Ranting Against Relics A No Solution
F anzine Prod.uct
Another Another Another Another
day another word
voice to be heard
baby who has to cry person who has to die
Another day another word Another day of back breaking work
i:::ffi :
*:l;;:, i':;' "i il:
Another day another word Another cigie to be shared Another night down the pub Another meal of greasy grub Another Another Another another
day another lsord coment so absurd argument with you mate day full of hate
Another day another word Another night out with your bird Another love story you went to see Another evening with a pricey fee Another day another word Isn't it about time somebody cared. By M.G. Turpin.
to rAnother Day, Another l^Iordr. Hope you enjoy re4ding it because therers been a lot of hard work gone. into il :i: originally this fanzine was just meant to be a showcase of Mick Turpins Merseyside Poet --work (chough at least half the poems in this fanzine are his). But, r decided to invite a few of the best up and coming poets in the country to contribute some of their work to ttris ranzinE. r personally think that all the contributors here are shedding new light onto a scene that has been dominated by old sixties has beens ,rrd *ore rlcently weleome
John Cooper Clark and Linton Qwesi Johnson who have poetry since the 76/77 Punk exptosion. As swellts wouLd say'MNT{omlnated AGAINsT i.sl,rcS' and r hope this fanzine is a little help in giving poetry/Rant. a 76/77 style shake up.
For a possible further issue of this fanzine send all your poetry and artwork (must be in black ink) to Alan Turner, 20 Andriw" r."oe, Foprnby Liverpool L37 zHH. Compilation and layout by Al Turner A11 Artwork by Mackie sPEcrAL THANKS To: shirley for all the typing, Mackie, swells, The comrade, Attila and John Smith t Skins Fan zLnel CIIEERS T0: A11 our Grandparents, Mums and Dads, Brothers and Sistersr'Julie Ea-Eenlamin, Zirty Mono, Personaliry Finder Fielding, Ashok (rhe onry 'Indian Rasta in the l^Iorld), Pig Pen, Lol Pryor and The Business, The i^Iols, Dickie, Russel, I'Iinkle and scottie the half pints, Gary Bushell, Keith, Tony Johno, steve Boldger, Pete, John and all of the oLd Lepers Firm, Maz the Yid, Jai and Jennyr Ros and Phili, Donna and'Nita (for lifts home), Bill shankly, Rule (.A, way of Life), Liam and srevie (on parole), !,Iagger, sprogg, rnstant Agony, Audy and Mayhem, whitechapel press, Geofi (proue), Pete (Penny Lane), Tony and Martin (Doorman Firm), chuch, Lindsay (AHak), Dixie Dean, Garfiel-d,-Beryl and The kids, The Sud, Srian, Taff, Dave, All at Rosslite, Maca at Ali Ba Ba, Everton F.C. and Liverpool F.C., Chad, Roy Adams and Pete McKenna, Horrible Barry, stanley, Martin Morphine, Nicky, Alexi Sayl-e, John Lennon, Anna from Sweden, Jan (D-ead'on Arrival) Geoff and Keith (Rrp) A11 at Neu carnage, l{illy itussel, Alan BLeasdale, Bob New Mania, Gez Rising Free, John trrlarner,
Stuck in the mud THEY MUST BE RUSSIANS
s:lither round corners wiEh scarves round their
they always turn up in improbable places they lack they good taste of the British, our graces They're horrid - they must be the Russians! They t ie
always invo lved in some das tardly p lot re never content with whatever they t ve got and they are the cause of the Great British Rot they must be the Russiansl Theytre horrid they
They sit in the Hilton and scowl at the waiters
they drink a foul potion distilled
from poEatoes
and everyone knows they detest us and hate us Theytre horrid - they must be the Russiansl
Theytve Benn and the Trots who all want to deprave and countless red spies who all want to enslave us but Magg ie ' s aLright f rom the muggers f rom luloscow, the Russians !
and her mate in the Whi te Hou se , a f ine , manly f igure he knows how to handle a j or a nigger when Plaggie gets Trident, "t and Ron gets the trigger wetll give !em deterrent, those Russians! n
Hey, hang on a minute - my braint s on the blink... I think that the Kreml in' s been spiking rny drink: How unpatriotic! Ifve started to THINK.... It must be all down to the Russians!
le j us t to ld me they t ve go t a new p lan they're holding a piss up in Afghanistan and he t s got an invite r 8s number one fan they cantt all be horrid,: the RussiansI
I"Iy une
Hey look over there they' re dor,rn in the park they t re hold ing a meet ing out there in the dark
theSpeaker1ooksj.''t1ikettratJohnCooperC1arke they all dress so f ormal , the Rusians:
It m going to meet them; I rranE to be friends find out if they follow the l,{estrs latest trends and have a long discussions, the means and the ends rrm getting quite, fond of the Russiansl Hey, hang on - theyrre smiling, and therets music playing It's new wave - the Malchix - oh, I feel like staying! Theytre handicg out ice cream, and boppingr and swaying -
they start hi s trai ni ng its a boy call it kill-er Besl hei nz beef and grani te f or di nner Blue for boys, bricks for boys, iuvenile bull workers fon little Jokes about rape, the trouser snake Have you got what it takes down there eh ma te "ere iohn, a p-i nt of snot with a cherry on top And ha I f a p1 ate of dead dog Have you seen the si ze of hi s knob, coc k? He's closet iob, gett'i n' a lob on when the go'i ng get: toygl Laugh'i ng at Poof s and sti ck'i ng the nut on queer commies UH: Piss and vomit Spunk stains in a irtY book Day one pi nk and sta'i ned
0h good
Look but
don't touch
that, butch Lank tank barrelled throbb'i ng knobs with a hairy foresk'i n 3 i nches and the 4 m'i nutes wank " Chri st I 'm knackered, PaSS the hank'i e" ' pass the buck saying fuck to Yer' mam for a bet OVER T}IE H.ILLS AND FAR AI^IAY The sti nk of smegma, di rtY get ? brut I of Has he never treaio of the: great smel Over the hillsand far away Splash 'i t all over, stink the not on gri e stl is where the peopre live who earn ng Swet and sp-i ttl e, heavy metal , throbbi good pay Gett'i ng pi ss ed wi th ,l ads Over the hi ll s and f ar away Is it HARD ? Are You KIDDING? i t rt's different life, it'rits so fucken rigid a cat couldn't scratch different way " Ta ki ng the I i d oi an hamburger box Over the hills and far away hlot you got ? It t s a 30 hour week and a 6 hour meat cock ng nki sti of I b ai day Fuck trogs and sniils and pupPy dogs tails' Over the hills and far away Its loin nails were mad of Pal You iron and don t t have to work you muscle of creature a is A rnan can play A man i s one of the chosen Over the hills and far away If I was a marr I'd be down the Pub You take two weeks off every May write 'Cos only Poofs Poems
Over the hills and far away You holiday in Morocco by ,o** quiet b"y
Swel l.s
Over the hills
and far
You have a good education, and know what to say. .
\li , , t
Over the hills and far away You call dadl sir, itrs ttrn proper lray Over the hills and far away rs where all the bankern and insurance stay.
Over the hi I ls and far away You ret ire at 50 on retiremenE plan pay
But down in the city which shines rs where we have to rive our ri.re,sa ?,rey and stay But did irot god create arr men
equal so what has happened has something gone r4rrong Does he hare the weak and r;;"-:ir,I lrror,g.
G. Turp in.
It first' was a runour dismissed as a lie but then carne the evidence, none coul d deny a double page spre ad in the Sunday Express the Rus s i ans "oL running the b. H. S . S : .: thelscroungers and misfitS have done it at last the die, of destruction is'final1-y cast the glue : sniffing Trot,skyistsr final- excess Lhe Russians are runnittg 'the D.H'. S: S ! it must be the truth t cos it t s here in the ner,fs a p lot by the Kreml in, f inanced by the Jews and set up by Seargill, has met with "success the Russians are rinning the D.H, S. S: So go to your Jobcentre ; II11 bet youtll see Iranian stpdents get handouts for free and" drug - cTazed punk rockers cavort and caress in,the interview booths in the D.H.S.S:
they go to Majorca on taxpayerst money hey, you there - stop laughing - I don't'think itts funny and squatters and tramps eat smoked salmon and cress now the Russians are running the D.H.S.S: catch that rat Scargill with our red rat catiher we!11 send him to dinner with l"largar.et Thatchdr and wet1l make him stay therb unt.il het1l" bonfess that he put the reds in the D.H.S.S! We'1"1
then we'l1 harg tem and flog 'rem and hang rem again and hang tem and f1-og lem and more of the same wetll gas all the dole queues.and elear up the mess -
get rid of the
the D.H.H.S:
He t
11 s oon be the managâ‚Źr r s oon be the bo s s Nobody likes himr 'but does he give a Loss ? Het s the one watching you all through the day Instructing the guvnor to dock at your b*y In every morning, bef ore the hour of eight Waiting at the door to see wtio is late' Te 1 l ing the guvnor what he want s t o hear Ihowing that promotion is now very near His lif e I s not borittg, he lo\res his j ob Dontt wanna go out drinking with the mob t They t re late back f rom lunch , he knows they lt get caught
llo 'time f or dinner, the day is too short Never stops watching youi wherever you may roam Even so far as to follow yau home Push , push , puqh he I s gonna go f ar Guvnorts boy, soon have a company car Guvnor, oGuvnor, Guvnor ! s man , Dont t you know yourve got a losittg hand ? I Don t t you. know you re o-ut on your own ? 'home ? And whots ,gonna protect your oD your way The Comrade
19 81-
r read LgB|, r read it good r knew the score r know 84 is soon, so will this country come to itts doorn.
How Now
With Thatcher in power it could well be, me ' f or she t s never helped uS both you and Red his all and Benn, Tony Then I think about Conununist meno :.
Think of the Kremlin in Traf al gar square, and try and speak out if You dare' t tas te Af ter Toxt eth and Br ixton ' we ve had a t haste great in nothing But the goverment s done go between t e as They ve appointed Heseltine Brlt we know the scol. e , f or we have seen out Th e appaul ing s lums and ltop ::,Iotk
The police oppression and people getting hurt They beat you up and try and cover the blame so f ar ;h.;'ve lirled four and lefr hundreds lame So is this goverment both deaf and dumb I ings deen done We ve spoke in worcls but no th t t caTe about the o ld who d ie in the snow They don people They dontt care about nucletrr weapgns and on the dole.
It's chaos
Their only interested in the latest opinion po|l aim Inf lating the pound is their rnain t t know who to blame Then when riots s tart they don cut back educalion sociat Services a$ well and sa[ on their arsets as the economy fe}l so in two years time it could well be Thar rhe plople will revolt, in a blood spilt sea' By
G. Turp in .
He get'p home from work Then it's straight down the pub, Have a few pint's then off to the club.
Yes, Friday night is the night to live, Drink goes through hirn like tea thnough a siv By Lzi o' clock he' s out of his brain Got to get his car back home again.
He's sick in the toilet's And he spits out the bile He hold's onto the sink As he s'tands f or a whi le off to the bar For a bacardi and coke "He'q getting worse" sayts a
Then it's ttand itts
no jokett.
The night is over and he is young He can .taste the nicotine that's on his tongue He cr,awl' s to his car get' s behind the wheel He' s had a few but i t's no big deal .
can drive I know I'm right, I'm a bit pissed, who gives a shite".
odd spots RUSSIAI{S
The hammer and sickle above the door says Yanks not welcome anymore no more piped musak oh so dire now they've a f ull Red ArmY choir KGB
are eatittg in
here comes the greatest blow of all; it took a long time to deduce but Reagants real1y Lenny Bruce! ATTILA THE
By I"1. G. Turp in.
The stars and stripes hang upside down the gueen is green and wares a frown but Lenin hangs Lhere high aqd proud stariog at the burger crowd. . . . ? . The American Secret ary of Defence a man who causes great offence is minced and s'erved with gatlic eheese tcos Casper Weinburgers really pleasel
Western values fade and die as Red successes multiPle t Ar thur I'l il ler i sn t dead c he I s writing radio plays instead and as the basEions crash and fall
Then I got happy and s tart,ed to smile For I was aware that I had a spare, So I put my hand into motion Spreading my whire zit cream lotion,
Dedicated ro
they' re kickittg up a f earf ull din The door guard bel lows tt shut that noitt se ! " the contmis sar says ttpurge him, boys I
The Pentagon t s in dis arra1 the news has filtered through today and Alex Haig looks reallY vexed tt "The Reds t 11 have the Wimpys next : And heret s more news thatr s teally trot J. R. Ewing is a Trot Neil Diamond I s playing Angola and lularx invented Coca - Co la !
got out of
Ran a hand across my head Felt a spotty mass on my ctreek So I went to the mirror and had a peep I had zits on my head and zits on my feet I went to the cupboard and had a look, Ran out of cream j ust my luck
Got in a panic f or a while,
Startled shoppers stand and stare in the burger joint in Leicester Square a cold SiUerian close encoun[er Iuluscovites behind the counter and Georgian ladies with massive hips serve Breshnevburger and doubl e chips This is the Kremlin's latest PloY a diff erence at Macdonalds you t 1 1 real ly enj oy:
Woke up
Burning bodies Wri E
thing in ies of
cs t as
Burning bodies Smell of frying flesh A11 [he peoP le Each an atom Sp 1i t t in, exp lodittg :
Into their mushroom cloud '
t'f t d die for me countrylt says a dickhead patriot We 1 1 go ahead you make me s i ck Slash your wrists and slash the stqtiStics The number unemployed fel1 todaY 2OO,OOO bledawaY
Bodies burning A11 around me
In the f lames s is mY
Nightmare aPocalY,Pse The f inal burning hor
I wi 11 die But I dontt want This fatal choice Forced on
stripped t em cold naked, shaved their heads Stopped the thrashittg of severed nErve endings By boiling the bttggers in sterilised lead Then we dumped' t g* by bunkers in col-d grey ranks Introducing the human sandb ag ;[ small dqnation to the nations maintenance They YOP s s ch eme t o ab s orb r3di at ion This depression wont fade away Itt11 trickle in streams down blood clothed drains. Then we
By power-PeoPle who think They know better.
Swe 1 1s
Oh sorry Have I s aid Something wrong Words
Shouldn I t sPeak?
burnittg bodies ' ' '' Trga.sonr treason Are these words Treasoh Lreason? '
Bodi es
Burn'ing, bodies: Ilurderers mudering The murdered.
In historY
The t ruth
Here s aY .
By Ros
-'.' E?-r: I
L,t\L L UltI
Itrs Monday, what the fuck, stay in bed, donrt have to get up. Ncithing to get up for, nothing to do, for Irm one of three rnillion still in the queue. At first it was alright, I had some laughs, for we dll uSea to play footy, or go to the baths. But now most have jobs or have gone back to school But lfm still- on the dole, gueqs whor.s the fool. So after a year it does you in, I used to be happy. But. now Irve turned to gin. I used to think I was steady, always be ready, but now Irm a bit slow, sometimes wontt go. I wbs on a scheme that r^ras a laugh They said I was a good Lad theyrd keep me on, then it came to an end, six months had gone. I used to like the bloke, we used !o laugh and jokg tr{e got along well everything was fine But then it came to an end, Ird had my time. But he said he knew someone who wanted a l-ad The pay wasntt that good, but it wasntt that bad. He- said as a favour'hefd put' in a good word I'waited two weeks but j.rst. tt.rrer heard. So I went to the job centre to speak to them But the bloke never l-istened he just played with his pen, Then I stopped talking it was his turn to speak He didnrt know wttat to say the conversation was weak He said there ras no jobs to offerl only some schemes But he said it would get better, r"lt tiratrs whattii-"..*" so that was it r turned them down, r wasnr t being exploited being somebodyr s cl-own. So I was on the dole, back claiming sup again And after a year it becomes a pain I donrt know about the future, I dontt know wtrat to do. But r know it will crack me up if r remain on tn" aoi.-queue.
job olo
paY; $ave fobs
Dancing for jobs
To anybody and everybody unemployed. By M. G. Turpin
In the chaot ic cracked up
$ nr$rt
r rl$Agp Udry they hate discm.
crass Kiddy Kulture I stand cynical and surreptitiously censorious, seekirrg
s i0eerity Futurist fads and fascist fetishes fester in the fl-ash
and disco-derived drivel r
rins i s r o r r ransni
i3T:,ni:l-i;:i il"
" traumatised teenytots Haircut 1OO, ABC Seky Martinrs the one for me Show me a hero and lrl,l show you a zeto this ain't rock and ro11, ttris is ge::uricide! Everybody salsa, big deal, sure, get your corpse out on the f loor Modern Romance play the soundtrack of the film of the death of the braincell and Peter Powe11 pukes the pap onto a nationt s record
a disco dirge of mindless crap and pap r"ri:"1:rlt""t ATTILA THE
Here my son , come wi th ilâ‚Ź r come and s ee , come fighr with me. Here my son, just sign here, now herets your shilling, your glas s of beer. come on now stand up st,raighg, wetve a war to fight we eantt be 1ate. come on men dig dovrn deep, this is the land we want to keep. Come on man look alert, stay at your post the shrapneL
won t
t hurt.
on rnerr, ime. come on men, Dover. Come
f hear a whinq,
gas masks on thesefs
itts nearly over, youtll soon be back home in Cgme on Sarge, tel]. my why, teJ.l ne how so many could clie. I'11 te11, you son, I'11 teL1 you now. For 200 yards that is how. I,rIe shot at each other year after year, every one filled with Lhe same fear. I^le lay awake in our beds listening to bullets whistle overhead Then we would hear that awful cry, as the enemy would prepare to die rn all that noise what was so oud, the enemy that charged
looked so proud. al.l Loyal citizens, all so brave Every last one every last grave. The.rg is no reason there is no why, it just happens we all have to die. They wepe
By M, G. Turp in.
The sad tale
on phaps saddle'up ,quick, put on your spurs and collec.t you whips, well come on Fhilips, give the hounds the st:enL, let them sniff the sheds, then wet11 soon know were it went. come on chaps where off for a ride, stiff upper lip lets show some pride. '"Itts a good onertt eo1orr.1 , It where chasing todey, but therets no chance of the blighter ge t t ing away. tt There he ir, hets over therâ‚Ź, .and hets running as fast as a mooreland hare. rtts been a good ten miles dontt you think so Philips Can t r wait for dinner, then I t 11 tell phyllis God r don t t know why she doesn t t come with me. To get away from ic allo' just to feel free. r think the hounds have got it sir, r can hear the sounds of a rip and tear. Well good show chaps that nice and handy, another good ride home, then we t 11 have out brandy. Come
G. Turpin
Knock, knock, itts three olclock So I open the door, an guess what I saw Two or three CID t , , or rnaybe more They t ve got rne out of bed, and now Lhere hifting me about the herad. They said, t ile t ve had a t ip of f , an where
tookint for some Lebt They said I was one of the cLourns, whotd been' pushitrg i t around town I said they were wrong, but they wouldnf t believe So they called me a thief an a nigger, and I s aid they wou l dn t l eave Then al l of . a sudd€D r maybe to soon r oo€ came out o f my 1 iv ing room He said he'd f ound it behind the chair He said it was a bit of luck, for it was j us t tr-ying there They all started to smile an calt me names fhgy said this was the end of my narcotic a-a
i said you planted it you fuckin' pig, but he just leant over and gave me a dig Then I was down the station stripped. and cold Three years would be the sentence I was told I couldnt t believe them, I sai'd it wasnt t Lrue Bqt I knew they could f rame il€ , if they wanted to.
is John and I work in tlt city a pity So your unemp.loyedl -oh what IreadtheTimesandldon|t-lfketochat hat ' I've got brains under mY bowler with.computer's' I,m the conmuter - I work ne"tso rtm oh ilm so smart and At,ail compete ? ' could ever that There, s no one argUnd b: like me oh: don, t you wish you.tolld tea afternoon Boardroom Leeting's ?i: MissJonesonhandwiththeintercom"Ystem Importantpaper,s,ohljustcan|tresist'em'. rt,s five to five r'11 get ready.:o,-::. It,s,abitearlybutknowonewillknow e of t'he rain I , ve gol Iny umUrella. in cas mY train ' ,Oh: - must dash or if r miss
My nalne
and light Il[y attache case is nice trt* golf club tonight ' means oh good it, s empty that t Fi ve years on John s unemployed --^A so annoyed The business,collapsed and he's strange commuteS^, now isnr t !h-tt He, s still exchange' But you,11 f ind htrn now at the labour
By Mark $cott
Huntint shootint. f ishint Stickin' the knife in Watchin' the b lood driP Its better than drugs old boy A gore spattered L2 bore battered I,lashed ttta mangled PsYcho triP Gripping a furiy neck between the teeth Bitiog til1 the eyes squeek-PloP: I(ABOOIUI-SPLAT:
huntint shootint fishint Pack If it mcves shoot it If it crawls stick the boot in when it chokes, mount and stuff it He loves to kill our furrYt friends They don t t pay taxes , don t answer back coming S lack arsed bas tards got it He gers his kicks killing vermin so what about the dole queue scum itru j oy ro be got f rom killing that lot Beari p.t*ping iabbits fulL of shot
d rather hunt the u*tashed thugg The mugs to thick to keeP a j ob
The scrounging whining conrnie mob The unemployed wont answer back i plaques i^Ihen freshly stuf fed on wooden t I f ishin in PAek shoot The hunt inr TheyI d rather hunt the working gtass
Jusl give the bastards half a chance They io*ldn' t give a s eeond thought Clas
s warfare
sPort '
Swe 1 1s
? o
"Make The Punishment Fit The Crime" Dirty old man, sittitg in the Park No need to s talk about after dark He always does his t j ob t by day While the little kiddies run and ptray
ts and wat ches t t i 11 the end of their game Knowing his victim will never be the same t Fo llows her home , he s got the knack Then suddenly s !r ike ' another at tack Push her vio lent ly , dovm to the f loor Drag her s creaming, through an open door Hastily creeps away, efter his deed is done Shet s left sobbing' crying for her mum The little girls le.ft ill in the head For al l that mat ters she could t ve been dead The monster feels no pity, sorrow or shame game She' s j ust another part tf his little Put in some special cell , away f rom the other men Where no thing mtrqh wi 11 happen to them Don I t let them get away with t ime fit the Let the parents make the punishment c........
Thp Cnmrndo 1982
cr ime
The al ly is wet, the night is dark the cats prowl and the dogs bark but is thereroom for me Lo hide Theytve chased me so long I have no
Their gonna kil1 me carve my back t cos T was s een talkin t to a b lack but hets my brother an my mate or was he being used as their bait I can hear the splash of water as they look for me I have to hider'I have to squat on my kne
I could smell their breath could they hear my heart? f or now ,we were only three f eet apart this was it my time wab up, lif e was over I was ou t of luck 1 could hear them whisper and see Lhem stare. It was over they t d f ound my lair then there was a screecfr a bang of a door as 'I looked up it was the police I saw Then it was all- over, I was' f'ree For the fascist bastards handtt got to me I walked past the van nervous and weak I heard their leader suddenly speak t we 11 have you nigger lover for no black cunt is'your brother I didntt no what to do or say So I just ran off and hid from another day, By M. G. Turp in THE
thugs attack
(a BEAurrFuL DREalt,r
1i r i"ilparr ies
In this country t s politics In every party
Yeah l
Politics for power And not for us people. I dontt
And you dont t need Power politics, power poli.tics
Politicians are
Fat-arsed' cunts Support ing th,e drinkers r bar And never going far In keepirg-the-promises that bribed votes. Outside everyone sees Propaganda s logans I^Iritten by the stooges -o-I,/hot11 tr"rr", meet The men that have a seat in b o th the p,owe r hou, . ", tm I a human being who helps this country By rvorking workirg
But politicians treat me Like f tm a zombie ThaL t s what Ipm thinkirrg. Power politics I
power polirics
We don t t need them:
By Ros Stoke Newington Hutchinson.
"""". to the false school, learn how to dress Look ever so lonely, never ever a mes s rn front of the cameras, and the flashing light The clinging nighry, s,o brillianrly white rt all looks so good, when "they" iook at the page f,-rt makes ttthemtt so angry, so fu1 1 of rage. fou must prepare, do everything you must do : lyt If you want to have those drlams come true l"! l.'s nor so funny, wtre' iii; ;;i; ;-;;"r, And its a long road ahead, for tfre f,,rtur"-t"""ry queen But it all g-ets deystroyed by one alarm clock ii"g hlake up, forget the figur" tiy to learn a" .i"g-::: The Comrade 1982
Yer mum said you was celver, so, you stayed on at school But when you f lunked it., you botir rooked ii,;t rJ.r"v!rvv^ Energy_ s started, how no\^r to impro.r" y;;r-i;; ".pt Your big tits tn' smile, .itts about',f i Vo"-goi' The holidays over, rhe hope tibs in rt," ib"uiait,rr -dream,, Itts up to you, if you ,"orm U.
I hate Cornunies I hate Nazis I hate all
the seats
are'taken, all the rows I
So I walk a litt1e further, an enter first class 6.3O in the morning, rea11y out of the gamg Body feeling tired,legs feel lame So I tried to get some sleep,legs across the seat Then therets a grunt opposite, from some middle class creep At first he said nothin, I think he was a litrle scared He just sat doing his puzzl-e, trying to find a word But every now and then, he gave me a hard stare I think he was trying to say something, But I think he wouldn'd dare. T started to laugh, I found it really funny Him sitting next to ne, him with all that ironey Now I could see he was getting angry,and a litile hurt The thought of voting conservative ind seeing it not work I decided to get up and go down the buffet T corrld see whar he was saying, I knew he was calling me scruf fy As I walked down the aisle, I started to smile r knew r cou ld win, r coul d do him in
â‚Źg qJ
F -,
>. qJ
t{i c)l q'h.{
But ttra.t wasntt it, that wasntt the way r knew if r d id that , r I d have to pay rtd just sit next to him all the r"y there knowittg he was the mug, who paid double fare but as I got back, heid gone So th en I knew I wa s the winnâ‚ŹE , I was the one the working class hero had truely won He never had Ehe bottle to stand his ground The capital ist bastar{c had lost his crown. By M. G. Tu rp in
t*l I
Deep in the dirty dingy decomposing dogshit dripping dungebn of a graffiti graced Southern Region train compartment stuffed full of bad breath breathing halibut eyed computer cormuters with boring suits and boring habits the state of.play is giving cause for concern. The middl"e aged middle class middle management middle everything puke suited slack jawed suet pudding faced Powel1 worshipping I,rlil1ie !'Ihitelaw clone by the window is slumped rigidly over his Daily Telegraph in a posture indicating-his sudden demise, This itlirrms the prim po faced clean tablecloth every night sex in the dark once a week Daily Mail female secretary by his side who asks him politely if.he rc'cently died. Receiving no reply she turns to the taid assed Tiurls reading Tory voting pinstriped wimp sitting opposite and demands an opinion. In company with the three Paul Eddington clones also occupying the compartmenL he lowers his eyes and stares fixedly at his newspaper in the time honoured f.ashion of the don't pinch my seat donrt i.nvade my world ltm all right Jack leave me alone English suburban cortrnuter husbands club. She turns to me and confidently I tell her that most coumuters are dead itts their natural state and anyway dead executives couldntt possibly be any less interesting than-1ive ones although possibly t-hey might smell a bit more and thatfs why they always get aftershave for Christmas and an)rway frm never going to Bromley again unless r become an undertaker or join the sDP which is roughly thesame thing. ATTILA THE
f ilnr
Rant, RhYthm
cha-rt! r) A BATIG AND A WTMPEY Attila The Srockbroker (frour Rough, Raw an{ Rantin e.p.), Radical Wallpaper 2) CADILLACS IN BMDFORD Seething Wells (fron Rough, Raw and Ranting e. p. ) , Radical I'lal lpaper 3) HEATHS LAMENT Mensi (from Two Million Voices) EMI 4) HA HA HA Seething Wells (from Rough, Raw and Rant ing e . p. ) Rad ical. lpaper
Is land 6)
l) e) g) ro) L1) L2) 13)
Linton Qwesi Johnson (from The Forces of victory)
RUssrANs rN THE DHSS Artila The Stockbroker (from Rough, Raw and Ranting e.p.), Radical Wallpaper GUVNORS MAN Oi The Comrade (from Carry on Oi), Secret 6.27 LONDON Mick Turpin (r.ive Tape) NATIONAL SERVICE Gary Johnson (from Strengh Thru Oi), Deram r D0NT TALK To PoP srARS Attila The srockbroker (from Rough, Raw and Ranting) , Radical !,Iallpaper AGRO-BRITAIN Seething Wells (from Rough, Raw and Ranting e.p,), Radical Wallpaper THE LODGER Mick Turpin (Live Tape) LAI{D OF HOPE AND GLORY Gary Johnson (from Strengh Thru Oi), Deram
15) 16)
and Ranting
17) 18)
Seething l^tells (frorn Rough,
e.p.), Radical Wallpaper
Mensi (from Angelie Upsrarts Live), EMI Attila The Srockbroker (from Rough, Raw.end
e.p.) Radical WalLpaper
Gary Johnson (from Srrengh Thru
The SEockbroker (from Roughn
Writing e.p.) Radical Wallpaper 19) BLACK MARIA TO THE BRIDEI4TELL Mick Turpin (live Tape) 20) POLICE DOG Seething Wells (from Rough, Raw and Panring), Radical and
F/\N7I NES JrE-^--f
-, 4. Great fanzine with superb layout and printing, afte:r Slcins No J being a bit dissapointing Johnr s come back with a bloody of an issue. Good intervieu wlth the Test Tube Babier sr &rl eye opening"tor*"" articLe on Tatooingand an altlcle on oul3 very own IdICK tURPIN.0riginaI *in storylskin poem" and morer all in all a. very high,standard fanzine. Available f;; to i"n"" *a a large S.A.E. from John smith c/o The Last Resoytr h3 GouLston si, i""a"" ni
^/^Lr, \-l't1:Iittiir==rwErrr
TIIE X''AtrIZINE. Anothel fanzine with a high standard of layout ana iypin;;i;t some orlginal photors but a Lot taken out of Sounds.fntervierrs with infJ-niot, Red Alertr 4-Skinsl fhe Businesse 3usheli.ini, Corqbat 84 ( tirst ever intervrewi, and features on Crux, Subculture.fnterviewf s which ask more than the obvious. YJithout doubt the best value fanziire aroundl but then ltn bias.Iourt s fbr 20
on the thin side it has good layout and printingl plus an ercellent Cl-ockwork Orange stylee cover draw[ of course by tbe Pioasso of Punkl Hackie. Intervlews with Chron Genr 31itz, DischargEr Vlce Squatl; fOHl Disorder, Conflict r and mo:re though some of the interviews are very average.Hopeflrlly Rulet s
is a bit
by itrs contributo:rrg.leaturets some ace poetry by people wbo {rvo heard about but not read.fhe best rant to ny mind comes fron ilbrta 7'eta1 little Brother; Joolz ancl. inevitably Swells.lfheref s atrso contrdbutionr s by Lesley Woocls a (Au pairs)rPoison GirtrslrSDO, Michael ?arkinson (no jest)rPatliclc I'itzgerald etc. Well wortfi-tuying for a look at the rant in this norld.. This issue (wo 5) available , far 25p plus s.a.e, flom Flat Jb BeXIe Vue Hser BeLle Vtre Rde Leeds J. '8.,P),
Herts AtT 3D2. .-
*'tr;ffi ' t.;:---l-t<.
*-"il EiEhi-;-Kti!ffi ffiXT;fi; ::::Tl,u?T,,?"J1"ffi :"#;: T'ith Fhix ancl rhe 'ffi,'upgof ;il;;;;'";;;";a.int"ovr.ews fr:i$ii;rqfiil"?; loads of features on bands 1ik9 ;"irii"!' *ltiit:,n3?1.t'li-3tifr; tbe front g' cttv rtth, t;"li'ili Ri;t td il:;#:-;"ii; .rG;i: #$",::"1iil3"ii'iililifi tv *""uii;";;u io"*i"l"ti+i;*. i;-i1:-l""l,1ili3;^*:"1::lt:"f;i* -rti.-}t;.
cover ctrarn
Ea# ffi
intlrvtews with chron Gen, rrhe ont"tl"h# ;;*ffiil; "1{!i;;1"1"4-;p1";{.u3io ;;", #;;;;;";";;riiur"r'e1 Defeots. Feature: T ?.|r:"1 :"1*ly?y^:*:: $nr1*. .. mlncr doesnrt reach-*\l; #1 ;ffi :"ffi;.i;il;il;';;i"-i;;;;-io-'v is naintainecl.In_ttll f":Y: V?ur11 !ll]11"k-!4"^15
; ;:f t..31 a
staniard usual trsu''r hie-b "'.irl"liilli.t"r';;;
r.r*- ;Xil Tffitll"u samaritan' s "4itri:tr&1""ii""--nal polF"tonee .' squEru' Dwr' 0l-t:n frH \
l'l_i dealr :^_r gre-at --^-* l*:* t*at s rithout a record
or punic.Avait*ot"
rAAs{{ Fot{4''SfrQCl_
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