Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Summer 2022 and Fall 2022

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Summer 2022 and Fall 2022 For a complete list of formats and ISBNs for each title, view or download the excel spreadsheet here.

Jen C.’s Pick!

When Women Were Dragons Kelly Barnhill

HC: 978-0-385-54822-9 Dou bl eday | 60,000 On Sal e May 3, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, DN , and Large Print Editions

Jen C.’s Pick!

Her Majesty's Royal Coven

Walk the Vanished Earth

Nev er the Wind

TR: 978-0-14-313714-6 Pen guin Books | 50,000 On Sal e May 31, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s

HC: 978-0-593-29933-3 V i king | 50,000 On Sal e May 31, 2022

TR: 978-1-78909-981-2 Ti tan Books | 45,000 On Sal e June 7, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition

Juno Daw son

Frances co Dim itri

Erin Sw an

In th e tradition of Station Eleven, S e verance and The Dog Stars, a beau tifully written and emotionally sti rring dystopian nov el abou t how ou r dreams of the future m ay shift as ou r en viron ment changes rapidly, wh i le the earth con tinues to spin.

A Discove ry of Witches meets The A rol licking feminist tale set i n 1950s Craft i n the first installmant of this epic A m erica where thousands of women fan tasy trilogy about a group of h av e spon taneously transformed into ch i ldhood friends who are also witches. dragons, exploding notions of a Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. wom an's place i n the world and Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. expan ding minds about accepting Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. oth ers for who they really are.

A bi ttersweet gothic fantasy of family, fri endship, m emory, and the uncanny tol d from the perspective of a blind teen ager in Puglia, Southern Italy, set i n the same world as The Book of Hidde n Things, perfect for readers of N ei l Gaiman, Don na Tartt and Haru ki Mu rakami. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss.

Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.

Jen C.’s Pick!

T he Final Strife

T he Moonday Letters

HC: 978-0-593-35694-4 Del Rey | 30,000 On Sal e June 21, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s

TR: 978-1-80336-044-7 Ti tan Books | 40,000 On Sal e July 5, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition

Saara El-Arifi

In th e first book of a v isionary fantasy tri logy with its roots in the mythology of A frica and Arabia, three women ban d together against a cruel empire th at divides people by blood.

Em m i Itäranta

A n effortlessly rich and lyrical mystery wrapped in a lov e story that bends space, time, myth and science, perfect for fans of Octavia Butler and Em i ly St. Joh n Mandel.

Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.

T he Daughter of Doctor Moreau Silvia Moreno-Garcia HC: 978-0-593-35533-6 Del Rey | 100,000 On Sal e July 19, 2022

Dragons of Deceit

Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman HC: 978-1-9848-1932-1 Del Rey | 80,000 On Sal e August 2, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s

Margaret Weis and Tracy Hi ckman From th e New York Times bestselling au thor of Mexican Gothic and Velvet retu rn to the unforgettable world of the Ne w York Times bestselling Dragonlance Was the Night com es a dreamy seri es as a new heroine —desperate to rei m agining of The Island of Doctor More au set against the backdrop of restore her beloved father to l ife—sets off on a qu est to change time. n i n eteenth-century Mexico. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.

Cl i ck for More In f ormation.

T he Warrior Stephen Aryan

TR: 978-0-85766-958-2 A n gry Robot | 40,000 On Sal e August 9, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition Th e story of Kell Kressia continues in Book II of th e gripping fantasy du ol ogy. Kell, two-time saviou r of the Fi v e Ki ngdoms, is now the King of A l gany. He h as fame, power, respect, an d h as never been more miserable... Cl i ck for More In f ormation.

Soul Taken

Patricia Briggs HC: 978-0-440-00161-4 A ce | 125,000 On Sal e August 23, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s Mercy Th ompson , car mechanic and sh apeshifter, must face her greatest fears in this chilling entry in the #1 Ne w York Times bestselling series. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.

T he Spear Cuts Through Water Sim on Jim enez

HC: 978-0-593-15659-9 Del Rey | 25,000 On Sal e August 30, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s Two warriors shepherd an ancient god across a broken land to en d the ty rannical reign of a royal family i n th i s new epic fantasy from the author of The Vanished Birds.

Be the Serpent Seanan McGuire

HC: 978-0-7564-1686-7 DA W | 15,000 On Sal e September 6, 2022 N ow i n hardcov er, the sixteenth novel of th e Hu go-nominated, New York Time s bestselling October Daye urban fan tasy series. Cl i ck for More In f ormation.

Cl i ck for More In f ormation.

T he Golden Enclaves Naom i Novik

HC: 978-0-593-15835-7 Del Rey | 100,000 On Sal e September 27, 2022 Sav i ng the world is a test n o school of m agic can prepare you for in the tri umphant conclusion to the New York Times bestselling trilogy that began with A De adly Education and The Last Graduate . Cl i ck for More In f ormation.

Adrienne Y oung

Willow Sm ith and Jes s Hendel

Black Shield Maiden

Dead Man's Hand

HC: 978-0-593-35851-1 Del acorte Press | 35,000 On Sal e September 27, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s

HC: 978-0-593-35673-9 Del Rey | 150,000 On Sal e October 4, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s

HC: 978-0-593-44041-4 A ce | 75,000 On Sal e October 11, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s

From Ne w York Times bestselling au thor Adrienne You ng comes a deepl y atmospheric story about an cestral magic, an unsolved murder, an d a secon d chance at true love.

From Wi llow Smith and Jess Hendel com es a powerful and groundbreaking h i storical epic about an African warrior in the world of the Vikings.

In th e tradition of his renowned father, James J. Butcher's debut n ov el is a brilliant urban fantasy abou t a young man who must throw ou t th e magical rule book to sol ve the m u rder of his former mentor.

Spells for Forgetting

Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.

Cl i ck for More In f ormation.

Jam es J. Butcher

Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.

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