Sunday mirra 5

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polltlcal organlsablon known to nnrry as I Chrrch taqs Brlgade r l to belng the aclalmod lnstlgetors of the ronowne d Haye s llf ave .The lnte r vl e w reveals allrthelr lovesrthelr hetes, they corrurpte d honeit p ub s{yners lo* ln onder to secLtre tholn flrst glgs" ?.or o , the gr o up wi th a song whlcX, Jo clelmrmentlons bwo sieer words. lhey ' ( one of whlch ls repeaLed twlce ). Thls ls the grorp M""y Whltehouso werned us of ,the group whlch tr.rrned Hllllngdgf Boroui!fi into en excltlng e,rea to llvo ln once. ageln, f or thef lrs t tlme s lnce the Openlfig Cerremolry for the blg $alnsbr.les Stone in theUxbnldge High Stree t.etc.â‚Źtc.â‚Źtc.

IIIPEDruN Moped Mania ts hene to stay .The slbum 1s out at lestr0ycledellcrthe Ip reported to yo'* ln our f l r s t 1ss ue (Mlrur ge ts repe tltlve ), es our f lrs t lntervLew , drrlng the r ecord ts recordlng over B months ago.Irslde ero the Ia te s t mundene pho tos of the

Mgneds.The Elbum now

hlgh in t



chents proves the generil publlc rne 8,t last showlng npprecletlon for the Crgyggn- natlves I muslc.As Sllney fcd put lt ln the S[{1 , il unf ort unateiy, unless Johnnyrs a, punk success lutU deflnartly end up ln & looney homefr Johnny Mopedrthe star :prge slxteen.

Ie f lve edltlons _lrter (Uy rob ) . Just r brlef rnentlon rbout the vrrue of thls copy coi'prned to tts trre&ssora, 1t ney se-em apperenb to you thrt ress peges in here thrn there hrs been ln plgt Mlrnes.we were lnforrned bytherers o,]Jr prtnter rir rgs aes- i-i--irr.,t they courdnt do lt.lny longer dJe to lta toontintt rrid they alont wannr be- rssocleted ,lth rpunkr .so we shopped ero.nd rnd we courant rri,o u,ior, .-"ii..p'pornt"r". Rtght rsorted thnt one out.Its good to see tho frnzlne nsrkct ls stllt-flor I Ano tlrer lllrne ExcluglvE? ruout Ii:h*9,::::^!o:l b*I-1.:-"9:1gd-to-be frslrionrbre.Fsshlon lven e tr,re;-;;;Aa &so ws were g1 -whai en lmportent word.Fr,sr"rlon ls r-thtng I Sturrt""u".iiu-oi-l-rr"-in-"ar["i,aFd H;r*t-i"a;;1ew s.lth the S6r ?goplgd by -the werk who need to be led,. I ftstols.Thl-s wrs how,tho_rct,ur lrturu$rorrs md., -wq6 !lI-!h,"-.T:dl:.,:"-l:g:p!:bi1_lll-ryl"gf | gatunr]\y ;r.o"-"lir,not these klde only crrln of lnportrnca 1s tiiere neny tblngs thri th.t they wer.e the lst to dress thls rry II Reato r.iuo ug aldnt put" or lEt,thls ls suppoEed to, clesstfy them I thelr elrphi.Itt lrgts ""irt+Ofrfns. over rs dlfferent from. the crowdlrbe nedle nuns I ivirl cir ten-res- phled on r, sundeyof-tn orl lmrgea rwho needs them,except the f edere I leto Novenber- oilirst yerr. -or-ine Klngs Rd.chlldrenrthe fesxdonrbl.e rnerchLsto. *n: ,ra.vsry -lir" i.pc -iltti.nrf yo'r wennr :nlform glven to yourrsk the II ernus "onte"ig ing: ilr.e *ni"u frii government., tFyrr _ grve yo_u. one tbo ermy. ] trre reist) ,stu E. ,rn nri t"i.iii _ln Do-you look llke che or Jobnny ?Ihe. odgtrrl J felse-soun6rng y.riky eocent utci tua blglftp brnd whet treExi or-tur.n uoeywlca ggll!-9f,9::?:11,!1_l{"l9lt-I.:_!: frshlon. burters (qrs) ,end to provs that t,o II to t. pIy;a-;n-tie ecturf gb.r.Thav y^gl ttrtt?If.f qont eeleriy P::Pri_!!1t,lpq:sl€ncgl look doosy lt dont lrorn youn€-rnythlng.A0 lelr "r'oui,-ipi"f*lt";;,twtil,"r;clo;Jjo*liidJ.ririntr those klds wlth IdestnoyrT-shlrtsrdo they lseys,!'erlung rt'rrin.Af oo-rlrge the hrick Iere rnd reforn e oI pregnnmerrloedcsr.& thc ::lt_!:,9::tl9y_gy?r{thrng ncrv society or rhetroops how enbr$16stng, Idont_ge.r usr-the.plstorj s-r-eg orr eu- ourcrr forget llts cos Jobn used to we&r one,hr II us bendo whai thetr oplntei g he he.-Feshlon goilt Just meen clothes rtve Ith€nrler-chelse*r-crrsn,.fun,DenndJb "o" i"rca-i -p1-r-io1s-;g;;;* !rnd st-soat.l 91:: :":::9r1! I *:! i'lt'F ue - il:+t".+.1"F attltudes(or i::n: non-s oclel ) &tlbuec JMoped,wno eIl tfre itrcd lewe1l.One dcy wetll lll.P" strong enorgh I rncl e lt|ny ".Do tnr,ro.Ssil ELi"-*to be ourselves (even lf lt meens 6y o,lrJ- I ^ ,i etves.Ird€r rnetce my own-ruLes'1n irfc. | 9:1.illh!.lqlujptrurhere tof,beOS? L A11 sYou dldJU,e crqe inr e rubdnc. ----- c 0 Nr E Nr s r.Le sunday : overurrermqf lffi:?*lLX'*jt p.rou. have arrlved heno. tI s;i. ;vht il-dilf,'or tbc rcrt d thc 1ow ,offr9_!11y g.Contlnue!1on/orossword. er-revcrJehn:Joddngodlrtlntu$ I 4.A K111Joy9 ProC""P!Y:n-tmpco lsra r'lreyre p.inJCrc ^__ 5.Dose IntervlewrePlsode oD€o M",.Johnl ls.H.rlrmls.sking Dose rntervlew,eplsodo two. I JchrRo'n, K. ?.Revlews of the lebcst recordlngs.. I s.U.sSOryo,-ne gotng to bc cllf*tcrtt.$Ll Revlers,y'rhe ulrrl p!if! 111-r_1!!^{"""$". n,J"i-r.5" pLcoo*tnsrrrs? ^e.-e ee, ii . : ;;-il i1! i g .." .r"i,", il.' liirl?ffisJ,il 11s _ :i :,c.11.".: l. | -u end" cutrure. Ana r.Le Mevrelrr trrit,uuti Ig.q.ootill.fhe Eeycs Weve FilcrLooal trlent spotttag. ls:i'.i llor'rln--r u"r"rt, tn *rt vr,.totn Me




), ,i;;-;;;;

:ri ;r;6;i;;i;;ffi;*


-----Mr.rre-Headltnes.;-#fi";il lrrr







i:'#h;'d;"TL_"Sff'_1""*'*#"T|;yggei:i1Eff ii:fr f, 3iiffi ""ill',ffi t nrerleo tuar rc.As ffi ;G;;iliy crgrtecpeoplb. r,urf . Is.H. ls"i "ll1l"l"-_ol^1nl:-Y*_":8" Br uoc.prege n t r{._ ncorrnrRobort rGnhsnr& GTig"riae a

t;; plF?: 9{ illglqllgl ?l_::1"*:^::c. lronnrwonulnue, donr wrnnrhor. --tPin?" r?rllhts cdirlonte trtbute to Johnny Moped.__li;;i;c;;-;&J'iiiJ'sJi"i:.;i;il: l

oratvu. ls^terr*" ao"!-pneiena.rnbe .-----------tlo worrenot Nfl$ punk. rm _i_7=!.^+ -3t--cdi@hotosrspher. -nhrl. lpeulrAnr ...... .phrl. ^ __- nL-, ";;;;i;;;;;; I Slfiiiilrltl! 'ri,l"irit'JiHJ"1 "* ' o- cdltor,/lrYouts . ....steve. l sbr;ii; rh"A;ilr" si& rsrr!.r€rs!.. ooi.reipondent..... lcggre gulter*"l-:*' ..thr ciif,oonlst..:l:.. glrr' l5]i.iiJi,iiitlffi?is rhe dlrsrencc? C

o....... ". ''?at \rttii/typlst...... the ptrtd.r __---_-___-_-_____--___=---__+ lg "gl you crin see rby lntrrvlcrr geetsoundgrdo e bla ob tt trrs nloe to .ern^do llke $Ii. forrp othen tuLn!-eiirni; il;-a'f";;i ri.i'iiliaJit" eiit o l.:11*t:ll-hl",Aa"lwrtn pr8n€ts re&son th8,n boortlng tbc ,6e Daob16 *""j"t"Tu.,i:rt1?# oattt no rattwa ln tha fipht e1't I i;l"::.i;;;;""i,1""1r'fi_i. _rppere_nt ti.il_1'3:.rff ff""ji", ff: Jl"o"ttotl'"nfft I nore rnd nore rcceptable to the rvorege-ptro I a ltrdlo Lur. thlng -Tbtd- (D"Pr q6rsv r S;;

E #,



THE 1{E WBA A ilEW srill BY





f{0F MY HA]ID,

4 - TRACK 45


The KllJoys ere Kev rGhl slalne ,Mlr.krKe lth and Bob.Kevln Rovr1rnd, abova rlght, ls the oldest ln the band rt 253he sterted the group b;EG;T;fiFbore d wlf,h hls- Job r.s r brlrdresser.(no teking the plss pleese)lserloueJ.y thoogh, hers very dodlcated to the bonesty plece.tsl-s nuslcel Lnflaences rcnce irom.Jenrv Lee Lend.s through Drvld Cl.yton Thomrs(ulrrwhors he?)to Roger Clrrpmei('"hots'thls-one Kev?). {'lext- up ls rplct'qed centrerthe one nlth the WEIRD nane.Mlss Weston rc -brsslst ree tl1l refer to her ls Ig yeus of age rher" hobbles lnclude swtffingrEorse datâ‚Ź 8nd tennls , . . . . . . . . thst flls me belng stupld o.gelnSno more llesrl prontse.Sho wshe Jolned the group to be 8 sbe.r",at school shetd put thet dorn on the crlreor forms.She qult schooL rne becrme e felly qrrellfled brllet of her .# rmbltlons Is to own e fretless bess( ?)rnd rnother ts to have I smrll rnrnslonrwltb recoldlng st'rd1os and r. horse . Ohlslrlne t s muslc testes range from FrrnkSLn (rtra)to Yes end llnk Floydrthor she prefers playlng KlLt.loys rnrrslc llve.Gultu pleyer_lgqk_lltllfflglonly sllghtly related)started pleytne gulter at 14,hets 2O norrbut as e clesslccl planlst hers bln golng slnce he wns 8.Hts pewot day Jobs hrve lncltldod a sr.ugery receptlonlst and a pr.lce . c omrnlsloner (that means h6 usea to Etlok the prloe kbels on ltems at salnsbr-trys ) .Ed^s Lnfluences cre Hendrloka, rnd e. lrln cell'ed rlto fron Gtbmtter( ?) rmark d6scrlbes hls sty),e rs tlconstent tbr8shlng_ g.rltrr:rr.The Kll1Joys new e,ddlilonal grltcrtst ls Keith Rlmnrel(2o) rho used to phy lnr hervy netel gt'oup rvlth new dr,.rmmer Bob }eeoh(lt wes celled-Sup ernoveJ.Kelth edrnlts thrt hts mrln lnfluencerln totel honestyrwes Bert Weedon. Bobr2Irr lol4er G.P.O.technlclanrhes been playlng for 5 yeeri. The KlllJoys came lnto exlstence ln Manch ?Trtheytd'been ca]Ied trI,ucy end the loversrrrthe reaoon seernstfunnytas the bend had no-Lucy tn lt.Merk Phliltps, lt seemedrhed the nerne emblczoned on the brck of his Jeoket and wetve been lnforned tbrt tps oonfuslon of the sexes Ls best left anexplored. Kevln formed the brnd ln June ?6 efter(guesg what?)-seelng the Demned end the Plstols rthlnklng he could do the ssne better.lYell the rdo lt yaselfrblt was being preeched so Y not?Io snybody who owns.-thelr fl.rst slngIe lt ml ght be of lnterest to know Kev wrote the b-slde .jrlelve'glx months rfor seelng any prnk bands.The bends nost vlsu81 llveelement 1s Ghlslalno drossâ‚Źd in gora tights and blaok )-ece etc.They rlnt exploltlng her oex they sey.Probnble new slngle : [Recognltlonn .Nl,ce one.



r stl1l

f?::: ;:::_:f3""?'-*:*:l ".'" .*'*; T'^u yeatr

go to dtsos

norru and

-:;ffT"?+:S[ ,,d

thenrrr BrfurDcoe g ul trrr.s!



g:"3-}1t fyrlclsr and iocausr, tly"._t],1q1 bass,uarunrs_rhe drurns and Br:iE p)-ays.'feedback-'and *ribes the fab eco bend _thetrIl pnobably_ be _ drawlng hrtge crowds at places ";;;at-;;r;;Jrii"""lirl' iit e tire Roundhouse


tne fe1l of thls year,lg?8.Thatts th; band,herets'the p"opl": :-Terly _thoughb of the name cos of lts dorble meantn!.r-t-really can ren 8nJrttrlng. Terry :Y{e11. the y_( DaveTSrls ) wante d us to be-rloo"".It,uoitf,.'tr tfrrii<. :at s}r@lrabout years we 5 ago had a band looseab,we cal.le d rerrit se!.lous . -8.{r" Mlrra :Ttlhen _you g9-! yo,rr record conbract(lnr:evltable)rwhabll'be ya srngie? A11 - :tillerd have tlvlan_At c & At on the Arand elther rrlnres tpre. rviewr as b-siae. Mlrre-:Glven a cholce( ?)rvo,r1d bhere pre be any labe 1 yo ?) ol3nio? ' .rd fer to I

9y Drve

__ l

,r,".,Xioti!'*lil"l"tni'ili,,i'l3i; proffessLonel,so w[at hoyou each do as Jobs ? :Vrlell me and Terry work la






ge "eP

rubber plant(no not lhaN sort)r whe re we r ubbe r - Ilne bhltrgs , 1ts classeC as seml-sklIIed' MarLln:I bu1ld busses and coacbesrsort of assenbikg parLir io nake bhe vehlcLeso

Brls :I used to work r,rl th Dave and Tgy!'y b*t f cb,rcke,l tirat lnrlhen I worked on Brttlsh RaII for a whlle rnow I deeorg,;e ]torlses in Klll-.'urn. Mlrre loutslde the group whlch bands do yo r enJoy nos b,/j" nf l,rellce C yo'a? early TotsrI remenber seelng_thern Erls :I was rnad on-the-Face3 d rrlng the supportâ‚Źd by the New York Dolfs ln 1971,the Dolls weis ok brrt I was 11ke Telecrliy about- bhe Faces.I spose I llke the Dannedrand I really one' last the as. 1p ls ile|te goodrb*t nol as-good. vlslbnrthelr new pglry1s6(RI!). I lt[e,rhrLhe 1o[rloa"y Deve :I reckon Bo1gle lnii'r"n""'d *e i Mer tln:Baglcal,Ly r the 'tlflo and Sna1l Faces l-nfLrrenced ree a greab deal. stlll iike Bowle (refsrenoos bo lhe b-sLde of the Hel'oes slngle as the Terry ' :Ifavo'Jbe Bowie track at pregent).Tho Adverts and lhe Dose are good boo. Mlrrra !i{he-t ere your lyrlcs aboutrdo they preach any nessages or whet? Brls :weI1 rnlne usually come sbralght oif my hea{ is soon-as the tunes of the aongs_are done rMartLn lends to belI storles and are lengthy descrlptlons "oub Front'r ls. aboLrb thls geser who cant stand rrp ror hrrosllfrhas io hlde behlnd other people and relles tobally on eiaoyone else. Martln:r suppose Brls ls rlght abo,rt my wordg.our nelvest uiatilon to the set ls

"Radlcalrrand scne_ of- the lyrics are:-,r dont berelve youre radlcalryou betger have a medlcalrand Ael back off your blcycJ.erfuck off back [b nursery school.fhe mlddle class thlnk they. rale rrrp Lhere on thelr saddles because they go p:blic school,rl-t ooeiirt malie- bhen sensrblerto me -to a there ls ng parallet:the worklrg class are wonderfrrl.rl Mlrre :Your. s ongrttBody. Languagerr ( prevol rsly_ _t1 blec l4ates)werent wrl'tten by you. Brls :No thls bloke LLons-wrote lt or131ni11y,tho weve a ft ccmp:attily. Dave :Patrlck canbeLl L-L-!-Lions was Ehls pi-6dacer who"fr*ng" heaid us one-day ds play1ng,gotn6 chlng-chtng-chtng ( emphas t se s an early stage'of tlre :! l?tucareerJ uose,s lt mrst have happened to so,rnd 6ood.So tne blot<e sel.d lf we corrld gebrand_ half a dozen songs-logether ln a m6n ttis tlne hed let us go ln the stirdlo with hlm.lyotl Brts kepj ln br:,.rch wlth hln for a whlla, ]-lke taklng hlrn o,rt to nears anrt thatrahd we eventralry losi too"rrr"u-' p4ongq hlln a co,rple timesrbut Lre kept-saylng he was to6 b,rsyrthe c'1nt. .}} the gtgs youve don6 â‚Źo far wirails'ueEn yoor-r.uo,r"rte ele? l{1lll !,9f all Martln:we enJoyed sirppo.r,tlng the DeppresslL-R;Dq.verTerry, Ivlartln & Bnts . ons et the hloonllght c1-r6.(All agrec). Mlrre :Where worlrl you mds t io pla!? ldartln:lYe11 ,anywhere. . .. ..anyurhere with- a bar. terry :And wltlr lols of blrds there of coa.rse. Dave 0h anC blohes ( shock-s ta ternent I ) 3

Mlrra Dya thlnk :

yor-rve c ome toola

te as & p unk *-




Mlrrr t -&e I punk group ? * Mrntln:I dldnt thlnk we. were a punk band. Brls llYell I neckon 2 yeers ago wo wouldnt hrve oonsldered formlng or havo drel* msd getttng thls fen wlth s groupo Temy :Record Comprnles elnt slgnlng bends as qulok s.s they were slx months badc. DEvo :Whrt we reaIly need is a fianag€ro Teerfy:And we wont be gettlng &n Agency on€r ?rr1oy$te (r-tc Mlrre :Dyr thlnk your songs ere getblnbgvl€r ? Brlt 3lheyrg gettlng slmplor for the bcglo reason thrt frve begun wrltlng rlth bel' cbords nowrsee to atart wlth all our songs were irory-conpll.ort-d coo f thought ltrd be orlglnel to write songo mede wlth opeir choi.aa.l atait wrnt to do rhrt evenyone else was dolngrbut th€y got so diffloult to pLg. t on-irr3-ora-eulter. Drvo invl.crtr nrkes ny ftng6rr eche let l[irn tErve rny of the rest of the group"ionelinis thought of conposlng? Drvc :Bnls ls _golng lnto bospltel f,or e fortnl.ght next week-ceuee hes got the ckprno hes got e nlnor non-contagous skin dLieeseroo whlle lrers gone ne ere lonnr get togethor C song or tworfrv6 gottr lottr tines. lnd Tcrry llinr.e . tWby rrs yor-u pnevlouJ elnger saoked? brve lBniu wei too nuoh of e p[nt slngen I dont reokon he sulted uarind bc _q9v9r--got - down to rrl.blng rny lyrlcs or anythlng.He lackcd en !.rnege rsrdBrls slvlth Mertln lts not Just a natter of standlng up ttrore shout!.ngrh-'r s. tt h"T"-.on-stege l.ts nrturelrl neln last Mondsy-we played tbls Wcmbly pub, rnd hrlf wey tbru the Eot Mertln walk€d off to the Loo and sort of csri$ ond€rad brck at the €nd of the song we were do!.ng. lrcrry rBrls ls the odd on6 out ln the bsnd;r npan he eoeJ to dlscog he likeg Floetrood Mec rnd ho looks l,1ke treri one of thd Rotlero.Gary Gltttor. Drvc tEg werns rbl. tc gLlk scetrves wtth Spurs bn ern. Bri.s ;(fn def,enco ) -Clottres dont rn8tt6r, a-blt f n€an thls ig borr I dreser6h ye& 1stll1 go to dlscosrrhere else oen you puJ.). blrds ero[nd hore.I neen-lts tbe reel pogelis tb8t d.res6 up to bo punks snd use lt aLf es a frshlon toXlrrr lEos dtd yr oone to forn? -obey.


gultarlst at flnst end we al.L usod to .p1ay thnu ons syrtcnr r buliolt tln the f!.rst preotlse rthen he bdmoioa atS nrtes irlt for i rhlle.Ihe Ist nor w6 cou1d do rvas t19??r ,then ou:r own uloidg't& mg good frst I suppose.Tben r couple songn we eventually nlxed toge ther to rnekc trOut Frontr'.lty orily erplence tl ll bl weo glrylng f,Lute b tbc *bod enhr.


hed anothen

Tcnry bed

Mlrue :So whet do the Dose do when thoyne not glgglng or prac tlslng? Drve :I pley munlcrf llke Donavon (varlous leu[hs -aII around)and Lou Reed r lot. Tenry:Well apant from the Larry Gracon lprf enJoy a lot of heavy stuff. Mlr tln sUh, ge t tlng pls se d BS much as posslble. ' purY Mlrur :When y& famous ( I ) ,wllf you s t111 pl&y local ? Terry :Yeah par tLe s n that. l{rrtln :Deflnato Iy, the s tree tlevel bit ls very lmpo . ntant ryeah rlways r Mlrre :Hrve ya got any alrns ? f emy s I Jusl wennt g6 frs enough to go 1rdstorr'l, 14 A?rN so that I dont havs to go out 8,nd workrso &nt I cr.n pley rII f IffenL Dr,ve :f 'dont reokon f could stick & nLne*to-five J ob &11 my llfe .And I wennr p ub ln tb cor.rlrEf,r Terny tYou slIly cunt o

fnfunvlew coRduotod by s Mlrne edtters-Fob and Phll.

AtI Revlews b

ATV-Llfe after





great Peffy white-space volce, cos thls ie baslcally a heavy reggae no,. good lyrics__too. r thoroughly enJoy eoe one you-c"n reaily tnto rf,. -tlstened Jools Eolland-BooAle Wu6ste ?6 (DFC)(R). Goo<1 r E tracki. lit to lt 3 tlnes over, 3bL11 dont enJoy 1t.-ltlaybe lrm not old or matlre enough (muslcaIly bo appreelate lt. Anyhow. dont avold_lt J ret cost its rer-lsh you mfght dtg 1t.Tbe zc.ocEs -$r-rotler lvtirptc=,rn 4 Different Kltohen (uA) (p). ^c,iuun of tui lear -Buz oo oolllE aoout lt. the ts rzzcocks have so ra.r, no weaknesses et all ln bhe st:rdlo thelr nuslc sultsrrPurse prod-rcer Mart'.ln Rusbent much better. than Generatlon X. the best traoks are Beatr, rrslxteenr and tr!'lctlon nor"""Jii.- in; -Iio;;";;k" have really captJred some power ln a record whlch tirey havent done before. They arso deserve prlase for not dolng arry tracks for the iecond the itstois - ilot tlme.(as - --and Danhed 0ther good trac[s aie rrFast Carsri; j".r,irii-"na--o"u"tfre ttlove weaknesg 1s Batteiy[ whlch dosent t<eep "rp"na brli1lance of the rest of the alb,:.m. The flrst batclJast of these came ln-a"itn prastlc bag, nlfty ui]"vur !o lf yo,: stlrl havent yet bougtrt the albrn dont thlnk yoriu get t ire bag. wnore, d _re to Oandg .1"o'*i,il, #"si"li:, (nownere near as sood as..the programme rsed to be as I i,;;:TY.:'S call JetstrrfiThe ,nThe rrThe streetsrr, Red"Llgntril (witi ifi"-"riryg.rltar and words like, rNever wanna leave rne sererr ) rnThe pLastixrr anb "panlsh ihe Beaisri , lwnoia expecte6 to-do 'r"" inlr woist, better than thel! one track I FuurrFrrprpls) These grorp" ,u"ify-consistantly b6rlng and reietttt"".-r""t enougf, ll1t" -T:i"!:lg!u,,"ni Brt I reackon rock_bottom ls hlt wlth tuo-so'g" "r,""!"_ *"u Il"l,jlt99"lh:l Car" iloi.know. rtTelephone j,t.rmbersrr (thls Ls orr snthem...), and oni ,1 !:y:-i!,A titiri" rs.aoouf,,rl.nglng lp and yo-r cant get the rlght n,rrnber r ), each over 60 J,rst s-ec,onds. rong and l)ot worth the opace the-lp (sorry i6 n."v_"* nenber of the u.K. sabs-very crappy materlal tLen).on rnen trrerJis-;t"-;o;'iroro" wilo nado some <1ulte entertalning. tracks fon the rlve_Lp, *rrrcri-r"-totEity'useress' -s-"*""lrc;;;;;i-fiA;;-;;;.;;in comparLson 'Lilth the lait Roxy. The 4 belng "0p6" and the rrTlcketstt. The;; talent and one band 99.trr rtve_not yet mentroned are the BrlEz, "ri "no"-uo*e who exlst r.n a class of hhetr ;;" ;n ;;;Boy l' . oJ^ exc_erl.enr composlrlor arrenge_ *l:_*n:1:^:1",.!:::I:.rrsrrange rnenE. Inaane keyboerd &nd strong rythyrnE "ong -mrnm: Th{s lp shows tie Roxyrs fall,I

;* ;Fi"il;;"I"i:;;'

p9"."9n.,, because the sleeve shows a blg ".E::1" cartoon type ihot6 of d :113^:r_:t oror(eg head, J'rst the front that ls, hls face. so rs thls man-itriy dog, ls he tbe slnger, ls he Donny.Osnond wrth-a splke search ;.:--ii;-;""r" uo"oy iyurf;i kLds, bgck to the muslc) ls pret-ty go_od. rto qrrte fast wrin-" dlfferent styre of cheap. g rttar. q"rtte lndlvldaal- rdarly. r wo- .r1dnt *rn,r eoing to see thls 1ot,/

rire otner il;"il-';"3-'3i"'liaii-p"^T[']-"' ffil'ii ll"il(T":;fi: :,*'4*# i.fff,:

ll""l3':i:":'":nl:.."1:# fi ,.*";3" io it"""'v"i

keep f'rcklng- aroand trlth_ ttre record prayer" ;rst



tiiiti*tilfi"3*fi!1f,*o:it:roii,l';,:":,.1;llli;";lli;"l*ii:;r"l*l"t;ff"gl:': rel,ease of ItBored Teenagersn, ana tfre ia[Est one beats UEe i*st two easlly.

mv sec6nd favourite on the Lp and you canr say much about rt ljJ::9h:l"f! except that lts an excellent. song. yo,,r cant lrt ;;; ,u-oot of the prevlo.rsly released tracks, becafse you cantrearry eompire [ir"ri--*"ert^ny a1bum s sonrethlng to avold revleslr:rg beca the1o songs are rn raentrcii'ar;;;;ft;;; ls a typical Adverts song ls sd dlfferent to anytfring tfr"yt -C-on" before. Theres abont-the Adver:ts tlrat make irrem iornprit"iv-aiir"""""-"" Jgst..sone;!i-'1ng lts the sklll- that other grorps desperately need-to so,rnd iooa tn"t the Adverts alnt eot and dont oantlc:dfly- need.- tron Th6 nooin i"-nJfrJ Siiifr" favourlte and ftliew.Eoysrr. srde e. i'lo tlme .io ue-it i""r" ,"-inu +il.-;5"iliJ in r,r.rmbers,, whlch ls better the srn61e..(or-ls it my tnagination cos wnen i heard the stngle rrrDrownlBe hated lb - then olaylng the..!! - r rEa1ly-llke it. in""--t*o averege tracka, rro-n Menrr andrrghe Gneet Bnltlsh" ftnal treck ls rulstal{e" rwhlc}r cornes to an end as lf"*""iilnt the turn table slows dolrn and stops.The words aro lnteresllng and arent rneanlngless tlrm bolred wlth thlslor ri hatc15!.s I statements.Tlm Smlth obvlously prlts a 1ot of and effort Anto the Iyrlca he wrl trsi ,gJ. though many of them er'6 very dlf.flcult to make out opto.




ADVERTS No time to be 2 7 (P ) 7 0p. BETHNAL We got to get out (P) 70p. BLT,TZKRTEG BOP Let' s go (P ) 6 5p. (P) 65p. JOHN CALE AnimaL justice CLASH CompL ete controT 65p. (P) 70p. DOLL Don't tango... DRONES Bon€ idoT (P ) 7 0p. f AN 'DRURY Sweet Gene Vincent 7 0p. (P) 70p. EATER Outside view (P) 70p. ELECTRIC CHATRS Fuck off FLYS Bunch of five E.P. 95p. FLYS Love a MoTotov CocktaiT P.70p. STANLEY FRANK/SAINTS E.P. P. 75p. JOHNNY G. CaLl, me Bwana P. 70p. GENERATTON X Wi 7d gouth 5 5p. GENERATION X Readg Steadg go 65p. JERKS Get !;out utoof int do!1 . . .P. 7 0p. MEKONS Never been in a roit P. 7op. i!fIRROR.9 Cute for eancer P. 65p. METAL URBAIN Paris Marquis P. 7.25. KeV to gour heart 6 5p. 707 t ers

PLEASERS (TeL7in' me) Lies P. 70p.

RIM,S f wanna be free P. 70p. PTSTOLS Anarchg 7" P. 7.35p. SHAM 69 Borstal Breakout P . 65p. X.T.e. ^9ta tue of Tibertg P. 65p. VENUS & RAZOR BLADES 65p.




ADVERTS Red ,Sea BLONDIE Pl-astic Tetters BLUE OYSTER ?ULT Spectres IAN DRIIRY New boots etc BRIAMNO Bef ore & Af ter Sc. NICK LOWE Jesus of CooT MX-80 SOUND Hard attaek

2.99 2.80 3.25 2.99 3 3

. 40 .3 0


(Both ATbums) each 2.80 LTTTLE BOB STORY Off the rai7s2.7 5 2.7 5 TELEVISION Marquee Moon 2 .99 TALKING HEADS 77 . 3.25 TYLA GANG Yacht ess BESERKLEY CHARTBUSTERS VOL 7 2.99 2.35 GUfLLOTTNE GuiTTotine (7O' ) Live at C.B.G.B.' s (Doub. fmp) 4.95 Live at the RAT. ( Doub. fmp. ) 4.9 5 STRANGUERS

SOME IIORE RECEN sDTRTY DOG Let go of mg harld EP 6 5P. BETHNAL We got to get out P. 70p. CLASH CTash citg Rockers P. 7.0p. NTCK LOWE| Breaking glass P . 6 5p.

***** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

BLONDIE Denis P. 70p. EATER Lock it up P. 70p. ROBERT GORDON FooI 7 Srpm 7 0p. PORK DUKES Tight Pussg P. (Ye77ow) 7.30p. RAMONES Rockawag Beach 80p. PTSTOLS Anarehq 7.8 5p. TWTNK & FATRIES Do .it 77 7.70p.

2.99 JOHN OTWAY & WTLD WTLLY B. RADTO S"AR,S Songs for Swinging 2.8.0 Tovers RAMONES Rocket to Russia 3.2 5 PISTOLS BoTTocks 2.9,9 SHAII 69 Te77 us the Truth 3 .2 5 PATTT SMITH Horses 2.7 5 2 .99 PATTI SI[f TH Radio Ethiopia 3.15 SQUEETE Squeeze

RTCH KIDS Rich kids (Red VingT) 70p. RfKKf 6 LAST DAYS Loaded 65p.

RADIATORS I,Ii77ion DoTTdrro 70p. ?S Know gour produet 5 5p. SLAUGHTER & DOGS Quick Joeg 65p. SQUEEZE Take me I'm gours P. 70p. STR.ANGIERS Five minutes 65p. VTBRATORS Automatie Tover 7 0p. BANNED Him or me 70p. 70p. BONE TDOL Roar of the Tion ELVIS COSTELLO Cheisea 6 5p. 7 0p. STANLEY FRANK CoId turkeg 7 0p. GORTLLA' S ftt s mg Life' 7 0p. IGGY POP Ki7 7 c itg GLORTA MUNDI Fight back 70P. PATTT SMTTH Heg Joe 7 0p. STORMER Mg home town 70p. SUBURBAN STUDS Schoo7 7 0p. ULTRAVOX Maa who d ies 6 5P . WHIRLWIND Hang Loose 7 0p. WRECKLE.SS ERf C Reconnez 6 5P. Y,OUNG ONES Rockt nt Ro77 Radio 7 0P.




S GOLD Chiswick VoI I WTRE Pink FJ-ag XTC 9{hite Music RAW DEAL Various STREETS Various FOOLT

7.99 3.25 3.25 2




THE SEX PTSTOLS FILE a paperback bg Tom NoTan 75p inc. P & P. * ** **

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* This is onLg sampl-e of what js avai 7able. Send f or a bigget -li st. * * *

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POSTAGE AND PACKTNG RATES. 2 5p pet aTbum & 72" ers singie then 4p 10p first each. MArIMUM POSTAGE 7.00p. (4.00 0/Seas) Cheques/P.O.'s etc to BLUEBTRD RECORDS







be better off spIlt tln d thls alb:rn ln half , then b -lvlng side one. The Ist 200 wer ln red plastlc (no comment ). Generat 1on X Generati on X or rn ls a beca rse of the prod rction phi Wal nrnar wa snt m,rch good b rt Martin R,rshent wasni mlch good either. He doe s great st rff f or the B,tzz c o eks and S tranglers b "rt, he I s gone downhlllwlth Generatlon X. llReadv Steady Gort/rrNo l,,lo'lilort **i brll-11ant but the albirm is so dl f f erent . llYoath yo uth youthrt wlll be praised &s brllllant wlth a brll-Ilant g rltar solo, but as fer as frm concerned thls great track has been relned. Its slx mln.rtes Lons and lts slower than normal fna I dont like lt. If anyones got Yout

a ,"9, 4



uy-piv,i",ii';-;;oa on un" single ll:"nflt lnst as ronp."lg^::.{_T"-rt.^io"v and rhere..are p""[tv"eo.i fo,rr rr""r.], 3;;;;;""iid'il"if'j*iir"enLxrr, rrToo personiltt .n6-ttp"ori;; F;;;ig"s',r iilth the 5reat sonts ceneratlon x *:: .l:: can onry thrnk and wr"ir ir-"- go;i the arb,m wo rld have bee n wlth another prod


(srrstg)(ri). votce is even berber rhan Kare ****=Snd!4*ro,io-paster b-lsh'|s and the r.vrlcs are- noilEFnents larrlrs (le no rnt"*1ectua1 peotry even. The'1nfo slven fu;i;;-;;;";lcs. "ii"nuuli'iuup, nake lnterstrng readlng, its v.elue for money. l/thy these rJcord conpanles r!iu."". slngle albrms ln slng1eso sleeves wlth a whlte cover: I nslde I donf d;;,- iney sno ild at"I be l"tke thts and the and

Ti:l;:"i'"1'l:","::,9*iir";:{i";l: *;":ru:";i;;ii"::*";:ilii"li"uli"*l;: -"n'rii-ii""-^."iiii' '"" especialry Ghost Danceir, whrch r, mlght tr

sard thls ls the lady who Slourle s.:e"nn"i"-iw. was-lnosi greatly lnflnenced by. yourvebe ell heard the slngl'e, whlch r reckons not the u"si t-"""r.,-b..rt stilI good, youve heard glrls vocal abllltles: n'gnrricenil-wiriip""ii-rE"i,r,liia:iii! *ru. urrilmare thls ill power' Yor can lle on yori bed l-lsienlne^ to tdrs Jru 6"irt away to wherever lt takes you. rt took ine to c"ru"i"i"i"Fent""y p\atnsrmrro-ne,rer "na oeen to before. wow. rt took ne a rew_prays il;";-i;-i;"[-'i-jioit"riiu'rt eii -oi' -flrst prayed 1t, now r-ro-ve rt.-Nosi *t arr when r !o ri rlte, rayed-nict ana dreamy. The 5hardcor€ bracks are rrearly ag excelle"i ,no Iot norJ tif".n*;u;i.t rpld corunent) slch asrrzbtb froorrrand riRock ir"ir-'ji;j""il]".rlJ'irri""l"l"i ls wonderf11 " aoartioiir- rnr""r'riion-rn"*Jin." rracks anp as i::,T",:! on thrs.,block--d1sc...For .

F:il;:lii;;*i:r:;*.';trir'I4siii,;g:'r;[;gl;;::*:*j"li*i;':ii:E: The Ml Staffts Fqvm 0f AIl Tlme Twards Steve





l.skatalltes ( 4 thelr ska).

2 . ClarendonJ.ans (+

5.The Melodlans .


U-RoX r 5.IUallers (vhotd ndss

tnefr blrrebeat





l.Hawkwlnd Pre 2.B1ack Sabbath. 5.The Stooges.

| 76.


5 . Kl"ngd

om MCS




oBurnlng Spear. 6.The Llve. 7. Upsettere ( Ao a seslon souD[ 7. Wlre o 8. C lnnreru (ec esston bendf. 8.Early A1lce Cooper. g .Ibytells (I€eplng t4) wlta tfunes ). 9.Anythtr€ mw &heavy. O.DeiLqrlbsfrlrrgton (be* in U.K. ). l0.Varlous o1d hlppy6

1. Z-0(4 brlLlLill€r6F vmls).


?53, ,""

Phllr s I .The Pl s tol s/AAam A Ants


Dose .


5. Johnny Moped.

4.fhe Buzzcocks. bratlorr. 6 .The Sll ts . 5.Pene

7.Geners.blon X . 8.Sham 69. 9.Slouxle And The Banshees . 10. 999 o

stooges. z.The prstors. 3.Burnlng speer. 4.sabbath .R?!ts T&yeE, l.rggy ln-g-the Ants. 6.wire. ?.crime. B.The Buzzcocte. g.Siid5,/Ai;;;;.;i;;-rr/;" lo.Early A1lce. plus loado nore of any rnuslc that has o"ioi".ii to .rawne ss .lots -of enthuslasnrend abovo all feeling(tE what most d!.sco/cn!"i 1;;;t:"rciia" dver t :Wha tch out f or Ira rssue 6-w-1th Adam' Ant & sroffi s.Adarn And The

999 are e gre at, band who Lre only J ust starting to be recognlsed ls one of ASE 2 the bop new-wtve brnds rwhlch they deflnately are.Ihey formed Just before Chrlstmes 19?6.fnsplrod by the new end Guy declded to form a p'dnk gr'oup.Ehey edvertlsed ln Melody ldeker for'& basslst end they book on Jonrseelng &s he hed prevlous, experleno ln nnobher bend"They then eudltloned 73 drirmmors before they settled for onetPebls.999 played thelr flrst gtg s upportlng streteh( t ) st Northarnpton Crlckot Ground( t I ) ,whlle Prblo had @n\y been wlth the brnd 9 deys.Thlngs took tlmo bo heppen for nlnenlnenlne,and they dldnrt end thelr deytlme Joba rrntll lrst Aprll.In thet month they slgned on to Alblon mnnegement rwhen they got thelr flrst regulu glgs end begen to':rlng. thelr. flrst alngle on thelr own lebel, .. In tbe mlddle of I.977 they relersed rrLtbrltein Recordsrr.Ths dlsc ies trtrn AJ'lvo r/rQ,ulte olsiapolntrnit ,rrrron so:a olt pretty qrrickly.People eppreolrtod 999 as belng c gnelt new brnd jnd crorrds were dnswn to thellr sttonbLon.But stlll they dldnt meke r break cos they cold onLy get 15000 preised.Th6 r€cord wesnt go much e deletlon as e l1mlted- cdltlon.Blg lebel's.begen Ehorrlng lnterest rnd the slgnltures of, 999 lnSep. t ZZ.grmrdx letor tNrsty Nrstyrr/tNo Pltyr eppeeredrthe flrst LOOOO of shlch were pressed ln gre€n phstlc.Srles dldnt stop rtslng eftcr the rere greenles ren out. Greduelly 999 trer€ cllmblng th€. I.dder of srrccesorbrrt lt dldnb rerlly hrppen btg b11). the rel.eese of rEmengencyt/rlvly Stro€t Stlnksr.Tlrey then wont on r tour of Europe rnd returnod to the U.K.for ln eveo nore successful tolu. rcotnoldlng wlth thelr debut LP relesse. J,"rst one bhlng llook orlt f or 999. __1ffi_r."


#'*';.t' .#. :::f,,:







4t|, .l::l4t

,it,, :::.:



A Breif History of ?rToots and The Maytalerr ..... Steve Reggae Editor: The lilaytals have been at, the top of the ladrler for nany yearg. There No hl-t6 cane on after another, J.n JA theyrve eaeily hail 5o hits: tn ,tsz\ ttei first canet to Englancl. lbe prevtous year theyrd released nlronkey Man, whlcb eatereil thl charts very aoon, after ite release and their flret Brttlsi show was ln the CarrLbbean Mu6ic Festival Wenbley._Eere thcy topped the b111 alongotile favourl-tee like Deenond Dekker anil Bob in llarcla. rhe nenbere of the 8?oup are ?oots Htbbert, Ilenry Gord.en ancl Nathanal xgarry'ranil NathLas. lhe Xaytale had a iair- annouttt of aucees6 wLth ;>+-+e. was ny WunUer?r with i ltg chorus llner nglve it to ne one tr-ne - urrgh - gtve ii to ne two tines - ulrgh not the sort of record you forget r-n a brirry ria r"iy reggae dr-scoe sti1l pray ti. one of the greateet ambltlone of Toots ie to sle one of the-iaytals recordo at nunber 1 in Two Suitarar baes, druns, piaao and or{an are arr ioois uses in his arrangenent. -Tlt**: rhe tltrer,worde and rythen are very innortant as far a6 Toots Toote, the leader of the Haytals- was brought up by hls father,rs concerned. a-;;-t; pute it) rag a Cul-tlvator of tbe.Parlah of l'{aynen, Just outside Kingstoni "bo thc aleo hae-a brothar and sj-eter. Toots flret anbitlon was to'beeone a proffessionaL boxer an6 he etL1l traine keep fLt for hlE perfornancLee, heis aleo a Karate expert. ft wae when ::,-.f! h"Iq".,hLn ueorge and l{enry' botb 2,.at r}j.e tLne, stopped outside the shop where Toots was tLne out fron his duttea to play hls gultar. They hearil hln ani aeetaed to go ln. The] decided to etart a Sroupr aE Toots wanted to forn avoid trlo. ALthougb Tooti bart onl"ybeen apprentl-eed to the Earber for 4 nonths and hail u""or" glad r"u to forn a group Ylth the other two. ft was the sound of Ray Charles"".li"ur-La recorda that fiist sparkeed Tootâ‚Ź enthu6La6n for nusJ-c, closely followed by oti-s Redaling stuff, Toote buir,t htsfiret gultar at the age of .,1! by hand. 11916 slt down and etJrt to sing, and people would say that be wae a good â‚Źinger. After he had toril them that he wrotc the aong6 hLreelf theyrd enJoy tt more. when the MaytalB started out they had to be content Learnl-ng their traile through e'rdl-eee 8i8s. one aftern-o_on- Toote wae chattlng up an lndefferent rJcorcl producer offered tbe HaytaL' the Maytals the chance to record three of Toots 6onga. Tb.e olrlywrro" troubLe was that he wasnt prepared to pay then anythrng. Eyen sor ioots seized the oppurtunlty. Toots saw a chance to estatiieh thetr nara!. Toote first three songe cliil-rr"a pretty weJ-I and he agreed to do another five for nothing and they ..ta *"ifdo nore. The. i"dea-for Toote songs came fron lrue ree].ity usualry."oltul; ?p.99q-to He belelves that lf an artist hae the talent, he can wiite about anything tn tire wora. Toota play organ and baes as well as gultar and he dosent restrict hl"nself to the done confl,nea t:"1": Ee ie Just as nuch at hone wrlting calypsor soul and Jazz. ThJ.s trbrlefrl of. l:qf:: nLscory nalr have seened qui-le l-ong but L assure you theres more thai neets the eye wbere Toote and the Maytals ere cJncerned. Reconended

L.'P. of the nonth is ttrwo Severns Clashrt Culture (r,rgrrtenin

-- a



miss "i*iu F6i.ittg a tramPoline of bodies


u $ffi

-J- , iit"',",$ .3 ipi'iffi"{:$i


dft;";' *#uf{tg'"qt'iff gEgr4= f,-tf'

;:ffi '..x'niTrqi#f"

*"'de^i eonsideratio, ns o t'ios ;:;:e o; o



-Eryca wrve rr 1E the tern glven to b.nds rho crn beslcerly ue r&ltca lor eround Hryes Endrztlorn-.Mos t _ of th6se geeeers rouLdnt brvc conaldlred plcklng rpr about g months ego rwhen the flrst s \rntn€r z? groubli strit€d, gul_te1 eurlcr wey Arny;trensls tor rand rhe nutsrnho r nont wnltc-ebo-ut rcos r lnal.Doceilube -than rlnt seen emrthough sone Lnfornnnts sry theyro good.Brnd8 thet were orlglnrllly gryos hevc moved on lncl.the lurkens end WhlrLrlnd.Tho Eeyeo-s6und lsFldsrbutt punklet sposerle energyrarthough the mljonlty wlsh theti genonlly to be grlglnel_end rlm__t€ develop.thelr own s tyle s ,whlch- nros t- heve slreedynolgs echlcved. Tfe pnd Gen. of E/vf ure-: Z0(pron.zcd-orr) r9ire Frlnge rnd Radlatlon Flotuesrhorep the hgt two, r.r"e ln eer_ly etrges of pnactLslng.Th6 youngest so fer rwho r-bcticrl glvo r mentrsn ere thc Rookerteens, they !re/ -nocKeiBrr,iy rnd they. roskon tbegrw knocked up r- couple aongs rrnrun roJ.lrnufi seid....woIr hero thoy er+i tndvtaurui:Nor slirtlng to reguelly,ero deftnercly ihe 1e.d1ng HryisP99+*LeUg++ export.Th€y oftcn hrve bad sound_gig probLems,thrt most H7t gr6upe suffer:i ctmltc hck of doscent equl.ptnent,but whon they g6t good geei tEereil te not'ura3 *jg.q thcn.As e bcnd,thelr tlmlng s.tllr hes r6om roi lnpiovementrbut theln adg- F; cent be berten.on vocels ls MertLn Neathrrho slnce he Jorn6a hes wrltten- tio to fh?^g-r,gyest nL'nbers,my fcvourites belng:rr{ei l,t-c [ ;nlfilrfio"rn9p-,1,yr19" rls-sl.enary".rc & Atls 3pou_t-1 tmnr8er of e c & A ;hoprthc song goes thru i ary tn hls boringrpredlcteble Ilfc. t -B:rls r does r11 the musLc end rhen you hear then youli. bevc to ednlt .h6sGulr tllrls drnned excellcnt vrlter.Es pleyo good t6o.Deve Andensbn la r gtrert Ur-rfr t rhoo vastly lnproved ovor tho hst fiw onths.Tenny gotston ar ums wilirbut U"uflesb-end sklllful,hes pow6rfuLl nore gsl* rnd rnrnreo.teirywroii fgt_I!! "tsondape Ygug rs Ext.ra" vhich ls bas€d on a slor d.nunbeatlrnd_ rs her: a hltltng the reJt.rOut FrontnseonJ-to u" -ti,e tnolf pop,rr*r of thelrJust songs. soe the Dos€,best prrce 1i it ttre Moontlghi ciuu(vou must hrve g?t lg"ll !g lrcer:d.-of ltJ ,1ts edress ls lO0 West End Lenc rWest Hrrnps te=rd.T,!rn ieft out of west ltrnpstead Trbe Statlon Bnd .lts wlthLn qobblne dlitrnceT'+be,llev ArJny'btr Rgb. r havent seen theio lot"ror monthr now.thlr . bln " torrlns-the "oopr. co,rntry.They slgned to Beggrrs Brnquet(rlp_oiru:_ 1:-:::.'!l?yy9 cnrnr rnd rrrve. an Lp on ltg wry.They dont play Hryes enymore,but thire- yr co. 'The


rictrrnar l"*ff:iliil ;:r:I:'ii":: been golng l-onger iir.n tfr" Doserbut thcfu


Pbl+.Thls group

rld vocels rnd everythlng love Just dont hlt fou ltt<e the Dose clo.T}iey plryvslV proffeslonrlly and have done a filr number or llgs uptown.Tbeyve got e- siyie o'r theh own(muslcellyrnot vlsrclly(?))lrhlch is ieiy oiafnrrylon th5 level,irblne outregousrbut glven tbe bre.k thoy..mlght do well.ihey ao oLiy vunsrons - oihet-ff Vrcantr rbut I tenntble venslon of tll'low I Wanne Be your Dogr.Fur&-pop? Roh.rts pr.esentry debetabla wethen therers 4,E,or 6li ibo zo.Thla group hrve a lot of creatlve potentlel.. J1m, the basslstrhei lilg ernbltlonaronc ef trhlch tlre bend have dlEcuss€d serlo,rsJ.y -tlirt ls tho p6sslbliity of selllns ell thelr worrdl-y posse s!.ons ( cers ,l1fe 1ns lrances , savlngslreoo"as reic. )r.-nd g"-d-g -ar* c ontlnent corrntr:Les llke ltety rG6nrnnny-ria Dutchiend frive i de;rnd !o tlrg llve rnuelc lnrrher"e for thek nlght clubs.S tevo ,vocalls t rand f,r.lter of over 2O aonga, ls the person f,ho does our neggre blts(sei pageg).Leunence 1s enothor oneof 6o-re drw nera who reer:or.rt drunsklns v€ry frst.StevJ Swlft pleys rythn sell.Staw Rook 18 . klnd& rddltlonrl_ nre^rnben.Anothel gulterlst( l)fs b;lna euil tlone d.\{rtch out. The.lest Rgbrfhe Frlngo frvS seen once,thls ini"Jd-re thrt they dont f,ernt to prectlse e,Lot penhrps.Swweet .Iene they-do.lhcir bcslc 1lne up is -Sjron tlme cen neelly_ only beII.More ebout ern ln lsEire6 pnobsbly.The Redletion Flitus have tho us url Ilne up of 4rnnd ane herd- flndln! prrces whero to Inotlge duo to lrck of 5ers. &nd that.Theyre lnto nolsy energj""ia" books full cf Iyrlcs,of rhLch rbout three hevo beeir put to nusli(tl.sJis-iitt6"-rnoi"a"itn.allrtlon Fe otustt , [Hlnoshlme DeJevusltr[Oold aRd Wet prresltsr? rnd opollt1cst,,[h9 reel problen faclng n1f .f u the need for good equlplnent. songs













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P2ggsbrte ve{awA IllovolrwAlrAl: -a ct ArontnnAronltt?l

Fn,ulf Frnrla BEARs/ ctlE{v H€AW


of rSocleL Coramentr (r.) ![edl"a Sectlsn. the lonllest strenger of r11rno silver bullets, Therer g i efii;ffi'ffiF Tsntors sp11t tbe scene.Ncxt ie€ok wlll solve all yo'rr problerurbut nowrflshflngers r1I ln e llnerend r11 the mllk bottlee Etlnd empty'stey glued to your TV set.Therere greet denger: rrt hrnd most, osped crusrden of lllrno clo3k of _. .',,... ...(XGA 6I5p0aJS) JustlcorRobln bes f,1onn the nest. DIJ FOR THE SUI'IDAYS Finel it i ExenaplesFfELD they c&n f--k up ny rlferemberres wrnni ue@ys,so toothpeste egnJ t rornove on e onday stnlpod bed testerthrt ny wlferend leeve r they cln show. plctureB of m9, the dellles for wtnne be & tuget rn-orntng.I rso yslth r-nude on prg€ thneJrso lcklng In t&stertouchod up rt the wrlotrlooklng_ Put

Ono Cornpooltfong on sirb^lect

." irrp .s-uonaiy-r''rornlng. .,;,;;;;i.;m;;;;.i;i;'*''jX8?


Ernmple : MR..$UIl $olltrry n Ir m- tlred whrt to do rwhet to thktk rlt m tlred of f-----g of EeTng-Eola -It I m tlre d of forroYou can trke yo,rrr f-----g mOneyrend phonles.rthet s rlght you underst*ndrwell ltfs e f__carg ferse, ihove lt uB your r.rsercos you thlnk | 1l tellyou whet lts for . . . . ...o(xce 6espo++r) end lf y@u wlttr outtn, the door ,I iRomentlclsm & LoVe etC rns,a (lnmnns *) Convenbionrl Prnft t h'l onn on srrb iect of on subJect Prrt Tw,o Compsslbions tlel Exemple: me ll Ce**s reit liTlffi-s ryotr broke rny ghedes rthe llght t s too brlght tlet vletr, glves bluerl restrlcted b,yy- my-herrt.Fllter ernolione of greenrcowrrdice when lt llnds rfrlglle, love corchlng r fleitlng hrve my hernt.I let'rne'open ns Oing ire"16us brnds,freglle.You er.f, ry eirergy, glv- me mone roPern.lL l! f!. "u" the wrlI so I oen i,""e'"p ily heeirt. . '.. .: . . t t ,. . . '(xca 625p06aT ) Exrmple IERMft FJ.nrl -tt Itrs love You true Aer-grlr11 wrlk you homerlrll be your dete foreverrf r11, I et left nothlng theres tlmes mrny o s n&omb , , glrt,llntll bhey spllt the rIeft[nsw I I m rlghbrcoi when yoLr gone rtheros nothlng left et ell rleft-rlght (xGP -62?po44T ) . . . .. . .. o , t. t rlght rleft-flghbrleft-rlght rhel!rs81ut9. I RomnntLelsn & Lov-e l 1 tl csI $ect1o ExunPle:106 Beets THAT Inltlrl rr lf you hrd r.r@@Inryour d P1ln t tt whltersurvLves the d"yrPrefers the Tfelt , so b'e aaysrprerer 61c*91e1:1:i.::.h:^::{"H,1::" for blck€rer$(or r n6ia for ftgureo,no. tlme !95. o*ii Uufia ifisht,got iii*ffileit'l-illi-ei"-Iie,;"',;;ti'i,; qi'v919'l!!|l!'-i"-+iP:'-l?ll lllli:'*l'v" the conrprny ot e "osnilrl;;"-1; *'5i gh:lq:,1: r ulr-a,ittn prrlse_he-slowo.,wlth r!".,' !r'.', !l'E"-iiil'd'ti""-rr"."ali*"ir-i cetobritlng' llkes stimuletlng,not r rlr^,er urrrv fmpoit.nt.Hrtel grsltE "------,-::-.::::.:..:: rrrlr'.r.' tfrrt er";"lif"d" / ar:e 6625t06n) AAt SrloillD (xcz aaaaaat

ttt.." drnt undergtrndrwhy thlts so fwlnyisex' ttf"3.Y;Tnti;ffi*,otsslns r nen,r got you 1n e conner(cortrgexxGa 6z5p@)

Lto R




?T'1ffi,li ,


YYff'ri", $,it"d[,ti l'8r,WI8





f- i3;$"?133,:;Xi:;i:$ii,?iffi: \-\r\r-rrvcrt\rv .uJ.lJ.tpfloEo/

I i: :-:antroductlon: The intenvlew took pi.ace ln-wude'G s@ttpou .na was e chet wlth rrr fo'.r. Wlre ln 3-coIln-vocellst and pert gurlardst, lgg?ers terls -8u1 t t-dnummer and Grehrn-bas ,Bobor s tJt . Gnehrm frug-e ls the beslc lyrlc rrlten end corln ths tune ;;;p;u"r, elthough these rslos ero now ln the mLdst of crraigingrre I the othors beglnnlng Itl,owdo"ntl _ar.e 6'roug!f, to wrl to .Wlre s flrs t nurn'Uin wn s the woras ;Grehem a rocef- puu- one *-{-rrnchtlme end Colln-fltted muslc into to ltrsln"" tU"n tbe c@mposl tlons hrvo flowe d ln conblnuously.ffre OeUut albrrm -"n hrd 2.1 tracks .The le te s t s lngle rt r am dre rittr;r lp song on the {lrp.ALnt lt a, swlndlo hevlng -q' l prevlousljroleese d b -slde l.ns tead of a nelr song ? Interview 'E I ln rbundence of mntorlelrwhy -Mlrrr old corg ? Grrheml$ell yC see rro went lnto the studl6 t6 rn do a coupie of trecks to choose ihe stngle and b-eldo.After we d19 tFlyr some_ of the equlpttent blewrso instead of Iseleeslng weak mntorlel ,we put t Ex-Iion tamer I out on the othenslde. tFlyr woifl BE on the new album. -i-= L::v f.,.rfs ;o E,,' so::a rSolt? , rllil rts subtle subvorslonrlt fltr"lnto-. rot ot sltuetlone.rt Qmhrm: ,r,o"u-il -lr15rriou" tborâ‚Ź ue rnone subtlc veys of dolng thlng"t["n-[i" wrtre 1yr-i9s befbne tnJ $8up roirnea? ""y". $!1pe ilta yournuoh.I Gmhrrn:No,not sinlbbled r blt a fi[ife-"go.i-dld nlowdownrto begln vlth Mlrn tDrye-:.::I rn-ora"i-;o J;;-;;;n rny pnresesl thomes for :^l::"nl ( llko Tv sxdbh tends ttj songs e to. 119y*'ytll.v"" e' &reham:Yerlr. JEg purlJ lt out from hts Jacket pocn;;i. lflmr, :1YeII whrt 6en y9u tell uu rbout [tre new- fpleruce ? Bnuce : f hevont heer d- t t ye t. -'GrehemlHe hesnt heard it yet. Mlrrr rMnmm welr.csn you. 4"g us some of thg songs ffi_-::-;;




ffiri;i;H;i6, l*:;i:a;g;:r&t*;"#:*:;:',:i-t*:l* -':i;e;;. s3;

ilffi , :ffffi 1i_i:ilg"*'ii;l:r.nil:aili{"[H1i"tsi,"";

Mlrur iWhss Annetto Greenreld yhy aia-"rre get e ro on plnk F1egg -Gmhem: Cos she t s Co1lns girlfrf eirO. "one Mlnre :0h hls bird. ld. fru.ce ,l!o ye_ be tter not sayr b,fu"dr . or i,q"uon. even,he doesnr e-J say blrdlno. v4's,r'.,' $T:*r:Ig:9:1,11u^i:ryf I V lfLrre :Rtght.uhrcrn you reia ,nuJrci---'--uo"*rtl:,::oT_ol,::-9?tr_if,rnf of .us has.rn lderrrhon rd1_dun_dor-dtr-dum etc:] (posslbie impiesslon of r str;;e;l lro can eIl play i t, then we edd btts on to it:iltrpMlrre :Does Bruce or Rob wrlte enythlng. Bruce :Yeeh j bl t ,no thlng on Fla!t;b;; ilthen? ru wrt tten e fer songs or_ thelr words on the new rlbum.were swopoLns round rolesrcolins wrltten some words for lfu6;;; -illLrna lDo yorr ever Jem around s ongs llve . Grehemrtr{e J.r ero_und on '[oo Leteila nit-on stage. Mlnne :trThet rne Hrrves t ltke to be glsne to ? Grehem:Pnetty usoless.welt t111 tirei-F;;;a that ln thelr Press 0fflce rt.EMr:N_orrts e- three yearly nptroned contrect on an inltlal 1g months. -Mlrue :Dld the contrect comrnit you to rereaslng two al out over the flrst tO months or soo Grehrm:$ort ofrcos we wanted that fn lnu contrect cos yye treellsed we could creeto materiil :verrellcklr. r





I rrtrl+----lF---l--ffi








olln lMoney 1s merely there to be used. ruce :ft lsnt really lmportant to rsr olln tAs a band there are thlngs that need moneyrsuch as a blgger P.A. lrua :Have you any s tatements to make on the N-F or thlngs Ilke that ? Colln.:lbsolutely.Werre obvlously egelnst them.Theyre oxtro&&stg. t-.--/ / -=={sLE HllT, ;,?r i, l"t*,'fi H*"i:lI;" ?'**il" *Tf *";" ::l;*: " you rhet you whene sell ver!-6lff1cult dorlts to say CoLln :But ln e buslness you invent gpoupo get lf slogans fon E dangerous can thlngsrlt raharnsWe dont wrlte songs condemnlng any race or cultups. Mlrua iHow lmportant ls your ons tage or general Lmage ? o}ln I dldnt thlnk we had one rbut lts all entertalnment. lrre iHow do you vlew bands that would copy your styl,6 or'rvouLd be very sltdlrr tn thetr muslcal er.rangement ?Perhaps 1lke onâ‚Ź bend f saw recontly called rrA Geng 0f Fourrrwho seemed to be dolng Just what you &râ‚Ź olln :WeII they say tmltatlon ls the greeteg t f orm of flettery; OR. . r . . Gfaham:f wesnt sure we have a otylo or e 1lre-sound.If we do hcvs lts only to our lncapablll tle s .I suppose muslcel restrlctlons cen be styles. Mlra :Flnelly s thought questlon.A questlon thet ls extromel.y lnport&nt ln t'he assesment of an lndlvlduals loglc ratlorintelllgence quotlent end ove personallty.What would yourglven & bqlck? oberb:ftd put lt on the floor;I dont need orlor raham:Er , lj a probably eet lb (background volco ) . olln tI tblnk IA put four rvheel.e on lt and ride up and do$n the roed on lt, uslng lt as a sketeboand.El ther that or Ird try 8nd rent lt togaeone. Lrrs iY{ha t wou}d you do.wlth a brLck Graharl? # ahem:ftd palnt the brlck whlte. ruce slrd stand there and Just lgnore lb ter was Rob . 1-+-78

"' @







the funky Nlrrr. dsne 1lve pho tosrplus the

teve G. & Pete S. ones, uerâ‚Ź teken by dl. The se lnc lude .S"-* cf Jo.lnny tomcatt ing lt up; Sllnrey wlvhls s s " T+hlrt;Fhsd trss $oldrg; Dave kddlng; . ]'grydne the lapein trylng to do a deord c[ange; )br:res not f,eylng snxi an Rory (tlnrt m backup; al1 st the recordtg of the ChLswlck Lho lplat the Rq-udhouse.As usua-l Jchnny turrred Wdndrs befcrft they-wre due mrhts excLlse to weryone : iels mlan was ls.te meHry the Sunday dlrrrnn, thbn he had to wal S

fcr tie 1S bus.lha othe plcs fncl - tlt &tr qrsh-ft .i&runy around lna prarrS}bed & .hh.r: hetng ebusf,ve;& I'tr.&Capbln & Jdirny dsytng at SxB-


. a tT tuten qcuTs V. gt1/oug/ae^py /pog^ 11qJAr BrE /s p.ram/.raRrgX,/uf8afif,/uqn irryaof pn/Ol Erytty.+rybnr.mtArons/oUurex;zeruen?1 : (a) .7t:repo'.^i/sqqy'ri"qFol/h+ua,/u.q/rppilnw./8ut_ eeo4/ee4aqlyr'g/eeogin/l++o{dtq,/sqsg.ry pe'+f$ApMfrj eq1 rue'f : (V)iEffi6@TToi6'e6.rp

Anewsingle byMAGAZINE


o F.










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