Graphic Novels
Summer 2022 and Fall 2022 For a complete list of formats and ISBNs for each title, view or download the excel spreadsheet here.
Hugo’s 3 in 3 Staff Pick!
Captain America Rich Johns on
Justice League Vol. 1: Prisms
Brian Michael Bendis; Illus trated by David Marquez
HC: 978-0-7893-3778-8 Un i verse | 25,000 On Sal e May 31, 2022
Meet th e N ew Justice League: Batm an, Superman, the Flash, Hawkgirl, Aqu aman, Hi ppol yta, N aom i, and Black Adam!
A n en gaging insider's celebration of Captai n America's seminal comic book stori es ov er the comic book's 80-y ear run, i ncluding all things Cap: h i s character's origin; v arious si gnificant storylines ov er the decades; and his importance as a cu l tural i con i n today's wildly popular su perhero climate.
Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
HC: 978-1-77951-437-0 DC Com i cs | 100,000 On Sal e May 10, 2022
Captain America
Jack Kirby, Joe Sim on, Stan Lee, Jim Steranko, and John Rom ita Sr. HC: 978-0-14-313574-6 Pen guin Classics | 50,000 On Sal e June 14, 2022 A l so Available i n TR Edition
Hugo’s 3 in 3 Staff Pick!
Black Panther
Don McGregor, Rich Buckler, Billy Graham , Stan Lee, and Jack Kirby HC: 978-0-14-313580-7 Pen guin Classics | 50,000 On Sal e June 14, 2022 A l so Available i n TR Edition
Il l ustrated throughout, Th e Penguin Il l ustrated throughout, Th e Penguin Cl assics Marvel Col lection presents Cl assics Marvel Col lection presents speci ally curated comic book speci ally curated comic book anthologies an thologies of the origin stories, seminal of th e ori gin stories, seminal tales, and tal es, and characters of the Marvel ch aracters of the Marvel Universe to Un i verse to explore Marvel's expl ore Marvel's transformative and transformative and timeless i nfluence ti m eless i nfluence on an entire genre of on an en tire genre of fantasy. A Penguin fan tasy. A Penguin Cl assics Marvel Cl assics Marvel Col lection Edition . Col l ection Edition. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Hugo’s 3 in 3 Staff Pick!
T he Amazing Spider-Man Stan Lee and Steve Ditk o HC: 978-0-14-313572-2 Pen guin Classics | 50,000 On Sal e June 14, 2022 A l so Available i n TR Edition
Our Colors
Gengoroh Tagame; Trans lated by Anne Is hii HC: 978-1-5247-4856-2 Pan theon | 15,000 On Sal e June 14, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition
Il l ustrated throughout, Th e Penguin Cl assics Marvel Col lection presents A m esmerizing coming-of-age and speci ally curated comic book anthologies com i n g-out graphic nov el by the of th e ori gin stories, seminal tales, and gen i us writer-artist of the Eisner ch aracters of the Marvel Universe to A ward-winning breakout hit My expl ore Marvel's transformative and Brothe r's Husband. ti m eless i nfluence on an entire genre of fan tasy. A Penguin Cl assics Marvel Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Col l ection Edition. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: Fear State Marik o Tamaki; Illus trated by Dan Mora TR: 978-1-77951-555-1 DC Com i cs | 70,000 On Sal e July 5, 2022 Batm an is seen by many as ju dge and execu tion er of the city's vilest villains. Wel l , it's time for him to m eet the Ju ry! Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
T eenage Mutant Ninja T urtles: The Last Ronin Kevin Eas tm an; Peter Laird; Tom Waltz HC: 978-1-68405-841-9 IDW Pu bl ishing | 50,000 On Sal e July 5, 2022 Wh o i s the Last Ronin? In a future, battle-ravaged New York Ci ty, a l one su rviving Tu rtle embarks on a seemingly h opel ess mission seeking justice for the fam ily he lost. From l egendary TMN T cocreators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, get ready for the final story of the Teen age Mutant Ninja Turtles three decades in the making! Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Hugo’s 3 in 3 Staff Pick!
Lore Olympus: Volume T wo Rachel Smythe
HC: 978-0-593-16030-5 Del Rey | 200,000 On Sal e July 5, 2022 A l so Available i n TR Edition
Hugo’s 3 in 3 Staff Pick!
DC League of Super-Pets: T he Great Mxy-Up Heath Cors on; Illus trated by Bobby Tim ony TR: 978-1-77950-992-5 DC Com i cs | 100,000 On Sal e July 19, 2022
Wi tn ess what the gods do after dark in Spi n ning ou t from the upcoming WB th e secon d v olume of a stylish and animate d fe ature, Super Pets: The con tem porary reimagining of on e of Gre at Mxy-Up con tinues the th e best-known stories i n Greek adv en tures of characters fans will m y thology, featuring a brand-new, m eet i n the film! excl usive short story from creator Rachel Smythe. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
We Hav e Demons
Written by Scott Snyder; illus trated by Greg Capullo TR: 978-1-5067-2833-9 Dark Horse Books | 25,000 On Sal e August 9, 2022 From com ic-book superstars Scott Sn y der and Greg Capullo (Batman, Batman: Last Knight on Earth, Dark Nights: Me tal & De ath Metal) com es a n ew blockbuster series of bi bl ical proportions.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Peach Momoko Poster Portfolio Peach Momoko
TR: 978-1-78773-796-9 Ti tan Com ics | 20,000 On Sal e August 23, 2022 A brand-new poster portfolio of fanfav orite artist Peach Mom oko's cover art, from the com ic based on the epic v i deo game Horizon Zero Dawn. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
I Am Batman Vol. 1
T he Rise of the Dragon
John Ridley; Illus trated by Olivier Coipel
George R. R. Martin, Elio M. García, Jr., and Linda Antonsson
HC: 978-1-77951-661-9 DC Com i cs | 100,000 On Sal e August 23, 2022
HC: 978-1-9848-5925-9 Ten Speed Press | 400,000 On Sal e October 25, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
Th e age of a new Dark Knight starts now! Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Th i s l avish visual history—featuring ov er 180 all-new illustrations-is a stu nning introduction to Hou se Targaryen, the i con ic family at the h eart of HBO's Game of Thrones prequ el series, House of the Dragon. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Esther's Notebooks
Maus Now
Riad Sattouf
Edited by Hillary Chute
HC: 978-0-593-31692-4 Pan theon | 30,000 On Sal e Nov ember 1, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition
HC: 978-0-593-31577-4 Pan theon | 50,000 On Sal e Nov ember 15, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
From th e author of The Arab of the Future , com es the first book i n a bestselling series of graphic novels th at follow the hilarious, h eartbreaking, and all painfully true l i fe of a real girl growing up in Paris. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Ri chly illustrated with images from A rt Spiegelman's work, Maus Now gathers together many of con tem porary culture's l eading critics, au thors, and academics on the radical ach ievement and innov ation of Maus m ore th an forty y ears since its fi rst publication . Cl i ck for More In f ormation.