Sheep dairying in nz technical manual 1

Page 1

Massey University library


.New Zealand & Pacific Collection

Sheep Dairying •


New Zealand An Emerging Industry·

PUBLISHED-BY: The Sheep Dairy ASsociation ofNew Zealand ISBN: 0~473-04741-1

©.Copyright- Sheep Dairy Association of New Zealand 1997 i1

·All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise stored in any retrieval system of any nature, without the written permission of the copyright holder and the publisher, application for which to be made to the copyright holder: Secretary, Sheep Dairy Association ofNew Zealand, Okapua Homestead, Chatton, RD 3, Gore, New Zealand.

Disclaimer While every effort has been· made to ensure that the information herein is accurate, the authors do not accept liability for error of fact or opinion which may be present, nor for the consequences of any financial decision based on this information.

Cover Photo: Neil & Gill Potter's Dairy Shed at Masterton

Aknowledgements To the many people who have contributed and assisted with the production of this manual in particular Aidan Boyle for the graphics in Chapter 7. Special thanks to Jock Allison, Neil Potter and Dorian Garrick for extensive comments on draft versions. Special thanks also to Tom Grant, Awassi (Aust) Pty Ltd;路 the British Sheep Dairy Association; Harry Mitchell of Prattley' s; Barry Marks of Otenz; Tom Laurent of Fullwood's; Jamie Mikkelson of Milker Ware; the staff of Southland Regional Council; Bob Berry ofWhitestone Cheese; Michael and Michelle Anderson, Southland; the staff AgResearch Library Invermay; Julian Chapman ofKapiti Cheese.

Typeset by:

~{3~~ffifuffiill (!j~~00\3ill Confidential Secretarial and Business Services 49 Main Street, Gore Phone (03) 208-3166 Fax (03) 208-9958



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Contents Page No

Introduction Chapter 1: Development Potential In New Zealand


Chapter 2: Potential Markets For Sheepmilk Cheeses 2.1 2.2, 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.5

The Overall Market North American Market Middle Eastern Market .. Australasian Market European Market Market Selection Criteria ', Price Structure of Selected Markets Conclusion

2.6 2.9 2.10

Chapter 3: Milk Yield Estimates For New Zealand Estimates ICAR Protocols .. Theoretical Yields Economic Analysis and Milk Yields

3.1 3.3 3.4 3.5

Chapter 4: Stock Unit Estimates Of Dairy Sheep 4.1 4.2 4.3

Estimates Seasonal Demands Substitution Rates

Chapter路 5: Comparative Returns Introduction Gross Margin Sheep Dairy Economic Farm Surplus Comparison

5.1 路5.2 ..


Chapter 6: Economic Analysis Of A Conversion Proposal Introduction Stages of Conversion .. Parameters Discussion Points Artificial Lamb Rearing Costs Six Year Conversion Analysis .. Conversion Cost Estimates Annual Budget .. Sensitivity Analysis

6.1 6.1

6.2 6.4 6.5

6.6 6.9 6.10 6.12

Chapter 7: Managing Sheep Milking Conversions Land Gravel .. 'Lanes Water .. Planning .. Tanker Track .. District Road Access State Highway Access .. Milking Shed Site Construction ofMilking Shed .. Eftluent .. Fencing ..

7.1 7.1 7.2, 7.8 7.2, 7.9 7.3 7.3

7.4 7.5

7.6 7.6 7.6 7.10

Chapter 8: Lamb Rearing Options .. 路 Artificial Rearing Housing .. Flooring .. Bedding .. Area Ventiliation Personnel Colostrum Weaning .. Training ofLambs Milk Replacers .. Group Sizes Concentrates Critical Rules Feeding Systems Suckling and Milking .. Rearing Lamb on Ewes .. Scours .. Abomasal Bloat .. Pneumonia Copper Poisoning Internal Parasites Scabby Mouth .. Coccidiosis

8.1 8.2

路~ 8.t/

8.3 8.3 8.3

8.4 8.4 8.4, 8.6, 8.9 8.5 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.7 8.7

8.8 8.9 8.9

8.10 8.1()路' 8.10 8.10 8.11


Chapter 9: Nutrition Of Dairy Flock Introduction Mating .. Pregnancy Period Lactating Period .. Condition Scoring Pasture Supply .. Feeding Concentrates .. Crops

9.1 9.1 9.2

9.2 9.3

9.4 9.4 9.4

Chapter 10: Management Considerations Shearing, .. Training Ewes .. Pre-lamb Milking Weaning .. Milking Technique Milking Interval ._. Milking Frequency Drying Off Mating .. Joining Numbers Oestrus Synchronisation ofEwes Ram Effect CIDRS .. AI Recording Labour .. Rest of the Day .. Milk Hygiene Milking Machine Testing Refrigeration Cleaning Milking Machines Vat Cleaning

10.1 10.2 .10.2 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.10 10.11, 10.12 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14

Chapter 11: Ewe Health Introduction Inhibitory Substances .. Hypocalcaemia .. Pregnancy Toxaemia Hypomagnesaemia Lice Fly Strike Internal Parasites Mastitis .. Facial Excema .. Foot Diseases .. Minerals .. Clostridial Diseases References (Chapters 8- 11)

11.1 11.1 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.12 11.12

Chapter 12: Milking Platform Designs Introduction Casse System Cascade System .. Prattley Designs .. Rotary Technology Fullwood Lactofeed Fullwood Stall 2000 Design Capacities Improving Throughput .. Sagi Hooks Manufacturer Information

12.1 .. 12.1, 12.2 12.2 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5 12.5 12.6 12.6 .. 12.7, 12.8 .. 12.8, 12.9 12.10 12.10, 12.11



Dancy 13.1

Dairy Industry Regulations Milk Quality Suggested StepL

Chapte:r 14~ G~.enetill::


Of lViUking '"'""'v""''"

Introduction Breeding Objectives Genetic Evaluation Traits Properties ofJBreeding Values .. }\Ton-Genetic Influences on fel~toJrm~'tlnc:e Heritability Repeatability 路Cont,emporary Group Effects Heterosis and Breed Estimating Breeding Produdrng Selection Based on n.'-''"""''路"' Mating Plans and Breeding Industry Overseas Experie:i:lce


Chapte1r 15~

14.1 14.1 ll4.2 14.3

144 14.5 ;~4.6


14.7 14.8 14.9 14. IO 14.11


Regional and District Your Processor .. MAFQual Transit Nev1 Zealand

I 5. J

Chapte:r 16: A c~nfVteir搂tiDlll Planning and Shed and Yard Design Water Supply Effluent .. Races MHking Lamb Rearing Stock Training .. Milk Storage Pasture Management and lF'ertiliser Animal Health .. Quality Assurance Time Involvement Actual Conversion Costings

Hd 16.3 116.4 16.4

16.:8 16.9 16 9 Hi. 0 I6. 10 J6. L1

Appendices Appendix l: Composition Appendix 2: The JVLE System Appendix 3: Appendix 4: Sheep Association ofNew ,,_,.,,.,~JJ<U''"' Appendix 5: Membership Sheep Dairy Association

17 J i .., ')


I ......J

7.3 17.5 17.(:) 路.~

n1Jlked this ......,..,~··"'"'·· has b'i:f.iltl

on local breeds evve. Activity




nillki:ng is

release of East Friesian

East Friesians are reputably

world's highe§t

processors exporters in sheep ingredients of a viable milking industr:1 £



,.. ffigh yielding l<l

Tec;Ju1i,ca1ly sldHed fknners-


principles of dair; sheep win be quickly absorbed.


businesses. - Technology transier agencies. - Transport. ·· Resoume rmmagement agencies. ""~v·u·oc·r""

costs to overseas markets are only a smaU component of overall costs


Zealand's ~

Processing, exporting products.

products. marketing




be quickly adapted to sheep milk

- of aU this could the most lirniting factor. As an "unproven" in New"'-'""'"""''"'·"" there may be reticence fi-om financial. institutions to fund on-farm development.


philosophy of larger scale, lower cost pnxn.1ct1:on New Zealand






northern ...,~,.UJ,~•FH'-''

naost sectors that and capacity for riP•vlf'!,rn•Jn'IF,nt


the industry product will see """""<r>'"'"~,

New .u•cocu..auu lack


oo:tentm! for gmwth in sheep rniHcing. For ex;mo.Jp!e, there are controls on cow Hll'""""'"a· is also ofJ\Tew Zealand.







before new


very quicldy to sheep

some rnistalces vvill

convers1ons, longer term, prove more costly

"' As is evident

conversions. beginning.

h right troro the

Dairy Association ofNew Zealand indusby. Issues such as farmer shareholding, can be discussed. There are many such issues to r"''"'''·u,c



need to be considered a threat.

" Animal

sheep cheeses are l:o be


produce on




from cowsmilk is also on the increase. Consumption in this country soared from 4518 thousand tonnes in 1988 to 27266 thousand tonnes in 1994, fully covered by domestic production and interEU trade. The presence of a dense ethnic population from countries such as Turkey, Greece and the Balkans is undoubtedlythe cause of this strong surge in demand.

Market Selection Market Selection Criteria The selection of a target market from among the markets briefly screened above will require the establishment of a set of selection criteria to be used for the prioritization of these markets. These criteria may be summarized as follows:

• • • •

Heritage: Market Potential: Accessibility: Affordability:

Tradition in consumption of sheepmilk cheese Size of the market Barriers to trade Sufficient purchasing power in the market

Only the fulfillment of all four criteria should qualifY a market for eligibility. The rationale for the selected criteria can be explained by the very localized production and utilization of sheepmilk (mainly for·cheese until now). Unlike cowsmilk derivatives the limited volumes of sheepmilk has prevented worldwide popularity of its cheeses. Hence .the consumption of sheepmilk cheeses has remained limited to its traditional consumers. Heritage should therefore be the first criterion sought from a potential market.

As indicated above, some ofthe original sheepmilk cheese markets remain. in regions of the world which may have government controls in place .te ·safeguard the national sheepmilk industry, hence market accessibility is the second criterion. Market size and sufficient purchasing power affordability - of its consumers to pay increased prices for special sheepmilk cheeses are two obvious criteria in assessing the attractiveness of a potential market.

Middle Eastern Cheese Market The Middle Eastern market is obviously the world'.s most accessible market as it is not able to completely meet the demands of its population for the product. However, the countries listed fulfill the criteria to varying degrees, a fact which is apparent from the following Table 4. Iran is by far the largest single importer (39%), followed by Egypt, with 16%. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the other Gulf countries are considered as one market in the GCC (Gulf Co-operation Council) countries, together they command over 24% of the total cheese imports to the Middle East. Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are also considered as one market as their economies and infrastructures become more and more integrated, and constitute 10% of all imports. Libya and Iraq have not been included because of the political instability in these countries.



T a ble 4 M"I ddle E ast M ark et Descnp110n . t" l Accessibility Herita2e Feta Iran Low TariffBarriers


Feta, Akawi, ~ Tariff on imported Nabulsi, Local ~ sheepmilk cheeses cheeses i 12% ~ cowsmilk cheeses ~ 20% F eta, Domiati Low tariff barriers

Saudi Arabia


Egypt Jordan, Syria & Lebanon

Market Size 90000 tonnes 59000 tonnes



38000 tonnes

~ Nabulsi,

j Tariff on imported

24276 tonnes

~ Halloumi,

~ cheeses 30%. j Import restriCtions ~ in Jordan between ~ 1990 and 1995


Akawi, Feta

Affordability Very Low Income High Income

Very Low Income Low Income

Due to the size of their accessible markets; Iran and Egypt have in the past been the main targets of European, predominantly Danish, low price cowsmilk based ultra-filtration feta cheese exports. According to H. Peter Mollgard the export of ultra filtration feta cheese from Germany and Denmark to the Middle East between 1989 and 1994 varied from 62,456 and 119,417 tonnes 3, Iran importing more than 60,000 tonnes, Egypt 25,000, and other Middle Eastern countries over 15,000 tonnes fetching prices as low as US$2,090 @ ton~4 . This price situation obviously eliminates these two countries as target markets. Saudi Arabia and to a. lesser extent Jordan and its neighBouring countries require further scrutiny to assess their market potential. Other Markets The application of the criteria to the other markets specified above is illustrated in the following Table 5. Table 5: Other Markets Description Herita2e l Accessibility 1)Pecorino 'No tariffs on block USA Romano cheeses 2)Feta Australia Feta No tariffs (CER) Third countries AUS$1.366/kg Feta EC-14 High levy: . Ecu 2267 @ tonnes Feta=Beyaz Tariff on imported Turkey Peynir ewe's cheese 83% 3 4

l Market Size l Affordability 11)15000 tons.

IHigh Income

2)2060 tonnes ~ 948 tonnes High Income


~ 152262

! tonnes

! 100000


High Income

;,_ Low Income

! tonnes

As above Feta and Related Cheeses, R.K.Robinson and A.Y.Tamime,Ellis Horwood Ltd. Chichester UK 1991 2.7

Chapter 3 Milk Yield Estimates for New Zealand Graham Butcher Farm Consultants NZ One of the difficulties with profit analysis of sheep milking in New Zealand is the lack of hard commercial production parameters for sheep incorporating East Friesian genetics. Overseas there is a wealth of data but its application to New Z~aland conditions is confounded by the climatic extremes encountered in other sheep dairy areas and management practices that may not apply in New Zealand, eg high level of concentrate feeding, lamb rearing methods, etc. What are dairy sheep capable of under temperate grassland conditions and management practices likely to be used here in New Zealand? Table 1 shows production figures for a wide variety of sheep, including some from New Zealand.

Table 1: Milking Sheep Breeds Breed East Friesland Awassi Chios Sarde Massa Garfagnana Chuffo MaD.chega Saloia Laeaune Cheviot (Ire) Dorset(NZ) Romney(NZ)


Lactation LeJ!gth (da)'s) 260 250 160-260 170-240 180-210 180-210 150 90- 150 220-240 100-210 98 56 56

~ Milk Production (kg)

550-650 150-550 150-300 110-250 150-160 120-150 45-75 50-125 70-80 130-200 200 163 106 路.


Average Daily Production (kg) 2.1-2.5 0.6-2.1 0.9- 1.2 0.7- 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.3-0.5 0.6-0.8 0.3 1.0- 1.3 2.0 2.9 1.9 ..

Source: Sheep Dairy News Vol 12 No 2, Kim Stanford

A great deal of care is needed in interpreting these figures. While individual sheep reach these production figures, flock averages will be well below these figures. 路 In the early 1980's some enterprising Southland and Canterbury farmers developed sheep milking units based on local breeds. Production achieved from 600 ewes in their second year of milking was 88,046 litres over 150 days (pers comm). This gives 147 litres per head per 路 lactation with daily production just under one litre.

To compare kilograms of milk and litres of:.milk is not too difficult. The specific gravity of milk is about 1.05, which means one litre is 1.05 kilograms. Very nearly the same.


Some comparative figures from Silverstream indicate that East Friesian cross hoggets can produce 107 litres in the 120 days up to their drying off at which stage a proportion were still milking 0.5 litres per day. This compared to Border Leicester x Romney hoggets which averaged 20 litresin 40 days. As well, SHverstream East Friesian x 2th's have produced 213 litres in 168 days in comparison with 103 litres in 150 days for the Border x Romney 2th' s. The top 50% of the East Friesian x Romney 2th's produced 250 litres in 175 days. In an experiment to de:[ermine the effects of suclding lambs and milk yields on Poll Dorsets here in New Zealand T W Knight et al (NZ Journal Ag Res 1993 Vol36) determined that the control mob of ewes (lambs reared artificially) milked twice daily produced 141 Htres over 91 days. Kugler et al (Sheep Dairy News Volume 12 No 3) repo11ted some interesting work in Uruguay during 1994/95. Local Corried.ale ewes were crossed with imported East Friesland rams and yields of milk recorded from crossbred daughters. The ewes were managed under intensive grassland conditions and fei:i between 0.4 and 0.2 kilograms concentrate during xnilking. The milk yields were recorded from 35 days after lambing (weaning date) to drying off (when yield dropped below 200ml/ day).

Purebred East Friesland Corriedale Purebred Corriedale X EF


B~~:st 50 111/~

196L /235 days 70L I 131 days


l30L /189 days measured under

The effect of suckling lambs for the first 34 work was the distribution of yields for East Friesland shown in Figures I and 2 F~g

1: Frequ<rmc:y of Mill!: Yields Cwossb~eds (IEFxCo)







is unknown. Of interest in tbi_s the Corriedrue X EF ewes. these are

Fig 2: !Frequency of Mi!kYleh::ls lEa~ fvie!liand ElMes


Mii!1 yields (litres}

The purebred corriedales in the trial had been selected for milk yield and "milkability". The purebred East Friesland and the Corriedale X were unselected which would explain the large difference in individual yields as shown in Figures 1 and 2. The conclusion was that acceptable yields can. be obtained under outdoor grazing systems and that those can be improved by selection.




(Jraham JJutchet'


"'""";,.,.,..,., will· be different, some until higher quality that those that start the grading up process have advantage. VVhen to g<"in a """'""'~''"""'><!'"'"" how operations compare to altemative fbrm.s of use we need to take great care in comparing like \vith Hke. For example, it would be u.n:trur to compare an eady ''''·'!'"'""'"''"' stage of sheep dairy to established cow dairy operations. mtro<:im~es a complication. The

54 hectares (B3 period. operation.

ec!:m<mru; """"''"""' assumes an area of

Ull"''-'"o 534 head,



or even

reasonably demonstrate comparative performance of sheep dairy fanning to alternative uses the margin approac:h can be used. A gross margin is simply generated by an enterprise less the direct working costs specific to that enterprise. Items such as vehicles "'"'·''"''"·"U"J'\' etc which are of the enterprise are not It


expenses, for example, are '""u"'"·'VJ""'' vet.dde expenses


By retums to a per stock unit or a per hect?,re basis, comparisons between different scale enterprises can be achieved.



Fully Established Assumptions Area

Yieldlhd (L)




Stocking Rate suJha .

727 13.5

Death rate Lambs born Lambs reared

997 130

Stock Units

wool ~~~m~~t.11~~f~~i~l~l~~*~l~ kglsu Owner plus 1 worker available for milking The policy is to euthanase surplus lambs and artificially rear replacement ewe lambs. Gross Income $249,936 208280 Litres @ Total milk $0 Surplus lambs $2,195 73Hd@ Cull ewes $10,181 3636 kg@ Wool


Total Income Direct Costs Wages

Animal Health per su Shearing per su Shed costs per ewe Electricity per ewe Feed- ConÂŤentrat~t Lamb rearing per lamb Winter feed per ewe AB cost per ewe Ram costs Flock testing per ewe Fertiliser per Ha

$8,o iQ~11~111tf~l\Ii11:1I!~I1 kg/ewe $7,680 $3,631 Half winter ration purchased $4,320 Half 2ths an older to AI $350 One ram P.A. $5,340 $14,040

$84,253 $178,059

T9tal Direct Costs Gross Margin


These high value markets may offer limited size and 1t farm gate raw milk price may incorporate a proportion of high value low market returns. If this proves to be 'true, and it wiH depend on the volume of sheep milk produced, then the following could apply: 50% return via high value market @ 50% return via low value market @

$1.256/ L /L

.078 I L average Less value loss by low milk grades

-$0.1)10 I L

Average farm gate return

.068 /L

If this price is substituted in the "fully established" sheep figures would apply:

Mi!ksolids I hectare $/kgMS

355 $9.70

Gross income (including sundry) Working costs I hectare

$3,677 $2,100

Economic farm surplus I hectare Total capital I hectare Return to capital



This still represents a good return for the the 326litres per ewe average lactation is"'"'"'"''''"'"'



provided, of course,

the the net

H.ence a


year of milking is yea..r tvvo. use of purebred East


Defines initial at start then details the l".'""''"'u" evves. The target is apprmrJmately 700 stock hoggets are L2 stock of year period. The ewe sales, wool production, lambs are It is assumed


DISCUSSION POINTS A key issue in this analysis is the negative -3.1% and low t0.2% returns for years two and three of the conversiorr. Year one is only a part year so the calculation is excluded. This is directly related to the relatively low performance ofhalfbred East Friesian 2th's. The first year of milking (year two in this analysis) show 180 litres per head increasing to 235 litres per head by year six. This "start up" period of low production will be a critical part of any decision making and conversion management. This problem could be avoided by beginning with stock of higher genetic merit. This will mean a delay in converting until higher quality stock can be bred or purchased, or that higher breeding costs a'fe incurred early, ie own transplanting. By year six the structure of the flock is: 236 7/8 and above hoggets 200 %and above 2th's 98 % and above 4th's 534 head The age structure is still very young and there's a significant proportion of% ewes. These two factors have kept the per head production in year six to 235litres. If by year 10 a stable age structure is achieved with 7/8th or better East Friesian stock then production would be, using the production table shown under stage 1: 100 hoggets 95 2th's 89 4th's 85 6th's 80 full mouth 76 full mouth

@ 170L @300L @325L @435L @410L @360L

525 head= 171,560 Lor 326 L I head average This represents a further 39% improvement in per head production and given that at 235 litres per head the marginal return on capital is in excess of 20%, the future growth prospects look good. Providing, of course, the $1.20 per litre price can be maintained. It is not, however, without risk. The early years of a conversion will be difficult. Lower returns combined with the lack of sheep dairy managerial experience could combine to produce a less than desirable position.

As production increases, cost structures will also increase to the figures in Table 1 of the comparative returns section (Chapter 5).


NEEilEn $


3 teats


Sundry Powder mixing faciiities I "''"'<'u'u""' station

100 200



435 250 200 100 Hay - 20 bales @ $3.50

Cleaning soJiut<on:s,


power, etc;




Interest on 2.5


for 60




7,172 70 I head

Iflabour excluded



$59.08/ head

Ye.??r4 3/4 1.34

2Llls 4ths 6ths Full mouth



200 Bl

l'em路5 1/~t:


55 97 I60

2du; 4ths

7/'S 136 60


7/8 156 129 57



6ths Full mouth

Year 6 1!2 2ths 4tl1s 6ths Fnll mouth

J/4 50




4 5 6

500 320 33! 317 293

I"~rnlb ~md E>~ve

2 3

5 6



500 2


J\c1Hllk 0 0 210 197

I"iL t)

10-~- . 350

2J.3 236

125 ..550


Lamb No. Sold m路 Elllti!lmascd 0 490



! 7:~

52] 655




Chapter7 Managing Sheep Milking Conversions Russell J Laurie Sheep and Dairy Farm Conversion Consultant Having had wide experience in converting sheep farms to cow dairy production I can comment on logical planning procedures and cost effectiveness. Planning for a conversion is undertaken to ensure cohesiveness in the design. A plan I photo of the farm, existing paddock sizes, ditches, rivers, tree shelter belts, fence lines, contour (ie flat, hills, gullies) and existing roads is essential. Identify the area of land, farm that is to be converted. If you are not familiar with the farm, it is a good policy to walk each paddock noting down natural barriers (tree lines, contour, etc) to stock I vehicle movements. Land Before obtaining or identifying the land which will be most suitable for the conversion there are several decisions to be made before you become unconditional to any contracts: • • • • • •

A DDT test must be taken. A water source must be found and tested. Building and effiuent consent confirmed. Availability of gravel. This can be important to your budget. A budget for the full conversion work to be undertaken and finance confirmed. Budget forecast for the first six years will be necessary as breeding up and selection of high producing dairy stock will be necessaty.

In working through the conversion process I will use all New Zealand Dairy Board hygiene and other regulations as the products from the sheep milking are for human consumption. Gravel The cost of the conversion can be affected by where you obtain your gravel. "On farm" gravel I rock pit is .the most practical and economical source. The gravel I rock must .be ·of a. consistency to be able to pack down to form a smooth, hard surface for the stock to walk on. This is one of the more important factors for any conversion. If the surface of the lane is not ''user friendly" for the sheep you will have problems with lameness, footrot, teat problems with mud, extra time I cost to move stock to the milking shed and machine maintenance will be higher. Lanes will have to withstand tractors, silage wagons, bulk spreaders, etc so need to be. of sufficient quality to withstand these pressures. .·· · For goQd flow rate of stock construct the lane not less than six metres wide with six metre gateways with a reasonable camber to drain excess water.


Milking Shed Site When positioning the milking shed site, use levels and building lines before any earth works begin. Having effiuent from the shed fed by gravity to the pond is very cost effective. If possible site the shed onto a hill site to give gravity feed.

Diagram 6

Lay of

the lane;

If on a flat site, you may be able to build up the level where gravity feed is possible. On a flatter site, without adequate fill, the effiuent will have to be pumped from a holding sump up to a pond. Planning levels must be done before any earth works start. All topsoil and vegetation must be removed from the building site. completed backfilling to the construction levels can begin.

When this has been

This fill must be compacted as the backfilling progresses. Use a hard fill. Because if subsidence occurs after the shed is constructed you will have some costly repair bills.

If there is any doubt on the compaction of the site, a compaction test can be taken before building starts. If in doubt, test.

Construction of Milking Shed With the construction of either a Herring Bone shed or a Rotary shed the basics are the same. When planning the shed site the shed should be positioned to suit prevailing weather conditions. Plans for the builder must be drawn up and prices written on a contract. Electrical, plumbing, pipe work, milking machines and installation should also be contracted. Same rules apply to these contractors - that all prices must be worked out before work begins. Plan to have no over runs with construction. With good planning it can be achieved. Start time and finish time for all contractors can also make the job easier for the co-ordinator.

Effluent With the milking shed placed for a gravity feed system the stone traps can be placed beside the milking shed. These can be just a sheep trough or a specially designed stone trap which can be cleaned out by front end loader. At the low end of the store trap is the outlet for the effiuent with another for the storm water in the off season (Diagram 7). 7.6

These can be constructed with tanalised or plastic where practical.

When planning use existing fences

A four or five wire electric fence would be adequate for a majority of the fences with the ones closer to the shed being of a more proof design material Thls is important when handling lambs in the spring. out job description, distance, Contractors usually work on a per metre rate. Again number of wires, gates, cables, etc. Be precise, over runs need to be avoided.




Another option is to grow the lamb on from weaning_ to .sen as a nonnal finished lamb at 14 18 kg carcass weight but at today' s lamb prices t:lllis is generally uneconomic, particularly if the lamb was artificially reared on milk replacers. Even if the lamb was reared on the ewe first the monetary return which could have been gained fmm the milk the lamb consumed must be calculated.

an the milk you couNd produce illl abie to be soid, allll.d the price of milk was above $0J~5 - 0,90 per Ut:re it wouid be uneconomic 1l:o rear the l~mbs o~m the ewes.


Because the final. price of the lamb is unl.ikely to be more than the loss in milk income to rear that lamb. However if the farm had a quota which required less ewes than the fann was capable of carrying to supply the milk then that milk could be iised for the lambs.

This system is the main. method u.sed for rearing replacements both the NZ dairy cow and dairy goat industries. When rearing lambs artificially it is important to follow basic guidelines. Lamb rearing on a large can be done successfully but requires patience and organisation. If you are accustomed to rearing calves, you win find lambs are difterent and are less able to withstand stress and disease. New bo:rn lambs and lambs 1 - 2 weeks of age, have low levels of body fat, and if they have to draw on that fat to keep warm or for energy if they are sick they can mn out of energy and become lethargic and die or are stunted. The main aim of lamb rearing is to maximise growih while minimising costs. This means reducing animal health problems to a minimum and providing an environment which. is as stress to free as possible for the lamb. Therefore the basic aim or rearing young animals rnust minimise stress at aH times (Schouten 1992, Dawe l

It is important to organise the number of lambs to before lambing to avoid last minute rush and panic.

路where they

be reared wen

Honsing Housing lambs during either the initial stages or of the rearing process has the advantage confining animals to sm&Jler area meaning less time spent feeding as in one area. The enviromnent is more controlled and animals are not so affected by chill factors outside. to Disadvantages include greater risk of disease because of the close proximity of the each other. Once Iambs are a week old an.d they are feeding wen they can be reared outdoors unless the climate is too severe (Dawe 1987). Potential lamb rearing sheds are empty enclosed hay bams, woolsheds implement sheds or a purpose built lamb rearing facility. The basic requirement is for lambs to be dean, warm dry (Dawe 1987). is important because if a woolshed is to be used it is unlikely it be able to be used for shearing or crutching for a number of months. If lambs are reared outside then they need access to shelter, preferably a shed they can get into to get out of the rain. Other options include constructing a hay or straw bale waH in the paddock which the lambs can. shelter against fi路om the wind.

Flooring Wet floors and draughts wiH undoubtedly lead to scours (Schouten 1992) therefore the aim is to minimise these two factors.


of bark or shavings over top.

K'-"'"fJ<ny;, then1 warmer. wet enviromnent until it is

The spray

from hosing can also help or onto lambs if not

have heen scouring



to be .,,!"1",'""''n at





as VIRKON or TERl\fiNATOR as they both


It is recommended that lambs on grating require 0.2 m2 per animal (Dawe 1987). floors 0.6 V i!m.tiiation A lamb



shed must be draft free, but good ventilation. means any drafts at to be blocked either by stacking hay or straw bsles around the inside or building up bedding in such a vvay as too block off the drafts. If a woolshed is used shade doth or some similar material can be laid on of the grating and bedding laid on that In this way, breezes which come up underneath the grating are eliminated, but urine can still away.


Lack of ventilation results in a build up of ammonia levels from the urine which can lead to respiratory problems such as pneumonia. If you are in any doubt as to how fresh and breathable the air is for the lambs, get down to their level and have a smell - remember they are a long way below you, don't rely on what you can smell at your level! you may be amazed at how ammoniated the air is that you are expecting them to breath. Personnel Make one person responsible for the regular feeding of the lambs. If there are other people helping on a daily basis, preferably have the same people helping. In that way, they will get to know the lambs and the system which will hopefully enable them to pick up any abnormalities if they arise. BEFORE lamb rearing begins set out exactly how you want the lambs reared, mixing rates if milk powder is used, amounts of concentrates to feed and when, procedures for sick animals etc.· A bit of thought by the owner before hand and a clear understanding of the system by the readers goes a long way to a successful lamb rearing. Have instructions written down so everybody can see them.

Basic requirements oflamb rearing personnel are: •

Patience. Training of lambs can be very time consuming and requires patience (Bell 1989). This is very important because lambs can be stubborn and difficult to teach to drink.

Alertness. Whoever is feeding the MUST be alert to changes in lamb behaviour and health, milk consistency, and the shed environment etc because these things could indicate signs of illness, sour or improperly reconstituted milk powder, the need to add to or change bedding. If you as owner are not directly involved with the lamb rearing and are relying on others to feed them alterness is an especially important trait as your personnel could cost or save you a lot of money by being vigilant.

Common sense. Common sense can go a long way to solving many problems.

The least expensive person is not always the best person in the long run. Be prepared to pay a little extra for experience and results. Possibly contract per lamb. The Rearing Period Colostrum Lambs should remain with the ewe for the first 24 hours to ensure they receive enough colostrum. Colostrum is essential to provide the new born lamb with immunity against a range of diseases arid in particular it protects against some bacteria which result in scours. If the lamb is weak, or the ewe won't let it suckle the lamb must still receive colostrum. Either restrain the ewe and collect her colostrum into a bottle or use stored colostrum. The lamb requires at least 200 m1 in the first 24 hours over 3-4 feeding sessions (Burgkart and Bauer). Weaning Lambs should be removed on the second day and not later than the third day. Leaving lambs longer than this makes rearing difficult because the lamb has already bonded to the ewe and the change to the rubber teat is difficult.


them an


A.ny poor


l"짜Iil.k The

*:s possible. is ::>irmlar to used ,JVith the




22 .


21 .. 16 -



protein concentrations

and Denkavit. for lambs.

Milk replacer can be fed warm or cold, but there are advantages to feeding it cold •

Abomasal bloating is reduced

Milk replacer will turn sour less easily than warmed milk.

During ad libitum feeding cold milk will encourage small drinks often as opposed to drinking · larger amounts. Some milk powders will have to be mixed warm due to the nature of the powder. No eviaence on rearing lambs on cows milk or cows milk colostrum, many pet lambs in New Zealand are reared successfully in NZ on cows milk. Colostrum may be better because of it's higher fat content compared with cows milk alone.

Quantity Lambs will drink about 0:5 litres per day of liquid in the first week and 1. 5 litres per day there after. Lambs· consume 250 grams of milk replacer solids per day for first 2 weeks of life then 35.0-400 grams per day. This equates to 1.5 litres per day at the beginning raising to 2.2- 2.5 litres per day in the third to fifth week of life for milk replacer mixed at 160 g per litre of water or 16% pry matter. If lambs are weaned at 30 days of age they will have consumed 5 - 7 kg milk replacer each.

Group sizes Ten to fifteen lambs per pen is a good number, any more than this and stress is increased. Try make up pens containing lambs of similar size and age. When feeding lambs ad libitum 1 teat per 5 lambs is sufficient, but if feeding once or twice daily then you will need the same number of teats as lambs in the pen as all will be feeding at once.

Concentrates Begin to offer lambs concentrates from the end of the first week of life in order to accelerate the development of.the rumen. Crude fibre should not be more than 7% and crude protein at least 16 %. Lambs will readily accept concentrates, particularly if small amounts of straw are placed in the containers for them to nibble on, Lambs reared to 20 kg will consume about 22 kg per lamb. The speed of development of the rumen will largely determine weaning of the lamb from milk and the quicker the lamb can be weaned the more economic the procedure. Ensure fresh drinking water is always available for the lambs once concentrates are being fed.

Weaning As stated earlier milk replacer s are very expensive. Therefore the sooner this feed is no longer required physiologically the better. Weaning depends on how well the lambs are eating concentrates and how much they are consuming. The lambs must be at least 3 - 4 weeks of age and be approximately 3 times their birth weight. They must be consuming 200 - 250 grams of concentrate per day. Discontinuing milk replacer before this time results in stunted lambs which scour when put on pasture because the rumen has not been fully developed. Lambs can be weaned from restricted feeding regimes by a gradual reduction in the amount of milk replacer provided at feeding time, or by reducing feeding times. After ad libitum feeding weaning can take place by a gradual reduction in the concentration of the milk. Lambs should be weaned onto high quality pasture or lucerne and continued to be fed concentrates from a trough for another 3 weeks. 8.6


e路wes milk to rniJk replacer, do it slowly over a



of the milk replacer.

split into two. a very

mixture of a day for almost entire '路'"''' !路"'路"'"' forms a very stable The Iamb

" ever


to feed Many agricultural stores sell There is a large range of""~''"~"·""""·'" plastic calf feeders. which have 5 or more teats at the of the feeder self sealing fed fio.:eders are exceHen:t as milk is rP<<<11,nu teats to prevent mHk leaking· out. available as soon as these feeders although ~ambs with teats around the with other end which goes into the are flat board or piece tin with holes 100 L is also useful If lambs are vu1.u•v•u!1 the motor bike would be usefhl as


The System the shed into the pen;s are then to drink from a bottle, using the sarnc: teat dmm is left with the lambs as lambs ·,;villi to are obviously feeding themselves move out

The best system I have and not fed until teach themselves. the nursery into a drinking are interested. As with similar sized should be disposed of as they

and age. is fed. drum. The tiottle is used to feed the lllursery

not not

not driit1ldng at all 4 days after the rest of their

The big thing is not to "'",,·1·11<•r to y•,JU and not the dmm 1;vhich is is tl.wt they not drink where you want t:hem to unless you are present. The drum soon a~;. becmnes possible. With large nu!tnbers of paiiJ.mH;;e is important becaus·e if the Ia:mbs particularly if lambs won't drhJk for first 2 weeks then milk sulk the process win that :rrJueh the following week and once a tina! werek to restricted to twice a day feeding when concentrates welL encourage concentrates to eitten. Lambs

' 'S

This is a tenn coined to describe

produced by the e:-\ve between the reared by this (Knight et al). The resulted in the milk production to the and the greatest lamb grmvth was when the lamb was left with the evve for the hours the afternoon and morning milking. Labour be required to draft ewes and lambs milking but they quickly become accustomed to procedure. Lambs would sheltered and well ienced during hours not with ewe. They ·would also weaned accustomed to it access to concentnrtes so

the lamb. Research in. NZ has shovvn

In overseas countries Iambs are nm

allow the lamb to enter the produce more milk than singles bearing ewes only.

ca<Jll ~~ope

time and soJtne '"'"''u"'B platforms will ewe whilre she is being mti.Iked. Because the ewes with milk off the excess. Pn:;Slllrm:tbiy this is

Rearing Lamb On Ewe First And Then Weaning Estimated production loss in the first month approximately 30- 60 litres. At $1.00 per litre, for example, would loose milk value but possibly get $40 for the lamb, loosing maybe $20 per ewe. If she reared twins then different situation, but twins would take longer to grow. If price of milk was $1.20 per litre, could lose between $36 and $72. As the price of milk: increases it becomes less viable to rear the lamb on the ewe.

Weaning After weaning lambs need access to concentrates for a further 3 - 4 weeks. Wean onto high quality pasture and move often as they tend to be very selective eaters. Vaccinate lambs at weaning against pulpy kidney etc. Begin a drench program, every 3 weeks or faecal egg monitoring program (talk to veterinarian) and drench only when egg numbers at trigger levels.

Health Hygiene is vitally important in the rearing of lambs.

Scours Causes of scours are: •

Nutritional scours - this usually occurs within the first 2 weeks and particularly within the first 2 - 3 days of being reared. Usually overfeeding or feeding an inferior milk product ie one which doesn't form a clot in the abomasum is the cause of ~his type of scouring. The condition occurs when undigested milk enters the small intestine.

Infectious scours are caused by bacteria, protozoal and viruses.

Treatment of scours for either types of scouring is basically the same. •

To correct the cause

To control the dehydration

To maintain energy levels.

When scouring begins stop milk feeding but maintain energy and fluid intake which is best done using electrolytes. Give the same or more amount of electrolytes as milk. Feed 3 times per day rather than in one lot. Seek veterinarian advice. Antibiotics can actually worsen scouring by killing the good bacteria in the gut. Note there are meat withholding periods on antibiotic for scours. Renco which can be purchased from the supermarket is very useful as it enhances clotting of milk in the abomasum. Add 1 teaspoon when milk is reintroduced after scouring. Infectious scours need to be treated using fluids, but in the case of Coccidiosis, antibiotics ARE required. Adding a coccidiostat to the milk or meal is useful in preventing this type of scours. 8.9

Abomasal bloat occurs in lambs and calves fed milk replacer diets. The bloating is thought to be associated with a sudden over fining of the abomasum, foHowed by a rapid increase of gasforming organisms which release an excessive runount of gas which is unable to escape the abomasum. The lamb dies from asphyxia an heart failure. Death is often. the sign of abomasal bloating. Death rate~ of 25 % are not uncommon. The lamb is found dead with the abdomen grossly extended, sometime 路 with the intestines protruding through the abomasal wall and froth around the mouth. Usually the milk is not clotted in the abomasum. Abomasal bloat begins at about 2.0 - 3 weeks of age. Lambs found alive with abomasal bloat are obviously uncomfortable and distressed. This can occur within one hour after feeding. Drenching affected liambs with 5 - 10 mls cooking oil can sometimes save the iamb. Consult with your vet about abomasal bloating before begil111ing lamb rearing. Unfortunately the bigger lambs in the group appear to be the ones affected, possibly because they consume the most milk replacer. Feeding systems which aUow lambs to drink large quantities of :milk replacer at infrequent intervals predisposes to abomasal bloat ((iorrin et al 1975). fed warm milk replacer to appetite twice daily appear to be vc::ry to abomasal bloat. lfJnder libitum feeding conditions whe:re milk bloating can. also occur, particularly if runs out and lambs gorge themselves replenishing Prevention is the best method because unless you are watd1ing the iambs 24 hours a day they will die. Feeding systems which use cold milk or milk replacer are best rather than feeding warm :milk. Tllis may involve mixing up milk replacer a few hours before feeding if warm water is required for successfiJl mixing. The addition. of fonnalin (3 7% formaldehyde) at a rate of 0.1% (lml of formalin to 1 litn;; milk) to a 20% solids milk replacer will minimise the incidence abomasal bloat adversely affecting performance of artificially reared lambs (Gorrill et a! 1975). formalin. is very poisonous (to both humans and animals) an.d extreme care to when using this product. Consult with your veterinarian first and adhere stricdy to instructions.

Occurs under conditions of poor ventilation. with the build up of ammonia gases. Correct the cause ru1d give antibiotics to prevent lung damage and death.

It is important that concentrates do not have copper levels as lambs are very susceptible to copper poisoning.

Internal Parasntes Start regular worm drenching 14 days after weaning and continue every 21 days or when faecal egg counts reach tigger levels. Consult your veterinarian about this. 8.10

The disease is highly (B;:;.rlow lambs feeding the same have a high chance contracting the disease from the infected blood and though little wounds in mouth of urllnfected lambs.

viable or Terminator ensuring <.TJI

reeding equipment


day for any

<mything else

of bleeding gums or mouths >vhen are used for the intected lambs immediately and ensure feeding isolated Iambs are NOT pens. these last so transferred on your pens.

disease is not

路whereas treatment is otlen not worthvvhile in adult sheep and nogg,ets in some "'"'c"'""''" greatly assist recovery (Bruen;; & West 1993). Wash scabs carefuHy with as suitable antiseptic water apply and astringent paste" P'roducts used include antiseptic and glycerine painted on with a soft bmsh and 1 pa1i glycerine, 3 water and aerosol sprays with suitable antiseptics can also be used. Antibiotics help treat secondary bacterial. invasion into the wounds. If the Iambs are eating concentrates the problems not appear to be as bad because it is while they are possibly 1.nilk the wounds makes suckling the greatest damage occurs to the worse. If cut back on number of feeding times the same amount nrilk fed 8.U

once~a~<Iav instead of twice. If the lambs are close to weaning, weaning is best concentrates instead. However if the lamb contracts the disease within the the effects can be disastrous as the lamb needs to drink milk to "·"'""''·''"' uwva"'"'

where prevention is so important because there is no cure



to run

is a vaccine available to prevent scabby mouth but the virus i:n the va,~cu~1e is no of scabby mouth on your farm DO NOT vaccinate lambs if of the disease. Generally vaccination takes place by scratching the inside of the a scarifYing needle dipped in vaccine (Bruere & West 1993). However for vaccination of artificially reared lambs as some lambs in s tend to "teat seek" others. That is search the groin area of other ""'·"''-'"''·'"' to searching for the udder and teats of the ewe. Doing this on a '"a"··'''R''" scabs inside the groin may lead to the lamb getting the infection on mouth. A better place to vaccinate may be inside the :1:1-ont leg or ear. recommend vaccinating lambs before they go into the a~: the disease before immunity can develop.

are parasitic in the alimentary canal pmticulady smaU intestine is destroyed causing diarrhoea which can be in and death. This is a disease aU age groups but young generally more susceptible than older animals (Barlow 1982). The'"'"'''·''''·'''~' animal to animai by eating sporulated oocytes in pasture or Oocyte survival depends on many factors, the are also expose to direct sunlight, soH type, and the amount of humus in West 1993). l-'Iigh stocking rates wh,ch increases contamination and coJ:<e>c;nJ:T.·au ""'""'""""," are associated with. outbreaks. Warm moist conditions are '"'u'·"'·"'"'""'"u ...'"'""'"'""'" in spore numbers. Poor nutrition is also associated with the disease and forcing animals to graze low into the pasture where there of oocytes. affected are undersized and unthrifty (Bruen~ & West severe eases can die if leflt untreated, others slowly recover but remain

re;;mnent involves drug therapy and removal of lambs onto fresh pasture MicheHe _Anderson, of Southland recently visited Awassi (Aust) and report the following lamb rearing regime: lambs are taken off at one day old and taken to the first where the main aim is to develop the rumen as quicldy as possible onto nuts from milk early) then from there the lambs go to a shed on water with a little bit of barley straw. The lambs then go out to grass straw and water. The new lambs are put in a single bay cage and had fed one at a time with a bottle twice a day. They get 120g of dry matter a day up 300mls sheep's milk with 80g of fresh skim milk powder fortified! with lard




physiological state (i,e wttetl' """'"""'" a.nd


highest during ili\ not lactating and pregnancy. and in !'!11;f!U;'~~l between, th漏. Other tWO StateS.


alive, beat

wool production) animals).;m<:;e depends on such things as animal size, breed etc and there estim1'iti111.g "'""'路u'""""""'" requirements for animals. ~" '路J"'''"'"'v" cii::J:Jel:ltd on

the amount of milk being and the \lilith a high fat (high enerbry) nTt')r!'"''" a litre of miffk than e\'/eS With 8. lOW fat

grovvth a which is not will have higher requirements than a mature sheep the same

...,,,, . .,.,,u~ the game amount age

affect energy requirements.

good body condition as a result of good long term are mated early in the breeding season (Rattray 1986).

Evves to

condition, risk of not getting pregnant theretbre ewes should not be allowed

these weights.

them at 1.5 higher maintenance levels for 2 - 3 weeks prior to ram joining will increase lambing rate (Rat1ray 1986). Thinner offeedin.g for this effect. Therefore a 55 kg ewe would require ewes may require matter per day. 1.5 kg of .LVvU..aJl)'f,


Severe underfeeding in late pregnancy will result in ewes having udders and very milk before Extremely severe undernutrition during this time results liveweight 15- 30% reductions in birthweight as as in milk production is directly influenced by weight gains durin.g pregnancy. Better higher peak: daily milk yields than conditioned ewes.


in condition score 3 - 3 5 (Treaclher

Geenty 1994).

Ewes should gain 10 .., 20 kg during last 6 pregnancy (remembering that most that weight g<~in be in and foetus) and lose only 5% tme liveweiglrt in six weeks foHovving lambing. Losses greater l 0% resuits in decreases in m:i1k (Sandor 1993). JDHJt:dtion is important for production (Sandor reserves to rund protein for 1nHk lambing high production because eat enough to n:.trurri:enance production at ewes mobilise more tissue and loose more weight ewes. lFeeding ewes wen after lambing compBlied after lambing 'Win be rnilk production _.J~"""""-"'"'

Nutrient "''"''~"'''~_u·,_,..,.., for lactating ewes ''"''""u'o'"·'u" ofwhich depends on Feeding during eady lactation is very important V'·"''""c'"'''• levels of energy are fed during At lambing a ewe's requireme11ts increases 50 . ., prior to lambing (Rattray the lambing and declines Liveweight decreases in the first three larnbing befbre continuing to dedine fourteenth w1~el:: when weight occurs (Treacher 1983). Pasture intake is generally highest at the after lambing, howeve;r if pasture allowance is high intakes win be high :from the h"'"""'"'"'''"' lactation (Treacher 1983). A 70 kg ewe will require approximately 13 l\AJ of rvm for ma1nt~~nance every litre of milk produced. (Dawe 1990). Therefore a 70 kg ewe 20 - 22 lVU of energy day if she is milking at one per day. she is producing 3 litres per day spring pasture contains 10. 8 - 11 J\AJ 3.6 kg of pasture per day.

she require 34 - 40 MJ ME per day. NLE therefore need to eat betvveen


planning various condition scores.

along There is approximately 5 kg of

IJvF.~;11Vte~iet-rlc h'"'.""'''"'''"·n

mcHc:1te under feeding production. and a score of 5 AHIJ<n""'"'-'•:0 high production


IJ(lS§!e to




ewes are PYhCt>•<n,~hJ or fatty


The vertical (Spine) and Each of vertebraes can be processes. The loin muscle is thin with no The spine is prominent but smooth, individual ·u~.•.,~.,,b,·"'" lumbar processes are smooth rounded The loin muscle is

The spine is smooth and rounded, processes are also smooth and u'""'""~·u to find ends. The loin ""·"'""'""

"·A,.,.,,.,.,_,""'·'· score 41: The vertebrae of the spine are only detectable as a processes c:umot be felt. The loin muscles are full

15 -20

iCmJ:.t'!iiHon SCOR"t;o 5: The vertebrae of the spine cannot be detected, even pressun;;, is a dimple in fat layers where the vertebrae should be. The lumbar processes 9.3

cannot be detected. Loin muscles are very full and covered with very thick fat. (GRover 20mm). Ewes should be mated in condition score 4 and lamb at a condition score of 3.5 - 4 (Geenty 1994).

Ifis very useful to be able to estimate or measure the amount of pasture available to sheep in a paddock. In this way you win know how much to allocate to your sheep on a daily basis. It is important to feed budgeting. These can be done both for the whole year using estimated growth rates for each month and requirements for feed for each month.. A feed budget allows you to identify which months of the year you will be in a feed surplus or deficit situation. During feed surpluses the extra pasture can be converted into hay, silage or balage and fed back to sheep when pasture deficits occur. As hay does not usually have the same quality as silage or balage it would be better to feed hay to non lactating animals and keep the silage and balage for the lactating ewes. The amount of pasture in a paddock can be assessed either by your eye, a plate meter or a pasture probe. It takes training to assess pasture quantities using you eye, but when you are confident using this tedmique it is very quick and easy. Occasionally throughout the year you may need to calibrate your eye. is done by cutting smaU areas of Pl!Sture and comparing the actual amount ofgrass present with 路what you estimated. Pasture plates and probes also have their places particularly eye. There are different equations to use times The milking ewes should be rotationally grazed and mov1.xi ideal for splitting paddocks into the daily ration.

are not contl.dent using your

year. ]'hree reel electtic


ID'eedihmg Concentrate$ Feeding high energy concentrates to ewes in early lactation does not appear to be warranted unless pasture availability is reduced and ewes have a reduced feed intake. Feeding ba.rley on it's own has not been shown to have resulting increase in milk production (Treacher ! However fishmeal and soya supplements have given smaH increases in milk yield (less 25%) (Treacher 1983). Feeds such as cereals are not considered the best fonn of energy for production and grass

is considered better (Mills 1982). Crops Crops such as turnips, swedes, or green fed oats are aU suitable for feeding to ewes during times of pasture deficits. Care must be taken when feeding these crops because turnips swedes win taint the milk if fed in large. quantities or dose to milking times. Feed immediately after milking and keep the allowance of crop to 20 - 25 % of the daily diet. Green teed oats must be feed when mature because there can be problems with nitrate poisoning. When feeding crops during periods of high rain fall it must be remembered that the ewes udders will get very dirty and may have to be cleaned before each milking. 9.4

Chapter 10 Management Considerations Louise Gosling Yheep Dairy Consultant Shearing A prolific high yielding ewe with short wool ewe is easier to manage and' handle (Mills 1982) in and around the milking shed compared with one With long wool. More ewes. can fit into the holding yard when they have short wool which is a point that needs to be remembered when designing yarding. Animals with long wool don't like to pack in close together, particularly when it is wet and tend to be more stubborn because their skin is less sensitive and if you try to move them they resist. When they have very long wool they won't flow easily into the milking bails particularly when their wool is catching or dragging against the sides of the bail. A bail which may appear to have ample room for ewes when they have short wool can become very constrictive when the wool gets long. Long wool takes longer to dry and it is not possible to milk without the ewes getting a little damp at times. During summer and autumn when fly strike problems are bad, long wet wool is an ideal environment for flies to strike. Lice tend to be worse in animals with long wool and can be very irritating. The ewes constantly rub themselves on fences, railings or posts instead of eating. If they're not eating they're not producing milk. \

Sheep movement between the paddock and milking shed is slower when temperatures increase. If they have shorter wool they tend to move more quickly. Long wool around the udder and legs is unhygenic for both the milker and the milk as feaces tend to adhere to the wool and dags build up. When the wool or udder gets wet the feaces and dirt run off the wool and can go down the milking cups contaminating the milk. Woolly udders also make it difficult to find the ewes teats which can be fiustrating for the milker. Therefore at the very least ewes must be crutched prior to lambing. Preferably they should be shorn as well for the reasons stated above, but it is not always possible. Shearing prior to lambing is not a good option where climatic conditions are harsh during this period. Cold rain, snow, icy winds and muddy weather can create havoc with a milking flock particularly if the ewe is a true dairy type with fine skin and bare udder (Mills 1982). Access to shelter 24 hours a day is required for the shorn dairy ewe in these conditions. Feed intake will be increased after shearing (Wheeler et al 1963) whether it is done before or after lambing (Knight et al1993) and additional teed must be on hand to compensate for this. Trial work at AgResearch' s Flock House near Bulls showed that shearing before lambing or during lactation increased the concentrations of milk fat, milk protein and total milk solids of machine-mi.lked Dorset ewes (Knight et al 1993). 10.1

One of the benefits of weaning lambs early and milking ewes from soon after lambing is that weaning is less stressful particularly if done within 24 hours of birth as bonding between ewe and lamb is not as strong as it would after this time. The greatest路 stress time for weaning is between 4 and 20 days of age (Mills 1993). In the UK, it is reported that lambs are left to suckle their lambs because of the distaste for killing them off at birth (Mills 1993) as true dairy sheep do not usually produce lambs suitable for the meat trade and the milk lamb trade is almost non existent. She raises the issue of the considerable welfare problem with putting three and four day old lambs in an open market for sale. She concludes that a more economic answer maybe to slaughter unwanted lambs soon after birth by injection or by stunning. "I have always been of the mind that if suckling type systems worked, dairy farmers up and down the country would be doing it. Surely cow dairy farmers are in the business of milk production and so what is the difference between high producing cow and sheep dairy systems. However if farmers do not have the systems in place to raise replacements properly, a suckling type system may be best."

Milking Technique One ofthe keys to good milking practices is routine. If the same routine is followed daily, right from the beginning of lactation then both the operators and the ewes will be more settled as they know the same thing will be happening at the same time every. da~ Unsettled ewes will not let their milk down readily and this leads to frustration and more aggravation which upsets the ewe even more. Ewes are able to sense bad tempered or stressed operators.

If at any time. the ewes or operators are not familiar with the routine then extra experienced help should be available (Mills 1993)to train them to the routine. Before the very first milking begins make sure operators are familiar with how you want the sheep to be milked, the milking parlour to be cleaned, the ewes treated and so on. Pointing out common mistakes made by milkers (over milking, not teat spraying etc) and the importance of doing required tasks such as teat spraying will ensure everyone knows exactly what is expected on them. Keep the animals calm by playing a radio. In this way any sudden sounds out of the ordinary will be less obvious and ewes will not be startled leading to the milk being held. When the ewe is in position to be milked check the teats and udder for cleanliness. If the teats are visibly dirty or muddy wash them with running water. Regular washing of udders before each milking does not increase milk yield or cleanliness if ewes teats are already clean (Dawe 1990). Therefore washing udders regularly is not recommend unless dirty. In fact it can lead to milk contamination as dirt and dust runs down to the top of the milkitlg cup with the water. Check the ewe does not have a hot swollen udder, if she has, strip milk out of the offending half to check for mastitis. It is possible to hand strip a little of the fore-milk before applying teat cups to each animal. This is a good way of checking for mastitis, but is time consuming. Switch on the vacuum and apply the teat cups. Watch that the teat has not become bent over inside the cup because no milk will come out until it is straightened. Sheep milk out very quickly, usually in less than 90 seconds (Dawe 1990). In ewes, massaging the udder while the cups are one and putting a slight downward pressure on the cups before removal (machine stripping) gives a more effective emptying of the udder (Dawe 1990). Bencini and Knight (1994) also found that milk yields were increased 4-12% when 10.3

ewes were machine stripped. However Dorset en;ves Flock House showed no increases in n.1ilk due to combination ofboth (Knight 1995 ).


New ewes lambing for the first time stages oflactatio:n. They are nervous ejection reflex may be blocked 'JW'"'-'IJJ·"·~··~·· cups and massaging before repladng intramuscular injection of oxytocin (1 down. As ewes become accustomed to down. As the udder becomes less

week) at

ewes in the very early As a result the milk

Remove the teat cups as Boon as -"'-"''-''-.JL''i">

particularly if VaCUUm

iS fl.Ot



vacuum. This can be by u.,Jm.1.JIHicC downwards. Do not remove teat

cause milk to be prevent passage of

Apply an iodine teat spray bacteria UP. the teat

Work done in Australia indiC}ltf;~g that

in slightly less milk than "''"'·'"-'"''/''> synthesis can be reduced onct;: for an interval of 9 and 15


,}et~''i·t: Dill





Milking Frequ.ency

Milking Dorset ewes once a (Knight et al 1993). I-Iowever once a 14% reduction in yield and 19.4% ( 7.9 L) reduction in yield ,---cr-After 10 weeks post partum or when resulted in no substantial eftect on ranging from 26 - 69% by changing to once a

Again there are conflicting Knight et al found only an over Dawe (1990) considers it not the milk yield per day while concentration was only 3.0%. JVfissing the Sunday evening Sud in France however only a same milking after the 8th week of their IactaHon.


'·lB'.% reduction in milk yield resuhs in a week of lactation a


once a day losses

suckling lar.nbs. once a. day wh.Ue suckling. w-lli.Ie He

tat in l'realpes de Dorsets missing the

Drying O:ff A number offactors decide when it is

producing less than 0.4 litre per ewe per

basis, if they are

the following seasons e'\Ves be dded

result in. a disruption shearing is recommended

mating is 15 days so

that "flushing" ewe.s or nmr~~ <e':Nes

pregnant and more

takes place. Sheep are is achieved when ewes that the highest percentage of and mid

'~'• ••, ... ~,<ill",

season both between and Dorsets have Iong

"'·"'''"'"''"'."''"' than Frieslands the ye<1..r (MiHs during the non breeding purposeEJ of manual we will assume that or East Friesian cross or a Dorset and

During the breeding season ewes will come into oestrus approximately every 17 days. Mature ewes will stay on heat for about 24 hours (range 12- 36 hours) while 18 month ewes will be shorter. Planning路 is the key to mating especially if there is more than on& mating period per year or ewes are mated in the non breeding season. The number of mating periods per year will depend on the type of dairy system you have in place and the breed of sheep being milked. Ifnlllk production is to be year-round then at least three lambing periods will be required if the flock consists of breeds such as Romneys or Dorsets because these breeds only milk at reasonable levels for 3 - 5 months. If the flock has ewes with lactation lengths greater than 6 months such as East Frieslands only two mating periods will be required. One lambing period should coincide with spring and the other would probably coincide with late summer. In areas where summer and early autumn grass growth are restricted due to summer droughts and winters are mild with good pasture growth then a second lambing in late autumn or early winter may be more appropriate. If milk production is to be seasonal then it is sensible to have a spring lambing to coincide with maximum pasture growth and therefore an autumn mating. If mating is to take place during the non breeding season - some hormone therapy may be prudent until it is known what range of oestrus and conception rates occur in the East Friesland cross bred ewes in your area.

The most common method of hormonal therapy is to insert a CIDR into the vagina for 12 days and to inject the ewe with approximately 400 IU of Pregnant mares serum gonadotropin (PMSG) at CIDR removal. The level ofPMSG will depend on the month of mating and breed of ewe. Your veterinarian will give advice on this as the drugs will have to be purchased and used under their supervision. Therefore. when planning joining dates it must be remembered that ewes will have to have CIDRS in place 13 days prior to that date. Joining Numbers

During the breeding season Romneys in the Manawatu have conceptions rates for mating in any particular week ranging between 77.6 and 82.9% (Quinlivan 1971). Therefore over a 56 week joining period we could expect about 90% of the ewes to be pregnant. Therefore if we wanted a flock of 100 milking ewes in Spring we should mate approximately 112 ewes in Autumn. .(.

In the non breeding season it is very difficult to predict what may happen but with hormone therapy approximately 50% of the ewes may become pregnant to the first cycle. There may or may not be a second cycle depending on how close to the start of the breeding season the ewes are. There are reports from Australia that indicate 75% of ewes will hold to the second cycle and on average 80% of ewes could expect to get pregnant over a 5 - 6 week period in the non breeding season (Langford and Dawe). Therefore if you wanted 100 ewes lambing in April you would mate 200 in November if you had the ram out for the one cycle only.



is if YOU tentember to


presence of




Rams should be harnessed and joined with ewes 24 hours after CIDRS are removed. Wheri using this type of synchronising technique one ram should be joined with. only 10 ewes as semen quality can reduced due to the concentration of viable sperm per ejaculate decreasing as a result of the many ejaculates taking place over a short period of time. Even when single sire mating is not being practiced the ratio of rams to ewes should still be 10% when using CIDRS. During the non breeding season when rams are also less fertile 12 (Langford and Dawe 1992).


15% should be used

The use of CIDRS and PMSG wiH need to be under the supervision of your local veterinarian and a suitable progr<'imme should be discussed wen in advance of mating. ArtifidaH Insemination (Ali) Artificial Insemination .;;an be used both. to synchronise lambing an.d also to make rapid genetic gains by spreading a good ram over many flocks. The most reliable form of artificial insemination in is by inserting the pipette through the abdominal waH and releasing the semen direcdy into uterine horns. Artificial insemination can take place through the cervix but results are very unreliable using fwzen semen. Freshly collected liquid semen can be used for both methods. Because ofthe dmgs involved, andthe surgical procedure of intrauterine a:r:tificiaiJI.riS•<':nlllWirho¡n (AI) will need to be under who wm draw up a specific program which involves ewes

Reco:rdmng It is essential for good and planning to record important dates such as joining dates, dipping dates, drenching dates etc. Ewes should be identified with both a permaneni small brass tag and a large piastic tag which is visible from a reasonable distance. should have the brass tag inserted at birth and the date of lambing, ewe tag number, hunb tag number and any other relevant information recorded. With careful observations and pregnancy scanning it should be possible to predict dates for individual ewes similar to those produced by the Livestock Improvement for cows. In way rate of lambing win be expected and pasture levels and labour can planned accordingly.

Labour Wh~n

employing people to milk sheep you should carefhlly assess their temperament and ability to work with stock. People must realise that ewes being milked can not be treated in the same way as sheep rum1ing about the hills. Ewes have excellent long-term memories of sheep handling procedures (Mills 1993) and if ewes are mistreated milking they win remember and not enter the milking platform so easily the next time.



it should

""'"'-'Hi"i mJ~l' taking the ewes to milking plant equipment

many ewes

shecL from an ertlCll~rK:y uu"'-'Hts shed it is important to rotate rnilkers so milk every aren't

f:lf~cond ru.•.,r,_J.HF>


and surrounding yards are not weH designed more people are generally designed shed with sheep flow design should be free dead end areas can bunch up than into


cups on and one

milking cups on it is possible to ha've one numbers where sheep are lined up in a row either on one with one person but ease many bails are in the shed. If there are more than 20 ewes in one row it 'Nould to have two people to ensure the cups are at right time and overmilking does not occur. dairy flock will a influence on number of labour required. As soon as ewe high enough to warrant having two an auuH.''-''""'" will be required. to bring the second to the shed while the first one is being milked. It is difficult to say large a milking Hock should be before production suffers to numbers because hasn't been any research on subject with sheep. However dairy cow generally contain 200 - 500 cows sheep win presumably . Paddock size or yard size may limit the size of the milking flock in any case. Once ewe numbers get above 200 - 250 it is to milk two people, it is essential two are milking if you are not experienced with milking sheep. In a wei! trained milking flock with experienced operators d.uring the main part the milking season, three people should be able to cope with milking 500 - 600 ewes in a designed milking shed.



beginning of lactation when ewes are lambing and new sheep are "'"'''""'""" additional labour is required. This is an. extremely busy pljrimi and um:fi.HJ,5 to the additional. requirements of new sheep. One person per 100 eweE; at this busy time of the year but is probably not feasible, particularly with

In Hungary the most common size of milking shed is 24 bails on either side 1993). Some ofthe larger operators have 36 bails per side. Labour usually v ..nmm''··" and one assistant in the 24 bail milking sheds. The assistant to the shtf:ep them. Big fanns with experienced workers can milk 220 - 240 ewes per a. 2 x 24 miUdng parlour. There is some data from Israel pertaining to the perfonnance rotary millking """."'-""w· requirements. lfn one study the number of ewes mil.ked per hour was vv''"''-'''"'" a continuously moving rotary (CR) and an intennittently moving rotary ewes enter the bails and are yoked while the rotary is movi1ng. Hme<UJ!<!.UVH of the Ill is stationary and extending only to a limited 'l"IOi"•tlU'H circumference the rotary). When the bails on the rotary are rotation the carousel, a proportional number of ewes are positioned in miHdng the platfonn. is standing still. When milking of the evves is a new group.

In dlis

the CR contained 48 bails and the JR. at any one ti.rne. The CR averaged 258 ewes per hour IR. '/~45 C'Nt::~ P''~r hour. Three people were required to m.ilk with the and 2 milkers plus e.xJra pereon ]Jl. It appeared that on a per ewe basis it took longer to eneour~J;g~: ~::wes. to CR than when the entire 80 ewes entered the IR at once. There was no exiting the p!at£o:n.1as. Therefbre it can be seen with a. high rniJ.king can be achieved a m, IR as was

can be a problem wit.h over milking with CR platforms due to the person milking 1;;ups having to wait for the ewe to reach them. This was demonstrated in ewes finished milking in 3.22 minutes on a CR but cups weren't removed


iantbutg and mating are out of the way there will :not be a lot to do on a terms of actual sheep work. There may be supplements to feed or electric move but apart from this the work load is not great.

labour requirements will be higher than at other tixnes and identifying ewes and lambs. If collect, to drink and feed daily. If using a suckling system there and ewes once or twice a day. There wiU also be additional work involved with ewes and especiaHy the new ewes. Even if ewes have been. pre-trained win still need some prompting to adjust to the system ""·"'"'·""'"' during spring feeding supplements.


Rearing lambs is one of the hardest, most time consuming and patience with sheep dairying (BeH :J. 989) . 10.10


ytear tci enstlre


record of the test which will show which aspects of the equipment are four parts to a milkin.g machine summary Iii



Milking Machine Performance and test measures. This section tests of the milking machine which affect how efficiently cows are milked - vacuum measurements, pulsation etc.


Safety. In this section the tester looks for anything deemed to be a safety hazardoil on the ground, containers to trip over, unguarded moving parts, Jefc unlocked etc.


Condition Main component. This section takes a thorough look at aU components of the milk-line and air-lines. The vacuum pump, pipelines, inspected mbbe:rware, releaser an.d other vacuum operated components are tested.


Sundry. The tester may make extra comments in this section.

Ref:rigerad.on - Good reliable refrigeration is essential on a dairy farm, particularly if mlJk is not being picked up daily. Milk is an ideal medium for growing bacteria if not cooled properly bacterial counts can rise quickly ruining the milk. Fresh milk must be to 4"C within.3 hours of reaching the vat (K.rambo 1993). At the least a plate cooler must be instaJJed into the bulk milk tank A plate cooler is a exchar1ger COJ1Sl~>tmtH plates lined up against each other. v,rater flows flows through the next set of ean be C<)okd cooler the less amount of work refi:-igeration unit on the bulk coolers alone will usually cool milk from body temperature (38"C) to 12 - 18"C depending on water temperature.

If milk is to be stored o.n the fann for 2 路路 3 days then an ice bank for super cooling milk. The new systems can supply ice chilled water coolier and through pipes in the vat which usually contain conventional re:I:Hgenmt. of super cooling milk is that milk is cooled to 4 - 8 oc before entering bulk milk tank am! as a result bacteril'll increase is minimum and milk quality is maximum as far as cooling is concerned (Yuambo 1993). Hygiene - Sources of milk contamination are soil and dirt which often harmful to milk. Keep soH and dirt to a minimum by using concrete and to control. dust (Dawe 1990). Flies, manure and foodstuffs can aU contaminate milk (Dawe 1990) so ensure the milking parlour and yards are washed with. a high pressure hose afl:er each milking. By keeping surroundings clean and free of rubbish and left-over or teed rats, birds and flies wm not be encouraged. Poorly deaned surfaces such as teat cup liners, inside milk lines, the vat or anywhere milk makes contact each milking will very quickly build up large numbers of bacteria resulting

contaminated milk.


hot water (1 0 Jitres per set .,,..,,.,-,.,路ti,no-


water to bungs out of air and rnilk

a chlorinated alkali thxough 路~路Jill'""'i'Y-A water flush 50 ~ of your add

remove any

an,enJtoon milking plenty of cold water or v11ater and

plant once

to dangerous levels

it is the which kills the bulk of the bacteria although many Included in them and water needs to be kept very .A rt 1s how much water initially needs to be dr<9ined due to heating the stainless steel pipes. Water quality is very '"""'"'ns路'"'""" as contaminated water will contaminate milk pipes during cleaning. Water be tested in the initial stages of planning the sheep dairy unit.


The vat should be deaned after evexy milk same procedme applies to 200 litres water and 300 to the milking plant. If pick-up is daily, wash detergent daily. Twice a week wash alkali first foHowed by an acid. On thoroughly scrub vat .a brush have an automatic vat wash system. If you one of those systems scru.b 路with a brush or Pay attention to cleaning under the milk paddles and sight glass if you have one. These are places bacteria a:nd old milk build up. Inspect the entire plant regularly perished rubber ware (id,~al for haxbouring bacteria) and apart and for sour n:lllk smells. Tihis indicatef:l build up of milk deposits. Pun the milk has someho'N entered air-line either through split teat cup Hners or spiUage from receiving can. Clean air thoroughly if this is the case and check aU liners for splits. Dry the Hne it indicates a claw after washing. If there are feaces in .the .u'"'u'"'''c







bette:r to

to Qff;fi(';ll IJ.f those ewes

inhibitory substances be well identified with spray uuuu,,,5 flock so they can delivery removed from the milk of treatment and date where everyone can see it In

rPJik vat is minimised. nrilk need to be severe as so much use of readily available




carr occur either or after lambing in NZ it mainly occurs in mature evies pregnancy (Bruere & West 1993). However with the introduction mine may an increase in ewes contracting rnilk rever Awassi dairy :Hocks where milk fever is rare LUHUJ.iHp;, (F AO 1985). 11.1

Losses in production associated with milk fever can occur as a result of ewe death and higher lamb mortality. (Bruere & West 1993) .

.l\!Iilk fever is caused by calcium deficiency which occurs when dietary intake and adsorption of calcium and the mobilisation of calcium from the bones is insufficient to meet the demands of the ewe or the ewe and the foetus. Low calcium levels are usually complicated low blood magnesium and phosphorus levels (Bruen~ & West 1993). Therefore before milk fever occurs two factors must occur, that is dietaryintake must be low over a period of weeks or months and ewe requirement must be high (Bruen~ & West 1993) as occurs during late pregnancy and for rrrilk production during lactation. Because requireraents are so high ewes can not absorb enough calcium from the diet to meet those requirements no matter what the calcium intake is (Bruen; & West 1993). Ewes grazing lush spring pastures pari:icularly when conditions are wet and pasture growth rapid can result in very low calcium levels and rmlk fever. checks can cause milk fever, particularly pre lambing therefore any Starvation and sudden yard work prior to larnbing which would result in animals been held off pasture for long periods of time should be kept to a mini.mum. The eadiest signs of milk fever are a weakness of the hindlegs and of appetite (FAO) 1985). Initially affected ewes are hyperactive but rapidly become (Bruere & West 1993). The animal ~.vm usually go on turned into it's flank. The abdomen is usually larger normal as gas cannot escape due to a loss of muscle tone. Untreated animals usuaUy go into a coma within 24 hours and die. UsuaHy there is more than. one animal affected and e\'I.IC8 can continue to go down over a period of a few days. Ewes should be treated with calcium borogluconate. If the calcium borogluconate is at the strength of 40% WN it should be given under the skin and not into the vein as it could cause a heart attack. An injection of 30 - SOmis under the skin should result in the ewe getting up within 15 - 30 minutes and begim1ing to feed. If not she could be beghming to suffer from pregnancy toxaemia and should be treated accordingly. Prevention of mi.lkfever largely depends on avoiding stressful conditions tor ewes in lactation or late pregnancy (Bruere & West 1993). Therefore avoid sudden changes in (introduce new cr~ps slowly), avoid mustering, yarding or holding ewes for kmg time without feeding. This has implications for prelamb shearing which should be done at one month prior to lambing to minimise stress. Pregmuucy Toxaemia (Sleepy Sickness) Pregnancy toxaemia occurs in late pregnancy and mainly affects ewes carrying multiple foetuses. The number of ewe deaths used to be high but with better farmer education on how to prevent the disease the number of deaths have reduced (Bruere & West 1993). Lambs are often born dead when pregnancy toxaemia is prolonged. This disease is caused when glucose requirements by the pregnant ewe and foetuses are higher than can be supplied from the diet. The deficiency in glucose can be as a result of twin or triplet bearing ewes having a continued restricted diet in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy or due to ewes which have been well fed having a sudden starvation period. This starvation period H.2



ewe may EventuaUy the

skin out to remove the good drinking

Prevention involves





to hypomagnesaem.ia at or soon after 路when milk How,ever it cows are grazing not so com.rnon in. sheep, and 1993 report is as been an occasional in sheep in NZ. become m.ore of a problem in high sheep although it is not a ""''"""'路"'' m~mt1or1ea by wiHcing nations.

Hypornagnesaemia is to magnesium deficiency either by low pasture magnesium levels as seen in spring or with absorption magnesium by the gut or a combination High potassium and ion levels in herbage can the absorption of gut. The demand for magnesium the lactating ewe is twice as high as cows and peaks two weeks at1er lambing (Bruere & Illest 1993). A drop over a of time or stress brought about a of weather resulting in lower energy balance is usually factor which sets a case hypomagnesaemia.


Symptoms indude dullness and cessation of eating but it the ewe is disttrrbed name "grass .,,.,,... ,~,..,.

u'"''"'"'''" tremors and nervous excitement leading to

Treatment involves an injection under the skin of 50 - 100 ml of' magnesium sulphate a:nd calcium 25 are recommended (Bruen:: West or drenching ewes with l 0 grams magnesium per ewe win Dusting prevent .the disease. In problem areas this should start 3 weeks before lambing continue over early lactation. Dairy cows drenched daily with n:mgnesium show in milk in areas where magnesium deficiency oecurs but ""'"'"''l.',,.•.,

i1i sheep. should be avoide4 dose to lambing and shelter provided from Applications fertiliser should take place late spring to reduce herbage at times when magnesium demand is highest. JLke

irdest sheep in New Zealand, two are: suclcing & West 1993). Th.e biting louse ewe production. in severe cases. 1nJ·es1ted a.gaitnst fences, and <::re spending less time eating. are doing this out. :Fleece quaJity can be by cormn~m.

Ughdy :infested sheep may show no clinical


rubbing and

scratching increases. Once a ewes have hrfestations the liee rapidly throughout whereby ewes are Into dose contact twice a day fur

Lice long wool more, and shearing reduces the recommended the ewes are non lactating and dipping not place before lambing as residuals of the dip could get into the milk. Consult your the manufacturer of the dip to enquire about rnilk withholding period. any nr..o;'lh' sheep entering the property and treat for

if necessary.

All ewes on the property should be treated at the sarne time to en.ldicc([e not live long away from sheep (Bruce et all992).


vvill occur. Sheep lice

Residues from dips back·line preparations for lice are a milking industry and withholding periods should be strictly :fbHowed.


concern to



less as the:y are wool. Footrot begimling of

Ensure ali

or burned to


ewes .are but milk if ewes are treated too

out vvhile


Severe loses·due to lowered milk nn'l<'i,tf"Tinn

rates and death may result if "v'".. '"' 1990). The·important internal parasites which w a b~ood sucking worm ''''A'·'""'''"' death without first causing loss of


which causes anaerrria, condition. Sheep



Ostertagia and scouring and. severe Nematodirus species ~vh.ich can cau:ile severe '·"'·''"'''""'u"" but also cause iH young ,.,,~.r·,·n.r~,··:•



young h:anbs,,

or production of sheep.

Moniezia species


Haemonchus is more of a problem fanners because it requires warmer .~-,,~,.,.,n.,.,,.,,"' such as Otago, Southhmd and it's ability to survive Apart from Tapeworms the worms in the intestine on weather conditions larval can survive for on three weeks to develor1 to ;,r1at.ute egg

2 ·· 6

In Australia lactating dairy e•Nes with reductions in growth rate, loss utilisation of pasture (Philbey

wor:ms. Adult depending eta! 1992). These they take about ,.~v,~eks

sp. experienced


Adult ewes are most susceptibRe to in.temai body is under great stress and and ewes begin to gain weight their In general ewes which are not !"'"'""'c.'"'"'· as they have a natural immunity to worm nature of the worms. Therefore if F'-''~""o'"" u•«~M,,5 .'".,..d,,, pastures for freshly lambed ewes months to reduce in:l:ective This is possible if the sheep "~"'~'"'o are being milked seasonaUy. the farm and cattle moved onto the l'.HU"-'"".!S number of eggs block" Take dn:ncruntg is left too late

Just before lambing a portion counted. If egg numbers are note of the withholding milk will have to discarded. H.6

There are various methods animals with subclimcal mastitis. When samples are protein lactose they can collected during analyzed for somatic Most dairy samples are sent to the National milk analysis laboratory in H8J.tilton for these types analyses. This is a good way to detect ewes high somatic cells but the next is identifying whlch half of the udder is infected. testing the milk: of a ewe to the infected udder halif mastitis test whereby a k:it is obtained from the vets for about $30. The contains a 4 cups (it was designed for cows) and solution to add to the milk Simply squirt a smaH amount milk each half into hvo of the cups and around and if milk changes consistency then the test is add a little solution. Swirl th.e an tester measures the positive. The other method is> to conductivity of the m.ilk. These are very reliable very expensive unfortunately. with your vet the best ycu. There are basically tvvo

One very simple test is called

If an udder half reaGts mastitis therapy.

should be treated with a standard lact13lting



The dinical. fonm> chronic mastitis. TlH~ Acute severe

!lll1Ul!Sti1tb: ""


to death of the ewe or loss rapidly. The mam haemolytica "·"'''"'"''"".. Clinical signs include


miik secretion, reduction in milk ,,.,,r,·"''""''•-; and the may appear lan1e as she S\Nelling and (Huid trapped and heading to brisket


yield, loss of appetite tries to avoid toucmng under

the sheep can to detect

In most cases only or01e she is not treated ThJs so quickly and usually detection takes The milk is initially watePJ yellow or grey.

contains blood and

in 1 to 4

eventually turns red,

The response to treating ewes with condition is poor and many ewes die. Thm;e not dying are :not able to mJlked because"ofthe damage to the udder. Intramuscular injections of a strong llntibiotic (consult your vet) keep the animal&Jive if done by culling the ewe to slaughter in 2 ... 3 enough and some of the cost nl<ll.y months when has V'<>o•rnJ'.OH'n G;fmgJreRlliDilll!l J:11t1I~rititis .. This frorm of mastitis is characterised extensive sl.oughing of the udder. The bacteria are usually S. aureus, E coli, and Clostridium pe:rfi:ingens and the may progress aeute severe mastitis.


a .vacuum are set (;mrecdy.



apply antiseptic crean.1s if around or



to milking and

Turn vacuum off before


the cups gently.



Use glyce1ine as a teat softener, but above 10% oftbe final solution


Make sure teats are completely covered with disinfectant.



Treat clinical cases promptly using the full. course of a15ltibiotic treatment. Clearly identifY ewes treated and with hold their milk for the recommended period.

At drying off treat all ewes with a record clinical mastitis, high rapid mastitis test reactions or high individual somatic cell counts. Remember to dean teats before and after treating. CuH ewes which have reoccurring problems or don't respond to treatment. Observe meat withholding times when Cl.dling.

This is a disease which can cause serious losses in sheep flocks. FE is caused by a toxin caJled Sporidesman the fungus Pithomyces Chartamm. Growth of the fungus occurs on dead litter in and is most rapid when grass temperatures remain above l2째C and ltmmid. This usually occurs during late summer and Autumn. There are large variations the inddeuce of the disease from year to year and from district to district The disease occmTed in the warm lowland areas in the 1'.Jorth Island, but the northern areas of the South Island also seen some cases ( Bnu~re and West 1993). The toxin contenting spores of the stock, espedaHy when are forced to graze pastures dosely. Clinical 10 days aJ.'ter and "''"-'"""'"']", shade. This is followed by swelling ears and head as gets trapped in the tissues. Skin begins to peel from ears, lips, eyelids and face and as ewes continue to rub infection can set in. Large numbers can die itom facial excema and those that don't usually have a degree of Hver darn.age which usually affect their production. Recently shorn and open fleeced sheep may show other signs of photosensitisation including laying prostrate and crouching as ifto urinate & West 1993). Treatment is practically useless and prevention is the key to this disease: IDl


Management. Spore counting is an important management tool as farmen; can identifY paddocks which are dangerous and not graze them. If it is not possible to do your own spore counts there are usually regional results published in the local paper which wm give you a good indication as to the level of danger the district. It is weU knovm that nmth facing slopes, ridges and near hedges and sheltered areas are where spore counts are usually highest and ewes should be kept away from these areas if they have had no other preventative measures. Spraying pastures vvith fungicide. This can be a very effective controlling facial excema but pastures should be sprayed before spore m. ll.1Ibers reach critical levels. Topson is a popular brand of fungicide used and gives control for approYJ.mately 6 weeks aft~r spraying although pastures should be monitored from the fourth week after spraying a.n.d resprayed sooner if necessary. Spraying the whole farm is recommended to reduce errors in deciding when to graze sprayed pasture. Where this is not possible, initially treat a quarter to a third of the farm. Treat areas intended for grazing 7 days before animals intending on going on pastures. When spraying it is important not to miss spraying fencelines and around edges of paddocks where sheep can. graze . 11.10

Zinc dosing for prevention of facial eczema. Dosing with zinc before ewes are exposed to high levels of sporidesmin reduces the amount of liver damage. Zinc will not prevent facial eczema if given after high sporidesmin levels have been ingested. a)

Zinc sulphate can be given in drinking water and may work well with .dairy sheep because they always have water troughj!/in their paddocks whereas this may not always b~ the case. on "norriial''sheep farn:is. This system works very well with dairy cows.


Drenching with zinc oxide. While daily drenching of sheep .is usually a problem due to mustering this may be the best method for facial eczema in dairy sheep as it is very accurate. The mixture to prevent facial eczema in sheep is 1 kg ofzinc oxide to 1 litre of water and add 200 .ml of suspending agent. A 55 kg ewe would receive 21 ml of this per week or 3 ml per day.


Administering zinc oxide capsules. These are ·now available and give 6 weeks protection against facial excema. They are easy to administer.

Consult with your veterinarian for the best option for your situation. Foot Diseases The three main conditions which affect sheep feet are foot abscess, scald a:nd foot rot. They. are influenced by factors such as weather, humidity, conditions of laneways and gateways and length of pasture. The three are not always separate and one condition can sometimes lead to another. Foot abs~esses are an important cause of lameness in sheep dairy flocks mainly causing problems in pregnant and lactating ewes (Philbey 1990). Because lactating dairy ewes are walked twice daily from their pastures to the dairy shed their feet are·subjected to continuous trauma. If laneways are rough or uneven with large sharp stones protruding problems occur frequently. There is an association between rainfall and the occurrence of foot abscess (Philbey 1990) and at times of high rainfall particularly when the hooves are in wet pasture all day, the feet soften and can be easily damaged by lane ways or ramps in the dairy shed. Affected sheep are severely lame and some cases are persistent or recurrent (Philbey 1990). Lame ewes have difficulty walking, hold the affected foot off the ground where possible and can suffer weight loss and a severer reduction in milk production. · Little can be done to control an outbreak of foot abscess in a flock of dairy ewes although regular foot bathing with formalin or zinc sulphate has been suggested as a way of hardening the hoof Treatment involves antibiotics therefore milk must be with held from the milk vat. If antibiotics are given in the early stages of the disease healing can be accelerated or the abscess suppressed but if given iate it is of little use. If the infection gets into the joint of the ewe she may be permanently damaged and culling may be necessary. Foot scald is a disease which causes irritation in the soft skin between the two "toes" of the hoof Wet conditions as occurs in long grass tends to make the problem worse. 11.11

The ewe is lame and when the "toes" are parted the skin is raw looking and wet. Footbathing in a formalin or zinc sulphate solution usually clears up this condition. All animals treated with antibiotics should be run and milked separately from the milking flock and this has added advantages for ewes with sore feet as they can be kept in paddocks close to the milking shed so they don't have to walk as far.

Minerals Many parts ofNew Zealand are deficient in one or more ofthe following minerals selenium, copper, cobalt or sulfur and you should consult your local veterinarian or farm adviser as to the mineral status of your area. Alternatively soil, herbage or blood analyses can be carried out to determine the status of your property and action taken accordingly.

Clostridial diseases Clostridial diseases are of major importance to farm animals as the diseases are endemic in sheep flocks throughout New Zealand (Bruere & West 1993). The main ones are puply kidney, tetanus, black leg; black disease and malignant odemea. Prevention is in the form of an annula vaccination programme which is usually given to pregnant ewes 2 - 6 weeks before lambing. Lambs are then vaccinated as soon .as possible after weaning and a booster given 4 - 6 weeks later. Ewes are given a further booster at 18 months of age with the older ewes 2 - 6 weeks before lambing and annually thereafter. There is a combination "5 in 1" vaccine available which vaccinates against all 5 diseases mentioned above.

References (Chapters 8- 11)


Bell. S. 1989. North American Dairy Sheep Symposium. Minnesota. Ed W.J Boylan. 'Bruce, R., Firth E., Freeman, D., Lee E., Merrall M., Morris R., Steffert I., West D., Whittem, T., Williamson N., arid Wilson P. (1992). The Farmers Veterinary Guide. Ed Manktelow B and Williamson N. Dairy Exporter Books. Wellington, New Zealand. DaweS. 1990. The sheep dairying industry. In: Sheep medicine. The Sandy & Georgina Reid Memorial Refresher course for Veterinarins. Proceedings 141. Geenty 1994. A guide to feed planning for sheep farmers. A New Zealand sheep council publication.. Editored by Geenty K. McCarthy, F.D., Lindsey, J.B., Gore, M.T and Notter, D.R. 1988. Incidence and control of subclinical mastitis in intensively managed ewes. Journal of Animal Science. 60: 613.

I Mills 0. 1982. Practical Sheep Dairying. The care and milking of the dairy ewe. Thorsons Publishers Ltd, Wellingborough, Northhamptonshire, Great Britian. Philbey, A.W. 1990. Health problems in sheep dairy flocks. In Sheep medicine. The Sandy & Georgina Reid Memorial Refresher course for Veterinarians. Proceedings 141. 11.12


!vfiHdng duration is short ( 1 to '-''''""'"'路""' of




12 sets


150 ewes per


Source: rllia Laval



Diagram 2: Casse System


I I I I I I 1 1

e;;;,.c;:.::,~o o

el 路; ' .路;


]:: : : : : [ J. . . . .L

Position and lock animals, batch 1.

]: : : : : : [ J

. L


Back the headlock frame towards milking pit, batch 1. Attach Clusters to animal 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. Batch 1 Milking batch 1, odd numbers.

Souree: Alfa Laval Agri

Later developments saw the introduction of the "cascade" approach. Moving yokes were done away with which meant less space needed to accommodate the moving yoke - smaller buildings. The problem that needed to be solved was to encourage the leading ewe to walk to the end of the stalls. If concentrate was being fed the first ewe would stop at the first available stall and prevent any other ewes mounting the platform. To overcome this a "cascade" was used. The yokes are closed off with a flap except the last one in the line. The lead ewe would walk to this yoke and put her head in to feed. This trips the next yoke to open and so on. Prattley's, here in New Zealand, manufacture such a system at approximately $750 per yoke. (Diagram 3 and Diagram 4) 12.2

This cascade system is supposed to keep ewes calmer and there's less time lost in waiting for the moving yokes ofthe "Casse System" to reverse towards the. pit. With a "Cascade System" the cups can be put on the first ewe straight away while the rest are filling.

Please note the important difference between the "Casse System" and a "Cascade System".

The Prattley Platform

A new conversion at Milton (Otago) is using a 1 x 24 "Casse System" with cups for every ewe. This system was chosen because of the po~sibility of "sharemilking" ewes with lambs at foot without having to draft off lambs before milking, ie ewes are milked with lambs at foot. This could be important in deciding options for lamb rearing. Rotary technology is also used in sheep dairying. Flock House have used a rotary which was originally built in Southland in the late 1970's during New Zealand's first attempt at sheep milking. France and Israel have developed large rotary systems. A 32 bale rotary with two milkers and automatic cup removal can achieve a throughput of 400 per hour. An advantage of such a system is that one milker can effectively operate the system albeit at a lower throughput. Rotaries can be operated either as a continuous system or as an intermittent system. The intermittent system has a loading station, 20 stalls, which when 路full will rotate towards the milking station then stQp again. A new 20 empty stalls are presented to ewes while the previous 20 are milked. Once milked the platform rotates again to an emptying station. The intermittent rotary has the advantage of avoiding overmilking and limits the number of cups required to 20 or however big the milking station is. Further detail on continuous versus intermittent is shown in Chapter 10.


A approach to the problem of extracting rrlilk is the "Fullwood Lactofeed". This design is an abreast herringbone vvith a moving platfonn and a set of cups for each ewe. The ewe steps onto the moving platform, feed is automatically fed and the yoke The next ewe enters and repeats the process. When the p1atfonn is full milking begins. When finished moving moves and releases each ewe. Emptying and fining takes place at same time. This system is not widely used.

A new design from Fulwood's is the Stal12000.

Fullwood's French subsidiruy, Packo France, describe its operation as follows: The system is installled on fixed quais. Feed is automatically disperGtsed into individual T-"路"'"''"' along a cornadis. The

enter the parlour

means of a moving race. Once


first ewe has put her head

into the comadis, the moving race or curtain moves back a space and exposes the second space enabling the second ewe to move into position. This sequence places are occupied.

events continues until aH the

rnil.ker can start putting units em as soon as the first ewe is in position. Once the sheep have

(heads released) gate. Tlns the race cre:ati;;:{l The Stall 2000 Coupled with parlour with a

the coming in to




new sheep or eweiambs.

iV!ieromatk automatic cup

the potential line of 24 units plus the switch-over option is 450/500 ewes per

milker only). Maximum size = Plice


stalling fot a 2 x 24 =


Milking equipment, automatic cup removal $NZ48,500

switch over = TOTAL (without transport, installation, etc) (Based on $NZ = 3.9168 FF)

Tablesl and 2 detail design performances of these systems.




Automatic Cluster Removal The Micromatic 2001 is an. automatic cluster remover controlled by the flow of milk. This milk flow is detected by a flux meter. The principal function of the Micromatic is to cut the vacuum off in the claw when the animal has finished milking. How does it work? The flux meter measures the electrical resistance ofthe·milk going through it. When the milk flow increases the resistance decreases and vice-versa. When the resistance which corresponds to a milk flow of about 50cc/min is reached an electro magnet is activated which cuts off the vacuum to the claw and the milking unit drops off. Several other settings are possible: • • •

The Pre-Milking phase The end of milking phase The activation of a removal cylinder

Sheep milking flocks are becoming bigger and more and more specialised. With the progress being made in genetics. and feeding, the ewes themselves are becoming more and more productive. The milking equipment used must follow this evolution. The Mircromatic was developed to increase milking efficiency and to improve the comfort of the animal and the milker. The advantages:


Sheep milking is often carried out using two people. The Micromatic permits milking with just one person.

Once the unit. has been put on, the milker has no need the animal to check that its finished milking. There are lights (red and greeri) on the control box which show the milker the stage of milking. So by looking down the line of boxes the milker can see what's happening from a distance.

Once the units of one side are put on, the sheep on the other side that have finished milking can be let out and a new lot let in.

By minimising the manipulations of the· milker, the Micromatic 2001 increases the efficiency of the milking parlour and improves the comfort of the milker. It also .allows a complete and high quality milking of each individual ewe. This eliminates the risks of over milking and problems of mastitis.



The Switch-Over This option is orily applicable to high line parlours. The milking units are grouped in fours. When the fourth unit has finished milking the switch-over is activated, and the group of four units is slid to the opposite side of the parlour. This operation eliminates one more manoeuvre for the milker.


Sagi hooks were first a Dr in Israel in 1978. The device, ofwhlch there are many divide pendulous udders which greatly assists machine milkin.g. designs, lift Fig 1 and 2 show

Source Fig land 2: Practicru

Milking, Olivia MiHs 1982.

Ewes from Awassi Ltd being milked with Sagi hooks in place. Photo courtesy Michael and Michelle Anderson

Further information and costings may be available from: Fullwood equipment Tom Laurent Ltd PO Box 177 MORINSVILLE Prattley equipment: Prattley Industries Ltd PO Box 109

TEMUKA Ph: 0800 450 000


Alfa Laval equipment: Alfa Laval Agri NZ Ltd POBox 10241 HAMILTON Ph: (07) 849 6020 Platform equipment: Otenz Group P0Box209 OTOROHANGA Ph: 0800 666 269 Milking Plant and Gascoigne M~lotte platforms: Milka-Ware New Zealand P0Box4478 HAMILTON Ph: (07) 847 0734


Chapter 13 Dairy Standards Shane Lodge Farm Operations Consultant MAF Quality Management In New Zealand there is no legal' distinction made between the milk of cows, ewes or goats. The 1992 Dairy Industry Act defined "milk" as being milk of cows, goats and sheep. All subsequent Acts and Regulations therefore cover the production of sheep's milk. The most significant of these are the路 Dairy Industry Regulations 1990 which set the guidelines for the farm dairy (place where the cow, ewe or goat is milked and the milk stored prior to transporting to manufacturing site). The Dairy Industry Regulations 1990 require the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


(g) (h)


G) dairies so as to minimise the risk of flooding, objectionable smells, smoke, dust, and other contaminants; and Keeping the surroundings of farm dairies clean and tidy, and free from harbourage for birds, rodents, and insects; and Using in farm dairies milking animals free of diseases capable of contaminating milk with pathogenic micro-organisms; and Excluding from sale milk that may be contaminated with extraneous substances, toxic substances, or pesticides, capable of rendering raw milk unsafe; and So locating, designing, and constructing milking areas that (i) Walls and floors are easily cleaned; and,. (ii) Drainage is effective; and (iii) Lighting is adequate for proper milking; and (iv) Working space is sufficient to minimise the risk of contamination of milk during milking; and Using in farm dairies milking plant so designed and maintained as to ensure that materials and substances coming into contact with milk do not contaminate the milk or cause it to deteriorate; and Ensuring that milking areas are not used for any purpose other than milking, breeding, veterinary treatment, and animal husbandry; and Ensuring that milk receiving areas and milk storage areas(i) Protect milk against manure, dust and other contamination, objectionable smells, birds, rodents, insects, and other vermin; and (ii) Are easy to wash and clean; and (iii) Have proper and adequate facilities for filtering and cooling milk; and Ensuring that farm dairies have enough water, of suitable quality, to clean the premises, animals and plant, and, if necessary, cool the milk; and Ensuring that milking plant in farm dairies is (i) Used solely for the handling of milk; and (ii) So designed and constructed as to be easily and properly cleaned; and (iii) So cleaned as to minimise the risk that milk may deteriorate or be contaminated; and (iv) Cleaned with approved detergents and sanitisers; and (v) Not cleaned with any detergent or sanitiser that is not approved; and 13.1


So deaned as to minimise the risk that the detergents and sanitisers used contaminate milk; and (k) For the purpose of minimising the risk of the contamination of milk by pesticides(i) Preventing of the storage in farm dairies of pesticides and similar substances; (ii) Controlling the use of pesticides and similar substances in or near farm '"'""'.,_"",,,, (1) Milking in farm dairies only animals with dean udders and fests; and (m) Filtering milk in farm dairies; and (n) After filtering milk in farm dairies(i) Cooling it immediately; and (ii) Cooling it at least 7째C within three hours of finishing milking; an.d (iii) Keeping it at or bdow 7째C until it is collected; and (o) The steps to be taken if any dairy produce is found or suspected to be unsafe. The dairy industry has produced two codes of practice that outline how dairy fanners arc to build, manage and operate their farm dairy to meet the Dairy Industry Regulations ~ 990. These are: NZCPl- Fan:n Dairy Code ofPractice NZCP3 - Hygienic Design and Layout of Farm Dairies Code of Practice

NZCP l covers in some detail the approval and location of fann dairies, milking plant and equipmer1t, milk harvesting, plant and premises deaning, protection of rrtHk quality, prewJses checks. l'TZCP3 covers the layout of farm dairies, construction of the dvj:ry, fabrication fann dairy equipment systems. equipment and the requirements These two codes provide the standards that sheep milkers need to meet to be ablie to supply milk to a registered dairy factory in New Zealand.


Producing top quality milk and storing it on farm to maintain quality prior to transporting to the manufacturer is essential if the manufacturer is to make premium grade By foHowing the requirements of the two codes the milker will have gone a long way to achieving

thi.s. Raw milk supplied to a dairy company for manufacture must meet bacterial and cm:np(;smton:cu standards. The range oftests carried out on your milk will be determined by (a) the produ.ct to be made and (b) the Hkely markets to be supplied. At the very least the mjlk you supply tested for the number of aerobic bacteria per millilitre, the presence of inhibitory (antibiotics or similar) and for visual and smell defects but could also be tested added water, total solids, fat content, somatic cells (mastitis), pesticides, faecal COllltamut1atton the list goes on and on. Again, the minimum standards are set but the manufactl.Jirer may, often does set tougher standards depending on the product she/he is making and the flavou(, texture, shelflife and other attributes she/he is trying to achieve. There is a growing resistance to the idea of pesticides in product any many markets require product with very low or nil measurable levels of a wide range of chemicals I pesticides. This may mean a change in animal husbandry practices but may be due to a carry over from activities carried out on your farm 20-30 years ago.


Chapter 14 Genetic Improvement of Milking Sheep Professor Dorian Garrick Department ofAnimal Science, Massey University Introduction Genetic improvement is a proven approach to enhance farm profitability and .results simply from mating the best rams to the best ewes. While this is straightforward in principle, in practice it involves three distinct endeavours. First, one must specify the characteristics that define what is best. This can be formally undertaken by defining a breeding objective relevant to a particular farming circumstance. A breeding objective comprises a list of traits that influence profit along with the relative emphasis that should be exerted on each trait in the list. Second, one must evaluate individuals for each of the traits in the objective. Performance recording provides the raw material for evaluations. Estimates of genetic merit (known as breeding v81ues) for each trait in the objective can be incorporated into a single index figure that reflects the overall breeding worth of each individual. The index values will balance desirable and undesirable traits according to the relative contribution of each trait to profit. Third, alternative allocations of high ranking rams and ewes need to be compared in terms of industry benefit. Industry benefit is usually maximised when moderate (not maximum) rates of improvement are achieved at relatively low cost. This may require the concentration of some costly aspects of identifying superior individuals within a small sector of the industry, followed by a widespread dissemination programme. This chapter introduces some principles involved in setting breeding objectives, 路understanding genetic evaluations, and designing breeding structures appropriate for the emerging milking sheep industry in New Zealand.

Breeding Objectives For Milking Sheep The design of a genetic improvement programme begins with definition of the breeding goal. In most farming circumstances, this goal involves profitability, which in pasture-based production systems may be profit per unit feed produced. Given the goal, a selection or breeding objective specifies the manner in which progress might be achieved towards the goal. The establishment of a soundly-based breeding objective is fundamental to the development of a cost-effective breeding programme. At present, the volume of milk per ewe may be the most important determinant of profit. "However, given that breeding is a long-term proposition, the breeding objective must consider future and not only immediate market circumstances. A breeding objective allows animals to be ranked for overall merit, variously known as index Selection on overall merit will balance good and poor value, or breeding worth. characteristics. Selection on each trait could alternatively be applied independently of the merits for other traits. Such selection using independent culling levels has the disadvantage that some animals culled for one trait may be exceptional for other traits. Index selection 路 involves modification of the severity of culling on any one trait, depending on the merits of the animal for all the other traits.


on a compound as ~..;w;;cuJc\,,~i" comr~ontents known as bases. In anirnal sper..:ies DNA is as chromosomes, sheep t~sually having for the sex chromosomes in males), oxcHo:gJ.cru processes; one copy having


ova) only number of that rure a a,chieved. lt On fertilisation, the fldl___cmnplement of is ~>u'''ji<rowc"'. tllu~.t a pani':nt can owdy Olrn of its genes to any !Jl11U~ ·n··~·*.'""'""'''"''" offsprring~s gl!';nes being so~u·ced from tbe othrer pa.rem\1t events that lead to the formation of a particular ovum) ~ it is a ra!l:I(!.i)rn rnember of the first of chromosomes ends up in the sperm 26 pairs. Sampling of each pair is independent of the 27 formed 'With there are 2 different spenn. (or ova) (over 130,000,000) that C!?IJl re[:JJe(~!: tc• ch.romosome assignment. Furthermore, a portion of one can portion of the other chromosome in pair, new chromosome 'I'hii\! lil111 eve:r:y :!lptl'!rm ( o:r ov~am) being tUffe:re11t. :!:r([}lm evet·y otb~I' The p~'OC®§§l by which tid~ occurs is klliiOwn IllS klendelim1- sa.mi£?U1·HF. genes in terms of BV) is a description of the of an passed on to the next generation. Every aKRim:ml fuas a tr111!e ""'"''"'~"••·•···~ ....,.~,,"'"'' tlhte lillilfluelliCe of that

!:o the


animal in ternls of the comntribliJ!tion


as parents the next generation on the basis their of interest. Ideally, BV's are weighted by their respective relative econorrric values '"'J''-''""·uu'H vwuld be based on this economic worth. the offspring will reflect half the BV of each parent as the offspring only parent's genes. That is, a ram with many daughters produce 50 average ewes will have a BV that is 100 above average. Breeding Vahlles (Bvs)

:ar~, on average, the mean of tbe parental BV's. For example, a sire with BV of 50 litres mated to ewes with average BV of 10 litres win progeny an average BV of30 Htres.

..,,,,,,,""''·"''1"" 7



BV's of individual offspring can deviate from mid-parent average due to the effects of Mendelian sampling. A sire with milk volume BV of 50 litres mated to ewes with BV of 10 litres might have progeny that range in BV from -10 litres to 70 litres. Non-Genetic lnfluences On Performance IIi addition to genetic influences on performance, a range of non-genetic (environmental or residual) effects can also be important. The nature of these effects depends upon a number of factors; primarily related to the biology of the performance trait being considered. These include permanent and temporary effects, maternal effects, age effects and management influences. Some of these effects impacting on lactational performance are briefly introduced below.

Permanent Environmental Effects These effects influence the performance of traits that are expressed on a number of occasions over the lifetime of an animal, including lactation yields and reproductive performance. IIi a given flo~k, ewes with higher BV's for milk yield produce, on average, more milk than ewes with average BV's. However, ewes with the same BV; grazed and managed together, do not all produce to exactly the same level. Even' . identical twins (which rarely, if ever, occur naturally in sheep), run together in the same mob, would produce at slightly different levels over their entire lifetime. These differences result from permanent environmental effects which are, by definition, not genetic and not passed on to offspring. These effects are common to every record an animal produces over its lifetime. Permanent environmental effects typically account for at least as much variation as genetic effects. Performance records can be analysed to determine the relative importance of permanent environmental effects, although little is understood about the biological causes of these effects in relation to individual animals. Analyses of permanent environmental effects, in an animal breeding context, are undetfaken within groups of animals that are managed and reared together. Within a group O'f hoggets reared and managed together, some animals will have above-average permanent environmental effects and some animals will have below-average effects. Whether an individual receives a positive or negative permanent environmental effect is independent of the genetic merit of the animal. Farmers cannot alter the occurrence of negative permanent environmental effects within a group of replacement hoggets. However, farmers may subsequently cull some of those individuals with negative permanent environmental effects, after assessing their first lactational performance. Crossbred aninials often outperform expectations based on the BVs of the parents. This extra productivity is due to a phenomenon known as heterosis or hybrid vigour which is a special type of permanent environmental effect. Hybrid vigour for various intercrosses can be predicted from the parental breed composition provided prior knowledge is available on the additive breed effects and the level of heterosis. Such estimates are readily available for dairy cattle and beef cattle, but little information is yet available on milking sheep.

Animals with superior genetic plus permanent environmental effects are desirable for retention for subsequent seasons. The .sum of genetic and permanent environmental effects (including hybrid vigour) is known as the Production Value (PV). These PV values for each trait can be combined with economic information to provide farmers with a single production index figure for use in culling (as compared to the breeding index which combines BV's to get a single index figure for breeding decisions). 14.4

Temporary Environmental Effects Animals with the same PV for milk traits do not produce the same quantity of milk, even when they are of the same age and stage of lactation and are compared within one flock and one year. These differences in production can be attributed to temporary environmental effects, which are not genetic and therefore not passed on to progeny. These effects are unique to each animal for each individual lactation. It is completely at random as to which individual animals receive above-average temporary environmental effects and which get below-average values. The values in one lactation are completely independent of values at the next lactation; because any common effects have been defined as permanent environmental, effects. Temporary environmental effects are responsible for causing more variation in yield than either genetic effects or permanent enviromnental effects.

Heritability And Repeatability The heritability is a term used to describe the relative importance of genetic effects in deterttlining 1variation ·in· phenotypic expression. ··Within a flock of ewes of the same age, grazed· and managed together, 'differences ·in production can result from differences in the genetic merit of the animals (i.e. BV's) or differences in the pern;tanent and temporary environmental effects. The genetic variation, expressed as a ratio of the phenotypic (or observed) variation, is known as heritability. . b .1. variation due to genetic differences henta 11ty = - - - - - - = - - - - - - total observable.· variation Heritability values must lie' between 0.0 and 1.0 (or 0 and 100%). A heritability of 25% for milk yield indicates that 25% ·of variation in yield· between ewes of the same breed, age and stage of lactation, ·milked within a flock in a given year is due to genetic effects. For example, a group of two-tooth ewes reared and· milked on the same faim, was sorted into two mobs after first lactation on the basis oftheir productivity. Suppose one mob produced ·an average of 300 litres and the other mob had produced 200 litres. The difference in milk production between the two mobs(100 litres) will have•been partly due to genetic effects and partly due to chance environmental effects. On average, 25% of the total superiority will be due to genetic differences. That is, the difference in average BV's between the mobs is 25litres. Table 1 gives estimates of genetic parameters from the Lacaune breed of milking sheep in France.

Table 1: Genetic Parameters For Lacaune Breed Milk Traits In First Lactation (with a partial sampling of Qiilk composition) (Heritabilities on diagonal and genetic.correlations below diagonal) I

Traits Milk Yield Fat Yield Protein Yieid Fat Content Protein Content

(130,409 Laucaune ewe latnbsbornfrom 2,670 rams) Milk Yield Fat Yield Protein Yield ! Fat Content ! Protein Content 0.30 0.83 0.28 i 0.91 0.89 0.29 -0.31 0:26 -0.06 0.35 -0.40 -0.04 -0.03 0.63 0.46



Source: F Banllet et D Bmchard, 1994, Great Lakes Dmry Sheep Symposmm 1995


The repeatability measures the extent to which variation in animal performance is a genetic and permanent environmental effects. The genetic plus permanent environmental variation expressed as a ratio of the total phenotypic variation is the repeatability.

.. genetic and permanent environmental variation repeatab111ty = -=-------''------'--------~total observable variation

For a

trait, repeatability must be greater than heritability. Repeatabilities are often between 50 and 60%. Consider the example with two mobs of two-tooths differing in perfom1.ance by l 00 Htres in their first lactation. A repeatability of 60% would indicate thls difference is expected to decrease to 60 Htres (i.e. 60% of 100 Htres) if these in the two were put back together and aU were retained for another lactation. The' difference shrinks 100 to 60 litres because some of the original deviation was to temporary environmental effects, and new temporary effects are sampled in the subsequent lactation. A repeatability of 1Oo%, vvould indicate that temporary environmental effects do not to observed variation. Accordingly, measured performance within a flock would be identical. at each observation. A of60% indicates tha,t 40% (100-60) of the variation is te temporary environmental It is the presence of temporary environmental effects that result the ranlcings ot anirna!1s based on their measured perfonnance changing from one observation to the next

The temporary permanent environmental considered in treated the same way, some arrirnals random effects. That is, within a group of positive environmental effects, some fulimals have negative effects. Exactly which animals up with the positive effects cannot be pn~dicted in advance, as these ef!i~cts occur at """''.rJ"'~, In contrast, Hum managernent can have effects on performance across aH anirmds a group. For times a day compared to two times a day, or incrcas:l:ng the level of feeding 1,viH likely modifY the pertonnance of all animalls in the flock. The of mru:1agement common to a group animals are described by mnmal coJrUemJl]Of''al'1 group effects. A contemporary group can be defined in a nurnber most commonly it refers to a group of animals grazed and managed together in and of sirnilar age (i.e, flock- year-age). Some other factors also have systematic effects on production. For example, older 1;;<t:ves produce n1ore than first lactation ewes; and ewes that lamb earlier within the flock may to produce more (if fully fed) than ewes lambing later. Ewes bearing single produce less than ewes with twin lambs.

The breed or strain of sheep can have a considerable influence on milk yield and Hkely composition. Genetic evaluation systems can rank all animals across breed, provided. i>UJlH>..路H路"路"'路 records exist pure-bred and cross-bred animals in the same contemporary group. The BV a progeny is, on average, the mean of the BY's of the parents, as desc1ibed earlier. However, when animals with widely different genotypes are crossed (such as different breeds) the performance of the crossbred animal is sometimes greater than would be expected from the average of the parents. This effect is known as heterosis or hybrid vigour. Heterosis is greater in first-crosses than in later-crosses of animals, and greater when 14.6


the breed and """''""'"n路"' exploited by cn:latJng CH)SS:iDrf:(1 wmu.'""''"' can exploited by continued GH)SS!Jnx::clm;P-;.,

Lactation yields are attec1:e(! ern;ircmnru;;mrtal effects,

effects on to identifY the best animals to breed subsequent season. (Note that the factors other than ge11et1tc

three te:rnporat)' enviromne:nta! "'路u'"'""''"'路

Most modem evaluation ""'""p'""" Unbiased Prediction (BLUP). performance among contemporaneous an'"""''~ same and in the same year. merit of by information parents; the average BV's of the progeny, individual information on animal emphasis (or weight) is the number of records available. animal with no individual records or progeny is BV. anhnal with one record would be re-evaluated parent average BV and some emphasis placed on contemporaries. Pl1l


same age, in population is then obtained average BV's of the and any varies with

of its parent average reduced emphasis placed on the relative to

The distinction between "true" equation is important. As the be known. The estimates assessed by a term known as Despite the fact that animal evaluation of the effects, the principles offspring is, on average, individual animals with a particular value greater or smaller than model. Whern averaged across estimated merit, average true


of the various effects in the model their exact value wm never degree of perfection being

eftects, rather than true values is, the estimated merit of the '""'u"''"'·'""' merits the two p!:n·ents. However, 'v'"·uum.•u·u merit may have true merit that is either Lq the estimation of effects the of individuais ivith a particular value of estimated merit

fu the case of lactation whereas the characters is usual to measure

mc:ru<les the total lactation yield of ewes, are yields at a particular milking. It order · to determine daily yield. factors, so this needs to be ewe. The methodology context, but these techniques

Milk volume can readily "''""''"''''·,r·o·rl normally require individual samples laboratories can usually provide ofthls information. Selection on total lactation records should be used to ranked overall merit, individuals and check unacceptable on tlhis economic values could not

perh:mmance, but ideally Animals should be go through the qualif)ring any animals are impact the objective for which. relative

Selection of ewes for breeding or lactational yields can measured more problematic, as these catmot evaluated based on the merit orne option to irncrease the consuming. The benefits from very widely as soon as infomaatkm t:~(~c:on1es properly carried out, win ensure faster genetic progress improvement. The value heritability, number of offsprir~g the successful graduates of the test.

straightforward given that the ~etecuon of sires is somewhat rrulk production, and must be progeny. Progeny testing is this cam be costly that the superior on progeny. Progeny testing, if of evaluation not necessarily not guarantee more cost-effective car,cfuUy assessed in relation to the number offspring generated by

The development of a centralised syst!3llYL provide much useful infom1ation as to breed lactation influences, improvement programme.

sheep in New Zealand would heterosis estimates, age and stage of development of a comprehensive

,.,,~~,.,,,,,. uu'"·'"l5


measurem.ent it1 introduces some ntv::<or<m




This tier is

Thus, genetic the HH!JH'-'H a,c•i>UiH!-l•g~m. better than the best in may be superior to some genetically dite "H"'-''"""" identify. The effect of from contributing to ge:neHc


,.,,r.,·,-,.,""'" stock in the nucleus are nucleus cmnmercial sector ensure difficult to cheaply desirable animals

Diagram1·naticaHy, flocks (perhaps l%

with the nucleus


the entire industry is dictated only a smaU number of nudeus breeders imposing selection on a small percentage of the total stock numbers. By consistently buying sires from one nudeus breeder, the commercial producer will within 2 or 3 generations (e.g. 5-10 years) achieve same rate of genetic gain as the nucleus breeder. At any point in time though,. the average genetic merit of the cornmercial flock will be inferior to that in than the nucleus flock by: 2 x generation interval x annual rate of genetic gain. This quantity is typically referred to as the

g~:on11.etic ~ag.

If a nucleus flock is improving milk yield by 10 litres per ewe year, ewes on. commercial farms with a generation interval of J years buying from this nucleus will be about 60 litres (2 x 3 x 10) behind the nucleus in genetic potential for milk yidd. Jl.n altemative way of describing this lag is to say that the the commercial producers flock is 6 years (2 x 3 years) behind that of the nucleus unit.

The genetic lag calculations assum.e that the commercial.

is buying sires of average

genetic merit from the~ nucleus, and doing no female sel~ction. If the commercial producer buys above average Ui.erit sires, or practices feJrnaie selection, the lag >:viU be reduced. However, the rate genetic gain the will continue to paralJel that nucleus, the genetic gain in th.e commercial Hoek cannot exceed that being achieved by

nucleus. In industries that make wide-spread use insemination, the nucleus tier may be stock. Such companies might contract operated by breeding companies that farmers to generate replacement matings, progeny testing these sires before widespread use of their semen in the tier. ~Progeny may take place in either population, provided relevant recording systems the nucleus or the commercial sector industry, the of pe.rfonnance recording is such are in place. In the Ne-w Zealand animals and centrally record their performance. In that that essentially all farmers identi~y circumstance, provided artificial insemination is also a widespread practice, the nucleus tier effectively becomes distributed among the entire industry.

Milking sheep from at least ten breeds are routinely recorded in some twelve countries, mostly in Europe. At least one :million ewes are recorded annually, with about three-quarters of these ewes being in France. In most cases, not more than 20% of the population is oflt1ciaUy recorded (to standards set by the International Committee of Animal. Recording). Much of the equipment used to measure milk volume is manufactured New Zealand companies. Ewes are usually only measured the 1nilking period after lamb suckling is complete. Breeding objectives vary from those shnply based on milk volume to more complex functions ofvolume and com.position. In five countries individual milk samples are analysed for fat and protein. yield in addition to the recording of milk volume. In. these cases, breeding values are calculated for each of the relevant yield traits rund combined into an appropriate index. The industry structures vary according to the extent that artificial insemination is used. In general, those industries that are making greater use of axtificial insemination. are achieving faster rates of genetic progress. 14.10

but ultimately the structural

~;pqu"'·'"'n,.., •.,.• t

of individual t;,.,..,,.,.""'r"

Iut;rum.'';1l:oton of superior breeds or breed crosses may naturally uu."'"'"·"" tier providing rams that ;,:u:e vn.',!J''-''V'U-'











perrnitted, ie not







District councils

need to approve taiL"ker entrances from district _They


term sustainability

Your processor a in your business. You 1viH on your processor as your processor v11iH be relying on you. The

as much

processor's quality standards for raw milk These standards are possible end product Cfu! be Poor quality milk means

poor 15.1

A most important aspect of compliance is the contact with the agency concerned to ensure local rules are clearly defined. It is not within the scope of this publication to detail all regional and district plans nor it is possible to summarise NZCP 1 and NZCP3 which in themselves are books.


One the first decisions we own set of cups. This gave us the a progress was we decided to allowance f~)r an ex:tra tJ) for expansion. It was much. cheaper to build shed at expanding it at a later date. Other were a mad.tine romYl, a separate roorn for storage and mixing milk powder for loading out facility that allowed for a goods type truck rather than a •)

The: yard vve decided was to b(';


m·· per ewe m area. this v1as a generous aUocation, lt

meant a l 00 m2 yard to allow up to 400 ewes easily.

Once the sheep deared quarantine Hfe became more Finance was finalised, a challenging task considering the bank had no means of our proposal's estimated production and income. We addressed this a stack of documentation 2 em high as supporting explanation. It must have .worked because we received the finance, along with stronger than usual "won:ls of caution. The shed building contractor was finalised permit applications and building.

May and detailed plans were drawn up ready for

metalling the race to the shed and the shed site. \IIford Construction started in JuJ.y to the wise. Metalling should be done when the ground is dry, not in the depths of one of the wettest winters on record. We got a 100 HP 4WTI tractor trailer during the process. Metalling was finished in late July and we started building the race fences. Power supply proved to be a problem. After was confirmed we found it better to install a phase transformer as three phase plant is better cheaper than single phase. The power was connected up mid July.



levels to the ewes and to ensure the best regrowth of the pasture you shouldn't grazing pasture ~elow about 1300 to 1400 kg DM/ha therefore a lha paddock would need to have a cover .of3000 kg DM/ha to achieve 1 day's grazing. A cover of3000 kg DM would contain substantial dead material artd therefore would not be {)f the best quality; .We are aiming to graze the pasture at around 2500 kg DM. At this level a 1 ha paddock would be too small for daily shifts. One lesson driven home to us was the absolute importance of shelter for both bad weather and shade. We had a number of particularly nasty North Westerly storms with hail, driving rain and gale force winds. The milk production of the ewes during the storm and the following day was very markedly reduced: Milking Plant

We decided, after discussions with Silverstream, to install our milking plant as towline to help in prevention of mastitis. Lowline systems rurl at a lower vacuum than highline and higher vacuum levels are often associated with mastitis and udder damage. if the levels are set incorrectly. An advantage of using the lowline set up was that each bail would have its own r set of cups enabling us to milk both sides simUltaneously increasing the throughput of the shed. We looked at new plant, but quickly changed to looking at second hand plant due to the high costs of new plant. We settled for an Alfa-Laval10-a-side cow plant. By the time we had sold the bits appropriate for cows and added the bits necessary for sheep the cost was very much cheaper than new. However, you need'to be careful how much you pay for plant. If you pay too much you could lose the cost advantage and :still have second hand gear. The cups and pulsators we use are Fullwood imported from England. The pulsators had to be replaced路 because the pulsations per minute required for sheep are much higher than that for cows and the old pulsators could not be adjusted up fast路 enough. Our system is set on 120 pulsations.per minute with a vacuum level of39 kPa. You very quickly learn about terms such as reserve vacrum etc. If you don't have enough reserve vacuum or the vacuum level is too low you can 1easily have all the cups fall off the udders if one set gets kicked off. This happened for us more than once, particularly when training. You only need one or two ewes on each side who will kick off their cups and things can cometo a halt. Another concern about cups falling off is it is often associated with the introduction of mastitis, so it is certainly an undesirable thing to be happening.


One thing we learnt was the value of the people installing and servicing the plant. Unless you are totally farn.iliar with milking plant, which we weren't, you are totally dependent on your


instaUer to get the set up right and for any breakdowns. In fact I stick my neck out and suggest the choice of agent/in.stal.ler/servicer is more important to your operation than the aci-ual brand you choose to install. A crucial factor is their ability to get the plant adjusted correctly to avoid udder problems and 24 hour, 7 day a week callout service. Nothing stops a milking quicker than a plant failure, even something as mundane as a broken valve tap. Remember, if there is no ntHk going into the vat, you aren't making any money. We decided that monitoring of milk production was going to be necessary to make meaningful selections when culling our milking flock. When we started milking there was no formalised f!ock testing program so we purchased our own meters to monitor production volume. Meters proved to be an expensive purchase but are giving us very useful information which we would not have otherwise e.g. lactation curve data, individual volume productions etc. Once a testing service is available you probably wiU not need to own meters.

We toyed with the

share. 路miRkin.g the ewes until. the lambs 路were were concerned about the required to walk young and the shed as well as issues such as, how do you keep. the lambs separate they are rruHced.


for a "calfateria'' readng system. We left th.e lambs with the ewe for about 4 days to ensure they had colostrum. The lambs were then removed and brought-into the woolshed fed milk replacer. We layed shade doth over the grating with wood shavings on top, which worked The lambs were for one feed, to train them to a teat, and then to teed:ing from a calfateria adapted to lambs, 18 lambs on a 12 teat feeder.. Our intention was for the iambs to be adlib fed, filling the feeder 'With the appropriate volume of mHk morning night. We at about 2 weeks of age the lambs started to guts up when ml1k was into the feeder, leaving none for later. A calf rearing meal. was made available to the lambs from day one.

lambs were kept inside for about a week when they were moved outside to a with the same feeding arrangements. The shelter we provided was bales of straw wind breaks which proved to be adequate. The lambs were weaned from milk onto LW. and meal when they reached 12


were low producers. Interestingly the culL

We metered the ewes weekly, majority ofthe ewes causing

our first year to disappear once there is a We expect a lot of the problems we """""'c"'"''~• core of trained ewes from one year to JU'"-'"u''"'· the year you are confronted with training the ewes which a at times frustrating job unless you can purchase ewes already trained.



these principles:

In summary, we have found training is More is achieved when should be famiHarised w

animals, are relaxed. The ewes


and p1atton11

to lambing.

Avoid training too many ''"''""'""·"" 20% of the total

Life is very much easier is something to be achieve this the ewes need to


vvru1ts to get onto the platform so there them by feeding on the platform. To with supplement feeds prior to realise they are going to be fed on the and you are more concerned

If a ewe doesn't problem other ewes or

generally proves to be an OR·lJ:omg ·nc,,·,;·,,..·,~·<,,.Q of not upsetting the

Our milk had to stored up to

of this the milk had to be to re:>trkt bacterial growth ie stop it

refrigerated to less than going off.

We purchased a second hand 3'800 Normally a Dairy farmer doesn't own shares. The milking plant '"''"'·u·'"'""' into the vat. Because we were

fi·om a Dairy Company. NB: by the Company for which they own. ····\Jl'Jl'"''" the milk to about l8°C as it wen.t

would cool the milk down to less turned on. Once there was when added hardly made any Obviously the volume of milk and per head performance

same. When transporting the milk it way to the factory. We are 3 to 4 refrigeration was extremely trucking company makes means they pass our front gate each would take it to their Palmerston to the factory. The milk would stay empty tank ready for the next




secret is

prohh::ms, so of fertiliser and being

WI e have


but we are: required.

not want to

Golden Rule . Thurnb that are '·""''"''"''····'"" dre;nc.ltles or v"'"""'·"V'''·'·''''"'· period. This means consumption ie it must be vu•·.n"''V!!.'•""'lfo", period is say 7 days. worms, but there Lice treatment can be




amll exterml!i DIPPING

shearing. Remember opportunities to pick

LameJJH'O:iiSI!'lore feet We treat the feet regularly with a ~""""''w'·'·· mat solution as they enter the will milk





option is to using the cow ·with the sulphate appetite which

EffiuÂŤ:;nt Spreader Storage tank General


$1700 $2000



T:n'!.cking, Earth works and Subdi!vifjion Fencing materials Metal.ling I digger hire

$3500 $17300



Mnl[ Sto.rage Transport Tank Vat purchase & installation

$2370 $2630



Water Supply


Miscellaneous e.g. building perwjt, Resm1rce consent etc


Grand Totan

$141246 orr $3?531/ha

The costs for the shed. construction are complete but we are completing the subdivision, rac~e etc is included. although the bulk of the expense We cut costs where ever v1e could by buying second hand equipment etc vvithout compromising the standard of the finished project


208 9958

J?'O Box 531


299 9512

'I',e Tipua RD4 G{)RE


,_,...,,,,.,..,Bag 4718 CH.RISTCHURCH 358 6222

Louise Gosling B.Ag.Sc. (Hons) Sheep Dairy Consultant Lower Duthie Road RD 15 HAWERA Phone: (06) 764 6211

Neil & Gill Potter "Awarua" RD 1 MASTERTON New Zealand Phone: (06) 372 5714, Fax: 372 5877 Email:


Appendix 4 Sheep Dairy Association of New Zealand Committee


Neil Potter Awarua RD 1 MASTERTON


Graham Butcher POBox317 GORE


Brenda McLean Okapua Homestead路 Chatton RD3 GORE

Jock Allison Silverstream Ltd POBox5585 DUNEDIN

Bob Berry Whitestone Cheese POBox67 OAMARU

Louise Gosling Lower Duthie Road RD 15 HAWERA

RizaKibar PO Box 531 Papakura AUCKLAND

John Rolleston Blue Cliffs Station RD24 TIMARU

John Wright The Poplars RD2 DUNSANDEL




(Please tick)




Other Milking

Planning to


next two

to provide pra.o::tical help with

are prepared to




the Sheep Dairy Association

$75.00 + GST per person per annum $75.00 + GST ($84.38) per each membership (partnerships Due i.n March of each year.

your application form and remittance to: Brenda McLean The Secretary Sheep Dairy Association ofNew Zealand Okapua Homestead Chatton RD3 GORE


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