Key benefits of drinking fresh cow milk

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Key benefits of drinKing fresh cow milK

Milk in India Milk has been an essential food item since the last thousands of years and the benefits of milk are undeniable. Being able to digest the milk and domesticate the animals has had dramatic survival benefits.

Drink Fresh Cow Milk i.

The problem arises when we don’t drink milk and suddenly start drinking it.


This is also because the bacteria in the stomach needs time to adjust.

iii. This intolerance can be overcome by training our stomach by regularly drinking fresh cow milk.

There are a number of sources from where one can acquire calcium but none of them is a replacement for milk. Even though some people consume soya milk, it is not as good a substitute to fresh cow milk.

Benefit of milk I.

Another benefit of milk is that it helps in building muscles. II. The milk that has been skimmed will also have a slimming effect. III. Studies show that people who increase the intake of milk lose fat faster. .These are some of the key benefits of drinking milk.

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