ruwffiWffiW ffi&wffi,
P&tffiffi &%ffi.
llaeg atre ilcf,flnateltrr oae of the most orLgLual aad uacougrron!,sing groupa anotrnd ar pliov€u b; both thclr gtSE ane thsir reoordsr So uhen I rcat to neet qar? Asqutth anil t{ark Coor at GsrTrtg parcata A houae mt in thc auburbe of Rayaere Icac I naenrt quLte firre vha,t to erpelt. ldhat I net rere tvo of the ni.ceat and nogt hoacet people yo'u,corrful tuagLnco Arrynray rr rtaol,dledl that the Lnterrler ntgbt wonk out bettcr rLthout tha fornaltty of the taBe reoorder ao rhat you reail La really ry LnterpretatLon of, rhat they saidt rether than dtircot quotea. !{aga arc ln nary sanroo the oontLnuetLon ot Bena-Bcua vho pnltr releaeail one 12tr callcil r$hesX Ia Ilha Roeetl La thclr txo yeara of exl.stauoe ubLoh ras really only rneaat to be a dcno tapc but Lt raa avcntuallgr prt onto rtuyl by ,+.AD. SLasc theu they have rtayedt rlth 4.AD ileepl,tc l{aroo (nor ul.tb thc Aats) and l{ra:r (nor rtlU thc El-IbaLns
) learlag. Shortly aftor thcLr dteprturc Danrry took up tbe place ae illumner ytth the uevly nened ldass. gh€ only put otrt oue si'.gle eo f,ar' rlou Aail lt./r0abbager rbioh shouL{il be follgrea op bf tbetr tl.rat albun v6rf Boorrr Altbougb thel.r Ldcaa havenet changsit tha.t mroh Dlaes seeu to play nore haunttng 6ongp tban Rona -8enar Erey arc aot hauntlng X.llce Bauheus aait IIK Decay; Lnateail they create a loaclgr atnoephcre. Ih;Lg Ls aot sorsthtng thet they oonetouslif ad.rn for but tt sesne to be tbs only oonetant thLng l.a thsl.r act but aa they elplalneil to me caoh eong l,a a I ll,ttle pLece of then. fihe onlg thtas tbat they ooastously aLn for l,s to oroate eoncthiag that La ner anr[ Lnteneetiug. It la beoause of theLr ortg:inall.ty tbat thel.r msLo La so hard fo dcfinel I neaa the onJ;7 thtng that souadla renoteL5r like Lt l,e P.I.f. but X feel that ldaesr BonEB offer go mroh norc tbarr any of, PoIoteB etuff,. ilaybs tt ts beoauge of thel,r origfnaltty that pooplo have not boca able to Letch on to thcr ibloh Ls a great pl.ty whcr the noet lqnCn ul borLa6 andl unorl,staal rtuf,f a6ona to.bc ptttag norc end nore popular. lltle aptrnrcnt lack of l.ntereet or cuthuaiasl frou otber pcoplc Le thcn a ler problens ecpcoially rhea thoLn albun Lg ilue out vcrlr ehortlXr. Livc Mass arcnrt rcalX. that gooit. fhe aLrnple faat Lc thet al,though theln aorgs are great thcy Just alontt taka to bcfug playail lLve. I nean thc actuaL musLc Ls bert appreaLated[ uhea your on your orn !o rbca I e4r then supportLag thc Btrtbday Party at the Uoon].ight they seeneil uuable to Lnvolve the audlicrc€r Spend,ing a-large Inr.t of, theLr tl"nc rttb tbsLr baoka to the auilLcnoc all,drlft help nucL. I nean a lot of tha tLue Lt looked like they uere urarare of, the crowdl rhl,oh although Lt nlght make a change ienrt too good for tbe raat of ul. Itra a pitf, bnrt ltte eonothlng X hopc thryt11 bc able to cbange during thcLr str*ug of thoy are doLng to plug thc a.lbunr
their bf,ggest probJ,Ern rtght nou Ls probably trXftag to make their reoordet rnore BGCBF6ibLc to people becauee they believor anel I tend to agtee with thens that it s nainlypopa sa6o of people getting to bear their records o?er the radLo.fhel.r laak of a etroAg Lnaga doeenl t help tbem but at least gives tbe rsst of B6 a chance to Sudge thsir mrrsl'o for v-hat Lt t a sorbh. So tf you g,et a ohance to hear the ef,ngle or the albnm rhen tt eones out rnaka Bure you
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Ilhe beet fatrodluctl.on to ths Cravats that I ooulil thtlk of raa to se the Rt. Eon. $hcniler rorde; ttMusic hae 6ot to be fgnt itta got to c Aad that really runa ap tbeir attltudle tovardls nrrltia arrd BroUaUfi Bays nore about then then thc rest of, the iutervLer doee.But tora neat itrat g: tew- factgt the Cravats lone fron Becldt!.tch| a arallr$ro Cravate aLbun rfbe claYata flrgt albun n,tr"nr{nchqn anrt thay thav have:lugt ne}eaeeil thsir thgir flrst have Juat reQeil Blru{nghan aad Ia Soytorlt on Snall tloaileu' Becorils.-----pl.eccs of d ns the Cratate albur ia oaa of thNoat eEaential. nlokere ia Kil.llng aa t\len as unLque Ia vlnyl thLs year.fhel.r souad aax a botling by oharac\eriaeit off-beat trmnk to iffffag loke.Plsying tEhe In Crevats but af.b\n gooit for rccipe a An bc to ray rip""" "rt provaa tbat lt La. \ Eoytorar -Iet baee nl4yer! caue to thg nsr6oqe uitb agiin the Sbenrt (tle groups df rar-en€rgy nuais oa tbe-nset-fttttag tteecrfXrtion, owcnty ninutes going youf to piek up and Lnstanre I somithing ,t itiiiiiliii;iiiiilttll!::iii:iiil:iiiiiiilii:j:i:::li::j:r::::::::i:::ii
t$ tilte, youtve,got to llstea to tt at LeaEt 5 or 4 tine'p beforE the finer qualitiee etart s\aptns through after ffiffi1 shi.cA .You adldiative.Youtr bebonee addictive aluost bebones liutcu tt f.t aLnost ffil##ii'iE,i,ffi.#'i I
d,oee sf the Cravatsl probably why Left $mall tlonder after it havenrt they closed downrBut uhat reall'y Elrrprl.eee most Cravat f,ane (or Drege) le that thiE up stlll haven@
ffi-nectdttch ir Bo central to Cravat rnuEl.c I aeked them to discribe of us not in the rknorr. tt to thoee flilell thEre t s not nneh to Bay Shendl
really.Iler *the dnrnn€f r livee in Redd.ttch ln a con6on housing estatel hlgh riee blocke of l,dentfty wtth y'e1'Ior
d, DaVei lttheyl1*e nOt yeJ'lOtt anyfiOf€.ll tl . .. r r&!ld BO dOee ROb bUt he (svorna^an) I,l.vee Ln a pixy bouse lcog there are the elume ubtch he (nave)
H€t{D r"Re,pRR€g Fo,.
Nrq F{T
Hoy\e- i
livee in and, there are the ptny housee shich have rea}l.y pof,nted roofEr and I lLve in Sambourne but I ueed to lf,ve Ln Redditeh.I squated in the sane pLace as Dave livee but that t rrork; he threw ne out t coe of me habtte and I|m Llving wtth qS parente uow in the Shend PaLice ln Sanbourine wbich ls ideal:Lc.n After telllng ne aLI Borts of other detaile about thel'r hones $hend, weat on to d,eecrtbe Redditch' trlt hae hundreds of car parkes mult etorie car parke r coe lt I a a nestotttr'r Its got Like calr park 1 sZ t7;4 rir r rard its got a ehopptng center precl.nct ca1led the Klng Figcher Shopping Arcader which ie lote and lote of shoe sbope Joined together wtth the odd other ehops cLothes ehops Jgylery ehop you know tf,e sort of thtng.It|s Lncred
boriagl tbere are no venues or gige except vben re do oa€. ![herc rbere qults e fer punlca at firetl about tbrec lrearg ago but rhen thc noil tbin6 etarteil tberc rere nilrl,oas of, uods but that dtdaft last loag rcoe tbey oouldlatt buy thr raeorda in Bembera so tbey all beqaue aon-entitLer agaLn aadl baggr boya rho go down tbe dieoo eye$r leilaeaday enit tbatra itl tbErcra ao eort o! rrigbt llf,e or auything.Eha onLy ntgbt life ie thc anueencat aroaile but that rae raLrlctl laet rcck go tbatra thc eadl of, that.n |frc lact aLagle by thc Cravatal rPrcol,nctl (a traeh Bunk claesc) rag ag one m f,in6 SLacher thoppi,ng Arcadlc but they claln it cpeet ebout tbe !.ts all abopplag preclnotr.Shendr E[be people vho actually asc tbeo rerer look at thern anil seg tbqn for rbat tbcy reail.y ircoltls Juat conerberc rhere you get the 6roeerieel a lot of people voul{nrt nltrd the Goraor ahotrr rathcr thaa tb,c preoLnctrllhey Juat ralk La aoil valk out.lou caa eLt dca aael keep itry but yourl.l Juat gct=eqve!_en by tbe Eecurtty guard.rl Ihcy beit a lot of bassler gettlag rPreol.nctf out natnlt rlth tbe nnrgicLans rcoa they uscil thelr Peel rcsal,oa reeorilLng.fhon'rhen Dave (thcl.r ilrunner) dang up.thay tbrcatenctl not to glre XreraLuLon to anyoue but tbey evcntuellif aanaged t get it outr8bearl: {Flnally itts orrt auil lt took nearly a yoar rbloh Le rcdliculoue rooa it vas nore tban a ycer olit andl rc rers doing stuff that raa l€rerrtbatra one \ of oun naLa problcusr tbat aL[ tha gtuf,f tbat rerve put out so far bne beea o1il.Ye oa! ns?cr aoep to get anytblng out rbca ue rrLte it but X hopc that rtll atar"t to beppou rorolc rant to releaae stuf,f es ro rto Lt rbiah vould bc a lot bettcr.n Ubcn ve talkort about thc tbclr. albun the thEait aatrt tbat Lt rasatt exactly hor thcy thcy raatcil tt bcoeusc of thc obcap rccordLcg etuatio thay uaetl la Eorguayoso I aeked tbcn rbt they qly ugeil ea 8-traok.Daver ttle r,recit at 8-traok becaaec ro hail trled uetas a 15*traok l.n lpliloa rltb a Brgclucar aail s. retrcnrt happf vLth the reault and rs loet control of, rbat rG rere rlof,ng rooa l,t rag all {lonc by thr cngf,acer aadl tbe prodluccr bqt rlth an 8-tneck vc oan unileratanil rbatfg bappsnLng and tell tben rhat abl;7
rc ualt.B Sbaaik tUell tbcrc are
gooil 8-treoks anit tberc arc bad 8-traoker wc got a bad 8vc rhou-ld of, aaod a good orcrlfb€ uert eiaglel eboakl be here verg ebortlyr Ls oaLlcil flourre Drivfag Het antl re dlid that in a 2ll-track rith a ptopor prodlucer (Penuy Blubeurl of Crara).Itfs a klail of expcrLsont fcog Pete at Snall Uonder rassrt beppy rltb the pnorluetLon on tbe albus so he mnted to ahou ue rhat a real produoer oould dortl One etraage thtss about tbc grouBr history vae that they renainedl on Snall Honder after tt beaf cloacil ilwn.$botil: \fell shen Snall flondler closed dlorya re eent all our rcoortlE off to cvcrybody aail ncrcr got arythiag back co there uas totally no ohancc Hith Har:r. thevl rtth othar conpanl,ee but aleo Pete I w traets rbco
Uatcblag baggy boye ia thelr gtarched whf.te ehirte; Ilarching up and dwn looking at the
Peoplc run doun Lookl'ng at
their choeag of rubbtgh that theY knw theylll Rarer rBQr Fuylng loads CHORUS
Dorn the Breclnct l doun the precl,nct t Spcnd atl Your noneY oR a ner towR; Dontt vot€ f,or ne rcog ItIl Pull it all dorn IInt I
of plaatic art aouvean hanging fron tba uallr People tgrn a bltnd cye aE the miBelng child batrls r Th; na3 Tho ia s€ourtty 1removsc hl,s bat to ponderg Utth bLe shadeg he uonderg tf be Lgnpa
ltke Peter Fondar
lncrcilably gooil to uar f nean hcts a rcalltrr gooil blo&e aad re acat hLn ;G,ordloar rhen va naile Lt rcoa rc illdl tt oul15 TOO eelvsa.So hc rrotc ua baek a Lotter eayfry greatr couc SUBTLE FOR dlorn anil s€. rlr goaa t!.nc anil ;Laae thea he bas takon ug THE AVERA€E uarler bl,c rLag READER.. nEe oloredl to uoet banrla Juat fcos of, thc preasarss Lt.Ec bail to ttart enployLag other Peoplc tf, ho raatcil kccp up enil ho souldurt bc bothered foos bc Just rants ouougb-tonoy to have bLa ltttLo luxurlcs.So he kept us rcog bc ltlced rhat re arc dloLng/ bln and ifoha PccI ero oqly pcoBlc vho have takca aay eort of, Lnterect antl oredlLt tlal tc rye theo a heLL a' lot.ll frAaothsr thtn6 tc tbet tho nul.c iailuatqy Le prctty borrl,blc and rsrre lucky to sttL1 bo tberc.Uirre aot t!,cil ilora by any contraet or aaytbLngrUc oou.ldl LeaYc touorror if, re raatedl yct hcrll eougb rp tbc Eon€y to 1n; for tbe rooo dll'n6 atuill'o kaortas tbat re couldL do a bsnk but hl also kaors refre not 1@ ltkefy to rip us off.Itre a Bantlcuaaa af, /yVHUilOR
Craratt tay or trtlag-to f,lad rut too msh noanLng luto rhat the by Eoytotrr yeah lt iloce bLililea neaaials i aekeit tbsa Lf thcy rore LnfXucnccil n'l[bersrg so nuch dll,absllcf, tbet Sbead. orgx.aLaeil bcoauge Beilill,tob l,a the loytonn.s Lu the ooutrc of tora butlrt uonoll.tb to a thcy l,f rcre ilreaus Itlt ll3e ltvlag ln e uonlil gcrarl aorebo{y uattl notl,oo tt uoutrl riek.ttobo{t for aof,ics rogldt a 11o onc gonotbilg oa |t.llbs bt66cat thtag aroeril there La uhcn tlaktrg noYc Ln anil caap on raate erousil aail thea !.tta eort et ryant urgbttrtlho ry? tl??e people?r ltrs-lndreilfrop erertrthl,n€.Ittl a Toytwal ltrl Juct itfc tiat thcy arc sort of alLcaatsit icillcgloua.Ani thgra are Xreople rbo act like l{oildlgtn
rhich Sbeuil toldl ne"a,bout rhen I But tbcre aro a fow good petate about Rodldtitcb t$here'uoulil re go? I nean rbLl'e ref re Redldtl.tchr *avc agkeil tbsu vhy tbcy iltilitt elae.r knor tbis sourd!8 auynhere tban no rotrE€ but itrs thcre se oan irate iuaaltcb itrs all eort sf p.aoF trccarrrrr!trd treeE.Ooil audt ;]i!; ["t-i-fir" ta"-or""iqtrtLrls tax,h ue Lnto couLng ilora to-rondon fni'laa ldlealLo "tta tuuge.ieople hayc trLed to beoauea it roulit [i ea'l,ir satlilg ettontloa but aone of us rant to Dovcrrt Davc auns ups tffiedditch hae gst itt; ehortconinso but the poople are the Shend ffnaffy iu caae yourre To11dering t$elvs go! a^nss oxplal,aed shat a ttreg Let sols called r r An A Dregt whf,Eh ie basLoally about being a dreg aad not belng usefull. to Bociety.Anyon€ who Likae uB has Sot to be a dregttl
Sf,uce I tnteffl,gstbe Crravata f reat to lee then at the I.C.A Fuplrortlug the $ound
sag a nf,stake part.I usatr the Cruvats uere grsa but I should of raited trntlll they played the !{oonlfght rhers they uould bave been pl"ayfng to tbelr oun fans and tbcrc* rhl,ch, on fry
fore gpt a bEtter r€-
actLon fron the erorrd .for thoee of you nho
doart lrnor the Sound they are one of those
Eeardrop / Buanennen type bandg but sttlli the Crauata set goti
everTrone llstonl l-e pretty good ooaeiderl,ag. fhel,r eetl sono aer etuff rhtEh waa Just'ae good.Alwaf rag a pl,xture of stuff from the albun-aadl -rX.H.P.rstYonrrc DnlvLng Met (thd.r acr el,agte) antl the rerc thc ttgbllghts of atgbt t&elr encor€ | Sordonr .Sboy rhttp ilaf,finatelry the bect bandl that uteht.As for thc Soundl srell I had to leave after th*teong tcos they were tb,at shLtr.f ..o.
ursIS SI$G
rBAT{$}II?[EBS: ArnD
us cAr,l. .fEat fsr$gnn rlHE
leaue f4 aait thege are the ftrst looa1 baaila lrre rmnted to tal* about rhioh Ls a poor reflectioa on Ealln6 aail Actoa.Aaynay Dtleclug Prearncdl Deail anil tho lrangntttcra bave a lot uore in ooutrol tb,an Just courlag fron the aano 8f,Ga,; La fact botb groupa gh*c tbs aanE sanigt aadl ilnuucr; Dave Baby andl il{n Chase as selX. aa a aunbcr of occaeional JoLne. llort surprictaglf botb groupa sound sound rcnarkab\t slnLlar (coultl tbit bs the Ealiue aound ?) a ty?c of punlry Jazs fuak.![ot Eorma1X.y likfngthat type of nusic I rEa totelly aurpriecd bV tba effcet of, thc l{.PrD. albun.EapeclalLy sLdo 1.A11 la aLL they arc a lot.bcttar tbaa thc TrasenLttere rbo;althottgh thl.a Ls thefu aecond albunt bave ahorn vc4y tlttle aLgua of pnogrcEeLon andl have alnoet got atuck Ln a nrt. On a olossr lovcetLgati.oa the siuilbrltice of, tbc tvo groups etart lookLng nere u,heu coupared to thc illffcrou€€grA kcy fact bcing tha,t U.P,D. re.futeil, to eign to Beartbcat , the Lnitepcndence of tbcLu orn Saguol lebelrlf a lLne rae to be itrara betncsu, origj.nellty anil borcdloa I fcar that the fransnitterg gouLd cons on tbe rroag siite rbllc ll.F.D. rould bc far Lato tbc other sf'dlcr
Itre alre*{y
lt tl t rtt tll*'t l '
lleanrhtlc the Klage Eead ou Acton Eigh St.'has atarted a nunber of regrlar 8"tS aigbts a reck eo-Lf yosr Ln a group anil.want a gie rhy not tr1r then.lfha placc Le ir"tty-sr"Il (tnc upetafla ry98 of, tbe fnrt) but cver'Sroncra got to start aoumherc. flhc pboae aunbcn Le O1-992-O282r .
If you cons fronitbc Eal,ing/hcton aroa aadl_in a band or-13qthi-1e-f[19 tbat rrl'to to ffain grennan;,Baelr lceuel F9 €nnuersbury'Iatcs Actoas Ionilon U., EED.
Ovar tha paat fw aonths the aatlonal nugl,c press bas becn tr1ytag to gro* a rthla reekE twnl elttration rotmd Scotland uhf,eh I am
ggmy to
say Le al.noet bound to foel a backlaeh rhea tf,ricndsr I{c Cullough .
and llor'ol;p f,tnd othar touns to ailuas thcu.f,uskits ArPlF heve nanagcrl to atay clear of, thf,c aouly energf,B$ fad. Sinec they forued in
carly t79 thcy eignefl to
Vtrgf,a but aftcr only fLve noatha ou, the labe1 they
left.Vl,rginr tUe 'droppsd AHFr We fuoked off .rf CIearI;y not a frl.cadly rpllt I but Bos f;r 1980 Ye fl,nd' thet Agtr' arc sttll gotng and ctrongisr than c?oFr Yhat follorg lg: made up fron the interrrlm r a. Iettcr uhlch lll,kc ;e.nt He aad the APtr' f,nfo shcet for late 1980. lllhe uogt cnroLal atage sf thef,r oareor so far has to be thstr'flvs ponths rith Vtrg$'n uhich nuc beet d,oecrtbsd Ln l{l$efe letter r Wc ef,gned to VillgfJr laet I[oYesbsr (r79). fbey hatett our ftrtt aLnglc rttb then frhatsrcr Eappsned to flhe Hsetlf and thcy constantly pressurLeed uE to dcmr our sound. Ithon fle etsod our ground and sel,d, a loud f8* sounding I No I r as anY aelf rcspoctins band
sborrfd- !g
they bagnn to re;f,st our plans f,or reeordlng our ftrat albun fb Febuary rtth el;l' Oners besslct AIan
ff,ret they rc tutt unttL rerd dong a tour bEfors we recorded.fhey suggeeted all n€raner of gtaudard Tingin lbtr
produc€rc- h.Ye Baohelor
$tevc l,tlIywhtte Gl.sssop
Hlek they
etc. thsn Ts record thrse
trackg utth Alan produol,ng antl tf Vtrgf.a ll.ked th&t ro oould oanry on rtth the whole albun.tla tolf, then to Sfrtck tt up thel,r pro"crbials vla a vorT naetSr aud tq the poLnt tuil.egram from Edinburgh to 9srnon Ta,rd shf,ch alao deman$ad 3 seeks trsfl.&tertrpted, gtudLo tf,ne r*fth AIan !{nf,rr they eventually. aggreed. f,be next etage YaF rhat
ts record anfi hor they ehould ssund. We no doubts shatso€v€f- se had a ltEt of 1I+ of our songs and
connsrcial than the rset o our etuff;all a llttlc no aoccptable to USA reill and nost Lnportaatly al long aLnce droppcd f,roq o
aet. Eavlng
dropped tben u
t fancy reeording the ' Hhan Vtrgtn heard th ff,rst btrnch of ftnlabe nLxeo 2* reek; Iatar th balkcd and horle tottf,;llf n0onnerslally unoxplof,tabl .n at the top of, thelr eoutLve lirriglg. Re-reoorfi o fuak off ras thc narnagc r got ( tn Eo BanS rord,b) . r fuakcd off. Bscapge our tnl,ttal ailTancc had" Just ruq out re ser{r dcpendtng oE 'the glOrOOO aevanse oa aaoel)* tancc of thE: albunrto kecp our uegas golng and to paiF for trs to Bo on tour rtth Stlff tltt1E Fl.ngerc . ry ftrsking of,f from Vlrgtn ue forftted thet Bon€frfhat t s dtdnf
nothlng partlasl^erly bravq or goodl l"t I e rhat auy baad
'rorth thctr ealt shonldrvs donar us to'rcrreoord the uoldy fte noral of- thl'; ;tor'5r oldf:e rthatte lbt Enough .l l,s that Vlrgf,n; ltkc nost ( g side of, our ff,rst t+: of, thc neJonrs er€ scnnry r0aruie t fron es far back ratards r'tth a ulnf, for es Ua,y r79) f,or ths follow HoaGy and, en eatr for nouey . llp to rHssf, r and that the and rB Gya for tsou,clF and albun include thnee songg bnalns ltke gicvcgncn.rcrfir rtbe Kids Are Eackf r rA Boy thlng falls In Bleck Leatharf and rAnIn the as"tual iatarvlm qlbol Prg9lU_Fete e | -a-Il*Eore ttrohn desarlbcd ths facllqga bctracn tha Vf,rgil.n. t|lfe trlcd tO do th!,ngp orfrl otr rataud t$et oauagd a f,eclln8i of, $rr tneat ro r0 u6rie l"abqle arrogant and uucoopcratl becau;e thsy dldnrt ltkc hardag a band t"u cont .rf n$ve$fthLag r€ donc uas by tbc oontlreotn srplal,ucd Htke Hbut thcy kcpt try to pu;h f,omard outr rqco and thclr narhettas pollc .fhey vantcd uF to ; fle knss the sound Ye sauted .
Vlrg$u I horoYer I pressurf,s e fi
llJce the Bsoord;on
Auothsr Prattf Facc have felth f.n tbeuselve; aud throueL thfu conog the atrcngth and ablllty o do rLat
do not uhat 6one areehole
sitting behlnd a desk r*ants .It ta uot arrogance Lt I e prlde.Mf,ke ltfe ordy naat to sell reeordg tle have total fatth inr th^at He have writtenl reoord,ed and produced to onr ofln epecifl.cattone. , reoord, lagta for ever " ..A you raat to be abl.e to so look back and be proud of it. ..A râ‚Źcoral that selle to 10 peopS.e and i; eoractly rhat re sant ls better thau a record that sells IOrOOO copl,ea and you have nef,a$,th
La.H llheytre not bu"llshf,tlng Ll'ko a Lot of gfoupr do
amadaya iadeel they have a1reaff put these prl.nciP-
les Lnto praetice by not relcaaeing thcl,r; t BarcI.Y Out Of Teenagsr ats a eLngle beoauss thsy felt that thcy no longer uanted to nake the gtateueut tho Bong
Buttl,ng aooroear
If aLl this aounf,s a btt stupid and, You think 6 takLns
thlng too earl,ouoly
to tqf and look at LLfe fron their pol.nt of But they aacept the pol,nt that Ln tnenty Irearg tLue they ntgbt be busLneag nen Ro natter how redl,errloue tt appears to thon nou.But aB tlohn pointed out to ne tffiherere no point ia eaytng lete gtYe np |oos Ln 2o ycara I ntght not feal tha ray I dorroos re fve gpt to LLve thc uay ue knct I,e rtg[t aad se' nnrst trovsr etop X|ha tbat hae sup-
you ought
rLEed then ths nost f,e the tdben indEpeudeut scano ' they left Vtrg$,n before dsaldlng to start: thef,r osn record labsl they took their lres aingilr; n0nly Scroes lriva ForsvsCr to a
nunber sf
they labale to hear rhat thought. Jolrns trldhcn they heard {t they ftald rfhatfs
t.bnt tt Lgnft
t (tetttng that I meaa
f"ndependents. Eone Bay yetre too then.I nean APf too
btg for btg for
them;itte total bullahtt r I re one of the enal..l eet bande tn the countrf,.ftre
Jrrst pathetl,c.n
l{hen I asked, then about their poll,tl,cal bsll,effs John explaLned that he didnrt ltke to agsooiate utth an3r poLitioal, party. IrAll I oan say ie thet I hate what Ieee anotrad, He end I rlant t o chnnge it. .. .I dont t thtn k thc rorlds going to GhBBge Ln ry I-ifetf,nte Ln faat frve got a nagglnf d,oubt itre not goLng to be here.rl Uhatover yotr thtnk of AF[' thoyrve got to be admired, for dof,ng uhat they a rlar6 qlraltty amongat peop1s tsday. If you uant you
san oontact then atr
Ff,rat tr'Ia,tr 16' Cadzgr.
AbbcyhLllr Ed,lnbur
Since our last Lnterrriew rcith the Antsl this tfune laet f,eapl Aclam ha.s got a who1e oer+ set of Ante togetherltsignedl to CoBoSrl has 6ot tuo top 5 sLngles andl his sgeond album rrKings Of fire Wilcl lbontierfr has reacheil nurnber one in the charts.So thought that it uas about time r*e caugbt up wtth Arlan andt hfi: uew Anteo ADAH'&nd'theANTs
|' ]'ot of peopS.e have accueed, tdlam of selling for sigSrLng to CoBoS. nhich I cantt. undlerstand.rX rnean they harenrt done auythtng thEf saLd they uouldnrt dlo.Adla"n 3 nI set out to dto tuo thtnge ! o!,e mas to dress upf to oreate aa.f"urage somet&tng to X"ook at andl tto to invohni the au&ience+rt l{Sr ie it then tha.t a 1.ot of the oldt f,aus eaSr youtve soldl out ? rrl thlnk they feeL, protective towardls the bandl as everltody does. I felt protective totnardle the Sex Pistolss uhen SLdt Joinedt that was the end" I mean X lJ.ked, tt with €Lea l{a'tlock. Ehie tbLng is if a gr{y or a girl tlrf.aks werv€ soldl-out andl theyrre*-not interestedL ln us anlrmore then thatte great" It f.snrt great, itrs eadl but I hope that theXnrll have the aouftesy not to fisturb the people that are Lnteresteil L,n us.rr llhat about the nery fans t rrShould they be penseortedt for not being rhipt quick ? I dlonrt think so.rr Ih gLadt to see that Ailas-.has got plans to rel.eaee quite aJot of oLdl stuf,f that. harnrt alreadllr been released- rrtlhat Ifve dlone is got a].l the taBes which are mF own :record{ngFl they are aLl protectedl undlen my ra.itt€r There are about 20 eongs balf of nbich"-l{a,reo t}r^l.nks be can deveLope. I"-.mean there are 6ongo like t&rbber Peopl,er rnrhos record{ng Irte got Ls not veqy good and l{areo thinks he caa do something to thenr develope thenr andl llnr zure the bandl ca'n do thenn-reaL 5us*ioe. Illrey are o$dl recordLi,ngs dor,.e in ffi/n f,a em.L[ etudLos" Irn to put them out in.€'n Ant wayg an excit$ng presentatioa uhich ltd have eontrol over andl ItIl put them on an 8.Pe I dlonrt larorar what sBeadr f.t couLd. be a ten Lnch or maybe tno 45te" At firet it r,ciL1 be a limite{t edti.tion to the fan cl"ub whLch weel} *l.nd a ttay to malce it generall.y avalla.ble. But tt wil1 be a ltdl" edltion to the fan olub at first with each one nurnbered'antl pigpecl purely a6 a g€sture frou rne to tlrens is very hardl'tn tbese da1rs of nase procluction.rt ilust in case yourretronderin6 there is no real *h,n club as Adarc went on to explain. nltrs not a fan club*realJ"grl we caX.L it that for taX putrposesr but it isnrt. Itfs aa iufornation 'ttrirxsF of [be }tild trbontied! hl.ll be*o:g !*_.9"9_u!s9""-
frtl than the ff.rst aLbum due to incres.s€ing press coverage and a number of appearances on the ['V.. Al,though it has more power than the first alburn I donrt think it utll ever raiee the same enotion that IID:IRK UAIRS UgIfE SO(E didr Songp tlke rD*y
Met Gocl, r tlti^tre PLan FaiLedt , t Never
fbust A lfian (witt Egg on El,s nace) i and tcleopetrat were so uierctly intense that they bad the po$er to reach insid,e sorr on the new alburn; although the rnrrie is Errdbubteclly betteFr the songF can not raise the same emotions. songs lilce tFeed Me so rh€ rf,ons r and fAnts rnvasionr tqr but both faLl,. The song that comes closest 'is rKlller ra f,be [omet. A lot of thetr other songs are based, rouad their fpirate/ tribalr image uhich r d.onft reall.y liJceo r aeked Afiam which he thought uas the better albrrn. rrr dontt think itrs for me to s?gr Uhen I put a record out I just thiqk Lt I s the best thing I can possibltr d,o. r donft think wether itts better than the one before. r mean every tour you do you Learn about rnistakes but al,l. that matters Ls that yourve 'done you.r beeto ItDirk weare white sy'xtt r' to ffi€r was rearly i
gainfirtl to, tt was verT personnal where as rrKings Of She ttil"cl tr'rontieCr is
a l.ittle bit nore heroie. Itrs very rnuch a band aJ,bun.rr t{ell wouJ"d you say that rlDirk...rl tras a nore emotional albrrm ? rrlilof not more enotionaL in perfolrrnarc€e Itte a reuy passionate Sf,npe we trere talkins about the album mentioned I the faet that there wetre three
eing.Les taken from it. So I asked Adan wether he thought it was fair.*[I think it f s fair.I didn I t at the time, it did lrof,qf me imnensley. I donrt tlrinls ltrn one of the eulprits of hav:ing expl.oited nry f,ol,l,ouftng. I nean three frorn one
I I donrt think lrn guilty of *:cf,otrn tion. I d.onst knowl l,r*ould of thought
people bought those singl"es for the B""sidesr
I tra' and nake thenr sepera'be entities. Yorr Con r t have to buy them, you can bui' the al"burno A lot of people bcught the rAntrnusic t single for the cover, I d.onf t knotr maybe the;rr:re aslcing it for tt.alL r Inr, rnaybe the reinix of rAntmrrsicr o I buy singles as well" as the aJ-bum if I lilie the be.ndo I do think that tlmee singles frorn ail, al.bum is maximun: but therc are nine other trac'!-cs r a cataJ.osre aircl" a lyric sheet for 9'2.99 that t s nOt bad.. . ,. r o. .I lrope it d.oesnt t ha"ppen lhis llas probably the only pcint in the r.ilrole intertrier^r that Adarn didntt seen convineing oltr I mean he didnft real.Ly seen to be able to 'see that peopLe woul"d prefer two lletf traclrs on a, singLe rather than orlâ‚Ź r narrn 3 rrf,ln to pl-ay unliscensed venue$ rcos I ,lonf t think alaohol" hgl"ps at all. llhere are a lot of people r.rho can he,ndJ-e al-cohol- ancl a l,ot of people rolho canrt and the people who canrt talse r* out on the peopS"e r+ho cal'rr-fkls is part of the pJ-ans for tirei"r next IroK' tour. rron th.e tour ruiou just d-one (I'rontier Tour BO) we uent to recerd" shops in a few tor*ns to neet to the l;ids and we h.a,d l-ilre 1j tooo i:ids cor:ring r'rere gtr/" of tirenr see rs r $r.e tiring is that reeord" rrve ;;;"; ig" r mean theyrrre gct e?ery -l;ire Ants for into ever mad.e anri theyrvl beeri|ycrr r tcitight? | cnnins grree ge*rs r shen r d. say andtheyrdsaytlbrcanrtsetintorri;ht'trand' r tho$ght ilrat made e deep ini:ressicn on ;rle' to i)ut oil id-ea* tlre fuclr this alcchol- birsiness ve,'ues neans -bi:erets e showo Doin6 unLiscen$ed so peol;l'r* rrnd'er no ar.cohol sord. on th.e preilisesp]-anning on d-oin,3 1g can get in*rr ftrey u"rl to sit nfr r'r*1"1 as pJ-aees ,ih*ru tber,g is a place a place tc dg'nce " l.Ies d-oirrg a fart*-' When Adarn l,rtas askeC 'r'fllld'hq
f,:i"d. this sine jlre,ssi rlay (trherc welrral:e it inter"riew) ire -ua-nterl t.'r they elear that the on-!-y rcasnnfa:rri rles ,d.i*nr t d,o,S t,'-itli ?:eea,tr,Be tfuey o:1 t?1e J-ast tetg 1.I{r-S ilfhere iu,g'! d-iflnr t laVe tirne., t t * -flten al: -v*ou ve isti t tlre tirne 'J fanri:rres f or $0t to chccl; ou'l; i * f,anzi**u-" bei:rg. Jetr.l,a1,-lY
a lot of them start up and a Lot of them dbnlt lgst.Ite s sad but a lot of them fuckl,rxg"'ueJ.1 d,o.I mean people are always writing I,n asRing for interrriews but we dontt have enough time to go to York or Wdineeborough so
I thought it woulil be
a reall.y gesture to have an ,offl,clalpress dlay wlth Just fanzines which is _, really ctlsptsed by the off,icial press.r mean theyrve got thel.r few pets but they are not reallir Lnterested Ln the nitty grttf,yoBut today is a chance to get â‚Źvâ‚Źryone dotrn here and. meet the band and, bave tt out face to face.Iou oan onl.y go Bo far with a letter ancl I hope lt t s eomethtng that might take I thought tt would be interb estiag to finieh with a comparison betweer,
the Ante I ff,rst SiS tray back in | ?? at the I"C.A' [heatre and their last Sie at the Irtrroeum 'Fl,rst the Lycerrn I ttlile tried, Eo hard to nove that auctience but we ooulclntt f cos they were aLl being crushed, lnto a llttle space 'It ! s all to d.o with atmosphere aacl I cantt go through the motions tf IIm d,Lssattsfied with my perf,ornanoc "But that t s only how I nee thf,ngs.rt Marco continued: t\ile had a lot of probl.ems with equipment and a Load of stuff was going on back stage and God. knows what "It was just that there was a atmosphere at the gig F when ue'went out there we thought the crowd dlidlnrt llke ua or they werenlt giv:ing uE anything back.Shen the guitar went out of tune and if youeve ever tried playing wtth an out of tune guitarrroorr Adam: nfhe bass stack cl,idnrt work for the first mf.nutes 'ancl it hact cost us a lot of money to get that bass to worke o c ,, .&od onoe you get that annoyance things start to get hearry,,fhere had also been a few things before the Sigllike sorne kicLs wanted to get in back stage rcos the SiS had sol,d out osure I couJ.d get them in backstage but theyllL get the shit kieked out of them by Lyceum Eecurity.So they (ttre kicls) went ancl smashed our vans window$rslashed the tyres and sprayed P..lpstars I and, I C oBoS , SeLl Out 0 al-l over f,t.fhe l4yceurn was the wrong pl.ace but then Lewisham nad,e up for Ancl. their first eig.Adam: tr$he Ants started off at the IoC.Ao f?ieatre with about five people there rnost of whom were with the band,,I had toLd the I.C"A. that we were a country and. western group and. we were coning ; d,own to play Ln our I,unch hour, tlben I came down compS.etely chaine
up we sang rtBeat My Guestrt and
that uas it.We werq three minutssott
be stupicl to leave youc
thinking that al,l there gies were fiascos f cos they ar(anot"As Adam salf, thuLr Lewisharn eis nade uP
made up for the rry"""- gig"AnytraJr as you probably know the Ants are one of the most exciting groups you can see rrotrradays both musically and, visua1Ly. r d.ontt know r,rhen wet].r interriew the Ants again but what once seemed. irnpossibLe now seems inevitabl"erthb.Ants gettins a number 1 sf.ngle.Ansnnraxrr Just hope tfat their current success is not a pissing
fad for their
Xtrls Ls the Damned t s 4tfr album and, it ls a. long $ay from the trDarnned Damned, Damnedn days.A lot of people talk about progression as though it t s a bacl thing but-I feel" that the Damned have managed to progress Ln an lnteristing and,
As you probably know this is a double album for the prl.oe of one which Lncorporates three sf.des of neu stuff as well a6 a live side faeturing some of their olct faves r including tt New Roserr , rttrove Songrt I ttSrnash It Uptt and rtl Just Can t t Be Sappy loclayrr a couple of others.
th6 new lilce the donrt Like I So at least if you dlontt Ftutf youf ve got a, wb,ole side of golclen oldles r
I Ln all I think the first three sl.des prove that the Damned are going to be with us for a t@ becoming borLng ol"d farts * vorrt{,te neu songs being fWait For The Blackoutrt r rt3\risted Nervetr r ttHlstory Of ftre World P"art 1rr and the classic fr0urtain Calltt which takes up the whole of $tde 3.
It I s irnpossible to say rrether this is thetr best aLbum because they have bee re varled.t{hat I can say l though l is that I onJoyed this as muoh aa I enioyodt77. ftDamned. Damned, Damnedrt
Personal Troub].ee and RrbLlc Issuegr
Irve looked forward to getting this album for a Long tirne nowr erer eince I heard their first singl"e Ln fact.I had aLways expected Eome sLmple 1*2-3 punk so when I put it 0n for the first time I got quite a shock. Rather than the al.bum I had expectefl I heard a much better and etronser WalI *[he fastest song on the a],bum is thetr last single ttGhettort apart frsm which the rest of the aLburn showp that they have esoaped fal,Ling into the lnrt of pJ"ayfng three chord wonders for the
rest of their lLrres * [his haenft caused. thern to s].ow down al.though they are now able to PIaY slow as well, as fast as proven bY
ttstormlt. Unfortup3&cly. eLnCe they recordedL thts s:lnger Kelly and gpitarist NLck Ward lralre both left.Andy an{' Rab have been Joinedl by Ancly Forbes ( ex Stsaps) and, are pl,anJ,ng on carxTring on as a 7 piece so 5.t **rf be intereetilg- t-o sino out what the next sf"ngle wil,L bo l-ilce. REUIffiI
S F $ha-Ia
-Id,-Ig,-Lgg Af,ter trha,t appcaref, to be tba dantpq of the !{od reyf.val Dccaa decf.iled to relgass tbl,s conpf,lation of old Snsll Faaes BoRE; as an opGn sash-ln.frylng to lgpore thnt fact the $n411 Faaes rGre probablf onq of thc begt ortglnal Hof, bands fron the 60t; and although nel,thsr of thelr alardo; ttltahycoo Farktr and ttllzy $uqda5lltr sbOth of rbich flers, released on ths Inucf,latO label. lthc *lbrrn gfl,ven quite a good reprooest' atl.on of what thcy shere ll'IcE. Aqnruy tf yourrc not Eure sether y'ou'rIl ltkeit or not you c&n plctr up thc trSlra-Ila -Is.-Ia-tesn gf,ngle anfl gct a 6ood Brevl.ev of the a1bun.It all goce to provc Eooal muel'e
gFVrETl A.BnsI{ln}Ie
eventuall;y traeked down Uodern Engl.iahra equat La Notting Etl]. Gate after their *eldreee which deapite being fairly rlelapadateil ou the outeiile theXnr6 naile quitc oonfortablc although tbey bait oaly Juct noved in. dnWay after bearLng a tipe of tbel.r firet al.bum Robbie (tneir vocaliat) erplaiueil hw ilodtern Engl.ish got rhere they arc aonr t\{e11 nofre not f,ron lrondoag ierre fron Colahester-l,a Eaiex anil no vere a locaL gfoupr lfhere $aE ref Diok (dtruns ) anil Garry (errttar) Ln trorilern Engllah about tro yeara ago andl re wanted to get a syath Illayor Lu but not a really goodl one but Eomeone nho voulil fit in rith our sounal ih{,cn uaa pretty ua{.que at the tLue aayuay. lte wanted eoneone re knes aa ueIl Eo ye knrv Stoveq wbo $a6 a frieadl frou Coloheeter and rs saldl tlf yotr btry aone ryntbs Xron can Jol,nlf anrl he itiil andl thatts hotr the five of ua got together ae vcl'l, ae lfi.ok (tas) vho Lanrt hcrs. Ee f,oiued Jurt bcfore $teve rcoe ve hacl anotber basg player bef,oro thea. Uc werl a local bandl anrt playeit various local glgsr YG Yere alrays a bit dLffgrouP aail tbErers no iloubt about erent, X neaa xo rer6 the flret ll{odcrn that.-A local prouoter eaX}eit l{tke llgrsh}e-eil to pronote g:lge rounil our ua5r1 ard ns. ffc gavc lts oult bc put ur on uarious Sag6 aadl he l.Lkeit utt 60 he ilidt a eiagle uLth tDrornl'ng Haar wh:lch ttrlt aingile whf.cb uai on hie ltttlc labaI andt it rag oalleal -t for us. great Btart Lt vas but a has been ilcletoil. It uasart that tbsn rs dtLil eope dlcno tapes and eent tben to verLoua X.abele antl ve aent oae to Bcggara Banguet rcos there val ao 4.AD then aait a bloke tbcre, Pete l(eatr anil lto rUd-ao us u;r llkcit lt but that waaurt BeBgBrs souadl they ucre a Eorâ&#x201A;Ź connercially onLentatedt label. Auyray they expregeed Lntereet in it but we rore stLll rlth Htke Uargh then ubo went io incntla ei uc cLgnedt to Ir.lD anit ha<l a ef'ngle ont ealledl rStaue On G1assl. Then re aeciaca rcther l.t vae ef'ther belng a Xocal bandt with 9 to 5 Joba fon Sevon roatbs thc rest of our livss or nake eonrsthLng of we oaue to London. (rEoner ou fPreaageet-) ,C*tU.rLng-Dsstir-AlA 12n oa a a--tmek ago loyo llben we alA reoorded the albun aa reI1 at tonrtng uith tlastcit Youth ae ro11, ae haviag a fcw "id lrlns Lu L,ondon becn etgni!8 to '-* 6;;il$ ihe nost crtrsial stager in thaLn oarser ao far bave ]Loks n]fe sovâ&#x201A;ŹBo botb ['heyfve remained happy about LooaLng
thought tt sould hefp e lot and lt'l hae brrt lt r; arso hacn dtffteult at the Fana tinel you knoul l,f.vtng ln a cguet t We alnoat IooI* at tt aF gon; ing to lrondon aa F nas atartt lng pof.nt. Everlpthtngelae uaa Settlns ready for tt.n Stevq rttfstvs done a lot nofr Up here than rerYs erer doRe?tl Ae for 4.AD thsy all agree that l.t t s the beet labal Ln Londp$ I,ndependentlff althou5h it haa a feu dmrbaEks.She obvioue one belnE that theY r d only tro ueokp Etudl,o tine ot reoorf, tholr albtrn rhleh frsn the tape I heard of tt laake esmethi,ng thq elnglee hait.Rob rtlds ar€ pleaeed rith the album but ltc Atd need extra tine bnt rqos of budgets qnd thlngo o I nsan $e probabS.y goulf, hevP dono e better af,bqu nith sxtr* time but with the time nIIotef, there waenl t a Lot lnore $e o8uld do reall,yorr Piek: rtl thtnk all the sonss aro good but qaY be we didnr t ds Juntloe to thp Robbia: rf lt uas ra*Lly hard rork Juet I oQF To nore Ihinktng wetve only get that 2 or 7 dEyB lpft. It was a btt lj,ke a productlon llne but [t had t; uE lf,ke that I cop ltrtD 3
ars not 1oaied wlth Whtah uralsee the problen of wether theYr1l be abls to renaln on aR LnieppndEnt label otr wether theyrll Ep f,or a FH,*
$or en€e BobbLeI ttHell nc|vs uef,e the break to l+ondon Pnd werve done well out qf that Fo wef ve gpt to keep oR 6oing BP and Bpo We need a baee; I trQaB
,p*nxMxrf*ffi i sslve beeq [n 3 otr 4 houaee
sinee u;lve uoved hpre and you ars never gafe' ReafI,S nou we ar6 trying to find a hpuee or flat so $e oen meve in and hav a base to Etart frpn. I ngga ovor the noxt few moqthe servs Bot a heLl of, a lot of, sork to do and w€rre not golng ts be b ere a lot of the time'tt Dtgk t ttlilerve Sot to eontend wtth thI,aga like balng evf,cted fron a houpe aRd
if uerre qot hore al
the tine uelI. o. tll neart we ],l,ke on
an tndependent l.abel and usld love to stas on it but tt n*gviable.rr ht aot be finanaialtry continued Dlakr ilI tht'nh noat ban4e raRt tor I nsan I don rt
think ltre Eelllng out ln art
rat by el,gnlng to a naJor label roos your gettlng nonâ&#x201A;Źy for Xourgclf and your band ancl presunably tbc mrel,o gete better as uel.lort I{sxt
asked then about the t Dust I ol,ngle hed on thes.Robbte 3 trylth rGatherlng Duett rle wanted to record aR np tenpo eLngle rather tban an lateresttng single.SotsGtlr-tng that rould be played at placee rhl,oh peopl,e eould tap tbe f,cqt to.Ue santed to rseord a sl'n gle llke that so sG dldrl msan at the tLnc tt uas tho only song se had llke that.n $teve: trlt wag nade aB a ;ingle.n Dlck: tlhla s&tlted to novo a fes headr I cos re 1nrt out E couple of el.nglee that rent Aa Dl,ck exptaiaedl tbey c[Ldnft Just
cffeot thelr
etart oopying that afternrarda. We didlart thtuk rAht Ecrorr sonlthiag tbat rorks re better stick to Lt.f Ha Just realise<l that tbat raa and Ltrl not a hell of a lot dH'ffenubat nc yor6 golng to do.You Juet bearil tht albua ent.I nsan sons aolgc are La i sintlar yeia. l(lathering Dtrstr like caught peopLes eyea aail tben they uent baok anit got tbe oltt stuff, aE ueII.[ really llking Lt they r Robr tfiah, cvo;1 nor rl1h tgathering Dnstr out anil peoplercor tewane ita aolil Lnereadlably On GLaeet stuff like oldl are Ucf ind lthfurg the it tben but Lnitfally rell-slncc Baeloall,y t{otlera $aglisl atr6 a fuckiag goodl group that play "qigto, nusLc rhlch haa bonbardad then got thet lnto-aleorta of-ahit ritb tbe nueic precs rbo bave conataatlSr the alburn tl{egh for ittU taeulta although a fer gnoiL reqiewe have etarteil to appear.As after the trall d,isaapol,nting bit Adl Igoers ao[FJ.it6rIng lrve onty Aeird it onoer las a buyLng. goodl well worth anil thirk lt ls ot reiUy'excl,tlng aiiglee but I sttLl IFI'I1ERIISd -BT i l..8R4lt$l{. THEATRE
HE rdHO DAnES UI$,S (g.Sr )
Theotre of Hqte
lbie tg the albun lrve probably nooet lookeil fomaril to 60 far thie foarl egpEclally I heardt.tbef,r flrst single tlegiont./r0rLgi'rer Sint (uotn of are on the albun) which proved beyond doubt their iruportanee as one of the beet new groupts of this gssrr It Eeens a btt strange that thelr first albun ehould be a live one but at J.eaet tt neang they Ean afford to FelL at a nod,eet f'2.49' probJ.em ffltb most Unfortuneately the albuna ie that llve they tcnd to sound reak unl.esE they are overdubbed which purpoee rl[lhcrefore ktnd of defeate the tt neither reflecte their etudl.o capabtlitiee or their Live power so if you want togAln ary-- : thtng fron this pS.ayed loud,. aLbun it hae to be Xhat said tt ls deffinately one of tha best live albrrne I rve heard, (wtthout any overdube) and thene fore it makes tt a than a etudLo ltttle more exciti"ng exaatlff what you I d albun.fhe Eongs ere single :excell.ent.All oxpect after bearing the teriettc SheatrE Of Eate of uhf,ch have the chatracsl,noe
angor gtvee thelr pouer aBd bite. The conbinrtion of a and basefpl.ercing g;uitar aad sonethtng that is uot oaly tbts albus lacks the fuLlnegs uot have nieeed it for antthing. l,g todey and they ghould e.lr9 you have no â&#x201A;Ź*ouscr
ffirsio a f-ittLe extra
screaning sarr;beatfng druns
Kirke holrliug vol,ce produoe gOOq DUE LffLEI,BEaDI6r'I'nOUg od but imief.stable.fhougb f of thef,r etudio aound, I rrould flhe Theatre Of Hate reflect uhat aot be nieeed at any aost and at
ftris is qul.te simply excellent,They cornbine Of Four type seratchy guiters with good tuRes to rrafr.,e great
VOLIAISE: SECOI{DS rrrO r"nru/col{IRol, ADDTCT (ROUCU TRADE) voLtair:e are the electrLc rock bantl of the Sors as proven by their thirdt Caberet To me L,p. rlhe VoJ.oe Of, Amesicatr.rtseconils Too Istett ls Just ae good as aqything theyrne C,ABSRET
before ancl l,t showe their flare for etyle andt orig:lnal"ity without becomLng obioure.trContro} Atlitictrr Ls a blt weaker but stf,ll. verlr good" !4ODERN ENGTISII: GATUERING OUSr/mtUQUImW OF A SIII{MSR tlOt'tSl'lT(WCn VSBSI) (4,rp) NeLther of the Bongs are really J.ike their last exceLLent eingle but they ane stLll brlt1fant.rrGathering Dnottt is the faster of the two tracke andl probabl,y the most popular.rrsummer Monenttr takes a longer tiure to get usedl to but then it becomes reall"y enJoyabte and. relaxing" cloae
VIRGIN PRUNESI f,rJENTlT TETfS,&EIENGE/TITE CHIf,DRSN RNg CNYTNC/GRETI,IGIIT (NNBY) I wasnrt real3.y sure what to e:rpect trhen I put this on my necordl pl"alrer andl to a certal.n extent I stfL]- donrt
know rcos I keep on thinking that the next time I play it Tr1I" hate 5"t"Any'way the four Fong6 oome Foneuhere between P,I.T,. and verXr Late A.T.V' f,'he best of them !.s the mighty rrf\irenty Tens'r which goes bombing along with a great stop-start dlnrm and bass"
-l l
,l I I
Swo nnore beaty pop song6 frorn Delta !.They are better than theLr previous two but as I eaid then they are too pop nrusicy for me.
Ltve neve:r really been interested in reggAe th?t much but ltne always ' 'l[iJc*dr: ,,', Mistyrs ELow re} etyl-e.Auguntuo: Pablors sLngle ts ver"y eimilar: to theirs and they are both rpalli top qual.ity leoorils.
t4Ass: You AIVD r,/cegBAer ( are that hae cone of the dtefunct-Berna-Rema"r.ike J"rt-f" o""" dlonrt know t{ass rrlabbagert rrsou Antt lrr has got a "haunting melodllrlsi$]a$f a lot of the okl Rema stuff lot more succesfirl thbn &oy ' fernLncts me of Rema but I f,eeL that Mass w1,11 Brove a dlidt,
E'P' (ROUgtr 8RID|E) f ooa rcellv tbc T-}!-G- To ksor llbc firpt tbtng r gboular eay {s-tb8i tnr" fu noi phlllp rLth1' as E'p; w rtu*rt end rcadt aingcr mrri'ui-r"rt- trce.uutii-r"rt
out vooaltr"t tpiiituery cnougb tt la VIC
(obPnn'lr'/nougll IRADE) I can Eay gbout
gherers not a 1"ot probably cones
?G*Itr goodl
this apart
frorn the fact that
reaEy-listeningr'I J'ike it'
FUNERAf, o!' soREs/cRq/'IDq (4'lo) : TfitEGRAM SAM/ROSECIARDPN olit BoLan cl'aEsicrin fact I ftriE is * f"*tastic'ret"rr. of the a ne$I and stronger feel".lRosegprclen
think it gives the song nore I'ike what-Irve come to expect I\rneral 0f soresi-uoottt* excelLent.Irm not surerhoweveflfrom thern and is therefo:re
getting the on tne-Zi--or-"ot t"t I think- itrsofworth fseregrans samr ?ersion sane 12, even though yoo-i"t tbe
if it is
itts very goodt ancl
IOI{ PEESONIUITIES I I KNOW UEERE SYD BARRETT vns/nmfrun [uE eAnDEI\Ea (nouen rnADE) rtra &f,aeapoLnted rtth this sLngl.e consl,dering t theytve releaeed beforc.Anynay both song6 are ott:t typtaal l[ ball^aal but I feel that they al havc tnl,ed to ptrt,aoucthlae a btt better fors the albun. BHEAD + SIRI.SCHOOLI
hcnn) $ousq/BouBn@g (nnonzs) lhcrcfc not mch point rrvtertag thLs aor foog Ltfa alreaily ahot up the cbatp but I Jo"t rantcdl to aag to aryoae rbo tagutt borgLt tt yct that tt la probabLy tbc nogt porcrfir.l dngl.c lrvc bcardl la a6ce aadl acithâ&#x201A;Źr gloflp degerre to be illcnlaacal as anotb oberw nctaltr 8rsqlr rcog thcy arcnrt lLhs Ratnbou olf II.F.O. rtbcyrle 10O tlnca betterr Irtcrrlcr ncxt Lasuc na5rbe ???? pr,EAsE Dor{rr
DEPtsCE HODEI DNEAHIStr OT Uq/TCg HAOUIM (HUSE) of, !,ndlcpeadlcat tabsls llutc haa uaaagcil
to dlavslopc a charaotcr to thet you lot elaoat kaor rbat to crpoot trou tbcn rb,lch baa lts adlvant*gcr and dLeaailvrestagal for thc group f,avolrcit.Dopeobc llodle arc orls ol thc beat grou'llg on llutc and thl,s rcoord provcr tt.Botb loagt arc pcrtrot 1d.eoe: of ayntb pop tf you lilce tbat sor* of ltuff. @fi88r NAq|sAtrr Hren${A8q/Brc A rfis[ra r (cnms) iU" r*Jo." feult rri,th eleir la thc xnat rnr thcl.r aurloal abLllty oT- 4ck-9{Jt roor tbry arih geodl-rar prk tLcy baw bcoa oarrtail tbroueb F-F.ft.l$.gprultrthat tbsy are_ g-ctttug bottcr aad bettcr rlthout bavl4S "1ahd;h fttr',,"ffir lfuilclhwlvcrlprorrr rooa thegr:tri 4c!P-or ery other-bullab!,t roalon lllc tbat. lt al,iit to-io"Bro"fcd a;a rto" la; thcy and do rhat they a{frAll l,a aLL thls 1r el *oelloat ncaa uu"t tb.r itri Udtkc a
tllgfe. En onDEEr CEREIiOM/III A ronEr,Y PracE (regroa[) thc !n$,ilor DrvIbl,s Ls a tisll of a lot bcttar thfi,r I tbougb! Lt rould-bc.I__dtdlt!-ept oaeoBot[ !9trgFflrst tg-!!etr coulf,rc{ shl,t io"s rag tt tt froa it"t-i u""ra of, furo" thc irov D{vlst fror *rt""-ise ,ary fpllrcrg{rv^itLf,fcrent ntoh aavtblne lfr-a"-irst
'dfiiii'"'i"-;-"";_r".;;;gjidlv-i-gclittrgtalot6fJ.D.IEcnotl.onhasgoner Er TRAIa (UlBEq/noug, mpn) EKKI SUDDEilT BAcr ro ms SsanE/mffiilltq or yog gLgect-are c,ebt *pect tbfi rcunita Jnrt-l!.he ttc ar ;ilffi i;-rb;';$"ir u"p" *c t[e bctier of tbc tro aolgarrlrr!4f tbtp rtuf,r.rn*un i;-fh;Strngt-ii ecirrrrtclv bcca plens bavc nuohotleanshLle thet rtle a sort of, f;unk tniis;hriu i aon;t-reat:v hcep cyss otrru for that. Ld;ior-r-atr.-Jui"-llrBr rctrorpccttvJro
UImoIIT n gnArVMX olfil ll|EsrXolt (BURIfIIS SOUE) -^--r^-tbcsa ane atudllo veralons ss"at a9!ut lLvr albnu butnrllt ;;;i.;6raa oa j1cr,i ;;;;# I eu that ailnttt I albrrnrAnyrey the rhtoh neara tueiri*-i;t iLt talel-grou tLrct to tbc up etanit iioi realtt tbrak tire3. aosrt i u.grapirltca *iu tnca ttts grtitth*t tbtrk r rttll ",iebtr' tu"i conrdt or-eons a bit IEEASRE
andl rrn i""i a good aindle. (8'M.I') BOt' tJfi lfi3 Ioi[/q-36rc-6orc-90 amal pg!,at-enit t bope t[at lnoplc turig-b;-{sscil_raturatlon r tht!tr thte currcat trlbal pcaoc-._ruo*, t" probablv onc ot of bt[ gooa il Ft-" 1111 *st feit rp-rtth Lt tbLa tbtne but thgj itrg all ahLt ewnreto ths begt aong' ti-ior" o"t of"o-i EEAI r scBEallED BUT FoR A Arorgsn pnnrsr FAcEr lfil soBRY--trqs,1-ryll-Io-9-Itl.*Px frilidffi*rffii i barrf, rstr corfrnor (curcrgl g+F-qpu)
;ffi9'th".ry;: T 1i :l:,'*:T:).1:: t; ;:;$:-r;i tracFc.It 8 featnrcr -tAF mo.$V1^P! rod'r gscat
W ,)
;;rii;a-rrlris coulil Bc Ealrr anil thcLr f,antagtl'c f,croca I'l,vc forcvetrr.
Uhea f uentl,oa Cberry Red Reoordls lrn eare of you rlll thtnk of the Deadl Kcunedya but rea-lly tbe_ fa! nnrnk aonbi9e6 s"cn iodariry-out of plaoc tberel nore euited ts labele llke freeh rho teud to clqterr round puak groupa Like [he tlal1 errd U.K. Decay (both of rhos lrve iuterrtcrie in oltter iesuee).Aqynay Cherrly Red aeen to be norq intereeteat tn tbe p_ost punk vastelande ard uot tZ6 revivelLete.rndeerl one kqv thiug about noet of the groupg on the rabeL le that tbey ell seci to uc fairly orl,giaal. I.hc -noat pronlnaut/recent gronpg to appear on the nccentX.y uovedl label (nm altuatail at !] Kcoalngton earalna Sq.' Ioldton iaagl.l -"rc In-Gazallhe Trarsnl.ttcrarsive or sf,xrt{ciltun Metliunsscooaa-rayer audl of,couree tbc lyclega Dcail Kcrrledytr EIEIESS I$ 6AZ4 are pretty asfal and lrn dtefftnatetf aot trylng to eay -"y (tn fact tbc ou,I.y goodl, nuslclane out of thig lot are plobatry othorvl"ae ine-rranenitterc ) and vhen you J.iaten to tleir itebut albnn rPhotographe Ae ilcnoiieor ii"tii 6ot to uav" a pretty ptrong ryt1l not to turn tt of,f. But if you manage to lf,gten beyond tha ff.ret feu trraoka
Ll probabty ntart getttag ueed to thelr aty}erloll ntght 6vsn got to llke ltrl love tt your
Ror.[hey are the
moet exeiting and group on Cherryf Rpdl and as Mlke fron C.R. or;
plained to trâ&#x201A;Źr nI think thie le thc
sort of albuq yorrtll Itke to have around
Ln twenty SeafFrtt f,he el.nplc faet l,s they eound rcallif goodr
Next the
rho are on EeartbEat Reaorde bave Juat releaeed tbaf.r Znil albu,n tAnd t{e Call ghat lrsl,aure ftner uhioh lrve nav{sred cleeuhere Bo IflI Juet 6ay unl*kc Byeless they are good nuelEtans but SRAI\FMITIERS
they nalse a shtt tsouqd that bqrea no
itudc ls beet suned up by thplr bapeiet rWhatts
uho gatd
the po{nt ln naklng
nf,oe nugl,o
Irm not Fure but
I think tAnotlrer
leaeon! La ff,VE OR SIXts flrpt af,ngle. ff, so I feql tt leavep roou f,or lsprovenent althoush fron whst lfvc hsard thay Escn to
rsrel in their laak of
l{or }{EDXUH !{EDIUH rho releaeetl thelr tEungrf So An6rJrr singla a rhlle ago uhich ileal*te belng .erer so ell.gbtyl nonotonue hadl a good beat rhich carriedt Lt through.I feeL tbEt the B*Slde ras a bLt better anil tbeae arc mogt f.ikeLy to be the group if to becona popula,rr any -Smgl{D'rafpn ie&a to sound lllre an awf,ul. attempt to oopy earl3r iloy }Ivl.aioa at fira you but tf svol.dt that L{lca thcir r$orildl Of Rubberf a].bun Le rea1J.y good antl a fer lfateraf,t oLthcr csaila you to sleep on aotLvatee you to lLeten to Lt agpLn.[he Etran thtag te that the songs Lesn to ohange sltebtly rtth each lLgton and tnuariably they sonnil a
lot better vtth tLrc.
FtuqlXy tba DEA,D KEI{I{EDIS rhos euperb strlag of clngLee lail up to an eqgally croelLout aLban fFreah filirtt I'or Botttu8 Vcgtablssr.Itrs rtrange that rhen f atart getttng fee up wLth all tbe t?6 reylnal groupt the Dead Kennedl5re aS.nays ocen to keep nc Lntcrcstedl La rbat tboy are itol,ngr&rt-].l,ka I eairl bcfore tbey itoatt reaLly f,it tn rtth tbe rest of, the etr:ouBa oa thc tatet anit they sould have besn Laft ort of thLs rrttc up lf, thoy rercnrt ao fuc&tng 6ood. l.n funger of beooniag a cuLt f"!*l anil f I ilolft re*Xiy thtak that eberry Bed lg(uaybe {Ua,tts thc beauty of the labe1).&rt ibnrt think any it tbe groups are ipectal good nnreicLans to proituce sonethf'ng that I fecl they ahor tbat yiu dinrt havl to be roulil ia rorth hlariag.I ea3rt honestlif reeouend cverything thatpttley put out $f9h hearLng rorbh is out stuff, they thc nogt of, [" a tft sfitBtal-a!ilray but X'thtak eyen if l,ttg Jnct beoause itrs sonctbiag orlg$.nlrl for a ohange.
P.S. Thanks to
MLke Aftray
Gberr';r Rcd[
for all the help and etuff be gere ne.
BPuh WrwPhUx