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Rajiv Diptee


Corner Connector Road and Chaguanas Main Road Chaguanas, Trinidad Tel: (868) 689-2037, 762-9702 Email: info@satthq.com; sattexecdirector@gmail.com Website: www.satthq.com Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn

American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago (AMCHAM T&T)

Caroline Toni Sirju-Ramnarine – President Nirad Tewarie – Chief Executive Officer

62 Maraval Road Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I. PO Bag 150, Newtown, Port of Spain Tel: (868) 622-4466 Fax: (868) 628-9428 Email: inbox@amchamtt.com Website: https://amchamtt.com/ Couva/Point Lisas Chamber of Commerce

Mukesh Ramsingh – President

12 Camden Road, Couva, Trinidad Tel/Fax: (868) 636-5017, 609-5017 Email: couva.chamber@gmail.com Website: https://www.facebook.com/cplcoc/ European Business Chamber in Trinidad and Tobago

Maarten Spiljard – President

18 O’Connor Street, Woodbrook Port of Spain, Trinidad Tel: (868) 684-8365 Email: info@eurochamtt.org Website: http://www.eurochamtt.org/ Penal/Debe Chamber of Commerce

Rampersad Sieuraj – President

18 Penal Rock Road, Penal, Trinidad Tel/Fax: (868) 647-0452, 683-9573 Email: penaldebechamber@gmail.com


The Supermarket Association of Trinidad and Tobago (SATT)

As the curtain fell on 2020, many looked toward the coming new year with renewed hope. The sheer trauma that COVID-19 has caused to both society and the individual shook the nation to its proverbial knees. The die that caste essentials from non-essentials with the restrictions that followed could surely be the worse of the pandemic that we ever hoped to experience right? Plus, vaccines were turning the corner with big pharma receiving the stamp of approval from the World Health Organization. A glimmer of hope on the horizon. Fast forward to June 2021. If anything last year, the average household held onto some modicum of savings as a safety net, the frustration was still nascent not yet plumbing the depths of our sanity while we were still able to ensure collective buy-in to the restrictions. The deeper a crisis goes, the deeper we are able to measure the elasticity of the attitudes, behaviours and platitudes of the people whom it affects the most. And today we see that as an alarming indication of where we are as a society. It measures the elasticity of our resilience to maintain that which is being asked of us while acknowledging the most ignominious of circumstances in which we find ourselves. As a people and a culture, the path to recovery is shaped by that desire we inherited from our indigenous forefathers; the desire to craft a better future. While COVID-19 has robbed us of these opportunities, it has not dampened those ambitions. Today’s protagonists have pivoted even before the term was ever coined. COVID-19 has given us a timely reminder that the most basic human values shape us as a people as we trudge the road to recovery. May we extol such virtues as we seek to exit this pandemic.


Point Fortin South Western Chamber of Industry and Commerce

George Alexis – President Davita Simon – First Vice President Carlton Semper – Second Vice President

Southern Main Road, Point Fortin, Trinidad c/o Coastal & Offshore Maritime Training Institute (COMTI) Tel: (868) 648-4961 Email: pfswcic@gmail.com Website: https://www.pfswcic.com/ Sangre Grande Chamber of Commerce

Preston Sam – President

The Secretariat PO Box 4500 Sangre Grande, Trinidad Tel/Fax: (868) 275-7274 Email: sgchambertt@gmail.com; sgrandechamber@gmail.com Website: http://sgchambertt.com/ The Chaguanas Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CCIC)

Richie Sookhai – President

17 Cumberbatch Street Chaguanas, Trinidad Tel: (868) 671-2241, 477-3444 Email: gccic@chaguanaschamber.org Website: https://chaguanaschamber.org/ The Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago

Dr. Thackwray Driver – President and CEO Dwight Mahabir – Chairman

Suite B2.03, Atlantic Plaza, Atlantic Avenue Point Lisas, Couva PO Box 80, San Fernando Trinidad and Tobago Tel: (868) 6-ENERGY, 679-6623/1398 Fax: (868) 679-4242 Email: execoffice@energy.tt Website: https://energynow.tt/ The Greater Tunapuna Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Melissa Senhouse – President

110 Eastern Main Road Tunapuna, Trinidad c/o Pat & Max Limited Tel: (868) 322-4GTC (4482) Email: gtchamberinfo@gmail.com Website: http://www.tunapunachamber.com/ Tobago Division of the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Diane Hadad – Chairman

2nd Floor ANSA McAL Building, Milford Road PO Box 47, Scarborough, Tobago Tel: (868) 639-2669 Fax: (868) 639-3014 Email: tobagochamber@chamber.org.tt Website: https://chamber.org.tt/ Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce (T&T Chamber)

Charles Pashley – President Gabriel Faria – Chief Executive Officer

Columbus Circle, Westmoorings PO Box 499, Port of Spain, Trinidad Tel: (868) 637-6966 Fax: (868) 637-7425 Email: chamber@chamber.org.tt Website: https://chamber.org.tt/

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