City Chains #2

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Almosi every word of the song he nouthgdr was badley out of tlme and the aggressive face pulling looked pathetlcr_ as dld the whole enbarasing Ef,ow. Itm sure when Costello saw lt afterwards he reallsed how useless lt was and lt that is the case knowing how, Costell is:-

It rontt happen agaln. 0R 1lloz HE TAKTNG THE MICK ! All information to be sent to. All letter I s to be sent to t CITY CHATNS. CITY CHAINS. 233, Pankhurst Crescent. WaY' 3, Shephall Chells, Stevenage t





scrcens b

Frtt, Ad^arr(p),NhaSra


Entnnce to exlt Alrightt Its ne againr our number one lssue has sold very we1l, and werre pleased wltb the great conpllnents wefve been gettlng from you. As you know the last one, rdas our first Lssuer wâ‚ŹrlI we think werve made a great step ahead with thls one, werre packing nuch more news into the spacers werve got. since the last j.ssue, varicose veins have played at the Roxy wlthout, -- slaughter and the Dogs; which can only d.o them good. Elvis costello has broken the Top Thlrty with hls Lp. Renember what I told you about how dlfficult tickets wou1d. be to get hold of well itts already started to happen, the Nashville is packed. every Sunday, there is going to be many disapointed Costell-o Fans I cah tell yat lrlerre very pleased to see that the Home Office is shortly to allow The Heartbreakers back into dear old england; wefll have to make a polnt of seeing emt because the last time we went to see them we ended up watching Johnny and

the Tormentors and Tanya Hyde and. the New Hearts at therCallyr in Dunstable, it was a bit of a 1et d.own. 0h yeah - on the subject of the rCa]lyr in Dunstable, for the inforrnation of Punks outslde the vicinty it has temporarily closed., we shall give you more infornation when it becomes classified.. rf you had difficulty in obtaining the last copy and you would like an easier way of getting one write to us with a p.o. and. we,l1 send you the required amount of copies need.ed.

Tlpbgtnho$n Rcts WE






So read. on

to ftnd out more about the Ratrs'



Lead Sing€r.

Bass. Rythme. JERRY3 JOHNNY FII'IGERS : -Keyboards Druns. SII{ON! -






glg at the Marquee was scorchlng. with over 1 r0o0 excited fan lnslde it was no surprise, lle had a chat with Johnny Fingers after he had recovered from the concert. I thought you were brilliant toni€htr how did you Clty Chaj-ns. feel about tonlghts Performance ? Ifve enjoyed,myself' I It was fucking hot, but Johnny. put a lot into tonights glF, *." .t*ty p1ea6ed, we ao-yot, Ltb* that as soon as Bob got back stage he


passed out.

c.c. John. c. c. John.


the Yer, I noticed. he was only lg finish break. instrumentle that of because i;;i nunber is a problem' It I love the Marquee, .but the heatvenues' I love Lt ranks as ond of my favourite

London, and Blrningham. l{hat have you got llned up for the future' Well on Mond.ay after we come back from Dublin Bolan has asked *";ff u" off to Manchester, Marcperform our new to show his T.V on appear to us Single Irf""E".y want t s us to come over to the states r but *r" rr"nt to get a no6entum behlnd us here before *re go dashiig off anywhere. There is also the possiEillty oi a tour o-f Europe. and J?Ptl: wll "tr6ne t{e doitt know what to expect fron the tourr lt be we should think I us. for U" an experlence poine bv Christmas. to doa 6n-iEatr, oo Frlday werre al-l off to Dubllnand' the s Hotel Maront New Lt trre coulle 6f sttnts stage on b9 w€'re-gonna Daliy Mount Stadlunr shall we go i,nto Janning with Thln LLzzy. Elelrt want ' to clear uP. roadies our roour ifre dr6sslng r


Aflsr Ncl

Once lnslde John had a well earned rest. You could see hor tlred he was but this was not the reason he had hls Py-Jamas on ! At thls point Pete "(Uass) enter.ed with painfull assesnent. I Irm startlng to feel slck arrh'I feel bit better now. C.C. Whatrs your view of tonlghts glg ? Pete. r thought we have played better gigts at other places. C.C. Youtre fans seem to think that your performance was great Pete. Yer, the heat was very hampering and bearlng in nlnd that, I think we had a great audience herel they had themselves a enjoyable night. c.c. As the Boontown Ratts are going to be Jannlng wlth rhln Lrzzy in Dublin, can any muslcal appreclation be drawn ' between you and then ? Pete. we1l, r thlnk Thln LLzzy are a good bandr 8s indeed they have proved over the last few years. I can a6tually libten to them, but thatfs as far as lt goes, they havenrt exactly caused a musical revolutiofn wittr ifrter muslc. C. C. This is a Tight schedule you are now entering. what effect do you expect it to have on you ? Pete. I canft really say how the next few weeks are golng effect tDâ‚Źr because Irve never been j-n a positlon llke-this before, as a group we havefnt had that many gigs bunched together so in that respect Irn looking forward to the hard iork. Wetre going to pace ourselves to about 4 gigs a week. C.C. Do you mind being away fron home for so 1ong. Pete. I miss my own cogntry but I know ItlI get back eventually. As you know we'lI be back- tomnomow night. Wet}1 be bacir from rreland on we9nesday, then we stait glgging the follgwing week, Ird like tg-play at the Marqu-e-again, I rea1ly like the place except the heat, and the difficurty of getting younger people to come and see us. some of then do manage to get in I saw then at the front. Bob walks in, stl1l exhausted fron the energetic performance hetd. put in. Bob. There really should. have been better restrlctions on the numberrs allowed 1n - but money means alot to certain people I rts-explortatlon but we have to play because we have to survive. rt Uo\.re Howf s the new single going.: ? Bob. rtts shltted the charts, wetve sold lzrooo coples and believe this the BBc ls going to play our record. even more tlmes thanthe Brother Hood ol Min. All across the board. the stngle has recieved rave revlews. c.c. Whors the nain lnfluence in the band. Fl

qonna Bob.

hVw ln !

There are many styl-es ln the band. So we can ! t iust get uP on stage a Performr it would be a mess. We spend alot ofis our tlne on the arrangements of our material, the music very important to us. I donf t like thls childllke d"rone put out by some groups I Do you dislike the more older and established groups'

C.C. Bob was very adamant wlth his reply. ' I wonrt put down the Stones or the Beatles thgy !rgu".hâ‚Źgiven al-ot to i'ock music Keith Richard is Mr RockrnrRoll, poPlt stand rggY lj.ves and breathes RockrnrRoll. I canf Wave, certain well New the ln dlshonesty much so There G know punk Groups are, but plea{ poverty and say they are the same as you - (PunXs ) dontt befooledr they aretnt what theY seem. they saY, no bullshitt I admire the Dafoned, they are what can say they dontt have fun.? who. and theytrt ln it for fun, play music for now. group, they The-Ramones are a Pop We




Victims&tilern r3 At the Roxv Club +


This reall-y


shour-d have'been

a review of

GENERATTON x,s GrG. But we left 1t too late and we were fucking locked,MARQUEE out. The Marquee full, it must have been hotter than the sahara! Anyl'ray we dragged ourselves over to the rRoxyr and had a few thirst que-nchers which burnt a big b100d.y hole i.n our pocket, then we amused ourselves with games of television tennis. Time moved oor and at about 1o.3opm, ilThe Members[ took the stage. NlcklRitz the singer did a 1r2r3 4 and nothing, try again lads; they managed to get going the second tirne, a d.isatrous start which could be sald for the rest of the set. rt was a pity because there 'was some neat numbersr the names of whlch Nicki forgot to introduce. Nicki tried hard. to handle the crowds verble, by retaLlating with such gens as foh piss off, dr!! tgo back to your suburban holest sti1l another barrage of insults from the crowd. Nicki repriets tget lostt and other pathetic llnes The llembers left the stage to siLence. I spoke to the group in the dressing room after. cr'lY cHArNS. what was your verdlct on tonights performance. NrcKr. rrh'hat can r soy we were rubbish, absolute rubbish. sr;vE sT'Jl,,irGHT. Guitarist. rrr d.onf t want to make any excuses, but we had no sound check or practice and a few other problems to overcome that was before we even set a foot on the fucking stagert c.c A1l- r can add to this is they were bad, but alot of the blame can be put down to nerves after al1 1t was their debut g1g. rf you want to catch fThe Membersr they have a coupre of gigs lined up in the near future at vortex and the marquee.




Tt^ro llgt$trs

oFThe Vrehims


ABOYE:FEtI BRtQErrEf I,oD qclooF

coTT rl; I FtnqEfrS LEFT ToHmrY

Htnott iGPIf


grtob eE QePoF suez Rtq

M 'w: I


:X ffi**a".

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ttT Qno7EsQug A cTroN


bos qaraoF tN Frnushtr$q KEYe,aARDS

AfitR-(owaDoTotttnl r AB r€zDoF ;

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thc ltory Contt&?.. ITHE VICTLYSI

consisting of:-

Chris Knott


Steve Wllson Bass - Drummer Glyn Davis - Lead Theytre all from Birmingham, and start a nationwide tour at the beglning of september, they are a good confldent band, whorve had lot,ts of concert experience, which showed ltse1f here tonight. Sti1l even they had problems to overcome.

Andy Hubble

Roy Massey (Victims manager) "The PA was crapn Chris tf It was really cronict' in which.Steve added "we mlght as well have been playing to a.graveyard ltt C.C. How do you feel about tonights performance. Chris. Well I was disappointed.. We can do much be.tter. Actually this gig was all arranged at the last minute, so we didnt have much time to rehearse and do a soundcheck. Andy. This club ls so small, everything seems so crowded. Itrs dlfflcult place to play: Do you know I had to look for some of my equipment for about twenty mj-nutes it was just inposslble to find

it: C.C.How comes this gig was a last minute thing. Chris. Wo1l'r wâ‚Ź were booked wlth Generation Xts Marquee gig, but they refused us the gig - which by the had been arranged weeks previous, and no reason bias glven. C.C. What kind of audlence do you hope to reach. GIyn. Werie not Just playing for punks wetre playing for everybod

C.C. l{hat is you oplnion on the future of punk music. ,::, Chris. I can see the punk scene developing into a new forml I'rhat form j-t will turn into, Irm not sure, I donft think anyone does. C.C. What part do you think The Pistols have played 1n Punk Music Chris. Oh, a hel-l of a lot, The Pistols opended the doorfs for: everybody. They were the j.novators . GIyn. In ny eyes the Pistols have saved live muslc. Steve. Werve got a'Iot to thank the Pistols for ! Tiae was moving on , and work had to be r oâ‚Ź the writing ahd The Victims, assistlng their roadie wlth thelr equipment, a great bunch

of lads, with a power packed show,


mhorPoOf ?

f tm not golng to put the Punk movement into three easy definitions but I feel these are the main three r- politlcal; Musical , and fashion t s. Read this page carefully and ask your selves what you ar a Punk for. Many of you are getting confused by your motives.

Firstly dontt l"t anyone.tell you punk is'nt politicar, oh sure therers alot of Punks-(so called) who dress ltke punks, dance like Punks' but do they think like PunkS, Do they HeIl; how can a nillio?ilgs son, for lnstance s&y, hers a punk, when he can go hone to daddy any tlne, and have the security of hls wealth. You canrt have rich - people suddenly Jum!,ing up and proclaining thenselves as 'one o just dontt wear, for a start punks alnrt exactly rich. usr itr A Punk is sgmeone yhots_protesting. Protestlng against almost everything that t s been drummed into hln/her all their lj.ves. Donrt do thi s , dorlt do that, nornal people arefnt like that. Well llsten brother, you do what you fucking want, and if being normal means being tied down to a Job and a rented flat all youi life, become. abnormal, it r 11 turn out to be much more fun.

that beat, until you matters. f ind

yot.. know a little more now or were you elready Ol{' t !g PUNKS NEIjD IUIUSIC' more than any politlcian or any pa5-r of leather


After all that talk about the way Punks are belng'scewe6) for their moneyr Ir11 carry on with ways to nake your own clothes dlfferent, because you are more inportant than any fashion deslgnerts, idea of how you should'dress. You do need straight trousers; flares or bags are d.efinetly out. ff you can spare a few quid ltrs worth a vlsit-to any church or school jumble sale, you can plck up some good stuff therer. Moving gn to, ehlrtsi almost anything w111 do, Just splash it all ove wlth ink on pd'tnt, coldurs and lf you trave'a,r*hit9,r's.hirt handy - nake u your ow?r slogans, and scribble it- aI] over ya shlrt. Donrt worry too nuch about shoesanything will do,, black's 4 "g"io good choLce though. Itts surprising what you can do with your ord clothes. So have a scout around and sort sone out. When you see these punks who are dressed in stuff fron rBoys etct Just laugh up ya sleeve, yourve done somthing orlglnal. Chtg




If =foutre expecting another one of those Sex PistOls = Future of Rock and RoII artlc.l-e- then youtre in for a disappointment. I The nusic Press overkill on the Pistols recently has been sickening, just ]ike the crappy fold out posters and badggs. Th"y_aint worth our bother-lts 1lke capitalist blg business taking it all away from us, making money and in the process down the contentsTamlng what was once a threat to them. When'Ifte PistOls first started playing(or trying to play) two years ago they were unique and the most threatelning group around. I- first saw them down the 10O club about 18 months ago and that was still true then. A group never looked like this before the dressr the sneer; the way they looked so in ept funbllng over their instruments awkwardly. they 1et people know whatrrWe It was necessary to take an extrene stand to tfWoodstock and babytr hrere about. Rotten quotes like the cynical I I hate everythlng " polorized opi-nion. stencilled anarchy and Now when btf t6e Xias are going round with hate on their shirt, Rotten admits to liking music he never would P"Plical1y (tnen). After the sneer and'the threat, came the style; (seditionaryrs ionaage trousers at â‚Ź30 a shot) and only quite recently devastatlng I music. I Sure the Pist0ls could already Play when I first saw then even though beginning ifr"y lumbered around as if thby coul-dJnt. Its on11r since the know we of ints year that theyrve unleashed the heavy metal -barragemore,"11 less No and love. Nowr. They'rb just one of my favourlte bands.I No stuff other I I'm not one oi tfrole wn6 put thern on a pedastal. There s around equally as good. the Clash and The Buzzcocks for a start write I aut an better sdngsr"and Enly The S1its, seem to beable to freakbe signifcant audience the way the iristOts used to.. It may or nay not in the Sun I that the pistol-i have worked only one new soirg - Holiday seems ages ago.l thatttprglt{ into the set since the departure of Matlockr and vacantrr I The last single was the biggest disappointment -ciazed, so yet. that ygutd' love intense and moi6nic totally once sounded'io som-ethj-ngs nlssi-ng it. Now its a good enilugh single (great rlff etc) but Il'm sure. I hope come, to better There|s Eyrlical. and it sounds too "i".n so anyway. self-ru1 Rotten ls still Anarchy. Remember the meaning of the word-? Anarchyr.bging about rock is ? tlrey-s?y or-someitting, didrnt . l"*]. what you waii to be, not- following fashoin, ot posing down Vortex' o p09te1. putting up -be-your IPC Rotte" just carry out his threat and glle .!t might ina SuEt warned Rotten when it all


comes to easy.


l"tqd Ru3srcrng utpa otrt Lne' Roxy


by RRpe HuatqcR

The Roxy has certainly gone downhlll slnce those wlld and wond.erful days when the flrst dlvlsl.on Punk outflts like the Clash and Generatlon X used to do two sets a nlght. And i.t werentt up to nuch even thenr rlow theytve got a bloke on the door who wants to know are you a nenber and behind him your typical muscles and tatoos chucker out who prefers no.t to let you in, in the first place, and treats you to a truly terrifylng 19ok lhat says he'll know what to do lf you start-anythlng. And any pratt strgning hinself ln as Rape Hunger an6.

carrying a tape-recorder into the bargain ls d.efinitely trying to start something_, tyou can leave that rere for ten penler iez-he. I Thanxr sez I I but I prefer to hang on to lt I This- marks me d.own as a wi-se-guy straight awayr so Chig explalns that wefre friends of the group and the cassette is for recording them talklng to us, not to make ourselves rlch by recording th9 flrst Varlcose-Veins '6oot1eg (who, !uy.the wayr_arb the.grouf werve come to see, along wftn-siaugh ter and the Dogs) bu! Einstein aintt having any rf donts care roo yer know, yer cantt brlng vat.fing in tere-wivlht the guvtnors the guv'nor appears and surprlses everybody especially-muscles,saysot by saylng all rightr so 1n we go. fnside its th9 same old place but with a blg something missing- the kids are sltting or standing around but not even bothEring to-pose (frow borlng) ca[se they knoi that DO-oDâ‚Ź would take the trouble to watch them if they did. plus the becr is sixty pee a pint, Elaine canft get ?lyone to buy the nsg (thanx a lotr-J6ws )) lnd ttre d.isco is grap'- so off we toddle into the dressing room and iun into pe1 of the Velns who tells us the rest of the group are in some boo2er. fn thg ollly go-qd thing about this pla-e sb far is that ftm herel f3"t The rest of the Veins turn up and we have a Iittle natter before they go on. But ftm not saying anyth-ing about them because I think Chigri reviewing their set and anyway _a11 you V.V fans should have broughl last month's City Chains shouldtlt you? and lf you missed it you;re gonna go out and get it now arentt you? yeah. After the set we all wonbled back into the dressing room-hole where w flnd out that^!]gughter and the Dogs havernt turned up. And. thls is where the BAZO0MIS come on to the iceae (about fuclinl tine, yorr;r" thinking)' you see' therers a bunch oi very r""n l6oxing'ciraracter 311 hanglng aboutr some of them with guitars anO tntngsr who t[rned out t be the group going on instead of Slaughter. Theyrie'caIled the Bazoomis and Itve never even heard of them but ive corner one of tem and give him the third degree. He?s John (r think it was, anyway) *n pl?Ys bass and tells us the rest of the flrn are and'Ti;, u6tfr o: gultar' Arnold on drums, and the lead si.nger whoMick introduces hinslef his. up t? the mike on my 6assette and squawtcint---Py_:!i"|ing tllETt y!l."h_justface happens to be his name.-He says he used to be a butcher which d.oesntt surprise me one bit. it yas-Mick) gives us an rund.own on the songss{gll If !_ot_yarle GIVE ALL T0 ME- Iike when youtre at this age you want evErything, right? PUqHER- about a bloke who sells d.rugs Io ione bloke wh6 dont want lt. HOT STATIONS- about a guy who goei around,burnlne everv fucking stat+g1 .up.' li"" statiois"ana-tfr'atr guNDiE-:JJ"tf"o,id"i,-i" slnge he."hadth1sfight.w1ths94'eguy]tj'He1ooksat'Fiet|.lThis.guyis fuckln'.Ioopyr y'-know. .Pu$KHEAD. tlvING IN T0uhi, LIF,E GETS filnonn, / and so lt does. He tqlJs me theyrre been together about a year, and have done 8 glgs

asked hlm how good are they are so far, whlch dontt se.en a Iot so It tUetrq the BEST and yourre gonna I nean, can they actually play? hear a t6t of us ioon, a 16t-ab6utust I {uarantee thatf-'Met;6ins in the conversatlon, uuslcrs just a big bullshit most of the tlne you know, but lf your audlence ls all rlght... e.. you see we go loopy on stage, werre al-l manlacs, rlght, Bazoonls means mad, itts Russian, for mad, 1lke ln clockwork Orange, we go loopy so we try to get the audience to go loopy and everyone Just has a fucklnr good tlne. The only good tLme we have ls when weire on the stage, a1I the other stuff ls shj-tt, But are they just in it for the grin? or are they aiming at becoming more well known? Met echoes, John: Wefre the bestl This ncob ainrt exactly lacking confldence, as far as theyt re concerned theyrre ready for bigger things NOW and if the rest of the world dontt see that, 1ts tlne they changed the batterles in their.hearlng-alds. But thatts enough backstage bullshit, its tlne to go on. The acld testt, this is where they either prove it or get

booted back to New Southgate. Pretty Vacant ls playlng as the band come orr and Tin Joins ln, for a few bars, whlch comes over louder than the record and every bit as good. Met, plnt in hand grabs a mlke. lAlwrlght wefre the Bazoonis owarya ? and then theytre away into the flrst number, Jimmy Slln, pure 70rs rock played good and fast about being a rockrnroll kid and putting it up your nose, comes over really well, ftd like to have it on a single. Hot Dtation follows, and the audience are aready showing their appreciation by jumping all over each other. Met and,John make an ace visual focus, John moves all over the stage, screwing his face-up and belng a right nutter while Met stays in rnore or less the same spot but with his arms and legs jerking all the time as lf hers plugged lnto a machine.

Halfway through the nunber Tln takes a gultar break, and all eyes are on- hls 1950ts guitar hero-rebel pose, legs apart, Ieanlng back and ladles and gentlenen, can thls guy p1ay, or what? I dontt know much about gultars, but the clean, hard chords that hers chopping out of his flying vee or whatever it I s called makes lt hposslble to keep stllL. The numbers come ln rapid order but lrn too busy enJoylng neself to take notes. Theytre all loud, all fast and all bloody good. At the end of Pusher, which has ,a real Stooges type holocaust finisht everyOne playlng at t rf9 rpn and Arnold belting shlt out of Varlcous Veinl drum klt. The audlence ciracklng up, Met golng like a robot on sulphate everyone havlng a GOOD TIME, RIGHT!. In a real teenage frustrationl they finish with Dontt Llsten Io What They Sayr s about everyone tblting you what to do and how to do it lnstead bf letting you fina out for yourself, a really Strong, catchy number, with the- title tine repeated in a sort of chant. And then grins all round theyrre gone t to the loadest applause frve heard ln the Roxy. Hot Station ls the encore, and the general good-feeling-at-a-rlot atmosphere provekes sone young wit to try and tear Metrs trousers

off and nearly



@[ity @hailm's

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Ior actual f tl,

*q$g3*Drorilr's lll >__ {e;r$ tf Qr @ilqsft [hA

Just PlctuRes

all this &nuch norc nm n@xt fis$u @

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