Organic cow milk vs regular milk

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Organic cow milk vs. regular milk

Why Organic cow milk 

Organic cow milk is much healthier than regular milk. Regular milk is cow milk that has been further treated with the bovine growth hormone.

This is used in order to increase the yield of the cattle.

Experts have found out that such milk might increase the risks of hormone-associated cancers in humans.

Organic cow milk ď ľ Whenever

you meet an organic cow milk producer the first thing that they will tell you is that the milk that they produce is unadulterated and free from any form of antibiotics.

ď ľ There

are no added growth hormones and the cows are not exposed to any harmful pesticides.

ď ľ Another

factor to consider for farm fresh milk is that the cows are fed natural feed that is free from any form of pesticides.

ď ľ There

are even reports that the non-organic milk might be allowed to contain minor quantities of particular pesticides that are harmful for human consumption.

Fresh milk delivery organisations 

The fresh milk delivery milkman who comes early in the morning brings you farm fresh milk.

This organic milk is free from all the antibiotic treatments.

In any case, if the cow is treated using the antibiotics then such a cow is removed from the herd for that year.

The fresh milk delivery organisations test gallons of milk to check the presence of antibiotics on a regular basis.

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