io j
i Feh
ti-e po11 coatainecl feu eurpriseg, apart froo Eater croppiag up in the albun chart. Most of the bands iavolved were either the n0egaselle!6 or bands whotve received particular attention f,ron us. Notable by its absence was Comp3.ete Controlt ancl aLso all- the recent Clash stuff. Is tbis because vetve influeoced peopler or do our readersbip sinply share our views? I was atislppoiated by Adarchy In The U.K. beiag No1do pâ‚Źop1e rea11y believe it to be the best ever single? Surely that wouLd betray everything that has happenetl in the last three or Eo years. Probably -ltf s out of 6o6e sort of allegiance to the loag tleatl but not forgotten Pistols. Another thiag I f,iaal diehearteaing is the continued harping over Sid Vicious. Surel] there are aa31y nore constructive people dead antl living who deserve nore support than he gets He was a sacl fi-gure1 a victi.m of a corlupt society-aafl hirnself t but hardly a b,ero. Why do people buy Sid Sings? Its rot a very good. record, itrs just another Y*gin'/ llciarea ripoff in the tradi.tioa of My way,/siLLy Thi.ag/C t non Everybody/Something Els e,/ t[sy to].tl us it was a con' yet people stiLl fa1I for GREAT ROCKTN'ROLL Sr,.JIlIlLB it..Ohr ell, IrB probably- preaching to the co4verted-_ in-aTe4zi4Ei"--s,o-=fte..49--t -4t1,8-First of all I I d better apoLogise about the mas#ap-&h price increase (4pl) Keeping the price dowa has always been a policy of ours,but Xerox slapped the rates up and it was a choiee of either giving it up or putting the price uP. lrJe have a chaotic Danned interview and, small articles on The Carpettes and, Day Releaserand too nany reviâ‚Źwso I think No. 5 should be betterlthere should be interviews with The Vibrators and Pinpoint. No.5 has been one big hassle.
If youtre young punk band. and. want to let ople know what you I re d.oing r whX not writ e and.- tell us about yourselves ? No roon for would-be popstd.rs o Now that Mod has cone in in forcerit seens to have taken the punky wave hangers on from punk leaving a harder core who REALTY believe in it. Tbe skins have taken the more violent elements so punk now should be better now than itts ever been although I kaow a lot of people are getting pissed off with the continuing commercialism and violence at gigs etc. The one thing not to do is become a safe rnothingt rmod etc or whatever. Although sound like it ,I I m not preachi.ng. lh3t may uF your own mind about whal we sayland Y*" j. f you do disagree with the c ontentr/vilws in this fanzine then donrt sit on your arse moanpe
, i,'/RI
WL R6KED lou ro voTe I tl trX Se€ T, ou3 I Be&s *ge. gue w e:r r 3€ sr*RTlt"tt * TltE [E$\tLTsr SRoH THe $erfr l5 e* *af, Sa ScltD l N yrufi, ToF s c uc;.€bJ
$o r..l 19
) TNFTAMI4ABLE r"rATERrAr, - sLF DAMNED, DAMNED, DAMNED DAMNED 3) THE cr,AsII r THE ctAsII 4) NBVER lrrnp THE Boll,ocKs - sEx prsrots 5) FEEDTNG OF THE 5r0OO - CRASS 6) MOv]NG TARGETS - PENETRATIoN Z ) rHE AtBur'I 6 EATER B ) THE ScRBAM srouxsrn & THE BANsHEEs g) FUTHAM FAtLour € THE LURKERs to)t{rcurruH cuN ETTQUETTE - THE DAMNED = )nt{orngn KrtiD oF BLUEs t
qrNcrEs oL
) ANARCIiY rN THE ItK - sEx prsTol,s Z) AITERNATIVE ULSTER - SLF 3) tuNcg t,'irrn TIIE ADrcrs - TIIE ADrcrs 4) NEhr RosE - THE DAMNED 5) CrD r uK sUBs 5) DoNrr DrcrATE - PENETRATToN 7) susPEcr DEVTcE - sLF r
t ) uK suBs 2). .rHE ADIcTS 3) . STIFF TITTLE
) 5) 4
B ) ,REALrfy. a",syl,uM - cRAss .9) WHITE RIOT - TIIE cLAsH
& THtr irl.iTS
e) 3) 4) 5)
& ?HE ANTs
z) 3) 4) 5)
5) 7)
THE CARPETTES , a three piece from the North-East f orme d in the begj.nning of the punk explosionrin March t??. After a while of gigging around in their local. ground they released an- EP-on Small Wonder which was rough ready and fairly good. This was closely followed by a great single r
Wond.er t r oI1
Small Wonder again.
fn October '?B they moved to Londont and a new drummerlpreviouly with The Young lucks ::eplaced the old one rvho had 1eft. f'ron tben they epent a long tine tioing the odd gig i.n Lond.on, until they sudclenly bounced back with an aLbun rFrustration Parailise oa nlglars Banquei ranil a eiigle, rI boatt Meaa ltlr T!.ese represeated a chaage frpd the previous recorclerbut basically oaly ia that the nusic wae tighter and the tuaes more catchy. (1 knov tbat eounals bad but it isnit reatly)" They hava I t thought about what cateigory their nusic is.but thiak itre sonething to do with New Wave/Punk. They do adnit that in their early d.ays they were a typical rrPunk d.o1e queue groupri To my nind theytre one of the original punk groups who have changed and progressed without turniag crap. The music has retained. itts energy unlike a lot of the original groups,who are turning out unimaginable crap now. They desrve some successrbeing oae of the harder gigging baads at the nonent. There sbould. be a tour soon;the nost recent record to date is the si.ngle I Johnny Won t t Hurt You. t
DAY R.ELEAST are a band from Colchester (near lpswictr(!)). i^/hen I asked, them were they a punk band, they denied it. Hor,*ever on further questioning it appears they like fast punk music, canft stand slow stuff etc. Anyhor* r |tpunkfr has become such an abused, nisusedrdiverse and distorted term that its pointless persuing that question anymore. I first saw them at what was, I think, their first gigr playing with Acid and the appalling Modern English; who were t opping ltre billr at the Manor Ballroom lpswich. They played a couple of spirited, exiting numbers and then slid into churning out several uniaspiring rnedir:n pace songs.. However they !'8râ‚Ź leagues better than the other band.s. At that time they had severe difficulties f ind.ing anywhere t o play Colchest er be ing crap gig-wise. After that gie very l1ettf lit:ble happened until they croppeC up at the worst place in the world Tracyrs in fpswich, with a couple of lineup chang"s a6out two months ago. They seemed. pretty downhearbed at there being only 30 or so people there, but managed. to play a 1ive1y whi.ch inc lude d. the good ones they r d "itrd one at t}" Manor, played b6tter. Since it they r played at one or two clubs in Essex "n& are ve getting return bookings so they canrt be that bad, f just hope they don-f t give up like most of our local bands. DAY RELEASE
People go to church singing praise
tbe lord I went once and I was bored People go to church just to confess Itts got no meaning and Godrs got less chorus Fuck the Lord and. Jesus Chris Religioa is peacerpeace donrt exist Why d.o people go there why can I t they resist People getting rid. of all that grief go to heaven and find a new relief chorus x 3 They rann religi on right down Your throa'r,
take me forra fucking goat ? old people have nothing better tc d'o They believe in God why donft You Fuck the Lord. and Jesus Christ x I waddaya
INTERVIEW CAPTAIN: It11 teIl you somethirg boysrThe Danned are going to play ncusj,c tonight. A.C: lrlhyrs thatrare you sober or someting? CAP: That shocked you dj.dn t t it .
ttrtu,D,{rrc }'.l}ur unique bandrlikeritts
FHrrzl Ne
four people just
pulled out of Croydon and chucked up on a stage. I think werve remained more true to the punk id,eal than any other group. A.C: Yeahrbut donrt you think g3 to get A.C: I tell you what rI r 11 only wi'tness it +f you give me a t:icket to get j.n tonight. in tonight is a rip off? CAP: I think itts a bargain (laughs) CRP: I shall ignore that. A.C: Thatrs only because you thinK youre A.C: Hou did you get started. And why ? brilliant . CAP: For me , I can I t do anything else. A.C: lJere you mates before you formcd ? CAP: Yeahrl mean yourre paying to see the best band, ia the world, CAP: MerAIgy agd Rat usedcto work in the sanne place , Fairf ield FIalls in Croydon , but A.C: But fr3 isntt worth it for any band" AlSy joined the group later as you will CAP: Well I think it is. I think it t s a know. He used to work in the officerl was fucking good deal. Listentletrs face itt you think I I m making a fortune out of this. the toilet cleaaer and Rat was the floor cleaner. Nobody believes th.at but itrs A.C: Not yourthe promot€rso true. CAp: Nornot even the promoters are making A.C: E ave you ever played the Fairfield a lot out of it . ( small arg.ument takes Halls? place between the Captain and Griading CAP: No itrs Ety main anbition to go back Halt ) there and. get my owa back on the bastards CAP: ;T think I !n d very lucky person to that used to order ne about and. everything. be involved in all this. ALGYIS GIRTFRIEND: You used to sleep all A.C: Would you give up The Danned. if you the time anyway you told n€o got boredror would you carry on for the CAP: Heyl wellryeah. (Goes into details ) money. A.C: tr/hat are your plans for the future ? CAP: It I s impossible to get bored r*ith the CAP: The nain one is to keep this group Damned.rbut the day Algy or Dave got boring going f or as long as I c&rt r ftA have to think about thatnbut they A.C: Are you satisfied r*ith what youtre aren I t boring people. They t re much mCIre turning out at the noment ? interesting and. amusing than Brian Jarnes CAP: Irn satisfied with the last album used to be. Rat on the motorway is anazing. nore than any record Irve had, to do with. A.C: When fhe Damned splitrwas the intenI think it t s the best thing this group tion to reform without BJ or d.id you have ever d,one. really want to split thea. ._ A.C I Rat said, to a rousic paper that the CAPI We never knew we|d get back togeth*r. Damned'irere sick of being treated as a I suppose if Ifd. have thought about it, cornedy band., they want to be taken seriously the best thing to do was splitrget rid of for the nusic. BJ and get back together again. f never CAP: Yeahrhe d.id say that didn I t he. actual.ly thought of it as that. A.C: Do you agree with that ? A.C: Thatrs what seemed to happen. CAP: f couldnft actually give a, toss. CAP: After Itd formed King and Rat forraed A.C: So yourre not worried. about bad press. the fihite Cats he came back to me and CAP: Wellrif they Flag us down for making said. forget itrletrs get back together a bad recordrlike the 2nd. album was, then agaig. I never objected to Dave or Rat* thatrs justifiedrbut if they slag us for making a record. like Machine Gun Etiquette Damned ? which is in no way a d.uf f rec ord., then they CAP: I suppose I can piss off. was responsible for A.C: Do you want people to take you as a that. I like keyserious band or a bunch of piss irtists, boardsrl think they I *H Tneor somewhere inbetws€no souno good.. tail3tt CAP: Itd like them to think of us as a A.C: With King it R6pl *uGt
: ..-. :
. l.
play guitar, with Johnny Moped. That was certainly closer to punk than say the Buzzcocks,
vras more keybo*rds
r*asnrt it
than guitar
CAP: YeahrKing was a keyboard dominated group. A.C: Do you think the Damned
wilL ever do stuff like that? CAP: Er, fuck knows what ; the Damned are going to do... SOMEOI'{E: Where I s Dave? CAP : I dont know, buggering about in a belfry? A.C:Greasing his hair I should think. CAP:In a graveyard probably. 'n[eirdo.
A.C:Is he like that normally, or just on stage? 0;\P : I dorft know what that geezeCs 1ike. Ive got nothing ia comnon with hirn whatso€vsrr RealJ-y this group shouldnrt or if you lock at the people in i I mean I wouldrft go drinki ng with hin, cos hds not that sor of bloke who stands up next to a bar saying rrHere mate, I r 11 te11 you sometning tbat happen ed yesterday,.' I carft inragine hin doing that. A.C:So that facade is really hi
CAPlThat is hin, yeahr &rd if he wants to look like that, good, luck to him. I personally think he looks a tosser, nah hds great, A.C:Do you think the Damned is working better now as a band than it was with BJ in it? CAP:Obviously, yeah" A,C:lr/as it the start of punk that nade you forn the Damned, or were you the cause of punk? CAP: I was in a group for two
years whi.le I
learning to
{ to Johnny Moped? a dishwasher in a factory somewhere and hds got roarried. t o this woman whds about 4 , and she works in the same place. she said no more musicl because women were coming up to him at gigs. A.C:Do you think yorfll ever sign up to a big company? cAF:r donrt think sor Before we signed to chiswick, no one wanted to know osr We took around tapesr everything. A.C:Why did Stiff drop you? cAP:They weredt paying us, we found them out. Al1 the rnoney we made f or Stif f , and we must have made a f ew quid for them, went into promoting Elvis costerlo and f an Dury. lde had lawyers , everything going to get the money out of those bastards. Lets face it, we were on g3o a week f or most of the tirne we ere on sti f f , then surely. . .311 the records w*e sold around the world for those bastards...wherds the money gone? rts gone into promoting Elvis Costello, Ian Duryn the Stiff Train tour and things like that. A.C:So you feel bitter about them? 0AP: Yeah very bitter, IItl tell you what fti real,ly choked about. They dumped us r right, and, this is my living C : Who were the people who didrtt pay you? , " " A Reviera and Dave Robinson, nostly Dave ltobin"gaP:Jake son. e went d.own and aske o f or our roon"yl and. he laughed in our faces. They all stood around and laughed at usr And thats a street credibility labell A.C:Do you get on with Chiswick? cAP:Yeah if they wanted a nice pop band. or sonething they woulda t t have signed u.s r It was jug.t because they liked our d.enos. 'yJe t re in the lucky positi,rn of not having to sign with people who want to change our nusic. They like what we r re d.oing so everyones happy. . For the f irst tine , when punli start ed n an ugly f ace was a definite ad.vant&g€o Look at Billy IdoI, he I s prettyfuck all. But look at Johnny Rotten, hets suprenely ugly, Sid Vicious, Rat Scabies Cisgusting;
A.C: Whatrs happened. CAP:Hds silly. Hds
and fi€ o
A FElr/ h/ORDS FRCM ALGY : A.C. Do you answer questions about the Saints? AND NOI.J
: t'10 t A.C: Are you happier in the the Saints? ALGY
than you were irr
ALGY: Yes. A.C: Would you say your main influence was alcohol_? ALGY: No A.C: Whats your main influence musically?' AIGY: Madness, a1coho1, playing very loudly. A.C: Are you better of f now than yelu were with thri
l'ieli, I !.ras getting a lot of money, about ;t {:;r:i: get about 6O a week nowo weekrl a A.c: The saints were less successful than The Damned arerso how come youfre getting less now ? AlGy: Big record company o I t d rathqp be on a emal,J abel {to someone from GH) You oarL 'tak€,,$hat fucking badge off. GH: Whatrsiouxsie & the Banshees ? A,C: I agree with you*I think theyrre bullsh:t., ALGY:
A.C: I think the trouble is that too
are just content to go to a gigr watch a band. and go hone. A lot of people don t t even think about f orming their own band.s or doing tbeir ourn fanzines. CAP: Itts laziness,I mean you ca:r get a guitar for g2Oryou see thern ' l,n the paper all the tirne. The firJt guitar I got cost -ibout g9. just aayone can play guitarrit takes a bit of practice, You learn by listening to other musicians lbut there comes a point when you" realise youf re never going to be as good. as the guitarist youtre imitating. I came to the point one day when I realised- i would never :ffikeverbeasgoodasJimiHendrix.Icou1dn'tmatchhin so I decided to get r4y own style. Whether f have or not I
don t t know.
DAVE: I wish-Sogt d stop going oa about my hair. I d.ontt go on about (irrelevent d.iscussion develops) yours. AC: The muste papers iust tend to write about 'what they think you 8râ‚Źrrr DAVE: The music papers go into things very superficially. Also many of the journalists tend. to be pushing their own creative sland as a writer rather than actually listening to the band. Like Tony Parsons for instanceryou knowrhis opinion was god oatb.You get that kind of snide. AC: rn 177 they were saying youtd betrayed punkrnow theytre saying yourre the only punk band left. DAVE: That proves how hypocritical they Lre r AC: What I don I t like is that you get a music paper interview which consists of 2 pages of explaining what the wa1lpaper uas like and who bought who the Tltc, TRic{'s drinks. rrsr\nall :Xd llS"oll'; was DAVS: Yeahritts like instead of reviewing the , band tbey the PA hras dreadful blah couldn I t resist blah blah and they niss out the band. comreviewing it. The Mysterons Flf(O pleteJ.y. Tbatrs happened to usr are a bunch of good lads E-DflSllt " AC: Were you surprised at the success of J
Love SOng ?
DAVB: Yesrl wasrl was a bit annoyed about Snash It Up. though. , AC: Because it was baaned. ? D.AVE: Yeah, Love Song was like a kick ia the backsid.e for all the people who said. the " Damned couldntt d.o it again. CAP: Dave r*rote the Turkey song. It was
nothing to do with mâ&#x201A;Ź. I think itts awful but he did insist o If h.e brings his mandolin anywhere near the stage I shall go beserk ( Dave lat er d.enies tiris ) Do you prefer. gigging or recording ? 1Ct DAVE: r eajoy botho rtfs totally different work in both of those. Are you linited in rrhat you turn out ? lCt DAVE: Absolutely not. Not at the noment. I knors we can do better than the last album although r think it r s the best thing wefve done to date. That was just the stait.
Da fou LIF E t vAtls'IY oF. Ugualllu'l furt* Husta I ?lleN su ? 4trruftpt HtrT F*$atrJE Tae l3r + 3.*e FRax 7 | .Et' sTRae 4 Lote Ttr"g t{uE}T.
type I id.entify with but they play it pretty weLl and is probably quite good after you hear it a few tines. Theyrre certainly better than Personal l{ygiene rrho contained a few Mysterons,and played at Stutt on village hall last )rear I wa,s interested in the Disco Zonnbies, but only having heard the single Drums Over London I d.i d.n I t know what t o expect They played an energetic set iaclud,ing Drums Over London uhich everyone went mad to. The lead, singer is a wierdo on stage and possesses a somewhat silly accent but I won I t hold that against him seeing as he I s to do. with llonky Tonk who seLl sone of our fanziaes" The set d.id get a bit tedious but livenecl up with some dancable numbers. I can I t really say nuch about Ths Adicts seeing as I t rre already said ncst of what there is to say about them" lhey played a rousing set including the old; Breakd.own,,Just Like Me and. the new; ReflectionsrFull circle. I just hope they don I t split up or turn pop * The single seems to have given theur quite a bit of 6.ttention.
rape ouT ?ilEge Hie
rp {aurgE I }tfo 4Flrt}/ c+rtls lrf kE }, luV ri*-Tleu Lr & Y elBprN( fo e DEV RoT., 2o? f sle Prrni,4Paseilug. . r ) FuT lcLrrfrx lf rhrELL llt?s -3 lcql'Ss .LONpal, ghJl{ sTleiePs TI|EN 3e.No A F fte To u5.
won I t
isnrt very good either. lhe Biggest Prize In Sport
new one I
stN4E3 ?UNSE$TF|I'(3
AC: Hi Jinny JIM: Hello
. .\
say aaything about support band,, The Chords. The first we saw of 999 was a skinhead bouncing across the stage in the f orm of bassist Jon !'Jatson. After an introduction they raced into the first number which sounded. promising I must adrait f was a bit worried about 999 when that last single came outlthe r
, both of these new ones sound.ed, good, and my womies d.isappeared- Af t er that ri,/as Let I s Face It which got everybody d.an-
tlrTelulc,ht hrrTH LEID
cing including the straight-up-straight1o* pogoers who anuse me slight1y. They played tightlyrand. a good pA at a 'sensible volune helped thingse iuhen The Damned played here it was too loudnand, distorted. Jon Watson was clearly born to be a bass guitar.herorthe way he noves is amazing. 999 are a pretty rousing band. liverthey know how to get a crowd going. A sensible mixture of new and old was playedrunlike some bands who rely too much on new material rrith the result. that their gigs get boring. Me and My Desire was excellently " done; one of the good new ones I remembered was Canbridge Wipe OutrI donrt , know whether the lyric was altered. or not. Feelin I Alright With :pucialIy T1: Crew , Homic i d,e and Emergency were all d,one welI. They were pull"a back f or tvo encores which included rrm Alive and. Homic i de again The only thi.ng that " was named this Sig some trouble at the end of the gie which Nick Cash right_ fully denounced.. The pigs vrere everywhere outside and one pirticularly moronic specimen with a dog patrol nearly ran ne and a few others over.van
ACr Eh t
JIM: What do you mean , eh ? AC : Well , f rnean sort of , er f thought you had , a cockney accent. JfM: 0h, that l just a facad.e I too tiring putting it on all the tinne. I do it t; pui ov'er t.hat I all f or the kids on the street I stance. I think itts worked, pretty wel1. AC: It certainly has Jimmyryourve had a string of hits. But do you think you r 11
have continued success?
JIM: I think sor All the stuff so far has brought in a f ew read.ies. I r 11 be able to buy a mansion with swimming pool and tennis court in Surrey soonrtogether with the money I get off those radio and lV programmes. I just r*ant to write a f ew more pop so ngs with punky guita:' and the noney will come pouring inras long as i keep up the siacere streed. cred pose. AC: Why did you split up and reform again ? JIM: 'rr/e thought we weren I t getting much publicity at the tine so we decided to get some. It had the desired effect. AC: It did rXeE. ldhat about your streed cred these' days.
JIM: Wellrf try and put over the sincere working class intellectual thing over in the music paper interviews rand I nake out I have an opinion of everything" Most people dontt realise it I s a load of bullshit. AC: Anything to say about the last aibum 2 JIM: Teahrit was a departure from the usual stuff but it didnrt se1l very well, despite the publicity over the split. The next album will be back to the early stuff so that the punks will buy it.
sure coins are well wrapped up) 1 Fanzine -1 0p stamp rr 2 Fanzines - E*p 1 Fanzines l6*p tr ir 4 tr'anzines - 21p (make
r{ '
.. I
dL{$F${ No.
No. 2 No. 3 No. 4
cRASS. IIITERVIEid 999 INTERVIE!/, CRASS INTERVIEi'J Pt 2, PENETRATION INTERVTEW,23 Skidoo,UK Subs.15p each + SAE with stamp at appropriatiamount .
(ffre 2nd record collection)
This is a follor: up to the Business Unusual album which came out last year. For an albunr so d.iverse itf s quite listenable. It shows fhigh3.ightsr the of indepencient labeLs ia 19?9. If it iateads to show the wicle spectrum that suall labeLs cover then itro doiag wellrbut nost of the tracks are fairly obscure. Sicle 1 kicks off with rBig Tiner by Rudi fron Bel-fast rb;ich is pop,/punk but nevertheless faatastic. Fron th,ere itrs HI'{ froln Gir1schooJ. t then an arausing aad jerky little called tlggy Poprs Jacketr by [hose Naughty Lunp6. The naia trouble with the albura is that the tracks differ so nuch in style that any one person woul-d only like parts of itt ualees youtre one of those people who likes alything goiag. The best of the other tracks are Holocaust by Crisis, Wotrs For lunch l,lur ? by the Sbapes aad Hypocrite by Newtown Neuroties. There are a couple of appaling $uneless syath tracks by AK Process ancl Secoad Layerr rly'ho Killed Bruce Leer By the Gl{xo Babies is alnost as bad. For puak speeci f::eaks there are Hypocrite aod NCB by l.,l.ygod Ffyrniag. Other tracks are an out oJf c?aracter Poison Girls nunberrJilly. by The Piranlias and a sinister CoId City by Splzz. I Jog And The Tracksuits'Red Box'has witty lyrics but little else. 0n the whoibe, tlltbugh I itts not a bacl album. Ti*E
grate album & shows that the Damned have pulled completely out of the doldrums of M.F.P. Bit priC'ey, but I paid â&#x201A;Ź4.29and wasn I t too disgruntled, so it nust be r,rorth it .
llowadays most consumers of the Damnedrs product 6eem unaware that B.James ever existed, th fa'ct I tliink the Darnned could get away lrit
out playing the olCies like
New Ros
and Neatrneatrneat, and rely only o the recent singles. The Damned. are one of the ferv bands whose split an reforeati.on have resulted in a stronger band and better sound.0n thi album, e.ven i f not live , they shou that though they are better firsica1ly & use different instrumentatio
they havenrt turned crap & selfindulgent like most groups do once theyrve learnt their fourth chord. This album has straight pogo anthems : the Whit e Cats t Sec ond Time Around.; the t Dodgy Derno t Love Song; Liar' and Antipope. Itrs crawling with .tunes; the keyboard bits in Canft Be Happy and Smash It Up, which must be one of the best singles of 1979. Melody Lee has 3.ong been one of my favorit es , but this and Looking At You didn t t match up to the versions on the Peel session.of a whiLe back. Flan9 ChannelT is apparently DaveIs song. Parts of it are great, mainly tee start, but it degenerates into the play anything anytime chaos the Damned have always specialised. in. I never liked Noise,noise,noise rbut parts of it are alright. I think it contains sorlte of Dave I s worst singing available, which is a pityr since hers far better than any other vocalist ever(male that is ) . These hands is one of those I albunn tracksr which are a waste of time. It_ also rips other songs off lyricall-y. On the whole tho[gh this-is a
Crass have definitely consolidateC their pcsition with this album. On the whole I would say it is better thant Feedingt rthere is certainly a greater variety of music. As most of you will know there are 3 studio sides and 1 side of the
great gig at the No. 1 clubrlslington. Side 1 is probably the best siderstarting with Mother Earth, one of the best tracks with it t s increCible bass line. White Punks on liope , next, criticises RAR, rightly pointing out that itts just as full of shit as the Ntr is. The lyrics on this record ceme over more scathlng and cynical than the others. Big Man, BiS lul.L.ll. takes the piss out of and speaks agair:st all the HARD MEN who strut around in all their infinite ignorance o Musically it 's among the best as j-s Iiurry Up Garry which is about al1 the trenCy journalists of the world. Pathetic atternpts to fight back at this have a.lread3i been made by the aforenentioned journali-stic scum. This albun is twice as irnportani as the first Clash albun and L-tas 1li.ore energy than all three Clash albums put ogether. t
Systern follows on from where i Punk Is Dead lef t of f . 'Side 2 has a couple of duff tracks - but is brought up by Tj.red, a great track and among the best on the album . Crut ch o f Soc i e ty and ,,'lval-J.s are pretty boringi ttrese are typical of the kind of reason why people d.on I t like Crass live. They ought to drop the boring tracks if they want people to take more not j-ce of what they I re saying. Upright Ci.tizen closes side 2 and itfs pretty obvious what thats about. Military drumming and a great Iyric. The Gasman Cometh, opening side 3 is crap at first;but speeds up about * way through and turns into â&#x201A;Źur excelient track. Denoncrats con tinues in th.e Reality Asylun style but personally I find it tedious t listen to. Contaminational Power is another track relying on a great bass line. Crass have certainly proved they can write a catchy t and rI Ainrt Thick, Itts just a Trickr underlines it. It could eve be a chart single t The 1j.ve side includes stuff from both albums (and ne!) on it. Bad reeording but who cares ? I {on I t know how far Crass have succeeded in getting their views acrossrbut theytve attracted. a few skinheads to gigs who must be . f ucking thick and,/ or sad.ists becau6e they still mug and beat up
-; __* -
Af t
er the small int.ervi ew we di d with 2j Ski d.oo , ter f ron Fritz of af orernentioned. relevent parts are below : -
we had a let The more
.. .. .. I an writing to try and straighten things out about the interview. Firstly, Matt the bass player has been kicked out because bis heart wasntt exactly in it and he did.n I t want to rehearse or ,play but stil1 wanted. to d.o the single. T,ooking at the i.,ntervierr this decision seems even better rthere is no way that Sam and i are influenced. by Glan rockrBowS.erSteve Harley or Ultravox. His explanation of the nane is also shit except i.trs from the book llluninatus. The Dining out records thing is not a contrac t , merely a verbal agreement that r,,/e can get a single out sorne time when Dlaing Out have some noneyo
I suppose this letter is rea1ly ay way of getting my ainoyance out of ny systâ&#x201A;Źmrrr. r c
donrt try to fool me with your progression crapl Give I Em Enough Rope l./AS progression rnot Jimny J azz, Koca Kola et c . THAT I S A DEGRESSIOI{ . So if you donrt print this yourre just another one conned. by the comnercial Clash. The real Clash died. when they got on their private jumbo I From an angry Clash fanrVengeancef Kingrs Lynn.
Dear Anticlimax, The f act is that Lond.on Cal1in
orubbish,terrible,awfu1 and other ruCe/naughty/Uaa word you can find in the dictionary. Nor'r f or god I s stop trying to stick up for your millionaire antj.-heroeslfiow all you so-called punks out there whenrjust te1l me when was the last time the Clash ( there t s certainly nothing t Clash t about. them now) played a Sie at say loi,Runton or somewhere smal1 like that,noS they prefer those sme11y yaakee wankers to us dontt theyrah you canrt shake your head LS
now can you ?.
As f or the album
2F.,5? huh
! that
plastic I s as bend.y as Tony Elackburn, and the LiUSIC is )iour typical Bo0l'i?Ct./l.l RATS power pop t l{ow get me wrong, Itm not saying 99trtt this album hasntt-got its good mo" ments, I cos it certainly has ! but
Thanks for the back issuesrthey were most interesting. But I have Eome points for your letters page. As Crass want to be seen by as many punks as possiblerwhy have they never played in Devon. Sureritts a long way from London and the bright lights but is that any reason to stay away. SecondlyrWhy do you print so nuch about the'' Damned as they have just put out a crap album and so many chart singles. Instead^ of printing Damned. t hip t interview,s rhow about a Prag Vec interview for startersrthey seem to be f ar bet t er than The Danne d. 'rJhat about Throbbing Gristle,they are unknown so hov about them' J. Barker , Devon.
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?q.t , NDh.r tNTt c Ll r.r}f cHftLi-
{ou R
trt vE
ilnese tf
He1lo Anti - Climax
1st things lstrl think your fanzine i quite boring (here , tratch it mate ) compared to others i t ve seen eg Kick r Ripped. & Torn Still-rarX fanzine is better than the musj.c papers so keep at it you can only get bette I think the trouble is that A.C. is so nundane, from the boring layout to the waste of space reviewsr$ r4eanrwhats the point of having albums & singles reviews just like the music papers. Why donft you try to be an alternative & do sor"nething d.if ferent, everyone has their own opinions and they dontt need your reviews to heighten or lowe their enjoyment of a singleralbum or gig. Try and get a more creative and inspirat icnal insight into Anticlimax.
,' ilt rorVDON The point of having reviews is to introduce bands/record.s to the reader. After sllrwho wants to splash out g4 on a record they dontt know what ' going to be like. some of these bands don t t get mentioned in Rr CHARD CABUT
the press , so as a fanzine we give these smaller bands c overage they otherwi.s e would. not get,' for instance did YOE see a re'riew of the l(Ur jS 1988 record.. fn the reviews we try to d'escribe the record / ALA rather th.an write about r,iho bought'. who the drinks or,say the labe1 is crap or something irrelevant like that. Dear Anticlimax,
Sbur rzine provides a good spread. of fast bands. As you said at the bottom of the letters page you want more letters on what Funk stood and sti1I stands for. punk stood for d.oing your ob/n thing,living your own lif e the way you wanted., the rnusic anil the at.bitude was the point to focus orlr It was doing away with the boring shi t wiri ch was all these aged hippies strolling about a stage once a year just to keep their fans blood boiling. Funk hit Scotland ,?Z and spread because it was different and was fas & loudlnot your Genesis crap. Ileard the rtdicts single on the peel sho it was greatrsession soon f hope. l,vel1
zine f or lSp rwouldn r t
paying more for it. STEVE,
Dear Anticlimax
One thing abou! No ; 4 was the 'r,,'-*r rather short Penetration interviely at the backr-vihat happened ? Sti11 ,not to b/orry, wnaE(there was was pretty good.. ?hanks for the Crass int ervielr i t r s good to actually be able to lgar-d an actual .interview inste*.d of being fed a load of bullshit from the likes of Garry BuslielL
and Dave l{c Cullogh from Sounds. trjhen they carry out rin deptht interviews you are given columns of biaseC drivel j-nstead of actually talking to the band,. FinallyrIrd like to say that I Lond.on Calling I the Clash I s new album j-s so crap it t s unbelie yeable , i uronCer if you agree. JEZ LESTER, i'i EST
I havntt heard it all but what I I think is absolute crapo
Dear Ant i clirnax
J think your fanzine is great because it isntt boring in placesrsuch as in interviews and articles where
yourve read half the stuff before" I like the i dea of having a sutnnary of havi.ng recommendeC groups. Also I like the i dea of having a poll. in the f anzine 'i ike Ripped 8. Torn does. If you could get readers to write in with votesrsou could compile en interesting and valid chart that will mean sonething" f thi.nk theref s a bit too rnuch bitching going on in the fanzineltherets
a difference between criticising somethtng and having a good go at and insulting something. Stil1 f that I s only a minor point , thankfully you I re not like writers in Sounds & NME who really have a go at something just because they don I t like it . Ifd like to say I ccnsider your fanzine as one done in ipswich. I cantt understand how people can have a go at you baying it I s a London fanzine. Ar:,y$/ay what I s hrrong wi th a LondorJ f anzine t Ifm sorry to say that I ac{tt agree with Mark lJilliarns who considfrs groups like l,lonochrome Set and Joy Divisi on. boring rubbish. Punk has got to progress and change or it would get boring.Pecpie hated the Pistols rcos they were doing something different. WE shouldnrt cio the same thing when we come across bands doing new things. So I agree with sCIme of the things Laurence said in his letter but I also agree with you; tl"iat you don t go flipping through your ?
sunday People Punk rulebook. g, HaoaE NotIti arrDo
Itr ftJfon e
hls$.rTs TH
se"pgn P * c +N 'T [:t*tt> la , '+PlcTs * t b To u5 AND hlg'tL PRsgASr-r sE,Np tT TO VorJ [p3e.es: *r FFolJT.
F; ;
I I,
LOlt FLYING AIRCRAFT. l'ierre not entirely sure of the identity or whereabouts -PULP: 'of the people who eent us this. In fact I doart know much about it at all. Al"1 three tracks have d.runming and a littIe squeaky guitar inrlow Flying Aircraft being the cLosest thing to a song. In fact itrs aLmost interesting to listen to. They consist mostly of screaming a la Yoko Ono;and groani.ngrwith a 1ot of feedback. l/hether the words have any oignificance I donrt know. It can be sanpleal apparently at Rough Trade etc. Allright if you like this kind of, avaut garde I suppose but itts not for me. 999; TROUBLE. 0h dearritrs another tluff single fron 999. Fairly boring tune and no energy.f,. much prefer any of their other stuff. They seem to release their worst songs ae siogles nowrinstead. of their best. EP.ILEPTIOS: 197Ots ITERE MADE IN IIONG KONG. Great single, incJ.uding incredibly energetic chaj.nsaw guitar and great vocais with rneaningful lyriJe.-I believe theyrve changed their nane to The .licke. Expect to see more on this -band ia the future. Sl{ELt I'IAPS: LET|S BUII,D A CAR. Typical- Maps of the current period with si1Iy lyrics , a ni.ce tu4e and piano. Sinilar to H.S Art I suppose. Definitely r,rorth a listen. ANGELTC UPSTA"RTS: OOT 0F COIiTROI,. Therers sonething wrong rvith thj.s I cantt put ny finger on. The Upstarts bash out another powerchord songrbut I calxrt help feeliag that itrs all gettiag a bit nonotonous. I suppose theyrre just another puak band who l.e.ve beetl swallowed up and exploited by a large record company. TIIE STIFFS singlerone of Peels current raves is justifiably so. A bit like SIF nusically but not vocally. I canrt renenber what the soddiar thingts called. COCKNET REJECTS : BA! MAN. I'{uch better than the ,last effort. The guitar is simiLar t?. t!?!,i::' Zerox_by tire Antsrand instead of a football chant f,irerers a good. tune. ri.ty they I re on 5l.lT.
Seeing as we don I t irave a readers chart in this issue , we thought PHIL
U r P{
1 ) Stations Of The Crass - Crass . 2) Richmond - Pinpoint ?
d put in
ou.rs r
P_!tJ L} :-T-
9*^ilo il- \) p - Do.*.*-t
3) Nobody s l{eroes SLF 4) Paris Maquis - l.Ietal Urbain 5) Bis Time Rudi 6) Smash It Up Damned 7) Holocaust - Crisis 8) Zerox - ACam & The Ants 9) Lunch i/ith The Adicts 1O)ilysterrie Connective Metal U 11)19?At s etc. - The Licks 12)Machine Gun Etiquette Damned. 13)Iae And My Desire - ggg f4)neflections - The Adicts )Breakdown The Ad.icts
2, h-l77l3. B$ Ii."€
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