Price Chopper Gatherings - Healthy 2017

Page 1

fresh, delicious & convenient products & tips Healthy 2017

Make the

Perfect Salad

Page 17

Healthy Alternatives Page 8

Desserts Page 29

CONTENTS 8 Healthy Alternatives We're helping you ease into that New Year's Resolution.

17 Perfect Salad

Perfect your salad with items you've never thought of before.

29 Desserts

Tasty healthy treats without the calorie worries.

32 Helping Hands

We're lending a hand to help you better understand food portion control.

Don't forget about our Healthy for You community online to help you with your fitness goals. To navigate to this section of our website, hover over the Pharmacy/Health button, then choose from a variety of Healthy for You pages.

Stay in touch Join our community on Facebook and share your thoughts, recipes and health ideas. Facebook “f ” Logo

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Many of us find the fresh beginning of each new year to be a perfect opportunity to make more nutritious, healthy choices. It can be challenging to know where to begin, but this issue of Gatherings Magazine takes a look at a few common weak spots, and offers easy solutions that enable you to make healthier choices. Our Healthy Alternatives section provides recipes for common dishes, prepared in a more health-conscious way. Take a look at the tasty Desserts section to find recipes that will satisfy your sweet tooth, but won't leave you with the normal post-dessert guilt. Plus, we've included a handy Perfect Salad guide, which can help you create a tasty, wholesome meal that enriches your diet with veggies, fruits, and protein.

Your 2017 guideline for finding joy in eating and becoming a Healthier You: 1. Stick to a schedule: Develop a meal and snack routine that works for you! This ensures that you go to meals hungry not starved. 2. Find joy in healthy eating: Include food you truly enjoy and incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy and lean proteins because you enjoy them not because you have to eat them. 3. Take time and pay attention to your food: Taste it and enjoy it!

4. Balance: Incorporate both nutrient dense foods as well as “forbidden foods” in your meals and snacks. 5. Get healthy together: Getting healthier with friends, family members or even with

CMYK / .ai

online groups is more fun and has been proven to help you stick with it! Invite others over to your kitchen and try out some of our recipes! We'd love to hear from you. Connect with us on twitter. @my_pricechopper

Download our app to check your rewards, see what's on sale and find great recipes.


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Warm up �e Season!

ch Warm Spina e Dip and Ar tichok This light take Prep

p is lower in on a classic di

es Time: 10 minut

Ingredientsoil 1 tbsp 1 pkg 1/3 cup 1/3 cup 1/3 cup 8 oz

2/3 cup


• Cook Time: 20 m

olive (5 oz) spinach zarella cheese shredded Moz an cheese es rm Pa ed grat cheese o iag As grated ain brick-style reduced-fat pl se cream chee Greek yogurt

fat, but not in

flavor! inutes

• Total Time: 35 m

lemon zest 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tbsp c, minced 2 cloves garli er salt and pepp 1/4 tsp each (optional) er pp pe e nn caye Pinch hearts, well (6 oz) artichoke chopped 2 jar ely fin d an drained master® (4.5 oz) Crunch 1 pkg Seed Crackers Original Multih for

at; cook spinac

he re over medium Instructions:to 400˚F. Heat oil in large skillemt plseett ely. Squeeze out excess moistu

Healthy Breakfast Habits

en 1. Preheat ov es or until wilted. Let cool co ide. about 3 minut cup and set as . se; reserve 1/4 yogurt, lemon zest, and chop finely d Asiago chee d an Ad . an ffy es flu rm d Pa til light an se mixture; ozzarella, 2. Combine M mixer, beat cream cheese un sired), and remaining chee de ric (if ct e Using ele er, cayenn kes. rlic, salt, pepp ixture. lemon juice, ga d. Stir in spinach and articho rved cheese m de en bl til rinkle with rese ated through and top Sp . sh beat un di g kin ba til he greased 4-cup minutes or un 3. Scrape into g sheet; bake for about 15 ter® crackers. th Crunchmas wi rm wa e Place on bakin rv Se . ed elt m d an n gerate. is golden brow cover and refri mble dip, then ter® crackers. se as as m d, ch ea un ah Cr eth Tip: For mak serve warm wi d an g in : rv se es re Serv Bake just befo

4 to 6

For more great recipe ideas visit:



BLUE -is C-100, Y-0,important K-0 We have all heard that breakfast theM-50, most meal of the day. The health benefits range from kick starting your BLUE - PANTONE 3005 GREEN - C-60, M-0, Y-95, K-0 GREEN - PANTONE 360 metabolism to improving mood, memory and attention span. Students who eat breakfast, perform better at school, LIGHT BLUE - C-80, M-0,increasing Y-0, K-0 LIGHT BLUE - PANTONE 306 C-100, M-50 C-60, M-0 C-80, M-0 PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE® K-0 Y-95, K-0 Y-0, K-0 haveY-0,better concentration and have the energy to make it through the day. When you eat breakfast, 3005 C 360 Cyou are 306 C more likely to consume lower calories throughout the day. Your body works more effectively when you eat throughout the day and don’t let yourself get overly hungry. Research has shown people who do not eat breakfast are at a higher risk to be overweight, which leads to a higher risk for other diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. Getting kids to start eating breakfast at a young age has also been shown to improve overall healthy eating habits throughout life.

Clearly Organic offers a wide range of organic products that are great tasting and good for your family, at a value price! Look for these breakfast foods, plus more in your PRICE CHOPPER aisles! Here are some tips and suggestions to get your day started off with a nutrient pack breakfast. • Breakfast is a great way to get fiber rich foods: whole grain toast, fresh fruit or Clearly Organic oatmeal and Clearly Organic Steel Cut Oats are great options. • Eating fruits and vegetables at each meal will help you get your 5+ servings per day, so make sure to grab a banana, apple or some Clearly Organic 100% fruit or vegetable juice (keep juice to a 4 oz serving). • Most people say they are too busy to eat in the morning. Breakfast is the easiest meal to grab on the go. Whole grain cereal and Clearly Organic skim milk or soy milk, low fat Greek yogurt and fresh berries, low sugar granola bar, whole grain breakfast bar and fresh fruit can be eaten quickly or at your desk! • Get those veggies! Use Clearly Organic eggs to make an omelet or egg sandwich and add spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms or peppers. • Shake it up! Breakfast smoothies are easy to make and can contain fresh, Clearly Organic frozen or can fruits. Add protein with a scoop of protein powder, Greek yogurt or Clearly Organic peanut butter or Clearly Organic Almond Butter. Add extra nutrients with Clearly Organic Chia Seeds or Flaxseeds.

Healthy Alternatives

mashed cauliflower

YIELD: 4 servings PREP TIME: 10 mins COOK TIME: 7 mins


1 head of cauliflower, cut into florets 2 tbsp vegan butter or margarine 1 clove of garlic, minced or grated Salt and pepper 2 tbsp fresh chopped chives


1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil; add cauliflower florets. Boil for about 6 minutes or until soft. Once cauliflower is finished cooking, drain well, and pat between several layers of paper towels until very dry. 2. Place dried cauliflower in a large mixing bowl. Add in vegan butter or margarine and garlic. With a blender or potato masher, combine until creamy. 3. Season with salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle with fresh chives.

mashed cauliflower vs. mashed potatoes • When boiled, potatoes are higher in calories than cauliflower. Mashed potatoes contain 134 calories, while mashed cauliflower contains just 28 calories. • Boiled cauliflower contains 55 mg of vitamin C in each 1-cup serving, while boiled potatoes contain just 11.6 mg. • Pureed cauliflower provides both folate and vitamin K. These nutrients are not present in significant amounts in pureed potatoes.



Healthy Alternatives

Healthy Alternatives

squash & meatballs

baked sweet potato chips

YIELD: 4 servings PREP TIME: 20 mins COOK TIME: 3 hrs 20 mins

YIELD: 8-10 servings PREP TIME: 10 mins COOK TIME: 20 mins


2 tbsp olive oil 1 medium spaghetti squash 1 ½ cups crushed tomatoes ½ tsp salt ½ tsp garlic powder ¼ tsp pepper ¼ tsp dried oregano 16 turkey meatballs 2 tbsp butter or olive oil Additional salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat oven to 375° F. Wash the outside of the squash. Cut the squash in half lengthwise and use a spoon to scoop out and discard seeds from the middle of each half. Brush the inside of each half with olive oil, and place cut-side down on a baking sheet. 2. Roast in preheated oven until tender, 35-50 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool before handling. Scrape cut side of squash with a fork to remove strands. 3. In a processor or blender, combine tomatoes, salt, garlic powder, pepper, and oregano. Puree until smooth. 4. Pour sauce mixture into a medium saucepan and bring to a simmer. Continue to simmer for ten minutes. 5. Cook turkey meatballs according to package instructions. 6. To plate, layer spaghetti squash, meatballs, and sauce.

ingredients: spaghetti squash & meatballs vs. spaghetti & meatballs • Spaghetti pasta has almost six times as many calories as spaghetti squash. • Spaghetti pasta has more than four times as many carbohydrates as spaghetti squash. • Pasta doesn't have any vitamin C or vitamin A, while spaghetti squash has 4% of the recommended daily intake of these antioxidants. • Squash contains antioxidants that protect your eyes from age-related diseases.

1 ½ lbs sweet potatoes 3 cup olive oil Kosher Salt


1. Preheat the oven to 400º F. Line several baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. Use a mandolin slicer to cut the sweet potatoes into paper-thin rounds. You can use a knife to do this, but it takes much longer. 2. Pile all the sweet potato rounds into a large bowl and pour the olive oil over the top. Gently toss to coat every piece with oil. Then lay the sweet potato rounds out on the baking sheets in a single layer. 3. Sprinkle the chips lightly with Kosher Salt. Bake for 20-25 minutes until crisp and golden around the edges. Remove from the oven and cool for 5 minutes on the baking sheets. Then move the chips to a bowl, or plastic bag to store. If you happen to find a few chips with soft centers, pop them back in the oven for about 5 minutes. baked sweet potato chips vs. potato chips • Baked sweet potato chips are low in saturated fat, and very low in cholesterol and sodium. • Baked sweet potato chips are a very good source of vitamin A.



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1. Be Creative - Rethink your definition of “salad.” Salad doesn’t have to mean a green leafy base. Think fruits, veggies, and other alternatives. 2. Contrast Textures - Crunchy and soft. Salty and sweet. Spicy and mild. Salt and pepper. Get the idea? Think combinations of opposites. 3. Combine Protein and Fiber - Carrots and zucchini contain soluble fiber helping you feel full. Add a protein like chicken or steak for maintaining muscle. 4. Combine Raw and Cooked Foods - Include steamed, saúted or even grilled items to add variety. 5. Customize the Dressing - Make a combination of your own favorites: keep it simple with a 1 part vinegar 3 parts oil ratio.

5 Tips for Perfecting Salad










Remember - though many salads incorporate some kind of dressing, this is often what makes the salad lean toward the unhealthy end of the spectrum. Use interesting flavors in your salad so you don’t need to top it with dressing, or try a vinegar and oil mixture for a healthier alternative.

Start with a Base, or choose to combine two or three Bases. Add a Crunchy element, a Soft element, and an Unexpected element. For more ideas, see our 5 Tips for Perfecting Salad below!

Step away from the boring iceberg salad! Adding variety to your healthy eating plan can make it much easier to stick to! Use this guide to create your own combinations of delicious, interesting flavors.

Make the Perfect Salad



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TEAR. EAT. WORK OUT. To get the most from your workout, tear open some tasty, on-the-go protein with StarKist Tuna Creations® Pouches.

No draining required

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Antioxidant Cereals Up to 70% less sugar*... and your kids will still love it! Whole grain Grain Berry® cereal gives you more than powerful, plant-based antioxidants and natural plant-based fiber. We start with less sugar than leading brands. 70% less in our Bran Flakes, 40% less in our Honey Nut. Plus, our Onyx® Sorghum bran slows down sugar absorption into your bloodstream and that is perhaps the most important benefit for your family! *Less sugar compared to leading similar brands.

How can 8 whole tomatoes fit in one jar of Silver Palate pasta sauce? That’s why it tastes like you’re biting into a ripe, juicy tomato. You won’t find any tomato paste in Silver Palate San Marzano Pasta Sauce. And no added sugar, either. Just a whole tomato blend of San Marzano plum tomatoes from the rich volcanic soils of the Mt. Vesuvius region and the fertile soils of the Central Valley in California. Deluxe juicy tomatoes are simmered in extra virgin olive oil to yield more natural lycopene antioxidant. Plus, our little secret – skins removed by steam, not chemicals. That is what makes Silver Palate such a premium line of pasta sauce.

*See pouch for complete nutritional information. ©2017 StarKist Co. All Rights Reserved.

Try our delicious, easy recipes to add variety to your routine.

Salad Jar

Prep Time: 10 minutes | Recipe Yield: 1

Ingredients 1 pouch (2.6 oz.) StarKist Tuna Creations® Ranch ¼ cup diced, canned artichoke hearts ¼ cup garbanzo or cannellini beans ½ cup diced red and yellow peppers ¼ cup cucumber slices

¼ cup sliced black olives ¼ cup shredded mozzarella cheese 2 cups chopped lettuce leaves 1 wide-mouth canning jar with lid

Directions 1. Layer ingredients in jar, starting with wettest ingredients at the bottom, and ending with lettuce on top. 2. Start with artichoke hearts on the bottom, then layer on the beans, followed by peppers, cucumber and black olives. Top with cheese and lettuce. 3. Tie your favorite flavor of StarKist Tuna Creations® on the outside, and you are ready to take lunch with you! 4. Open the jar, turn it over on a plate, and let the ingredients fall out. Top with your favorite Tuna Creations® and enjoy! No dressing required!

Find more delicious recipes at


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Make the recipes you already love even better.

Cooking with yogurt goes way beyond great taste and creamy texture. It can also add less fat to recipes.*



Yogurt’s rich, tart taste gives recipes a fresh, tangy pop of flavor.

Yogurt gives dishes a thick, smooth, creamy texture with a velvet-like finish.

Calories Fat (g)

440 45 Butter

Calories Fat (g)

1630 184

Oikos® Plain Greek Nonfat1 120 0 Oikos® Plain Greek Nonfat1 120 0

Dannon® Plain Nonfat

Heavy Cream Calories Fat (g)

100 0

820 88

All nutrient values above are based on a 1-cup serving. Data from Based on the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Calories *At least 80 percent less fat than regular cream Fat (g) cheese, mayonnaise and sour cream based on USDA Database May 2013

Dannon® Plain Nonfat

Buttermilk (Whole)

100 0

150 8

Dannon® Plain Nonfat

Mayonnaise Calories Fat (g)

100 0

1500 165



1 cup of sour cream =

100 0

1930 218



Dannon® Plain Nonfat

Vegetable Oil (Canola) Calories Fat (g)

Yogurt contains many beneficial nutrients and has less fat than many other ingredients*.






1 cup of butter =

1 1/2

cup of Oikos® Plain Greek Nonfat yogurt cup of Oikos® Plain Greek Nonfat yogurt plus 1/2 cup butter

1 cup of heavy cream =


cup of Oikos® Plain Greek Nonfat yogurt

1 cup of vegetable oil = (canola)


cup of Oikos® Plain Greek Nonfat yogurt

1 cup of buttermilk = (whole)


cup of Dannon® Plain Nonfat yogurt plus 1/3 cup milk

1 cup of mayonnaise




cup of Dannon® Plain Nonfat yogurt




This creamy, rich oa t pudding will kee comforted when the p you warm on a cool day and weather heats up.


½ cup quick or old-fashio ned oats ½ cup + 1 Tbsp Oikos® Greek 0% plain or vanilla, divided • ⅔ cup wat er • Pinch of salt • Honey, agave nectar or brown sugar to taste •

Fresh or dried fruit (berrie s, chopped apricots, raisins, dried cra nberries or blueberries) • Chopped toaste d nuts (walnuts, pecans or almonds) to taste •

DIRECTIONS 1. Mix oats, ½ cup yogurt, wa heat. Simmer the mixture ter and salt together in a small saucepan over me , dium to desired consistency. stirring occasionally, for 4-6 minutes or until thic kened 2. Transfer oatmeal to a bowl and top with a dol lop of remaining yogurt and nuts as desired. and fruits


3 Minutes


6 Minutes


1 Serving

Oikos® is a registered trademark of Stonyfield Farm, Inc. ©2017 The Dannon Company, Inc.



Guilt-Free Desserts

Desserts are often the first food to go when you're attempting a healthy diet change. But cravings for sweets can sabotage your efforts. Try these sweet but health-conscious desserts to satisfy that sweet tooth!

Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes

W I T H A V O C A D O " B U T T E R C R E A M" F R O S T I N G


For the cupcakes: 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 tsp apple cider vinegar ¾ cup granulated sugar cup canola oil 1 ½ tsp vanilla extract 1 cup white whole-wheat flour cup unsweetened cocoa powder ¾ tsp baking soda ½ tsp baking powder ¼ tsp sea salt


Yogurt Bark Ingredients:

Yogurt (we used honey Greek Yogurt) Fresh strawberries, sliced


1. Line a flat 8"x8" baking dish with parchment paper and spread evenly with yogurt, about ½ an inch. 2. Sprinkle with sliced strawberries. 3. Freeze for about 4 hours until completely frozen. Remove frozen yogurt from the pan and peel off the parchment paper. Break into pieces.

For the frosting: 2 ripe avocados ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder 3 tsp maple syrup ½ tsp vanilla extract


1. Preheat oven to 350° F. Line a muffin tin with 12 paper or silicone cups. 2. Whisk together the almond milk and apple cider vinegar, and set aside for a few minutes until milk curdles. 3. Beat in the sugar, oil, and vanilla until foamy. 4. In a separate bowl, combine flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Slowly beat the dry ingredients into the wet until smooth. Divide the batter evenly between the 12 cupcakes. 5. Bake for 18-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Remove from the oven, and after a few minutes, move cupcakes to a cooling rack. 6. While the cupcakes bake, make the frosting. Scoop out the avocado flesh, and place in a food processor. Add the cocoa powder, maple syrup, and vanilla, and puree until smooth. 7. Frost the cooled cupcakes, and enjoy!


Oat Cookies


2 bananas ½ tsp cinnamon Raisins (handful) 1 cup quick oats



1. Mash 2 ripe bananas in a bowl, and then mix in 1 cup of quick oats and a handful of raisins. Don't add too many raisins or the cookies will fall apart. 2. Place about 16 small scoops on a greased or non-stick foiled lined baking sheet, and bake at 350° F for about 15 minutes.


Two cupped hands = 1 ounce

Helping Hands

A Fresh Start for the New Year

Use this "handy" chart to visualize ideal portions for meals, snacks and recipes (examples are provided for each corresponding measurement).

Palm = 3-4 ounces

Two cupped hands = 1 ounce (chips, crackers & pretzels)

Helping Hands

Golden Beet Salad

Thumb = 1-2 tablespoons One cupped hand = 1/2 cup

Palm = 3-4 ounces

(meat, fish, & poultry)

Thumb = 1-2 tablespoons

(salad dressing, sour cream, cream cheese, peanut butter & hard cheeses)

Fist = 1 cup

La Fiesta Bean Salad

One cupped hand = 1/2 cup

(pasta, rice, beans, potatoes, cooked vegetables, pudding, & ice cream)

Thumbnail = 1 teaspoon

(butter, margarine, mayonnaise, & oils)

Fist = 1 cup

(cereal, soup, casseroles, fresh fruit, raw vegetables or salads)

Thumbnail = 1 teaspoon = indicates approximate size of serving

Mashed Potatoes 4-Pack

GET THE PARTY STARTED! Š2017 The Hillshire Brands Company

Macaroni & Cheese 4-Pack




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with organic ingredients

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Organic Spinach

This leaf y gree n packs a power ful punc h of protein, iron an d might y good fla vor.





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No artificial


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NO BINDERS. NO FILLERS. JUST PURE FLAVOR. Price Chopper’s full array of premium deli meats and cheeses are far more than just sandwich ingredients. They’re carefully selected tender whole cuts oven roasted and seasoned with fine spices. All are 100% gluten free and contain zero nitrites, transfats or MSG. Look for the American Heart Association logo for options certified to be especially low in fat, sodium and cholesterol. Visit to find recipes that are sure to satisfy the whole family.

MAKE THE DELICIOUS, NUTRITIOUS CHOICE. When you see American Heart Association Certification you know: • • • • • • •

Less than 5g Total Fat Less than 2g Saturated Fat Less than 0.5 Trans Fat Less than 95 mg Cholesterol Less than 480 mg Sodium 0% or more of the Daily Value of 1 of 6 nutrients Plus low in fat, no-trans fats, no MSG and gluten-free

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