The Gargoyle And Nosey #4

Page 1


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arld we3*ome


..tncl }I*sey The Gargc,:r*l.e u





ar:h;,-r.', J,c




four of lie {"E}:,bor:rs



:T-,ssr'e Yuu

tl} find"

"r,].le I,e erin

rit ;. ;irr.'A::11fi' two of Pleetffi$!* lltt):-e"h'.li:e,s d.ay fit-gs -afid, 'lu"f s nc:?s r 4sr lo;lt y Trr,*,1;y' i" f,*'l; 3,, l.* ia;e:: ;'ror, a iocal t bland f'l*,]tn li.unii::-r."';en. o n;*l i.cri, The }res ?, aioitg v,tj-'bl: a couple d.en Tli;': I,;'rlgers

of postersn It

::eaCsa * f, e s "':',k






Sear }aldyo (fnis is quite nn-true co$ itve got loads tI?: *"r'hli"i t'.1* / t rr 'J "ire e'i'ic,l'r, L fi:ck-*i-nfi, Print this ?

Alfeady ].:ea,'rd Cf 1}SI l},'i',; 'y'ii ; F ;r1';.,{-ji.;t:'1.'i:e haVe , n i; o iofe fe t rie' I f'e Silefl. il'e': jj *. 13* 3S from tl'cd.* U"e f re :j"vtto tlie frr.rntn Kil1 the Tati:ltart"., A UlgS}E$ TAX }CNGER'





.Figh.t hacko llschg,r$€ * -.n thre ii. K s Sex Pistols' of \sii r,,& Iigr:,h*.rge " i*;.l't: Fs;r-l 3* S;i u ; Ener$i* *nl-ctie-rl"' 4' iri:tf,fisp Crass * f i?e-,'n 5*31-uni.*'t l;b'er ]ead Kennedys All€s* 6*Ca.l.*J'c::&ta rn Ups;erts* Angeiic t* a.n 'Jpr,*ta,r ?*I c e i Pnl * cut * -Il'e I ,Fail guYtrae.l:ss Ccr,p'i;aia I(lds* $pixa IhergJ.. i 6.I{cFe Lorr,e$'iickey }read*3laek iffistorTf f :recollecticn rock+ 11 . Cc-i cl Ci'ry* SPizr o'j-l e .r s,f li*cll,e Tc$rers * Angellg 12 "mr;yJ 1

2 oAner*kry


Ilp,:l'berts *, 13 *Ite-;ro l'** i*nn Sirls ' -.*otti,JTrosr{s rnisslng:o 1 4c'$,3 S? j,xr' $i



15*firrai la;rs* Yorrng l,{arble Giants* 16*Vfar d"anee,, Joke" 17.The ballad of rniss demeanollr, fhe FJ, olve

r$ e

lB"Exclran,ge/ntgs the rnirror. fhe 19"Fieqr Jack* The FaLl" 2f *6OCO cr&zg * SPlzs 011*



3 - ttawtcwind



ie in t;1. a*k o 9 * 3,.r.a,:+,; Saul:a.tlio N€*,'€ r say d'ie . 10*0ree'bim f;,ebeL* $tarship Affica * E





c'nlrrg we ekly ralds by tha n i n 3"ra,dfcrd" r upon the j.;i:, Siij w],*ic|: hi:.s recent* Fa.rt.l.,,.::.',1 c 1y,,.*,+,.1 ":,* ii:i: nl.ol':€':'t'l-r'e of the club Ak;r + '*l i{,-,, ii1 ?,,:":.'1..'C t'r iS +pcning A neW


loca"!-'.*i -iii,J-,i.

s: S ure e t cn Cc tober j'ie '-.+ fir ca,}led thm Sweatbox* .t': he pl*$ing there flhie i: ;,. i*l. f, ,:'riC wil-i ")e C::*.slr u tl:e cl-ub hold.s sixp;=-a,:L




::-rr. Tla T-,.'j-

hr:ndrcrl pcoll--e


If an;r one is i-nterested- in getting a pe i;;i-j;io;r tcgctller aga'inst the nt:Lse lia:t -j-i-,. 'B:-ry-acf.trd' and' i{ergh scl;::is sell tcmbe r }y upori. hanrls o ( s+,;tin*T: Cel;ails ) 27 tY1.- i-ss:*.t fnr fi-:.i: they' sho':j L S"l: a J Y'1r "i yl{-i116 s tcge t-. he r as pc' E,i. b:, e a:rd sei:d' thern to i jr-i-e wel-Ynt , Ml:* lVi * 17 l,enfl;-e iC Aarenue t ,s

CvenCen t Halif ax"


n QJmxtn o s tmang:ene ss and. - *@Sut $ongs frorn the wood.

+;*thro, ftrll"

yol-l have an;r viet'irs re"ricns


oI &n1tning that ycu would. "[c like ne p:rt intc the II]3$r please

coffinents p

sen.d. t.heri





rlvri:r t

-Q;;e e.:t s'b r U$ ;h';; .i-irrrcYC,

N=* FreQcleri Bridge Yfe s

1, To rrcs

IIXT liln"



At the



gig in

Leed s r


was fort'u;.nate ei:cugh to rneet John Feel after har,":ng a c}:et wrth hirnr i got h:in to s*gr: 3 {issr:,e il which read., Jol::r Peel J"s Fat" If you would like to win one of these mag:e r then


}amned. Damned n d.amned, Oamnedt ZoWaaaTa'bh' ExPect no Tnercy'


6,oMc"l':rhe&d * 0verkj- 11 . r.r- ss c rJr.e s ecp beyond. ?

it* the Ee")

{so be IIENES

}*fonto ?s expanding head band" Zero

the following questJ-o$i Q* How $leny peopS-e d.o you thi-rff attend"ed the leeds tr\rtureme SiS? Send. ]rCIur answers to me at the above ad.dress 0r lea-rre them at the shoP an,swer

rrhere you bought


fila,$* Tlre nearest



1 correct answers Will receive the mag:s, pri Ees will. be sent' out on the fl::st lVovember and names ariC ad d"re sse s of the 3 wj.nners rrilll apirea,r i^n i ss'ae f ive o %

,ffi ?;ffi.



, Ruts reg:g:ae single. ( 3'1 .) 4* f.hey had. a" hit withrJimmylJimmy" ( t0). B. See 2 d,owtl' 1 1 . See 25 d.own. 12, Theyr I e nobodys .hgroes (init) ( 1, 1, 1 ) 14 * A type of meal. ( 5) . 1 5. One Lackwards' for a jubilee arlist. (1) 1

15, They could be imaginary boys. (4) I 19. Joy Division, rlove will tear Lls..(5)'


(4) ' ,l sirrgle, (+ ,3r4r ) 24. A poet with a bass culture' (fnit)






e3e hit

r, " srarions us to fight '( back. (g). 27, They told."l'irkl



ctuns n Le

3. 4, 5. 6"

They gave u.s a" teenage waqningl ( ? t8, ) fnclependant reccrd" label. ( 5, 5. ) Live kicks rnakers. (1 , 1r4.)t You lj.sten wj-tlr it" (1. ) They were J,n love with lirlaggie'T, (i'2)

label that


usilan DuaTrlfhe ]

Iamned. & Rachel ,$ireet'(5).


Spizz S0? (9)

10, See 2 17,&,

8. fhey Ssve you a love song:r { 6 ) . * GarSa Numan hit,(+).

22,- Gang cf ,.'.? (+) 23 , Smeri-can T. Vn cornedY about :

two families*. (+),

2p.. Radio one D. J, (4r4" )

Heres th: bnswers crossword,

to last



1, Both 6.*Flash* 9,Ale.

10.You 15.Day"- , 23.Lo}ly"' e5 .'Le&rr* 1 8. Ieya* 2A *Swif t " 26,Aye " ?7 "Aruan$€ * ]0.Lie** l?,_Hxist. }Si{rouble, |]'IIw}p' }8'Ag:e 35 11

.Map. 1 ?*wr€





7, fhe



DOuN. 'l , Bce.t




5. ShegF. 4,Say

iltd#/ /

dreaJnerr 5* Sbrut. 6,. Flery. |.Afun, 8. Happy* 14,$ni1y. 15, Da$e. 1 6.Ma1 coln.- 72, swoon" i g,gyg * h ir'lee, -2.2.



?B*Rhinor Z?,Go, 14 -Yte€r,r 35,Toe.


27,Amarg:e .

31 .$tanp" 13.|[ube.


t&, $lits

member' t3 ,2. )



+ got a trian€rr'lar. head, " (s*g* walks over). . SICU. 'rAt least i haventt go! n'rimbei{ -----*ur". 'r (46 he flieks llagglet ears) , ED, ttrfBli, what are you:c main influ-

Nof-s(sI3tSS The Not-sensibles first started playing in September 19?8, and started shortiy aften'rards' T.heY plaved ffi;lGiirst gigs in 1oca1 working nens ;h;i" 0n the night.of *i"iu around-Bi"r$1ey'nanaged' to get their first eie they c[ucked' were evicted o,ff t# stige and why the season orl, *n"n they askea tfre too noisy a:rd' were' o*""t said that theybingo sesgiond" *"""-ai"*pting the giggtng aroundmeY ifr"n-"ttrt'ed Band tvtanchestlt tna have played at the and now' tt1lp,': on the wa1I quitu a i"*- -n;;'^:"i,ni;;u spherical rike uanas'Ihe Qbjectstete. they When 'ihey fi rst started' off t cuw band.Pd j.."t pieoe a frur *"r" (irt-ii' bassist) ioined.4 q** 7?' tT{E

ences?'t SAGE. ttUn, Nana Mouskoufl'r" R0!GE. ttGeo'rge FombY"'r

t'Shi;ly Sassey and Santana'rf ?IOPIY, 'istar Trek''r stand for?rf


gD. ".\fh*t do the band *Erudceness ar'd wonLd peaoe'lr ilconttol'led anarclry, enforced K;ffi: "'--t*fkion and sex on Saturdays"l trNothir€ m?Qh.fl SAGE, ;;o;Fr.- ;The StarslriP 1rrterpise''r

leath to iliieo, fieir first slr4le re was rerorded in Decenber B|e atd wae l\{arch a!1ut leased o,n 'Bent npqardst up to this was the 7gig. Their fotrlow rlrm In leve with MargBret .ii.'cf""":c Thatchert which was soLeased rn Bal-I Reooldsr in Oot+ber 1979t and



lt"ir Reorrd's* later releasedl"-i#iry thing in line fhelr alburn was th$ &'lrt

tbnt Recordst atolt and was released h1r nid June 1980. t5-tint'thstant Classici pressing ft rt"u soLd out of, t&n orie;inal re-released *rra ft" Just recentifur been thelr ty t sttotiy Snailt r r sl'ang with dead' ' yoo were I iho!4ghi fltest -

"itterJ band. consist of; Ilaggls' on [he oo"u.r"l' stg" on esi'tttl' -R:$ge ononkeyboards, GarY on bassr and PIoPPY d.funs'

There now follcnnF en the }Iot-Se4$ibles"e e ' t r',"


ED. il\iflrat inspired t]re seirg

ltn in




with iliareer^et Shatclrer? IIAGSIS. tr0os irye hato her" ' irj. ;e,tt i thowht you wanted. to give her towtt one with a pair $ICGIS. "Ird give of trrl,ss-ilaps'o have yort' got over here tonlght3rl rrln &Y car.rr D. j-t?'l HAOGIS, 'tWhat kind ls



SriwE)h 1500, Why?" HAC.GIS. t'0h nothjtr€:riwrt w*rrdefed'rl I{AVE YoU i6i ao*t'}rigfltfs m. 'tffOrtrIrrln my ca:r1 lfve got a turtl on HAGGIS.


EI. ";;;"i ""u. {rtellr what are yotr:r maLn influencesn'r' you HAGGIS. ftHey r:!r her* eogtse.Sb'get -'hers qtt" offtoos can epot iri* a -


ED. lt.,'trlneres GarY?tt ROME, SAGE, -_PioifY' ;ilcd!' "$harpenitlg li? 11os6'rr 6i:-;oh.:' !\lhat nad'e you flrst inter-

estld in



in "lir*tre not interested horse lsgin€i"l rrgh, s6;lf3rr Well" what do you thj'nk ED" *'"to"i thfd- rpurrk ;a'thetique thing?rr in a few slcil.-iir" tm *'"at SHITB' fashanother ttti--iqaes, $ust


i;; *rwat*a hY Garry 3ushe11butso sacked' tfttt W does4rt getdoesnr! so itre a1i ioti**fty could 1! be callednake ii anv d.iffer"nce, it Gi";t;;t *cl' fcir all Tre eare' pub to-the fron €l.oing doesntt stop us o" staJtp coilecting. (retre all keen I

philateiists. ) staitea off aLl this buisi:ril-;,,''nrst and wlth tho ehavi'ng crearn rl

"""" FessY gubstances? itit"t a beard SAGE, I'Vfell one day Gary had roon dressing the ln and he was when off it Ehave ts iust abos,t Gary had' ;;;";;-outt"a on stase'erean a}l L go out with shavingwas-still ooui his face, and he the ca4 of shaving cream ":.,rt"hitg ft. OecteeA to sPraY it all ". over the crowd.' ED. tt?fhat do You think of all this Folf Haris revlval?tl Harris"rr nOmE. rWerve got our own RrLf gD. ttWh*t do You mea.rr?'t rrlyr lfre forn of Sirnon Lanzcn noicg, ------(*"*r) just who's our nanager' He s i;d; iil.* nott' And Rolf Harr-'' of the,eorer on -or ;;t; mention SPlod'ge lir"*, and it was befo're it'rr

even ihought about doing ED. "lYhat do you think about politics?fr



S{fi.E' ttfllogical.

rt persecuted ..-. rr" Llt?rtlo ^ SrLG.'i'1, $Iletd. onJ.y


AO]xln" fiGor:d na.lne

for a pa:rrot.rt

Sj;OPlia. "3ia.r-T::eks better,r' (;t':st at this moment, a fl.eet of piJ-locks in the fonas of Scoo.ber bc,;.r l:i: l.l< ed in'bo tire place. i, huu-.rr,t.;I eub coirulents, tFly the !'-"I-a,g, tiai:gg a pi:c, ebco) El. 'tl'fi:a'bs yortr reaction to }.rrod. then?" n0!GE, rilYetd better not nention lt in here,rl SAGE. ItPlops a ,Star T.nek fanati.c.'r R0IGS, frlle used to live Ln a comrnune '"'* (tne Trekkies) in. Holland.. IIe rs


irresponcibJ-e, but i quite like


gettlng married., Sage?rt SAGE. rtI dont knor, no defJna,te

plans, rt P&OPPY. rrlle's got some







' ied us.rf pl0PPY.'fBloody stuptd qyestion,rt R6DGE, trl expect lt to beeome very ' fashionab'le and i expeet- the price of sharrhl$;crearr to rocket in the future. rt PIOPIY* 'tA:rd.'wetve just siened a eontract with Gilletter and we should

be doing sone ad.vertg ED. 'fWhat do you think about black SAG8. tfDont

like em.rl ncllcE, ilFilth tt ILA.GGIS, r?II5f , Frank co&e over here



P,D; ttoh, f see.rr IIAGGIS, uO* day he loBt his ball.oon .pltmler uppel$.-upper and'sald that ?

it his fauLt,He stafted gettin€: and, re, ended, up,€

PIOPPtr,'rit a knitting' factory.rl SICE. "He designs baby ware, intinately. Gary works at the Job centre, hbts aleo writing a book about how to avoid. getting a ED. I'What are your hobbles?" ROXGE. 'i$haggirrg, football and alertt $AGE "Shagging just to name a few,tt I{AGGIS" tlltn a stamp collector,rl !&OPPY. 'rfa^hing care of my klt and Star frek"tt SAGE. 'rHe alse ehases school girls. rl @. rt'irlell'r we a1i do SAGE. I'l{O? ryhen theytre only elght years old,{


r\fheres Galy?tl

hid baby around.'l


"PUshing ED. I'Idlhat are his hobbies 4part fmn



can get interviewed. too,rr nOnGE. ItHets o'u.x props nanager,tl EDo rrWots that?rl ROIGE" 'rl{e rs in charge of the balLoons and shaving crean and anything thats ,.. messy./


,.0."" *fieie any nro;;4tains

es his work home with F;D. tt'rfhat af,e tsour Jo,bs?rl F0IGE. rlf In :a. lumbgrjack"rt SAGE. [A roadgtiveeper,ti QUElf0. "f&t an author, itm writing a: bqok about the life and timee of A-1i8fu1r Crawley, It



popped the. anybody


', dol.l factary, at nights he tak-

ED. "I,lhat d.g you 11.&e about playing on stage to an asdLence?tl SAGE. "Itrs a bit nom.comfortable than i eitting on tha f,loor"'l m. nlo you think tha.t ltrll beocme' fashionable for people to go 8ro1lnd w$,th shavlng cream, and putting it in peoBles faces?rl SAGE, I'No, because electric razors are easier. tl IIAGGIS. ttYes, fi"sras have a3-read,y eop-


question but wont about


England.?" SAGE. ftNo, apart from Salif ls nose"rt, PI,0PPY. 'fllag€lis works in a :r;bber'

fuck, they dont even like Stat Trekr.tlgy're only ln . , it for the pnoflt that they're getting out of their record salestj SAGE, trno you know were all very relig:-


in the back

of his rnind. ir JIApqIS, I'He,rs prlvatply

way then?'r Pl,OPPy* 'rAre we



EX. Itiilhen are you planning on

his ears polnted. shortly, when hets got enough money. trD. ItAre you influendbd by $pizz in any

ItNo. rr tl!"fE IONT '3AGE"

jusr bc*ght I'b in

I{AGGii'i" tti.,'-mcn blamed }r;,:reii:ir co,s he d.oarrntt 1.lke hin anil btrinke hes




for the rest ofi the


nanager) : .jHe

ts always

sigrring on late at the doLe of,fand. hers j-nto fake rrjlftlere d.o you all eome'from?tr ED.


,gAGtr, ttYu€'o,slayia.


n0-mE. nCcventlyr Gary was left ln: a baslcet en the steps of a sooi-

al security offioe,rr

IIAGGIS. f3rrxnJ,ey.

PIOBPf, !l[he Starship Ehteeprise.rt ' ED, 't9ha* db'you thl.nk about t3east-



Fn4ry{' .l'I sfra6; nry icltten everxr


& plopPy, trl prefer necrophll$ia.


RCmE" "]Jtr0T?r' tl t zuiGGrst rf smart, j.t s a, do,gs lif e * aTe yotl;' ambiti*.ne in life?fl EI. tt',,ff{at ltTc see the World., and. i wanrra be SAGE. famou$



n0ffi8. 'fI want to see Br;rr:Jey wine lose my vir€:i-rufty and lose if,rt a,gej;tr and to

loolc llke HaJil{ Ma:nrin* tr pICFPY. "T0 go to the Starship Enterrprise, io grow mY ears and' shaqlen



what are your plans


1S0",,..iI. *-*€-; a**+4**F




npi:Sfol'I rlisfrGArEs/imrf, l6,rw*rvs sAsrAnls :Y:K..K *lf*^A ITS AT",I

A#JGIO$ JESI]S CHP.;ST BumEr Krtls iffireiln* F,ARcE /x $'RAy s0rHilIcs GArl$n ,r}f ilnlocirvr cgrm INg?1GAE+

enorig;h moneY) .

re Soittg tb sup;ror& tl* Pa'pe his next taur of Englandr and

,fWe f



t r@.*p

guture ?rf I{aGGrs* rtAnc ther pint , wri te soin'e song:s and m,3e a fiexi*d'isc {if Wetve



ffi fffi;scs sgtlryi/nsrrGlg1l AS A$c'IfIitR ilS-biriS I{ATH AN} }lAR rlmOuGil GIJT E,scAPss vrcfrus iil's $nr {f0uNls" * xL**

126751 on rhis arien ;ff[r}:'nro bear rl macluln€ " ttAnd.

T}IErRAill,I]trst'ffnRE}lrrfllT}mrR TO PUr nisrnrOfrOlfs r],i{Ay$ Ti{EnE yci ICwN AlfARCIrys TIffi ollrY Sotu+


& fiffi

F}LTGE T.R r,,' }ffi3IfTJ\'\'Jl*N'ros lsth* 0cr0tsER 1980 '


The other def i sent a letter cff to one of tlre best bands who have only recently be corne heerd cf I they ?rea't few tpischargp', within the space of days i hac a replyl here it is' r il r.

First on the sta6:e were }ellado:r:ra s &fr all $rom€n band' fron their Hebden F:'idge, fhey star*tec andnunber, a Fclice set of f with fcr material own then played. their I re ttol a' fhey set:. tire f,est of the bqnd, elthowil theY are rather in sor$e of their songs lifeless ':a& . fhe sing an,l orl the stage as well gpitarthe between tng $/as share'1 eppea in ffi (wha is reallY sre&t, The or8lenist the ' th theo ,r;r.r- I wow) antt wi wrong was ;;i3_ thing t\zat banc is that theY lacked Fower ancl their .songs a,- certain pll,llcf I all of they need same, iended. tc icrmc the their '50ngs' sol,'e; bit ;f lift to frlose t stand" thing tc meke them nowout they tend

Dear Steve



when werve finished. i?rn going to

shoot lti.m'tt

,F end,ed the *.n*e:rriew and, rnad'e our way to the stree** sn the *?{. there i a*lioea to lrasfey saggis with shavind sream and. wl end6st ru covered. in the creamy white mas# eg shaving cream af ter a five rnin**s fi'ght. :'- Jl





Yort*r in *he band'






and. Your

gi:e band first forsred in 1977, chang:ed' but s:i:rce t}:en the lir:'e-up has tO try we s*newl':a,t " illie n€$Se$e whrch "u'i"-vf&r j.s gn en .n,: * ac jtcgs in our sciigS like il;r-l:rist ***un,**- lrYhat rie woui-d' to and to se e j,s a' wprld. of equa.,'ity

livewithoutthet}rreatofwar Cal * the f annlft€ * with best the All

Tc date the band have had' twr singles

outwhi*hare;rFightBaok'and realities of w&rr

RE$gnrsrr0s$' f,ItIISgIlIG!'I0Rl'5I'ORfIil0Ift-ryN*gAILT'EY|


IN TI{E ffm- FEI 0N cRrf/cll0Hll#}"9


becguse as l1;hey stancl

I{exlrweretThe}'fiagneto'stwhm' se t to the fron tke start of their mcveni ent anc ;;; he+ powerr.puncll, their t,o ine'ir rnusico as well

F'resence ' given to us ;;-;-ultns* TheY a"rl*t bY l'{j-xe the singe:r' & song stEr::ted. tt ui" set off with ed E all ne to lia:i: whj. cn $ras llial"&Iri by rtr'ollcwed, imnediately ;lnsfi t tv'faste friy l-.ife t ,A great start to better thei.i u*i , I thei"ught, but' their played' as they *"* to f'ol].ow f Ge *tawaY'n'** which was ;;;; i"tt bY *gu:." iunecliatelY fcilcwed uP harL i rpfne 3y },'letrboth cf which rresr* b€f'cre, end. which scunced. it fu t'ulter live ttran record'ed'Gj'veol' fle r SIs' !'ashictl and' Averag* f theis set ;;;. the next 3 numbers i.n No trtray' and' ioff owed by lfllonderland', A;;*,. cornpt*t*A their set witf 0n the .


and fovrn, a, superb set,great ntrrsio,say. J" J.ofs ot' ljfe, W?rs,t more need



L. and 14th September 1980.



j arrivecl in

l,eed.s at about 12,tA and. immediately macle rny i,vay to the Queens hall. '.[he queue was j.r',:nenseoi-t was about {-l peop1e wj.d-e afld st:'et'c,h.ed r"i 6ht down i;Le ::oail fc.'r s€iJo::ri hi:,:tilerl yard.s. The plserrts iliere out :L.r ft;::,:e l;..d,a;/ and, welle sl'c ltabl-e a. r.:-i e o.1l u lv :. iir t :,ei.r fresh.l.y hand pai.ntcd jaeirets aud "i;heir newl;r food colcu:red" hai-: wh.j"ch was d.ripping down their ianes as they -aweat. As we elowly ed.ged our u'ay dc'v,m the road the cene irric view and were watchlng r, e:.ngiy ol'er the punlcs as they slowly I' thejr way th.roug'h i;he doofs orJ.y a c-,cu!l-e of irr;nd"re'C ;.rs1'fls fogfore usnA.t ,-:::.c 'bJ-meo tirei:r n,-'{-ce c}ean ranks wcre b:cl:e:r when a 7-cacl of leed.s Unj.ieri. ia.j:is j-.i.$.:e.j, dirrn the cther sj-d.e Of thr: -y:li_l.ii a:.r,-i i|;1r: i,r;;er;l ri:shed. O'I/ef i3 keel t,1q'n '[.ii:-l:. Ur:.e o"t' tne.if fenaie ;.rp..:cires h.L;.L a .i:r'i:.b tli,rcwt1 ,'ler way, br-ii she evaded bh,: bl-okes grab a,rad srnackeo. i:j.s wrist fer being such a naughty bo;,rr she then puehed" hin bac.k -i-nto the c.rowd" of foctbail fensr to a r,::mereu.s q*heming anC jeerlng a.nd appiause from bc'i'i: sitl.cso Ii eve.:l'u'ral l.y weded fly viay through the doors; a: abc:'b 2"45 e.r'.,j" had :::.j"ssed, qu:i.te a iew of tne f.i".r':-;'l l:l,.r.lJ,l{ f ih'l wel1e tga1en -1",r-i7e -i_iy "[_tsc-+'.s 1 , iJ,:', i : Ceil ., t and tne t Ti:'; r r a:tri- naC arrived About iralfvay rbr:u6h the rBc;obcbosr set. I i.iti.r::.'i; Teccn much to ihem and. so left ine haj-t to get rny fil-l of local



e,'irenl'ra.1]y staggered back and. cre:hel- c:i; ov: the f,lc':i: (lict feeling very weli)- I vir:k.o ap to a Llol-:e cal-led, t&-t).l Jai,Jr.*lnr sine tine ]al\er wiro wag sirEir4g ilr-r.;d's a.n.d. playing aJt aco-r:stic grritar 'i:o ?:i;leel"-f na stage" I hoj.dted, myself i;;. f:rrn the flco:, and nad.s a guick e::j.t i;r t!:e loo ( w:--!h jr-rst seconds to spa-rel" I eri<led up a few ninutes Laher ad;:i-in c:ashed. ou.t on the floort and wche u,p soxrie tine later to t8Lah 3Lah. SlCitst setrTfishing Itd. stayed

asleep j-

l-eft ih.e hal.l 1n utter d.S.sgrrst and rre::i-i frr a br:isle walk a:c'';nd. the btock(wi:it6 5s]ped to clear my head a bit)" I decided to go bacllc intc the hall anc. fo,'-utcl r:ryle-,--f 1.1;: lern.:1r,3: t,c f itis$ed Yoi.r-lhsi si.nger shouirrg ouL, ovL': and o]Ier' aaq3i.L.i tI cant cslYier 1 cant ccillor I Thii'; 'r-f' t]:eir sr-'t en.'f i;he 'i::lLcw"ing; bar:<i, (1.'1"- r was spei:.t j:: ilie ra,;,1 with a black coffee , trrirg riysget rr4rseif

back to. my nonnal state (whatever

that i*) so ths,t i could" rernemhe r t the great €ven b of s$e-,Lng m3r fave bai:-,i cf tl:e icctlte:?1,, I ",Iniic & tlre B.-H:t* 3t-r'::'-,-'Jl_, t I rrt;:ri i*,1_lir.i 't" lri th p.:e l"3r t t]r-:,t ti;c";" -ir? ebs;.i-'u: lc) y si* p€r'r:b r pj a./'"l.ilg rn ),':*i; cf * lr,l *:: a.l-Lr.l:n rrli c i ilo:: t.tal,tr trackr; ;ll-t:.g r'.:- ft f :L -l,lrc",iits l ilie I *r8r' 't,i"i,l "ffeL .L I * ll'r.J.r T{, a '*l,,.f n




r,'d th ,::,; S : *l e ,$ A I- J g;::?,"i"e A rearl .l-y ;{')r-rfr ; f,.rr,' ';c n, r'e a, i-,1r," Ec Jd SU-fil4,,*



lre cep t j-vc Fi.'it.{l.i. a;t(r€, q i enJC')'' eC. tl,e:i r ,]r,,'i, a.'iri

:..Ii; r- .ii;,*"'1"::y

? :";ci,;:::'J f rc'm the roer o,f' ui:e croirrd fcr iil{)T.'e nanJr o tlre rs * i t]. 'i;: r.: '" Trre=r fir* rr i rnne Ci.ateS-;" fol.l clved. by I The fro&,fffo Ci-' Ge :rt,.fnicli 1 .: t, Ro ne ::t i'': "i pp cr: g:'.1 i i"'t o li.',:i i:3' v,rs cn c,l:da,31, Jri:ri.ily Ttc $*ri on 1j

d.nans eJjri Serzh f;c€ ot-; u'i:,rii.j,. ii,i:ey did.

a reaj-;v sorlgs e



sot of a.l.r ii.tiJ*rj.,:a.l- ; "iii r .-?b,-,'il--f, i:,r^Lf an

t:lr i n s'lad

llc r,sr-b i-:'-i,-:.i) !i'Lir,+ JirI.1,4rr fili;.,,r,i 1;.-i)a:1 A S "i.i'C l- l,"iii.; "r r: f;"i :J"i"1. i::5 * i'j ;' ii'.1-..; \,i;:: 'LhfO ugh*u i; ti:'l i,r''l i,: l. * se t e i',=il::^..:. o "Ll:e only OilC Itr,rO :'.1,J':'ri.i. ci 1),:,,,1.,; t i''Li,S i':;ltfah lee, ti:.t1- r,",'r,.f',3 i': ;--i-.:, f :11..:,'itl o'l::8re fiiigfe qUite a i'ew 0f -Llre p:.i:::ks wi:.; cculd rnt Stand. to i" j s i;e :l -rc 'l;i:.'n and i,'i&ited. impai;ient]..r t,i, [] :r: c uirer n'iage fo,r t Siouxsie i urh : i.e & select few B.l1ai, ll,* }lii,,i;i.t*#:i Of i.:,S f.;:1,'-i;-f i-j,-i :iA:i-th,.f:fl- With the band r,] i.iij i):l': ri;c &"r ge t., l:ilt1i" "i:.Q J'-i .i:t;, ii ;,.. $he ba;:d. urho most , -tt-h:ru Of t].:.e il*.r'&s ,1.,,.,t. l'l- ": 13 i1 f rt:r -bhc i.:r sl.e{ilt;n.g itc.{".g *, i t r: e $a c'i; o:: the ]rall f or-."u {:=f:tq::f C th* stage * li.illxisi e l-oo* ho"rr,:0.


i. f i..r,:iil'Lr



t,^i.-r.i'"!l 1i,f; ) lTiil

jr: ;?. trhj*e i.cnther ou'ht' :.'h *rJ:ir-;*:";; f *:,.ig '::f "1;c t l.u'r-g f "i *ki.rt And" ;j1...::r: 'i, ; I L ."1. ;il l" -ij: ';n'i.' i {-e -1':i. i i,-,:t* if:g (,n-,ii -l * t,i."!':'';',r ''l i Ct l:h-r;:l ui Ci ;:ttt j. :: a,lbUm A$ii Ctli,jI C;*ci +f 'lf,:;,i--.i<-i; fi,il.{l ;:i"fg;;?i,t r in th.g -Lr i:c';:r' i: r:il" e t, ii.i 1,a r' s * 'L; ., i'-1o; fi,..r[.* ona*l i;' Si."ri"s.:".,rj": !n'rt*l-ri *.eii.vr,3 'filc l'::r:.rn$ o,f -l l:* r; i ai;l{-.' i} l'}'1 S',.1 clt ']he Eirr "f i'i'i ,J i- ue r o -f fliii ':2 T' , :;r rc had a Ere at s i; age pre$#r:,t:e o d"ri.:i} ;": i;tle leaFs enc sur"i;:tfl5.::g .lt tl "-sirl j.J ii.ll.) r.t.'.:il J,].-n s'i a ge kne*-i.i rrg u,:'i-lt"i ?,.1 ti:re e{i,f.;'D .; i. -i liu s tage 'hcc,o nlil,fl t'a *].r* c ,fu:nd t;o fli:rrl? a, and. hl^ie tlri::r:o'crJ srlt,r'r hi; n$ c j'f little phone stan'is et'; - T.i:i"e;r e-"dr'6'ntl-lal-]y "i.ef t the stege a'i:, al:*'.rl thrce i.n tl:re ir:Jffitin$ ,?,j.i0. it,$ e*,ic' r"ri-rt (1.'y ti;'alii $e t{;1.:;:fj d"own to ,sl- e *p i,l"rc i dJ:"i;s c 3ilrcl sn a.:tci rCIIIIainad. so :f ;:: tne rest of i;ne night, rFre"rcnt::rl,g fios'b cf the people from sl e cn:j-l:;Sr ked :"er:li:r fl:rii: ,-.,





was 0n JundaY norning everybodY at about 9^3Q' eyt"tea i=oo it" hall hQlireu. wirii'Jet lrei'rt p"':t" irtu il;"; jrrs in tl:e cafets arcurd ir'":-r:g ;li;;t"- i r"u'a'jti;rg fcr the ;;'$; ial'tva;' nsta'l;jcn' viirj'cli was to d.cors 116 re*r;:pc ai:t':'n' ;;";; i;"fr. i il.j..'i";t {zn.*;,r ".";l:1t_-

eyre punic (not^:: p?th:li.1ue) -i vlss iei:ct., tl:l. r1;'.ri-";r'er:s:i';1 est'I v'r''''s gcse o:i"r-u"" 'l;hat ';l;e rslr'tlt:a's L ir.,,r to ie rea-i- sl't-c;t "lff. c1'l'-'-r'crc irr t'J.,n bal'l r;, 1;i'l--: ''ji'i: p;;per pir-i;es. sha"ri.a,q c::ea":n' r"rii su.rnJ

tlr "r::"-r, i;;-;";'t;i: n.

o+l tL:e s.t'€!,*,r Ar r:i;:r ti-ruy wc::e glc;ted o-,r,ii7rz4 rin sf,e-de t I :':ir:': is j:;rr;;i,;,-;'; '.o-i= o, F, :i{Ha'i::"j-s lj're s ont it""' a;r'l 'F'olf and trie-ban'f, H;.#i;-i*t s:niled their first n":nber of

j-tl8 ll;Ji so i" naC'e my -r ::erla:i'rreo' there f."r 1'o^r-'7.)tio- ., of '-r-cr;r:s a;ld evt':ltu'ei-ly nade """o,rrr-" ine t'al'l at aborr.t 2"(i0' il,r+ir-rr-..irt.til'j




'r', i


but lire lonst !^U *r' thJre wasntt 'fne' I had *!"- UIJ ar:',toioe band's and' i;#")-i'io"99' t:re rirst few t'fribes-

was erl).eci;j'ng a lr

gueue a


set' inletwe:n over an:Fs,Erab leaE #;";;-;;"''**'a an'l ih:'ow l;hen ln'io rhe ;;;;;"; -t'hil st he wa ;;r;;', *d at one t:lrne of shavi'ng ;';;;y Pushin6 a Plat'e so:nehodlYs fece' hc t";:



fj'nd' had ente::ea ine hall to th" v"ere *ii'-pi"yi"e' ,il;s":-;;"4-ort'hev :']]^{ and thl whole v'reekend' fry r found it not being n et"ii reggaen'irslc an-ei d'eci* tr'eir i."ta'i"-l:'stln tothe arz& pub' vies'rest ili-t"-r-av-e forthi'ngse few a quije i"-tit" L,r"t" of had the s':ne -r-ceao, arrived' blck "ift"t-n""ple A few Pir'ts lat*r 1t!"91" dan-

ti're L:"+'h''isj ;r:i:j c rr-ro'wd wj"iir i'ij's li*el:j'"r:l l:'i* _"' IL ^'' el '"t*(:tireirf(icl 4!r\.1 thei-r i'a-^.: \.ft\ :"i.,c, itr set inc'l'uCei b You we::e dea ;;";";';;:.2 ,' :- bLiousrr in'love with Margalg! nna-

;;:"';;f andtt *** Iri"tir""D*u'th to discor 6 d'or with t-U"ii" od everything ' beach

I'111: i"*ri"-tn"o*izui set and' their :il" the crcwci, tref enLied enthral-ied' the di',red off sta4;e' 3utlt and even'lrtahave ;ffi; *r"iatYrl





ci('n;ri'r')(1a' ir a snai"';';; 'f i.';i:i': l"r';il':':

iefi; the s'base IIlo'fI1 ffi il;t 1r" Ne:t'h wag ex-P' i '



a bir'gs Ermairrl a.nd twc otire: pecpie' g:"r:'tar'i"st lhe wi th-a-cass;r'id' aro :;;";; m"isin8 beat sc':ndette machine aia a c1::un "li"j"u-"*sJln'ti"t' l'i:er i;hcY br:oke ed otit "rut "''" P"a' lrafk a ni"l1into a. song ca'L?'dt;td ':f uiuv rlid a.fe'y il""r'Ii""'l playstarted' titut' u"Atheir son$s P'T'1-'s nunber off iit-i.;;"i'1"'sf recc:Jed d'ru:rr beatt ule'ii)1 box to a j-t was a. slower version and

;-;;";;;"te pfssine; about' the own numbers and rnucn Some of n the.r left the "tog"l "their in left w9r1 who ;J;;?"i followins & chce::j-ng: front of the ut;#' sta*'bed' ca'he bar:d' anO- the shoutiqrg fo" "o"I"es' badges into'the back and uturt"i-rt"rilng; left tlte stage' a"nd then "fiJiilt-wd, -_. eane tack to do an encore' ff?re Flowersr

the vocal-ist oi-igooi* ro" l-eft the stage'Ua'Yrf, ts c@e oll stage Bhe next


jricc co:-a ar'cl o:-ur-ge the -L-gi:ts w6Trt n''rt iiru--t'o"a' 'I'he:rr

mainlypissedtlo'''tonthestage'qrrite a''ra;f af i;e:r thei'r -i"tiunle) a f ew people walkecl plaved ' cfrirev it"",i ;;;i;" ('* their all set-eonsistirG

d'anci::€lr and

i":-:*r, l"il"?"oLl;'lr*i.t"' i diclrnt

one wiri-ch ;Hi{ Iti'*.iiter half&ray tir:rou vrhj-ch and


A-toti:er s-"ft:-"i' band' a:rd' b::':ke j'n* tt u'ita,g* aopeare..l lr' tne"ie'i &,re ? 1;r''s P-iescng'I'neY ;:1;r;r rir"t it 2' ienaie :':11:*t ce banri, *o"*i"ii":'gcl::.'i:r*i'e-ro irr'r:r l's i n {'urc ;"*;;;-i;taris';n tr'i"ugh "bheir set ].'eft the "t"g""i,lri*uv and' a fenale for about ten-minutes) gnlae w:r?- one of the organist/t'otu'iiui" and theY went bost bands or ;;; ni"sht 0* trre d.own really welt wiSir -:t:1d" by thelr last nurnber they were 'joined


;";;-1t;o il;;;;;-:-i,tc

for to gftd-nty"'*1f ttt*u$h of the,stase was ;t, the fmat tc' their faa"itsi"i tacked with purJcs-*n$+ft'tg scsttish^band & iil;1";;.--"'i'*v t[ii* "** " scottish fa:rs had ouite a few or just fo'r i"ii"-la- lrr"* oo*'a b Leeds thegigrti'*r*t&i'l"rtheirset]ast riite6$ sdni'rte" ryl after back "i"d""J,lout the s'r;age-lftoy we'r:e cal-Ied'two Leavi::g they-d'iit wtith for an encsre, in for the r-la'st time' Left u'nd ;;;-;r;u fol"l oived' | ll:e f i^-'l'r:'"'ic *l'er' l"Li;rs ulere a TloypLay on the neigi:bc''::'ing r1:a;;e" harclly wilcl bunch who ""'-TAint

q't:eal{i. i-n w.;,';;r st:a''u-:tr:'4




ac::ee{:'i.-i:'g Lort,*j rud 'br': ar:;-;'l'v tr-:::i--i- r: eo ;';i-a -:;t;;up4 L; :'-t'ti:':r''tJ'.i-;i€i-1-11:ien i'i": be':icl i:: tlie a'';rl* ya a'nd rloi'rth i "\8,r..! f,i vri.:,'3 r'\;*. 'n'ai':i;i:rii i:i's Ieili,.-s When i'ras nin:'i:g , i"**"'s;i;: ii:'zt ircthe microphone to i""3iai""r;'^rert he oPe:red get e. can or L"ut' then it' wtr-ile t it and "tarr'"'l A''i*tt::g Aoing ort' He he i;a,kirg was $tj'11 lne and n*t- a few other.people 1



bad wo.ndering


were roiro:ing and

when they were playtng Llver after a couple more of their own son€ls (sttll with the recorded d.:runbeat) they p1ayed a t0ang of fourf nunber, rAt honoe he feels like a touristrr I enJoyed and appa:antly everybody else dlct too as they were sin€ting: alongr Srian then ran off s&age and got two carrler bags, wi::ich contained eomethin8:r and which he started. whirling around himself .by the handles,he then let them

fJ.y onto the floor, whlch spilLed their contents of t3ananasr, the band' then put down their instnrments (tfre record!d" muslc still playing over the P"a. ) and started hurltng the bananas into th e crowd tSoomerang w&se t r and by thd handfulLs" A rninute of ba:rana throwing passed and sudd.enly Brian ivas caugilit in

a backfire of his own bananas tirrown back by the crowd, they did cne Last number and flew off, backstager then sud.denly we heard a sur€le of cheers & shouts for more over the pna. It was the cassette sti1l playingr a, few rrrinutes passed ancl Brian a.nd lis band. came back on stage, SrLan vralked. cverb-' the microphone and sa-id fI don-b kncw vhat to sayrt, they ther:. pLalreC rItO wg.'ik a mi11lon milest q:rd Lefi; the s'bage. The cassette player then started' playing t3uy ny single, buy nY albunr be mY


and make me

richrr over and over

again, I dont know how'most people too& it, but i thought it was quite anuping ancl j.nteresting a:'Ld not a bad set.

After } 3::ain i left for


cafe and heard the next band.?ClassLx l{ouveauxr start 'to play, i iruneaiately sensed. a Sowie-Huraan lea6ue sound i.n their musle, The nrrsic that they played was good and they went down wel] with the crowd, although thej-r appear'a,nce ras quite strikin8. fhe lead' singer uas wearln5l a t'ype of gary human clone suit

head, the bassist had a quiff abou.t B-! inches longr and the guiiarist aact dnrmmer were scrt of nor* iaIisl,, they had about 45 minu';es of a set and it was pretty obvious that they wouild get an encote. They played their single and the 1"ead singer alpeared' on sta6e &n a scrt of vrhite tightrcl-inging bo$ stockirrg thiner theY left the staSe to a good. applause and were folland, had.



by tDurutti Colr:mnf rwho ivte heard before and didrnt think rnuch of ,so I Left the haLl for thei,r set. fbese rere folLowed bY the rSoftboye , who i was really i-ocking forr,'ard to see,in€, but felt slig;;i,'ry -Le'b d-olrn by their appearance a:ld ever:. nore let owed


by the nusic tirey lvere,B1ayir€. I

Ifas expeetlng sornething a llttLe nore Livelier from the band., but didrnt get much out of theno [heir set lasted for abou.t twenty minutee and. no eneore was p1ayed., The folLour.l"ng band. rYoung

marbLe giantsr(rvho i have been want ing to see for ages) slipped irrbo their first number. Many peolle didnt know who they were or vrhat they $1sss and. therefore di-d,rnt know wha'i"

to expect. fhey are a three pi

ece band, with a femaLe veaalist,

a ma3-e bassist, and g:ruitarist/sy*Irh ;, The$ are a slow a.ttd, quie'f band, but are very hypnot:frc antl srrperb. rlfter a few short nunbe rs tiiey had attracted quite a big


getting lots of the enthusiasm that they rvere putting into their nusic, [.he female vccal-is$ d.resses ver! riainly on stage,(i;onight she crou'd and were

rea.c"!;i.on back fronr

was lrcar'itrg a lon€l;s, iuroper anrl ark.i.e socks vrith no;nal shoes) her s;houl der lengti'r hair was in two pl.a;i.r;s* 'Ihey left t;fie stage after a hi'r if a:r hoursset and. were promptLy catlerl back for an encorer which they gratrfying}y. They are a superb band, weLl worth going to sgg. A 1ot of rumours and praises had been goi+g on all day for the next ba.nd, the { be 2s, with John f,ydons brofher Jinny l$rlbn oo vocals. Rwnours ha,d. been geing r'rund. thatJohn was rnean-b to be appear;lng: and that he was'going to_Cir a,L-L of the early pistol.s songs (v; i thought was a load. of cr&p1 ecs Joh n'is trying to dest:r.,Y all dhac l.e once stood for and doestnt rtant l,ny thine to do with it any more). Tlme soon proved me righi, they eame on stage a,nd one of the band exp'lained that the reason that the, bands records h.adrnt been played on the rarlio was because tho ir name 4 bo 2 is the Xondon ::htrrmfu.,g slang for Jew, and they vrere t-

horyht to be an anti*jewieh ba,nC." To prove that they werernt they hail bro'.;.ght a1o4g a jewish fri-errcl of thei::s, who wanted to exPress his feeLing:s about the band* He said.;

arntet anti-jewish. i cos fheyf re ny frienils and the {be2s ere ry a Load of crapr t thor,rght) Arryway they starte4 PlaYine ttThe 4be2s

shoul"d. know,

their first songr whlch soundeal really gireat irntil Jimry Lyclon cane on stage to a Sreat appla,trse f,rosr

lo foJ.lowers' who their fou.rty or so irishstage amund the " Ji'rnm17 his so ""**erl ?r:'-zl' "u"" siatrtuA sir:gilig an'1 behind their called foliowe:rs were rais:'ng

arr:s iirl;o the aj-r and do:'r:g so "igitt nazi sa-l-uted, (were n'ot a:rtij"*L"it,i mused to' rnyself )' tt e1c1ed' up "*if"A with i;;;-;;;"rbo<1Y was so Pissed' off took tire lanA tnat qrii'te a f"w of thern Jinuny to-it""firg bee: ca"n rnissiles atdodged' fr unfortunately iia."l--f*ci:. he on, His great rollowers lmmediatelyAi"ea up onto the stage to see -lqtlere sd one of iir"-*i""i1es hacl come from, off mcuth lris ;;;-;t;"ted shoutins started po:'"rrting and his tattoos out; "il""t ;;";;";ssi1e hurlers, shouting Itwerre not cowards serve 'got tattoos to nyrove itr'" Then from behind the staSe ;;;;; io "r-ji**vs mob hurlgd.themselvthe audilnse an'l tried' to find' then "--i"t" ifr"-n*u" can hurlers'Jirnny l'ydon joked sonne crack stn"tea fu try a^nd' iil;; rr thought punlts were" wild f,urry

uoi*"f" wittr strilep




or and other such buLLslt'it'At the endabout murrnerjrtg their set Jimmy J*u*tua started' c"w-ciitter and' bi* motner andgengr the rilm of the I'es$er nl;;r"" le$t' theY then '"-'" have .b[t, now- u/e.canfaithF;;; W r- ! tt$u*ht' band's the * aecui.i tairo onr

an encore'so i,*'foffowin*r had tâ‚Ź haveo1 to Eu back 1|aae and rird-;;;ia"I one o! liry belne Blay two *or* uottist he trierl to make inO" f""f:*rgst , whire f.ii""rr-io& iilt* his brothel Johnn and

of thj n dark ;;';;;; a leret a Pai:r -s'rneing like JohnnY ;#;;; and tried arnrising antl ?"","i r"und' this qult-e i*a'*" l;"gh a$ hin,ihethPY tine and iast?v?TtuallY left the eta6e for followed bYt were "--- H;;"t saw 0 Cbnnor "{ite & l[ega]lype' I pop"-("-ritlee)these on top or " was- reallY.looking ;;;-;";;- blck andthesr llve' they did'l ir#a,"d to seelrig ttrey came on il-i"t -;;me down either'bloke into a sons i*""diatelY il;; of ; consist iand it"il fit. albr:m' thebassist' guitaristt 5uri*) "" 'rooalsn ;;;;"; keYboardist,. a'nd- sax PlaYer gh i'r'"- "tl"e) :H'{IaY^ th::ou (#il;-; songt some-piss aStist decid'ed' the first to r',h::o'w a ca'n at Hazel-' -which' 'iu':ti u


her bY a couPle "{ 1'j"l?:,^'-:u Ltr r'lir 4'1r d

^.,.,11' odne" She enswefed

'"j( ;;i.-*o :;i*i ;ilH'";"; ".'rrY " she P:omPsons i'i ir." end of the 11

ffi; nhanlgrn,can thn'rvcr iii'"*tua who the stanttia-me that he. was it #'",1;;;t" trre-pqrson & threw who to ii"e i&t-gobued so it throwing r'im r"t ili":tut"

he g:ot lvhat was coning to hln' ) trhs;' then started wcrlii:rg their pss- ti';gr;igh ihe albr:n, all thet':Jne H.azel sholr:ing

herself to


;;;"r.:.-" scoc. frc'itsna'n (or .wonan) n""u= *;a.-,i: tg stj.1l orce anil al-has iierse-l-rl blisy" She w*X'" t ""o:lr:g a b*"4 siton6 Ycj'ce ar$ z sioartt'eal fiErta to boot" lkey v:ai-secl.a it'gu"a crcv,-i 'ri'tli their seb' aai

fi:ri*nua of: wi-th thri: si'tlii-e ;irr"-"ighth daytti'en' ieft the stag crorrtla Tl'r.â‚Ź *-""*-ri entii:rsiias'hic clo:r-n atiorit rre ]'et that i;hat in a bad' was ""iy-t[i.-g Ha'aer ;;;i' ;; not clocided and -""J lv'it$ herself she cos to d.o an encG-re, iust onet otrJ did'nt feel like doing ;;;y-;";; "tirr very good' well worbh g'oing to see' ilYcireaefic F\:rs PlaYed ke too

next'-ana aittrough 1 wastnt brou;;-; Irtu -"t''rr that theYrve before on record' i thought ei;t;td i rt1 give tnem a listeaing to'.and

i, becaY?." i" l'* Ir"o thatere backed' with tons ooncert theY set theY Platetl tr'* ;;:;;;*;-*tta mY rnin'l abou-t

;;"il;-;i,ansPd ten a :l:m i"*r"h*4, in their set was;EuroPerof #;;;;-;"*tott r tpuLse! r rlve 'lii#iiiti"" or ctrrist'si"tur ' 1;t';;;;;, etc'as well as a few

nornent aore new gongF' From the the erowd i;;; trt"Y "t"ttedthePlaYrftng atmosPhere was *"il *itt thern, be

seelns to ;;;d;-rr,t rtia sinser bY Bqwie doing ffi;ry- infLuenced off the' nicrcooE;""1lke; hansingvacantlY into starins #;;;';d set with their iit"'-.i'""a. flLrey "tta"a stase' Your Lncl then left-the tAthelet'd; ;;;; bY SheY were foliowed start cf the from *rto i"o spi"L bo'the encl of it were suirt"il""tgireYto started the set off -with;ffi; the keYboa:rlist :;;"b;;;"u"d h'd first number SPiza the after ;;;il' etage' [i#ti"to the miieaTduPeo.!.the ao'd shout-

;;;"";--;ite Place then realis;f";";- "hello Yfakefield'rr' r-.; r.{o mis*ako turned hi's back on ive

saYing'rroh sh':-t 'burst out il: il;"*ln""", again;'"Tiieii he

got it wrong the irrto fd]. scl4$"as Tilev

bat:cl pra3red' the Pl-'i;i:0" ?1t1.,:l

;;;lnd r:'tntbe::' *,-t tl?:;*"y irt"i" o1d favo:lri'rer)t ot' * S;rJ:'r'r set tirt""gi tire a rest f::+n lt*pi?:, s:lnsing

ha{ dit#"*dpJ-ayea lP*r"or'intpersonator? as they sons endec ?-11. Ih" ;;"; t" it i-*ouir-and a singl-e spotiisi;t"-*"nt iiiitfri.w onto'gpizz as he broke out


int6 a msty sor:nrling r,spocks rnissing, tta

*h -]-n*sterl f Ir ei.:3r;1 t*r:. rri^i:rr; |e $,, ,$3ri x z rrfa.s s'r,rnc:r,,&: 3.s al,i,rayn u lrnans,€iing *c p:i-rr up r,,tt_,$r:iti:lt,;.rer-,i3i)rj.*,J:,ry.;l n ' hj s i{}.:"*,?,'.t'I,\"i},1';':. b;y' 6aS.:.LE; tco fast,cAit took ihe gui'uar:ist a faw chords and. a, blt of a e}:et (with l:is back to the au.c f ,'ri:ce ) tc ge t *"r:i. z z hc.nk i:l to the r:gh b "lempo eg* in, -$pizz ;lus-i rnaije a j oire ge s * r;.re of i b hy r.]e s si::.g arouad with n:-s ha::Cs and Jce,ep:_ng to the l'ih:

admit now, that i rea,Rly enjoyed hj"s -:* I ) {.i.a.:ry,* fa * e lr.iis hrar,r:. ;j.E and f *li cf' snii e ,.*, h.* {; ccrild_ nt 1",eJ..i-e"'re tha-g j t wa,g I_"a i;.rrer: i.:rg a.*C tire'* t,kie v,;.*:i. -[; tig: 1,,3g i ;:acj. arsseptecl him so socn iri flre set, He then ,se t of f i.nto the r reac er 1";",

.;- i. :r g ou"!: i it ome ori c otir ? c:11f c Jme on cIaS cn t o,'re r and. o\.? fr ag;:r i.;.1 Gal''' s il?,:r i;cd- il::shing ro Ll.r,: c,J-,.)ri,',-l ri.g:ht ter:i..-t o a:1lt t ns C?r1':tt'; iiraCualJ_;' Cj eri C,W.,:,t[ $;i: r z iElas a suparb ffOntsman, es tiicn alL of & suc.d.en, u, n*w;.a} t t';.t i::lg ].eann ell over the pi.*,r*, b:oke rut e il-:r.c peoples li*rn.iLs lrere f 'l .' i.'. :L.-t.J,'i-:,p,j oj:it'.: l#-s 'ba*1i, aocl maJcing fa.ces f,i:rT f*asr,: t.lIJ ioqrafClS Ga.:_;;", tl:e cnant at -hn* c:j;firl rr,ilran v,'i:o .1ras f ilmj nt ii i.n ,. $r&&i t .1,,J,:...1 {: r. n J.e ad.e r, le e,-i.e:f r repeat rh e.y cl i il a. snrr"b ve rsi cn of i c_r r:cjrs eC o',i,'.t r rr-rtd oire r agai n * Lii:,,iy : ootea are bjg ilir)li"i ries Are hearryrv,hir:ii ou"r l-:f it-r ..f}:s r:::owd anC. snil,ed. a:rC hal.-f r:r.r:# o.y th.e crcw:r1 a,:::d, $r.j. ?,tt, s ti:ca sa-tC iillt;,,' pe c nl .€:*, th-i s :raisetL a.n oF_ they -1,.::i-,,k"e ir"rtn I $,rLd,**:;: i,*r*ii" i * -,,.tt , ii,i f )ij. j: '; i r-:l::c e rs f ::,;in t he a:;cl j-ence , whi*h *;, *st;nlpcrt ahrr;i; -hl.:.r,r:t ,.,,,;;-,. g;:1;.* lll,-':i, l.;:.:,.se jrifo tl:* , fljci.rSo *,.ftef elis o,f T,l.l.e r;iO.,T ti: rcr;f,:}: r:C,, ,t.i-iii,ii;,,,1.; ,,:.,,-,s .;hc Ga j*,4' ;r.nrl, j'i::r.j ,:l:ccL l ast chnr'l,s h T slr:Lr: i; a,n.* '';ts 1i.,t:j,.* e. r *.:6. o,f,.' ";ir:rr i: e *:, ';.*,ri o_if s -i.:.,.i€ w*. r,h e: ;e t=ii"o .L.i c cc]-l'lilci .s r; -.i.nE ii-,r..-r-r-u ijj:. l:= ,:rr-:,i,ricd, fu1r:; - ; s e r;tii_-*'t;.i.;t l.;;,i:r.l,)_lt,,i;:c j:r-i;c f ran-i; j e a 11;i' e j; ti:e e-r-.trvd'iri:i - eaij h:1fi:*.it,. t::,.rrl ir* cJ jiia , li :fe w ttj rr.;t ;efi La *r iei ot:I sin**;j.trg .,*t1',,i 1- -i;he er:; .lf flre .;,et. he ti,;;i:r:.C ryli. b,;*k o il 'lrl i:]:; ;:"hag. e r,,ie3,Ffl'i':ey ri*ire i:;or. car;ed ba*Lr fi;r a]l ir:.S e .:_ :' ! e :c,'j rit s:: t o j:* "r;hc r, b:,_ *Lre encol:rl p a,n* f,i:J.;; ,!l.j *t!,Jerg,,e,3 j.i,,:m i:ack* infc the rc$t r:f h:s sp;,t,,ii*li stai';'+ cc\i,3*f;(i r. Ji *h=itf :-r.g c.fcf,Tln al--r,, ca,/e r trva;il t ne I ,1i,1*1',.; 1; g S e -i c;f il:.*: 1;j .;; 11 ) h. j. s i1,,,;;1',j ?;,:)ri. ,f';:Lrl,r] * T,-r-,*:t -l;i.,e ::.f.:,i ,r. : I tirg Lrils f .i rr:j ii 1; .i i-::1.11 | i+ i,o,J'..,,j ir.," s\* ' b:t::.d ,s'; :i:lli.l,r 1lI, ij;,r j_ *,.S .i:iJ",:,.:3,-ll;i,{li1 fl. tnini*l:l ta:n*{ r,"}or*.;-,"tlrc$ ir';r !1.;;;rl .:.*E e::d, 3. r,-r'1-l-rr'1 l:.:- s i-ter i,lj &:':€ *;* a tc i;: d. r: Lng t j:e 'f"i^ lrlL -,-^ fi' f^ ::i),:r-(;. O U't L'-1.. i, r;1 .r,;"S?fi., *,,'i", :i t(i i i::::r..;'i"'i" il i"r.c;;c o -hc :Jl.!:i. f ii.irin r);:\ic *e .i iir] g:rii. a-i 'i 'b ai--{. l^il: .fi,t' rilr'i. ;l ;'t, r,.. 'i:J:;,; ,:irg t I{c l;sr t n ti'he*g }*J''b j",ho s fe,ge to worse f or f,ree:: ar:.,i wa:] s --:.r I j. ;.;,,inj:?d; a glaric aspi-a,lt,se, tlren Jchn Keerian, the . 'abl or,'s r tire pi_e*e * I"Ie er:ii.e il. j"i* orga,niser of i;he wlrolir thi-ng epFearcd. nigl:t by kissi:r:.E F.csss ancj" th::cr,y;Lng on staEe to i.ntro,duce the star of the then o::t into an upsrlrg:e of vr:;\,r-r,rr.rtn* night, i::rg l:,.atrds f'roiil the ero'rr*.I Rerrerr ncr The d.:ru_rrc,m started on a fast and ' h:iin t*i.s liv"p,)rp heavy sCIunr1;ng d.::rm beat n'hich went on . Tir,:-s Ty.,?,s one .of the most enjoy* for a coup)-e of nj.nute*, and. tirem Tra,s al:le w,;ejeer:Cs'bha,t i h.ave haC fn::

b air,











followed by the renj; cf the band. jr::_ned. by Ga-ry Gl t'f ter, I'rhc s{;ar:*ed to siu*g an o1d. nrmber of his* At first i coul,,d. tnt see h:lrn, but as i ed.Eed ny wey t.rp 1o;,1,,'sr,1s tbe ' i '' mi.dCle u:f *h* ns'*?rd.u iris plump *":grr:e cai]Ie j-ntc vicw, IIe n'a.# wc:nrrsng e bl.a*k rrri th silve:: glitter J.a,peir:r o bi-ri r,*n*cl* # and cu*ffs and. siLier al1 d.c.ui;a hj s pir.n.Ls too, ot?. f eet u i e:(r,lec'ier j,,: see a pai r of s"be*k heel"e d" noot,s u i:i:..; lJ si"rprire d. to, see him wee:ri:r.g a pe, i r n,f normal loafers. IIe has int chan6:ed. nruch ln the pa,st fevr years ancl vras 're4r e!l€rgetic for a nan of his ase, il"nring his fjrst minbcr, camcrr:,s wi:rre and. T,{,;r

f ashi itf .a,$y'&y , f :':'rl :f'c op-.I * rr:l".li'i i tr,,g " ph6 br.i;..r c:i *rt,.i c I '.1. *r.;'l atn :ncile f . Ii.c il,iCl a cour-;e ,nr;,.:s o j",* r*?:;is t;:.._l- iTfiLir,,r e few lfan,C". g];.;.r,i;i;:. j to leil;;:-: c i{ii';,a, ,-vr}i'f f, l. i:;1:* f ron'h c i. |i:* st;airi,, r. ri-';f ,j .t',,1";,;y;;L :1..j ,l: .: i ]-t,fr wes i l-];i;e'ri;; s r pe c;; -i. c tu{"{} i:€ iic p :r i. i j:g .*,t :.ii pcgci-ng: eway to als mus*.; (**,1 i ne*s"b --1, "l



quiite a wk ,-l e, and. i {r l lke tc chrr,nk aihf t'lre hi':"r:,,]"s fcr mn,r"";-i.r:ig i" t FrJq:ik,_le anrl thar.iks ''f,o Jc]:n ..uieenar: fnr o:r"{,j:ir.n* isi",ng tl:e whc;m thJ":eg" r/ei]- clorre John i hope thurefi p_l^*:nt;r msre ;fl st ' ore for us next yea:: (o* maybe sooner) ?

FA}ffi " cP,i"ss


H;iI, i jr.AX


t1,t0ilNf CITIS.

First on stadle was a poe* fron 3a,*up nl:rned t Pcpefe t , he read. pceills about noCs , &Iarg:a:re t Thatche r, a.r"C. ot]:er :-*ri-.ri;€ su._b jects, hi s po,r.iTrs lxrt'f"t} nj aillJ"lr rii'irisi.:lg fi.ilrl re a.J 1.y E;f;ct " rfr,,1,i;; i T,t?t-i:;-:-* 'i,il.IC.fe Chee :ill.ii.d f Cl.f" i:i.iri o A :. e,;y :::"iyiu.t*s af te r ]:e i:ir"rC. I gJ. i: hr. f:' li,i,i,,,:",i u ne v*i{},t f .?; L 1 i;;r:.: ii hr irtei c,a].1"cd Ju: i,t_ir ;i.l.:_":j-,,t,y a,f t': r ii t,;n *r 'l;rl FCen i:;,r i:li:;:, i:r!** i.eJ't the s ierge, a;:C w&s fcl_l-owec by '1,


the trnison Girls, rnanf of the -r:u,nJcs drld.

I;.i'lj l- j"ll,: J;i.,.i.:; l:'i:','j r

t]-:::: F VL-,-

"Lf{i r"



,r1, r..-.j


t:),"i,. : Jl,.1l lr*lf; ;.:.-'.';l:t: L-1ili,ii I)':r i.'






['*' i,.:i'i.t,; i-;,;ii, -. l, liurs il t nt e]iCli$'i:i, 'bTnL theyrre cl?ap " The;t f;.lle &, ilet ne,en c,J' rcalJy Sccd. c:etitit't miis.$.i:i.t,rr.,s and. th.ej.zr ausir is realJy SDr;Cn Tk'e;y played ti:e i"-l sj r-:9.1"e, t.P;:,l:r,i:r t3 il.;:,ir r:ol.rll'i u e;i* "b t:tc j. :: e.; l; :in t* *e Flo s e a-r, ",".1ig ur,- th $one newert::a*k"s * Tne ir set J-e,s j;ed, for t;im"u giii,,V

: il :ii'l : "l; 'l * l'. -f i-;e il. they lef t t1:* s t*fr,'o o t*:be f ollcwerl by ye t ag:€Lin , An:ni,* ii"r*ei e ty , who re ad ah

* -t i;





l, r.,t





:f ;, l'' 'i; t:



T'c *In,S


[1rass rJalnt (;rI] ;:i:t; ,j"''ege at about thirt3r e anC started of f wi th their new single t$aEasaJri Nightrnarer , follo* wea, by tMo*l:er Eartht, arrd most of their

traclis cff the:-r a3.?:u"a*, al-*krc::Eh they did t nt pley t Sc,crmlccr cares I or t SLoo* set dy Revcl..ut:.ons r, el}

";}:.eirof they hail to"io.rid.c*,* pla;1j.rr.g c-].j"'r:s fil rns , t *y * s}:ow'g enC te viis pape r clippirig'*, rnos t af * sh*we ci. ati::r:is bombs and. 'ga:*:. s l:a , end. t{}i:Yi.::# Fr:n pleo ;tb*i:t hal-fwa;r *hro;;p':l:. t]';e:r set they si;;ppeil f'cg: *i k3:,;';a;ir.*i' li;'i-* e *"rinkt anrl ti:er. ::es"r:ne,j. with ?Sanned *q



ir;;:Ji i *

Jrt the enC *f their gig i asked' te vfright ( ttie*r basl"i*.i ) ,.:crne {il€ sPe topns;

El , f tve read, 8, newsletter cf Yours and. you tYe said ths,t you ca,nt rlc ff.-lythirig a.hcut neopie nentr.l'ac ir:.r'.1-Iii{ T sh{ftS fi,rl1i i:ail,g*s ett;r trrit;ii l.''C'ii: yl.fne: 0,1:. and Se i"Iing l;J:en , Tj-i;ir:''.r r lv'iJr-1i3 1; ri)Ir$e nt , how i.s f.:'i ,-i ic,g"a j-? ;-ql-r.r,iJ"i;' 11'*l.l t',r* ill) i; a coplir:, gi: 1; 'i :r i;"i ;.,r-' '-i'i::.r' l-i;-l.r;le s * ;iii ]tC u -l'::.;,j]*-iin

i:r:'i;l:,* r Of cf you ont JnosLelr oa.n nillee pecple not goods huY the people who and. the " so we FETE, i{e were bothered. at firsir Ceci-ded. to try a,nd track d.own the peopie v,;li.o wcse clo:i:rg it, a::id irye eCd.ed up witl:" e. b''.;::.nh of p#cpl-e, in b;."el,e s'ooms psi-ng srnal.i scIeen prj-lrts tc d-*- therrl, so v,re rl... i:i,-le il ric * t* Co' arr:ithirql e,-nouf, i t, ef l;er al L, fl}.'*fi j- sn I t m"';ii:h f o'r a f-shif'f , an'1 ri-flty pence is pretty cheap for a iae',:l* Pii'bc}:* bootlegging' EiJ " I{*i,v Clo ;flou rcact to pAfE. ff an;7b,oC.3r ma"Se a regord-ing of us t and. merle a boc'cJ e$ orlt of it u we d. jest Sst a, copyr Re*record it anrl seli it for less than the origi.;rla,l one cost. E}lttf' ffere the ]Js3i*e herass.ins places tirsf sel-L your a's{jo:d-s?

snouf O- ?;e








PBTE* Secatrse thel't61 been tol<l to, g1l; r.t!;c; .;i.rce *.r,tl!r.-r:* ha,1 heen a cotrplaint g,::tt.:.1, I.i.1,.r;:.-1, j-i-,;' jts;ir.?;11 ', a:1d. it !'.,r..:s i.n."'es"blilate .l i:r' $':c; t..i"a:rd. yards -P.;rno sq':;rd , i?,ny were gcing to d-o us for cr"'jnj.naL LJ"asp-:cn;r but no bbing becan€ of lt, we seeilI to ha":e a re spec "'fu1 !r:].r.:ij-o::shj"n w:' l;h. ii.e poJ"i.n{, non. SJ)*

Io you sti-1"l

B:et harassed now?

PFill,rihen we i,::y to ar:r:a,:i€je gir3s, sone grotlps 6'o to the cor:ncrl i;ct prouest about us and to t:Y arrd s i;op us f::on p3^;.:ying"illonetii,)cs they stop us and. scii:ei tiifri-'s'ili::;; dt,n U*

writes the Lyrics for the song FgfEl, All of us write the J.yricsr and,




the bancl a,rrang:e them' 'ED, IIow manJr are in the

band? ;

PETII"Altogethe::rnine. ,i f{)*f can see why yo':,rte against

the e.Lse? everyth!.ng gove.Trdrent, PETE"[here are too nany raicso e'ren Lf yie; 'jon! ag:::*e wi:h the -* they st.i.i--l- cc:n]'r]y *rith therii, a::d theros too n",;.c1:. e r.:.|-,:r;tlf:r: jl;ri'er,'"4'c v9.rit t,: expose tfue rr,ythoE €oSo schooi,ci:a:chreic.we wrifijt +,c sn*;:h all, ihei nythsrtiierets a s6i:,si,i',.r, iri.?:n.$e cf "il:.:, nES a6a.:rlst us, ard were 'i:xyirg to rnake aa opposing pilrl.'r ag;-:::t i'L. @' lihat cloes Anarchy really stand for? PflTE*A:-:archy liiera13-y neansr without €. fin'f6rirliti:JJ1'b, Oelf" re;3il aii-i::t, L-i-vJ,::g yor-lr: or'it -i,:fe as you waut tor having )'o:li o7'';1 1-'-f:sc El,ir,kat do n'iosb of the chariti-es fron yor::: gig;s go '"o? PETE. fi:eres not an enonnous arnount of noney ni6de' ,rut cf cur S:Ssr but' nast of it grires to irelping fanzines get etartedoetrd, also benefits for defenee bu,'b whry


m.l'{hat does the emblero behind' your narle stand. for? PEfE"it wao:rt a,riginalLy intended, for the band. ;:ernl/ wrote a boclt cal.led' tRea,i.ty As3iralt{uhicJr we go* t}re son$ fro;n) arid 'ihe e.liblern qras nie.a;rt tc ;;o' on the cover of ij:e broJrr but i.t e:rded. up bej.n6 ::geC for the band, Il; Js a cros;s w,irth a serpent itself aroficl it, and devorlring its tai1. It sh.cws por,ver Cestrcying itseJ.f ritrs a syrnl.rcJ" 'bo prove that a"fl- sycrbols a3e


S$rf,or eo ?ou rnrnf,go to keep thc lrteel dowrr on tous L.F.e and ;lnglest PBtErSy not aalrtng an enorttous profll urd by cuttlng grt ttre rntd,d.le rna,n, ED.Shcnts this L.P, eoming, out with all of those garage bandn on tt? IETE. In a few weeks, l.t ts ln the gregil

ing rooms iloTFr trS. l4fhy was there


all ttrat vlolence at the rockers

stsnehenge 'between

and, the

PEIE. Because

the loekerr ar€ crreh gsst

violent people and they,lnt lttre tlrg id,ea of purrks Lnvading thelr festtval; fhe police were asked to move in but Tgfused tq do sor En.. Did Srou give srbund.e an intenriew? PETB. No they nicked all of that Lnfo out of tanzln€s r and nnad,e up the rest frorn Gossip and other thin€:s. ft Just shows where they lre at, ,

are your plens for the fut'rrre? PEtEg \4le dont really make plans, se just trait for somethine to crop up and


then we may pursue it, eYeryone in ttre band ie working flat out at the momen$, a"rrd the bard. appears to be taking up all of our time. @. Io'you have any other incomesr &p&r

rt florn the baridr'


PEIE,' $o there ate no other inco$es r ?he band takes up a,11 of our tirne oowr a-,iaysr t---br---

cidi i*cs/crc6 t*bn;mss pAcs/Grc.s ase& Srashrat the Cragg Tale methodist :;351'


fhursday lrth. U.2. tllesday !8th, The Ruts. {fhurs&ay !Oth, Sarraoudas,; ..--?.,-;rF..



Thursday t6ttr, Sead '' Slo{cm Son.

or alive +

:tll:ll ..1ll: - - *-*----

tlrurs*ay 6ttr of $ovemb€r, the Teardsop Srplodes + the ,




9th. l{ew

Horq,,tcnes package

Tftth trndlm * others, ursda; 1,th, The Fal]. + grrests. firirrday 15tfr, rtrrotty $rail p*cicaele with the }$ot*$enslbles +



Thursdal q0th. Another pretty face $trnday, ZJnC. Josef KW + orang,e Juice, Thursday 27th. Wastecl youth.


i{akef ield. UIW'IY HfLI,L, l$oIm/tBER,

ocf0BBs tOth.' Irs40.

fireeday 4th,, S.K.Srbs





* :


+ the

z€rls r

' S.rrrd"ay '16th. Captain ,Beefhear* The Comsat Angels"


ay 1 ?th. Splodgenessabound-s +



14th. 'v{eapur of peacer Thursday 15th, e Tips, Tuesda$ ?1st, Looal bands rright.

Support, Frid"ay z8th. Roy Harper + patriek Fitzgerald".


f,---,Snrsday 50 th







s, :

4*h, She ${onoohrorne set. lbesdarrr *l'th.- tJts 4.esoci*eg, thlesd.ay



$und.ay 2nc1, Slmple rnind


{ :




$mday 19th, Kfiltng Joke + fire Au Pairsr ftrursday ?lt{,t ,,,!ah Heat + the i Fry,atLc Elevatorg, ffinday ?6&r" fIIe Coekney Rejects ,: + sllppsrt, Etrursday )0th. fhe Assoclates + Josef Kayr .


Saturday 17th Oot.


(continued) *





gheffield l*nt't elub

That ,en{s the Sig dates for this issue, if you want an$ back issu€s of this *ag they *rL avai,lable f rorn me ( add ress on pa€e Z) or the card cabin, mytholmroyd.

I I a


\Lr.fuJI? l=,1* '-



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