#ffim$w E#,ffiff
an ar1,3:i" -H^,c Gu
furb.* o.9o said &r..r
aie-.Telegra?h.? ky,r^rek
{he Cooncil u-rere "o+icllrr:q
- *t" ffi# g;Ja,Yrir[ego[ ?tT.,ffi $t'' ';[g spacr {o, n* F*#t1 ffi'Y sorru n7.*.,"^ *hey have io riqhF 1o cornpl'ain .Thtl", ' "
.gliding {rrrd€rs pF f*y $,, s?ctce are l{ge. nr* a,.'dV ulho .^l"nt h )alrrhxL qiq-iia F3aqt ,.-(;rrn5 t. Tl'.<t< SeernS {o 6e o p.t;&Yn Corcrt*ry' "4y?sori' tt T". -(_^(ta:!:k' in tinl "u:iliup. ?leas< in"#r.,pl -++"" il.+r..';{ifui-*;t^ :;; aloue and. slick hirn som<qhere."l .y"ri 'F(1r""-ii ign oi+'rdFF-*
b.s{ oins
rve got sorne back issres r conia do with cle-aring out so Irn prtt grveautal pI-IUg asain. rou. i-!.1r1 I LIOWn LO givear"my price .1Etralre cown to --
'-r,.i6fr, s',nehm€-
y " praseeutian----
rLtmdrr. i5 lrrr-. *his is to {{" ;frita"l;vi
,JT;ln'* l6= ru r.?i
17"ndi&7ul<irc- la (r}hih - a.r,urd 5 rro*[}n ar qolwet}e( t g"1" "la,l*,!y. Hl'1.':lnu?"I"1'*'1ff"y l, *:],,?"4to /eason$il:l"rrni?fi oh€ isthelherc's a *eto just to cover it. Zop cf "- --'Tii;-i"-"t"ii" i*it.... | {t.+ [ arr s*arhrg qp ny oarn 6qtdn l -u' cos,- nrtrrrroil-;i ': &J+ fil" Io nart< llflt,|,,: fli:*L ffilfii; nlt :t=* lrrr, | us rich ond €mot,t'. h-ralk", i5 fisur-i'^: i;;';*i"iiiJi-e*t, . . .'hffo, lots inore probably. I !1 ^l I E^A 1ocl l-n'.A< ,{ ir*.afe.l in i"at, €{f r.ri i'iriir"*i^ m,l'"*.",!i1:"'##;;;.^*"_;;' t{ild'3o31s" ans'e''c'upstarts' rssu' t ! ' l,htrix lblt iestir.,al. c"o""i"v'i" iir,?""ffidt+il,o.fr;A | ;;
tt.f;-ro. lbp'e*ct', i"J'{n*tts
F,'J**.. W,c.om
tive Dear ;",arti#Alterna
Sound s t
I' d like
's to the grouP a. few tqry t" coint out .ned the .' tuat s that nri I n- Anchotr of nindle ss rnale ' '1! rng-tlope Oravediggers glg iigtttllg ritual- dic r) Your pathetic rt a$used sone not imPress u*t ;;;'others" It is amazing Foplerit =i"k-ened' like youtcan' '' to observe how J-owt::orons a shit for the groupsink. You dldnl t gave vt, see the iitits *onle
tP ther€ tp who $erea ther.€
think ,lh* Clri str. ib you *"ily lud'iencg? rrrt on was worth-an it: varigus-mlsculinity l*p*"ssi.ons'' 2\ *ggr-ession and' of Feai r"tt of ' are a for:n and inferior rl8'o ' ipi"quate en berng ,of o*t belief s anda doubt 'Self to be in -fou" "-?b?ut far i* It :usier abilj-ti;;' feel secu"* : ol ss 5 s . Iou feel 6sss. in c ontrol of be l:*:";??:t shot^r'
^incallecl trbeing llrcron to other f\rcked uP *i#."it-lu d your body 3n
vour,Ferfomancedi stor lis Agffi*"uu"::-' ;;q, behaviour supp*o*iitiorlr irnper is
it tion. It is *oi u-gg"ession show]ng'which "[- failuf€ r It ressed aggression voo t;iaf u It"iJ viOlei"*. s i &ilS.*sense of aLray ru*ntqalry, rot lri11 individrrality'""-r'"aleft.Thenyou 'i;:H:":lv*';-- tnrt^:: oPiio* rru t'r!'r naVg no irrf.lf have hgfe irill ,. -^, to belong somew crowd,, , You haVe contact physilal +) Con*t*ni viotenl s y* lot) i s often within a group tirt"ti ni*"*A as $rPpressed psychorof**lp s; stop and seralality or rro*ol*nt*rity' next time about roo"lFl::: l1Trflf,Irn iarz': think bOOt in. you are nrtting thg T:"il;; T;t;'icoalfield "
gear lhlti1'1 Dear tuhltin ' arrl tt* t eyuo*Id^Pluyer'f9r in As'rb'
:,^"::''*lldem?Hi.'l'?:*' ;t {:[1fl i;ti $i: :{isongs ?fd'had it is one of o3;newest ;;;;-;.;; lt' the cornpil
,been readv nn'ootl iation EP'
ffitffifi-g;ifi*#L A!|tH'*i-!1*r* tle i"r'";*'*
3itl.:l"l; our new one' ol';;{i-t.,",*:"Tllffi*** Green vinase il baurtern Itin"ilt?ll; ,t{all' It aPPe*1 ;h*J::""11?: ;:'*15 ?tryt
*f i-::
i?H'#rtll;,'*'*"*u . ai.o:;Hft}?ffi:;f fhe owner of tne-t:i':- ffi llffi{l*g ;;^'rchThe other off ha Bln*l the nains
a hearv
I 1
themtthey ar! ;*;-btrneh ,Hatlrt-ot1t6r ald. *ir ti.
i:":-:ff rrl cymbal "ffJjil and rhev nristi.*1:1::: ffiffi;lt . stand.inil.I"H";;;!il""* and rert r' r$.'Jr -* -^ I or lJBx,rK€r' $ ., Thev-ioort of r*sakers. .
srandrsritT _gnd a'nike
Enerald PlaYed to *uo"i Thanxt
Psul Hurst t
Dear AS,
lgrgfrfifd, :';I,ili-fu set#iH:ri
*T out of *u6;ni-ouu* -dlt..be;u*-iio d; noment
*il tniff;*'i'' j{I'*'l} trif;l{, .l.^
;:ilj. -.,
r welk th*rru, ; tnrnk. fhlc J*oru ueLyf€ar erg, {i;r$fiffi il {:t r**, :
ugh the'aoor ts partly dr.re-;; the
;HT ff;
* :lllffi ,;i$"fiiy:"j1"_,itff*
on ttre
tgiret ',?1rr: -ta*ri"';* ?nacxr thin! {"ry'"iust Sfits tt p whole "1o1ldu!_.1ry they ttke rhe l*u to knlw , about .r trr.n vou Lr.* H.d;;d?Tir: ;: t*ho
:m *
;ff 3*$ would
F *r"r;,.*i, Tkd also like *i;I" I tlf: r^ uriit *nc'it -# ,
il:frnt,!*::o' fni
* ..-v.. nonth. vi* 1 (t rILL, $ s Statgnen{ -orlr.r., haS Co 3othing *n +r^,I" ..r
to i;;il;-Ji"f3o5
th; ract
E:p on tnrclgtr,
Jrnou Geero:Bb.
lafesf Ktbubr:i-": . .fU*-.J'*L.t>- f,,ov.- t€e n cto{o.,wd SaYs +hq, +?E o:t ?ePVef. Hz DqVc- ?e??er. >f DqVc #z saYs ,cotfi ":t ,Cott\fl' tefc[ ; drQftyu,* _q *9 9]1 ]-liif I lEffi.? ooJ.-r6lt g,i" a'd sYn|h' ,f'z/' basl P',;}T;.I kf&ailo,rt) is Vlo'yir,! " I ;d ft
Afid tV{t'' li+
:f:f;..5,ff #i ir"ir !^'*eis l* ea'ars Y:*tfA at *he ^:i# ,'',4'L
ohanc{ ovrd
-i;i"il;*i + l^i
fi'"ti*'o j6"+ to 'p[ac€
d^l .qhr
6 r-i
uil the W t'#iii #."iffi*:'"' , tt scl'w\,offin io"k them f{'., pV o,o,o
- bd<a Luilding ?9 i+tl cost, itc "lt-l< 'n<u)*Council i;;;;-iizn F, 3 hou r>:1,7^ h lOpnn . Grtra{ ,( tqr. g.f
*0. {he mffi,il {or is!,,res o4t0oshT.kg*ph' --dr'i^( ': ,l
is o ne,.rA*et
ru€> t'a; iuq! nerrl': of votr n€k') t'T s t JorE - i,f ,:"c*;I' rffi LrJotte Gcn<tat 'q -tt",n Jed 1,t": b.f -- ), '-Lr\trr\-. o+r*, :4-r[[ 1\r-f , {oo , ^z r r-r-- 'r,\^t L t ;;;J.;;t ,t +h< Copy a yot o+ I n ,td7 Dear Martin, ; r\h' /o(ifi ' {
.,- l,-, {;) -^ run
-^-'{ of the tt BoYs the review for &L^
Jt^ -- -r-^ Thanks
{h"G[t-'ue just-eidnii cui. (lt least it was honeit ) . lnifrow. until we do get a record out , people can hear 1ft*t'tt€ are doing_ by sending-a
Teach-rourself Ca ssettes rB t Thnaltes Rd ., 0s*aldtr.risil,e rlanc s. 0n the tape erplo sid i s ifte sort of stuff your re going to get lf' er,ryone I r_yl*:t :p?:gh to do $o . Ihanks,Phll .
lunt cassette to
A good band $th sone interestlng songs bass pro*tnent, drums pound along, fernale vocars (rnainlyl . fhey- sound verlr exciting on the live.. G3meil blts. ir"o lncruded is the excellent *tsoys catelty I ravi,ewed in i ssre I> . A collecti,on of n*a""tt pop songs with $ome Jazn influence€.The emphesri Leing on trying somethirrg ne$r . Reggae tni"uense a s well , Thl" bnd couLd be very good
indeed6 lh*"
rt, cord.l+b
Oamerr demo tape ln rAlternative then wer ve changed' the nane to
&tir'uls. $nce far z'an 7 ,( tlrreat. enlng t"- become-lbrzan 5) arxl urit@'*ite a few songs. ihe band }lne-up has not changed a bit brrt a male singer nay be added. nY reactions to ttBoYs Oanerf was nil from stlff Records ffirrg phot?uFt reply to Cherry Red positirre crltlglm thpt --tbstrF'
d, a
ril noln
per side
ffi ''*"it$r[i ;r6ru,3 ff L",n4lj#4-- *-'{;g.L.; s30.oo t25.OS
112" Pressings)
(12" Pressin.'sl
(7'Pressingai: t
a L o *t a
$ gctober saw the release of the first Coventry :_9tp- ll of trr" rcgining -. Girle ll gatioi-irl-Eifl"8 ;sqis AND GIRLS coys gu1 T0 PI.ap on Boys ard ard ll =c music of .tte 0 iracks.'Tha!':-18 mirmtls ffi#;,-i; l;;;"r-6-L;; fofa'6"t.poster of the bards, a}l for only &J''21' ( side with I .9 " # ,o
n *gft*:nttqjd*.t-t+a+: ff l$:S{fi:#Fi"ilil'" ! tto " ;s=s;u ."t'tt" iov albuir track but sirnilat
:?T.1"{l:-llTog1-o-t.Tll* I
I !r:*+;Fffiffi'l$**!.:*tT:H:i;il#:f'iq,#::'li:" .- I
| $x.* ig1{l";fril"ffi#['$ruri:ifij:r:l}d;;h;"ftti"F:t [ffi Jif;;-fn:;i**ll lflirT:"'tTl3ot"rff'.lilu".t and their enthusiasn I srrows.;*il
ru;iit.il ;*.*H*:'il:f3"i":;'ri$ii;';r" yanted !,o pr!-out !
ifil".iil{lirT:iT,6"1ff11:i}. I
ffi:iEf :3i;iq'# r,;tffi::':iFr;lt'}ili:"ld\*- ; H:h!'::#rq q;;;; oi iro*re i,ozyuo2,,* I !**:# *".1#";;": i,*,lE ii.dit$ h #f H;: " ffi. S l;trfi fr i ; lt' " " . 1 ;f I ;"r*il#*Ji:t;l:: n "r;' f------Efl for 1rm0 copies, s9,ea-eh bard have put thls came tor-around.5l5OO r:-'ornl -ti;-.l ..- tt" nnlnted at the same place bs thiS here negazine' I
I |if#.:il#;ffi' *xd*rlflHst.T*qrfi#*::f"r#3*i: The ldee iE to put out another compllation EP'if ,thls o":.T11: ., rl I k*',fl: J*"*;;;;:t:t't,: l*"ti,HT:'fffi: "lf ;3'i;;" f; '*":fr l, I'g I
U*ll*,#tftiFHT*fffiji":iiq;ffi*=.if,'i:3if:il'{:: all co-op II -"ii"if"tir" npr a-fot qulcker,and a lot cheaper. I*t'9 hope you ;;ffit*jm;';#i:$ ;", li:*il[ ;"ffi $: T"ffi:ri5,Tilrlxi"; T"f,l",ill>'iil I" lXi";, t, g" II I i,l Ilto;#i"'Lkiilii';;;;:ii*",ri:*ir; Cc"'entry, ad he will serd - 'r one 10 Asthrrr Steve i;;;. rtbJ ..,tstl z s,a ge
k F
l 1['
F;i$' O\
Clients are welcome to f
I ,
e lEr'Pri'irre
bJ f'\ark
Fall \
........ '.'tr'
rnd ' o-f''
of br E tf*$
t nli,t r :'all* *f
b ****
For a band a$ cr{.tlcal}Y lairned as The Fall lt was so strange to 19$ so few people at ttre glg. The Fell donr t {G# force tfremielvee on you and perhlps t!tl" as%ii ounts for the cazual foLPwfng..Ittgy hay:-*4j 3 albqrng-ou!-now " LiYe-3! th"--.
them 3{ ehT wfrfcfr-trpreGr be the other but we have nentioned -talks about tl"i b better and the ];ive "Totales I\rndt trbfeb bit nore and everJrane erse anJn^ray. The FalI Lre one of the few band=-l is a combination of nelr songs and ol,d. Alo ovLr, lhe last coupre of 'JreaTs who achr*}}E uith a handful of singleEt. If you hsventt, rnean anything, ?hey are a h'nd who seem-*9t I hearrl The Fall yet gtve ttrem a try. Gtel,r'{ songs contaln a r.rcalth of j-de,as .cary:Led ,aIo to eompromlse - gatng frorn Step-Foruard. Tl just Rough Trade says a lot. They play l htt| with enthuslam'and Mnrk S. futtht s errcellent want way they what f; to they urant !q:^Utt E vocal s, eertalnly not carrLed along "ttfi,i$,bor*: iil "bit tiry*tl at -a ing profficiency. $ome of thetr' : ateirt ma,t- ,i, backfires this fortunately Th*: at play live saw them erial has a rock I n ro11 lnfLuetp€. I ean*t I i*hen' certainly General 1.folfe a feq weeks Lacic.' The *u*ryq say how long The Fall utll be wltb Bs. Se ,U wa,s excellent yet the sig had the atnnosphe:& la st couple of slngle$ have not baen as hf dl of a low key rbhearsSl . Okayra stage show tr a quallty asthe earlJ.er '''$tuff . The n6!r slbun can detra*V**other#de the nnrslc hrt !h"yT w111 perhaps &nsw€r' that' que etion. took it to a m:inimal extreme and r sat doq.ri to Ii sten to their music . SLick to the f record s r thought . The set lra $ adventurous oft in that they aic zueh a large proportion soon_ the on be to sup?oosedly new so$g-s.. € *ln FV Areatl ,"lfuzof*wis come Rough trade LP. DaughteC,,,,UndergrounC d*Ai";;'ti (*o"*f t 1['; t;;;; fitr** to th; not-too-distant past^o-I-1f .
il@ ! l !]}r
rKovt ov( LEAM r,KrfotrJ co€(es pcruoeru r recluse from *iostort-on-;itour,, turnec up and present rine-up was complete" They playec !l* their f ir st gi g a t The Io 11 i{ou se i n >tra tfo rd in i"larch 'I B0 . The toll 'liou se ha s sinc e clo ded its doors to live entertainrnent. Itf s inpossible for The ,tb straet s to rehe-q.r se or gi g very often e $ the only the clnrpmer owns any instruments. ?hey have to keep in with The rceal Husbands in order to cla-y,gigs anc sre grateful to them and are very enrbarrased about the live revier.r in As 16 r*hieh slagged off rhe Husbands and rsent 'beserk about them -'ritf s done the Husbands more good, than us'!" t'he n*in irrfluerr.,.: ces on thelr rrusic are The $tonesrDoor$rr.,iest coast circa '6J r*d Barrett and ,$tratfod Precinct but thqyr've got something of themsel* ve s into the mu sie a s welr i ts di ver se 'punf , dlsco r_60 t s pop mu sic i s all brended togeth €r tnto a fine set of unconpromi sing pop songs d_ laugh at hrt with r that you can Cance to iand I
flris article was originally going to contain interviews with three irtratford bands narnely The fdeal Husbands, Domestic Bliss and The ,Abstraets - hrt because of internal problems in both the Husbands and tsIiss tOiscoveryr s two recording bands) tiris whole item has teco*e the Ab'stract s intervi.ew starr{.ng },lark Gibbong ( $itar, occasfonal vocalsrall the tune s and some lyric s ) , Paul Iyrtcs) , and ilartln Pearee (Uass) . The Abstractg lrere formed around the nucleus of 0ibbons artd Randall durtng the third week of
sunni l'Iednesday afternoon. in the l€anington *'nant band The &rbtermileans which he didnt t to mention n,B$ it roight prrt people offn . !{ith the aid of The I'dea} husbands ,they strted grggingrThe Husbnds providing the initial Abstract s rlryth, sction until Paul Oardenerran €xfgg{}l_ fgfgagg =lglg_and flnally Martin '1 * Jnne
Gsbbone hs,d been
think s ; old 'flin again lil . fhey a&nit to being very ou{ o{ lyrtc s that
make you
touch with whatf s going on in the music bizr They are all unemployed exeept Jez and canf t afford instnrments let alone reeords and music pepers r rThe nearest place to see a,ofuest gigY i s coventry and rhatr ; e0 nlles away'ana yo; need a car to get there. All you can do in $tnatford is drink. tr fiigg:ing is a terrible problem for them. If the gig is outside iitratford they lnevitably have to hitch to the SiS, run through the set and learn nerr' airng s at soundchecks - the only time they can rehecrse. When the gig is over they have to hlt*h home, ?helr arnbitisns are to own their own equignetrt, make lotm of singles * no albunrs because they tend t# Io se enerffir and nobeidy ean af fo rd them these daysrto gqt awelr frsm $tre.tford mnc to
tour &**p.fm*t
Amer*ma *
Nre{ltN?ar5 ;L the 3ta, CluLW.
The i*lightingales arenf t the Prefects Uu{TI '",ronder h9y many people reelise tlg! tonight,
aie nFF"*
i at Th; itar cr,tu but ry1. !ime, thinq: _ srightly differenL rn addition to having l "i" invi{ed audi;;;;--( i*ludins,a -an "^"I3i1',h. TY^ f:re"ri there are also 1. numb?", of , BBc .. carneras and their operatives intent on preg,r erving ?he lrlightingales in action'ftholgh equally certaln *erouei* of the audience s€emed 'filmed it j-ntent, that if anybody was' to be
- .^--'l
?he libstracts donlt knor* uhen cr where their next grg uill be , if things go as they are at the monent concerning no other giggrng bands in ;tratfordrnowhere to "grg or practise in itratfordonowhere in teamington or CovenLry '*iII consider them " The people at the lanch Cescribed them as 'rnct very original'r in the same week they put on The $llenc€. They may
$$"fJ;.Lli"ffi;;u"H# :";*"J#"ui-";iift""
l-' l:" I
rga'sorl for the earneras has; rot t; peel and his interest i,n tdb*;
-_. ,,tn* i.b. :^ri-th.
leoneerning various bands who have
yJ "ff:i".' geil" ff:h * : :' " "{ l;ff :;fin j.nclude The i{ighti"dr*" to';i:'L l:::1.,_0":ided partly beeause of the two recora*a Ft"i"cts II sessions and partly because oi- fi] iil;;a-"* I Iightitts*r"r r*oo"ditts. ar,I-"y trr*r pid;:t I ious
. not last nnrch longer -donrt let this hapoen" comparison with The Prefects tltrn as FBilt{ arryone ) anA because of that it is hbrd to as The abstracts have got talent - very decidl whether on. not I f m actually en joying fer^l others have * especiafty arourd here. whatr s on shorF. rtr s not that ?he Prefects I snw lhrk Oibbons a few weeks later rltere any better or ltorse just that they u€Te on one of his rare visits to Coventry. Hetd first and the impact seems to have les"e1?d jr,rst seen a weII known group and did;tt snsliehtls . &rt iti s ltrong to think like thl s ioy them - 't !,lhen I see famous bands l-ike that as the ideas behind the two bands are complit makes me bitter and angry but it also Their sound ton!,ght was the gives me the det€rmination to go on in this 1etely different. I ictearest r ve ever heard themrrneanlng that ,business because I know the Abstracts are leach individual instnrment uas easily di stinbetter than the FaIl" . 'Euistred and oecasional lyrics were audible. lil*"*or" of thi s perhapa the things that stuck C ontac t lufark at L7 Hunts Rd, Stratford lmost were short lines from songs and titles. upon Avon. i[;eii *i*" * rr and 'rgowhere To nearnn ) rathen Itfo" the songs themselves. In fact $ne songs l*fthough npu havi-ng definite arrangements
^+; 't 't *..
't o nl,:
a fi nq'l i rnrg.Ct -
t thehau}rgrrrrsetthoughtheydl.c,a!last'
lgave the irnpression that tJtey uanted to pley. frot*u*t the presence of the caneras I€s a di *i"*"tion and they were obviorsly relleved l^+
orl going
_ _* be *rr* and " they ""J J-J"lJra
/vlJ' 5tlVecs (fJtfcrno
ero!!cry l-;.;;lJt;:
of "SCIrnething Else'* an& of !lqs*?*li:tt_yr1es reople vcung alrows **, . it is a programme which so that Fowerful the chance to have their say on medium, the cathode ray tube. They pick on towns to distribute to base each prograrrxne on in order '-^lho are thef they themselves ouer itre countrl . gToup of are the Community Programme unit, aprogranEe topeople whose job it is to get each arxl_yet nged as they lettrer - organi-sing as^much t say' to the individuals the-imrnrtant luuving chosen to do the Pro$r&{nril€ r Coventry wab cfiosen to be one of the 1 toilns featured in this new serie*t yli:h is norr showirrg. I was contacted and aske$ if r wanted io do b*thing on fanzines c r did. A day? f,ilming in coventry, a day down London doing the coTn.mentary and various other lneetings hrrs resulted prog'in W 7 minute spot totrards the end of the also am r ramme. rt was the same for everyoo€ r doing an inforrnation sheetts) which r+ill be te1* ting-you how to do a fanzitre r_yet in a_ lot more 1 minute T .v " spot. detail than you can fit on ?(free} sheet by wri_tyou can get a copy of that You mey harre heertl. perhaps seen some of the"
.iG to "Somethine gr*d', BBC Iv, L0i\iDON rlLl 3?T. 'giti dgnr has t write until after the proq,T?ry: til tlren'
.it wont t be ready Tlre other articles on the progralTrne are about - A$IAN T0U:rH,- perhaps at side you hednf t considered , ?HaAffi.B ana how it s image is al}. LrTong u it gan be of intere st to yo;rng FeoPIe , gone
piE** on th. importance of t{tJF?/rynrg.s to i "ot young people s HvLs, and an artic le on the prob- )'t lems
ble d'ecided what bands we wanted to ptay that .9r1 the Brogr.srune as the one ttipulalion is (not. one muslc rnired) there ir t& ue rive f preferably bd unknownt one , arxi fanous,'banC irq* ihe town corcerned b*t rrot neeessarily. !{e got $iouxsie anc the Banshees and cods Toys resp*tiveii - lhey were filmed over at Pebble I'{ilr ; few webks back and quite a few 9ou people caile O
ll€f r
r think a programllF like thl s is a really good thing - a chance for people to be actually involved *itrr televisi-on, fird out how it works, have their sa}'r and rnake a prograrrBe that they themselves vorld rike to ree - furury that tl*y ?t* you se9 isnr^t 1l: ;;;; fit* ery other programnes j.i. sritish_l"olgcbstidg the ri tfhat do you dlducer company irt*t all - of course we should all be lnvolved.
things - it is a programme thst should bb on more than just the occa siong'l 1 show run, asil there should b programnes lib tt thls for all age grouPs r rPt just young peopl€ a Something Elsett one day someone else wilt take ' is a start, PerhaPs -b chinbe. Remember to watch the Co ventry programme t lf nst all tlm otlrers * it I s on 8ffi2 a$ 6.t0trot on l'th. mrday, hcamber 'the gl:aPhic s ' Hell theyE B Satlcs Lb, Tr.lo
ffi&os fqktn on fi l_ ng. ^y 4*ysto Do'i. *hqnks
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Frtrrry DF. Rrlctgn,
North Canollna
27603 *l,otITH OF THE RAT FOts Flonlde 33441
41It Drcr.flold Bch
ItfOnniAE 13Ol N llrngurn $t, Dtrrharn, ?.lorth Crollne e??O1 rSKttU( PISS 196 Hllltldr 8t. #3, RoxTBIOHAZARD
buny, }laas
t'ing thai tr,*i* u"*-;;" fanzines. rtr s a good t at least a handturlr fgnqire..s--ggi*+ si"k;"
down goes
&@Aeer:di:'& s tl
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Hfi{#+ fg*fff#ff [1"fi I'r=$ff"t!:.:#i,':,1ffi lsrv.t;"t I f€ari
rSLASll POB 488E4 l,lr, CA 0oo18 -SJBSTfTUTE 4307 htc, Ll llora,
:l ;;
lirfornle 9?041
FIIIAL $tttTISl 43ql Jmrcr Dt . lrltttrn-
thoughts and go collage s.
Reletgh hbr{h Crnollnr ??006
rike ke this' thi s. . .
te, Lr 7063
iCLE 585 Hrlnut Dr., Clcvrland Ct{ {4132 *$JRFfN BfRD POB 42 Vcr€un Qucbac,
crnrda l{.[G 381
-*i -o
rbtILD DOG FOB 35253 S Pogt Ork Strt lon , Houston, Tcxaa 77G5 *vARtt-VEN FOB 83 Tufts tlnlv. BFlnch , Medfond, lulse 02153 *CREEP FOB 5528 Srn FFln., Cr 94101 *TOIDH AND @ Fffi 2G& trnrlng tlloh. r 489@ tDATTAGE POts
26178 Srn
Fnrn. Cl.
lop, Losr idlsrclANs t{ETmRr(
Olympta, hleshlngton 98507
Fo8 23e1 ,
*PANfC 10577 ltellwonth Avr., Lol le s , Crl l{no rn tr 9OO24
An g e
L.A., Ca 9OO57
r${ORT NEhtS POB 1028 Gnaclc Strtlon, llew York 1oo28 *iffi YOLTH PRODIITIO,IS FOB 6029, San Fnancllcor Ce 94101 *SLUGGOI I
607 Baylor,
Arltl.n, Tx ?8703
*tJICl{T VOICES 143OO Runn.vrncda St, Ven Nuts I ce.lifonnl,a 91450 *EAST vrluee EyE i2o st. llsrke plecGr Nerr Yonk, NGw Yonk lmog *TALK TALK POts 36 Lrrncncc, Kenals r$iEGl,lA JO(fiNAL POB 421 lrhrrnrc, Olt 4933 *SMEGMA Tt{E ilAeilZItE nOA 400 old chatrce Station t'len Yopk, iFr Yor.k 1OO11 *r\ATIO{/A'L PI.AGIARTST Rd 2 }trY ZQf .
Vl,ncetown, N.J. *S[.rBwAY NE!,S
ryB 149, 1i8 lbrr Avc,
Bostonr Mags. 02115 tlCT
4gAZ hnulder,
't Colonldo r 8O3OZ *Lf STEN HEAR 3878 N g0th $1. r llllweuk;c
*AWAY FROM THE t{ttrRs PETER AT 714-€|60-aCES
ln Srn Olego *FLATDISK NET',SLETTER 6230 AftON Pl, Holllmood, Ce 90068 *vactlE POB 251..1,1or*1k , Ct 90650 *F{ATES IN IRA}.| (Comtc Booh } 3e0'l ,ll 3*th, FOr gio I'b.grtoa Tx 77Oe2 *JETT SET 1?7 Hennor St. iftnnlpcg,
il q i
ft{anitoba, Crnlda f,fnfr zXE
*CHEAP AND ITASTY 239 Sri Jola, SF 94110 *TEEN SCREAU 89 Oucan St. ft, Torronto t iriGl 1ci3 I Ontaioio 1G5 ntaFt'o Canada Qanada rtoJ I€RSEYSIDES GREATEST Lchrrtcr STNEBA 69, Fots 41 , 3€O tlenao.vcr 73, u, Gcfinany
*DICxIES FAf€LtB 7826 Clcon St. Sun vaIle.v , Cellfonnle 91352 *TARGET VfDEO 674 South Vtfh Nesa, $cn
Francisco, Cal g*110 trat5)431-7565
*BLnt\fl< IDEAS 9135 Johnnyorke Rirtge Road ,
t'lentor, Ohlo
*BAMLAMA 5411 Russcl Ave
#2, Hollywood,
Bth Road, Eouth, Arling-
for gcrrg to be writing an 5"nfgryration.:h."?t P i"::ip"y-1l!t1 1:1"e ?.|?1t1iT Fs""3ilri"e-E,r*,' s goes.ogt on prograrme thatr will be available-after !!e :. " fr,is i4fo.'gref'. Dec. I)th. In the rneantime hereare some,irleas,.If uirygng !9e1:yan! Jhlrther16r r.rrlte;r think Ir11 have'many donlt BBc } the t{ from shee! g"i the free info. (uithln qhat reagoi{)' can tq help r IrI,l ""r, rne and phone do (enclose s,.A.r. t:E-""iulgl i.Jell,no Coubt fourt _ yg, *,i1"-;ilil;ything that you want and *l ;l:":T l:l^n::"'1o_ !:11 "*,, I it'ao""";; etc',the first thing might be confidence to do one.. ueittu-;;;';; $itril:"rl:llr;i:" ff; ff l.peo.p].etche1pyo,'ina}o'""n;;;_;;;-to!"it"",tr,ut-*y_"ri-lr,""o"r.rl,V"oi"y
y:" ,lir ;;;";"-*-"ulii."ii*n:ffi;;"';ilT#iJ.alT"l"ii{:frH
'doesltt fall- on you - Il:ake sure it doein'tlyoutti find out yoo. frlends are. Ister sf-i1'l rr^rrl11 *.,+ .:-stirl put +L^them r^ vou'rl to rLthe r--r test as-yo; ;;;;;p;io-"Jri*i*,i*""'il;.'fi:";;utii;0fr,1"i" "to of course getting the first isstre out'becau"" orr"J-tiiJ-fS"lut'theo you slrould ba well kn^Lm and oet ofiers fro'n s11 ocer. 'r^Iell ii i=n;i-q"i;,;;;;;y;tffi vrrau ff; :sv su' #;"" rr J glick g! ft you shourd get some return. to-nate thl master coFy in the !irs3 place you,re goi pur,",p"*"j.i; h;;"nnto*-"" thev qho-togopy-badlv) a.tv*{11!:"--1:.d:9t^i:i:1"gqrng good. someone vith a catnera lsi*-t* !.+""iii.r;-"p""i"uy-ii y."" handwritiru- Loots size'of vogE-m'+g. ''''' to come in handy aft doit forge_! paper-to the
rdll to cdst' t!is-i: ll"-:lg"lytf-i:i,,:::":,*?n need to knou what the pnintine i; sling ( sav up to r0o) 3ffi:';:"fii}."i?"J"f ;;i;T'!tfs-f'1*111 r:"ll-:1"T9:::'l*"u great deal -ask arnound itself.o*1"-",a then photocopying';; t;"; #si ffi:"Photo"opying of pho-tos'blrt it U"iifi""t wilir p[otocopfllgrespeclally for priees. The,quality is notp;i;t;a then'offset"printed is the norm- This is dene at can be 0K. for larger anounts you' a1ou4.for pricl" - t'"y the yellow pages' Ideall'y bi-beer printers gn:nrwhr.ch Before
s (la-'rffi-uzuar size)
print your rrinting done at a discount other"wiser foq a *ngr.re1 and get ""itify.,rgain'alii never be going !: l" ? llt {9"1 is all a fanzine ever realfy i"'-tfte cost,is "t'd.Ir!u^nay nothing q.t.p*Tt of their '1ine photocbpied for iitl-'io**;;ffi;* s ltgg.9.-"*-1t"',p9opre natter a rtr printers. works a at who a-fri^in! or done o' u "piiit aipiic*to" oJ-rr3ve ln the hope thl rigltt contast/ileal.g so be prepared to aceepi:.'-lor" can
of tine will come latâ&#x201A;Źr.
loss? Because fanzines are all cheap anil nasty ltttle $41ng* do y,ou arenrt, t["y aiia'no oni in thelr riqlrt mird Yp]ld pqy more than 20p for ]Ft lltt1e-rag would they? thing is ,lf it costs 3Op to print a few page mag you probably will have trouble selling it unless you charge the same price or less for,it. There arre other costs to take into account zuch as transport-and materials but these should be miniml,ulth a blt of scrounging. I bought a long-arn stapler for gIO but you can use a rnrrnal stapler if you staple down the edge. Dontt'print too.nany of the first iszue as ]rou dontt lorow hov we11it vilf se}l. I got fOO eopies of AS no. I done : which was 12 pages photocbpled and csst ne t2, { I8 nonths ago). We sold out so. gpt anotliqr I00 done. '. Why
-a:: The Tinatr. EetterBadges,2e5Por'tobe'1'1oRd.Loirdo"rio.;;dRd;[-;:J:ff'-:i"il-{::;:hH.I ii;,ll;:f"::l,tT:i#Hi;"'l;i ,"9^::tl+""::y":l:i:;_q'{1ir..rt ,s vou can see rd .Ibrrdonh,Irwi11t1lcesome-theytake)o;oi"i:-:f[s._';;;,ii.*i,,lthatttrese'p1aces will take a cut of the money whin prlcj.og yo,r" *"g. .,
end of
doingamagasit|sallmuchnore *nd ne on; if You do'
il 1l be off ,f-hope I havenf t prt you off F"ge *o I tftan I ve made out. Have a gO ; anyOne CAn d.", One '
re:cord s - 'demo t s, lin:i ted editions, etc .. . anC he t s had rRore peo nle bring in stuff so you dan pick up some harC 'to get hold of stuff in hi s shop " iie goe$ over to irum every so
often too, to get holC of arrything he $ee s of intere st , At the tlrne cf r+riting single 'es 1n f ntershop co st lgp anrl a.Lbuns a re very heap,u sua lly arcund u = t lea st a pound che* per t,han mo st shops. If you are saying ilAhrht I bought The CocKney Re jects albun fcr t"4 in lil'lJ" reneinber the t tho se are ,Ci scount s on chart
albume and all shop-'s ccrnpete in that marketit i s uorth L t fcr then a s they sell so rBrV chart albu-ms. Ohri s cannot a.fford to 'iceep up wlth all that . lir s iCea i s to have a. di scount record shop uhere ycu d*nt t ha ve to pay A long time ago we did an article on too much fcr a reccrd ju st because you cidnf t Coventry record shopsrwell letf s faee it buy it r'rithin the first ? Cays of it s .relea so. theret e not much you can write on them i s q Dont go rntershop fcr chart albuns go 'to there? Since that article ( in i ssue 4i Jill + InterI shopto for reeord s "you rea lly r+ant , Hanqpns has shut down and the others seemed u f n the future Chris r.rculC like a shop to lose their taste for the hard-to-get S of his own but of course lndependant singles (ue all knou some of the tg town centre are maybe tocthe costs in the rmlch. ,rt the rnoment best recor:ds are on small labels dontt we). > his shop pays the i:ac a week rent at rntershop Then late last year a ne$ record shop openecl. J but he says he doe sn t t take a w? ge ju st li ving it was nore of a stall as part of Intershop .,r), off the odd disco he Coes (yes a men of many tr"endy market ( hand s up tho se who thought 'X talent s ) Intershop was a freezer centrel . It is .run W He aI soha s thought s about * record labe1 Mr. Chris Kingham and his skinhead assi stant when he hears soiliething gooci enough and when and it ha s turned out to be one of the be st he ha s the money re*1jy. iionefully he' ri g*t i reconl etrops in Coventry. round to that as" soon as Dossible. I Finarly chris weuld $Llggestions like fo e sted by the rnanager of The .$ilence (anoth;r a narne for hi s shop as he ha srtf t rei? lly gct . mention -.you can put this page in your scrap- one Take / senc ytrtr s.rggestions to him anc i " book lade), that I tnlte something on this shop he I 11 take your narne and the one eho sen wi ll go here you are. get a free album. A choice of "Johnny i-iathi s t Chri s said he originally wanted to set up Grea te st i'ii t s" , 'l Bi ng 0 ro sby Li ve" o r any tkii n a tape barnselling a1l lclnds of tapes to the want. q0-i9_ ITt lhey masses and asked in Intersrrop about the, possib* itit$ss; He was on the dole at the time but had about iIlOO saved u? tor^rards a house so with that he Qought a eelection of tape s from TDK t"ti nd $rry a ( very) few shop rittings from someone out of the yellow pages, ile had S'900 Ieft and it was quickly $ggested that he start eelling records too. He did. He contacted a variety of retailerg and ended up with a . selection of oldles and newies. At first he had o
& lot of chart stuff then he got in touch with fnferno who deal' with mairly independant recor:i records , A bd gelWtch dealer al so started srpplying him with stuff and Chri s says thi s takes up a fair proportion of hls sales. speeially last year uith two-tone tribal gear. Chris gets some records. sale or returnror he shtops unsold records for different ones. fn thi s wa)r he doesnf t get stuck with too |mrch zurplus " They get in quite a few import albwrrs which often have an extra traek to the English version and , supri singly rare cheaper. As the indie records sold well Chris hss got in more and more and 'dupp@ nearly all the chnrt recorde. It is the best shrop in Coventry for srnatr rabel stuff no que stion . More recentry chri s has been selling' rare
at\d V}ryreq ' t{ trs,Mr ssEs fttotrts a ne'w ( {arY1 l'ray
have'op"n€d o,( 4he;i shap
in CovenlVl- neft -c.,heck,t TIh. F.i!Sia*th;+'J *^t,"*h/6#"€Xf -(kai n 7hftt! t"tnf* "f." n€XL {rye.
SfICK IN'$SfS..- Puritan Ethl.e. . )a rninutes of Phit Clarle and Alison Walling and varlous Ambirnlent
thing or the snall Rew thing. Yeah of course cassette rnusic is an excellent
lty notes...
id,ea/advarae. irlhat is needed though is mme forrn of quality control - this means being able to hear the nmsic before you buy it - tltis is all that is needed to eut out the crap merrchants who are allowed to r^rallou in thls area r ( not that they
funlry disco number co$plete '
, keyboards, drearyy effect. : C€in" slow sor€ r nice bass , guitar ls too lit€ a ktds twanry guitaf . ttl.toving walh'raysrr - another Joy ^Div - but more eatehy - more excellent keyboards can ue have you in our bard $term? tt T .V . gamett - another slof one - qutte
melodic , mone keybarrls sounds come ln at erd I .
This ls'a great tnewt nedium ard lt
a pity to
with embarrasing whistle, bslres elgng, '' not really impre s*d . .!. excel].ent " No replytt - bit Joy Div
donr t infest the record industry too). Some exircsur€ for cassettes on the raElo is essential , but plays at discosr arxl sotre reviews b$r the natlonal smsic press ,,would go a long way to help - +c!. just a passing' &ragBlard t meRtion.,
would be
go under.
stlly t.V.
"Refrastfot/Eg[tf"*]' - nore synth, q]rtrlqy sourd ovei keyboards, instruretd,alt
. "'
- The lfuItiple ,Iezu Clo!iVideotape" - lnstnrine.ntal, wardering. vrwtr DTEYET IrL .;, vL rua' I'sJi..)n(l\ hr"ft ftlnuuqgry lt"is^1ft+ ?of +t\lra l|nSec$ 5G€ {or tS-F.C. f}"!gt3.nf^*{. a repetltllg get played shavers over On this rccbding consist of Stetle E I Parker (Bron Areal ,FetE Eeker + Martyn Eates I Ueat, toina you lt could equally ueII (EleLess ln Ce'sal ad Phil CLarke (Stict In- ltraV" beentralr-dryers. ln LdeC,.'.i:'' sects ard Dann letin). Distinctive l,mblvalent f *!fd replg/?'r : tnstnrmental veislon F.AI,ITACCINI PLAICROTTND
P: :ll::-'9:":.1::lt:ll^: : ::1:}I.-':
uittr s.ilIy synth nolses. graphics. Notes... iievin between two people in lovetr - moody *t- II rThatts' what- you vantedr/Orter llnlts'r. nosp&reric, fLoattng synth + kegrs. Wal1lng. | .Another fun$ rnrmber, ryin{ lnetnrnRatlling. Nice synth tuner Arablan? goes on a t ental, voeals cone in ^pt "4 - not too ilows along nlcely, erds vlth .&. long tirne. lbad, " LLIIt]-!it o fom UUtref Outer lrtmlts. cltp fr_on lJezus l.n - more danceabl.e, synth - bit forn ! ) .- t a' vor say? - it rr-:s 6rth tlhat wne! can ft aaJrt less, llke a pactisq nffm-llungaf,y{'- slowi-&r.- repetitLve - more. II listen. Sore ldeas that needyorklng on. vocals, rnodarn gothic sounds, drones , churth synth over r good. 'rThe four chaurbered'hearttr -- instnrments drtag CRIPFIC CLUES - HaIr Altrm, e?f.. a].ong . Noise I odd vocals . Not T ,, good .' f.l.OO fruq Clarelre $t, A.Colegrov6, 14 ItTo SLrannon $ Snithtr - fbnlct€f, r bouncier, sque- l Nuneaton, l{arks. algr, sourrls fl from the r*?lls. Songs are simil-ar , I fhls ls a derc,,ttepg of n basJ.c ldeesi stvle in - wa:atling. J by Cryptic Clues who'are Simon lawrerse distant screaningl are chilt ill} the ldren I e'nd fony'Colegrove. ?hey harre an opon -\.0r storY past hl sounds, red voie€s r blurn I rnembershipl whlch upans that anyere uho tterg nore there ges if nl,ce god for imag, I ha s some god ideas ls invited to_ _ioin S t'hem I Wtth the tape you get a snall rrlsuals to goo with them. I 3 itJeElrs 2." - better versi,on than the lst I tr.eefIet wtth the '' track llstlngr explan- E'. oRGr Taiking; poen? over synth drone ard - ation about the taFre r info on tlm 2 EE'playing. :Iou cs,n hear the trolds. I bers, a Ilst of prlevious tapgsi what odd lf Sara facetl re jungie drums, synth tune, ! equipnent' they irsed ard a contaci address. eatchy $ongr vocais good. The tape itself is well recorded desplte I *Irdia shadow ant r;hlt * Someone llke Bean f what t^trey tell you on the leaflet ard 'lrs lEartin singsi over synth nolse$ ard treated f qonsists of simple effects, mlnly elec- j, top ( rerninds me of T. Grl-' o tronie that seen to b concentratlng oB voiees eore over I rhythms, rather stle a bltl. than mlodl,ous..,gnislg.-4".,", il llsco" - Bisco 1 song ftnrelnes I it is & demo'it ls qulte *mslng l'f t,i,ili ' "Childhood Di off - not too,e impne ssiv€, bit forinle s s r
There aare some interesting ideas arourd on this tape. If they could takq then a bit further and nake thern nore soltrd then thet would be excellent, In the reantine tr.r3r thi.g tap.
I the mere wi.erd electronlc nlle &re ]nptr:. ,I futuroil. Ioutll haw to hurry uP &Id'W it 'Cos it ufif be deleted ote Sen lst'S}.n
:? Forrned JalFeb 1980 with influences | shol^rs are planired for the future "*p*rt*ntal ranging from thJ s**t1""-to-tr'.to"-;il"" : ;if;:H"H'..fi;:-ffr:i'ffi!"i:'keeprng the music play tle bard intense,action The band reckon punk ideals,alive. original Qejects, plcnty eind have to say. The;r want a recorrl II f.tr"in s are fHE MUSIC pnESS ard an arnbltlon deal - indepndant 91 major - they couldnf t I i" to appear ln every 'zire going. So far all give a fuck ald at lhe ronent- are only tnto I eies ttave been down -South io;don/Essx/lGnt retr"easing- slngles. The albun bandg are. coming I; they even turned down a I'brquee slot back which neans-_shlt, shit ard more shit - | 'cos thly missed a weeks S&rn ""hga;sal. stngles ard D.IJ. caesettes are far rore I writes npst of the rnaterial + Joe ard Rob t : inportant. 3he lads favour no particular contributions as we1l. Sone of their support^anyone'.r "aa to songs -',In my minds eye" (probably the s.inl$"1" lThetT 1$ gig $as at the etd of .lnfey.ard II greT,ilThat girt,s got ilowers 1n her hair", flrst?"".willing into double figures already with-a ;'rl.'irrri ori" r"strEets of toda/'r"Day the !hgy're lot nore to come. ?heir Ilth gig featured' :I world stoppd'i. , spay painting'and tapes on stage atd more I ' '
rE { fl
TI -
*****ffi n
z rn
Herers a road of nbr* fanzines
rve got t
rir i:#:"i:"*;#;;$i :*;tiff". I {ildii'!iilr'!i;:i!i !1i!lFi$ii!ii uristiner YFv.
-No. 6b
r :_";;- ;,__:" .___-_:"^-*::^:^:^
@sBridgeRd.,,Herne'B"y1lsilllfi.'*;frhffi"ffi3l"*r'i'ilor8. Rea11ygreatva}ue,)2wgegonfanousbands.l-I}^,l-^$tJ.:11 r-- I)p from TsrFoxthorn Paddockrtsadger llill, york :i3 ::l :up collagesrlots :33:11'*::TT""1::?1^T notrcut of fanzine rev- I iJi'r.. A 20 paee A) mag with news rrom
5,ews. ? ITENDS No
ffii*":iTlti*'il.lil; i -.-.t.*rt-
fot! Jf rr"r"
on local bandsrnati.*i-Ur"d" sasseltes,records,sone FLIP SIDE No.Iq
record revlews,gigs reviens ,frorn the leine-9ul-19q-:?it-gr -qllilllqll
fhis is
I 13ili"-il"#i!'.;:lti3:r-ri|{ K:: i?:;iffi:
ffiff|,ffig.'d.o3s"T3iW:*:",,:o"'^:'11,sdinbtrrgh 20p from Jl'College ffd'ryioseleyrBirrninghan' |
CeUfornir o-*urtyricsrrocoil"rili"""- bira roi ur" ,ni-ilii-o,rt 'ame''gosslp about the real l*"ri".o eurture nsmr ro nrrr uol"i-
' l^ryoa mag frrorn Bnrm which encourages - lots of poems, ' ; readers to send in stuff rou canget it tn I Filii:::^'ll I::i"""' CloserFolkes- lne *"9 ttg' e @r22rBrabner r zines folkcstonerf,ent. The nev I5 page issre 5.o fRemernber when sendlng for- any of thede reoommended to anygne in Coventry a:.i! include postagp or rn S.A.E. - about llp fto has-God-s Toys.and Crinlnal Glass a1ti91-1s 'should be alout iiettt. They are aIl well worth ln it along vlth gig revielrsrmore famous I buying, ns.mea and lots more. I { i
Home Civil. Service B
c 5v
rHe, c ty tL
Sununertine" ,l]A st9ty't t n$ontrolti,ntBritish Fridayn Crood ,ttFreodt .rtt I'ler 1l ,*
,l tnlnk of
sornething:t ," Ttre newst' ,ttAlone Sounds'r whlch is the reprinted we have and paFr about this -
-again" arrl ttAlternative
"yttttt"si usua1 instrunrents. The tape ars ard less contains rnainly i.nstmrnentals with odd snatche,s of vocals - Cabaret Voltaire, free-formtt ---Y -iil .
iiuil servants have mrd 6b 'r'apes so far, and best news is_the l"tter they Bot from Yansrn Ft"g{ - a Frerchnan w}ro ls involved 4rnning " hrdide Sentime{a1elt , the people who gut out singles pr ?hrgbbing'Cristle *nff {oy Division. He said... 'iTft6. 1*pe gives the impresslsn that we ere rLtqnrng in the dark wiifr our eye s closed and something or someone unknolrn ls after o
Ies, quitel he went on to
in putting out a record of some of their stuffr although he thouhe was lnierested
ght their music needed some $ore vocals and that $ome of the piece s were too longi He is going to do a eoll-agP_adyerlising their t"p* in his fanzine trf solation Intelleetualett . The Civil Sernants have been a two piece for no st of their lifel Dral Neddy on guitars ard synth and hunting 4ry1 pk[ue Dog on bals and duck ea]l . This was who reeorded the tape, houever slnce. then they harre added a dnunn€f r Eggl't an:l a singer, Carol. ?his will perhaps Eive
thern-a more orthodox sourd, we will have to wait and s€€ r They wilr be digging into their ( fitere.fly) hundred s of songs to poduce a tape for elly next ye&r r They
*J tta-
P o
Their own cassette label ttFlat records'f (so named because their tape was
Dral Neddy's flatl will be out some other tapes by other bards. At the moment they h""q a tgpe- rr planned by * group called_" g.S.L i-rloT ard a tapq--ry another called the trRussian Royal Familyit. Ther^e will also rcosslbly be a fanzine of inages to go with thelr
recorded in used to put
first tape . That should be enough to keep you all busy for a while. The Civil Servants are a bard that are going about 'thlngs ln an unorthodox uaX r both in thelr music ard ln the wey it is put qg-$es. They create interestlng music .- Des" 1t make you thinlG should lt? I hope the Civil $ervants want a few rnore than 66 people to li sten to thelr music r- perhaps you c ould . flat t s all. t"
daft lyric s for Your amusement . their music i s strange ard at first innacc es sable , but it does grolt on $oU c sers mixed in uith guitThere are fhrobbing Qristle area of sounds. Theydescribd-it as n avante gafde , loose and
o o
SERVAF$'A-S The Civil' Serrrants were featured in the first A,S. bard index in August '1*9, yet they sti}I hsvenf t played a 8i8. so ryhy lre thei in here'i hte1} , theyt re in here becaus*- e feu months ago they releasedtf a C6O tape of their music. ft is calted fhe noise i"tlo* beneath the carpet tilestf ard costs only )Op frcm..4l Adelaide Courtt il Bedworth r- bf;*ic k strfre,. Titles are Gl-otal
Age limits Nationality Appoint ment Security trLL
Alternative Soun,Js i s our fanzine Itt s the best yout ve ever seen It eomes out once a month Arxt itr s only 2OP
ls the clditor To send your letters to He prints them on the third
Ad on the secord one too
And then tlrcrer s t*lark Osborne
his camern in tri s hand '/lth and paper at the readY Pen To slag off another band
Alternatlve Sounds i s our fanzlne Itt s the best Yout ve ever seen It comes out once a' nronth
Ard it' s onlY 27P
It has revlews of the local bands And of the loca.l scerie And lt tells You'where You salr the In ca.se you dont t knol* where yout ve
Changes in Government organization
Probation and
trial Period
Liability to transfei :
It comes out in tabloid size 0r mmetimes in A4 And with so rnuch in it Who eould a sk for more
Retirement i
Alternative Sounds is our fanzine One of the best Yout ve ever seen I f t cornes out occa sionally And
it eosts You 30P
MT.C) RICrH T :, F;KCT\ *fso like tG lden of going on a courpil-' ation $P, and plan to gig next year ? the 6oTroF4 R l&Hr : D RSI'HgDpy. flrst* gLg will- be & speeially invited affair though. Frinted !n f;nsland for the Civil Service Commission '
coo"nt#ff fff 3 l."t.o{ bands in good r" ones .P*bnt; but not** sood one s . ,Fr^^ rr* sii.IiT,#."ll fff. flrr o*orr se Ln6b se.. .- ..r &ass .,andit'trIIIPrl f,trt-t#::j grev'--i**" 6ffiffi_*}i"
$:ll - lead erilu, and fffa_-_S!1F-**it, - rr{;;d;y.#;l;:* gl"
their first
of ,f"l**:".,flg;;:the this year and thir-il;; in Msrch? il"fffff_ ed all their o*r, songs. They rrrere zodiac
to support tt rfeon Hearts " ta rs ne ver l}x:"I.Sl, _pl:;h; {;rs up s the"ii;;,il:"&loT;
p}ayingtoapackedrrffe--ofdisapointee Neon H"art!. fl:: :tg-Il,?tu or I PleYinq a set '"Iuil*uc 3:;:.iJit sthough A)) ssEe in i fast tune ( and had been
ref,earsed as theY bashing away ; wbek spending 4 nighi; under Treve geragg ' ?T* thlew who i**diatelY sru,:'i:,.*X;;1" the Intince was Slu wiit, i*'ruF prornlsing-:i:.:: PToInr AW&y & to bero rslreY nndef t l'le ga btars ts O,.def
manes;i:.1*" "r;-;thelr trlgttrd'b:i cone oone thers wer,en' t reel!6ed t$t theY before h;
in faet lr.* lileon Hearbs'
12_L) songs,
n1'r"a t"r,f;:#-i;;"ffi;r ffir';:'f;j*-:^l|"1 lp F;o-iliyTJi; th6v relt igit ;; i;;"#;il;t*i"'nil,*#u^ii'l ;d;:ffi"f,1 '" #l* y'" F'g" *riii mi"#i:ili"^Hl'il""Hil"t'-*::i say iH;:":** they are always :r;:l,i:.-ffi group alr arguing at their .ltrgtnl'-Ile ri-tir,,r. trri"i-;;.;".'I:_: ?.o tae tha J ff:l il"Juir*
it's better than ffiportant to jump entertain etc than to ar ::,li:rg ll Fl;.'::il"T1"1"*,1*lr:f stad itU.l ,..ii onesl'...ttil"". irnlude "lnne*Iri:" I Slaying perfectly - l6gw that to record s and Itl{orrnal people" (which is about ttre lâ&#x201A;Ź. uomgn next door r*ho bgrst j.nto tears after a veek of loud bard practf""i, I r..rr^ |l_IP rymelt the-$llerrce are getttrrg cov and thle ts ehoin uy Itre ,riPnrstration"r;tio *""itr"roung n"""iilf -iiro"--'7:1t^:,th*v !:}"^Pogrl*r Lnhad phone ?aLls from iadr(what ir*i trri"r it muet u" l?* to loads ofthern. - groups wantinc practises but reckon
r-^' q v^rrncr rErsr-r ]'iu.;; Some peopl; compare the
: g,,i+*l+
vofats but the u"tn reject the compar-
lWl;:Jxih';;;" -
1:- ---:==='= '
$ilence to
oeek on
ti ft;"""f,.::'H
_,,H:'f,tlt,* S H.- li'**r"-i,o'1 -
rband a I he does
a Lot of work for then, doLng il:::::'-:":i:9iry, eiFs, setu.ng, hdges done, helpine
ar.:sounr :6i"':lg"""ii1v*[iisf,Z'Zit wort<'off, ;their shouLd!t;:--
Finallyr they want to polnt ort all ths knnt Lrork they, and other bands, ptrt lnto thelr
;fi;"iiffiJ;:I-'f;*rl"l'-.i*lT,,Tli'il rh"v have a i_i?;ti:ii.ryTd";li ffiff r;;g;tgftrjf{s;at,y. #:qi.r#Hr:TF3fiffidi"'' la ;o*n.#lv.
or ir'"""'pifi
ve cgnee ? J o.r
{aQ ffi'rs'*s*hHff{M*d* Zhave**#fi f --'
tape at ltoodbine $budios,
qtkh vas I tracks
rreva ;I:ff^t;f!:;,*"''*'** rifflFll?ff$ ;tils' "-{";ffi:,t:*uJ could have been better hrt s 0t 'for the first in the studio. It'sost them"&6S. fhey $a
to do & single and uill try to get a eo$peny to, put' orie out fiF$b, they wonr t use tho se uerbioJls though, theyr d want to râ&#x201A;Ź-rscord theq.
for tr**Lf;j:T;*l!# 'them'
rn"y-""uii lik;"t;lqrF-i: s:H,,fff* prt on a good stage
ffi single,
ptti-ng, i'n it*uc!{ r'l:'tf ' some agent s ,,to $ee if,'they cen get keep gigging regqlarllf erud ,Ilook forwnrd to hearlng that
"anlerhere ,
i*p*TIre #e*r9. Sbows *The Affsce*s *frte derdos ffin$t: *p es of S A,S. tsnds sry# {t us {*nu Pe*e r
&fo*ws/n;sh** fl4r bo
#-1-S'*pl-u* a* 4Le lancrr ry trtr"fs *hmmM*.