5 minutes a day to start living your magical life
Study & Discussion Guide
INTRODUCTION Use this Study and Discussion Guide to reinforce what you’ve learned from reading Coffee Self-Talk, and as a guide for discussing the book with others. Looking for people to join your CST discussion group? Post an invite (noncommercial only) at: Facebook.com/groups/coffeeselftalk For bulk discounts on books (10 or more), email BTBSales@penguinrandomhouse.com
STUDY & DISCUSSION GUIDE CHAPTER 1: WHAT IS COFFEE SELF-TALK? 1. D id you practice self-talk before reading the book? If so, was it more negative self-talk or positive self-talk? Share an example of either. 2. T he author discusses the two kinds of self-talk: motivational and instructional. Have you used either in your life in a positive way before?
CHAPTER 2: COFFEE SELF-TALK 1. Why might combining self-talk with your morning coffee be a beneficial routine? 2. W hat tools do you need to ensure that Coffee Self-Talk becomes a daily habit?
CHAPTER 3: THE INCREDIBLE BENEFITS OF COFFEE SELF-TALK 1. What are some of the benefits of Coffee Self-Talk? And which resonated with you most? 2. W hich benefits surprised you?
CHAPTER 4: THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE MAGIC OF SELF-TALK 1. The magical transformation of Coffee Self-Talk is based in scientific fact. Had you heard of neuroplasticity and creating new neural pathways before reading? What do you think of it? 2. H ow might you use this information going forward in life?
CHAPTER 5: YOUR COFFEE SELF-TALK 1. Have you yet or do you plan to write your own self-talk? 2. W hat areas in your life are you interested in working on? What might you write for each area?
CHAPTER 6: HOW TO DO YOUR COFFEE SELF-TALK 1. Why are both thinking and feeling important when it comes to the ritual of Coffee Self-Talk? 2. T he author invites you to feel unlimited, even using helpful words to evoke strong feelings. What does feeling unlimited feel like for you?
CHAPTER 7: KRISTEN’S COFFEE SELF-TALK 1. In this chapter, the author shares some of her own personal Coffee Self-Talk script. Which phrases stand out to you? Are there any phrases you’d like to say but feel something holds you back? 2. K risten used her Coffee Self-Talk to tap into her creativity and become a writer. What transformation would you like to invite into your life?
STUDY & DISCUSSION GUIDE CHAPTER 8: TURBO-CHARGED COFFEE SELF-TALK? 1. D id you practice self-talk before reading the book? If so, was it more negative self-talk or positive self-talk? Share an example of either. 2. T he author discusses the two kinds of self-talk: motivational and instructional. Have you used either in your life in a positive way before?
CHAPTER 9: FINDING TIME TO DO YOUR COFFEE SELF-TALK 1. Do you feel it’s hard for you to find time to do your daily Coffee Self-Talk? 2. H ow could you make it a regular part of your day?
CHAPTER 10: ALTERNATIVE PERSPECTIVE TECHNIQUES (APT) 1. T he book offers two methods for changing your mindset—what Kristin calls Alternative Perspective Techniques (APT)—especially when it comes to things you don’t normally like or want to do. Which method most resonated most with you? 2. H ow can you apply these techniques to other areas of your life?
CHAPTER 11: EXTRA SHIMMER AND SHINE BY GETTING RID OF THE NEGATIVE 1. How have you handled negativity in the past? How are you impacted by negative thoughts or words? 2. I n this chapter, which methods for dealing with negativity are your favorite? How do you plan on using some of these ideas?