th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding Work Samples 2010
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Client - john hall tyres: re-brand John Hall Tyres are an independent tyre dealers offering a range of services to the public. Under new management, the owners decided it was a good opportunity to re-brand the business. A smart new identity and strapline were created to help them stand out and look more professional from their local competitors and national tyre garages. The new identity was applied to all their business stationery, signage, advertising and website.
Business stationery - compliment slips
Business stationery - business cards
on a
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For all our best deals and latest offers on tyres to exhausts visit
Tyres Signage
Re-branded flyer
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
Client - Marketing Birmingham: Conservative Party Conference
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Marketing Birmingham is a private-public partnership supported by Birmingham City Council. Their aim is to cement Birmingham’s position as a world-class visitor experience and a city where tourism contributes to economic success. Advertising for the Conservative Party Conference which was held in Birmingham in October 2008. This included designing the branding for 96, 48 sheet and 6 sheet posters, information panels, exhibition stands and conference literature. The brief was to show the city as a vibrant and exciting conference venue.
Backlit 48 sheet poster, Upper Dean St, Birmingham
‘Shopping’ 48 sheet poster
‘Arts’ 6 sheet poster
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Client - international institute of metalforming (iim): membership flyer and website The IIM is a professional body supporting the development of forging, sheet and fastener technology. Based in the UK, the Institute has a world-wide membership. Becoming a member provides help with career development in the industry, professional recognition, a forum to exchange views, and a resource of knowledge. The IIM wished to promote the message that working in the metalforming industry is fulfilling and challenging. Companies compete fiercely for talent and joining the IIM gives them a platform. The brief was to attract to a younger audience which meant re-designing their literature and website to look more engaging, professional and innovative.
IIM 4 page, A5 membership flyer
Website concept
IIM flyer detail
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
Logos - Various clients
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Client - Personal Summits Ltd: Identity and literature Personal Summits Ltd work directly with business owners, partners and managers coaching them to reach their peak performance, conquering business and personal challenges. A new identity and bespoke typeface were created to evoke a positive and professional look which was applied to stationery and literature.
Information Pack with blind embossed cover
Information Pack spread
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Client - GKN Offhighway: Mission Everest exhibition stand GKN banners large sf1233_B1_B2_panel_01
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GKN OffHighway Systems is an important partner for the agritechnical engineering industry and construction industry and is an important global partner for its customers.
As the main sponsor for the West Mids Show, GKN required an exhibition stand that showcased their products and highlighted the valuable contribution they make to the local community. To attract more visitors to the stand, a ‘Mission: Everest’ theme was adopted complete with climbing wall. GKN had recently sponsored a successful attempt to fly a powered paraglider over Mount Everest.
GKN Wheels
GKN Walterscheid
GKN Axles
GKN WHEELS GKN Wheels’ history dates back to 1909, when the world’s first steel wheel was manufactured in Joseph Sankey’s factory in Telford. Today GKN Wheels is the world’s leading manufacturer of wheels for agricultural and off highway machinery.
GKN banners large
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GKN, Mission: Everest main exhibition graphics Exhibition stand at the West Mids Show
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Client - TruckEast: Re-brand TruckEast is one of the UK’s largest independently owned commercial vehicle dealers focused in the Eastern Counties. A re-brand was required to make new and existing customers aware of the different services and support that TruckEast offers. A set of brand guidelines were developed along with new marketing materials that consolidated TruckEast’s values. The new branding has subsequently been applied to stationery, vehicle livery and signage.
Recycled Parts and Parts and Accessories A4 inserts
Folder with inserts
New & Used Trucks 4 page A4 insert
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Client - Marketing Birmingham: Credentials Document Marketing Birmingham is a private-public partnership supported by Birmingham City Council. Their aim is to cement Birmingham’s position as a world-class visitor experience and a city where tourism contributes to economic success.
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16 page brochure promoting Birmingham in the EU.
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Credentials document
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Client - Touché Contemporary Living: Product leaflet Touché product leaflet / door drop showcasing their latest range of contemporary furniture. touche cover
8:13 am
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touché contemporary
Touche Door Drop
8:15 am
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touché contemporary
Exclusively touché
Affordable quality
Making the right choices
touché is a family run business which prides itself on its range of stylish yet affordable furniture,
We sometimes hear passers by saying," Oh, it’s that posh shop...
You, our customers are the most important people
accessories and art. Our two shops - in Shrewsbury and Wolverhampton - display examples of dining, kitchen and lounge furniture from our chosen suppliers extensive ranges. By combining these pieces with accessories and artworks, you can see exactly how your new look may turn out.
I bet they’re expensive" Not so. We hand pick our products to be of good quality and charge honest, value for money prices. Where else can you buy an extending round glass table for less
on earth. We try our very best to give you the service we would like to receive ourselves. Not sure whether something will work in your home? We can help!
Our shops are small…. but beautifully formed! We occupy small traditional outlets where our range is only limited by the time it takes to explore the many options available from our catalogues.
than £300? Within our extensive ranges we do stock products from highly respected international brands such as STOKKE and Seven Salotti. These pieces don’t come cheap but neither do they fall apart after 5 years!
Our designers offer their services free, whether it be at your place or ours.
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
Client - Logo design and product literature
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Oak House Orthotics is one of only 19 places in the country offering the specialist Orthotec 3D Imager, a service which is already bringing relief to patients who have suffered from foot pain for years. A brand new logo was designed along with literature detailing the service available.
A4, 4 page service leaflet
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
Client - Elior: Digby Trout Restaurants
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Digby Trout is a specialist company within the Elior food service group. They provide a bespoke design and operational management service for high profile visitor venues, such as Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Science Museum and Barbican Centre. The brand required re-positioning and development. Their trade communications, including a new brochure also required re-designing.
digby trout Restaurants in perfect harmony with your venue
digby trout Restaurants sales brochure
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email:
Client - Tools for Leading Change Ltd: Game changers
th3 Unknown :: Graphic Design and Branding
Tools For Leading Change support managers and employees with tools which help them to help themselves. Written by leading corporate psychologist Dr. Sukhwant Bal - The Game Changers handbook is aimed at senior level managers wishing to improve the performance of their teams and help them create a more productive environment for their staff. Accompanying the handbook is a ‘toolkit’ of 58 ‘work-out’ cards designed to identify areas of improvement within managerial structures and processes.
Game Changers ‘Toolkit’, comprising a set of 58 ‘innovative work-out’ cards.
Game Changers Handbook, copper foiling on GF Smith Nomad cover
Game Changers Handbook, page spread with illustration
Pretesh Mistry, Tel: 07811075139 Email: