Toy Story: Tales From the Toy Chest #4 Preview

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PREVIOUSLY: Andy and his family are on vacation, and Woody, Buzz, Jessie and the gang are having a blast on their very first cruise! Or at least, they were, until a sight-seeing trip ended in tragedy when Buzz and Jessie plunged into the ocean – along with Woody’s right arm! Mr. Shark came to their rescue, and the trio has been chasing the cruise ship all night. What they don’t know is that Andy is leaving the cruise prematurely due to his mom’s motion sickness. and now, our heroes have returned to an empty room! Will they catch up with the rest of the gang before they’re left in Jamaica forever?

WRITER: Jesse Blaze Snider COLORS: Mike Cossin EDITOR: Christopher Meyer

ART: Morgan Luthi

COVER: Nathan Watson Colors: Mickey Clausen Special Thanks: Jesse Post, Steve Behling, Rob Tokar, Bryce VanKooten, and Kelly Bonbright

LETTERER: Deron Bennett DESIGNER: Erika Terriquez

TOY STORY: TALES FROM THE TOY CHEST #4 – October 2010 published by BOOM Kids!, a division of Boom Entertainment, Inc. All contents © 2010 Disney/Pixar. Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head® and Playskool Rockin’ Robot Mr. Mike® are registered trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. Used with permission. © Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Slinky© Dog is a registered trademark of Poof-Slinky, Inc. © Poof-Slinky, Inc. BOOM Kids! and the BOOM Kids! logo are trademarks of Boom Entertainment, Inc., registered in various countries and categories. All rights reserved. Office of publication: 6310 San Vicente Blvd Ste 107, Los Angeles, CA 90048-5457. For information regarding the CPSIA on this printed material call: 203-595-3636 and provide reference # EAST – 999999 Printed in the USA

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