The Story So Far #3

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eli our problcta (n5x - ups ovcr srtvork , l65uc J ie hcrc. This iasur hre er .nlarged forn.t end r frec llo-Dcttea flcxt diac th.j-r version of thc frb fourso tvist .nd Fhout t.which )tou can lock ewey for e ycer and scl.I wh"n thc llo-Dettes arc f.mouB poD ster6. Insidc wc havc a verled s"laction of benalF (spot the clichc.slc iseucs ;: & 5 for dctaila)ranging fron ATHi,IITICO SPI/.A to auic record,* mre trrni nd I DANT€L HILL!.:R.Hopefully you wcrc .blc to sec the Crrnpa rrhilc thcy rrer" ovcr i,4!'i on tour.but l-n crsa you niescd thcnrthcr"s rn intarvicw in th" ncxt iBsu"rr..hich wlu. hopcfullt bc out Boon"r than this onc. Medc

it rt Ia€t ! H.virg




Editore I'{ARTS ! TfM. lnyout MARTS . . Photography TIM I exeept where stated). j Contributors . -' Jcrcny GltrckrTony Flsperenze ' i c J *,Andy HoopernMike Laye. i

: Better l3a rlgen r l'tike Inye , Mo-Det Cleah.Koeno Vinyt, Danie) Miiler. Dr.Mix and I th e Remi x , Bob Bla ck , Rough Tra rle ' Ni ck Jones , Jereny Gluck, Robin Wills n Dave Scott , -spa ec I fnveder.r Jan end Dean. TIIANKq


T PI,AYLf ST : ' Violent. Tj.nes . Souebody : MARTS



of I'Ioire ; llttNeWAYS. Riot on 'l rrj1rat Strip ; STANDELLS. l-andengo : M0+DllTTEg . Queens

I PIJYLIST i Athletico SPizz ; Hot DEEcrts. Moidettes:Nornan. Crenpe : SunElasses after dark. darrecudee : Radios in Rcvolt. Bodysnatchere : Rurler than fou r TIMS




?-s 5oRtr^Rrs, ?.n DANII6L r'41uu6t(, t?.tTe.r<vtFt.' . P. t\ D(. s4. rx r\rJ D aA€ .ag-N1 \k P.r3 qRAwtPj i f.t+ A-THL€T tLo Sgr"*"_ ,&o f.ta, Toy,\rt ?,t'l Mcr - DrTT€s rr{ T. P.?.3. Strrt(rLES. 0'a'3 Toy Drvtsioao. .




B a.

(L-ru4 c \)DAJ

, tr4o-DE-rrgs


rr PAR.\ J , Pr nl -U P


Back issues ; I ; irarracudae , Swell l'laps etc. v MEr^r 6AqC*^c-\roA.s 5 tNC'r-€ - *suHtl&_ FvNr$ o\rf rN d\tt O -TUt'6.' no.

other copies of obtained from:





Rough Tre.le

Meil Order i

2OZ Kenein6ton pk. rd. tondon W" If. 25p. cach , plus IOp. postege

cki ng. A11 letters sencl to the Story so l'ar Rough 'Ira de .





F(or{a cclv€rs : Tur{€ (t{o- o €t r€55 . Bec.t< C,evgF" 9r rrr $ P : t{t to€ (A\ € ,


ilow dld the U.S.tour go?

JO8:It wae alrlght,doeent seen to have I had any effect.In recordsrthey've hated everythlng wetve done up to nowrso naaybe

the! could sell a few coples of the new one.I dont knowrl couldnt glve a toea. PAUL:Yeahrgood tour.We enJoy playlng any placerwether its Scarborough,or anywhere else... Mf CK:We &id pretty good.Maeelve pJ-ace' nuch nassLver than we could lnaSlnermuch blgger.Most of ue think that the end of our world ls the end of the street.Ite true.Maeslver world'even lf they all hate us through the wholle of the land,whl-ch I dont belive they do really.Anericanaeslve p1acc.Dylng for the eort. of nuelc we play,dylng for ltrgolng beserk.rlghtt Ite only becauee they ao rarely eee lt' Alrlghtrthey get Blondle every week'and they get the Pollce and aLl the rcet of that atl.nkrbut regardlees of that'rl6ht' when they gat ua ov?r'thay 5et an event' tbey get oonethjjng whlch le out of the -norn.Xnow what I oeanrthe norral belng really dullevil-le oanrduIlavll]s aaerlcana.

hd you eell a lew nore racorda? P:Leahranother ] I.Pa and, one aJ-ngle. i{:I.eahrweu eold outrdeflnate}yrwhat a dra6 I tell you soncthingrbrre eold nore record8 thls t1oc tban the lest tlnerbut ldont" tbink thate inportant.Itrd be a drag tho' if we couldnt fuckln aanage to keap oureelveg up with the reet of the' And ln factrwe're probably one of the laat hopea youve got'really.But In tell1n tbe trulnrl u15ht ae weII eay lt.thewholt nusLc buslneeg ls geared towarda thenoncy over tbese Now werve tried epeclflcllly chrletnas dates not to do thatraxccpt tooorroltrwhere lte t! but lte' for a good cauaerother etarvlnS.And the rccord wâ‚Źve also trled to do ltrr15ht'So we're not jjret concerned rlth eelllng Eore rocords rbut I thlnk wc ehould'wc degcrve to sal] roore recorde than those fuckln cuntsi who Just take you for a ride You get tvo racorderand even if you dont Il-ke the lot of 1-trl reckon our 2o great eet bite lncluding Arnagldeon Tlae natch up to tana Martelle and Perry Cooos 2o greateet hitsrand thata w|at werre after' and tirats why we brougbt 1.t out at Xnaa' cven though tt dldlt go ln at no' IanC lf we're, eel1lng rlorE recordsrwell*f'uck lag greatrtheyre Setting a better record

iii"-trr"y'rooia s"t.


Are vou eatLsflsd


rLondon Calllner?

J:Y.eahrI like Lt bctter thau anythlng else we'vs done. P: YeahrdeflnatelJrlou know, theree plenty there for a small prlce.We trled to get the co6t of llvlng ep.down real}y cheap'

rlghtrand we got tt a ]lttle. bit cheaper' not nuchrbut we had ao rnuch bother wlth CBSrbe.cause we didnrt havc a propet oanager then and we had to do everythln6 oursclvcs and we couldnt concentrate on the oueLc or whatever. 'How

lonr dld the albuu take to


M:Around a nonthrolnua trLpa to !'inland. Whv d1d you Ao to Plnland'i M:Errbccause we alnt been there before.

I heard that on the laet


P:WoI1 Laet tlne we dl'drnt havc ouch of n ldca of how to get a good drun eound we ccrtalnly learnt after apcudlng ] bloody daya on 1t whlch ls a rcal bore. didnt take nd when we d1d thle albun,lt as loagrbacauee wc knew oore about ltrao

1t probably took Io daye,or 2 or I or

whatever, cant reocnber. So do vou thlnk vou have done this


P:Yeah.ycah I thlnk we dldrwc. had all- the aonga raadyrlt wae juet a rnatter of ga-tt1n6 lt down.Wc jue-t worked hardrfuckln basned 1t out. Ie thcro any waJr. you can eun the lp. up?

P:Ybah.lte fuckln great. (MtcXy Gaillagher & Topper walk ln)

ln the Anloalarbut he dont want to talk about it but he wasrrlght and thate fuckln too ouch for nc.Has a real pa1. Do you want to cay anythl, TOPPER:Merry ChrlstnaerHappy Nery Yrar. M:0lrTopper- Mlcky GallagherrJrouvs got thenranswer the queetlona of the bloke and sc1ent1flcal1y.My, here rlntelligently grandnothar will be watchlng out for lt. Hurry upryoull nevar aake NME l-lke thls. T:Hello gran. M:He1lo 6ran t,o evcrybody. A:c you lot happy wlth'London Calllng'? MICKI.G:Goce on a bltra 1ot of aonge. M:What dc you laean goe6 on a bltrWooah! what a fuckln' turncoat rAnthony R'l unt. MG:Theyre dcflnately trylng to aay eonreth

l,t':M1cky Galla8hcrrwho wae once


I . JINGL-E Blll,l;g




M:Altogether 1t wae nothlng to noan about


You played a blt better tonl6ht. M:0f courserwetll, bc better tonorrow n16ht as well. Eow nuch control do you have wlth CBS now? -a--I'l'.Tb€res gettlng nore all the tine.Nowadayo at great pcrsonal. expenae to ourselvee I aight addrregardleee of thatrwe have nore Since wefve had thle bloke(Xoeno)wervehad eyen Eore of a foot ln the doorrtba foot gets blggerrth€ a.lze of the boot 1s lgr6e tbeee daye in the door of C&S rccorderbut theyre not our only concernrtheyre just like a gnall pJ-ece'of plea on thc napras far ag werrc concerned. Do they know that? r'llYeahrthey dorthate why thcy never sent u&nothlng for xnae.I real\r olased thc wht grand plano whlch Jrou geve to Davtd Eseex oh ay god.One ycar they gave us a x6as preecntrlt wae buildlng brlcksrthey havnt given ua anythlng elnce.But what do you

'; I , I

pect fron a coopany whose xncs card ehows tbe nanagJ-ng dlrector atandlng wlth hlg doge.hfhat do they thlnk of thle groupl obvloualy thcy tblnk that thelr artlstcs are dogs.We are not one of those dogs. Andrer werc alrlghtrwetre etl1l there and Im drinking brandyrand lte xnae and why fuckln ehouldnt I.Thats Ml'cke xaae neBaage. Do

you thlnk that your nual'c 1s oovlng

P:leahrlts dLvertedr!te the MI.aound lnnlt.Wcvc Just got a blt cleverer with thc sound.I thlnk yerrc pretty nuch'the sancrlts Juet that wc can play a blt bat ter nowrwGrre not a typlcal punk group, we Juat dont Llke bclng just claesed ln one typc of nuslc. Eave your valuea,/ ldeale chanred? P:WEIre Juet a blt cleverer nowra b1t wlg er. J:Nornot rcallyrbut w€rve had to co[pro,a1ee, jua-t I1ka all ldea1lsts have to coap ronlge,llou win battloarJrou Ioee battLee ,to wln nore.Llkc when they brought out ,Reaots Controliwe Here piesed offrwe just ealdrwell werve los-t a battlerbut oaybe l{etlL wln thc war. Do you think Jrouve achelved an thj.n of debts.

D" ""tt to b "trl""t very keen on ny o!'n M:Nornot at all.In recordsrbut I cant eeen to aanage to play then all the time.I wasn't eo lnto lt last night as I was tonlght'ao you can teIl by the othor loo qulds worth of darnage I d1d to my gultar,f onLght" It wae nothingrl juet had ',o ahow theo I oeant buelnese ' Dl-d you enloly tonight then'i too effete to enjoY Dld I enjoy it,In thlrr6e I J:I dont olnd belng bootlegged.No'I Ilke I think ite a gamerllke stealing lt.&lt filoo woolworthsrbut if we see then we always have the caeette.LJ-kerln Arnerlca turn6 theyre really hot on bootleg6ln6.It into a na'nnoth gane to spot theo. about'l Who wasrStay Frea'wrltten a ge€zer called 0roc M:Errapeci"flcally ker. Robln Crocker? M:Yeahrha wae- ln the south london pr€aa for running a protection racket.eeri:ouB ly.Robln Crockerralso known ae Robln Banks , rny god ,what a conf eesion, but be w&s the rln6leaderrhe was the one who d1d lt aIt.A necrophLllac 1f ever I rrret one.Norno I dont nean thatrwh4t I really o€ant w86ror KOSMO: liyrophonanla c , Klaptooanlac . ever M:Thats the one.a kleptoaaniac lf

oe! one. Do vou think that reRgae ls influencinfi vour ousic nrore now? J:Yeahrnora and aore.I telJ- you 6ooethlngraII the white )rouths in araerica' they love lt.Thay grab you on the ahoulders and gorAarw'play aooe oore re88 aa laanrwe Just love lt).

:1,r ,';r,;r

There was a lot of BM conaplalnLng abou+" it ton'j-eht. JII knowrth6Jr hate ltrbut bollocke to theo It ehould'nt really change your opln1.ons of other people.Thcre we are playlng a reggac aonSrand. theree eoae cunt down

-the fr:ontrpulllng'

ny leg,going


What can you 8ey when youre asked a dunb

questlon llke'Are you a poli.tJ'cal bandr'f P:Fuck Off! I dunnorwhat were deallng

wlth 1s pe16onal pollt1ce.

M:Norlte none of thelr ness le lt.Ive t nothing againet any.bodyrbut I think

zl and right wlng people are really


dont know what theyrre


often spoll thinge for everybody clse.If only every day could be llke xmae day. Paace and gooCwll-} to all nenrthate thats what I neanrand thats the heavlest politic you can aver follow. Tbc hlppy revlva] 1s back! Ite backrthe nobsl p€ace prizc for Robln Caobodla.Io a beatnlkrlta truerl anrhonest :I pereonally askad GAry Nu.oanrwho nust ba qulte a slrnple chap rea}ly, to explal.n what the fuck hee on about.Ilecause we can stlck two roadlee ln fuckln s1).J.y pyranlde and nakc thpn dance round the etagerand we fljjican get a load of fuckln blg tlghts at the to be quJ. iil.;.i bact to aakc ue look bettcr.But te frankrwe could not poaelbJ-y be better iiiiiithan DaviC Bowlerand he will ncver be. Exptatn what youre on aboutrmy nan.Its nean lt r1ght,and not ['11;1your tlnc to do lt.I ,E'


a*ila{i l^a rla{n Lr{r{c aqr} plalnt }}ra cant only h.{* the kJ.ds hlnrexplainrbe understand you.Thcy on]y buy your recorde becauae our onea alnt out.but when oura are.outryou can go to fuckln helltand we nay weII Bee Jrou there.Thate 4y neasa6er aud I nean lt.

t*i ^-1-

fii ,r

5eg1 nnL ng; t fii.s issue : a colur0n from our eminent Burfol.oSLst and at the Stor;f so r'ar. . 'ito n-t ljs r; e r .,i n za I r0erchant here

'lhe surfaris we:"e one hi-t woDrlers I out. unliKe others the,y stayecl arrouncl qui te a iong tirne'u f i naJ"lv ili.s;rple:?ri.n,g when p.syche,ie.ria tor:k over: in 6b 6'l , Their hit was of course 'rwipe-out'r / surler Joe.wipe ou! must be one of the rno.s t oemorabl,e inetrumcntale ever t{rlttenrstarting with 6one loony J'elling the [;ong6 title witil one of the silfiest laughs ever.fn cane the drunming,ona of the traahiest drun aounds ever.but played with great slyle by leader rion Wl,lson(no relatron to the ,lilson bro6, )and into the guitar-ba6s rifi ,one of the simpl.est but greateEt ever.stoDoing afier a few bars to give way to a drum aolol wellrsolo isnt the wor:dl no Gingar dakrr extravaganzaa herei ju6t a sinDle drun rol].,Ieading back to the riff then back to the 6010 and ao on. The B side,trsurfer Joe't nu6t be one of tne uor6t 6ongs ever writtenrbut t,hen agaj-n it$ totally brj"tl.iant,it$ the atory of th" coolef;r sur..::.r,3round,whot6 drat'trdrhis .. lnd Iocks cut oif and he catchefi cold.Protty s!oopi'lr f'ollowin8 wipe out (it was i.i8ued on Dot)the boys were picked up by i)ecca.Aftar one or tiio mj.nor nits and a Btring of a1bun6 ranging from instrumentalErvocal surf and only giving uD after they had tricd to jun!) onro the folk-rock bandwagon,juat as it was endin6rrecordlng tra6hy versions of'rIt ainrt me babc,rrrrHcy Jo?" and even.,'J,ike a rolling etone".Time:. had changedithe Surr'aris hadntrthey iooked the sarae in 5{i as they did J years earu.errand cven by bringing in a preiduccr ac great as (iary Ushar they juat aounded datcd.And there wa6 no rooo for them in thc new west coast 6cene that had just been born. Albums : 'fhe Surfaris were : rlcn lvilson ( Drums Lead vocals Surfaris Wheels Dlplomat 2,tog. Jim !-u1ler ( L. riui tar vocals ) Play ( Deeca ) DL 4A?O Pa t tlonol- 1y ( Bass Gui ter r I' ocal"s ]JL ?447O(si tereo ) rSob BerryhilI (R.Gui tar ) Hj"t ciry 54 DL 448'/ Jim Pash(l'iret eaxophone, then organ DL '/487 (stereo ) bass , gui tar , pia no a nd voca l"e* ) . J


F.un Ci ty



DL 455o DL '/456Q(,s

Hir city 55 DL DL

It ai-nt me babe

terec 74,+bIl{ ?46fu (,9 tereo )


DL 4581

DL'/46df (stereo)

There could be a Iast album thouglt I have never seen it including Hey Joe? Two albums were issued. a few years back on l,ltlrr-trSurfere ruJerr arldrrGone lJrth the Wa\retf and al:e a good -i-ntroduction tr: Ehe grouo.



'.[Hi] TrtASllFlSl{.


are your future olans0

Ieah there I s one but they don I t have a name, in fact itts just one glrl who plays syntheslaer. But f tro waitlng for the tapes, but ltts reaIly good stuft

jlb,eres B D.A.F. albun whlch has just been finlshed, and that w111 probably So ygu think the futulesrea]llye1ectrlc be th,e first L,.P, on llute. therets aiso a SLlicon Teens l.P. finished and Fad D.l'I. Partly yes Gad.get rvill be startlng on one soon. Have r tho tof In the inned.late future there is a coming out featuring two U.S. -single D.q. Ird l1ke to get some gigs with bands NON and SI,EGA. !

D.l.F. logcther because they are thc 2 that rea11y play live. Did you deciJel to start l,lute in orcler 3ad Gadget and


to the Norroal? Split upl- (pause) - fo waiting tor everyone else to catch un rvith- Well at the time there werenrt any other electronlc nusic before they release electronic bands; IVell no other Engllsh anl'thlng el-se. electronj-c bands. There haanit been any new electronic bands for about 5 years. ."9 But the ]abre :ust stirt"J-"" a rnethod. it,..ttt,"=nc,*nl to get th'e'Nornal single out which was the first new wave electronic single.{.. t{ot fttrrch tr1'1ng but just anything that comes along. Iim not Did it sel-I? sort of saying that Irm folng to rel-ease say yeah, singles:-n happened.


12 ft just happened th3t these.4 fggO. thlngs

D.{. 6 or

sti11 does, for about the la ooittr"

itfs re!u1ar1y-sold about i at the sarne time I50,ZOO a week. the bands did t4â‚ŹJ na Vo" n""" r"jor influences? HJlL.I9Y..l!1i{ aPbr o "ny canie al-ong

i/ell 1n the case of D.A.F. they 3;*; Iiil;"1:j";o3ii:""I;T*t:*"f"?i;"o"" cane to Rough Trade and played a - that you diJcarcl or aaopt, iirs all an but Rough ira-oe didn't rnflu"enc" in or an other. But 9:f: l? al-jll9"r,that rlKe 1t nuch but I.thought the first electronii "orouway stuff that i rbally but I didn't l_istened. to etectronic rea}Iy *:,.:.:_:.::]1{-_qood to!?y to.release it, but thi-ngs llke: wan,nt Neu, Can.lAmon Ddflt and"then l"I:--:n!Y_qh r- nave D.rr.

now so rrm going to. latei on Kraftw3ik. Klaus Schultz, I alsi think is brllllent, hb maile one \fhere did you get the rooney then? brillient a]_buro rlrrlichentr ).l].-ohvle11just-fronsa]-es..YorlD1dyoufin see The Nornal and the Sil-icon Teens ff, sol-d about 261000 And Facl Gadgetrs sold about 71000 ,.,eo far D.l,i. i?el_l we f ound. it hard sonetlmes, but we never had any bad trouble, except fol one or two nlghts, rnost of the time they just didntt want to know. IVhen it work o.ut though it rvas very satisfyi D.M. ltro they were never asked to. Brtdid the troubfe rvith loilg seesions with ffas that vou and Ro , elegtronrc h}nds jS til"t jor! j311 r1 ge-t very long to do it. Itrs not l_ikeD.l,l. yeah, thats rlght a- ban.l that Al .i 01aJ' toge thcr rri th e-Lectrolrlc musi-c +oY haye. to piay .Do -- ;,'ou still do thlngs rvith Robert Rentd eteh thlng separately. But r donit know one day raaybe if he asks.rvetll_ lr.M. Ah, havenrt done for sone tlne. do one !{eli ',.ie'irray"I i"-pl"1"""ni"Ti,ot vras the Iast thlng that we did together.


:iour records sold abroad? I'ou have a prograniabl-e o]re it I s very difficuLt to change the sound. ctuickly D.l,i. Yeah, T.V.0.D. solC verJ/ ve11 in Arnerica vhere it nas released by Sire, Pp_i_ou*_!hint< that elecironic nusic has nrntrToqcor]{ bui they oiCnrt rea1l]' do very nuch @* wlth it. D.i'l. iVell i don't think it has for ihe l-ast 2 J'ears. I thinlt it lvi1l though. Hatle ',-Ou eve1. '-rlgr.rs6 in A:eri ca there was a very big junp a fev years ago when all those singles cane out, D.ii. I'io, but f intelvievred on SIATICIT, ihey phcned Ii.F..0.Q. RADIC "vas ;'ou know Throbbin3 Gristle, the;rtre the ne up and intervi,elved r:e iive Lrver the ones whorve ehanged. the nost I sup1.o; air at 4ro'c1ock one norning, ':rut ftd Are there any albuns corclng out on l'lutei realiy like to play tl:ele. ",ter .l:,.J -,'o:i -"ta"rt pfalrini lievbc:rdg? D. i'i. Yes , r,veIl there I s a Sillcon ?eens al-bun and 3ad Gadget I'rill- be dolng one D.lii. fieIl, Irn not redIIy a keyboard.s later on in ihe year. fhe iformal- vrill player as such, I canrt play runs or be doing an albun hopefully. lhere I s sey very fast licks on the keyboard. A a live albura ';riih P.obert P.enta1 naybe coning out on Rough Trade synthesiser i-sn't rea11y a keyboald instranent as such it just happens to have keyboard.s on it as a covin,i-ent nethod. ','ieIi I f irst started playing g{]-utSnceq-Igu?. when f trought it which was al:out early sunmer in 1977. l{hen I bought it I D.1,,. i7e11 the srhole sort of pu4k thing could.nrt p1a;r i-t and I just bought th.e especi-a1ly the Ranones. I heard. the cheapest one I could get and just first albun on John lee1 a:ri thoughi :tarted. playing about with a tape it was grea+u, it had a great lnpact on rMVr onnrA UVI ol f,Ig . .l-renrt you going to ask ne 1f I Did -,/ou p1a',' ar1/ other instrunents? en joyed playing witn !r. i,:ixI f.1... lVell- I useq to -.iay guitar and Did )'ou_enjoy playing with Dr, I,:ix? ', but very usgd to plarrin a barrd cal-Ied iire I,Iostrals, thatf .li. Yes very nuch, it was rea1ly good. at fun. ',Yas around T?70 wh.en I was stilt school. 17e just did it for fun and played a f ew gi,-s. r7e had z resid.ency )i-d 'rou use vour Ranones lnfluence thert at London universit;' (in the uni-on baf ) and '.'Ie plaued colleges and thi-ngs like D.ilo lTot real-ly, Ey fohny and the that. 3ut I rvas never able to do what Hurricans influence cane into play vrith I ',,;anted ;rith griitar and saxaphone. I then, tireyrre one of ny favorite bands, knew that I would be able to do it rvith a s;-nthesiser. Is th.ere a ccntract fot the bands on HAge


lo conslde1a s'inthesiser to he a-

I{c , ii I s just done on trust. I I ve got to }ike the Feoplg involved as 17e11as the nusi-c before i considel it. I I.:,i. Ch yeah. lilce the people on llute to help to run Do 'iou, consideu t/ourself as a nug_iQian? it rather than oiher people. ).r,-. Yes I suppore so I didnrt use to Do:rou r/ant i,.ute io be cons:llere{-!-E*_c.n CU U l- tIIfnJ! J- 3n reALJJ , L ::l?an I 'Jcl,i.t' ,, e pla;r- an;ith:-ng except a syntiresiser properly, but it depend.s hcw ;'611 d.ef ile ).-.. IIo'b nessesali'l;,' it's just happenec a nuslG-ien. But if you play a synth. that v/ay. I just rea11; like electronlc lil:s a keyboard you end up playln5 it mnsic, it refects ny taste. I'ihe D.-i..F. A3e'nt tctaly an er ectronic band liice Keith Einnerson or R.lck , o! sonebad.y l:-ke that which as uselessl,But Lluters got e naae for being an electronic I"tl". @ :,'hat is e. s.'/rtlests-.r 1ilie fcr live Yes'-ivel"1it's-lnctedlble to thlnk that- leolle slag ofJ the, ry9]l,u?P:-;;- .letl rhe !!cb1en is that urless they for berng non-nusie,ians because used to be session players. they used to bacjc the 3i11y Ccbtamband'. Ai1 except 3pic, he used to PlaY with george D"rhe, the keyboards playe-r who used-to pley Frank Zappa. Tourve theY nake 3ot to put that in thcugh.thaY are out that they are not but I bliilient nusi-cians. I gacv Nuvtlhl rsNT HUt-1Ahl HE tS A DATA D\STt LLTR







Rrr?Ee oFF DANIea F4tur€R. A*rl5r^ta , b1 Srrq 6o'gac.,)


/;)/l /E GHG Lpt--J

D& 6rD* ERiC Dg^BRIs (:,nau Vc)C,{Ls/. soMETrI,lE lr{EMtsE}?


SctiwAR'r'z(GUITeR). paT LUGUR (cUITnR). KARr, HURBTER ( sy}iruEs isitR DRul4 l,tAc}iiNE ) . HERMANN

The Renlx l-av a Drer,'ed a few gj.6s i:1 london si.:ice ca6in$ ovcr.thls dur'rerrand ha?o released one eingJ.e- rlio !.':nr.They are aL:. renbers cf ietal ti;'nain s.k.d. The Mâ‚Źtal Eoys.

rdhere do you.a]1 conre frol?

Eric : Faris. Are you now peraaneintl.y livlng in llnglancl? we try. E:Yeah rwe, try.Ite dlf ficult,but Whate the nnusic scene like in Paris'i E:f ts shit.It.s alwaye the -qane ln Parie. There is a nuslc scene in Parietbut j.ts always a kLnd of fashion. Hernann:Posers.The big problen is not with the bands,lts with the crowd listening, theyre borlng.There are good bands. il:The bande are always j,nto fashionrand have dreaos about the rock'nrrol} buslnc6s.They dont really unde::stand what the roek'nrroll businesa 1s. Have you pla.yed a lot in France? E:Yeahrbut only in Parie.Its very difflcult to flnd gig6 outsj.cle of Paris.

E:Weflrthe blggest problen j,n France i.s bhatrunLtke ln England.where you look at the<i nost oll the charts are RtnrR or Diseorbut somethlng close to Rfn'R.In Paris ryou have Sacha lXeteL or Charles Aznavour.Vou oaly have a few thlngs in the cha rte for young people.So lf youre a band that" doeent play thrt sort od stuff ryoll cant get an agency to work fcr ;rolio RcckrnrRoll ls just an underground thin6

-{-n }'rance.

When d{ d vorr t'ar.rn?

Pat:M.Urbaln started three yeara Rgoo lt:It was in June ,76.tJe were one of the flret punk lrande ln !'rance.Dr.llix foraed

during the suaoer . gow lon6 did the albun take to record? i):Brr2 oonths in ny flat in paris,

P:In hie


ii:On a ll-track recorder'

'Dtd you prefer that,rather than soine

lnto a

etud:lo? E:Yeahrbecauee lde could just get up every roorrrlngrand do 1t 6f ws wanted torarrd..... You dtdnt have enough noney? ll: Y cah !

the l+-track sult .vour oual.c'? .E:Yeah, tlecause v{e have used a really lood 24 track for the t Metal Urbaln slngles.We ueed one of the best 24 tracks ln Parla forrPanlkr .the flret orcoWe I found that lts great for the auelc,but not a6 good a6 people thlnk,Because you Iose most of your energy.We prefer to work on 4 tracks or 8-tracks. H:E-tracks are the beet. ,Doee


So yorr thl4k youll contlmra ln future '--lr ! using an U-t.rack?

E;IEeHrln fact uera golng to atart our own 8-track e tudlo ln Lond,on. ,Wherae tha t , ln yorrr f ]e t? It'11 be started ln about a nontbrlt wont be the delftnetivc atudlorbrrt itr11 be, like ln a garlge to atert wlth.I traanr Molown bcgan ln e garege. E:NorMotown be6an 1n a kltchcn. Who are your naln lnfluences? H:Itr tlie rntd-slxtiee garage punk bands. ---'H: Yaah, but of courue , cach of us lletena to dlf ferent typco of trruslc. K;Bnt what wc have Ln comnon era nld-5os F-]unk


i{het about rcccnt bends? P:The Last cingle of Shen 59(Youre a,'b*tter een than I)li,a- really great.

E:Ita a nld 5os 6ontrrcally ctazy.Ohfand of cour6e, the Barracudas. K: f n the beglnni ng rT yeara dgo rwe llked the Claeh,Ptstole,Buzzcocke Juct for 6 nonthe . Ancl af ter that, wa were totally bored wlth them.Wc had loet AII tntereet 1n prrnkrwe wne very d'lelUusloned.

s:leahrbecauoe its fun to play l1ve. P: Tha ts why we f orned the liemix, beeaus e we wanted to pla"v on eta6erand we had no rrew songEb so we, dj-d covers. Worr1d you- elver con.sl_der dolng a blg tour,l ' ]i:Yeahrwed like to "lo that.hte were BUpposei. to do the suppcrt on the S-tiff Little Fingers f orrr, bu t tha to at. the end of Whcn' was the f 1rt t filB 4s Dr. Mlx. Dec enber r.ln.J we eant reaily do the tcur, r./e tr;', bu t I have tO go in the arnryrln E:The Hope & Anchor 24-9-79.That wag really l'rance rso r,r9 cant do it. pe,cause of that. Iucky.I aaue. to Eng.l.and ln the begirmlng gtga.We found of Septcober and asked f or , or 4 glgarand onq: was euppoeerl to be at d:Bul1d a s.tudlo a6 soon as we can to the Electrlc Ballrooa.SorI phoned the record an LP. of the Me.tal Bcys. guy at the Hope t,o aek for a 818tand when Jre' hcard we were golng to PIay the Elec trlc Ballroom hct eaid yes r but ln fac t t}ere HaE $:es EOon as the LP. ts reacly, no glg at the ElectrLc. 'Have you ever been approached f or any radi c geaai-on8. rJohn yeel orr goBgtnlnqt E tWtl havc done two s-essl ons f or Jon PeeI ae Met*} U.Were waltlng for the albuo. And then weregoing to ask hln for a e,esslor

songs t'he Lord taught ue is a greet ehowcese of rhe denented which the cranpe enproy to auch great, er'fect livarand onvinyllgangG punk t'analici'm -The oramps are probably the ooet excj.ting thing to enanate fron the states since the standells and seeds.They are the last of a rapidry disappearing kind- a pert'ect Earage band.On thie lp. they have managed ( in a1.* ,Iol a cul.t bercr chi-l'ton ) to cone up with the perfect forrauLarthe only two eesentiai factora being voluae and diatortionrand enough reverb to fj.ll an echo chamber. instruaents coolbine to forn one huge faultleso ball of noise.The 8uitarsAllaretheineeparable, an-d the boooing drume cryetal clear . rPoisont fuy Rorschah laye down a eolid organised backing w:,th her trashy gur-ta.r etrcke-s'letting Bryan and Lux put the iclng on the cake.cryan iomediately bri"ngs Link wray to oind'with his diejointed p"y"to lead lines and offbeat scafeerwhile Lux defies alL conparisonerhis hiccupping voice perfact in the crampo aetting.Nick Knox is probably the nost subdued drumner Ive seen,content to sit back 1et his drurnning speak for itsel' is the organising influence,kaeping the and beat perfectly as the others ver6e out of control.

- The ctas'ls ale }\re artrerrcana.frrst class garbagri not evtclent ei-nce the heyday of 'Tbe !'Jitchr and other period pieces.They in" result of too nany Br grade ncneter novtee and Gary usher production jobe;on "t" tsongsrrcranps run alongoi4e psycho covers of the sonics retrychnine' rjohnny luineites'iT""" craosics it uprand rFever'.the old P"g6y Lee chegtnut. --iinx wrayei 'r"t backris transformed for'sunglasses Dark',oanaging to conjure up th6 o1d 'Ruabler- 'westside story' bit.Poesibryafter ny favourite eong.not

wiehing to ciscrininate, ie 'Teenage werewoif I which never faj.Ls to red,uce dâ‚Ź to tcars, but then In a 6ap anJrway.

- Unfortunatelyrthe cranps are the last of a nob]e breedrthe on].y other corchbearers being those surf hoorigansrthe Barracurlas.Dont oiss outrit nay be your last chance to dance. MAR-TS


I /






. i I




AJter b great suprise support slot fron the llio-dettes Athletico Spizz 80 took to the stage in front of a packed. autilenâ‚Źe to the sound' of the Trreck thene tune. The band then "tent into the heunting sound of Sta! r BhythD Inslder with Mark on vocals and Spizz playing s'uitar. It was at to gob altl thli polnt that sone menbers of the audience found it fit put this clown throw-alesses at the band but eventualy spizz rnana5ed to and th6 band were able to continue on. Tonight the bands set consisted of a cross section of the bands history including lr fine renditlon of Coltl Cityt now sounding nnch fuIIer -than it did in the Oil days. A nurnber of. new s6nngs were introduced into the set \yhj-ch 5i1oy/ that the ba:nds song wrlttlig talent are becoming increasingl;r imlrec:ive ;riih rCentral cncountered 1:r;-^firct hâ‚Źaring tarEt being d prinet e):enr-)l-e of ',his. I l:-1.;o:;ingle) viih itrs ;fot'r haunting I of Spocks-Mis slng (ttre I sirle of the ne\? clj-nax. the highly popular powerfulllext beglnilng up into a final rEifortl6ss-was played "r/hibh even got applause !rt as Dave said l-ater. just hovr talanted a drunner ne is in such songs as the . C.P. Snare proved tArnnneglat,rllot Desertsr one of Lny presant faves was next populai ever playing bongo6 which vrere finaly convertecl with Spizz ai airing slven of the bands great new single I No into Ca^roel bunps. 11ext a vers j-on and effective style of cuilax playing. Roonr hlgh-ueLting Daves efficient played after nuch shoutj-ng fron thie vrere finaly !b,e. two hergy sineles tsoidier given a nevr lease of life by the agai.n once Soldierr antllenco. through a verse of rrb?!e!g audience then 1ed the spj_zz up. athletloo 11ne anel into a high spiritetl Captain Elrk I and then Jinors bass lept into action .''ei6ia! song. The band then returneal to encore with rvith an of the sanetAlrshipsl. fhe evening was finaly brought to a halt ercellent new song tVirginia ?lainr. slth tbe fl,nLliar sound of interestillS and enjoyable Athletlco Spizz 80 af-e-n ow one of the nost and hopefully will contiue them tiroe see every I Lanils ar ountt and inprove c orls to tine to f or a long o


Sheep Farming

fn Barnet,



You can thank Jerry Smith for getting me interested. in Toyah - or you wontt. Toyah seen to be one of iho"" groups who you really like or really hate with no i-n-betweens. The group is fronted. bt orange-haired Toyah Willcox who before Christmas was probably better known by her face after appeaxances in Quadrophenia and the awful Shoestring, than by her music. The albun has grown up from the 5-track E.P. of the sarne name to the maybe

full-size record with ihe addition of , tracks the single, rVictims of the Riddler. The cover (san:e as the E.P.) teatures Toyah herself in the foreground in front of three white spheres which may or may not represent a nuclear power starion. The music appeâ‚ŹEs carefully constructed. but is not lacking in excitement or interest. Thrasning $ritars are d.efinitely absent from this record. but rnany of the tracks are beaty and bcr:ncy enough to encou-rage leg rnovement. Certain parts i.â‚Ź. the beginning of tlleon Uombt with its sanophone have a Jazzy feel. The lyrics, as with all records, become clearer with more plays but those that are discernible point to the albumts futuristic approach. Indeed f Vivisectiont on the second. sid.e sound.s as though itrs lifted from the-lfre soundtrack of '2001 t r+ith all the atmospherics. Thj.s is the lowest point of album - if one has to be for:nd. the track being fad'ed before the actual instrumental has any chance at all. My personal favourite which has held from the first listening is tDancecr except that the story of the retu.rn of Christ seems a littLe out of place here. Anyway the albun and the new singlerBird. in Flight| wonft be fa;r C,T, A iior ry record player in the-near future.



; voc,At-t- -








Thlc lntervtew ls practlcalry unedltecr rancl co we are not responslble for any urtrue of lndLvlctual naenbers of the band are not necessarlly thg thc vtcws of the group ( cepectally Jane I ).

etatenenf,e.Alsor the vlcws

t e


JANE:Yeah.especlally whcn In wearlng a alnl sklrtrl get laughed at.I gct laugheC^ at a lot when I wcar a oini- ed<l.rt. Ju-{E:

Notlce by who I

JA:Mind yourf get lau6bed at anywaJr. Why do you want to be oon stare? JA:The reason wh3r I want to be a pop star

le that lts thc only alternatlve I have to belng a houecwifcranC Itd get, bored. I cant eell ln ahops, and f dont know an;rt hing about offlcea. RAMONa:fts Just becauas He dont want to , work,A *:befa**g KATEIKe dont want to do anythlng else. JA:Its hard work belng a pop etarr,vou dont realise.Itg bloody hard work heln6 a pop atar. R:Be a pop etar or get namtedrite ther cnly alternative. K:Werc Juet looklng for husbands. R:Ieahrrlch ones.Jene found oaa. K:If youre a pop a.tar you have 6rouplesr and out thara adong all of theat grouplca theree bound to bc qoncbody nlceJ l{hat about Bob? JU:Norwe vetoed Bob when wa flret aet hLn JA.;Ive got ny grouplerfv* got a pcraanent groupte.nind yourfn hle pernanent grouple too.

When Sounde


ffiiffi:r:16,: ffi:.,::lii;,:':#

rlnted that

c.of you.capt-

oned thc opl.a come to -cttes gee You Eg a JU:Ieah, they dld. R:ft was quite good publlclty. JA:l{e Juet aaidwere not oodsrdont, wan like nodsrso 1ts- nothing to do wlth us'.

foure just under a aleconccptlonrbacause the papera ars a,tupid.We h3vc out hyphen ln the right place.And lto, Ho.Ma-Ma-Mo. As Ln Motown or l,toJorMoorentous.But not . in anything elae.We dld nod Just ao we eoul'd say were not nods to thelr facer They st111 clapped uE. JII:I dont think we nade a poJ-nt of dolng Lt for thatrwe Just dld an.v we coul<t do. J,{:In not enotty :.bout any gigrweve played wtth htppies at Acklan HaLl.anrl wevc play ed wlth ncC6. IX) you prefer large or araall venuee? (4:Illke playlng anywhererbecause theyre a all lso dlfferentrlts a rtLffersnt experl ancc cachone.

iiiii R:Youre cloeer to the audlencc when its sn all.but vhan lts big you getla goort 6ountt. ffi:I llko p).aytng a enall place 'lj-ke Hopa & nnchorrthe Brldgchousc.?lny thererbut thcyrc really lovcly.But tben againryou can play at a rcall-y b16 placerand lt ean Je._pgpte-nrbut Jrou can anJoy lt beeauee ,,:;:i:r:i:1:f


- r,


i : :



Itout/a gct :r11 thnse rrtonltors.anri a-l-l the equlpoeni:. (:f r,; onl.;r per;6n1,]y that weve .hact glgs

lhrough pronotero or agent6.Sefore lt


been .ioarone who,l 6een u6 play or heard

about us and harc asked us to DIa" en thci' blll.Llkcrall our gltls up to about two weel<s ago wcre that way.People who wantcd us 'io eupport then. f ts great. JU:fis reall.v nlce.



lt really natural.

JUIT):e beat thlng is, that wcve pla,vc,t wlth all these big groups,aud' got to see tbea

for nothlng.


l,{hat sort of an audlenee do vou attract'l JA : Ot{ , thcyre.' nixed , atal.c and f ena }ai def tna -

te Iy n,ixed . Wave pla"ved

to ekinheaderweve played to

hi ppi es .

K:On Saturday we played to the Ger19tr19o of ifeat Kenair,gion. C*+to,rfaS tMtl{e-) ,IA:l)ldnt you know,on Saturday we played


tp the GeriaLrics ward'rCttre over-4Is

c1ub.liA HA! *nybod,v looklng undcr 5o'a.

nol allowed ln.Youve rrot to }ook Jlke an old age oensloner to: get lntp that p1ace. And even thenrlf yorrr haLr's too ohort you '.re not allowed lnrbecausc youre a eicln head, K:Yoii look our,rand ;-ou CBll Ei:€€ all the way t.othe brck of the NashvXllc,and theres aj-l t.heee necple Just s r.andlng t,here,They were nt *.ren en.joylng the:tselves, they wc::ent er/en taiklng to their oates.They were all, ;us t stuck in their .oo6ee. J.i:If lhey dont go dowa tha Nashvillerthey re rLown the Lqundrctterand thats all sls_e theyve Eot, ln Lj.f e. ..Poor cunts r:-ea11.v. .iU: f '-hink because of r,hc dif f erent kl-ndciof audlchce r,{eve played ';ithr',rhen we actually do headline glgsryou 6et an overspJ.Ii of every klnd that actually !.tke thr band. K:The thing lsrthat we havent gone out, e.nd said were not, thls and were not tha",rwe rlont tell pecpf e. '"hat youve got to be a rude bo;' or a sklnroi whataver they are to cone rhrl seg u&. .Ip. : Or a noil . K:Ws w3n; real people ln the audi-encerno?. l-j-ke arnles of dolLs walklng around.I like the arrCience that goea to the 2-tone glge, but Id ]l.kc lhea tc be a blt illore dlverse. i,r: Di-ve;.se talan. K:'ihe on!.r thtng weve ever stuck to pori-cy -w1se is lli.-e pla,vln* w-r-th anybody.or en;v t;rpe of s.l.ot we could poasibly ba- eLottetl lnto.'aeve gone lnto every aingle one of eal to avoid be1n6 stuek wlth any one.Its iiite I ha{ a friend who said I ff you take every klnd of drrrg there le,you nav€r 6a.t hooked, on oner.And its- that eort of thlng. JA lId never tour wl'.h Pau] HeCartneyrf d refuse to tour with PauI licCartncy. .IU:'dgrr6; played in fron." of a c:cr*d of pure skinhea,ls and 6ot away wlth it.


q K:Yaah,we did this glg 1n Blraj.nghan'the :.e was about io neopl.e thereranrl they we re aII blg local ek1:iheads who go dolrr

there every Frlday ntght,they were a)-l the stage et ihe end.



say rniicnrafi s!'ic h'as beC heavi. l.;r $ul.}{11:t i the on{ h-v a serLous horr:i. h].e col d All" donations rnd entri.".-'. t'c'r ti:e | 'Xuess Br.'b tJlack"Ei agt cq'n{:est- i be $€nt io : I$t Krlt^rurn Pk" Lci' Lrindt>n d ,9, riarnona "iidn't


JArYeahrlrcrc got a followlng of at J-casb flve pcopicrand a 6ood foll-wlngrthey tura up at bloody Llvcrpcol.bleec thelr hearts.lhe Cardlff Capcrs.tsut apart fronr

that I realtly dont know. .JI:If you go around and ray,In a aod 6roupr youvab lnaedlately got a1l the nodaror aakln or_h_lppy group. K:If yoriptpply sonathln6 for then to ldcntlfy wlth yourc aot toin6 to get an aray of people foLlowlng you arolln.l . JA:But lf you aayrfa not anytblng,,a1,1 theec peoplc go Eh? Obrdea5rwhat do we do about thlarwhat do wc ricar when wc go to theLr glga.Do you,wenna wear Fred perryr or do tyou want to wcar flhrcs.Shall we wear our leather Jackcte and,chaLnc or ehall w! Hcar our tartan kllts and bond.age troueer!.You slerthcy dont know what to wcar and tt confugcs thanrand thayre a,ca rcd to turn up in the wrong clot,hes,.rbeca uec they olght be rnbarassed l_nfront of theLr friearlc-rwhorLl turn up in the oppo gltc. The.ginple lsnt actuall.vt on ROUGE 'lltADll IU



iliolar juat dtetrlbuteci by Roush rrarie. JA:thcyrc a load of hlppica.and wera: not wclrd caougbror far out cnough for thes, or edrlous; enoughro: fcnlnlrt or potltlcaI. anough. K:UJsrg not

ldcalloglca1ly souad.

JA:Rough Tradcrc a load of hlppiea.Thcyre

a load of ctupld lntcll.actuals wtth too oanyrlens f.Its ,alL thesc fenJ.nJ.ete.Ive got a loval/ cong about fsnlnlatg.Id lncl uda thc Ralncoata ln thc fca1alst ba5.Ar popular ae they nay bc.and ar unpopular as f I oey bc aaytn6 thl,s,I thlnk ttrclr aualc ctlnks-.But tbete only ny oplnionrthc rcst of thc !to-Dcttce thlnk tbeyrc aarveLloua. JU:8or do ;reu know I thlnk thcyre orarvelloua.

JA:Ia taklng thc ilsa you sllly cow!' K:f wae 1n ths Ralncoats onCco 0+1+d*4, JA: ltE|'},Junc uacd to bc la Publlc Ioa6A, shc wae one of the drunna,rs thcy, trlad.out. I love lntervl.ewarsuch blat,ant 11es! K:You alght ae weIl. JA:Hcrc.whats a blatant llc fron Ranona. Sbc uasd to be ln 5 Kleenex in Swltzer landrbut sha vas too good for thea. K:SAuona eLnglehandedly etartarl thc ncw wavs ln Gbncva.Sbc used to do tho drunnlng for Kraftwerk.

K:nctuallyrl think lto funny bow Shane'e. fanous for thatrand nobody ever aentLons you.

JU:I uced to play druna- for Captain Boef hmrtE Ma61c Ban&. JA:Whcn ahe wag four.I uscd to be Davld Eowtee nother. K:By the wayrthe Barracudaa never practl ccd ln Joc Strrroaars baacaant. JA:They practlccd 1n Kates baacmcntrwbcn Joc wae ctaylng 1n hcr houec is a grr68,t1 but lts Kataa baacnantrand theyre stupld iitrttlii:it llttlc ncrda,cegccla]1y Robln.hrt r thlnk

llffi uac} ln to crcn play. Ja:thle bloke nouldnt lct uc in rI ca5'd ", (fpgatrlcr off thcnrcausc I dont want to l::: fucktnr conc 1n thls duap.IrlL bc glad 1f you dont let nc n he rcallecd rho I .:,,:t,...' .1,..:..

SIi{ci,t rlrjVI[vJS (i]uarantee{l to ce ir i lcarit. l't .ve&rrrj .lut r:f rlate.l . t d.v 'lony tls perenza . *

: dont t ..'oal rrlith !'rr darrchrt / 'learn ileJ.t the riton*rj. m . US : 5{o1 . UK : Polydor dll 56512 . The Rocki.n' Ranrods hailed tron N:wton near Eoatonran,l yith only thia record to go by,they l!u8t rate as one of the best bands iron N"r-lingland.fu l{anchu ie a great Loui,€ Louie rip-off rdith an oriental flavour.Ths song ha$ ri,,it can original i $|.arting wi1t, the ctlorug,then goin6 atrai.ght into l,ouie l,ouierthcn co6e6 the guitar aola duri,ng which a voice cooes in and eaya in a real sloa?.y tona: 'rDoni fool. rith hi6 baby il3t1 s:.ip poison pi,zza in your fortune cookie ilrlaht wel,I j .lornL lcnow But he ouat be so!€thing l'rong.rl Very weird i.nd€edibut a real, classic. The Uriginal Smokehr)use Band : Dontt Let J/our Mi ntl go As tray / Al L ce to ne. US : Glows tar 9OI . Garage punk at ite bestll A great anti-drug 6ong just Like PauI Revere and the Raiders tKicks'ronly less clever but mor:e obvioug r "She took that stuff rrdent 6cr high han never come down"l Get. the ressage rloys and;fl""it The recording is real garage with aone out of tune guitar on the l3-eidc. The Delvetts : I cal} my baby S,'I.P / Thatrs tne way it is, The Roekin'





Dunway T42 .

Their second single.'Ihe A side hae got a great poppy i nearly eurfint 6 ound , wi th a melody borrowed from I Lipstiek on ny collarf. ?he B side is a good folk rocker a bit li"ke I A Pub1i c Exeeu ti on ' by Mouse and thc traps


: A QUestion of Tenperature / Hurtin' for your Love. Iaurie tR ,4O5 A Question OF Tenperature lire-the l"rth. floor Elevators if they were produced by Katz - Y\azcnatz. PaychedeLic bubblegun cla66ic weLl vorth flndin8. Brounsville .Station racordcd it on their best albu!,Oh teah (Phillipe 6.t69oi]4) (UK).en albur! rhich 16 sreal oributr to [j.d sixties punk...ploduced by l)oug Morris of Jlarbariang fa[c. The BaIlrooo



r 965 Alnette : ?1i., l.lonkeys Uncle: Buena Vida F.4lrt)*. !-6 ,1!!' !;rr6e Annctte Funiccllo nho apDcar€d in all those beach lrovia6. She couldnrt act and shc couldntt 6ing but WOW! Iook at thoae |tGazongaarr. H€re she sings the the[e aong fron the flovre of the Batre na6. backad by the Bcach Boys.Ita a 6reat song with a nice Burfing aoun<* and very 8i1ly lyricB.It coocs ln a Breat pi c. slccvc.

JOY DMSICIi-a band for the rre,.? of,e. r- Bass Iatr Curii.sStephen i,lorris- Druns, Bern:rd. Dicl<in- Gultar & Synthesl_zer


't:,',/hy does everyone say our nusie is gloorny and d.ocn:y?rtasks lan. lT9]re sitting in the d.ressing roon of londons Ralnbow Theatre, and soae i11- inforned pseuo.o - rock journalist has ;ust nanaged to iniur the lviath of .Ioy Division bJ' cnnrng-out with the usual pathetic nlsconception. The' band decide to adjouln and the gUilty party is left pondering her nistaka I gl fy- rnention this event in the hope of at least partially dispelling the myth which threatens to engulf Joy Division. The bano were forned. in llanchester in early 1977. Yet another band inspired to do sonething nusieal by'John tryd.on ar:d. his l,lerry Troubadours. Tne frenetic, alnost heavy-neta1, chord thrashings prevalent on their 'rldeal for living'r E.P. have nrellovred and natured into sone of the nost!ting nelodles this slde of surrealisin. According to Ian iheir unique style evolved sJ-nply through the process of becoroing more proficient on their instunents.. Stephen niorris i-s technlcal"ly one of the best Brltish drumners in the business. Peter Hoolcts cloned. Bass drives the songs along vith the l<1nd of urgency usually associated rvlth a careering anbulance. {'rn top of this Sernard Dickin lays d.otzn a tight guitar pattern, often witha flanger to achieve an lnteresting sound through his battered Yox conbo.-Occasional1y Bernard vti1l switch to syn:thesizer. He is the groups resident Technocrat. Iie built his synthesizer fron a krt. At the noment I?n is trying to coae to terns with the Guitarr on which he imnaculately plays a single chord duringrrlcve iYill Tear Us ApartrtFor ne, this is one of their strongest live bunbers. Bernardrs synthesizer signal is split into 4 and. phased, creati-nE e piercing yet rich nelody, A very nlce stage sound. There seens no point in d.wel'l j-ng on Joy Divisdon$ illstory. Listen to itIs back-catalogue, it speaiie for itself. I asked. the Band how they to do I trac!:s for 3ob iastrs corepilation albun tEarcon 2r. Ian-tri?erve know:i tsob for a long tine and we kneur that he was 6cing to do this single on Fast, lverd also played a ferni d.ates on iire Rezillosr last tour, so it reall-y cane about through that.',Te hao a couple or'ttaclis lefi over frpn ihe albun and it was an outlet for then.3.ea11y, it would have taken Factory Records a long time to get then out.',ie night as well release everything rather than save it. rl

- 3ut d.oesnft that uieen thet yo0re inevltadly gorng to sklnp on quality? Ian- 'r17e11 if the test pressing isnrt up tc stand.ard, it just .,'ront go out.' Stephen- "1{e'ciid. T5 tracks for an alburn and subse,iuentl"v selected. I0 for inclus:-on on it, so the others r/ere f:.nished. but there \ras noihing to rlo with tllen.'r lhe albun is, of course ItUnl<norvn ?leasures'r, a:r albun ..1is1;1a1'rng abund,ent song-vrrltting ability and Ceep perceptlon. Just listen to tb.e lyrics of "ITerv Dawn Fadesrror feel the atnosphere j-nhereni lnrrI Renenber lTothl-n,3". Itrs no wonder thai the albunrs flrst pressing t'ias soon sole out. I ask then hovr heavily they intend to rely on sj'nthesizers in fu-hare. ian-rrlf ve think that the keyboards fit in, werli use then. !$erers no conscj-ous decision to lvrite a song f eaturing eynthesizer.rl So ho',v about a fufl tind lie;r5ea"6 player? Ian- !I d.ontt think so.... it would have to be somecne whc couldnrt real-iiplay, so that could leain to play like us.rl

Infact, Jo;.' )ivision havc just record.ed a sinl;le for the ?rench ttSoraide Sentinentale'r1ab1e. It f eatures Sernards syuthesizer on e verJ nood.y song calIetl 'iitnospheretr. Accorciing io t:ieit ii.rna6cr :nd ''": rairdiesser, Rob Gretton ("itIs 5oin; into the reslns of stupidity, in n:y opinion!'r- Stephen t,lorr:-s) Itts ploba"bl-y one of the best tirirgs theytve put on vin;'l. F.ob has hopes of getting the band into the studio soon to cut the second aibun, but before th.atr tiref itarre i$$es in Hclland., Belgiun Gernany arrd tentively, Anerica. ?eopIe are beglnnlng to tal.:e notice. lhe Ayatollah of Factory Reccrcs, Tony r'-.irizz-Kld'r 'i,'ilson, seens keen to gst tl-iem on a Sriti:h Co11eg;e lour. I{e tiiinks t}re intellectuals love tl:en. liris naJI not be for soneti-rne tho;rghrsince they hr,ve ';ii11 jusi conpleteCen e:<herrstj-n6 Britich tcu! as special guests of the 3ii.zzcocks. Audience reacticns r,'ere ilixetr, but Irever hostrle, Cn tl:e llast night of the to:;r, they perprtrated an act Shich sho:'reC tiren io be rather less solenn and intenee th:rn otners i:light irave r,ls believe. I trust ihst the Buzzcoelcs fcr-lnd tile',Thite i-:-ce i,ooci conpany on the return trecli io ne"ilchester The band have sr-rffered f:oi: toc rl'"rch I{oi ln'l CoIC ;nbl-icit;in l.-he pe.s t. f t I s tine th't iire;r '7ere aclino';llec;cC ss Cei-ng irt the vanEuard. of Sritisit i'le'J :rr,e bc"ndst Periraps f or tire coiiinerciali;.r-3inded i:;'?ocrites cr' ihe "?optt rress r Joy livisicn ind.eed. enctio:r::J-Iy a sce.;e;cai. !


A. A Hooper 198c. pj-cture b.y John Ker$*!r


I '.1

[i \x)Urt






The' Onaha Beach Party

Ile cruise i:ato Paris at 5po past niles of nnd ivnmiglant

by Jerwy Gluck






lock and L preconceive the Big P as strictly

MiserabLes-a4o-Go a.nd bCLd


tigbt for the inevitable cultural front-ender.

I\renty years coincidental trai:eing il

Ca.nadian FrencE encorrnters had made


too vary to open the flocdgates of goodvill yet, The froat-ender

bit seven hours later i-a the luxurious precinct of the

Gihrs Club, a Tenre in n:icroccr- with half the space and twice the hunanity

of the latter.

0n tite d.ance floor fifty

or sixty wa.t-like figrres d,rink, d.ip

or doze, oblivious to fne Bar:racrur.das collectiye parzrnoia they are steadily nrturing:.



sip tepid beer and try to nuster the requisia,,e boiile to Faee

the Frencb

First d$t

nerves d.cart cone iuto it.




the palton of the vallpaper

Irve sesr bi.&;er $aves ai a barbc-

whetber the audience liked., dlsliked, or even saw us is i-upossible. behi:rC us vas

too berilderJlg. Applause ras

not sparse- Applause was naught. Robin j:nrod.uci:€ ttre nr.ubers :n French just about stiried tben j:rto a $nrnble of anti-patronisation irut i don'', 'Jrrnk raisiug de GuaIIe wouLd have saltaged tbat ai€bt. Tourist Day, Ue nrsh to tbe P.ifiel tower in a fsnrof anticipation and leave wittt chills and vertigo. fb€ architectr:re is sonderful, too bad


ole thir:g is painted. sludge b!ow:r.

worldrs forenost toutist'rnusts. in one city

Dacid. sugSests putti::,g tbe and.

leavi::gi tfro"" obsese.ed witb

sigbtseeing to oEgify.

AII reoa^injlg sigh.ts were


fron the rindovs of, a Ford Tlansit.

A[ti-cli-!0ax€s cone and Bo, tn"rt playin6 to a second night crowdsa]ie1 fh'n

the il a foreign city beats

is a peak i:e



annals.. Robints

, NerrerU:eless, the performance and reactiodr a,rrrp

cancels . out halfway tJrrough

'Hre si:ctil

so Dave and iiicky enact "Betaan'r rrhii.e I vauderrille it bach and forth acrtss

the stage. fruY

love it for

sone reason, though why payi:rg


pounds to

) to



{ hacks die pleases tilen so mrch


!re. Irn, sure therers a scientific

rnalagy for it, perhaps a roeket explodirg before launch aad consequently

hailed as the first ship to reach l{ars.




Erid.ay tbe frites hit tbe fan. 0K, so the previous night was iBdulgenee eity.

0K, so next ti:ne Ir11 kili nYself

i feel like



No voice

after the blitz.

16g1.r The air is fi[ed

witb sogify


or brainr co-ordination or hu-

ny sneaker is filled vith water

o*1d my

is filled with enouf suo,t to insulate a hotel roon. Not a bad idea in fact because tlae ,'central" (rthere? Cerrtral Anerica?) treatiugi cracks with tbe clawn' I nose

crack tnelve hours later. Egr

clinnertime npaeumoaia'r is ray nidCle rl88€o

I avoke froo a nap io denented nock-scottisb cries of t'Eey Ji-trryr you fuckinl pansX f rsra Dave a:d. trickryr s rocr, fron nhich they are aural iy assaulting th€ locaIs' (you say your quota a.n bour i-ato the ride to Dover, tJrree days later al-l fle c8D nrster

for conversatioa is inpressions of legless Scots or zombie child' nolesters.) predictablyrwben it ca.rue ti-ue to Face f,he French again we rrerelr't fightir:g fit. Fccreatioa ti:le at alcatr az


Bore pep. r€ 'ur€&d tbe boards lignil3- th'at night'

IAe bgg was jlfegtious- every French face




on^ly people who responcl. are

vitlx a jaund.ieed glon' practica-lly

feds, by leaving tbe room. Weird is the

or.Iy word for people so far renoved fr"on reality that they roenorize tbe collected

vorks of E. Presley j-n a language the5l ddrntt u:rderstandtrfidway tbrougb

the set I start corrnti:rg


the songs and tberi go down for the

count. playing"the r:nsolicited encore nore spite tiran, spritz lrn just; one nore outpaient frou GeneraJ- Eospital psycho ward. Tauntir6: the audierrce into a t oken of attention

we decide

to call it a


(lt should be noted. that a lone jourtralist appeared spectraliy hal'f-an-hour before giC we played aJrd left half-an-hour after ve started. Iie said zero a:rd spent the errtire Iooking at the bar. I bope he eajoyed hiraself ; he vas alot closer to tbe bar than ae

that mrst have nade bin very happy.) our final clay in Paris davas witJr promise. i?e feel alnost

hrr-Ela,l a:nd



J... out to sanple the first dry air of our rrisit.

Paris by s'"inlight is alnost enchanting"

But, despite al-l the ineursions of haute couture we o"re€


up in a LicDonaldrs, prorri:rg'

hrt nore that you cal. Iead a creep to aulturg I you canft


hi:n dri-nkt

Saturday night the Barradrdas pla;r what is, I arc not too hunb}e lo adrr{t,

their definitive gig. By uid:rrigbt we had. buitt up enough resentmerrt

Adrerr,alin flows

disco.refugee audience to oorunit a war atrocity,

thick and slor'. f, feel


for the plainly nidd.l,e-of-tbe-road

of pure anis3lisn

a,nd when we

like raw sewa,ge,

finally hit the sta€e

the entire gtorrp is fit, to be tried.


rutterj-ng "Death or Glory" as I


ny way throrrgh the irnpervious

spectatorst a carbon cop of Fridayrs crowd. Except tlds ijme wetre sj"ck to the

teeth of theu. fhe Italians


call it a vendetta,

Most of it is a blur in retrospect. Tbe

first half is


lrt sud.denly, rigttt after

i:c a begrud.ging way, quiet like blood. poison!,ng.

'rtr Want My Woody Back'r, we

Conbining desperation and conteupt we decide

roar into purely subhumqn gear,

that itr we canrt entertaiin the


ihen werlX da.ur well terrorise then. r'Eanky Panky't a:rd

g:.rvirlg every

the Grooviesr "Slow Death'r we presumptiously encore vith,

lily-livered one of theu a straight


of traditicnal osycho chaos.

'rIou dontt lcrow how luc'Icy you are, you eninals", I scream whj-l-e taering up autographed r0udas photos ar.d tbrovi-ng then we troupe


Rob,in trashes 01d

Faitirfr;l once nore and,

off to sentient loathin€'fron the pigeons out front.

the benefit of the doubt.'.

I Iorre the French. I love their fries'

I think ve





BROKE- ( bournenouth)



6- plnpolntry{.brrtorsrrtfr"t" ip

3- boysrtoyehrelrcoEr"n.n", I 3- grat of l+rphllip Johnsonru.x.e. ctc J


t{ENtfL CHILmEN- sLlts,ralrcoatsrcsscntlal



. :


tIE i-r.





,'i 1^fi 'i




II{INC 9/10- fL.shtoncsrroErntlcs, cranps





leaguerrutsrs{idsrmekons etc.



niIS- scrlttl ,ronochrorrs


F-r Ft1-'




- qurcrcocloey reJectaldeeperate bicyclee




'ilE :) i


t l*.

I D--


PIN 2- uk subsrgang of 4rslfrretrrrlrcoltsrctc

- offj cial Clashzine nos.1&2



Il.ElI llr;f E:l/,t-G-. ALLIED PRoPAGAND 3- killlng Jokcrrrlnco&fsrdrEncd

llEJ'r, +-' GIO - Iifc yitb tbc dauredrnina hageo etoo ^.ffli'.SY'. Ll



SlIOnf SO trfn 1


- banacudanrcvcll napsreeaeatial togic etc. t, L B. TEItrKlS IN GENERIL - prasLonsrcoho & the bunnym.enrJaurnodettee etco

il.AdVXrV Stnlt?A , -.".:rr


\- det hpardrclashrgery glittor


J- nlhl1lst




Of 2 - rtlff

CRAZY-r'causareffect,scxrdancc aftcr dcathrr












of 4rchorrclarthle -Lrrrer,-|l-gr


fingcrarPilrdatekc, uk decay etc.


heatrelltalnadneoe ctc.



t - sl'hravelS-

FG'rl napa




-rcFcf,1 -i.4lr -rtl 2 - nirtrilistout of otderroppresaionrhate etc. I


;@F;"'o']'l'"n' "'ffi" F' I \-


I J't'"t\






- dettes ,etc' ' 'f2 pages ! |

'-.1 f**\,ffi

, - U S. reggaerglen brownrrae rr 4 israel vlbratlonrieaaosral-capone rr I king tubbyrPrince lincola


rr rr







' I.T \l4 - irelandropiunramaterrianrbrumougharalbanla t ;' j - royal fanilyruforereiberC-arnational front. i


t:'. r

ffitW*P$'l-"*& AFTER

h{ E-r .+!

- fallrdognra caterreptile ranch eto.

11u'lr \}\ arc# 1- colourful collagcs & poctrt


r-f ',, 15p I STRIGU,I




- allts mbbish - Led( pcrry i.aterviyo



thorpaon etc.



OU o\ o3

==E=>14 =r Pb z r FU F. it: sEi; rc.


- antertuinalrcrase.








.' pages

z c





- elaughter & tbe dogslapathy

"*"*,;, x.:"::l:":,":-.;. ---


if I ls l$

- cra,B6rgmg of 4rw'lrerelvlerantz re!'len etc. . . sOItNDs 1J - cliquelcriminal cIasslsol-id action etc ' ' '



ANswqRs- urarrtyurrur'5frrrt AIlDnrAD-



ilFPII'1i*H i llI liilil

EAsY rTill:Jali: No I;AbI N() 1 il """.r,po1ror, LEts BE AD-inf ABotn TIlIs - interniews w'ith atomerscrittLrdoor & the window etor











2 - IIK SuberRlvalalpop rivet





t - epeclalelapizz



ltr 'fl

- heretlcerautopsyrcrass

- jrsrBhrinkreelecterrfall - lto


.ffi -nE6:\


9nI llrrll-rlililt]i:lii,:11:l i"lXll}d/EfH

LIP -raincoatsrpolso,n girlllcleelre .au pairelmary











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