Anti Climax #8

Page 1




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Would the Socialists have done j-t?



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in Finland a few good It ts good .nnt just

fron llaverbill look destined for bigger thiags. piece with the usual format; they play a short but A four powerful set, vhich is not all speed freak stufft verlf tines of bands like Crisis Joke and at reminiscent The Pack. I can I t remember the nanes of any son86 r but for the nost part tbey are quite memorable. Rupertr the first bassist who rras well knowa to a lot of people in lpswich and around East Anglia sadly <lied after the Dead Kennedys Sig at West Runtonr and his place has been taken by the hlyndups old bassist, a band from Bury St Edmunds who have


now spLit up.


- intervieYs uith Killing tloker Skidst Dead Keanedyst Passions. 25p + SAE to GE c/a


to PO Box 4r 12 with large SAE with Welgarth Avel Coundonl pilropriate postage. Coventry c 11$p, 2 *If you uant TAL RATES: 1 fanzine Your I zine anzines 15*pr 3 19pr 4 - 24p, advertised then droP us Jopr6 36pr? -35p. a lincr A11 2Op except No1 18p.

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ay Re1ease, 999, CraES. DED YAI{PY - Talces tbe o 6z Pinpoint & Vibrators interiews, Retardedr SLr.r The The And. piss out of the local o ? z UK Subs & Dr Mix interviews t rbeer thugsr. Good if ohnny Moped, Crisis r ' Manufactured you nant sonething to onance r Apartment. J.augh at. 2OP + large

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with sban 69, Tbe Jaut es r Adicts, Cravats. Lurkers, UK Subs o 4: Crass Pt 2t 999 & Penetrat- An:bs, + sAE to t6 Wilbury 25p on interviews r 23 Skidoo. lday r Hitchin , Herts o 5'. Danned interviewt Carpettest scll OAP

reception fron the crowd Talk of an LP has circulated.; recently. CRASS are at present recording an LPr and they will be organizing sone gigs soon. FIux Of Pink Indians may be haviag a single out ou the Crass label soono


Quickrilver r 171 The Eutte Centrer Readingt

helsea, Eater. o 3z Crass interview Part 1t

and then The Danned. I nust adnit that the Danaed one hras very good and the band got a good

Spl.odge I


o 1 i IIK Subs interview r Crass t €dr Adicts. o 2z SLtr. interviewr Swell Mapsl

ADICTS have repeated3.y asked me to nention their gigs at 1rl. Ruaton supporting the UK Subs


X-S Discharge r 'Little Roosters I Crininal Cl'ass. l+op inc p+p 52 Arcber Rd folkestoDe I Kent.



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UfiTEClr AC: 'ufhat 'was the reason for signing to Fresh? Has Plastic records folded up?

trouble hras , urhen we hrere on writing our own material, producing it in the studio and recording it then rre were hassling the pressing plants to Bet tbe record done and the label places to get the Iabels printedrhassling the places to get the covers done " on time, and coordinating all these ties to bring the record out at the time we said it would. Also trying to organize gigs, our own lives and everything else. It wa6 a very busy lifer elrd hre didnrt have the time to expand at the rate we wanted to musically and carry on Plastic records and so hre were short on tine.. Although the single was selling well and bringing in a bit of moneyr rro great profits though, there was also the idea of opening a shop in Luton, because it was lacking a social centre. So the money fron Plastic records went into this shop and Fresh approached u6 about doing th,e single for them. Everything tied ia at the right tine; they asked us to do a single the sane time as eonsidering the shop and at the 6ame tine as Black 45 was selling too nany for us to keep up with. We had a few conpanies interested., but Fresh nade a firm offer, with full artistic control and all that, a straight 5O/5O deal we still had control of the covers, and the hassling uas Ief t to then. lrJe could come straight on doing gigs aad working out s"one more naterial. Also they I ve got a good distribution service, and quite a progressive policy. AC; You did that in preference to signing ABBC: The


rrâ‚Ź were

to a major. Yes. Although we didntt have a major offer to us at the time we .cou1d have vaited and perhaps got one, but hre F prefer to stay with an independent, l.titl because Fresh have got such a good distribution service, therers no point Fresh werenft the company to go to if we uanted a S1O, OOO erdvance , which we didntt want at the time because we uerea I t established except in Luton aad the Home Counties. Fresh uould give us one rrouo It was a chance on both sides and itrs paying off rour AC: Are you going to do anything else with Plastic for other bands? ABB0: We hrere going to do another split single, like the one with pneuABBO:

iao AC: How naay did that sel_l? man

ABBO: We did 2'OOO which sold out and i that hras it. Although the Luton scene was really thriving, no-one could hold a stable line up and. produce two songs worthy of being put on a single. hie couldnt{ wait around; the shop was necessary and another record. by a local band wasnrt they could get it together themselved with our guidance, which a few of them are thinking of doing. AC: Are you making any money from the band at,the moment? ABBO: 'ydelln wetve been living off it the last few weeksr on the tour, obviously. AC: Are you a professional band then? ABB0: i,/e are now, yeah. Seg still works, bUt.... SPON I We I re treading a very fine line. . . ABBO: Yeah, it r s about e3 a d"y we get to eat and drink with, but you get a lot of free drink. You get into gigs free, you save a lot of money, but yourre living off very little. Itrs better than earning three times that in a really boring j,ob. AC3 Hoy is rUnwindr going? ABBO: 5'OOO have been sold now, and obviously the tour will push that up. PeeI has been playing it a lot alnost too nuchl I suppose it will reach about IO'OOO in the end. A0: irJhat sort of reaction have you had on the tour'? ABBO: viell, very nixed. Scarborough was a damp fart I realIy bad. A lot of people had thib preconception that ue were a hard core punk band and they all went dovn the front to have a good o1d bard core punk pogol and when ue played some of the slower stuff they were a bit disheartened. The nane does conjure up a heavy image. AC: Hou do you feel your nusic is pFogressing at the monent? ABBO: Very fast, in the right direction we feei, which is one of the assets of us signing to Fresh wetve had a bit of tine to think about the music and do eone new stuff.

: Are you going t o de-'velop the keyboards more ? If it etops getting broken. ABB0: Someone put their foot through it t SPON: Itrs very illf the one wetve got at the noment. MARTYN : l/e di d try a synth f or 6ne gig. ABBO: Ue really need a bit more money rwhich we | "!"1 get of f the single. sPoN: rtts nice to 6ee what we can do with what wefve got. ABBO: We donrt want to d.ash into keyboards like so oany bands have, and saturate all their music with keyboards because itrs the neu trendy thing to do. Iherers stiLl, so much ue carr explore tvith tbe basic instrunenta. AC: Iou areart thinkiug of bringing ia a keyboard player tbea? ABBO: No, because I caa play it live ald Spon cau play it in the 6tudio. AC! Can you get gigs la Luton, ubat.s the situatioo like? ABBO: Yeah, lverve got a pub goiag, The Barqn Of Beef whicb ie reall,y snaLl but get6 a big turlout, so the landlord thought great, Punk Rock, tbis ie it. Wetve a lot of out of town baads aa vell as local ones playing tbere. ACs Do you get aly aggro tbere. ABSO: No, !,ot at aLl, although Lqton is so violent. ALL tbe otb,er places ia l,uto! b,ave been closed tlown because of thatr but .-erve beea J.ucky sith the Baron eo far. AC: Ie it easier to get gigs nou yourre Fresh? ABBO: Yeah, nuch easier. sPoN ! r donrt thi.nk itrs becauee.verre vitb Fre€hr r tbink i.trs becauae rerve got the natne about geaerally, vith the Peel sesaion etc. ABB0: Eve! zigzag - that got u6 cotrtileata1 gigs. Tou frasb that iu front of, their eye6 and you get a gig. lhey 6alr ttZeegzag you are in zis, ye6 great, ve baf youll AC: So Jrou thilk you noul.d have got uhere you are Uithout eigning to Fre6b? ABBo: hle could have released For lty coutrtrlr o! our.own fabel and alistributed it tbrough Rough rr.ade alod !'reah tbe 6ane ve did rith thi,so[Gr ard it probably rouJ.da r t have nade nucb difference, although it vould have neant ro"" tine oi our part. AC: Are you pLannlag to stay based in Luton? ll9!: lesr itle a very acceseable poJ,nt, to the Nor:th, south, East ,l,re6t aacl lontlon. ABB0: rtrs about the beat placernot for itr€ assets ai Luton by itself, but beiauee of itre acceesabi].ity. ACa llave you got a vaa for getting to gigs or anything? ABB0 3 Nor tb.atr6 our oai! ha6src, ve havrrt got tbe cipital to splash out on a ranr PA or.evea gear. Ue spett it on tb.€ sho! ald ue a aid I tew gigs-at a loss. AC: Are y9u naklng auytbing on thie tour? (Dead KennectJrs ) ABBO! Nor not realLy. hlerre 85 up at the noneat, thatr; OI( itrs paid fo! our food aatl drink. lile have €een the Deatl Xenneilys about 10 tinea. tlust be a bonuareulelJrt AC: trtbat sort of rr€lues have Jrou bee! playiag o! the tour? ABBo: rtts beqn really atratlge. ue played liverpooJ-, which i.s quite soarL, aail a-place in coventry vhich uas an aircraft hanger. rt'; be;a goiag veil, uerve played both larg€ atd 6na1l, gigE which were badi. Erics vas reaftj goia. AC: Eave Jrou llayed ary' of the larger places ia Loadon? ABBO: The l,lueic achine, ybich Herve dotre tuice. want to avoid then? p1aces like the Bridge the monent, but ue need a a big stage? or is it just the nusic? ABBO: Itfs nore than the music. Around. our YaXr Itrs fike the banner people unite underr !e doatt push it Iike the Ants do though. There are a lot of violent groups who hate the punk6 aad the lot tbat go around brith them. The skinheads hate then and the disco boys and the rest of it. It.t.s a nullti-racial town and there t s so nany ethnic groups therers trouble all the time. Even uhen therers no ethnic groups around,, they cut it down to the punk6, or the punks wiah the sbaved beads, ye11ou on one side and blue on the other. ft goes right down to ridiculous AC



levels. Everyone came to our gi6s before the shop opened."to meet because it was the only place. Nobody went to London in bie groups, 10 or ZO at the mostr so with the shop itts become a real meeting place, so it more than just the nusic. SPON: Itrs a h/ay of lifel ABB0: But not to the extent that we dictate how they live it.

rtrs an arternative to workin8 for somebody else. AC: Are there any -other bands in Luton at the noment? ABB0: well, therers the statics, The cinenatics.... spoN: The Nervous surgeons are about the brightest prospect. ABBO: The'trouble is though, because there are no gigs, they never get the chance to develop and think beyond Luton.'Everythingrs locaI. rf rre do headline a tour wefd like to drag a few Luton bande out of town and make then play. AC: Do ygu have any policies to put forward as a band r or are you all- individual itr your id.eas. ABBO: very individual. r disagree with nost of what Spon rqays. Seg (Martyn ) disagrees rrith most rybody seys and Steve l"s about the least id,ealistic of tne Iot ' of u6 r 49j HoI !9 Vou Set oa with the ideas you put ia the songe, who does nost of it? ABB0: ue1J.r r <lo all the lyrics, so i"tr6 nore or leee n! idese in the solgsr but therers a lot nore than just the â‚Źolgs ve caa argue over. Aay oae of us never gete htls outr uay conpletely, itrs always i collectio! of viera. ever get anybody viololtl,y rtisagreeiag uith your lyricsS lg:^Do_you ABBO: I bavntt so far. Sonetines soieoae ufff eiy rI d;D't ,itt thatrr but ItrLl u6ua11y get J.eft ia anyway. "i""" AC:^Do;you ain for a palticula! lylical' contett, i6 there any nessage? ABB0: ra sone of.thcn, arthough the lane sounds quite poritiiar, ce-aloa I t put ycrJr .trolg politics in our ?ongsr- aot in a political 'seaeel but nore in ttre way of Liie, criticisne and observations about every-day life anit hoy re feel :.t sl-u1d !o. For Uy Qountry vas a eGraightforwaril politicd. Etatelelt. It ha6 beetl taken tf,e right vay thankfulllrt not as a Nazi type AC: t'lbat about future releaees? ABBO: Uerre.recordiag a siagle ia about I veeks uitb , tlacks oa it, naybe 4 if yefre ailbitious, arrd verre recording aa Lp.afte:r chriEtoaa for releise in the l{er Yearr orr Fresh presumably" AC: Have you got an actual contract with Fresh? ABBO: Only f or the Last singi.e, although they r.y.s backed us on this tour so we orve then soneting of f paper. They're quite good like that, they donit get a bloke uith glasses and a briefcase chasing you *ritt every nove you nake. They do t-shirts and things which we d,ontt actually bear the cost of. AC: About the lpsvich gigr I think f,hsps l,ras a misconception about the aggro there. A lot of people think you cauaed. it, 60 whatts your point of view? ABB0: r think something started in the bar between people fron different places, there wa6 a van load fron Londonl and fron around our way and apparentry a local hardnut got pushed down thq stairs, and he got a few friends and cane up to ne on stage and 6aid you I d better get your roadies out or erse theytre gonna get nurdered, and r wasn t t very amusedr so I said if you start on thern you f re starting on rsr so wait untir afterwards or sod off. so they started halfway through and it turned into an u81]t braul. SPON: lde don t t 1ike to see things 1ike that, itrs the first time itts happened to us rea1ly. ftte all down to tribalisn. AC: Most of the people get on alright, itfs just a few People who think that because they cone from, a different toun theyrve got to fight. sPoN:



The Darnned,, irrepressible as ever have silenced their many critics by pulling yet another killer out

of the bag. Who said they were finished when Music For pleasure came out?

At a time when nany bands have fallen over and been trampled into the ground, The Damned come coasting over the top with that inevitable impression of smug self-satisfaction. A double albun is always an adventurous experinetrt for a band like the Damned, and no more so when one side is given to one track, but then they did always boast that they were the'first at everythirg, and this time r 3s always I s,rppoi" .their conceitedness is well founded. The band have gone fron

strength to strength sir:ce reforgirg, despite the changing of two bassists, and theyrre sounding a 1ot tighter live rowo The origin;e Danned attitude remains as defiant as ever not giving a toss about hipness or cred.ibility and. d.oing

exactly rrhat they want. The album gets off to a lively start with ldaiting For The Blackon which features some nifty guitar uork and a catchy hookline. Lively Arts eontinues in the same vein, but Silly Kids Games shows a rema: arkable contrast with itrs croonin vocals coutesy The Captainlsoothin harmonies and piano. As the piano finishes, Drinking About My naUy powers out of the speakers, a song about a bloke who is cut up about

his girl leaving him which avorLds the imaginabre cliches of such a song. Heavy guitar and rerucous hand clapping, this is rvhat they want eh! The mood then changes with rwisted Nerve, a dark, brooding song which buird.s up with an Lncreasing pace, stops and begins again, about a schizo_ phrenic? Recomrnended for when yourre high. Hit 0r Miss shakes you out of your re]-axition and round.s off side l with a rowdy sound. The bass on tiiis album is much more iively and tune ful than on any previ.ous Damned material, paul Grey is perhaps their best bassi;:t yet. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde sums up the mood of the whore album a dual personality. Beginning with acoustic guitar and soft keyboard.s, it shows some of Davefs best singing, soothing but sinister. Is this devil ivorship? sick 0f rhis and That is the fastest and shortest track on the album heavy drunming and shouted vocals. Ilistory of rhe *rorld follows on with it I s dominating bouncing keyboards and synth. 13t}r Floor vendettar is similar in sone respects to Twisted. Nerve, creating ihe rs&mâ‚Ź atnosplsrsI and incorporaling sone excellent vocals "na with piano. Slow and relaxing. Therapy begins an excellent piece of piano work, which gives way to an instrumental i-ntroduction before the main part of the song is broken.into with a bursting bass .line. I'ast and heavy with urgent yet controlled vocals. rt ends in the traditional Danned fashion cf. So Messed Up and. Snash It Up. And so to Curtain C.all rr n side j. Curtain call is an epic. There are no two about it. ""y" rt begins witrr a'quiet ssingle note on the synth, and Dave singing what amounts to a solo. Hi; singing on this is about the best hers achieved yet. Lead guitar is brought in, and the song explodes into action, gradually srowing down and fading to.piano and drifting synth. The roood changes from elation to d.epression, adopting subdued and emotional vocars. The synth transf orrns to a single penetrating note, and a violin joins in, repeating the basic riff. This fades to soneone walking in pouring rain, and then abruptly stops with an explosion from the synthl which then . oscillates, the drums and then lead joining in. The vocals begin again, and it builds up to the conventional song fornat before ending with a bubbling synth solo. The live side is about as much as yau would expect it to be. Best ones are Second. Tine Around Flan 9 Channel 7 and a changed New Rose. IS AV/iTLABLE FROM: Parrot Record.s Ipswich, Colchester, Chelnsford. Looney Tunes, St Nicholas St Ipswich (Saturdays) Lond.on; Rough Trade , Small Wonder, Compendiun Books Camden High St, Honky Tonk Kentish Town Rd, Beggars Banquet Richnond, (A possibly Ealing) r Fans , Holloway ild.. The Beat Goes On - Cambridge I'reewheel, St Benedicts St, Norwich. sorne gigs around E. Anglia ( !/.Runton, corn Exghange ANTICLIMAX

Canbridge ) hear from anyone who knows

grateful to of any places that would sell the fanzine in south London, and outside Lqndon particularly. we would be

let it loose explolt ation

is allve Ln the ttreetg l,rdl rather Just st{ ln nV room everything L ever bel!.eved. l,n hangs llrnn like a trurst balloon

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thougbt that i lraso..o snarter than that I one eid,e

Another Pretty Face are band from Edinburgh. They released their first single r A1I The Boys " Love Carrie I Late in the year I in 19?9 on the New Pleasures label. rlolhatever Happened" they signedl. to Virgin and released To The West ? | early in 1 98O. An albun was record.ed,, but Virgin rejected it on the grounds of runcommercialityl and the band left Virgin with a.great deal of bitterness, vowing never to associate uith a major Iabel again. Meaawhile, the band had lost itrs rhythn section, the backboae of the band being the guitarists John Caldwell and Mike Scott. After touring uith SLF in 1980, another rhythm sect ion hras lost . Another Pretty Face are currently putting together a ney rhythn section as the old one left in November, ue hope to be gigging again by"February. lCe set up our oun labeI, Chicken Jazzs recently and released rfleaven Gets Closer Everydayt/rOn1y Heroes Live Foreverr. hre are deternined to nake chicken Jazz work for u6 as we wis.h never to be associated, witn a maj or label again. Although ue are heavily restricted financiallyt through Chicken Jazz our naterial will be represented in the exact nanner we wish. This is nore inportant to us than mass exposuie. We plan to reLease our naterial as frequently a6 possible. The next release nill probably be I This Could Be Hell t and will hopefully be out in April. John Ca1dwe1l.

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Easter songs

& }{ Soott


If a thing of beauty is a joy forever in London they frame pound notes Lot they build a tenple to the great god Kash uho does a neat turnover in tJinter coats. hail the saints of Oxford Street aud the crooked apostles of Vernon Yard nho play fun ganes of rebellion by proxy and send royalty statenents to the heroin ward. This could be hell but lfm a good boy and I always was brought up to believe I t d go to heaven but Irve been there as well and it rs nothing like they taught you at scbool this coul;d be hellt All the scents of rich bitch Arabia uonft syeeten this filthy haad thatrs _scratched in the gutterrraked in the pit crawled in the sewer and eaten ehit I pnayed pool uith the future in a ro1led d,own, tunbled down shack but when I got up to fix a drink he switched the balls and potted the black. This could be he11o...o Mike Scott 1980


Discharge, Retarded plus local nelrs. 2Op + SAE to larn, 1 Churchf ields, Crinpleshom r Kings Lynn, Norfolk. AFTERMATH

NO.5 - Poison Girls Subhunans, f'alI,


FIux Of Pink Indians. tOp to 15 George Gillett Court, Banner St, London EC1.

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want to stir up. I know what I tn talking tF{ about there. The church is a fucking j oke .{." !ltr into whatrs beyond that. The o"frrit if il; llT-t-'.i; j you like. .U;E:iEr-t2a-- !f -;'t$:*i AC : hlhat exactly do you nean when -you say r*iQ you want t'o get a tribal feel to your qg_63_g! rdef ve got an JAZz r{e live in a tribe. alternative reaction'to the whole thingl Lislenr I- know Steve Jones, Paul Cook and Rotten. I know what they I re like; It I s shiteo I':go for personalities. The way ! ttrey pl*y their lives is just as important ias the way they play their instruments. AC: But people like that are just liv

AC: Did they think that ultirnately you would sign to them? IL:]T,*{'."nnkrt*5fs: YOUTH: They tried to put a few dirty deeds in the contract.... -:L-fr--rE:tr-t

But ue. E'oT- -iE-c-6'ric-lietI bver. They t re a1,1 bastards, you t ve just gbt to rip them -r off. It gave us enough moneJr to bring out the next singLe. J AZz

out as superstars]

JLTtz Cook is alright. Her6 got tine f or ]rouo Itf s Siouxsie, Setlerin and Jobson rrho go to all the hip litt1e parties around

London. AC: So yourre opposed to the whole aura of the I rock 6cene | . JAZz 0f course itm fucking opposed to if:

Donrt you think itrs funny that people likd us can be in a studio lihe this. They hate it r the idea that a grotty little turd like me could get anywbere near what theytre doing.' I hate the nusic business. I like the scene you guys are into snal'l bande.

It f s not an ideaL r 'it r s iuqt a logical assumptiotr; yourve got complete control. ,It doesnrt matter if youtre a band that havnrt got any ideas and like people to do tt for you. Yourve got to do it yourself if ou want it to work. YOUTH:

fIt is 'lan .ll ideal in



went through a }ot of

strit getting where

so we can control all our artworkt

l'hr' tlit'i

are 'nobr. We approach things from a differ-

ent irngle, it might

a bit unreal to you. We I re playing with sonething complately different. t AC: Don t t you think you I re in danger of beegming a hip band?

l,Ie do it
















JAZz UelI that wouLd just be funny. i I s 8x'l AC: I think it pected. Itrs alreadY .; happening to a certain ' exlent. Killing Joke 'ii I

rrip people of,f before they rip you off. ";t tr l' . JI ,/ rip to o-ani' yoi d-o id: Yeah, fot ,ho 9ff: -v .f r1''-" ELt tSI -



JAZz You

.f ..TrcLU are f new in thing


? ^.I


JAZz We donrt play for those cunts. .Wefve got quite a faithful tribe of idiot who follow us about to all our gigs. l/e ua4llo nake the most of what

donrt want to rip off your tribe

do Jrouo Therers a distiaction - Marks & Spencers, hloolworths, you know r the norn t establishnent if you like. You donrt rip of,f a nate..(lan.gUs) depends what theytre like then again. Basic norals.

man t



y*g s"t.

we I ve'got.


AC: But I think that already you I re .: becoming one of the new in punk rock ;.;,; t.p

+is bands . :i rt - - -d:- .., --! rr:;:ff-mrr---J*ry'.rttri |,"'^*,oer'* I CfaFF 'yJe1l just JAZ: that s ignorance isn I t it '{* a band.. ;: -We I re going to get twice as f ar as hre have I because we don I t play t punk rock t ue 'just reflect whatfs happening and done in a short amount of time. And Y€s r bndeavour to be honest with ourselv€srr . . rrre want to go on Top Of The Pops , the Iot. You can either be a shitty littIe band.€r Inagine that cunt grinning and saying this doing the circuits week in week out for.;' is so and so by }iilling Joke. I nean YE the rest of your lifer or you can go [:F; couldnr t be stars if hre wanted to. a through the mangle. The choice is four6o*-

rT Tbe Killing --'-\

.'lF;Tff,' Joke is nore than just





AC: *hy do y€u think werre alive then? JAZ: You vrant to go thert deep? AC: ldhy not? instead of asking what your next single is. J AZ:. The big rea6on. . ltfhy should I teIl you that , all I will tell your when I was with the Church, I saw the altar frontels and related the colours they had to the ti me of year, and it related to the Zodiac, wlieh is split up into Fire , Air .darth and i,iiater. I looked further into it, and the facts cone from before Ch ristianity. That I s whert I rm interested in. You know

the Freemapons right, theyrre aII rich

bastards, high society. They use a form of the occuit, t he sun, moon and syrnbols , but they I re the people who originally planned the whole layout of the Church . What is behind it'- is Paganis4, which is like ny bel ief. That io the killing joke, to know that established religion has all been clouded, the truthfs not there. AC: trihat exactly do you nean by the occult? Ji+Zz The science of religion, the natural powers.

AC: lvhat about Gemini I s not getting on with Scorpi.os, and that kind of thing? J'LZ,z That 's a load of bollocks, you can get on with any fucker. TLrg, proof of that is in the band. ALl the Zodiac is is measuring where nature was when yo-u were JAZI rrihen yourre recording yourve got to born. The sun and the moon influence the capture the atmosphere, as long as it pattern. The moon influences the water, makes you react to it. I donrt mind being and as werre g}?d water therefore it infin the studio, but I gigging. Iuences us and all the other planets AC: How did you get your name? therefore must influence us. I|n on about JAZz You can apply the killing joke to the absolute sciencerthatrs whai I believe everything. Inagine a soldier in the in, and I donft give a shit- whether itrs trenches in W',./ 1. Hers just been told to hip or not. Irm sticking by my roots, run over and gain another sayr 15tt of that I s Killing Joke, that I s one of the land and he knows he t s going to die, and aspects wefre about. he suddenly thinks that there t s Fome cunt AC: So you're going a lot deeper than just back in Westminster controlling his life being a rock band making nusic. and he feels a bit of a mug. That feelJAZz Yeah, yourve got to have your roots. ing is the killing joke. You can relate' AC : i'fhat about the other nenbers of the that to yourselves, because thatts whatfs band, what are their views on it? happening to youo In 3 or 4 years som€J AZz That is the whol-e reason for the band. thing is going to happen, the Earth will Werre very different people. Youth is a react. Iou punp the Earth fuII pf shit very earthy character, he likes getting and in the end itrs going to throw rpr pissed and shagging women. l[ meanr u€ all whether it|s an aton bonb or an earthdo. Thg Church says you mustntt. quake. Youtve got to. go down to your GABBY: Don I t you think you I re being restroots, yourve got to know whi itfs happen- rained by the fact that you are a rock band? ing. You canrt take any religion seriors- JAZz Werre doing what cones naturally to Iy these days. Your instincts teIl you us o ,nle are using our environnent. The it I s lies. It t s alt changing, you know planet uranusl and pluto uranium and uhat happens every 2'OOO years, the last plutonium which make atonic bombs. Itts 2rOO0 have bcgrr the age of Fisces, now all related look and find the facts. wetre moving into Aguarius. I know, AC: But theyrre just reLated nanes. because I worked with the Church believe JAZz But'the facts of science are behind it or not. Thatts my personal interest. it. Look into it yourself. That is uhy It,.. not interested in religion, Itm therers going to be a lot of mass change interested in fact. in the"next 3 year6. ftrs going to affect GABBYI It seems a good idea for why we you, yourve got to know uhy itrs goiag so exist. to happen. Forget the Sex Pistol-s and J A7'z Exactly. l,lost people, they r 11 know what they said. fu/e I re about something how a motor car engine works, but they conpletely different, which has been ! donft know why their heart is ticking. bugging me for a long time. .what do you want to call it, God? Therers The KiJ.ling Joke i" a state of nfnd of nore to it than that. I call it the life beiag aware of what is going on about you. force. I dontt see life represented in n





Itre been verJr €urny here atrd a E€lae of f,un atrd good epirits, typified at fb6 gndertores concert on JuIy 15th, i6 preoeat everyuhere. .The concslt ua€ glven in tbe fatled ballroon of thc Diplonat 8ote1. The Undertoaee playecl for 2 hourg Etraight despite tbe hot antl crovded conditione. The banil yere et their beet - aot ore Eouad problent aatl tbey kept up the.higb energy levefr nak1lg !:. tbeir recorda aourd tane in conparieoa. TheJr stalted off yith oJ.d soage like rlrue Coufeesione I ald aeuer olea like rchocolate Gir16r. Urged by feargal to dance aad get noviag boys would otart daaclug uitb girla tbey didnrt knov and if you bulped into ooueoae tbeJr uoulal grab your haad aad start dancing too. It got 60 frelzied at ono that people elaleit u! ddacing on etage aDal yotr cou].da I t eee the baral. Oue girlr f,ooliehJ.y dresaed ia tigbt epaliler and leatber, faiated. Ia a ray re yere all like that by the ea<l of the eveniag - alnost f,aiating fron the beet and the excitenent of ollof tb€ be6t cotcert6 of th€ autrne!. There is quite a Lot of divereity anciag the act6 booked itt tb€ Doro eatabLi6bed clubs. Sonetines, houeverl quartity i6 trot equal to origilality o! ercite[elt. The preee has tried to kil]. ptrnk by praieiag tbe connercialJ,y eafe Neu lave banils aad reggae. Uuch to do is nade"of lsr uave bands Like lhe SpeEatiea or The Dicklce (who really arc ole of tbe better baails ) rbo are deecribed iq terns such as rgreat !6u vava band,, avoidilg the clicbee of Punk with clever Iyricst thigbt neJ.odie6, and a Ben8e of huEourr. Iourd thiik tbe pres6 vele talld,lg about arx brotherenusical-. Clubs like 8urr.aba aad lraoupe still book Leseet klora baail,s-but noet of the tlle ie.fiven over to Hell krouD lran6s. At Ilulrahs bande like The Danaealr along uitb aeg relcaeee fron banile that are not as vell kaovn here iike Ploter, uele Bteady fare along yith the popula! Studeat anil Nelvus ner. t{ou nore bands like tbe latter tro ald a noroqlc group. callgd 8l.otto! ubo hay6 a eiagle rI ualt to be a lifeguar<tr, doniaate the Ecoae. Elotto ip ao nucb a conic book group of charactere tbat tbcy sbould go over uell uitb the rladleee hordes yho follov yhat 6vcr the raclio and pres6 aaia is the rrext yittt thingr. Trannpe offera !ucb, to l{6u lorke?s rbo 1i!e Uocl aad have aa ittteteat J,a reggae, bLue bsat and eka. Every veek there they hayc l{od }lotilalr ubalc Tlo Toae recorde by tbe Terrorists, I'lad!€6a, Specials and ol,d Buster Kitrg lgoord,s ere pla:/ed rhile Neu I6rk bands like tbe l{aiLe play 6one of the bGttet r€gEee/rock beitrg of,fereaL At cluba like Seat, Uudd club aad Da.lrceteria djre try thoir best to pueh reggae over by oixing it into gone of tbe odilest sets to be. hearat. A Bet youL iacLudc OId otoyar Blonali'e r UaiLersr Brlxto! .Girlsr B-l2rer Gang Of, four, PIL. Such a Bet ha6 virle gape in the stylea ald elergt ..lav6la in tbe ousic. Those uho seek to find baicts tbat play Bood daDce nuslc aad nuaic that vil,1 aot oaly refLect aa6cr, fruetration, and toridon in the lyrica but in the ragiug guitars seek elsewhene. THU H DENS [onN N Y At the nonent this meana going from club to club seeking out the good bands that co not arlhere to the t new u€rv€-reggae I fotrnu1a. The B-GirIs are getting verJr popular aad vith their vocals aad the beat uhich comes through the music itfs no uonder. Their Fongs sometines have a reggae beat but the style variea so each 6ong stays in your mind long after the song is ovsro Cheap Perfune is a .l girl group u-ho play their instrunents ao uell that they just can I t be coapared to any other fenale group in terns of guitar uork. Singing songs about love and hate, they conpress these feelings into short but powerful tsons. The Raybeats are another big favourite. They play instruneatal musicrwith guitars and sax tbat renind you of nid-sixties type 6ongs. Out of riot torn Miani cone ex Neu Yorkers The Eat uhaee eingle IConnuuist Radio/CathoLic tave! ie getting repeated playings on nany turntables ( except for fU - but vhat do they knou? ) .

single like Conmunist Radio f or all its short time | 1.5Q ninutes, cuts through all the Iriew 'rtiave witticism so ,;powerfully that it leaves no doubt that Punk is alive and thriving. At the moment the best Punk clubs are a memory. Club X was a favourite hangout where bands like the Tearjerkers The Pop appeared and nade the audience ready to riot. !-ront was another place where equal time was given to Punk and New luave bands. The Pop Front was so uncontrived and the crowd. so '*e11 mixi;d that there waa never any us/then feeling which permeates some of the nore established clubs. Right now Club 57 at St. Markrs Place is sometimes tbe best place to just hangout and watch whatrs going orr On 6olne evenings the mix of records is great-- old records by the Syndicate of Soundr early Ramones; Sandy Shawr Mary Snall and new releases by the Jam, Fleshtoaes and the Tiller Boys, who are much talked about. Since Club 57 is a snall basement in a shabby brownstone you feel as though you ve crashed. soneone I s party on a good night . A continual favourite is Johnny Thtrnders who has teaned up uith a neu band called Gang ,r'arsJ Jerry Nolan is als'o doing very well with The Rockats. They are appearing at a JeRrv rroutN new club called Exiles which pronises to be a good place to go to this sunmer. Ratlio rot6 here, naay Etations play tbe heavy netal uueic you left behind. Col]ege statiols like WSOU-F}{ flay alJ, tbe lateEt Punk baads aad never use playliete. The results are terif,ic - you fiacl youreelf lietening carefully because you lever kaor vh,at re trext. .And no reggae! VITBI-FU'aL6o has itre brilliaa't ooneate, but scratchy (Ehe c1a6h dj) has goi to go - too nuch reggae. If tbe ttj likoe it fiae, but uhy do we hare to be glutt€d witb anotber nueic so easy to nake into a fornula to copy just. ae disco is on tbe Ya[e? So re uatch the neu groupE both fron Engtand ancl New York and fo1lou theE to vbatever club tbeJr are appearirg at. Mauy of.ue, t!,ough1 are raiting f,or a neu place to opel. A place that uilL halre tbat speciaL feel about it, and where you car 6ee the baads on etage thi.t ueek aad in the audience th.e ne:t. Euily .rna Torregrossa. Tbanks to; Bobby and l(on for 6halin6 tbeir hel.p aad coDoerte about the sroupa. r * (ir( rff,i! tlA,lE tllOVl tlttf, A





SI Ntr

I I- n




;iff:i::.:li i'iil:;*'Tf:;':3T"::Ti:' ll;'::3il';l L E b mistake of drowning the sound with keyboards. However

it i5 a gooal song with plenty of punch to itr and Pittloint cleserve a bit no"e recognition. Floods and frickleE on the other slde is unfortunately belor par.

(Very Long) lvo of the tracks are rrery alub reggae iofluenced without sounaling blatantly like reggae. Uacbitres iu Motioa has sligbt traces of earl-y l(LlJ.itrg .Ioke ( Turn To Red) a6 ir fact afl the EP aloea. Vef,y rhythuic drunbeats, l{ith large uae of synbol8. takes a fev listens but a vorthvhile release nevertheless. SKI PATROL: AGENT ORANGE fhe lyric is about 24!T, the chenical that Leaked out at Seveso. It starts off yitb a 6ini6ter aourtling ba6s litte which takes the song in a build up to a screaoing cU.nax at tbe end. It tota y captureb your attentionr creating a yierd atnospheric enotion. Not to be listenetl to i.f youtre a potential 6uicide. I love it. B siale Driving is fairly good but not at alL sinilar. CRASS: RML TRIBAL REVE! REBET (Flexi cti,sc rrith Toxic Graf fity !'auzine ) Craes get even nore nusicalt witb rI ainrt Thick ltts Just a Trickr being about the closest thing done to this. AnazingS-y funny lyrics v,hich take the pias out of the tough nan syndrone, with sucb gen6 as rI used to go dowa the cafe for tea but I put ny boot tbrough the tloor so nord it ainrt open for tbe likes bf' nei Th.ere is a oerious Eessager tbougb wbich badly needs to be taken tlotice of. REDBEAT: 12tt EP


LETTERS TO THEEDITOR Dear Anticlimaxt You speak of Funk and

itrs ideals in

your issue NO.?. I like punk nusic but an I a punk? How do I qualify? Because you say people like punk music but it doesntt nake then punks. What does? I



Dear Phil and Nig Thanks for the' back issuestl nou have a complete collecLion of A.C. aad itts interesting to see horr your nag heie inproved. I tike the general 40 nonsense

ittituae but find it a little


suppose you mean itrs an attitude. and. conservative of the punk thingr I quote your letter to me about ny faazine In the early TOrs tbere were underground papera similar to fanzines that Trees 'and I'lowers I Another noa! is that you seem to like anything that comes wrote about music politics, d.rugs and anarchy. They were nadical fsr their under the title Punk ilock Sbanr Upstarts tine and when I read then. I felt that Plasnatics and Cockney Rejects who are a nhat they said uould cone true. Listen bunch of thick thugsr I think itls urong to Grateful Dead, Beefheart and Floyd to be choosy about groups these days and this uould chaage society. There because uith nany of the old bands Lurkers uere a couple of good political and lots Penetration etc breaking uP r the more Punk of ranting ones about police hArrassment music I like the better because lfn truly but I think a lot of drugs were taken fed up with life and the systen. Right uhen a ticles rrere written. I never had fron the start I raved about anything that any druge but still felt safe 3-istening cane under puak and sti1l do. I donft buy to Peel, reading these papers and think- everything but I like nost groups. $econdly itts foolish to 6aY the igg things uould change. Can you succeed yh,ere hippies failed, Rejects are thick thugs when surely its learn from their mistakes. their followers(?)nho like causing al]. Chas of UK Subs 6ays punk has w:rsted tbe trouble. There'e NO EXCUSE FOR THIS auay into watered down eults. Surely aE VIOLENCE defend you have to but whea it more people becanv anare of it they gete into musie ittt the end. individually used it for their own ends, a6 tt meant aa escape. The oore people safely say that I think llick J'ones behaves cane into it the nore diverse it becane. Iike an' arsehole at times, running off to Ellen Fotley ia his arns and The Insurmountable Midget, IlfordrEesex. Anerica with wearing rrhite suits and spurs. I can tell rock you th;t Joe Strunner aintt a poofy qad Dear Anticlio&xr Rainbou the outside hin I net You aeen to'have a big thiagr about Tb star, he made point of stayiag behind talking Clash sellout and all that. hhen on to the kids. the other hand there t s a drooling Another thing is the commercialisn sychophantic revieu of SLF, who are much I f eel sick uhen I 6ee tbe ads Punk'. of nore hypocriti'cal thaa The Clash ever and those moronic pictures they uere. The C1asb uere one of the 1st Puak in,$ound,s 'of snarling and looking t tough' punks d,raw bands so they had no one to look at for I ew bob d'own the King s Road a f I ve advice. SLF ient to such lengths on "pent of the snags so Ifm modest' aware lrm but Inflbnnable Material to show their indepead,ence. Then uhat happens? sign to ToxinrTrees and FlowersrKings Lynn.. Chryealis. They uere the betrayed but Personally I an choosy about the groups I becane the betrayers. like . Be f ore I get j-nto a band I h'ave I tve gone rigbt off Crass recently music & ideals. I uonrt buy theyrre just a reference point nou really to like the who are obviously arouad bands by records Crass are 60 popular r- but they I re not & are on an ego trip; just money to nake eyen getting through to half their fans. ilasmatics, ClashrshamrReiects rBanshees George, Noruich. etc. As far aci Irm concerrred The Clash debate has finished, they make crap music I think yourre exaggerating about and are a bunch of wankers, I argued out SIJ'. Have they gone back on anything they said? If you read the intervieu we all this a year agoo As time â‚Źloes on I becone more and did uith Ali in July 1979 they yere saymore disi[usioned with the situation ' ing then they vould have to sign to a najor because Rough Trade couldnrt cope. Crass, who really threatened sonething becone another name on peoples backs next tdhether they t ll fade auay nusically to The Clash etc through no fault of their renaine to be seen. I uould think the owoo Ifn glad there are still a few ba4ds next single uiIl ansuer that orrs r StF up such as Six Minute are less hypocritical than The Clash and around and, coning piot Indians ' nlhat does Of lrlar and FIux have aluays been far better rnusically.

Punkmeannowtlt|sbecomeanennbarrassment thanns to- all the little prats around'

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