular trade press/media outlets serving that audience demographics, both online and off; 2) vertical-industry sites (and pubs), which often publish news relevant to their professional audiences; 3) blogs (and the often-overlooked category of newsletters) covering your industry; 4) social-news aggregators such as Mashable, Reddit, Digg, Delicious, etc.; 5) general-purpose online news sites (e.g.,;

6) the online sites of print, radio & TV news-media outlets; and 7) engines and directories such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. New social networks and discussion boards spring up every month, many of them organized by, and for, particular industries. Join first, participate in dialogues, then — once established as reputable — mention your news in these venues.” 2. Identify the right person to speak to at a publication. Make contact with them before submitting your release. Both Carla and Steven agree that it’s best to check the publications website or print issue for editor or reporter contact information. If you’re still not sure who to speak to, call the publication and “speak with someone about your story/press release and obtain the contact information that way. You will FOR SURE reach the right person then AND, just as importantly, not get on anyone’s bad side by sending them a story that isn’t relevant to them.” 3. Submit properly. A press release or pitch? Carla: “Email with ‘For Immediate Release’ or ‘Urgent’ (with the press release’s, hopefully, engaging title to follow) are the best forms.” Since Carla has established ongoing relationships with editors in her field, many of her contacts have known her for years. So they recognize her name and can trust that her Unlimited Press Release Services will be relevant to them. But Steven gets specific about cold email pitches, insisting that engaging subject lines are key to getting an email opened: Steven: “Yes, you will almost always get a better reception if the journalist you’re pitching already knows you. [But you still need] to customize your email pitch for the target audience to whom you’re speaking. Crafting engaging subject lines that lead to opening your e-mail requires considerable skill. To be effective, subject lines need to be as enticingly as short as possible. Don’t use the press release headline; it will fill up the subject line.” Furthermore, as a general rule, it’s best to include a link to the release on your site’s Press Center section-which had better be loaded already with all the material any journalist could ever want about your company. The goal of your pitch is to get the journalist to click on the link. Be sure to cover all the newsworthy reasons the recipient, and her audience(s), should be interested in your story.” While Steven is adamant about never sending a release as an attachment, journalists in smaller markets, like Carla’s, have no problem with putting releases in the email body copy. So just make sure you know your audience.

4. Follow up, follow up, follow up. Carla: “We’ve found the KEY to success is follow up. The media has thousands of stories to consider. Without follow up it’s very easy to get overlooked. It’s paramount to follow up again and again, and then again, if need be. Without follow up don’t expect much. With follow up we’ve had stories run up to four months after submission. Also, it’s amazing what a good ‘ole fashioned phone call can do. Don’t simply rely on email. As long as you’re polite and respectful, editors and journalists will welcome your call.” Steven: “Clients new to public relations often think that simply distributing a press release will be sufficient to get their phones ringing. But nowadays, “If you [send] it, they will come” is no longer certain. The Video Press Release Service is necessary as background for your pitch, but a release is no substitute for a pitch. While many places will print whatever you send them, you can’t rely on that; you have to follow up with the recipients. That’s why every press release is always subordinate to the follow-up call.” Distribution certainly takes time and effort, but if small businesses follow this industry insight, their press releases will have a greater chance of getting picked up and generating attention.

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