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viewerS setreral punks aroUnd him weeks vrewer'! ten weeKs next ren the nexr uver OVer rne
initl'';'t: if,ot'1";orl:l#l'*,11"?:hester J.l,",11 punk rans spittins at their idors I -o.r,r.rro when Granoc;;r;, ir* ,: -;?#3i F" stage' . beer
group. then being beaten uP
ruE soFT BoYS e. ?, stN4r-E
ts RetgsgD zfl Oq
or 6tVE tTToTltE soFr Bo\s. ON R.AW RECORDS.
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This Sig htas heLd at Blimps club, a small room at the back of the DoE and Pheasant pub on the outskirts of Campridge. Itfs itre snallest place I t d ever 6een, it t s about half the size of the cosy Red Deer in Croyd.on- its so smal-L that the band tl[a]ce up'the whole width of the room. Expensive (a quid to get in, 44P for a pint of bitter) Uut stays open til1 f, a ? every night. The Lurkers didnS.t come on stage until IO.JO. There was no
support band. If youfve heard their single youf11 know what kind of music they play- fast laud and simPle. TonY D. of RiPPed & Torn (tUe Lurkers No.1 fan) says it takes a few listens before You start to rrrlirr appreci.ate the subtleties of
their music...tonight (tfre second time I I d seen them) I thought they were as subtle as a kick in the balls. I liked them a lot better tonight than I did last time I saw them (supporting Gen.X
at the l,larquee ) probably cos I knew what to expect this time. They pLayed a halfhour set, went away for half an hour and then came back to play some oorer That I s one of the things I liked about them, they really care about their fans, which is more than I can say about groups like the C1ash, Damned etc. Their set included: No clue, On heat, Love dark, Pills ( ttre I'{. Y. Dolls song ) ; Love story, Cyanide, Total brar, SeIf destruct, Then I kissed her ( ttre Crystals song I think) , Freak shown Flass media, Prisoner, and Shad.ow. Ity favourite was Tota1 idartbat !,ras bloody briLl-iant t That slrould have been their next single (Uut it isntt gonna be).
stage now singin I about how poor they are and lrrlrxt there they are wearint leather Jackets anr all that that
cost forty quid
j.nsaw: What about the r icher , successful bands? Cha
Manic Esso: Most of them arenrt genuine. Generation X are thougb, Bil3-y I s a good bloke. But the fuckin r Sex Pistols-- theyrre a fuckint joke. We were quite friend,ly with them Last year but not oolrrro They couldn I t give
T 0
â&#x201A;Ź ,h
a fuck about their X fans.
Chainsaw: Do you think youf 1L ever get aa rich and famous aa them?
Manic Esso: No. Why, do you
not really. Do you tbinl't that when the sunday papers and, the nusic press Lose interest in punlct a Lot of the fans will lose interest as Chainsaw: No,
- well?
Afterwards I cornered drummer l.{anic
for a little chat, this is more or less urhat was said ( or, what I can remember of ,if it ) : ( If\. I t ve got
Manii Esso: No f think itt1.L stay. What all the publicity has done is to nake people come and see punk bands to Fee what it r s Like. .. it r E here to stay IIOWr
something enornously wrong blame the
Chainsaw: t'Ihy werenrt you wearing your Esso overalls on stage tonight? Manic Essb: Who told you
I wore
Irve seen you wearing them.
Manic Esso: Ifve only worn them once or twice. You must have seen us when we pLayecl, the &larquee. Itts nuch too hot wearin I that bl.oody thing. Anyway we
don|t believe in dressint upl aL1- we do is get up on stage and p3-ay. I mean now you get bLokes that 6et up oa stage wearint dog colLars and stuff like that. Dog collars are for fuckint dogst aren I t they? You get Punk bands on
z n
r's %ffia$ff-
Chainsaw: trJbat are your f avourite
Chainsaw; I'Jere you
first single?
Manic Esso: The Dolls, they lrere good they hrere. And the Ramones and the
Chainsaw: What are your
Manic Eeso: Errr. . .
t really
Chainsaw: I{ave you always had f.ine-up?
I'lanic Esso: No. A few months ago we changed bassists. We used to have a bassist caLled Nigel who left to join Snank.'Glen Matlock hras gonna join u6 after he left the Pistols but he went and formed. his own group instead. (Fu-u-u-uckinteLlt ! ) Actually werve been playing the kind of nusic we do now for four or five years. But it I s Et only been recently when punkrs come along that we I ve been able to play gigs and release singJ-es.
Manic Esso : I'lo . The product ion was !r very bad. Our next singles a lot better, tt I s produced by Ed Hol1is ( ttre Hot l?ods producer ) .
satisfied with
i.Jhat I s
I,ianic Esso? Freakshow, with Mass Media on the B-side. The Lurkers are: Howard Wallr/Vocals. Pete Stride/Guitar.,A.rturo Bassick/ Bass. l"lanic Essor/Drurxe e
ftrc nocc qou listcetottr trrrkcrt
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itrprtsld I shp{l?"\
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'rr€SvzzcocKs brotsT +Tt€ Ar Lrv€ This
Th€ &Re,1gou^rD, cR.orlDoht ever been. llhey uere uilee better than ua€ tbe first ni.ght
of the neu on the Roxy albun. They were faataEtic. nuzz"o"t<" Go.aaal 6ee then at your earlieet oppot;;-;;---aai, thev ;;;; ;; ;;d; ffiljilr'j"*lioilli' "ou'"" """"' :l"il;f'"nueic couralntt have been better. The worst cane oB 6tage at auout 8.5o and for about r2O ninutJs th€y Just '-,The and tight. they aiA aii Y"t 91.Tr -t: E4eLr favouriteeseered. to be a nediocre puak eeaeon at the Greyhouitt ana tUe were great. But tie Woret ii"ed
band. Tbey th:.""-piece, witb guitarieithe 1:::=1 They might have been alrigbt if they had a gootl einger, the band coul6 play tbeir insf runents'yeil enough. They uere quite a laugh at tines, tfre-eiager" (sho looks Like fra1coln uac,ionaraj siid rrFor all of tho6e people that io """" is r see ua and not th6 Buzzcocka. trr:.s eong called hlaeted Journeylrt Higbpoint of their aet cane aftel about quarter of an hour when the 6inge! grabb€d the nike and eaial llf any youne-Iadi
like to
Boretton, Break_
Battery, 16, orsaei
nlii"t, ll[l.l"": v.-54:'tr !'aat_Car6r l{hatever [appened
t3'-.:_ r and lots of others. the way Pete Shelley iatroduced ".-I lil:hiB 60!g6. Eers got a voice a bit like.the bloke that th" Magic (vlth ""id. a Manchester rciett) l:Tndabout t!ilxtilll( t-z-f-t+ iife-le-' 11d. 1"-9aye couJ-dnrt give a toes. ls a eoag callerl Oh shit. If n€ _-llhit. to::": h.""|q 1? using laaguage like
that sherd kilL
!h: -"3core - theydid Tinere Up and "Ft"i-irt" '_T::. Davv herel coe he's f;3"ll"rlft,3ninl"u abeolutely covered in flob. IIe eaia f But i! th6 en. their aet rae fuckinc chaos, aad I thiaii t[it -r,is "iitlni ioiiir - nr.o?k werre going to 6tart again. If ae nell. They did on6 6ong tbat -;ii thev !( anvo!:-:tarts Sobbing again ie'Ii eiop, come
#iiili i:'Hl;
il-;"" E :i:"I;,,Til.l liill"iriiil ii-:rli" ""nt "iooi.out rhvthme' r/l ot nv ora ecr"'iiliJn"'". Audience :llTl*t ;iir:1""ffI1fi; obevld, pEB' heard an.r the sinser wairin"l;t:'L:t;ff" -ir". "r-"J"i'J.--" up ae
a Bansiee. nut
,"lil_*" EEE
*:;;.;::t li*"i;j"ii;*"i::":;i;."'" aad a"nothe!
Devotot8 forned a
g d n f,
a I
f) o
::ll; ::;":;":fllt ff:'iit.:::i. f, ;iF theyrre il-a
cod ao goocl now. P€te sbelleyra eiager. Ubat a rov-, tiey were all out of tune with each othei. r^tf:9 eooa eiager a6 Devoto erer yaB. They did the worst Louie Louie Irve -"ti Tl" two guitars (SUeltey and. Steve ever heard. It uae eo baat tbat the DiI iil Dl'891€). atld nore depth to the eound, turaerl all the nikeE and anps off aail \. lhey nake a fuller aad richer eounrl. '.|2New boy Garth is on baee- he looke fiore put the CLash albun on. Tso ninutea later the nikes sere on again, aaal tbe like an arnrour-plated tank thal a hunaa bein8. He carl really play it, as vel1. new einger eaid trTell the DJ hete a Drlnner Joha I'laher ie tirelese- aud bera uanker! Anil the eane appliee to the etill ooly 16. aau.agen€nt berer they eiio we coulilnrt The tbilg I really like about the p1ay, but we didltr Buzzcocke le that theyrre funl They lrr o More .in folloleit. It uas so batt I felt like daehing off to the centB bog dolrt try anat f111 you up up yith ;11 E' that Clainaute Urlon/Rlght to llolk crap, ancl locking myeelf in the cubicle. all thcy do is get on siage anal enJoy : But__ thi Buzzcocke nade it all worthvhlle. They were great, they were tbemBelveB. The nueicra tbe noet iipirtant thinSr whatevor aryone 6ay6- I neaa what the Dew-lrave le all about. i'aot, gonaa liaten to groups like Ioud, bureting witb energy, and fun.' llto_t " onersea ia tvo o! three years tLne? Theyrvc bee! without Devoto for sons Still...glad to see they havenrt tlne non and theyrve really settlerl in. theyrre probably botter aow ttraa tueV'vjrlulncil into auother Claeh...yetl
Io I
the lOO Club- not quite true as it turned out. First band on were called
Cant-B-Bad. Poxy nane theyrve got for thenselvâ&#x201A;Źo1 but they werenft too bad. They weren|t punks, they Looked like mum6 & dads like their teenage sona to look- Donny Osmond, haircuts etc. Their music was a sort of cro6a between punk and heavy-metaL. They were fairly fast, with a good solid rhythn. Next on trere the Skunks ( forraerly known a6 DoLe queue. ) They played. some good. powerful stuff. They rere foungexcept for tbe drummer who wa6 bearded and balding. There lras a rather rcierd atmosphere here tonight. There were no punks at all ( apart from rnembers of the bands ) - it se emed l-ike about 6O Daily Telegraph and Guardian journalists cane along to 6ee what Bunk rock was all about. (I knew it wasnrt gonna have that many punks there, cos both Gen X and X-ray Spex were playing down the road, but this wa6 rid.iculorso ) There was no pogoing- and, obviously they were expecting this so--- they put out tbree rows of chairs in front of the staget And to think, this used to be one of the country t s most inportant punk venuesl o XTC themselves you could hardly call punk. In fact f I ve never heard any band that sound.s like this. They
are a four-piece, includiag
keyboard player. They play fast, J erky songs ; each one conpl-etely different from the last. fhey werenrt very heavy- they rely on their own style of music rather than a wall of noise. Theyrre not the lind of band to go and 6ee if you ruaat your a brain blasted out. They t ve been together il for 6ome time D,owo Two years ago ( then known as the Belium Kidz) tUey were featured in the NMEfs Roadrunner series for up and coming band.s. T1:e1,' I Oolied rea,l.1:. r,iiord, they h,.C their 'dor,,n to the 3rOrmd- A.'l ",rost. The Ni{l ea1lerl then the ul tinate E:l Dorado cl unlir:iteC f-:ner fertune.and filth- it thelr on^e thre.ror a eo] orrr TV out of the windor: of ?,n arreriea4 hotel rnd nobo<ty eomplr_ined. ft also says they nerforrn a nixerl prograrrlne of hard roek (=o I )::ope thq' dont u-'re the old el-iehe rtl,,/erve 'lreen f.r1a-;.rip.t this kind of nusie for ;rer,r^:, anC *kry tha,t the;,'r:e Fonnr oind the g'oing IIXT'-],jFI[TY
F x
Theyrve hacl their hair cut since
then of course. Being different fron everyone else is sure to get then a dedicated fo11owing. If they donrt get very rich and successful they I 11 get their own hard-core of fans- that I s what you get for being original.
this to be a great gig. Unfortunately it wasart - I didntt think 999 vefie nuch better than an average support band. True, they did some good things but srr on the whole it wa6 the usual three-chord stuff that has been done ten tines better. Ir11 give a mention to the support band ( as always ) tney were called the Tools. They had a loony-bin job of a singer who kept ot1 f a Lling over. They was eprpecting
were alright I apose r Back to 999 again folks...
groups that had ttesent tunes..Thatrs DID have tunes. But,..this gig wae Just so BORING, tunes or no
iro", tt"y tunes !
This could have been one of their off
suppose- I hope it was r for s sake. After the gig when bardlY anyone clapped I the DJ shouted out X Come or r you can do fuching better than that lrl True. But maybe they didnrt want to. G99 rrf, were brave thoughr they did three 6ong6 for an encore after that!')
nights i everyone
and powerful. Extra bonus here tonight, three bandsWhat I really didn't like was the two of which (Swords + Victims) Ird never stupid tough-guys stanee. Calling tbeir heard anything about before. The Swords came on at about 8.15 to an almost empty roadies fucking cunts three or four times over the speakers because there was a Greyhound. They sounded alright, OK for fault with the monitor isn I t reaIly very a support band. They werenr t anything like the great hope for L9?8 but r*hat the funny is it? The singer Riff Regan tries desperately hard to look outrageoue or fuck...a good, r*ay to spend half an hour d.umb- he wore those stupid pink plastic of your t ine. They come froro llounslowglasses all the time. He started their theyrd brought along 6ome of their Local by set throwing tampax bags into the fans with them. I donf t think any Croyd.on audience. And halfway through their punk dared pogo r*hen the Sword.s were set the singer Regan picked up an playing, these Hounslovr loonies kept on inflatable rubber doll- you know, the kicking each other about and writhing on type frustrated businessmen get- after the floor- it waa great fun to t*atch five minutes of fingering its crutch J if yourre a sad-ist. that got thrown at the audience as welI. The Victiros came on next and they were. As for tbe music- cant t rea1Iy compare a bit of a disappointment. I apose they it to that of any other new-wave band couLd play their instrunents a6 well as so go and see them if you think you the Swords but I didnt t like them a6 can stomach a spoil t I ittle boy singâ&#x201A;Źt. much. They had the usual two-chord. riffs The best thing they did was their laet and they used Lots of $wea,r word"s rf song; Swinging Lond.onf r. That rif f t s to stop their maiden aunties coming to going still througb, my mind, it I s watch tbem. They gave ne the impression I great. realJ-y They also did ( as you t d that one o f them said ltlley , there s expect ) ttreir excellent f irst singlC nothing on the TV these days, let t s form a punk band.- that t s what everyone else is Iiveryone t s a tJinner, its B-side l{andd,oing.rt l,IelL theyrre not going to get any cuffed, and tracks fron their new 12inch EP- including that bastardisation better unless they really believe in of ttFrid,ay on my mind[. That sounded themselvesl at the moment theytre totally much better live f than on the EP. without character. But.. theyrre a very In the encore a few friendly pogoyoung band ( tne singer only looked about t d.ancers decidid to join the lrn band 1.5 or 16) so give em t ime . on Regan qutckly hurried backstage. Of f went the Vict ins r on went Lond.on. stage, the reet of the band kept on They werentt bad, but they hadnrt improplaying. proves one thing, the (in That June). ved mucb since I last 6aw them rest of band the care about their fans Like the Victins they also seened rather llOf,O r insincere- but at least Lond,on nake up London are: for it by playing some good, meaty punk Rifr' Regan-vocal-s. Steve Voice- bass. the usual twoto They donft stick rock. Dave fiight-guitar. Jon lloss-drrr86 o or-three chord two minute 6ongs format
R€Hp TlS.,, Cns€r rtl,rnibn Lalyrlvly iLlil yru lay Es?rrC.ns cntGet e grlp rn yrur:self. hove it? Just tle facts.Buady ls The Slngloe Peaches Is lhe Rtff.Tle Only Ones" Can yru argue?s.mEtling bett€r chanEe(thls case tlat I been working on sr long). Lernno lpIt you a secretyyou better Stralglten eutoTLat|s the CONFIDINTIAL. tJ flrwrfrr tle Stran€L erslthore are n. mare Herces.Thelr oa';e ls closeil. But youlyou in tho she-tl o!vs, what ryou think .f that?Ale tls Stra.nglers ycur he!.C6. Diil you nrsh rut anA b\y?Diil you slt at h.m€ anil p).ay?Did yru alnperrwimperr ool anal aal as y.u! fLngers altd the walking? r,Yhen I was yrungel Lari a brok.l'h"e Ruthloss Rlqmes.Nursery rhyrnesl lbout little Jrnnygwhr b.r!.wei tho canring knife rvhen m:n and .lail were rutetr have a lc.k at IlttLe slsterrr }IandJrl s blcctloEe found it rv.s red oNow frn eLder and nry taste ls more restrainedrf can listen to blg brrther Jean'Jacques chantlng nice little ditties abcut nLce little tlttiee(Brlng en the nubiLes)111us ether trlvis. ltko I F;lo1 Llke .fi VoEr Posent in the blg Shitty anil Schooi l,iRm.Th€y slrnd nlcelbut so A. nursory nhJrmos You pay three cluLdl and. yru can hear lt founi your frlenilrs &nyway.That threo quiil fer some of tle clasoy singles that thntt mike tte charte (Devc frr.eno)3 *q/ ccr*t lH tr soo any tand. LfV:r ana buJr aLl tle fanzlnos ypu want(nt'nr).ftio all rn arjrnil y.urllol.Sut thingo rtrntt go on for evere! 6 tr J cn that froocloro dcesnr t last past Januarye ( Rarnenberryeu read lt in Cleinsew first( ,.ls(I}lfF6}tyfirl td:ittdv unlese you rl. senething about it.Ancl Ir11 t€ll you for w\y.[hcre aro half e6 t hrny fanzlnes n'l as Just three roonths ngo.Se crnillyr there are c reasonable number rf Irunk bs.ntls elgned upltlo buglness ls gettlng egri1lr and. ytu oan bet y.ur last silvsr sefety pln tlft'glven aalr cla&ce et aJ.l theyrll sow tle markot up ln tlelr CHrlstmas ktIl-sel! brry-rutepunk super\ype campalgneoTllen thet happensetheyrll bo laughLng, ani yrurl1 bs ct?tng f.t all thrse crazy banile yru nevor lad the mrney .r tbno to seo( f,laney spent rn nurlsery r\rnos ;t.fune you 1.6f, in living slon. Your the ane wl. can clance &way.Tl€ banile you lovo dr thelr bostrlho Plstrle cause they say tr\rck Yeu tr arlycne whrrll brthor to llsten (tts ln the ttiglo VinylltrI l?annc Be l,{ert )lrThe Clasl oause tley say tr\tck I.u tr lhrlsrcrrn C.3.S.t, tle Siranglers ty rolenslng e1l thelr snartest nainsongs as singlessleavlng tleLr albuns for c11 the lo.ney€il trond.lea t. bqy(If ycu.il_o!:, bellevs thairtoll mo why the song thet thrught was Peeohes et the$€fr5d concorts .f'thoir recent t rul Le cellei Deed. Rin6ot't.Donr t tetl ne thoy lonrt rHEI. )X.!r J,tte ilovn tp yru- lthe people wlr lm nake tle offrrt tr get te lrrrr w wlatrs actually avallable, to koep lt tlat wryeelse tlere wrnrt bo n.tlLng tr flnil rut abrut.ff yru dtnrt : aciually ever get rn etagerrr 1ay flhgers on a tyle-wrltsr (Eele)rtut Juot get on lttth_livlng your llf,e hrr yru rantrthetrs oml.E1 f ask snd klck and beg ycu lot [E[ERtr l;xl-gx, ]rurBR let tle pereelter, ln tloir grlney rffloos 1ftnlt yrur freeibn sl.nply because ltrs easler tr flnl .ut $het tlqS,?selltng than ol6clrln6 out an tl'o stregttand lf tlerels a ohrlce betveen two groil recrr{.egtwr grel cenoertsl tra twa g..i torkelilonlt teke tle better lqrrrvn .n€ttooeuoe sruerne elge wlll hevdltako tle .no by the leeser lolmn ( luilo EVTRY tinolbeonuee tletrs tle one Tla n6ea6 tle D.n6yo e are nuoiolnrt nunters in *h clart.Tle flnal crltorlrn Ls yrur nlnC.Tllo Rec.rds yrur Eerc? le Tho
{l!Jiftc}'.'P, ij$.ei$:it rFai! -''-
Kiatclurtcrcqrie Hnte
ne-w album
"'Eno'w crllhl llal tt\t/tl \iloA
tn\ navieu o$ {hc
fTn {tc ncxt F^tc
LsunsJS$: e Bo\Sfne*')
is a Beatles 6ong r the only nottoriginal. It doesnft quite come offr it
changes t empo t oo much. trTonight tr ( iVOt the MC5 or Hove song) is a classict
with Play it loudt Other classics on the album sick on you/I call your nane/funble pre-ssins,/ care,/soda dont ;;7T";i g,it/r are: Sod.a Pressing ( geddit? ) 1 First tine, llo' t"too"i. Sid,e two: First time,/Box Number Kiss Like a nunr Cop cars and, Keep runnin6/ ,/Kiss fit* " ooo/Cop carsr/Keep running. There t e enough of themt citY' the in xids/tiving Tenement X ttFirst timerf was their second. single and itfe greatt Itfs very pop-nusic-ish This albunr s bloody good.. (B1eedinl but itfs still- goodr tbeytve nanaged U"""t: I Theret are a lot of classic tracks to combine the innocent rrl met her last r and nothing I d reaL1-y call crap" ' it s friday at the loca1 dancelft pop-nusic nothing rile the 6lash album of course charrn with the raw energy of punk. Same uut iti" niles better than the Damnedrs applies to Kiss like a nun- that I s even effort. better. Theytve mixed d'own the vocals to an I dont t Like the Last track Living in it almosl inaud.ible leve1 in partsthe City. It shows that someonefs been t comes off pretty welL but they bavenr listening to the MC5ts Back in the USA. Boys sound' (r donrt ;;;-;" unmistar*ur" Both albums finish off with a rock and know if that t s a good tfting or not ' ) ;ro11 song that starts with a few second's I guitar solo. fhere are a couPJ-e of ttsick on You" is the oPener' It s other ulkxrrr ratber boring songs but Boys 6ong cos probably the most famous that doesnr t matter nuch cos aLl the ;i tue iyrics but it I s not one of their songs are about L$-*'2 minutes ' The one best 6ongs . Casino St e eI ( tfre Boys thing I reallY dont like about it is piano,/vocalist ) ueed' to d'o it in his it lasts less than half an hour which forner bandl the Brats. rrl call your is stupid. Nice cover though.
rn€$nwRs No tv\oRe HER oeg (u.A) Tbe Croydon Advertiser said this was the best Punk album ever released.
/ Sorry fel1as but I donf t agree. Tlis offering, conplete with predictable rat on innei'sleeve, isntt a patch on their first rh album Rattus NorvegiGllsr Itts
in the first 9 quite easy to see whYof 19?? theY I ve released four singles ( five if you include the free one they gave avray rrith Rattus Norvegicus) and two albuns. So this has been ruehed. There are a couP1e of great tracks on thie but a lot of it is very very boring. A littLe more tine and it lould have been a lot better. Another tbing this lacks is the ssrl colour t inaglnation and. variety the firg! album had. Just about everYthing on this t album is a rehash of what they ve d'one before (on1y not aa well). Ifl]. give a mention to the nore memorable tracks: rrBit chingtf ie one o f the good' t uns ' It I s typical strangl€?s- one of their fasterr more direct songs. I! does 8o on a Uit too long though. This has been one of their favourite stage numbers' Dagenham Dave is another goodie t it sounds fresh and' innocent' I dont Like
the ending though, it sounds like Yes. Ju1ie BurchiLl please take note, rfBring on the nubilesil is very sexist. I like a bit of sexism every now and again. Unfortunately I the music I s GF6,pr nrtPeasant in the big shittytt is one of the tracks that appeared on the free single they gave alday with tbe first al-burn. It I s got Dave Greeaf ield on vocals- and a wierd rhythm. It I s the only really original track on the whole albun, if you aee what I B€?rrr ttBurning up tinettis another of the good onesl Sugh CornwelL spits out the words with real v€ooutr But rrSchool Manrl the longest track on the aLbum is a blood.y disaster. It starts off aLright but it Just goe6 on and on and ono The last two minutes are 60 temible its aLnost embarassing to listen to. Ugh! The rest of the album isn I t worth writing about. No more heroes and Sornething better change you t ll have heard
already. Well in short this is the ultimate LP that should. have been an EP. Stranglers fans night Like it but I I m not very impressed. I await their next albuna and siagle I they t ll probably be out in
December of January knowing them. One dprs i I m puzzled about- why do they now cbff themselves Stranglers TV???