The hourglass 立s shaTTered. F立nally, 立T has begun.
What are you?
You reek of death.
I keep all my brutes on a short leash. Down, boy.
I like your axe. Very manly.
ThΩs veΩl wΩll mask your soul From Those who would Take ΩT From you.
ThΩs Ωs our gΩFT To you, vessel. power you can’T yeT FaThom.
Kothophed had no idea what dwells here. Only I can feel the pulse of the dead.
you are unabashed corrupTΩon. buT you are a chΩld compared To whaT you’ll become.
The real veil. The other was just a key. Should have known.
Somebody needs to cut…
Leash this, deathbringer.
you… DOWN!
conceal yourselF beneaTh The veΩl… Not bad for a dirt mage.
…a little MORE POWERFUL!
Pardon me while I slip into something…
…and make hΩm come To you.
wΩTh The veΩl, you are no longer one Ωn a mΩllΩon.
You talk too much.
you are a mΩllΩon Ωn one.
I’ll never die at the edge of a blade.
I told you to get down And stay there. I’ve got demons to see.
The hunTer lΩves, buT he wΩll never be The same.
JusT as we wanTed.
he won’T sTop unTΩl he FΩnds her.
she’ll be waΩTΩng.
ater, on a distant plane ....
Where the hell are you taking me, brute? Put me down! Don’t you know who I am?
Death cults. Despotic strongholds. Sewer kingdoms. On the trail of the accursed witch, I’ve seen some of the worst places in the multiverse.
I know your type.
The wilderness I can handle. But places like this…
This—this is the Gorgon’s Haunt!
No, you idiot, you don’t know what you’re doing!
Let’s get this over with.
I’ve brought the one you asked for, Gorgon.