Featured Authors
Spring Book and Author Festival 2022 For a complete list of formats and ISBNs for each title, view or download the excel spreadsheet here.
T he Fervor
T he Hacienda Is abel Cañas
Am y McCulloch
I Cried to Dream Again
HC: 978-0-593-32833-0 G.P. Pu tnam's Son s | 25,000 On Sal e April 26, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-593-43669-1 Berkl ey | 75,000 On Sal e May 3, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-593-31549-1 A n chor | 100,000 On Sal e May 3, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-593-31588-0 Pan theon | 30,000 On Sal e May 10, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
Th e acclaimed author of the cel ebrated literary horror novels The Hunge r and The Deep turns her psy chol ogical and supernatural eye on th e h orrors of the Japanese American i n ternment camps in World War II.
Me xican Gothic m eets Rebecca in this debu t supernatural suspense n ovel, set i n the aftermath of the Mexican War of In dependence, about a remote h ou se, a sinister haunting, and the wom an pulled into their clutches...
A h i gh-altitude thriller that will take y ou r breath away—Cecily Won g is on h er m ost dangerous climb yet, miles abov e sea l evel. But the elements are n oth i ng compared to on e chilling tru th: Th ere's a killer on the mountain.
A t on ce disturbing and empowering, th e m emoir of a courageous woman wh o was abused, groomed, and trafficked for sex from age eleven to age si xteen, who then killed her trafficker/father figure and was sen tenced as a juvenile to life in pri son withou t parol e. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss.
Alm a Kats u
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
T his Time Tomorrow
T he Mutual Friend
HC: 978-0-525-53900-1 Ri v erhead Books | 150,000 On Sal e May 17, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, CD an d DN Editions
HC: 978-0-593-18676-3 Du tton | 75,000 On Sal e June 7, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
Em m a Straub
Carter Bays
Th e Ne w York Times bestselling From th e co-creator of How I Met Your au thor of The Vacationers and All Mothe r, a hilarious and thoughtAdults He re com bines her trademark prov oki ng debut nov el set i n New York ch arm and wit with a m oving fatherCi ty , following a sprawling cast of dau ghter story and a playful twist on ch aracters as they navigate l ife, lov e, th e i dea of time travel. l oss, ambition, and spirituality—without ev er l ooking up from their phon es. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting Clare Pooley
HC: 978-1-9848-7864-9 Pam ela Dorm an Books | 100,000 On Sal e June 7, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s From th e New York Times bestselling au thor of The Authenticity Project com es an escapist read that will transport you, cheer y ou, and make y ou sm ile—and make you, too, wish y ou h ad Ion a's gift for bringing out th e best in everyone.
Sara Kruz an
Fly ing Solo Linda Holm es
HC: 978-0-525-61927-7 Bal lantine Books | 150,000 On Sal e June 14, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, an d DN Edition s A wom an returns to h er small Maine h om etown, uncov ering family secrets th at take her on a journey of selfdi scov ery and new love, in this warm an d charming n ovel from the New York Times bestselling author of Evvie Drake Starts Over.
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
T he Catch
Dele Weds Destiny
Rizzoli & Isles: Listen to Me
HC: 978-0-593-13429-0 Ran dom Hou se | 100,000 On Sal e June 21, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, an d DN Edition s
HC: 978-0-593-32029-7 Kn opf | 125,000 On Sal e June 28, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, an d DN Edition s
HC: 978-0-593-49713-5 Bal lantine Books | 75,000 On Sal e July 5, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition
HC: 978-0-593-18445-5 Du tton | 50,000 On Sal e July 5, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
A y ou ng woman searches for the truth abou t her father and the secrets of h er fam ily in this electric debut nov el.
Th e story of three on ce-inseparable col l ege friends in Nigeria who reunite i n Lagos for the first time in thirty y ears—a sparkling debut n ovel about m oth ers and daughters, culture and cl ass, sex and l ove, and the extraordinary resilience of female fri endship.
Alis on Fairbrother
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Tom i Obaro
Cecily Wong
Tes s Gerritsen
Ri zzoli & Isles are back! From New York Time s bestselling author Tess Gerritsen, th i s harrowing thriller has Jane and Mau ra investigating a brutal murder wi th dire implications, and this time, wi th Jane's i ntrepid m other, Angela, l ooki n g into a mystery of h er own Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
A dazzling and heartfelt n ovel abou t two si sters caught in their paren ts' ambition, the tragedy th at brings it all crashing down, an d the jou rney that follows. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
T omorrow, and T omorrow, and T omorrow Gabrielle Zevin
HC: 978-0-593-32120-1 Kn opf | 200,000 On Sal e July 5, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, an d DN Edition s
Why Didn't You Tell Me? Carm en Rita Wong
Ram ona Em erson
HC: 978-0-593-15753-4 Bal lantine Books | 175,000 On Sal e July 12, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, an d DN Edition s
HC: 978-0-593-24025-0 Crown | 50,000 On Sal e July 12, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-1-64129-333-4 Soh o Cri m e | 75,000 On Sal e August 2, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition
A n ordinary man undergoes a startling transformation —and fears th at all of humanity may be next—in th e m indblowing new thriller from the Ne w York Times bestselling author of Dark Matte r an d Recursion.
A n i mmigrant mother's lon g-held secrets u pend her daughter's u n derstanding of her family, her i den tity, and her place i n the world in th i s powerful and dramatic memoir.
In th is exhilarating nov el by the bestsel l ing author of The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry two friends—often i n love, bu t n ever lovers—come together as creative partners in the world of video Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. gam e design, where success brings Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. th em fame, joy, tragedy, duplicity, an d, ultimately, a kind of immortality. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Blak e Crouch
Th i s blood-chilling debut set i n New Mexi co's N avajo Nation is equal parts gri pping crime thriller, supernatural h orror, and poignant portrayal of com i n g of age on the reservation .
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
T he Rabbit Hutch
Mademoiselle Revolution
A Map for the Missing
All Good People Here
HC: 978-0-593-53466-3 Kn opf | 50,000 On Sal e August 2, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-593-33603-8 Berkl ey | 75,000 On Sal e August 2, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-593-30066-4 Pen guin Press | 50,000 On Sal e August 9, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-593-49647-3 Ban tam | 150,000 On Sal e August 16, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, an d DN Edition s
The Rabbit Hutch i s stunning debut n ov el about the qu est for transcendence and the desire for lov e, set i n a crumbling apartment building i n the post-industrial Midwest.
A powerful, engrossing story of a bi racial heiress who escapes to Paris wh en the Haitian Revolution burns across her island home. But as she works h er way i nto the inner circle of Robespi erre and his mistress, she l earns that not even oceans can stop th e flames of revolution .
A n epi c, mesmerizing debut nov el set against a rapidly changing post-Cu l tural Revolution China, A Map for the Missing reckons with the costs of pu rsuing on e's dreams and th e l ives we leave behind.
Tes s Gunty
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Zoe Sivak
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Belinda Huijuan Tang
As hley Flowers
In th is propulsive debut nov el from th e h ost of the #1 true crime podcast Crime Junkie , a journalist uncov ers h er h ometown's dark secrets when she becom es obsessed with the unsolved m u rder of her childhood n eighbor— an d the disappearance of another girl Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. twen ty years later. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
I'm Not Broken
American Refuge Diya Abdo
Killers of a Certain Age
Jes s e Leon
HC: 978-0-593-18591-9 Ti n y Reparations Books | 50,000 On Sal e August 23, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
TR: 978-0-593-46651-3 V i n tage | 30,000 On Sal e August 23, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
TR: 978-1-58642-342-1 Tru th to Power | 40,000 On Sal e September 6, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-593-20068-1 Berkl ey | 60,000 On Sal e September 6, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
A prov ocative, con versation -sparking expl oration of refugee experiences tol d i n their own words, for readers of Karl a Cornejo Villavicencio's The Undocumented Americans and Viet Th an h Nguyen’s Forced to leave their home s, they came to America.
Ol der wom en often feel invisible, but som eti mes that's their secret weapon. Th ey 'v e spent their lives as the deadl iest assassins in a clandestine i n ternational organization, but now th at they're sixty y ears ol d, four wom en friends can't just retire—it's ki l l or be killed i n this action-packed th riller by New York Times bestselling an d Edgar Award-nominated author Dean n a Raybourn.
LaToya Watk ins
From a stunning n ew voi ce, comes a In th is unflinching and inspiring powerful and m oving debut nov el and m em oi r, Jesus Leon tells an sweepi ng family saga, Perish, abou t a extraordinary story of resilience and Bl ack Texan family, exploring the su rvival, shining a l ight on a childhood effects of inherited trauma and spen t devastated by sex trafficking, gang i n tragenerational violence as the l i fe, and substance abuse. fam ily comes together to say goodbye to th ei r matriarch on her deathbed. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss.
Deanna Raybourn
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Ghost Eaters
Clay McLeod Chapman HC: 978-1-68369-217-1 Qu i rk Books | 75,000 On Sal e September 20, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition "Cl ay McLeod Ch apman's guided tour of a sh room-and-gloom ghost world, wh ere everyone i s addicted to death, reads like a scared straight program th at horrifies you i nto choosing life." —Grady Hendrix, New York Times bestselling author of The Final Girl S upport Group Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Jos h Malerman HC: 978-0-593-15701-5 Del Rey | 35,000 On Sal e September 20, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s Horror h as a new name: Daphne. A bru tal, enigmatic woman stalks a girls h i gh school basketball team in a rei m agining of the slasher genre by th e Ne w York Times bestselling au thor of Bird Box. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Sweet, Soft, Plenty Rhythm Laura Warrell
HC: 978-0-593-31644-3 Pan theon | 125,000 On Sal e September 20, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s A th rilling debut nov el about the peren nial temptation s of dangerous l ov e, following a jazz musician and an en semble cast of women—some ch armed by him, others scorn ed—who discov er the power of th ei r own v oices.
Stay True Hua Hs u
HC: 978-0-385-54777-2 Dou bl eday | 75,000 On Sal e September 27, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, an d DN Edition s From th e New Yorker staff writer Hua Hsu , a gripping m emoi r on fri endship, grief, the search for self, an d the solace that can be found th rou gh art. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Cover Not Final Our Missing Hearts Celes te Ng
Sm itten Kitchen Keepers Deb Perelm an
HC: 978-0-593-49254-3 Pen guin Press | 750,000 On Sal e October 4, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, DN , an d CD Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-593-31878-2 Kn opf | 200,000 On Sal e Nov ember 1, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition
From th e number on e bestselling au thor of Little Fires Everywhere, a deepl y suspenseful and heartrending n ov el about the unbreakable lov e between a mother and child in a soci ety con sumed by fear.
Th e l on g-awaited new book from th e bestselling and belov ed author of The S mitte n Kitchen Cookbook— a col l ection of essential recipes for m eals you'll want to prepare again an d again.
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss.
Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Cook As You Are
Spice Kitchen
HC: 978-0-593-32154-6 Kn opf | 35,000 On Sal e Nov ember 8, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition
HC: 978-1-954220-24-9 Ki n gston Imperial | 50,000 On Sal e July 5, 2022
Ruby Tandoh
A n o-n on sense collection of more th an 100 accessible, affordable, ach ievable—and, most importantly, del i cious—recipes (plus countless v ariation s), Cook As You Are is an essen tial resource for every taste, ev ery kitchen, and every body Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Ariel Fox
Foreword by Gordon Ramsay; this com pi lation of 110 recipes from a He ll's Kitchen winner and award-winning chef takes a healthier approach to cuisines that are often u n derrepresented in cookbooks. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
T he Cook You Want to Be
Cartas de Cuba
HC: 978-1-9848-5856-6 Loren a Jon es Books | 150,000 On Sal e May 24, 2022
TR: 978-0-593-31351-0 V i n tage Espanol | 8,000 On Sal e April 20, 2021 A l so Available i n DN Edition
Bel ov ed food writer and social media star Andy Baraghani h elps y ou define an d dev elop y our personal cooking sty l e—and become the cook y ou want to be—i n more than 100 recipes.
A n i nspiring story of a y oung Jewish gi rl who escapes Pol and to m ake a n ew l ife i n Cuba, while she works to rescu e the rest of her family.
Andy Baraghani
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Ruth Behar
Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Y o no soy tu perfecta hija mexicana Erik a L. Sánchez
TR: 978-0-525-56432-4 V i n tage Espanol | 10,000 On Sal e October 16, 2018 A l so Available i n DN Edition Jane the Virgin meets The Sky is Eve rywhere in this poi gnant but often l au gh-ou t-loud funny contemporary Y A about l osing a sister and finding y ou rself amid the pressures, expectations and stereotypes of growi ng up in a Mexi can-American home. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Just Roll with It
Veronica Agarwal and Lee Durfey-Lavoie Na rrated by Sheena Kamal, Da n ice Cabanela, Almarie Guerra & a Fu ll Cast DN: 9 7 8-0-5 93-5 5332-9 List ening Library On Sa le December 14, 2021 *In cludes a downloadable PDF con taining the “A graphic nov el pa g e from start t o finish” section fr om the book. St arting middle school is hard en ough when you don't know a ny one; it's ev en harder when y ou're shy. A contemporary m iddle-grade graphic nov el for fa n s of Guts and Real Fr iends about h ow dealing with a n xiety and OCD can a ffect ev eryday life—n ow adapted for a u dio.
Hilo Book 1: The Boy Who Crashed to Earth Judd Winick Narrated by a Full Cas t DN : 978-0-593-41808-6
List ening Library Book s 1 – 5 On Sale Now Book s 6 – 7 On Sale April 26, 2 022 T a k e off on an action-pack ed a u dio adventure with the HILO ser ies! Dog Man meets Big Nate in t his hilarious New York Tim es bestselling graphic n ovel ser ies t hat k ids lov e!
T he First Helping (Lunch Lady Books 1 & 2)
Jarrett J. Kros oczka Na rrated by Kate Flannery, as the Lu n ch Lady, a lso featuring the A u thor, and a Full Cast DN: 9 7 8-0-5 93-39715-2 List ening Library On Sa le February 22, 2022 A lso Available in CD Edition Per fect for fans of Dogman and The Bad Guys , the popular Lunch La dy graphic n ovels Books 1 -4 are n ow available as two sets of a dv entures in two a u diobooks...from the author of Na t ional Book Award finalist Hey, Kiddo!
La casa en Mango Street Sandra Cis neros
TR: 978-1-644-73428-5 V i n tage Espanol | 2,000 On Sal e February 15, 2022 A l so Available i n DN Edition Praised by critics, admired by readers of al l ages, in school s and universities across the country, and translated into a m u ltitude of languages, now comes a n ew Spanish translation by Fern anda Mel chor of this classic. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.