Featured Authors LJ DOD Fall 2022
For a complete list of formats and ISBNs for each title, view or download the excel spreadsheet here.
Age of Vice
Deepti Kapoor HC: 978-0-593-32879-8 Ri v erhead Books | 200,000 On Sal e January 3, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook, DN , & Large Print Editions Equ al parts crime thriller and family saga, transporting readers from the du sty v illages of Uttar Pradesh to the u rban en ergy of New Delhi, Age of Vice i s an intoxicating nov el of gan gsters and l overs, false fri endships, forbidden rom ance, and th e con sequences of corruption.
A Few Days Full of Trouble
Rough Sleepers
HC: 978-0-593-13426-9 On e Worl d | 30,000 On Sal e January 10, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook & DN Editions
HC: 978-1-9848-0143-2 Ran dom Hou se | 100,000 On Sal e January 10, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook & DN Edi tion s
Reverend Wheeler Park er Jr. and Chris topher Benson
Th e l ast surviving witness to the l y n ching of Emmett Ti ll tells his story, wi th poignant recollection s of Emmett as a boy , critical i nsights into th e recen t investigation, and powerful l esson s for racial reckon ing, both then an d n ow.
Tracy Kidder
Th e powerful story of an inspiring doctor wh o m ade a difference, by h el ping to create a program to care for Boston ’s homeless com m unity—by the Pu l itzer Prize–winning, Ne w York Times bestselling author of Mountains Be yond Mountains.
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley o n Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Riv er Sing Me Home
Central Places
HC: 978-0-593-54804-2 Berkl ey | 75,000 On Sal e January 31, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook & DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-593-49791-3 Bal lantine Books | 30,000 On Sal e January 31, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook & DN Editions
Eleanor Shearer
Rare. Mov ing. Powerful. This beau tiful, page-turning and redem ptive story of a m other’s gri pping journey across the Caribbean to fi n d her stol en children in the aftermath of slavery is a rem arkable debut. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Delia Cai
A y ou ng woman’s rootl ess past and u n certain future collide when she bri n gs her white fiancé home to meet h er Ch inese immigrant parents, toppl i ng her carefully constructed life, i n this vibrant, insightful debut from an exciting new voice in fiction. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
I Hav e Some Questions for Y ou Rebecca Makkai
HC: 978-0-593-49014-3 V i king | 100,000 On Sal e February 21, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook, DN , & Large Print Editions Th e ri veting new nov el from the au thor of the Pulitzer Prize and N ational Book Award finalist The Gre at Be lievers.
How to Sell a Haunted House Grady Hendrix
HC: 978-0-593-20126-8 Berkl ey | 150,000 On Sal e January 17, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook & DN Editions Ne w York Times bestselling author Grady Hendrix takes on the haunted h ou se in a thrilling new novel that expl ores the way y our past—and y our fam ily—can haunt you like nothing else. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Hello Beautiful Ann Napolitano
HC: 978-0-593-24373-2 Th e Di al Press | 100,000 On Sal e March 28, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook, DN , & Large Print Editions From th e New York Times bestselling au thor of Dear Edward comes a poi gn ant and engrossing family story th at asks: Can love make a broken person whole?
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Chain-Gang All-Stars
A Fever in the Heartland
Natural Beauty
Tim othy Egan
Nana Kw ame Adjei-Brenyah
HC: 978-0-7352-2526-8 V i king | 75,000 On Sal e April 4, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook & DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-593-31733-4 Pan theon | 75,000 On Sal e April 4, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook & DN Edi ti ons
HC: 978-0-593-47292-7 Du tton | 40,000 On Sal e April 4, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook & DN Edi tion s
A h i storical thriller by the Pulitzer and N ational Book Award-winning author th at tells the riveting story of the Kl an 's rise to power in the 1920s, the cu n ning con man who drove that rise, an d the woman who stopped them.
Th e expl osive, hotly-anticipated debut n ov el from the New York Timesbestselling author of Friday Black, abou t two top wom en gladiators fi ghting for their freedom within a depraved private prison system not so far-removed from America’s own.
In th is sly, surprising, and razor-sharp debu t n ovel, a virtuoso pi anist gives u p h er future as a musician to work at a h i gh-end wellness store in New York Ci ty where the pursuit of beauty com es at a staggering cost.
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Ling Ling Huang
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
T he Ferryman
T he Late Americans
HC: 978-0-525-61947-5 Bal lantine Books | 150,000 On Sal e May 2, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook, CD & DN , & Large Print Edition s
HC: 978-0-593-33233-7 Ri v erhead Books | 60,000 On Sal e May 23, 2023 A l so Available i n eBook, DN , & Large Print Editions
From th e New York Times bestselling author of The Passage com es a riveting standalone nov el abou t a group of survivors on a h i dden island utopia—where the tru th i sn’t what it seems.
Th e au thor of the Booker Prize finalist Re al Life and the bestselling Filthy Animals returns with a deeply i n v olving n ew novel of y oung men an d wom en at a crossroads.
Jus tin Cronin
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Brandon Taylor
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.