t'Two million, 6ft--1hgt'll teoch ,em.r,
llfr-Lfi€ OTHER FAI{E$€
lcan !'ou t.rr a Barr:rhee
f r'<,rrrr
n [3ue,rr.r*i.k
Fnoclsw eftg{isll
mafetnerrylish PALII: "r think all these banners a,re pretty siil-y but cNl is a bit diffe::ent ancr" we wer€ talking about doing something like & cND gig next yeare rrg'an:sing it ourselves" no re al pol i ti c ar b i as a,nd. r *o mat terTirere,s you are r Jrou surel;r i Cnt t wanna ge t b l rvho own to pieces and we should get that threat out of the way f or a s tart. ,,
tnod(nu arWlisl,
\t'F =Eg qtrt E>s
qolsAl H"?3'
fiNAELS ffi*,itra' ffiffi' s FfltrHOR6toprnsoLs , narGru ARIA ilA srm n*
ftrafsu arryfitfr
*'1*"*.;;^TJTX'TJ";'* ;;;X"-'BAND prlr,rc t*:: il.n(oNs ?Nrnr* -n GrRl,s --" fttsrBl' *o"rt"t # (
c.hsB@ $n@lp singles:
1 KIi,l,fNG JOKE Psyche/wardance (ualicious Da^nagâ&#x201A;Ź) .t,= pATRfK FITZGERAT GROIIP Tonight/Anlnal trtentali.iy EP (finat Solution) ?* SKI PATROL Agent Orange/Driving (trtattcioos p"?age) ?ommorow's World/Ctr"ttge (Bootleg) 'l KILLING JOKE Requien/Change (Malici.ous Danage) :i KITLING JOKE 6 SKI ?ATRoI nverftUing Is f"rpolr,"y/Sifent ScreaT (Clever Metal) 'i= COITFAT ANGELS tnaepenaance Day/we were (fofyaor) 'l* .TOy DIVISION .l.tnospherefleaa Souls (Sordid Sentirnentale) ''!= GAI.IG 0F FOIIR outsicte The Trains Donit Run on Tine/He'd send. In The Arny (nmr) 'tO J6y DIVISION Love Will Tear Us Apart/fnese Days (Factory) i1 :fAIIl HEAT Seven lfiinutes To MiiniSht (fnevitabl.e) 1:t coj,{sAT A}iGEis-T";;i t;r/waitrng.pot .A,.Miraclefnome Is The Range (rorvaor)
i >*
1'' irl 19 2o
Obvious (OZt/Human) AU ])ATRS Diet/Itls 'Cf nllfS Final Day (Rough Trade) ?OUl,lG liAR3LE A Sumrner }iloment t:{ODjjRN ENGLISH Gathering nusi/iraniuility.0f (lofyaor) bnderground Cit:.iaren/doing OiJAii Dreams AU i',r,IRS You/Xerb Ctaw'lerfDornestic Depalture (OZt ) GIP.LS AT O$R BESTI Getting Nowhere rast/warn Girls. (Record) I,{AGAZI}TE A Song From Uncler The Floorboar4s ('firgin).
Rabid gier You/Wnite Rabbit (eniswick import) ?1= cIRLS AT oIIR BEST politicsl ftt's Fashion (necord). 21= ECHO AIID THE SUNNYftIF:N Simple stuff/Rescue (Korova) 2j I,IAGAZINE Thant yorr (faretiinme Be llice Elf AgiT) (Virein) 24= DAI',,f,{ED Ilistory 0f The Worlcl Part One (Chiswick) 24= ECI{O AND THE SUW}{yUn}{ The Puppet (forova) 25= CRAVATS Precinct (Snal1 Vrloncter) 25= IAI',NED Looking At You (live) (Chiswict) 25= PASSIoNS The Srinmer/'I{ar Song (roryaor) 29 IA'/fD BOWIE Fashion (nCn) jL) fALL How I Wrote Elas tic Man (nough .Trad e ) Breakers: Stand Down },{argaret; Treason (It's Just A S tory ) ; Feed The EnemY; Swans On Glass; Burning Carolinel The Flood; Red Beat ; Limi ted. Entertainment. DAi,1NED
I{AGAZIIIB Thank You WIRE Ex Lion Tamer SKI P ATROL Agent Orange DA]!{NED Pl an 9 Channel 7 FATR IK F'ITZ GERALI BAND Tonigh Blue and" whi te hooPs S aus a,ge and. chi'Ps
ol ours : l i sh : Rock star: Ray Burns C
Mick FAIL New Face
fn llell
I aY
Mussels a la tr'ranclllon
1 JOY DMSI0N Closer (FactorY) 2 COlilSAT ANGETS llaiting For A lr{iracle (rofyaor) , ECHO AND THE BUI'INYI'fl1N Crocorliles (forova) 4 PUBLIC Ii{AGE LTD Paris Au Printemps (Virgin) 5 KTLLTNG JoKE (ntalicious Danage) 6 .lmr souncl Affects (PorYaor) 7 PETER GABRTEI (charisna) B DAMNED Black liUust (Chiswick) g GtAxo BABIES put Me 0n The Guest.List (Heartbeat) 1O FALL Grotesque (lfter The Granne) (lough Trade) 11 TALKING gnms Renain In Light (Sire) 12 MAGMINE The Correct Use Oi Soap (Virgin) 1' GTAXO BASIES Nine lrrtonths To The Disco (Heartbeat) 14 ELVfS SSSTELLg AND THE ATTRACTI0NS Get llappy (r reat) 15 pAULTNE MURRAY ANI TIIE INVISIBIE GIRLS (fllusfve) tt BEAT I Just Canft Stop rt (eo Feet) 17 SLACK UI{IIRU Sinsemilla (fsf anA) 18 POP OROIIP For Eor lr{uch Longer... (Y) 19 pas,sr6r\Ts CRAVATS Cravate In Toytorn (Sgall Wonder) ,o Miehael and. Miranda (l'iction)
F-b'tr elbo\M@furyryp€rbd
as a haPPY to the -*m seaside'
singing an$
their coach nuifrlng asthe nrotorwatr inil?*d atong for BlaekPool'
ut*r7. /Ssrr6 \'t.o?"11 .-I--,11#f.;# n'lffo,J,'-^#itrK,:W,tfr-:irXi, *ato'Trt* i *H,fl,ii,:6ryqry'mr; :l% T++p :ffi' oLlK ;,"fii, 4z4b ttoBe H-l< =f.Fji'ii.;i*H-i$-i,t S/rb>. &k:',je& T''iti ::Tlii*,"1'*#.*, ^)e'v€ ffi&o :f'rl -X'i% KI{r:' rEryA,7E,^7" \"B;f"1ilIiT'fril*"i;t ,mW, ffiW €r.€ \h{iit ffi"js*:r'#rqffi etTryuT €eslo..&r*t€ T PR0BE 0ll ff.#'E?.2),8 76 h.y!.,: X#,'!ilrTniil ?3;7 tIW c=.::1fl".::1""T; fi;;;]"';;"T; /-7 II:ID-E-YI ft=a Jfo. A-T€Z n€T
2';. iZ=cocb ik : ? :t;tr' I A'
lffi1H't'dc.i frt;
i?"*sLr""ff''x"l *1
<i$ed Mc by theilr Ibl
{ Hrmlllon on;
vhctt 7"t
Aranuc, 8r
lcasacit nu
li'',t n.rLt, Yc l6ugh.a, logoth lnrlorca,tlnd in th. btink o! unkraoun.
!Ti,;--::"o,nii",i,n",,qn*t?riffi rlc&J, Yow'toue.
lctt-yctil tn thc
oto you are kiqs ing
b_ve, AII gour
t{llll9tr.r---^ arna,
good- 0n Steg8.
Out ciscadcd r streann of tastc the paper serrtettcs end cotfon a thadout i'.i-i *tr9u ;rt;ilil;
ot fCf tfad0 fCCf hef brf eemf
Hffiffi,^#ffi ffi
0h b*y! It'$ C
ls at the
and Anchor. R evi ew by li t e ;:iren Frenc tr : The c arns at Angel s are the perf ec t pop group, \lhere the Buzacocks fai"led bece,use of their unins pired and. inept techniques , the comsats slr.cceed in e..rbel liehing s trong rtelod.ies wi th arl ginal roc k s tyl e s . Each nemb er re taj-ns a s trong id entl ty wi thin the songs but his contribution never cloud.s the issu€,
Ih{issing In Actionf is a good. set opencr, 0n albun the song souncs like a. filler but live it acquires a vitality whrich was lost in the
tu,l i o . The b and pl ayed. the ir way through the d ebu'b album , t trYai ting For A Mi rac I e omi t ting only ' Honkey pi l o t' anc the rather 1 am e t l'{ap 0f The wor ld . r f d. oub ts aros e ' becs,use of the inclusion of three previously released numbers on the album, then rlew pieces such as the chilling rDark paradef dispel thoughts that the band are already bankrupt of id.e&$ r s te phen Fe 11ows pl ays hi s gui tar s paringly and i t is bass pl ayer Kevin Bac on who is the pivot of the nelodies. Ferloss only once pay$ lip service to conyentional rock guitar, d.uring the e f fec tive i f unimaginative enc ore tl{orne rs The Range'. Fellows contents hirnself with finessing each piece as he does with d.eft harnonics in trnd.epend"ance Dayr. h{ic Glaisher is about the mos t solid d.rumrner around, but his aggressivenegs never g:oes over the top and. i s always tei'npered wi th sub tlety" During the }engthy cod"a of rTotal War I Glaisher and. keyboard"is t Andy Feake c ornb ine to provoke a graphic inage of an air raid wi thout res or ting to c l iched" taped. s
os j- ons ,
Although Fellows gui.tar w&s far too qui€t, his angular intro and. cod.a to 'Real story? is no t emascuL ated as i t was on the album through poor r"nixing, Bacon' s bass is d,ominant and. he can be forgiven for using the b as s l ine of the Eagl es I t One of These Ni gh ts ? , The man ri th the real s tory It thinks I
t the band, eome to s, solo is llors ' haFrire gui tar in t L'Tis s ing f n Ac tionf and i t is this eeonomy which is tl therets an.other world floating in the street," band,r s s trongpoint. Too of ten bands will This brings to nind. an HG lflells story where use a solo beeause the frantework of their the protagonist Davidson is physically in song is too shallow to satisfy expressj.on Lond on but visual ly in the S outh pac i f ic , of their ins trumen tal s tyle The rhythm sectionrs solidity also allows Live , the oms ats t fresh me Iod. i es euf;fer Peake a, certain arnount of freedom n al though slightly but this is cornpensated by the this is never abused.. rn twai ting For A vitality and tightness of their iviiraeLet synthesized. noises act *" &n perform&no€. the final encore, , Postcardt effective baakdrop. A less disctplined is much improved by the ffope ' s atmos phere player could, turn each piece into a, moog and. even the vas t heat of that sweaty rorkout but Peake d oes not solo, he add.s cellar could.ntt prevent the piece giving unob trusive colour anr;[ texture to the band,. off a feeling of cold'alienation, the lyric , II i t I s par ty tirne at the top of Polydor are too busy hyping the Jam to the hi lltr is rrell i llus trated by surreal sell the Comsat Angels to the public o toytorn organ . but they wont t need. t0, The neares
Sul"tr tres*rd" coffipeny promo pic number 294. t to Rs &{i,cr $tevey And.y and Kevin ( tro
distfng:uni"shing festures
I \
the tube lrome from the Hcpe an* Anehor, mf*'er lnterrf,iewing tlre Ccrnsat Ang*lm I spoke tm & csupl-e sf biokes whc shared my en thus i asm f or the b and and invi ted" th ern to send in & revi ew of the gig, Thanks are due to s tephen Frene h f sr b o therlng to wri te the review spposite, whieh sums uF rlr6,ny of my wf ewe qui te succ inc t1y and. provi&es a good. fntrod.uetion for those of you who have been asleep for the past few msnths and &re still Otr
th the b and.
fi LF TJ
Xnterv*ew by Ray:
rlnf ami l"tar wt
C fi 0 N fr nF \Jr IF Dv
ttAbout six rlrorl.ths later we decided. that $re were g:onna get serious and advertised for a bass gui taris t, thatt s how we go t Kevin " Although Tre changed our narne from Rad i o Earth o the line up hasnr t ehanged since then -! the beginning of 'TT , Everyone was tied" up until $epternber so we dicn't start gigging until then and when we did we werenrt sure what we were doing or what lve were trying to d.o. tf
s teve took up the s tory : fr Al l the s tuf f we r e d arrfved lste afternoCIn and after hanging played then is obsoleten nothing has srsund, f or hours wi th my fai thful c ompani on survived. - we I ve cro:rped 5T finished #i 11 w*"s tree"ted to & ehor t s ound.eheck , nurnberg from the se t. you could. sey Tre took
d.uring wlatch tlrey played & corLple of new numbers tha* showed" & d"ramatic change in
our time getting ourselves together, Our ras completely dlfferent then,." it d irec ti on from that on the arburn r s poke to wa,s very c ompl ic ated. pop . . , n " the band. af tersrard"s i"n the dressing room, 'r " , . a,nd very ted i oue re al ly ! r? ad d ed. And.y . where most of my queetisns were &nswsred. by the aimf able and artf,e ulate s teve , who - not '?we all c&me from different directions and surpris ingly (* wr* tes al I of their lyric s " everyone was trying to es tab lish some thing ffie paused to esms*Ser each ques tj"on that he likedr" continued. steve. Itrt took o&refrllly before"replying *rra seemed sr us & hell of a long time to figure out what little fnhibited, by the tape s in fact, our re wanted. to do , which r&s to cut righ t to * onvers &ti CIn f l owe& mors € Er,s i ly when the the heart of things, get rid of al1 the eesette w&s swl"tehed off* cra.p - al l the superf luous s tuf f , Seeing the Damned. speeded up our evolut j-on, unti 1 then Firs t I asked Andy abotat t}:e origins of the all the gigs wer d been to the aucL j.ence had , band* s?X met s*eve at eoSlege in $heffield" ., been Jus t onlsokers whereas whe.n re went to art cel3eg* T?m sfraic & and. we were Just see the Darnned. , who Fere the firs t punk band mssej"reE srourud w**h tlre i-&ea of g€tting a to play Sheffield, everyone wa,s leaping bm-nd tCIge ther r$ he sxplained. o *Hie w&s s, absut and. participating. seeing all these fri"end" of $'*ever s from ee hootr and we jus t people .en j oying thig real ly prirni tive r:nus ic ghook us up and. rnad.e us reconsider our s*t & soratss ba.n* together with three m&her suys fer & &mg*off sis at eorlege" pttt tud.€s r rnueic
Planett, rhich re recortled. in January rf8, shors us halfray bet'reen our original set and rhat werve progressed into nor. None of the current set ras *ritten at that tiner but there rere ind.ications. f clontt rate it anymore, râ&#x201A;Ź rere sti1l in our forrnulative stages - and re got ripperl off by the record. compa"ny, Junta. We sold out of the original pressing of 2,000 fairly quickly and re hoped. to start a Sheffieltl-based labe} with the money re thought werd. make... lYef
re still
waiting for the
C o
cheque. "
Steve agreed. that their success ores a lot to John 'Peel: trHe played tRed Planetr quite a lot and we got the first session on the strength of that. Ilers got a lot of influence and if yourre rin' then it can be a great help. Peel has been terrific - two sessions, both repeated several times - you cant t ask for raore tha^n that. 'tThe gessions helped create interest and a bloke fron Polydor cene to one of our rare gigs after they'd heard thern a^nd some demos. We consid.ered things carefully and. decided that our rnain aim was to be able to put reeord.s out the way re wanted. and without losing money. The Junta d.ea1 took a lot of organising and we eventually got ripped off so another lnd.ependant labeL wagnf t the ansrer. yfe signed to Polydor and. have dictated our own terms: lVe choose what re put out, re d,o our orn production and I do ai1 the artwork. . . rl 't... Hers a squares and. circles manrrt laughed Andy.
tDark Parade
that's basically truerrr Steve continued.. "I{e a five year contract rith the ugual options and although the music business is pretty brutal even if they kicked us out tommoror, it wouldn't be the end. of the world, rould it? Lette face it, any band. is more important than a record eompany or manager, theyrre Just channels to organise things through. ff Polydor re?e ever to say ttsorry 1ad.s, we canr t release thisr then wetd just .say trfuck you'r and look for another
he l ooks
once to1d ne that the contracte only cone out when therers a legal point, and. I think
traight atread theret s something there now itts gone ts it a. b'ird or &n aeroplane just like a thought i tt s there and then i tt s gone
over gea over s and, in the d.es er ted hear t of a d.esert land
I asked Steve about the lyrios to rfndependance D?{', which f thought rerl quite straightforrard. 'That eongls not as simple as it seemef it'" a bi.t obscure. f used. to cover up what f ras trying to say in lyrics, so the point ie fairly rell hidden - it's just about a gtate of mind. The B side, tWe Weret algo tries to oapture a particuLar mood..r f suggested to him that it seemg out of character when compared to their other reoordings, rhich are far more accessible, but he d.isagreeil. nlt nay be out of character ln sound, bui certainly not in intent. Origi.nally there ras a whole song _ called tRing Ringr - and re rent into the stud.io, stripped everything off bar the d.rumen slored lt dorn and. improvised over the top. It end.ecl up alnost like a sound track for a itln that doein' t exlst, Usually f sort of Jam arounil, find. a fer chords or a bit of a tune ancl take tt to the othet'e. Thea we gracluaLly shape it into a song.
rotor blades like chamed palm trees signify no success
no release no release
is it eight or is it nine rho fall in f or the very l as t there is no res t no release
at the these
oas i.s
to this
the darkest
next album rill be qui te & bi t d i f f erent fron the las t one beceuse we t ve d iscovered a lot about hand'ling the s tud io since then and our apploach to the sound. Ee rant has altered , too. f think iit tt be even more simple , nore s traightforward" , mood.ier, miserable - even more tlepressirg" The three or f our new s ong:s that we play in the s e t are L fair ind i c ati on of the irec ti on lve t re moving in. r wish we?d written them before we rec ord ed the f irs t alburn b ec ause theyr re r:iuch better than songs like rL{ap of The tr{orld. ' and. Monkey Pi 1o t I . lYe I ve rri t ten a good. chunk of the next alblrm, which will certainly be less poppy we t ve c oiltple ted ten s ong's . '?The
In w&
ru ffi
are certain elernents that are acces$lble to everybody and. they are the ones we pre fer to use. The new songs are a lot more fluid. and utilise those elenents - Siinnlicity r rcpetition, the beat: Theyr re al 1 designerL to catch people and. proviCe reference points that they can latch on to. Everyone responds to a thenor After al 1r w€ al 1 like to danc€.rt
&k tr Y#
This progression will becone apparent when their next single, probably 'Eye 0f The Lens.t , is re le as ec at the b e ginning o f the Jre ar , "ThereIs a story by tangdon Jones called 'The Eye 0f The Lens ,tt explained S tev€ r frrC.o you know i t?" I confessed that I didnrt. '?rtrs just as well because ihe songts not about ihatl " r d.onf t want to d eliberate nuch before S teve saiC. that the;r rFere anbi,;ior.:.s everybody hears itn but it's a parod-y of a and wented to be riucce$sfulr rrr,'or€ haye psyched elic nunber * not a nas ty p*rbcy, an our own ,1 e f ini ;;ion o"f slrcce$s -.vhlch is affectionate orle because it's a kind of far renoved fron rire recor4 con-.a,n".)r'g music I really like. ft stands oub fron nost an<i", juc.ginfi :-; on our tern:;, lrean { of the new stuff in that it's fairly Ijre wanna be srlcce$s fu.l . Cur ai,-i is to conmercial but hopefully it'11 stand up as a keep goin8r Fiayit:$ ihe Tusic rre,,vay:t song in j.tts own right. to for ag iong as we can"rf "r
used to disguise the point of ny songs but theytre inore speciflc now. rDark parar,.e' is pre t by speclfic but r d on' t like people ranu'aing the i r opini ons d own iiry thro*l s o r tend. to avoid. it my$elf. rf sone of these s o-c alIed. id. e ali s tic b and s 1i fes tyl es were ' c ons is tent wi th their lyri c s I niEh t pI ac e a bi t more f ai th in them. f d. on' t th j-nk that poli tics r wi th & srnall ' pr , is the only use
for lyrics - there are other things to aim at' r suppose it depends on whether or not you take the view that everything you do is a political actio1.rt
At this point I asked for the lyrics to 'Dark Parad.et, but $teve rasn|t too keen: "we donrt have lyric shee ts becaufie r think they should be heard and not read..' Later he relented , obviously proud. of his work and eager to il lus trate the change in approach. r asked. him what he hoped. to achieve by praying in a band. 'I t n not involved. to try and convert a,nyone to my Tray of thinking perticularly. Be li eve i t or no t re ae tually I ike pl aying musio , just the artictic or muslcal cherl-nge. Dont t be afraid. to us€ the word. r artr to me there t s pood. art a.nril bnr{ nnt n
Even if it cornpelleC irci_r to co:,il,ro: ,ise? ttNot necessariiy. r care a.bout ihe audience in as inuch as r vrant the-,: to
like what iuetre doitrfrr but if noboriy
brough t the el bu'n we wou.l-c.nr t
our style to suit the ..a.rket" lloi playing i:lany gigs unti1 rec'-:ntly isasn' t a show of conternpt for our aud.ience, that situation was entirel-y due io finance r you? ve got to make sure you I re no t going to 1 os e money and before we got a rleal that was alnost impossib1€.fr
And.y accused. S teve of being 1ess enthus ias tic about gigging than the res t of the band.. ', f like playing onstagertt d.efend.ed Stev€r '?itrs just all the nonsense that surround s i t
that I get sick of. Gigs are a
means of trying out id.eae and r canr t
deny feeling a sense of satisfaction
when r ralk offstage, but werve been j.n London for five d.ays and pl ayed. f or about f our hours . The res t af the tine
hag'' been spent org:anising these five 4o minute se ts , tr ano ther of whieh w&s jus t o'lr.rnrn *
Har 1y I a st v ear &rrs ther t d ernCIsratJ.c dec iss1 o n w es taken by t he Bri tishmi gsv errnrn e nt ( CIr the pol i tic al e fenc, jun ta CI f T hha,tcher , Pym, Hosre ""d$$;.i 0ar ri.lng t on ) who d eemed" to nnake iti + ic I t, hha,t chesric al weeponry w&s off icia bei nEs ng t QC kkp iled once a gain after sto cKs ck h ad g uppos ed ly b een d es troyed" in 119956 H o'ow ever, Brl ta in expor ted, vas tam t 0 un ts of CS Sss for use in tn in lr 6S and it w &s only the Vie tnars mCIr eln q ui ssi tive press that hrought thi s (*o/q oct her ) incide nte tc light" ?he foL l osr iin g yeer, in Augr:.*t '69, *he RUC lts A,oA C$ Ses in the ts ogw id e &of I,o :1nd. onqi,erry. T* rs sffe**g &,s &* *&r s es r8 d" i s trarb i ng$ Fm"fn j-n the €Jr#s t +*- er e,rs and. s pffi. ,$rns of the[' €ye I trt : 'nl [}s & mharp bu rning pain i t-i 1a th* nss # r t,rh roat and eh es t whi eh h qr,'. omes vto r rg e anrC. c aus e s a choking sen satio II . A s exposure continues, pro fus e SA Iti vation and running of) the nog e o ur s i-rnul tan s(ruur=v.i*, a
is hence ob 1 ivi ou s 0 f1 l}ing him rrl hey ca n e nt eyes, lun 8sn nos e an d are mos t CII ec tive w h en being ab sCIr bed Ci" re c t1 1o od. . Thu sp reven t iv e and prec aut ions a re impossibl e.I
fhe what
mout swal
in to
vir t
J. t
fi Fdl
-t- \"r* rrJ
Breathing is extremely painful violent coughing rnay induce voni tin
The Bri tish government has always been ad a^mant that CS gas is a. vislble smoke, vehemently d enying that the agent is available as an in.,'isible gas r rntil as rec en tly as February '79 when the Home Office released,
film of police using cartriCges of smokeless CS sas.b ,
In June ' 68 an ex RAF s tatlon at
or tre ath , C ornwal 1 a Nanc ekuke - $ras disclosed by 'Sanity', the CNliiffi.l news paper. They proved that tkris (rntil then total ly secretffi
tablishment ) !yas prorl ucing: agents in conjunction with the"4gA19:11_, es
In conventional (o" nuclear warfare)
circumstanc€s n chenical warfare is j us t as l ike ly to b e us ed agains t the Hrnore t disobedientr British populationfi as against the so-cal led enemyW.# civilians or sold.iers. In 1967, Yenen, c i tizens were sub j ec ted to nerve g&$ r the rnost horrific of cheml-cal agents, far more effective than blast i e*pl os ives and. - unl ike nuc 1e ar weaponry .D able to penetrate shelters Nerve g:ases are rapid qnd persistentf" (tasting for a number of years in some c ases ) ln their e f fec ts , wi th thel,W ad ded t advantage I of l eaving build lngs
and. e ause
no inmed iate d i sc om f ort.
Ses es ere s imi l- ar s ornpound s to edki l}e rs and. preven t the nor rnal" csntrol mechanisrns tha* govsrn nervous impul s es f rom working. The re su1 t i s
that vitn,l srgans cease to function
amiS.st the l"arge scale disorder that oc curs wi thin the b od,y upon exposure . j: Tabun was the f irs t nerve ga and yasdiscovered in Decenber 1936 by thef Germans. Fart of the !var" reparation given to Britain was in the form of a, nerve gas p1 ant. Al-though i t isC extremely effectiv€r it was never used" agains t the al li es Af ter Tabun c ame S artn . Approxim-&tely 1 mg of Sarin c&n lethal i f inhaled ,
ingested or brought into contact with the skin, A sinsle smal 1 drop unnoticed. upon the skin woulri. kill wi thin ten ninutes . One nunb er c ould prori uc e more c asual tie s wi th S arln than a rn ed. iurn yei1d nuc1ear bomb.
rc; Still
inore toxic and twice as 1etha1 is Soman and the V agents that
arin are c apab 1e o f
c 1o
Nerve gases cause muscle to go into s pasrns and. , when they af f ec t the whol e bod"y, all the nuscles contrac t. fni tial1y vision is inpaired., breathlng, heart rate and. blooC pressure are af i'ec ted. . Soon there i s a, los s of fl control over excre tion, voni iing resul ts followed by nause&r dribbling and.' g extrene Cifflculty in breathing, end.ing
in asphyxiation, convultions,
ft would. indeed be pertinent to ask how the authori ties learned. of these ef fec ts Nurnerous other gases exist that kill byf other method,s but nerve gases are by far the most efficient. Need"less to say protective clothing and gas masks ai6 available to al I the ar;ned forces. ICivilj-ans are less fortunate - total ly uninforrned..
ArtLcle bv Mlok
C.etf;in.i,l Ic interview T he Ja r0 wa s very di f'fi ci.ri t .'foiyrLcr in ine ir inf ini te ',;i$C"ari n*c1*ed. that a fan zt nei n tervi e flirrther their ca re ers , so ou r '-i ilui'J"n'.l phone cal1s nr ov eCf u- ti 1e or ien"L s f'?rs:i li ; j- i l" , ire a:: t rrnsfl by th ef 8,C tth at trau I .,j ct: l^ "i.,* :' c I airns to have aiI l-ir "* nilif rrf Jl': e L 'Lcwrr,r*s f e.r:z in€$ r this in tr e pid fanz i n 6l w::i. rer e::rj. d i. sc ernj-ng fan W asn I ff d j" s c clir aEed by thei r n Or1- co 0per a.ti off ,,cf an,l iJ*ciciErt there was rnor chan e e ofii' e]"irangi ng &n in tervi ew wh i1 eth ey were on tOur "
That 1.:rolopre set the fone of tthe converseti-cn,, r,vith Faul t*,',fin$ to co]lvince rne that The Jam vrcren't the ins: t j Lutlonal is ed. rnoney naklng rnachine I'd been suspiclous of and me atternpting to ease the awkward. s j" tuation by confess:'-ng ny appreciation of the'banC anC ,Vellerf s lyrics in narficular." Despi'b,e ny eti.orts, he al_wa:fs construed n"y {luesticns as being based sCImewl:a.t 0n naliceu',
l\fost *f i;ire bands lre sneak to aim bo o rfn in"i;orview to exnress ':heir viewr an,C, err jr"istify 1;hernselves but as rnost' of The Janrs fol1o'*nrer's seem blind"ed by a,1ul ation 'bhey woulC" seen bo have litt use fcr such a, sitrra'i;ion. Stil}, f had sufficien'b faith to tr,y at Cardiff and" when "bhris proveC frui tless T trierL aga at Leicester. f rd. brought the cessett*i al-nug to recorC the potential inbervie' enC Curing their pre-gig sound check wai confronted" by e burly roadie, anxious that I shor:ldntt record the band" f explainedthe cassette I s 1")urpos e r@ji pointeC out that i t wasn' t rec ord ing an j oked that i t was real ly of tto mF consec{uence since The Jam were rich and" ifanous and" a bootlegwouldn't affecti thern ln "bl:e slightust. ft tprned. outf 1r$
my Leic es ter trip wasn' t in vai.n , asl Paul erranged. for rne to interview the b and at the R ainb ow the f o l 1 ow ing,l H
g'1. ernell'i 'rriin sure"1"y ic l" L oru," th em s irnply b ec aus e they are popul ar and fashionabl *?lW "Ye&h, hut theytre in thffiy. r've got to admit that some of the letters r get from people really frighten n1€, you know , 'Af ter hearins such and such a" s ong r jacked my job j.nf . rtrs sueh a sense of responsibility, I wonder if we shou"LC hav the ' righ t to do that, " Ffl
ing th e b and su.rrouna ed by autograph huntens on the tour"?ae
e of the things that s add ened ma and Paul shared" my viewe.i:%,ft&_ffi -T "rhat t s what r !'ras trying to rty in s tar .If we only meet for two minutes it will br
\,,ffiIespi te my s trong f eel ings agains tf'fl Londonf s rnost d.epressing venue, T dul trundled al ong to Finsbury Park' andfi managed to get in for the soundchecki
a s tart , I I d. mue h rather talk about s&ngs or lyrics than sisn autographs but f un no gonna turn round an& s ey t not Tt sL % & I " thinks al ot reassuring to find someone who the s ane l ine s as yCIlt an,il" i s olt your s id" e that goes f or the b and. and aud ienc e . I think it I s great to know that, Alright r sr ; ., cr tain s ec tl on rnigh t only e ome and s e e us b ec aus e lrs have hi t s ingl es but tlre naJority have been there fon & long time and i tt s great to think they feel the s &&r way about thin_gs as I do, tt1: i*. B :i;*W-..u.;-.}:,.'...-.''i...,l..; ?
a1ongwitha,J.arge.crowd.whohad.l" gathered outs id e . Even tual ly I had to be content to speak to Paul alone, inl the I luxuri- ous t dress ing room. Af ter being informed of my previous sneering remarks, he was reluctant to do thel in tervi ew , s aying: n f d. on I t know whether f should do this lnterview wi th with you after what you said" about us having loads of rnoney. tf i
r scnetiixes tret the i-il1r**uffi-o* bhat ti:e banc coulrl" set &walr xith nuti,inr.: out ir"Lar rnaterial rri th insul tin,g Fcl" ice tlrpe l;r::ic because meny fans are be:ionc rruestionin,q what they d o,ffiffi ** "You night be right, but I thlnk our fans ii11sten to the lyrj-cs anrL have ,,qo"1:L a lot more intelligence tha,n you rea.l ise € or at l eas t r l ike to think they have o That' evsn more of a reason to keep 8. strong qual i ty c ontrol on what we prod ltc € n
,tt* *'.
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Although I consider the varied naterial on their albuns dispenses with such criticisn, f mentioned. to Paul that many people feel that their mu*ic. is structured around a particular forrnufr.ts rfThatrs probably true up to a noint, but certainly not about the new stuff. tStart'
is d.ifferentr both lyrical1y and nusically and the albun is varied. The songs from the rSettings Sonst era are rnore 1ike" complete short stories, whereas these are
.t-,: k4'l th!6
thoughts. The idea was to get extracts fron a conversation. It m hasn't worked cornpletely but f reckon itrs reasonably close to it. The most d.irectfi way of getting through to someone isff usually by sitting down and just talking straight, but a 1ot of the tine ueople]fi[ try t- dress i.t up in songs, Sust to # arouse interest. Therefore you tend to-lY bung in stuff which is pure imagery.r'.fr based. more on my
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rsaturd.ayrs Kids' (. r*( tend to glorify the mundane existence of the "i '"jY fk typical iam fan.,ffi ,*t #.U.people rrltr s not glorifying it, but n hav a lr o i: ai: l-;;'- ',: oi:.l d. other Ta,ir .Lr saiC it's a criiicisrn and it's not that eiihe -l i.ri r: ' t :,hi nk :ie +; t o l:urib er It's a documentation of that 1-rfestyle and!, t ii:e 'i;o -l;?ic fre although it could be about our fans it was{4 actually rrrritten about my schoolfreinrls - a1 l,#** A the people who stl]1 go rlown rny loca1 pub... Pau.l" d"isagree$ with the "#i:: use 6r' .bel'lefib Eigs to further coli*ricaL orga.nj"sR.*;ions "" anC s aid they' d c cns id er pla:f j ni; {'n:' i$D but not lAR,ffi lp'G; t on "You rrery re.rei.y gf;t bi"aek k:-'1.s -lol-n,l fo son-gs the f asked. Faul if he now regards "Rock Agains t :?a.c isn giils ir r:rrl.v &',)i s hh *T{"-, ' :l :t' i 'In The Cityt as naive.H;&. nore c CIne '.;o our norrral ;'i-gs; a ;v''cr.l. €T{,'i l;hat I songs Lhe were 'rNot real1y, no. Those wrote when I was 1Bo so they were from an 18 at Leicesti:r' ihe clher night, Thel; srlni:r year olds point of view and f wouldn't {isnis s r:F the whol e lh i-ilS r yor,l ge t rL f ew : ac i; them as naive. 0f course, now ltn wrj-ting fro mf kids at hheir ,gj"gs an{ tl:e;r go 'lt:'',rs"r,'f Righf nano six blaeks al orir {iig i.oni^,-ht, a 22 year oltls point of view but I donJ t how ethnic"rt The;rtre ,iu.st rucking ki,*"s, i neeessarily go back on all those early c couldn't give e siLit; what cclcul: fhq::r e.:rc. statements. Werve nev€r m.ade too nany promise was If I a bL.ack f 'd feei a. bit i nsul t;e* and perhaps thatts the reason for our success by all that, I thi:ik all t,hese banner:I and survival. ftts alL very well making pretty are silly but Clill is n bi1; promises and. being romantic brrt f orefer rilfferent Tqie rvere ta-l-king al:out doi-ng and. someone who says nobhing and just goes out s cme thing l ike that ne x t .ye ar , or,:lani. s i ri.,i and does it, Irve got more respect for it ourselves. Like I sairJ, ilrere'$ no reall when people like that. Take my label, if anrl pol i tic b i al as and rro ma t ter who jlou are . r inage it happens, ffm not worried. about my surely get blovrn to Conrt wanna .you it take or integrity and when I d.o it' f '11 lr€ get a.nd" should. ihat threat out -nj"eces job. was idea The seriously and do a proper the way of for big bonhs in a start" Five throrrgh to plough back all the money I make Britain would. &{ake sure blow apart... it as such peonle get Riot etories so I don't youtve got plenty of baked. beans, it?s yourself who reckon werve got loarls of cash pathetic. Why not get rid. of all our a.ntl the rest of it. f was just gonna finance weapons and lead. the way for o ther it, just give the kid.s the money to put[ to d.o the sane r someoner s got c ountries singles out and although f could probably and d.o it. They? re not to come out get a distribution deal with ?olydor I going but they fucking to, know, I tlon't want to at the noment. f havenrt'E they will if Foot gets in, should. }{aybe really got the time and I don't want to do the same with anY dontt s know, ftf I a Fursey'botlge of a job. I'm not knocking problern, there?s no cCIulltry social najor him because at least he had a 8or but I the stand"er$." coming and. setting out wanna make sure I clo it properly. " He denied
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I mentioned. in passing that patriotism is the cause of many problems, whleh seerned, surprise Paul , 'tYou think itts a bad thing? f tm a patrio in that I believe a" majoriiy of the Britir people are alright. I dontt know if itrs b ad thing to b e patri o tic . f think Thatch, Joseph and bastards like that are traitorr to the Sritish people. I mean, theref s lot of people who voted for Thatcher ,r yor know, working class housewives who though she? d und. ers tand. ab out the weekly shoFpini and shets betrayed. all of them. It makes me sick, it must be one of the btggest c rimes of al 1 timg.f;Jffi.
"r conf t think wetre gonna see any kinrl^ of perfect society in our lifetine. '#e should start building for it now, itrs nental proc e s s that t 11 hope ful ly af f ec t our gra,nd.child"ren, Irm not talking about utopia tcos the whole utopian view is a li ttle too close to F ascisrn r Some of what bands like crass say should be clear to anyone wi th brains , Anyone wl th any s ort of self res;:ect will obviously haveS a"
IIe He has a sstrong t::ong ((and justifieit)Emlike probably and" prob to live in a world. like that. I ab ly jus ti ri ed ) belief that music ean change things.f ffi"""kon equality only exists up to a I'Thatrs one of the best things aUoufUeingf{i'tcertain level and Comrnunisn puts d.o*n in e band r you can bring people togetherl' natural human instlncts. I donrt see vrhy, who o therwi s e would never have me t , even if a gee zev works hard er than a,nother if i t' s jus t to see us at the Rainbow for bloke he shouldntt get paid more ,* theref one night" They?re gonna get to know eaeh other and, letts face it, one rnore frienC is one less enemy. rtts a vicious fucking worid anyr/r ey t so that in i tsel f is a gooa encugh reason for anyone to continue, ::..|;EEIF_ ffi*fu.
sEErdrjffslsf,n ;&s{r.._!
'fwithout getting complacent about it, itr6 a good enough basis to work in, what otherF med i a i s there that ge ts through to s o many people so effectively? you can discount TV, radio and the papers so music is the only channel through which change is gonna come about. f t would be rnuch heal thier i f there were other channels but there arenr t.rr Paul sald, he had no ffi
lyrics more overtly political . t'what band.s like the Gang of Four do is to6 much like indoctrination c "itr s fucking$ this, itrs fucking thatfr - it sound.s like Tom Robinsorr r it t s bullshit. people accusb me of being little more than a reporter :,i but r wourdn?t want rny lyries to be ag' ,"t* preachy as that. I jus t say what I feel and. S..il t,fitriiiL-ffi try to put i t in a mutual se tting, then i,, itts up to people to thlnk for thennselveJl ",6g.at the moment because there r s a ifl r think that way! s more e f fec tive than .,$il"dis tribution problem. There? s to; much shsving it d.own people' s throats. you can-i ;{ year th and. too much power pl ac ed. in one shout and rant and rave but eventual 1y i: ,,'"'solitary area, not only weetern greed but people get bored wi th you r â&#x201A;ŹLs Jimny pursey that in Rus s ia as well . Theyr ve go t has *hown, A1 th ougli hi s mo tives were ri.gh t . compl e te c on trol . r s t111 main tain that peodl e b ec ane s us p' , 'i ous and r ab ove al l , music is the only cha^nnel left capabre ,it gfets boring," of changing things through. $:,.i
Damned I The Black Album, th the Magaz ine renai s s ance and the emergence of bands like Ski Patrol and the Comsat Angels, I suppose 1980 wasn't a bad. year really, but even so I canf t help wond.ering where f t d" be without The Damned. Wi th each successive year their contemporaries fa1l one by,orle but CroyCont s fines t march relentlessly on avoiding the pitfalls of success seerningly more by luck than jurlgenent. This album marks Paul Grayt s d ebr: t wi th the band. and he provides a goo,{ bal ance af ter Alistair Ward's heavy netal leanings, f ont t think i t at te rs a. gre at d e al who joins them because Sensible is capable of pl aying b o th le ad and" b as s in the s tu"li o , though they obviously need. a fourth nember for gigs. The alburn is a collec tion of s ongs in the true D amned trad. i ti orr r ranging frorn ?lVait For The Blackout' and 'IIit 0r L{isstr which take over w}:ere t},Telody Leef left off , to t13th Floor Vendetta' , , Lively Arts t and. rfwis ted Nerve' which e a7 Lhcugh they wonf t please their puritan au:J j-er:ce rnuch - are the bes t of the new s ongs , f t rn sure that rDr Jekytl And l,{r Hyde' would be the one to put thern back on Top 0f The Pops if it were releaseC as a single but as I His tory 0f The World ' and 'IIi t Cr ldlss' have both been issued previously this is unl ikely. The first two slces form a. conventional albun but the res t sees a rleparture f::om the usual f ormat. Af ter more than three years toge ther they have b ec ome f airly accomplished musicians but - unlikef regressj.ve wasters like the iIK Subsnl ,,'ho they are often unfairly categorisefl wi th -- they arent t af raid to show thi s proficiency as the arnbltious side three proves. The Da^urned have always been a law unto themselves and their sing'lemindedness in i, rel e as ing alr epic 22 minute version of tCurtain Call' must be adrnired., even if it is s ome thing of & d is appointment when compared to the brilliant Peel session version. The song, which takes up the whole of the side, Ioses d.irectlon after ab out 1, minutes , but who â&#x201A;ŹLre Fe to c ompl ain about seven minutes eelf indulg:ence when theyrve put this double album out for a. fiver? | Side Four Berves as a latter d.a,y tgreatest hitsr - live set,
The Wi
; ll:** ?: l*o i*n:3;
Etiquetter: A spirited (tf oblisi tory ) rend.l tion of t l{ew Rogef is the only survivor from the ir original s e t. ThLs s id , ,U and the exe e I 1 en t trac kg on the other three , l ay to res t the;' ghoet of Srfa^rr James once and for all.
Public Image ttd,: iraris Au Printemps. :PIl rea,pF':iear after a consi,terable absence wi th this l ive album which goes a l ong way to reaffirrning their irnportance in the 3ri tish mus ic sc ene . Even though al I seven songs a,re at least & year old", the album s til I has trerrend ous ori ginal i ty . This is mainly due to the interpre tation of material which r orr s tud io a"l-hltm , had been inaccessible and - to a certain extent - confused.. fn the French aurL i enc e , Lyd on has f or-rnd a pe rf ec t f oc al poin t f or the cen t -lr.o an ger of songs such as tChantt , Thene' and f A t tack , The only l ogi c a-1" re as on ror the ' crowd being tin,wre is to see.Johnny -Rotten and tydon' s frus tration bec ones nore anrl aore obvi ous throughou t the c ours e o f the gig as they persist with their A":ericanise{l cheering ancl" whis tl-i*â&#x201A;Źt, $Iobble 4oa.1 s them with the bass riff of tt,{y Generetion' at the beginning of 'Bacl" Boy' - to great applause. Later on LyC.on sings: "Sonecne is calling1 cl"ontt you listen, ontt you listen. I{ryrore i t and i t wi 11 Eo away, " pe:r:hap,$ more relevant in this situation where &n exanple of people not listent-nr; is eviri-ent, rParis Au I'rintenps t find s & perf ec t balance be tween t F'irs t Erl i ti-on' and" f l,le tai Boxr both riusical ly ancl" Cirectiona"L ly and they d e f ini tely haven ' t re l-yed cn t::o t tins out their 'greatest hits' neither 'Fu?:1ic ?
fnagef or rleath Discot are incl-r:Ceri. Hopefully the ney-t studio altrum u'il1 retain this b al anee and f ocus r i;hough iVohh l" e' s absence is bound bo :rake a differerrce, PS: 'Poptones' has to be heard to be iielieveC Revj.ew by Hutch
D I first saw l,{od"ern English supporting the Robbie answered. my criticisn of hig lyrj.cs to tswans 0n Glassf : Del ta 5 at the Rock Gard en and , whi l s t the hearLliners came across as little morr '?We werenr t trying to build. up than two c onpe tent rnus i e l ans wi th thre e s ome thing l ike Di amond Dogs ' brrt f c en glrls r,viggling their bums and. desperat,e' Ji see the similari ties, f tts quite funny really because the song: is just trying to appear as if they were enjc,y:':r{,i Cescription of a night in Colchester, themselv€sr MoCern English were inpressive.j I like writing about things that appear be insignificant The intense Foser of their music was rot\\.''to of politics, *<. which f donrt really insteaat accu::ately captureC on ttr" rscrang 0n know enough about. Glassf single, whieh frd. previously $r'I saw the Clash on the telly when d"is:"ni"ssed es sub-Dj.amond logs imager.y r so S trurnmer was s aying things l ike ' they shoul$. put all politicians in a big , the exceil-ence of their set caught 're c age ? and things l ike that , s o I lcor?tpl etely off guarC, ft seeirns that their on' t songs rnust be heard as nart of e set (o" think they know enough ab out the alburn) to be frlll;r aplreciated, when eaoh subject to cornment, ft?s fair enough :-ft snccessive song ls able to i:uild unon b and. s l ike the Gang of Four and P o g'-..creating a,n atmosphere yet to be Group real ly bel j-eve in what they' reo re pr od.uc ed. in the s tur1" i o , saying and. know what theyrre on about, Ii{od.ern English: Robbie Grey/voca1s. Gary but how can you tel1 if theyrre honegt? ./ l,{cDowe1l/gritar. Richard Brown/dru.ms.. -21' Even if we knew enough about politics Ltick Con"61'/bass. Steve Walkerr/synth.V-werd" probably all d.iJagree, so f dontt write about it' r' r interviewed the band a few weeks l."Llb at their lVes t Lond on squat and , &f ter glancing up at the posters on the wal 1 Their first single , , Drowning lilanr was (lo*ie, Fistols , Bol&r1 r ',,Vire. Bauhalts. , . ) released on the in'tepend ant Limp label-. askeC Gar,'r if they were a. fair refleetion I{ick explained how they got the deal: of their inf luenc es . " Ac tually we me t the b 1 oke who rlrns ttNot really , theyt re nore representa l,ive Lirnp toni gh t , he c aae own from of ny taste than anything else" lvhen r --J.+ Colchester. Hets baslcally just a moved into this berlrooa i had to do bus ineg srfi an ,- a g:ood c on man t who us ed, r something to liven up the walls, so r put to do a lot of pronotion, like varlety up all the pos ters r had , r wouldnf t s ay shows and. wan tetL to move in to rock r at 1J Tr're had. any major lnfluences, Our musicrs ro11. Robbie kept telling hirn that our ab out atmos phere and, eno ti on and we d onr t kind of music was gonna be big and try to sound. like anyone else - besid.ee after a while he began to believe it" therets very few band.s that we all like.'r He put on a few gigs and one d ay he jus t c arne to us and s aid I ri ght r we r re 'twl re are th e onl"y b and we al I 1 ike , rt gonna put a single out' so we ttrought tthis ls it, werve got it mader but we interupted. Richard,,,and. David Bowie r suppose, rtts not conscious but people had a f ew things to l earn. r t w&s a have said, that their material has rubbed. b i t of a shamb 1es in the s tud io he was off on us. tf I V as naive as us and. there were pl, en ty of Robbie continued.: "Tle like the way they mis tak€B_r_ Like the l ong break in the d o things , theyr re alraJrs trying to d ot nid.d-1e - that was supposed to have s ome thing d i f f erent, r remember when r voe al s on but we d id n r t have time to f irs t s aw then and they pl ayed ab out 25 rec ord i t and he d id.n' t have enough nunbers. r was stunned , r couldnr t' noney to fork out f or eny more s tud. i o believe j.t. r d.onlt think we,re heavily 'time, so it went out as it w&s.tl infruenced. by their music.- maybe their approaeh to things but we certainly don' t try to s ound. l ike then. Normal ly when we prac ti s e thinge c ome out from an . icl e a Robbie: ?twe know re can d o better than that one of us has had and i t progress es the e tuf f tre t ve rel eased, s o f ar, we arl into a" generar j a^rn, the song emerges out f eel s ome thing f or t Drowning Manr but of that. There t s no irec t inf luenc e if it Fere still in the set. wef d. do a but a few nonths later we might go arrdl f ar be tter j ob i f we went to rec ord. i t frG€ & band. who are rnuch nore popuLar than now. We alwaye seem to come up with us and, , f ind that some thing they pl ay better stuff in the stud.io anrL are' sounds like one of our numbers, r first c ons tantly improving: , that r g what Snotic ed that when the Banehees ' f irs t surprieed me when you sald you didnrt albut[ came out and there ErrR n s.imi]nn ?
_ * Possibly their bisges t break to d attf"--rd The band are bitter e.bo*t t, eir came when they signed. for 4Ai) 7 &-? treetrnent by the music pepers, who subsiduary lebel to Beggars Banquet have vlrt,rall.;,r igrlored, ther.n except thatf s bi-r.ild.ing uF a. gs$d renu t,ation f or a f e,:v cb i,ga tory revi- ews and. f or s po t ting good. prcmi.sing new b ands " " S't eva w s.s : Far t i c uI a,r ly anrgrlr at th e Robb i e : "we s ent our firs t " eno , which way l-ire;r a,b rLs s f heir was pretty rough but we were prou'd_ of "oo*i " at the time , to ab out zo c onpani e s ana Beggars were the only CIne to reply, "i o,i t:e r lr, rr?i e li ke Brrsh e i 1 j r: -\E Th ere was only u.s and. Rerna R ema ar ound Ns-a\ jtcsi-Lion anf,. lro,,.l lcnow',n. then who were Coing this sort of rni:sic exactly wha,t hets riionna .,.*rite !3r-_influenciel Deoor:€ and Beggars kept in touch wi th both of yourve even read. it becer_rse he's so us and. showed their interes t. The two narrowminded, The sa.ne f,ces for .;blokes who 1ryere intc our sort of musj-c I;!cCullough, f feel sorrjr for the peonl* eventuall;' s tarted their own 1abel and wiro miss oui on soi"'e great n:usie they jus t s ign band"s which appeal. to bec ar.lse s one narro,Jr,'j.gind- e.t,j c ;"rnn i g r.,.Fl their tas te. Thatr s why the b and s on slags i.t off - r use{ to take nori.ce ir 4al tend to have s oxne thing in c CInnoil r them but since',vef ve heen ir.rrol_ved_ i,ve rvhich is good" because it gi.ves the realised how iRE,ccurn.te tire;r n,re" rt label en identity, iyhen these two went vror-i.ld. be if they $oI neo"r:l,e lii,e to leave Beggers and s tart ti:eir own -t' f .{cu, vrho be*t*r d"o bhie sort of thinrT i.cr: 1ab el r Beggars o f f ered. to rinanc e i1i*v{-* hobbyr to c"a the revier.rys beca.use t}.:.e-,,. s o novr they toy wi th the b and,s on 4.ttt*b* {c it for e livini* a.n.j wiLl j-ne1.rit..;.tr 1.y and if they break - like tsauhaus ford l-cse their en-"thrisiasn, ft s no l:,-li .Ter ins tanc e - they t 1l shove them on fun fcr t1:.en a:,C rne,y l<r:tw il:at "riier Seggars and begin to push them, Jifake no theyrre e,t a gig or linlr,-, irl to s,ri mis take , Bauhaus are on Eegsars Banqu.et, album the3rtve go,, ba write ?,Cfn.-rflrds they just keep the 4Af neme on the }a,bel, about it when it fini::hss r :i,h ic jr n,-rs t J-
" Our s ec ond, s ingl e f or then , , Gathering Dust? is, like rnost of our songs, based" __-F on some thinS f a.irly pers onai . f t' s tip-about when we came to TronrLoor r.rhat happened when Tve arrived . The ti tl el is
fairly sel f-explani tory. f think the B si-der trrenq.uility 0f A sumrner Mornent' i's mCIre i'rlod ern Engl i sh than the A s id e , which sound.s like Hawkwind in places " we ihough t as lre weren ? t s a tis f ied wi th a lot of our gigsr wetve got ta cor&e u.p wi th s ome thing powerful that I s gunna turn a few heads, You can call it i$#f compromiuing but !rye felt ne had to and" the record c ompany did.nt t ask us to d o i t ' we t ve jus t reaxranged the set along s irni l ar l ines , msving the powerful s ongs to the b eginning to try and" grab people
s attention.
"The songt s ab out dur move to Lond.on but al though Fe took tiire to s et ble in , we re not s**:ring it raenr t rorthwhile. Jus t by living toge ther re ve achieved. a lot becalrse back in colehester a even though we s&r each o ther soc ial1y - F€ r d. only preetLse once & week and. serd. spend half the time chatting about what'ilre were alglpg Lt and wri ting lyric s . Being i[ tondon makes you-fell more involved. r we t i[ not been interviewed b e f ore we, le f t c ol ches ter and. thlngs :T 1 i ke thi s- and l e t ters froin in tere s ted f ags a,re what keep uE going. f t r s really encouraging thai pe;ple are ?
e e shi t to have on Jy.ou.r rind "
],{hen ? swans 0n Glass r came out , * *s saqdy Robertson wrote ?r want enotion, not this? and i:is si.n#le of the weeka*t rvas & fucking rockabJ-l)";,' n:rmbor r 'rj)/. tf
interu.pted. Robbie. f r1 like tc ta,l<e hirn back and show him all the e-rcti_on that vras involved over the pas t year ?r
to ge t that single rel eased , There r s nct just lyrical eaoti-cr-r, J/cu kno{{,f,
'lBeing caI1ed. public schoolboS's was fucking absurd.r'f chiirleC in F,"ichard., "f think we?ve got nore credilrility than bands like th* Cockney Re jec ts, iYe know of groups who have been rvaitinE f sr s, $ ound.s or I{}tE in tervi ew and harre ac tuallf had the raoney ready in & 'cupb oard. * I t puts us in an irnpos s ib 1 e ej"tuatl"on because werre certainly not going to res ort to s orne ihing und. e rh and but w j- thout any he 1 p frorn the r"*us i. c papers itts really difficult to get no tic ed.. I remember the time se pl ayed the Music R{achine wi th a, g:roup c all e'C" Sepurity Rtsk and. Sary-bird. 3ushe11 was there and. faneied. the who was lead sing€xr A few weeks l ater there ws,s a d"ou.b1e page spread. a,bout *\ them; \ t $igm th{s bsed I '*
lvlcttrIEFll\l EI\IGiLlgiH $'d-
fnterview by Ray,
o'There has been one instance when the press have helped us," said Mlck. "sp:.Z'z was interviewed, in sound.s e. few weeks ago anc he said. t rf the.Te's one band. r d"onf t like tt' s l,fod"ern En,qrish, Everyone J.<nows hets a ivanker so it can f avollr, i vas {only work in orJr ar:noyed. vrhen 'birey i gnored I Drownln g Iylant 2 thorrgh.tl
really strenge eompared to the q5\i'\"rtrs \tr \homeLy atrnosphere of colches ter. $/ hft's like livlng on an island. back onne - everjrone knows eve:tlyone antl a1 tlrough there are vari ous groups the;v all nee t every nigh t anC i t ,loesnf t rna,tter if lfoutre a nunk,
Robbie: ttTherers so nany recor,ls .l-iicu tkrat about and. before we encoltntereC'lfhe nroblems ol.rrselves f t{ tlever ta'1.;e rruch ,- / notjce. Now I So out cf rny :va.y to ?*r/inr,'es tigate any fhin:3 on an ind elent an t{ }ab el b ec arrs e there I s a. f a.lr cha.nc e i'iF itts ,Tcnne be sonething really .loodthab nobod.;rts had. the ehanee to hear." lack The banC conf essed. they s till confid.ence onstage, sornething I found. surprising consiCering tha.t
Gary - the only nenb er o f the 'b and not ,resent - is confident enouEh F tc we ar make up and f ac e the i-nevi tab le s tick frorn the aud.ience. ttYe&h, but he' s always been like thgtr" replied Robbie,. "Hets been d.oing it since sehool and. he to go d. oesnf t put r-nake up on j us t on s tage, i'fherever we Bo r he d resses u'p ' I would.ntt call hirn a. poseur because it cones perfec tly na Lural to him, I t f s what he ge ts of f oo r Sr',f en j oys i t jus t as you en j oy going to r watch 'APR, He I s real1;,r j us t l ike a
valn hous ewi f e Cres s ing up to wash the d ishes, He got involved. in punk when it first etarted but even then youf d, see a group of punks and Gary would s tand. out frorn the crowd. " "Talk of the d.evil , " said. l,{ick as Gary walked in sporting spikey hair and Al aC in S ane type make rp, He s at d. own and. proc eed.ed. to tel1 us ab out the band.rs formulative months: "Make no mis take, Richard was the only one who could play anything when lre s tarted . &{y gui tar w-qs arful but' f t ve gradually d.evel oped rny own s tyl e and. we t ve al l improved qui te rapiCly since moving d.orn to Lond.orlr
skinhea* or grebo in Coleheste::, -.4 threrens' not ; iot ofl f::ietiop.rt'+yz The b and hrr,';e evolved in a s in*:"uo nanner to P IL and. ri. eve 1 o ped a rl- i ri binc tive s i)'] s r ui te s irinl;r b ec i"us e they c an t t pl-a;'r any o ther !valr. Their orisinal.i t;' ensrrres th e;r are aiwajrs lvor th l:,ra.ve I I inE see, and if ihe TilliE ca,ntt appreciate that, that?s bheir problen. I
Finally, jus t to be CI-iiTin&l , f as ked the b and" ab ou i the ir nl- ans f or the future, .rRot.bie: '!ftrs r1-ifficult to say beceu.se lve nay break thrcugh uri th our cr:rrent naberj.al given a. bit of luek, "*r, e hange o f f a.shi on c ould s ee o1r r type o fl nusi c becoming really poFr.ll-ar.t lVe t re no t c omnerc i atr at the moment but if our natural lproEression takes us in that C irec ti on then we won I t fight it. There's different types of success - Ca,baret Vo1 laire are what Itd call successful trut theyrre never ln the nati onal- char t. Then there I s Gary }Iuman , v.rh o us eC to b e in a. similar si-tuation to us, f td llke to be in bhe position trTire are in b ec aus e they ge t by qui te nic ely al though they I re no t exac tly megastars.tt,
r- K111 inE
rel'l Young T:larbl,e
bl r' t il{ZAW ffi=h;r ! I
t of a s irnil ar ventur,e to
, in 'of ihelW Raincoats. Phi!-.geive i{i;* e' *opy'' ;ft$ b ookl e
r tTh:e Fall 0f. . . Becauset I are tTensiont t i and tr'ollow The Le ad"ers I an{ they wi 111 1 P=l*,i- ?,*i593= K"ffi*f;fu
l,,Iet / 't Am The Dre,g' r isE out at the sane time on small wonder. cel_ cbratec- crass hero Fenny 41n! auc is
Gfa-nTE-Eave-, lyric s ', anrL' 'd ravrlngs
th at
it'-s good...
Part:ng Shot$,
cguld b-e s,ul.pO:rrting,_t -
the forthc?Tilg Ski Datrol gis it
l,,{ocnligi:t (Aate as yet unconfi:me,i lt:ffi ) ,il have L ined" up Si gs at, KtnEs ton anC Nelnrcas tIe Polytechnj-es "Lhis iionth,
tYour re l::iving
IN I fttnesirr
F*Sfil n.Wi: F$t=-E
H. Lrt
ffi, all
Uo/ Sto p The WorlC
tgtt:E *,
Rlthr{ ba chdknaa t}e
rtrike union
cBs )
th e bette rs on gs on the neTV al-b u mb 1l. t st i 11 r:ern a:r:k ab 1y {u11" The cov o 7! i! I o n 1a ims ' 0p pos e ikre draftl'il
n JJ.
-LL r
I Iwhi rin
0 ne o f T'\
hr s I d a;' pir .I g
v aL s exac t 1y wh ere ihe ir fro m these dr + l_ on I is co nin ','.t m so b ored. .
L/ (J
r:ongs, bhe lniec Lior-reI1ffii hook of 'Tryf has -'rorned. it's "i zi'i.ffi_li good. pop
i'{: An irnpre s s ive d ebu t f rom tkre b anC who inc l.ud.e two f orrner mernbers of The o
Sanity Clar"rse/H:-t 0r li{iss tookins At You ( l,ive ) ( ctriswl"T).Of 1 t R: For all thos e who c ompl ained. *-fi.. t DAT,C{ED:
and. slid.es in the background, but,, oesnf t have any e f f ee t (t ar
*\r{{$fit|F', =-<.{tH CrIr.-f,*&
enj enjoyed^ oyed
ourl the interviews ln in issue ffouriftwo
though f found one tenrled
crystatTili-ce-footto.contraitictlballers pleaded guilty at
another. Do you inc tuae uands pe9q"1"f{illfi&Xl,til ffy.:S*H! ;wui*{ny'al;;ill";, you rike them, because you r""i-;;;;i -:.']t?Ei.'i5ffi"ri3'pi-'i3iiilfl ,I views shoula be heard or because youi - iB:titrutigthemtohave .v*rJ$r{n"avcrage,man lI think they'11 -sell the mag? (Don't takel-ifievweie.B-arrySilk1nan,25. fl ) E t interee ted ) .1,'/^TillSiilfriia"fl$tTr".tf:ig5{: \h orrence , r' jus ' Brook Avenue: I thought what Bar?"lr of the f
^oa1ItrIind.ow-whotvejustsp1it-AuPair"JffiLI7}^/'rrr9r bel lt,u.and. s bo.r*"ythe Pop Group, Hrho I consider to inspiring.
packaging (posters'
foun, fetrla
X'+4/_ * LETTER,S rilil':ii'liiI;l'c'ii..ii'."''...:llur[ffi#r:.u'ffi$ " :ff:' :,Ti;ryii;:wilii:d:'?:llih]i'i":;::iiiil'*lm*,;-i,ffip*1$ $?af-gd;;t*: i,"j;;l";irii"lir;1"3:i f::t;"i1fl"'*i"13'il;piiili,gs:';1
are snenti &eE'al',:a" -H:" yE -*v ^t:*Irlavs :i:il:: :::t""" *i for wonderful lr:itish Raii'r--,'.":t oudth?.nks -for*ihe5ogg.ilfir. copy of Ap{, there,s Fomjly. ur
-'working ",rlt
r,iri *i -a---il*iil., lulp*nilfr:"trY **:ii;* ;; il{ li i- :l i: : :: ;; * * irfr*;t ,.r{Tii:,;:ii.:::1""':"ili:':l l;-:ilnidffFlt ll;;::,;;t,l*";r;",::::':lii";3ni *:ilg, ?;"jt%rr,j fJiii:l.l::':"i:i"lr:,I"in;;.0;:;::ifi'{Tijr,t,n;:;::l'.',::,::J;;:,ll-*; those with linited appea]- - we hadl!e",*#ro" *o"" ouf,"s an4 a lowerU1*l i"["than pricer tikele-g; 1ot91r*:\li.ll, 6iri'^\2;:; i'ii-"Il'^D? ryera- rFU weF; rhere'" a There's L"ni[tr'" Nolans lipultthe rqoi""" a few weeks ago. li;"tll"iirili:?,'iff'xii'"^"fo;'# #; " "-r"'-"""1; ni"tlll-:l-"r""-ffi$ir"""*ni.il'*",re skiSh3ads, going through su.*rlot. of punksr? -; sonethingfi;* -;" " ";;fi -'" recentl:r T' vel' more and iiti;;nacked ;; ;; ;;; vrre+D'i;i;";il;"i; ; ;. [ ; ; ; t ; ;;; .# #f:3 ivr 'i:#"potted. sone Joy Division typesliFo"uoru &o" "$ lijJ='*il't".";,ffi\"""' llliExcuse the, classi fications "
nir:,*i'iqm*t*;rffi ffi fi l:x:L-}i:ll,}illii:l'll'iifffi lmii tff i: ffii"*T5pl j"fi Hf ,:[H ru:,,* ilt;{ r:'h\* _* i; ; :
fi ;: s
-: j,
ffiii.*ii:riii: li:i::ii,i:":i""i:l?ii#f {,-H:;i'i3fu i:;"dl*"1::lr=sri;?;;,fi:il#\: #::tl:l3.lninl"Hi":iffJ";l"i"i:i"r' ifi"htr"lj;li-:"=;:3:":^:l:.:fii:::i-d;l**:;":q: -ffiii:!:i1;:ii:;"1l,:li:'i;:::;;,:t,*J[ff#:iix:",rl-''l"l;'i::*."'#1"T:,fi.".z :;; . ;i i is, : ";l**3fr'r***-itrf i :; rf :ji rl; ffi * ; ::f ffi I ffil* i i" r,,, manv or their -i ::: own opini9l" l" t$itf ;'fli;"1;'i""""'ilr*"restins_e_n *n,ii;;_ :iiiif*[llstate i,.i f.iii: i.k".ffiffitr{{{ffiffifiith::i:i;.tti:iln"il.lh'1:iq:i;lylge$ '*:gq.r*u"ltffi"+f#s'::1 ,.
ydu [6bra-'irrb--tz" single fron Recll
then nuch say.
ffiffr:;.::;"::ili i:t'"::i:{'ll.ii,liiliHs"1Jfi-i;',ltilult":"nl"H; *H";:llHiffi:"s S*qff:;:":"f:'fr$ Hi3":'ii.3.iufi'li*-F#fftBnEtl:i:"i;".il ;:lt,t:"":til;;"0il1;=**"ff*$
#m:l:";u":t;I"f"ln3""ftiiil3 i:ff-'T:'f,H:m; J: l:ff H:l-T:;::":'il; ;:1"1,ffi'"' ::J-H[qq* ffii::;::1il;"il3'iild"!"Sllgixiiill::i-:i#H;il;1"'ill:::"-Tt;:ffi':;:il --5"sick idea tlonrt vou reckon? (rr vou'""6"*ffi1r",,i,*S**,"i1_. in _ti1_1"!#i.;Tt&Srffi" "* gfiln: Tlt-::"" vol're prep"}lv rippingf,tudf,e -*ri
ffiffii $: zu,
The E}oc's
hlcli I lcrn f{' A Dn I RER has lof t oontroycrrlal sooqor ohlof Tomrny Oochorty S600 ln hir nill. $cotrrnan " Jook " Robcrtlon, a hachalor of Luton, Brdr, had avidly lollowed thr lt-ye.r carbor of thc Quotn'r Park Rantrrs boil. ,lohn't rdlicltor raidl , He uentod ' to thank M r Oochorty for hlr sorylcot to football," A
T*ffidqfii ffqnifijiddm
A I{TI-IBANIAN feeling fL appcarcd -Yeste'rdaY to have seved tfie American
C'onernment frfin an e&rrassinglY ' n"gati"e turn'out in the re4istra' ntJt 48 hours o't iion { or 'Possible draf ting into the armed forces'
Deruonstraliom tgain"st ttre
draft were running into-counter
g;.rot singr4 ttt : C*
t-avrog '$tars and Strip.t and oftes ehouting aob-
ffiih"a." Iran
onc l,fr Dan -A&crn' 20, uvaf tru rPgister in Fond of-Ae-ng -Wimn$n, -r,ru, lgd saiql:
;1q', @rsa6oa wat -magnified i$ uY Urde Thsnas
14 Wichita ;i*taftih tran-'-nyg Gibhs Mr ld$--fax*, 'at " ft's $s
hc legistered:
i""lL*. l'slu&'t I\{oi.e.s
misd k.i[-
to cornhat
glue-snif_ u"hich
il,r. *'",i1:il,l:l,l; *,*;i rr-i'"g . dantage, ar.e ;
f;"#;;11;1 u.geii iy ;; comes efter c-'t'hatrn .*::l* t.f;,"bfii";ilf ,r,
;:::."o"1r,,*,,;*1j:; i,,
so m e
But none of
arning "thing ab or"r t the futors h*llpq 1 98 O/Al football **".*o, ie not c rowd vi- ol enc e , f al 1 ing atiendances
The vtoro than ra{:n *,rot 2*oo!_ rntro6
They " used,tgrnpera ture charts; Gordon $at in bourli of iee cubes before making love; they stopped drinking tea after six in the evening, gave up harring hot baths and didnlt drink co$ee.
! This week I'm in f apan for the special Yamrha-only 500cc ric€ and waifing anxiouslY for my mechanic, Ken Fletcher. HI
or RanSOrs appal l in# re rirrl ts , but the inc:re n,s c j"n : i.,-: i;r,:r: j"ng rilc r s t taunts from the ter::aces 0bvl ou.s 1y half hearted ?V dccunentaries and. suncay paoer shoek 1:orror s tories will co no gooc - nCIr wri- I rncre st::ingent poiicing a but ti:ere seens to b e no answer un ti I Bri t ain becomes a cortnbry free of prejr:di.ce, racial ancl" otherwlse" The c urrent education cuts wrill en$1r.re that the next generation ls as i,_Tn0rent as this, where people ere se&rching fcr an easy targe t to b l_ ame f or unemrrl oyrnen t and tire I i ke . F'or now f'11 just hope that anyone re ad ing this axtic l e who has ever jeered a coloured foctballer because of his skin feels proud of hirnself. {R*y) t
I WISH the Generotion Gorne's
lslo 5t. Cloir would weor sltu;tr-'r sl:ir"tE ttl show off those nrce shcpc!1"legs. How obout it lslo I E. L., G ranthEt[, tr*lnca.
* J',-',.;-j :; JJ-t lli :lij.-ii',jn;'fii; tl uF9
off her
S2tt,00{i en-
tlowtts' an our btlt wP havetrP'nn!'or i*irlv bro[<r'tt a .we big ;;;-Plattttirrg we u*"ant wetrtliitg arrd i;-it be bearrtitul.'' I'HOUSANDS of rill te,te to ttreanglers river Fot today unaware that
their- sport k bcing threatcned by a ruthless fang of Btack ffIag_
trlre tipe r€cornmended
by their
Pgocnts8r figuros
Spanhlng Srndlngto-bocliornrcortr CrnstllIng tollurf aotlvltlrr ".:......... Holdlng bacx grochrl mor?ly #rttxJrawlr6, rlTrctlrt .... , Othcr
..,..,.3S . lt
I r$
L{ore and nore f anz ine wri te rs seern to be being ieqinte,l i:y the fnri ts of rne rc enar,,jr f- re e lance jor;rnal isr$r reJectin{{
honesty enC satisfacLion in search of more trad.i iional lncentives. Some :::ecnie rni{y consider it to be a. heai thy st.:,te of continr;olt$ flow br:"t it seens tc ire that the exub eran c e enC r:.aive ty cf ihe 1 at ter d a.y f anz ine is b e in;g rapid ly e:<tingui. sheC" es Ll:e:i' turn to the cyni c al- s af e ty c f the nati onal- mus i c pepers " S ti 11 , perhaps i t' s not a c onc er ted" e f f or t to achi eve f arne and. f or i;une o j us t my suspiej-ous iCea1 ist mind working overtifi?€r.. f td" tike to thj-nk s0. (i,,qick)
the mys tery Au -T:'air j oke tel l er win & bonus chr,rd"ley Tea voucher:
Guess and.
(\.r What goes ha ha plonk? A; Sorneone l aughing thelr head tCf,
plop crying their
A. e{, o
What goes na na
omeone out "
of f,lr Rur4 Kllnhurrl Hothrrhanr, hrr uhrd ur t0
mrhc cltgr thNt ht rl not the s6r3on rotcr-
rad to in $ cartooR in Thc Sun of Julv 7t l$Etl A nv nar!?o ursd ln
a $un Fun cartnon lr ontiroly fiotllioul rnd Glft.
rorS krr
n 13 llrw
lntllalr jcoctd Irr tirrlorl
doc$ nol
r alr
rlluo or dotd.
i::i,;lj:i:iii:,***:1,*ii;:i:,t. greasy slice'l lotato in qalked what when
looked to be a crazeil lunatic about to hold up the shop. However, it turned out to be the passive Shend. of Cravats fame accompanied by guitarist Rob and i{onder henchperson Marie Stennet
Small so d-isaster was &verted, the Chip shop tiLl re tained the d ay ' s takings and pol i te l.n iroCuc t j" ons were exchanged ' Our 1 {\ to Snal back tO Sna11 then headed baCk nOtely urotely larty .(\ -1]afty then
flfu" *l)r-@
in Spring t79 we dicl rBurning Bri6gesi after Pete ha6 given us the "Then
thousand qui.d and wetve never looked back since."
/v('{' t n Toy iv'/ :own wLav@vp frrr 't!t'rr.'l:"*u 4iuuut r I Cravats C.ebut albriTl 'tnelI-t1-t'*u Their ?1,::"'_'-^-: nixed' a ivonder, where s""rir""-(ur"-;";;p;;;i*t)'\-1"-t.*i]h T"":l:io1: :h: 1l:"*:\:i:11 and record business entrepenour iete A 1"?1 bloke rho reviewerL slagged it :::*"-i: off. The lll:^ti,:-":^:l:-Ip were patiently waiting for their ""ppdil1 for them couldntt see anything amtrsinl After browsing through trre recora-"irip \it \in what we do, like using stylophones fo: racks and i:naking the ugual "r:.J"""""-ir tseri,ousrl instance, and' toOk everything sO ourselves, we got down to the Some people have- got no sense business of an interview.., ,f1 of humour. fhe music press 'has got too much pCIwer and they abuse i t horrib 1;r. People are c omllelled. to buy one or the "i sup::oso Sou $rant the custcrnary thow did you forn' bit to begin rith.'f said-seriously, rnusic papers for the gig guirle so the Shend as we setblerl down on 15s, \--they've.other got a captive audience. ft's in nearest cushion, and it seemecl like a\.-:/their inierests to keep brriliing up starr -and. d.ropping them again and nost of the good enough place to start, so: "',Ve' began abou"f three years ago, April- '7V , time you can see right through their a.n,C
cur f irs t gig was at a Grarnmar
$chool. ife playe,'l a few partiesr too..," "Unlnvited partie$, " e1ari fied Rob t " b ec au$ e nob ody in Red i tch l iked pu"nk
at that time, WeI d ge t peopl e s taggerlng uF r asking ?Can you play any Rock Inl Roll' and. stuff llke that, so it wasnrt much of a s tart. Anfw W t we eventually d^eciCed to put a. single out and. went in a four track s iud"io in Brum to reeord rtrIe went in wi thout any ' Gord.on| . knowled.ge of the s tud i o and i t took us weeks and. weeks to get i t d one. ![e only pressed. a thousand.., . "and. they sold like hot cakesn" interupted, the Shenrl. ttlfe sent copies to r?
about 40*odd agents and record. companie$, trying to ge t gigs and a c ontrac t and ' got na,s ty replies from mos t of them ' but Pete sent us an encouraging letter, so we c arBe d"own and. s aw hin.l
th & f anz lne you choose to interview b and s yolt want but wi th S ound s or the NME the wri ter is told. to interview band.s he may have no feetings for r and. got to c ome up wi th s ome thing he ' s s till entertaining. S o ins tead of wrli ting the truth and. qualifytng each s tatement t he t 11 go c onpl e tely over the top in one Cirection or another. They just look for 8" thene and write around, that instead of reporting the truth and as for reviews ' wei.l , f c ast t unders tand why they d'o i t. They slag of f band.s af ter lis tening maybe once to their single, litTi*P them in a. line or tro rhen these band"s have spent nonths d.oing the single, plt it out themseLves end have got no ul terior notive fof reLeaslng it' Itre just nt],lri
d viciotts. tr
svorn continued :
rrlrlos t of these journalists start off on fanzinesrock but they s oon f orge t their roo ts . lye I ve rung people l ike Bushell and i,,{ccullough uF r swallowec our prid e and" aske.d. for an intervi€w. ?,{ccul l ough was re &1ly angry that wef d. dared to ring hinr u10" you meaJr by ringing up? Have you"r,ryhat"*ci had any success doing this? surely .you 'nait for,l us to contac t you r xou d.on r t ring up the nus i c papers . ?r Re al 1y sne ?ring anA c ond e s c end ing. We ,t id. an ln t erv j. ew f or the M'm wi th Ad rian Thril ls but that was d.ropped beca,use of their strike laet year and . we-t ve not heard fron them rJ---(J
the shend. about. trreir lates t single, I Frecinctr .g{ "The song is about precincts in general and the way they d i s rupt people's lives. The one in Reditch, where the photo on the c over was taken, isnt t aetually that bad but the. one in fpswich has turned the place into a ghost town. rt was buill tJry.^ and cheaply in the wrong pl ac e and ,roil therets no conomunication-be-tween tire-a\\ we asked
'-the band ieere once bookerl 1o
nlay or the rJohn Peel roa.dghow' but evenlu,rl_l EvEl!
sot thrown qii {x'r'r "i * 'L i"'*rru ri'i -i l;; ;;ii, ' expl rrr
of bands hari caid
i'j sh"cn:i 'l} r r
Ect on th.,
: : F:i"l;.*;"il;l:l"rl*
,')?"Pt"il:{-ilt:-:{li";i:-li:;;ir;r"lll'l;; il
gs rr-Ke tnat", tnought we'#ere jokin,q a"nd. le";ighed i1; ',rhe sonss are arl about things that affect us personally, th."e'd be no '/ .- ott. After.vards i sent hin a coay ol point in us writing a song about Northern / ,Gord.on', which he likeri, *rra a 1et1;er. rreland for ingtance. Not because wetve / surprisingl.ir enough he resrenbered. i.rs got no- feelings about it, but because wet a.nd" offeruA .,ru a sessirln. i:Ie's ver.ir d'ont t live there and we know less tinan influencial but controls his ,o,"*"" I those who d'o' welye been playing the old ".n i;o well *nyone could becar:se he seer-qs stuff for about three years tto"'-so *",J_ "a rronest ana I ri.onrt t.hink very herrl. prefer to play the newer naterial livf--* --be pray anything more than once if he dicn,t otherwise we tend to get bored. it: il;;"t cer,;ainl..1r no one etse vho ]ff"'ve got*"'iitl sufficient nateriar now to not play ceitain whord even listen 1;o our a.lbun anrl itrs certain $ongs for a while, then our a shame hers got a monopoly, but I enthusiasn for them returns and we begin think herg as concernerj. as anJrone. jo play them again. Ile like to pl*y gig" becauge ltts inportant for ug to communicate with people on a personal 'r$/e had l oad s of prob l ens wi th rec orl ing l eve I r that I s why we think the lyric s the album but we I re really p}e as ed. wi th I are vi t&l . }?e re no t trying to brainwash the way i t turned out. We l ookerL for a anyone into agreeing wi th us but i f they cheapo s tud.io and f ound. one ln Torquay already d.o then itrs iraportant that they there was this bumbling irl"lot who ran a" dontt feel alone, rceasing To Ber was ho te I and, a rec or.d ing s tud i o and had nt t wri t ten d.uring a peri od o f he avy a clue what we were doing. He hadntt r d,epression, r jus t tried to put into even heard. of L ed Z eppe lin le t al one the word"s how r fel t at the tlme. There I s C ravats , but we b at tled" on and i t turned. not much going or, why not kill myself? out alright in the end.. It took a week And y Gi 11 said i t s ound. ed l ike the to record.r w€ just d.id it stralght off thoughts of a. third former, but if third and i t all oweC us to put out ourr form people wri te li.ke that then goo+ backlog of material. f really like it l-uek to then. " now r F&Tticul arly the atmos phere. tt '}
1 'a
Rob ;nentioned. AeTe j-ns t Rac i sn n whl ch they
several gigs for,
tt'*e c1c then because lve al 1 fo$'li*t'it""' an imrlortant ceuse but since "i*ul*+t i"'iffi b e en a l- i t t l e s us pi c i ous ab ou-ttuott+u,*fiul,t#oi
the inoneJr
IId Iike to
ore vr€ C o any rnore Ei'$.T '""ffi
thern. C er tainly we suppor t thrnii"lro*r+ioffi ei i eve that nus i e c a,n ehange"'"iilti tffi
things iike events l. lke that pul1 people. tt; ffe mi gh t 1 ook li toge ther t but i t nnakes you think when ke neo-Ttlazis but we're not reallJr.,, you walk out after a Special-s gig and € see people with Two Tone bad.ges on one 1Qsicle and NF on the other. Vfhile therer"Y wankers tike that around then it. canf ,iTo the national press, the word be & case of just preaching to the 6;\g I irnmi grant t me ans a c o1 oured, pers On converted. Itrs important to reach' \ril and they contanninate their read.ert s peopl e and. maintaln an underlylng f ieLd mind"s by these type of referenc€s' of c omrnunic atioil r through gigs , f &nzines Mos t inmigrants ' are whi te anyway " Of l;'ff iCSn.. ttl
a1 1
blacks The Shenrl continued.: "Round our way and the places we play fairly regulirlylinnigrants at. all. I!'"-greatr,y?: werve built up a circle of people who[0;-Ecatl go over there anil glean all of we could class as close frienils or tneJ(\!$ lheir.r"?1:1_"*1,i?lltll_::::l:":: b and. , bu t th ere I s s o many tlmes wh ar-) m return for British passports andin you're talking to somebody who you fee then revoke the passports when You perfectly cornfortable:with a^ncl theyrttVffifeel like it. Sorne people try to suCd enly s ay s one thing that to tal ly, argue that we went there and clashes with what you believe in, Youi civilised. all these People but Il know, theytll cone out with tgh, t Uoir-"-',-.--'.wonder if theylve ever thought how, like nigglr nusicr or sonethi.ng ancl youl they got on before we went over of' just thinkrthatrs another prat T ean_---there and forceil the equivalent l-f wlpe off ny card.t. Quite often theytvil 20O0 years of- evofutioa-on them in 20 yelrs. sol uonaagl trousers anil spiked hairi II o I I // but it just goes to show that you oanf t o I l-rtfl rrJtrs rr, jud.ge peopS-e-by appearances becauserl arguement to blamJ """yt although all the early punks f knew everything on th- innlgrants rather, werentt racist anal there was a. general than this government Uut ttre attittde noradays it?s just a case of e has onLy cone about them all wearing the same type off -sJ.tuati.onthey won't allor a^nZ _Febecause fashion. the attitucle doesnrt seen to atrnosphere which w111 will iric"""6" increase e @ atmosphere t-mgan muCh.l /
nrodrrntiw{ trr Jrv in}raA,.r.:s-
ffi ffiffi ffi
Th. e
"nid you reed about the KKK getting of f that charge rec ent} y"i Thin.gs 1 ike th at a"nger anrl s c ere me b ec a,tl-s e i f they can be aqltitted in Arneriea then it cor:ld. ea$ily ha-ppen i:ere' If they s an 8e t alvay '-si th i t and" hire r I's s i ve
civil rights sr€fenisations *antt C* anything, th*re s obvlor-:"sly soneth"ins Crastically wrons. " I ?he band llve sCImewhere neer\ Birrningh&rTr r " s tranC.erl in Redit ch, mi le s f ron nowhere , 'f but S vorn s ai-d" they have n"o pi ans to move d.ow nto the capital . K "ft might be worth it in the sense that people lvould" be rnore awere of ?
u'i anrL wef d. probably get more gigs but thatrs no tniarantee of success. Thatrs vrhat thre Engl-ish Subtifles d.id, and, l ook what happened to ttren. They rnoved. to a" squat in Kens ington but theyrve d-ronped to bits becanse of prob l ems l ike moving equi pnent around. f or prac tis ing and things l ike that . We I ve go t orrr o!ryR pl ac e in Red.i tch where we c an go anC Brac tise at ab out two in the morning if we want to * f tr s very c onduc i ve f bo wri ting where as there ' s s o i'nuch muslc around, in London - )'ou ca:r go and. see a, band. every night -r it generates c ompl ac ency and you tend. to get easily influenced by other bands that are d oing wel l . I meaJl t we t ve never had any obvi ous inf luenc es o ther than e ar ly punk but fron then on wer ve gone orry own W&S r
* {}n :i l:\ i",1i-t i. n .i :l i:l
1r! ,t: ?t"
*n *T";gr: i r: fi ii;: * r i :'l i't i w*trl ".Lriq:;:, feyl 6.;i:li l**lu L:'gte li ti,,, l",r:i: r:J irrrrsol Tneir: ft:1ii-l:e ii: il l: L'i. i :l - s Si:end csnc1r:**rl: j"
..r. ':- t- i ,\ I I
un' .,'
, ::i ,i ,:
.. n'l
ttItVf*'b**::. +n. ,'.i1.i.1* r:{'il i3* l;"i r.: lt_i:,il three;rsa.r$ i:,y:C n*w 1;-ir*;r'vi] j,i)'i * 11*' ei the:: -f in.ii n .j *h f: r t,ht-i"u l- l 1,,;*i,i ,'::{i: s. rei: n"b:" l" i i; r 'b:. *n" r: {:l;11 f,}** o ,? i r* t f;11 s*.id s.s T l",re$ i.r-i ?,',it]ld" I lry{*;;it'{; aveilabS* fcr','rork q,:t4 nor enf:"tj"*:,-i- i* {d.aie mone:f bu-* noyr i "l;r r* ?yo,-:-' l I i,1,,} t: 'rel:ebilitaiisnr ,. wntcl: shtcl: i.s i thr':e ,..,.,1
in t}:i.s priscn iike nin*e rryith 4)1 * psychria,tri-cs and sx*prissner$, Yc',.1 $* t to whittle pisces nf wsod a,nC trrrve "hc il.'nt ge t utr at sev*n - thirty in t1:* norn j-r:g tc d"o one anrl fr. half Lrc'irs exercis€o ,Then youttr* .scn"t fo bed eel:l-y, ,so i* loo}<s a,s th*ugi: f I11 have lc sign *ff fcr z while n,i-rrl" live off herries, 'rye us ed" to put on tl:e f orns things l- i ir+ twork wanted: froffm&rr or C,eep sea diver, Local?, T'ire e.'rployrney:t nffi**rs have all got realiy gc*C r"a.rn*s r ihi*r*?s ]r,Ir Fe ar , ?{r S *e &l- . * , Rob interupted" : t?At the n:onen t our future is by no m*ar";.s.saf€. Flnancia}1;r, Cue to the prob lens lse ' re }:nving over d ol e , we e oulC f al l ap*rt enytf rne s cr werve ECIt tc go up sr out" Just becarr$e we I re the la.s t b end CIn Snial l trTonC er and Petef s kept the label going for us so far d"oesn?t mean wetre safen I{e ccul-d" wake up ot?e rfiorning o think ? thi s i s #* ' boret and. d,ecide to stop.tt .
The Raincoats: The Raincoats Booklet' This booklet is a comprehensive in trod,uc ti on to on e c f the rnos t
important band.s around . ltio t only d oes i t c on Lain the lyric s to al 1 o f "';he ir material - aliowing the listener to C ec ipher 'r the funny ac c en ts and. quie t voices'ro but it gives a closer insight in to the b and ( pat ticul arly Ana, who c o -wro te i t ) that exc eed, s any thing that an in terview c ould" eYer hope to
is almost iurpossible for any band to 'r^ct To.rrflar SiES trithOuf the aid Or- tlil ?.,';€ilt)r, who ha.ve a virtual -nononoly on ililoitin,gs in and. arcun,t lire canital. An.',,. hcin, no natter hclw srnal 1", tnusb be ,i,ror i;hi'rlii.l-e , $o heret s our hr-lreble ,essisl,,&lice - a s:hort ;tt.:-i{e to sone ol irond cnu s si:ra11 F,ub r"r€rue s whc 4 on ' l, b,rok Li"rrcugh an ajrencl/. I{cs t ask {'cr a 'r*corri or {eno tane berore even con$ilerj-ng bookin,g a iran,* an4 those rn. b€reri terl- should. beer in nin4 the .J-
achieve. The 32 pages are a d.is i ointed c omb inati on o f d. rawing's r Fho tos t lyric s and narratiY€ . The l at ter is &n absorbingr honest and infornative account of their neteorio rise to fane ioge ther wi th Anar s onini ons on sone o f the more i;l ilor tan t and" rli s turb ing prob leins o f tod &y . Ana s ays : "Ques tioning keeps you al- iv€ ' Then you select. Our tnusic is the result of al 1 this and. so is the way in which $Ie try to d.e al wi th the s truc ture s o f orgeni s a,ti on that we nee t or al ternati ve 13' lroPos € . rf thei-r' This booklet illustrates originali ty. I t' s jus t un f or tunate that irtore b and, s d onf t have enough faith in theliiselves ta Pro{uce soae thing s i;r: j- 1ar.
:tr1R8, Creek Rd, Der!tford SAB sencl cerno tane orffi lr6" 91lL 4r( p11ir tary lickets for forthconring S *aorn pl - im, ;Y NY AN ALIEA}
**6 '
ve o'Donnel.mlfffidffi USI, Barking RC , Canning Town A"3 *tl I 6. { 28fi9. Sen,l" d.emo tar:e or live[ "'t to ohn , to ge ttre r_gi$h e tai 1 s o f t el ; tc 3 haru.C,.YA ,rff 'lrtH IT] TE E] It , .,r'u tney l{*. gh $ tre e t [iW1 T . I'r i eJC., S *nri" { en c t ane o,qe t}: e r r',ri th 5C1 f ban'i, Cc'ta: ai. ls IIl v, fl' F,F " 360 l{arth End Rd . Fulham \l 'e{ SOZI " }hcne between 11 an{ 3 5fl iu tt {r k-idal iar an{ th ay ' i I arrentre i: c he ar a .1,' il: c' T,A u( c _-c {l{l Tl RS, Cla,r:han High St, SW4,, 'll i ;1\6? ern o t ape and" th ey c 1 ai n D C.: S encl "tl:reyvr'r36i rili: t in touch rri
l/bo to
Bn. nn*E }E ! :11 _L. 'Ll L./ \\l
A \*L
1l( ,-1.
'\ r.J
T,t' ,''1 r'
,::J ]r iir
A l
.l \.
r':r ''-1 :1 f-l l-{
the poor live perfornances
t t t ffi S "9,1",fu c)
Th1r)rf fo 1 1 owin.g cb
tain gi gs vi * an agency be wcrth Setting in r;oueh with" in\I;}.7 il.I T,-1, . Chiswick Hi qh R{ r,{r4 . i}q4 0C62 . ,ji Iio)rH r i; ,\iiiIiCR, 2OT IIpRer St l:11 ' \19 451A, r KILi,l i,r-rr) lt i:,A) , itigh S t . Ac ton \'{3 . 992 A?B??n li:lr g*nt is the elusj,ve Dave Kitsen,
.I l^"-. . TJ LT it/
me, rl
TT Y t.J \,/.,/ I l:' l:'
?'-.-. t-1
a-\.T 'tft 't t-\ T,.ta ,.1
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wh o>i.al. t) o ge ',V
ts Sigs f'or
) t'hEin C. L ane F1{6 e ;)r&
Lhe lrfo'tlirlf
Reviews bv ]'Tick
The Fal 1: Grotesque {A.rter The Granlle)" Wi th thi s albulll , The 5'al t har,'e pul l ed through the d.ul} 'Dragnet' phase, 'rhen their f ornul a and lyric s became increas ingly tired" a,nrl unins Piring. rTotale'S Turnt only servefl tO catture
r i, JI
'i f iV \
T[ru Fqtl
The list is brief and, incomprehensive but the fact that so nany of the venues are contacted, were uncooperative just shows how Ciffj-cu1 t it is to get gigs these d"ays without grovelling to one of the main agenc i es . I f eny o ther venue S or youth clubs are r.villing to ,qive i:ands the chence tO play and contact rso urerll sl adl-v nrint a further List in & I*"th;o*ing iss"fu
witnessed. cluring that tirne but I El as tic l,{anf was their bes t single since ' f t' s The i\Tew Thing' o wi th their olC s tyle and. fre shne s s one e again s.Rparen t. Tr{ark Smi tht s lyric al Eenius has f inally been realiserC.r slung against a backirop of j erky Fal 1 tyle c omno t j. on varying fron accessable melodies to percussion based Crones . His s ongs are j-nvariab lY b ri 11 i an,t };y execu ted. s ub tl e pu t -d. cwn s whose targe ts range from Lkre trad-i t j onal to the general c orn ll1 ac ency and hypoc ri sy Of Ug al I c ttGrOtegoue neagants't iS an apt d.escription.. The album lives up to the exnectations generated. by t I{1as tic ir'ran' and reesia,blisiies tneir ability, ft also proves that Mark Srni th IS The F al 1 . As he has s aid : 'r T I rn the fron t pers on in more ways than one . Go t to give ered i t where itts due - T write thre stuff.". The o thers will have to s 1], ,) l s oon though. " c ontributing ,
lf'l'#',,s#"roH#iiilfi'T1:if lvoodrrllc Rm. nd
*"!fl!li'il#'iffifr1"l:il lm
Bi3g:T*ti\#1.fr1frHjffi [fr4ffi{''ffl.t#J'*,*f,tff iii;.ffiJtrT*,ill.H11 ff'$i[;,o.r,.orr.rzror;;;; fli:#fiitj,ti'#.tis there are two girrs in the band., r was a;-. ruilc ntvnl, il Grunpbt
Rud. t(rnrs Hcirh (hmo.dt
itrSffiH,ifrfi,:fffi"iT"T:"fi1:i: ;:":ti"l3"t; ll $iliK I l,ffilfill$iifi*qSr.HiffiffitrHiH;;;"i"il;"'"*.'Iilfii"'i';';ffi;ts bett]rT;*H# il,.llijll frfuffi9frifir.*'u{:S;lnffigrE',gg#;J=il:1;:'sirls Iili Tit f i;itr# ili;l"Fi"; ::,:: :;i m W h:'i$Bf,,r ,ffiry'ffi; 'illl*l ffi#frilH'H$t I' :1, H,' } r,{lfii'ffi I'ilffF,lgiiiii:.bu,5,,r.
l|'ffiiff'*Fl'qlH' ti.t lovc-5. /Vythtnshrm.
inXi-,L'sr rike._r_rg
[i3,: I,_?n:!qF.,LfnC!. ' -'., ffirffi*t*li,.:;nrrd*,r* tAilttD br rid tt ha'!t 1.! .a
rllGc, UllCtUUfn.
r{rn 1Dr,,'r
wourci be
ffi flu"ffi
l" i " i l!
ffif*$r'ry'nt*WEE4i$#iW ffitr'r$,:Ti:11-ll'ii::i ::* 11:n::'1.::::..::,: ::ylrul
ffiffi IH$ffi ;;;;:,#",,,.,#"o, ,",!#G.,F_ r
i:Hih:liiiliinll:i#;:ltir;:ri;:Ii:hT}t rne i,r-i!s... ri s nor eiir i-ssrie asi-.|i Ui&_i6iiffit!frr.oaurr€s,
iii**-:tru*#:#q[f itd!tr]lffi;lliffi#g1ltr#ffi igffifrhqffMtr*fulpffi,Fgd "rhat wtrJ.t- i6;ffi-iril;i-nt;il; r*;ili.i[;
's ro, r,d 14 r*sr: o, i,15rri'dtt^,9.""Hf;.m{*;3#,fl ffift$tfr{t':f:1 The .qu i'airs are t- itour piece bancl frorirffis#*liFrr&t:"1" ;rru not saying that they've caused it-plrft lirninghi;in ancl corrsist of Les (guitar own but bec.ruse a rovenent lii.:e *tL;; "nAl.."tl*ffi''itheir irito being the issue becane *uctr,rorJffi voc.rlsI, Paul iguitar anc vccali), Je"*ig'Eff-S!,[ipicarne (u*ssl ana reie \,i"qtg).nilfrl:ll3$"tl|tlhtr,?** ;fi?ffiSttffproninent. lt'e've never been involved in tir",r" .tSl,:Ttl,iii&:ill'$"l,f,tnt;ltT;li1"l:[T.11ff.ff.t1F"'ilFtrhililnru;'j.6i'trrliTti$''organisi;iion of rir;: but we've at-via;,,s supportec they have rcIeJi-.G'tv,.o s:ngles - ,You'/'Kerbr'*!fi1;it j-n terns of pla;.ri11g,,,igs and. r**e"'ve *i'o*ysnu Urat';Lsrrl'Lromcstic i.leprirturet and the fo11o1'le.'.n6nbeen cluite j-nteresteg in !h_e^i._ssues.qlo\rnA?*.* ui*, rliet'/'lt's Cbvious' - both on theirffi"fi![$sexual politics. rtl 'reCtruchilcicliat c*ior.s*-ti""nilir'.--rlE# r.\'/-1 ovr:t lahei einc iley loucis of i;ig;s inii"rlllhrro,*.cni"rszzrr,er. ffi,::i;.##,HiATgrTH f$Jlltlr*'SV-ti..:li# lcndon. sc if ;rou her.en't seen them youirE-ur _1 'u EI asled if they thou!.ltt that irrl' pl"i,yins dS;H; waIJ:t. t(' 6E6tsr Rord.irnjiwooo. igt Flfiiir-ln.;;iil'i;;;;i'fi*i-. hqreiitine."',lk li;Sig* they're not r--erely preachin6 io the f+Gdgs l,'sktil'*"m$ffiiffiji-'f,ii"o,.,un,'tud. "'ie <ron't co everr/ gj-s ror r.-ii-'voli' ffili.'$*:qi.S,lfrb3dH:Ei:i ls tris iin roli"or''";t'Ut*rn. 68 fu"ftffiif rirr'iiiiiririiiii.rr r"..,..* r.-^.-- mr.Dsr.rrelg;.mcoknov,', " l.icieul-ed Paul. ttf t <ioesn I t wOrk likefi ,rto,r'liirro.4.16r
T: itili";;T:;Iffffit
itx:"t ;^t;:,i":;
il;*r nl
ii;!,;lutl ; fi i:"i:,:inll"?";*.:f. :' toIC i;,e how it all sta::teC: "Pau1 ano. ne*i.-'iii;#iliiiwhole thing about wonen in bands. They actuaLl oecidec vre wan';ed to get a band together,lt$il'i&lLttjp"ovided venues and. an area wheru *rorlr, inm+l-s end rr'e ltnew ?ete couki play drum",,.. coulti go and play witirout being treatedt "o ""'fi,ffilTi'S$bands staiteo nessing ulouno nith :iim. Tnen rver$ltio*Y.J,fike sj:it.,,tiffii:,.Moru.smr- 9q .'o.'r-xcdr. 60 rrchsow ra tirou;;at it would be sooti to have anotner.31,ifffffi:i,1'",:*.,{mTftfl.,tffiffifi11#'ififfiffiffSg*lff lioniiin 1n tire band. ,iartin, our nana€er, had[g!{$[l','I th:-nt=iiG-."1.,."#;':."'T"t of .ttiliiaeslffifti and askedl$ffiilterur:teC '"'.'l-"Iii.iiffiittri::;TilT""i;;,"llirl'i,uJ""rll'iniii';il.;:,7 'T'ne's lrunber so I gave her a rinpLes. ,,The wa;, tiie wc,rd. sexism is[a m6.lfiae *ll uvr u u if s|33,a,*-t39,.^t,?-SJ,T9":1*. chat hPvS t' yittr. iiffiipused. no kJf.?i?.s"is#r,1s'fi1*.gp-; ;"
[ArItD. t. a I eH ]'eirf g a$O nO OOCy KneW Wni-;tr r tr R,'ffT'f';fr$^'.Ili.il,.T*'uo,yearsagonobod.ykne,cwhatitmeant.'^6
lli.:',. "l[-roT;
,L$.ffitolf Tliere are e
?tlrrlttob_rrilrrthatts parily lfq
|8ed lll&
lot of
meeliI ' -d ^Ysrr b;:nd"s nor,\i end '*.1: iromen reprocussion of the ?,;oilenf i
as e rar ai.r 12 D;
z -^^-:Lr- r---r-
llto nrnlr lrill
lntr l.}-rc* --Jr,---
: ht'#ffiqtit'*#Hffi lii ;; : ffiih rlt'"tT ren:m gs tire banci seened pretty boied witir Sf,.fl],Sffl ]dt rnd tootbrl Slrda footbrl ,-' l rfiq St Jofirse A AS l?At ll.l( lntr
.: tn€
eiscussing this aspec b of tireir nusic, i A.S.iu pegtiill r Jrnctb Ori itm:1-ita,-cri cirarrgeC tiie sub j ec t . iiiho writes ttre lyrics? s s, lltl0lrntcdl,r'r'rt.-rPr r..l r rr!r -r1 ^^^:---r ,:lry_^qiffi' "f t t s nore convenient if I r{rite then, " said I' rrr.l Rtdclitl rcr. -gFlglt rrntcd. I -! lrllclo nd G OiSu[ivrn
lgld._Qelerham" s . di g-r Lo-{glt i{!q!- i1f'sfr'diil, : ;,-ro;'illi'itiiii u. S:!!SID.lu-bor l!,. tr sringrdccru lEBritc/i[rr Surr?y. cg3
Eul everyone agrees rrlth tiie*'r'f-tllcr( " bJell , most of the time
ilf'ffi'lln "0h jreah, " she ed,d.ec .
asked.-Les wha{ sorT o-i:-tlingJ-tngered herf,fi
ffifI*'j:l?f""::;;Iil'}"}.;s'?I:'l-iil$::;::H ffi F'. ffiilJf.G:3'il"::il;:*":l'il";""'l"io'lI.lil;l;;ni fiilnlw
B0t rnd 0. Crrlton
80v Pt
Lrouksn t BOV Pttr Rod Stnr
Odol BOT
j' ''q r'rtCl f ltfl nrnhirrul rha lilm
il:rifl]{tr#,,FiliHidiiif ffiJ:iH,"#ffitilj:1ry' En*',i:1{il##:'f.T#,,s:ffi'{$iq#'ffiF
au pairs i;,ffi,wffi*"F:1:,h"I;: :i:rf:,';:H il'*ui*:n t\i1trtvlt-*swy';n'gtr,r'*ffi
ffi'ffi ;ii;::;;;lii:':*'Ti4*i:.'li.i:;"f :iff
things other bands tend to ignore. 'rThat'*"1##llushe's an indepencant giri,,end the;.tot"riyg5 eacn other the ll,rics ne$R{,,7",&s.nd *::T:-_:^lIi:: lli:f",,*1ll aren't neant to ::::: think about," saic. 'iliiqffi$;;;;i;;;-r,..r-".""";; she l":11",?+T"h*::t*contraciict
Ul,j;o?,il:.s::-{";,iH'::;l',ili,u1":":::-:*l'l$#*set"*lT#t$ffi,'ptH#; fffr*ki;ini*ffiw; ihirk ty,'Gi tie'Tia.Iiy ::,,.a11 tui itself isn't r".ay
a bad thing tne inAfiXllifil$rl$ori"i i; ,rr i-,uttl*l:g used - the way you're tlrgnilt;3..tiirlHiilir youlr'e just e. 1;o"ric l,'i-..r.<i you i;:-ve F ,,--;Biilf, think of romance in terml' of 1on6- white weaAingr$',ltof i:ouble. if the i.usic (jers.!-ri -:il l ;irrmub dresses and diamond..riirgs - is bad..ffi# id-4iflratrrnrcc-6throuEh... Tou've r-ot to be t. rlr^titgm " t'{- ci:n r"uthtg ;:usi_c:-lJy rs iilf,':'':.*'^:'1"'-.'11'l*-fltj wetl. so ffi!ff&:dr$9u"" it. thnt ;::pties to b;:ncs 1$:lJi&!,1*lg'ifr.,1"i"ll.Ll**,S '.co, f.i:e tb.eg't-imn "fn ihe song wa-sing ;iiinse out'-*re c.i#f iffii{S,,1#into the washing machinei which refers to the elthougli f tirinh tnril,rre riaiftffirfi "'t;hi-Tffin'iilop,lroup. you're given all the tise about what.o*onl",{ii.*}|fi" lot of good, th"""'s so,',.,.y. 1,.,uole *r:ro;:3HFfr is and of course when you actue.11y get il iti!1ffi$ean't get into then l;ecs,use tirel; 'r:'tr. l6j'!r, src.(13 which
it is
not like th.it at alr - it usuarly"*3ur,"-g-.'i-it*i!*.v ti!y erl-it-;;;,";;-:-;;';";".','i.r'*rrl*''awr the wife end.s up slavins around i..y r:un',vourd;;;;""ft15,j1,'lA rnachine. dui it o.oesn't have to ";;:il;5:i:::rulJilt""u'i.;"';r;;". be rLu itH?]Trillffi^lto tire Fop Gr',rup."t*fnit*fir"*h;t*i'"P",:Sl,zu.L'#*t romance isnrt necessalily a. bad thing ani it'u....-:1"n**"nt'gf,iHttiH5r".-.,;;;; !ffi;;;ilriorrnbboyorr+rir(usrb. nice tc be romanr
nu$ rycssE: "f Yout is a reall
ffi ::;, : : r i T:; i i {,;: r i : : r : i: : : i " " " ffi ffHs:l'ffit'$"ilrfrHffi l:"::l}::" : li"lul"ml*ltf f reErd an article a couple or'rlil"li"H-,!il'T#"it isould the police. ?":^li'"-ln:{-9il^n:":1.:1,:'#-,T?ffi.'*ffii:; be a funny ti.,lirg,-"iti",ii,,i--o'rin-'fi,.dii; years back, about how they ha.rr files ongl-!1.P;'t*,5*fti:ithat the oeot-,rot"d r'or1', lu;,";;;UKjTifr "rter all these prcstitutes - with very pers"lf'},i*ilHftlf,,'Stanci ,orrr, i.,,"garct,,', said Fete. ,Iiil'arrruv?l details - and hovr they basically q-9_1,'ttfftfr::r*gorln,kncw the.y. didnrt but r'i, jrrsi rr.yir..:: i;*:l.l1j.tll treateo like shit."
a point. *is lonp;
m'"ftihp"*'rirbum.P'rRo{t,-i(ii6"ilF-if*ffr#ffif;Tiriake ,,Althougii was =puiiirilorr, that, it can be ailptec," ad,ded. .Paul. "ifii-ff.,i1ril-ffi'iliroti*g" nean, "yor.'re just a nunuer,/you/you're ofi,,S^frffi*ii";;";"
-"iT;:'"-ffiSffitffi;f;J H:"1;";;"':[r;; i:"r;:'ir]:f5ffi*:ffi ,ii
if ;.,ou 11id,l6rlcsrcr voteo:'ot3,"itfil,'$fifffi
r,nd. even
the files" doesn't just ap;'ly tc prostitutes,il"ifr.-wouldn't cietract fron the cf'i'r,ct it
it's everybod.y. Everybodyl" tn fultingffiii'Hd::.Frir.tr *"";;;;; v;ho sa;'.,ne thing-;n;-;;tFtihH files these days. '*?ren f sing the lyrics t.Til;;'totaiiy oifi.erent rhings in tnej.r o*trt&,1'&lt^ffi
fi$*i?##i,*l[f,{*ffiti{"ol&.}ffiT-ip;}s.s. #[s'.trsr]rF''::iH';":_iu::_-, ; 'T,.::'^ :;u::j, ::--::';F;."-.*"-'s ffi iffit"'-#';,:'} #f'sq:; ff- iffi ffi:fi [ i i i "'til, it l i i ll i" t' * " t it' t 3 categorised with bands like the PassionsH;iryinportant." 5] the Fiainc oat s . :6;J?n,:f fj,*"fr, $iii 21 lnto "Ye&h, but it's not really that inportant in fucf the end is j-t? r don't think it's a problen, ,
fliffifr 1L
it doesnt t really af f ect our auciiencâ&#x201A;Ź. " Later Pete expressed, a. oifferent view on thls
0evkl tE Psrt
r Lnnc,
j ect : ,*. rnb: ,Drvir corrdrl 3:*11r #:ytrnf "You read about a banc in the i{i'i}: or whatever and when you get to see t}:en youtve elready
got an inage of what theytre like - that 's
ryrth 33
why po9
influences anc favorite types of musicffi *
i i : : : ff^d#i"ll$ffi
r " like the" Gang 0f F our .- r think they r re one of the best rock and ro11 band.s around , theyfr play really well. These days there are a rot i "
rnd llonnr.
coolng and food. fashmn
Phtr olcrra Flirabert ltryrcm
CoUPII 0l tod l6lnr rhni'$cdc bori I t6 !01 fAnto. lt tfur lloodG orar trr rn. | :ur .3i-?(3iu-Uu14. lilaeiB 9.rO no: slrla I .n 19 ycri AC lu9_tu lro r6ry boocn . ... ,- '. .-.tn 5tt tn. lnb: Sobr\ Shdc, Ctrr5t, lll9!t-tl*
ffiftsffi,F#'i'#fiEll: n
#,Ht;i#jiiir-ii 'iiiet
gilaltiF riiib.-"iiilrfir,iro'ifri 3p.n*ffi*Hr,,ilL%r$ *li[',f,i*l"iil;lHih,lr,,,1'.'# fll'iH3;*'*l,ltl,f lf #,1|;.fm- fr-lfr,'!S:t** A ;-,:'Jil'*ilflB'#l',;Tt-;,;"-;;.il] fiLtr6t'il5'ffi;ffi ;r e u o rk s {l ;, ii e r h e s ink ;i;;$$;il $nffili*if ?".$*[.oH;M ffihlppb.niH,ilSl**Jj I nere t o tlrink [fr$il.;t"rl,*iil;' ffS,3Y.#E ?h,st$Fr I .; ; i€ s no ap . r..:, he p ;. -, tts llffidf;flnfrn.ntrd rrrtprarr s **wii t h tthe [h]1i;ti$HJfrt#*il;ll$:q?r] :Daper [*']i*i5li]l|[-t*Tfl##i6'?-*, rffimm.".* r"*. " lr i s c u :; s the rlews p.k (fltJllt#'lffill*#hiffi#'H$ gffi,m;UH,TTfS Sli* Coesn't have political viewsffit*H itrfrffiffi",rmrd pr.roir q:Fi'$f *W:':l:'Tis'lraet jfl":?ii,#{r,.*'iif$1,ffi *tiS#*fr {#$[ffi ffi f.it-tr* oie can't set to sre;p[,]#*3ilf,|l.Fs lifl'H'irul$il1$X Ru' llt 'itrr''nr l{trird' rr no*' f'- rro I,.nnime. I,.nnime mv nightriress nirrhtiress- r iti t t s hurting hrrrti r',i'-'*r;-l ne 1 ifP , ffiY i{K'
icl ID sid
# she ;oi;:ifldffiiflffiii l'*il: :: 1:: r ftrgot tkie 1l':lr:-"11t,l?:, corsfort oh littie onepr,omn'iEii
lnV StIIFll lar tAilt0 tor 801
.tor r D-- m!$DlG. itlflrf?l
rnd Sur Sut n xrmnrCl 1 ulSlllolll
1-r ;"*lvrfuJl,,'tilo'ifn: [fit'sJ'i'1"fi1#'ilhxf!:ff'o: iffi-rffitr]$?lia'e' I
Fr*ss tiie buttons on the tunble dryer; aotTCiitit+gt*ntcdrqtro 1*._"$..,..i Hrlihr' Pg,g-H1!.^-0tIf^qf".al, A-n!r\ r^^*r higSer'": 1^.r ^.L.^ * ru€,Nortonlo"er]Hrlihr. ",. -._ cf; fil:ilffi;Jifpffi iit, "i iri:":1, n g^.--*; end he ' r.tvtr ll Qqlryt, Stoteoolrent Strtnl ?'i,*r l: is ;iri r i,s , wniter than white Hl;I: $ff.ifl,ffiJi:si.tffi r, f i :i nii ns; u l- t ra b r i i * ff'f""$filJliied rlrs. -';; ;;. d&i*"'.ffi*'tii'3 -f
Norton Tower'
fur FtFr
xllr,';:r:lrlrmr,rn;*:f*,;l.;ntg,lun*i'#-H$l'"ilT$:,fi :ru:iy f l oors: siie cleans with f 1a-h !3r*rr.*r ranted I "v'reee scrul tiie ba tli, i t coesn' t scratch fiil;ili Hfrf:,?l*.{T-s .a:1if ll-ll. Lil*., Iias a CialCe r+ith Hr $hegpr iSladc.Cooocr.G.Glittqr, lqrrc. l(rrlcudbrnhi ScoUrnd. tOY PElfilEfr0 rrnted, l3 I;ee the sideboar*- lparklins clean ni"o$?* lllflT$triiJ1:'#u; tug 0C t{t lef,ml; gfrr ntll. fE Dleail- ir.rr+. rq e,-{^^ -cr-^-r rl-^-L.- r--..- sultc roy I,A:,,ffi ffi'-iir:"f''li,'n[ili1il: Sjiu*iflnfld1' street Brechn i'i,i il+1fi;;;,;;; Frs*
n{3 It
l:er risur" ]"if ii.-lf,iff,i*tliSi;.'t'li1J.!;ff 'ff}E1-,Ir ,i;--s ,c tpireq ;ilAin,fri$ry5i*g*l:";rm"q' l?lFriin lonnv 0frmd.-Phobdrncrng fhoto At itas a lrpnn.anhp head.eche, takes rlrerets a eonstant pain-feirif xeeps
u:",less tire;,
lrorra 1o9rrml.b.t4 llrtrrcbclcqRinlril., f0lll elnt rrr
scnd Dlroia
l['l*#ii$fuF*ifirHlffi::::::f**''1*t1i"ryffp,lm"iffi lil.,s#ffif f#ffiH #L'illil #lil#,flc.'ii'i.'Jifffi,I8fi^r,,',,",,.,"-,.:;;;;;;;g,i:#rliffi
ll }lui
no rea'!
[f{r Orvif
i f.ent ionec the i reeord s I i ko thrt
ll TI tinh
Iorn Furrq
Iffi# -*":: tll
Oorn Ro.q,
i:fi::";:; :::";:""i,1l,lll:'".::"jn;fi":ifti3ffdllTi?,1{JT'lHliJr,Ts"ro[*'ffiTf;aT*."#ffi' ;;*,:"i;i.;;1";:r:fi;:;;i;"*iini;:;iffiflffili:,T"::: il"ffi;":"j".::T:';TIi;,tti,::$itrffi
r;im;i:;";j;.*;i,j:";ri::u:":i ;:*lffii$:.ii]:.uf":":'lp.*i'o;".-ffijp$,*** ,,k}Jfr#$ffi ffi-*,.ffi-ffi ffi ,ffi -i:,,-ffi i#ifi fl donrt think there's anythinpt wrong.l6d:gpza gooci "Jt'o no
:rltern*:ti.ru, gonna stay inciepencient.ffiHfli$"ith beir:g successful, I'd like t? b:.$lldtfr ""'re all cur ]ives 'eos weri-e r,ot lnterested inJrtronnrcc-i'that position, but you've got to do ltor"*-r,] the r;,usic business' beceuse i.f you've got$?f,rfl#Fifour own ',v&Y - an<i nost bands ean't. E-"."lffift son€'s ihat:,.ean anything then;you're nJtdff;E$f#if 5'6p do conpronise a bit, it's stilttihT.ii.ff, €,onn€, get out of just U"irr5 an alternativelrmXgr#dificult. There's so rnany doors you.q"ll*.q.n band ano plrr-r,'ins to 2OC people etl theffSffififfi}"pen and if you're faced with lock"aliffi€s"st tirr,e and itrs rr.c;t going to get eny betl-Ji.l$dftUfidoors you just enci up going back to *hglgd...,ri. ?utq. iarG[t. 'i6i-bifi;;;l.(,nb:'o.,i,r,r*jffildiiil6i-l.i"llll5*il'."::ffit-iff&{#you came from. There have been so manyffiErytk'r liffi't?],ff;;ri*", to the stase *u"ri,=filifg!ff#o.nds.sayi-ns so niany good things thatilllffis cah <io Top Of -lhe lops ar,.ri you can selt- o"ii;ffihaven't got an3n'rhere just because the;-ltuiil-'ir1t Itarn.ersnith gd"or,, then you Jo ;;;;"$l*$ffiHnot prepared to conpromise at aJl. f hl* i-y ""r, tike 'stand Down l:argaret, anti you'o" loiffiiff,#'lttrinL you have-t9..9onnp1o1,i9.e-.-lrt :.n ifrelf,,# 'ti&+i4illffff#fiff:tii*g'ffi.ff;]" ' ;;; aui.ience saying it , ii giffFi6-tn:hfl:*"'""vu"av-i"a ois o"iff'crence. rf you've got .ny,H*,Hf,!#n*o*-*"""' uakes ft?'Jlloq*,*dffilp;.;;;;;l*li'#fm$ft&y*F,tr. principles then itrs best to get into thatfirmo*jflThe talk dwindleci and the Au Pairs driftedfSg position so yourve got the influence to b€ftor.itruraway to prepare for the gig by going downffi' able to do something positive. It's realfvff*$lffiji$the pub. And. so we are left guessing atfoYitid!'ri bad when barrds rho have principles at theiSffi{|Hlthe future of the band. [i11 they compronisefl start forget about then when they get toffiS:ffi;Htanc becone pop stars, rill they'tourffiror4xnti be big stars, they dontt ever do anyhffi&:lLl"fiS{hAmerica aqd__qi1l Pete's.qrrs }ike.th_enliffim controversiar sonls, they just stict< "ioT"llltsJffi."tt,trbo tnows tli[sis*,llt.l3.t$*H1 tffil.ll- ncra' coruirr-triid
;:iT:":::." ji;; ;3lJ'fili-.ili'in'":lr '!Hp!e'!-l'ns ':- --. - rlqFH:fftffiS ninute'catcbJr singles when you're popui"rtff$frffi, ripped off from crindiag you've stiLl got to put up rith s.uc4a-1ot$,ffi'#t]* g;.^nn-i!.rle-"1:L;:s:ffi*hiimmffi ftffi ru9,*"' j,;,fol*ffi'ffi #,'"?:.'f ffil.ft '
.; --
.. .. : .-".Sone of our gigs have been great ,cos. you set roatts or .esi"n p"opi""i,,'J; -j, t-F'* up. .. '...'."..,o-'4t,ALlEN KULTURE ?:t Sooner or later Asian youtfr ;;;-= .5;,.J".. .-Iriri6;;;^*]"i' t f -'luirtrQ.!^t[evrliz r
, , :..
r r.. _..:.
i.#';.<k?;E.*F'r"i.*i--a-ffi6''I,"|"fr";,ilfi3"::,:;'::';'l"::F'.Lior crothes-into anoir,er to[ i i #:l:':: :::':T"::-'n,",^::::-:*"1::: ?::::'^ ffi li::-:i"-11t perf*rm they rei-nfor** th#,*. , ffirsis ; Y"4 .: * il$eeo:} lt: ilY:q: lrere +i1:"_ ons**e? l:il'?Tt:*';:T-:::": $ 5:::::k bece.Lase
Ii*?;r;*l*'n***{*x;ffi$miili;li'*$i'Hj''*T;i',.#is"-E; R:;;;;; n'"""t" and having to iive '" .:Xu#,S;;-ii in"r".irli'inlil il;ffi#:"il 51 E
t ;Z
i rB':ffi"f';,:i"""::.:;XJ":ff":"llil"i3{ffiEE#"ft lff: H:',:::lt :*.3?.y,3 ^'H q J -;* -^r'i:iii;*[rK if e,nd : :n bri.1ri.";:':i'* ; :i:l ; :Ii ; r ; Skgil-r* E,pffi $ *7 &i fr$*ffi : " lhe fact that Asian youth weren't ll -= * 'Iheir rndian friends in the crowd r"r"i',f
takingup the challenges being throcn Is. f S.+havinE an6 the skinhead; a greet tj.s:e end. skinheaasF',i'# F'..'{# sreat tine $ + lr*rrirre & ry to them. )ry.tp"ou"I tnlt tn"y oorr't all belong to theZG _Asians have al-we.ys been-. $ lj t. 1*i;'"i'"""i"i'oo'' rhe i""a 't +: < i back for an encore but had ?>+ so they ojd a couple again with theljf-ESeustructea. Gradually the frightening
*"il'iin*ffsf,i:;'il::'"H";:";"'::il;:"i;:F=y?l t
:ji::*ir{il"5rt shells' rebelling not only €+ the fr ffi *::;::q:Hin:liF-FS liarriage' snowsffii H:$"I.:;xffi:'#}i"':::i*:ffi their ,-?+.Ebut '--'l-in"t";;;; this tnls society but a1sofr!, arsol!. ? they that sexi";-;;;;;".;W? exiets."'ff,:ifsnll € €:l't
against song rArranged ,,know dredges up sexisn "know G,5 .-sfi. ,>=. good tine was had by If i. E. ! their- parents and' elders who for soi f r.'Iia rnoroughly -_'4that ^dnir +, Fa fi, =. ,- -/ flf ,j+ \" \=r$/, t!ft i - E S,+_ looe have been the biggest oppressors; e.?, '.H.lIt's not often that bands bother to write'.?5.uertain instanees, such as Southall, -'2 ,
ffi I i ll "::-:ti:if.: '
picked up your ,4*ff=I 'f,J.. land was really pleased 'tr!;reviews rAlien Kulturef {h
see under eteVt&Beig in East Han and the creation-o{{7fi . Nofl just byfu{ - jthe Newhan Youth I'iovenent are bringing}t-il play bass with AK: " .
e X happen to
fk ;:il;.::il- Iti:.i: "-ii:*_, ilt"i,'ffilffi at Trade['.E-f,sf recently the nurder of Akhtar AIit e l-/
" fanzine ry
to e
;ff i;*l!i,l,1n3il,'i"llT"o::; Hll-f;;;Iff:"11""fi$l il",l"lll"T:"li"izi,br.,ffi ffib#
ffi ;f i;i-"ii-,lri'il*:$lr'll-tl:,ffi but f ' 11 teIl you & b*t t*trH * lnterested fr{'" , "m *
Fabout the *about tne band bend enyw&y,F a,nvws.v.ii \{1\\i \rl\\iffi5-=-
,;l*:'iHFF"F;Hff'riii"tff b* s;F-'?"* # t.6
:" F
::$:i"::"$r,i:*lf .*i;i*r#rJ;ffi Hiiil*;::',,i*"* fl ''*3personal1y, I had 2 sources of5#.15.r# i'*lP?"t?"l":.Once they invade the stage{.;; ::;Fi:"t r;i" :r;'l:;i that :i fi ff&u$i"c t & r;i: specialised refined iil";":i, r{ il ;, ::}'T*HflH #! [**tS"vity ilii;ffi fu} with o3]{ for those "musi*a3ffi ffip ;::. "tf, ffi H: ::"inl'! i tL r'il":i: l3": ,#a,z;:; E# iii*::!F "t':t "Hsi:i ' try to' +€-tn"="rore everyu"iv'"iiiir1$ffiE:::1:I1i:^:-"ll: i"F?j i:.i'"-"oacan ry:eI." betryeen, becone a_uoity. ;: ;;'ilif,llil*ilf":"1!iate ensase tr
> 6 +':
i t
*3 ffi
in it.
# ;**,iii*i"i":n,:itLi:t"*:,ffi#
;ii:::lr iili- il:l;i;""H" ; TH:ffHIf fi H, 5F while our gultarist was the only one
;ft:"t;$"i;"ii, "il.::""*1";:':
ffi rui.-
l;; ; ii: {m" iii:i: i: det#l.*"j rii i: e$ ? *. ** n 2faf-H6L'e;,-€1Gtr 21af Abb,as, Alien Kulture.ff Kulture.s *: rf ^
kreu_vrffiryg{F,}ru r-;di*l#.'s#e"f i#';li*:"ii"l#iiri::.:::,:i::i-$cffi ffi -ffi "
:with eny "mrsical experienc€.rf (f,rEX n* S:with ?xpJr_lencle*. 'l lSgX n#E f
ffii *,,ffi
'the romantic days of ,77 faCing to the back of our menoriss, rlany of those associated with that era have reached, & turning point and heatl.ecl, off in a new cirectionl often forsaking many old er f ans in search o f a wid.er aud.ience. Firs t impress ions , though, can be mislead.ing as Pauline r,irurray and. Patrik Fi tz gerald have rec en tly Wi th
0n first hearing, Fauline's tDrearn Sequencesr single sound s fine : A rich textured Hannet/Spector walL of sounC;' c 1 e anly prod uc ed and :n aking good" us e of her strong voiee, But after a few lis tens the cracks begin to shoq,. Although not quite as obvious as her n
oap sud
wi th
Peter ]'errett, it eontains aea.ningless ( and often embarrassi*S) lyrics and is
aimed. firrnly at the 'chart. They discarded. the superior Peel session version in favour of this cal culated product, mod erately well executed but thankfully unsuccessfrrl in it?s aim. The follow upr rldr Xr did a little to repair tLre d anage but appears to have been released, purely to promote the
Patrik Fitzgeeald , on the other hand. formed. his band soon after slgning: for Polyd.orr a"nnid cynical cries of rabord" c ompany manipul atLon and their f irs t series of gigg was e for rxe at least a complete d.isaster, Sti11, Patrik persr eve red wi th the ld e a , as I ennb 1 ed. a new group and, has eventual ly c ome out on top. f sar hts new band. at a poorly publ ic is ed. gig at the P ied Bull ' Is }ingtor! r where there e ould.n t t have n
been more than a" hundred people pres ent , but d es '' i te pl aying virtual
f or thems e lves they s ti11 excellent set. If the rec ord.ed vers i on of t One BI,, Onet is as good. &s tonight's set opener then they have made a wise, d.ec ig ion to wai t f or & rnai or d.eal before commiting it to vintrrl . ft rtll be gad if t gne By Qnel foJLorerl'the sane path to obscuri ty as '$onight' t Ioe t in the sea of ind ependant record's rl tfn*ll,ni ted. d i g tributLon and no pueh for airpl atr.
managed an
to survive from patrik's acoustlc ilays was tCruellest Crime', shich was given an upternpo treatnent and featured. sorne great gax from Lester. Perhaps he could use the lnstrument more sparingly on rKillerL fn Actionr , rhich seerned rushed., but overall his vast contribution was so conspicuous that it was easy to overlook Colin, who gets on with sone The only song
brilliant keyboard work relatively unobtrusively. Patrik was quick to sieze upon every opportunity to emphasise that he ras just one thirrl of a band., although (at the moment) he sti1l wrltes rnost of the origi_na1 material, so this isnrt strictly true. His newer songs are a far cry frorn the "jo1ly Patrikfl found on rfrnprove Myself' , and possibly the best of these were rlressi-ng IIp fn Funny Clothesr and rThe \'r{orld fs Getting Betterr which, despite it's title, is yet another
depressing number. The set was divid.ed into two parts, with a short break rrhile a nate of Lester's played a couple of songs to
charitable reception and" the hiqhlight of the second. half was 'Fade Away', an affectionate stab at white reggae, faster than rset We Free? and rWho']1 Be il{y Jah?' but every bit as effective. Pauline l'iurray' s unhap;y alliegance with the fnvisible Girls - who included Rob fron Penetration for her London debut at the Lyceun - sâ&#x201A;Źâ&#x201A;Źils certain to take her riding high into the charts alongside Kate Bush , Eazel 0f Connor and Sheena Easton. Of course, nany of her old endearing features rere sti11 apparent but heavily disg-ttised. by the glossy lighting, weak material and the lack of paseion frorn the band.. Some of the better songs 1lke I l/[r Xr tsynpathyt and 'Judgernent Day' woulcl ' have glotted. quite nicely onto rComi.ng Up For Air' (ancl I'm sure Penetration woultt have d.one them justice) but she carf t bla.me the Invisible Girls for songs like the dreary tDrummer Boyr or rDrean Sequencest, rhlch 6ot the biggest cheer fron the adulatory crosd. f alwafs crihge rith erabarrassnent rhen she singo lines like "eleotrical rhythms are counting out sheeptr or rrooh, ny naked bod.yrrr but ohe dug her orn g?ave by rriting the rords in the first place, ftm congtantly extolllng the virtues of progreasion but Paullner g current d.irection is so blatantly comnercial ltrs very clifficult to believe her heart is rea1ly in it ancl until then she nust be regard.ed, ae thLs year'e cagualtles, Just as The Clash rere last year's. But there's eti1l hope for hef, &6 Patrik haa ahorn by reenerging to cllspel all of ny d.oubts...
-Welcone backl
PNRTINq SHOT 5 for ;:nost of their Sigs' ,r.ui te a" few iligs fhro',rgh ; played [.--ffi "W; i,,*-t thern and. went o1vn reall;r well but:d:'i 5ift the aurLience were besrinninfl to lj-ke" the o fher Antipon band's than ft .t*"1t:t us more 'hi"i" r r!^ {-,.r. co ,i ,n a:rt.tr -: .: -- f -L ^ -11;o err:iy'kt!;' ,*i;il so rhey,c.icntt ask us ,?tj il-rsre gj.gs. The same would qo for *'i-' ;i,:firnost of thre band-s who'd do us a l;,*l favour by letting us sunnort then 'i"-*1'! *s soon as we began to get good for#et i.i $;i receptions-i4eJ'd 9u'Jdenl;r tgi{tr
1,".-'. Wil?ri t,ffi.':f ' ;-;' i'"t'*t""'t";tffi ' l.'
w *fld*fib;'""6;;
f ,'*t,f
'i' looks at il f::on behin* a i'lin4()':'t, J.i"iu":l; They are seL.f:-shly hOnesio 'riigl1',lr,ny'r:1 ''. i.s about e ::erson who's ha,ppinef,s i-si;',; always being Cisruntedn he is;i1 .,''r: ,f,r' '
tantly C1i;;rbinfi A nevef en''l ing ,, stalrCase. -T:Ie refuses to lool< l;ack et,',; i'f"" pas t events , hoping therer s * {,5,ir';#1':" ij,i: l.o, , 'is:{?;,'i
&.:ffi, * -at the c on ti-nen tal T Ti,h-Ei E; \renue ,Eo t s truc k" the and erl , ni,ir# i" Sund. p"';i#by lightening and- the mixing deskff:'* [f*.q# ils t btew up but thankful ly no thins' L;*lH i it* that hras happened s inc e $Ie ? gp* t,lg* d own S outh. 1Ye ' d b e en , 1 qging in br:t [ffi the North for about a lreer o c a'ne tc w e s o up ffiffi things were 'c-::ying rd" jobs recCIr( s. r of ffia Lond.on in search '
fu"bure ahe&d.. 'Parahllej;" ",: ' ab out f ran anrtr the prob l. ens wi th l *;i+it*ili- , r,'{esternisabion 1n such places' The*Sti s b egins wi th the town c r.lferll'rl''ir,r;i:*,;f i,,:... I Ong *t ''I':ffi*:l;; c al1ing iolo s 1 ems to tne Trio sq ue ' Wi Tl"i fililfi*;" they ,the hos tages , theyr ve proved' how ;c an chal l ense the :ves t b ec aus;-t :{:,.'f.i:ffi**tl i:'r,r;i.{ri need Lhe ci 1 and ere n ore CIr 1gg s ii#:#:fi^ii;i,i, ,
t*uu, r'hern
, st
.Js,l'r':iI Xi;l8llii)ffiffi:.{,*'t-P,;+F,ti$fftftibrâ&#x201A;Źi-;t)r*#*$i$;,r*{,1',
l .;r
Thej.r &ccessable PTL/punt crosF.?-ye" i#f;,.';#ii;, s;ifr,=,ji,:. t - s tyl e should. ensure there s an b*fi f{:""" '
rt .r,Q,
Cc Ff;,'lfii iihe;r for their musie when * r' l:ffiti.."-';i '''+' i'i:;l'"
^-^ l-- -'l 't --
# i#,'4 ;ltv'
Jog _ explained. _th-e unusual f nsplTarr-::..ff,
^^^ -r-
^ --J
"r;-:*H"'v! u''
the lyricist, gets up real1y early on :::,: - living proof that Magsie's work ';. ."""n-6"";;;";";;i;g-;"-irst"n to s*{,,r*.2.g,+35s3 *o"*ad'vice about noving round th- country rad.io show devoted. purely to this type '-.ineas : iof
music. we don,t actually lift *i^::?i"1.:t-t:!:-::"111-1:::.*?1Il-the barman's concerted efforts ior"'lii"io"lriiir;"-;;;;;l,a-"i-tir"i-;..,'-."-;Despite to wreck the interview and the enetic'
kind of music. fhe Orientals have a
i:lil;;";1.til':!":: :lr:"::1:l:-::::iI'
uqrroE'su uLr s*u{rr-., brrru rruu} l: ;l,Western nLlody is usually falrly sinple ., ;;ffi:"l";:""11'::"*li:nff3ili;'1?, until closing time and,, &f aflter a" n uick i,, f,^-r 'iand straightforward. their's is much' but *"^ilil"tl'rili.e" ^rs^. -r^rra-*arA hrri game of Urban Gorill&s r causht the irnitatqff complex and dif ficuL t to irnitat#t ti i;;;e !*""* "o*p}** 'tube home ln tfuae to catch Rayr s ,rnum rhyrneless be to tend songs their i iand dishing up yet another of her T is toriep wi thout eny rigid s trug$T3"l legdndry vqruerT ts. . . Sunday roas lvo'U-' canrtffiffif
i'rtts unfortunate that re
r't""oiif iv B* &,rick