Tubitak International Cooperation Department

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UBTYS 2011-­‐2016 Strategic Framework TÜBİTAK

Mission-oriented approaches in areas with strong R&D and innovation capacity Automotive

Machine Manf.


Need-oriented approaches in areas with a demand for gaining acceleration

Bottom-up approaches including basic, applied and frontier research

Defense Space Energy Water Food

Development of Human Resources for STI (The mobilization of human capital towards the strategic approach)

Stimulate the Transformation of Research Results into Products and Services (For research results to create added value to the economy based on new products, process and services)

Diffusion of a Multi-Actor and Multi-Discipline R&D Cooperation Culture (To steer the system towards intersectoral and interdisciplinary interactions)

Strengthening the Role of SMEs within the National Innovation System (To integrate more SMEs into being R&D and innovation actors in the system)

Boost the Contribution of R&D Infrastructures to TARAL’s Knowledge Production (For existing and new research infrastructure to provide a foundation to the strategic approach)

Activation of International STI Cooperation in the Mutual Interests of the Country 2 2 (For international STI cooperation to be formed in ways that support the strategic approach)

Two Examples TÜBİTAK

1.  Regional Innovation Platform Program Support Programme to initiate Scientific and Technological Cooperation Networks and Platforms (İŞBAP) 2.  Public R&D Procurement Program: As one of the major research grant committees of TUBİTAK is designed to support the projects which fulfill the R&D based needs of public sector institutions including local ones.

Regional Innovation Platform Program TÜBİTAK

•  A grant program for the research that would generate added value with local resources and capabilities •  Directly refers to and based on Regional Innovation Platforms and realization of it. •  Aims to develope and increase cooperation among local stakeholders in the cities or regions.

Aim of the Program TÜBİTAK

•  to build a continous and dynamic cooperation platform among local stakeholders within each region. •  to help local stakeholders in their work to create economic and social benefit •  to design innovation strategy and action plan for the regions. •  to make regions cities competitive in the axis of R&D and innovation. 5

Expected Contribution of the Program TÜBİTAK

•  To strengthen the interinstutional cooperation and communication in the cities in the axis of R&D and innovation, •  To help spreading good practices in the cities, •  To create innovation culture by sustaining awareness on innovation in the cities, •  To help all the stakeholders in the cities to benefit more effectively from national and international funds with the contribution of the Platform, •  To use the existing resources of the cities in a beneficial way through science, technology and innovation and in the direction of innovation needs 6

Members of the Regional Innovation Platforms TÜBİTAK


Governorship Special Provincial Administra5on Municipality Provincial Organiza5ons of the Ministeries and Development Agencies etc.

Research Institutes


University Voca5onal High School Research Ins5tute etc.

Firms Chamber of commerce and/or Industry Industry and Businessmen Associa5on etc.

Civil Society

Associa5ons Founda5ons Individuals etc.


Properties of the Program TÜBİTAK

ü Bottom-­‐up approach ü Self-­‐organization principle ü In line with our national policy for serving R&D and innovation culture


Application Period, Duration and Budget TÜBİTAK

•  Deadline: Determined by TÜBİTAK each year •  Duration of the project: Max. 36 months •  Annual max. budget: 250.000 TL


Content of the Support TÜBİTAK

•  Organisation, travel and accommodation support, •  Equipment, •  Personnel costs, scholarships, •  Consumables, dissemination costs, •  Website, database and virtual lab costs (hardware, software...etc.) •  IPR and consulting costs


Participant Institutions TÜBİTAK

Compulsory: –  special provincial administration –  at least one university in the city –  development agency in the region of the city –  chamber of commerce and industry

Other eligible instutions: –  Governorship, –  Special Provincial Administration, –  Municipalities, –  Universities, –  Development Agencies, –  Research Institutes, –  Chambers of Commerce/Industry, –  SMEs, Firms, –  Related NGOs

Organisation of the Regional Innovation Platform TÜBİTAK

Management Board

Participant Institutions

Project Account

Project Manager

Manager Institution

Working Groups


Participant Institutions

Regional Innovation Platform Management Board


•  Management Board comprises of minimum 4, maximum 10 members. Duties •  To define aims of the platform, its duties and approach, •  To give institutional support to the Platform, •  To monitor and direct the activities of the Platform, •  To represent and disseminate the outputs of the Platform, •  To help the sustainability of the Platform, •  To monitor the projects in line with the project agreement. 13

In the Preparatory Phase of the Regional Innovation Platforms; •  Prior research was done, Local innovation examples from the world were analyzed.

•  Design of the innovation was done, A program for supporting Regional Innovation Platform was designed.

•  It was disseminated to the stakeholders, TÜBİTAK R&D and Innovation Days were organized.

•  Call file was prepared, Representatives of the stakeholders (Governor, Rector, Mayor...etc.) were consulted.

•  Call was published. 14


Current Status of the Program TÜBİTAK

•  In 2010, it was decided to support Regional Innovation Platform Projects under the TÜBİTAK Support Programme for the Initiative to Build Scientific and Technological Cooperation Networks and Platforms (İŞBAP). •  21 project applications were received from 20 cities. •  Peer review process was done on 17 September 2011 for the Regional Innovation Platform Projects. •  After the review process, 5 projects were decided to be supported (Aydın, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Hatay ve Siirt). 15

Process of the Program TÜBİTAK

•  5 projects were rejected.(Çorum, Kars, Muğla, Kocaeli, Düzce) •  13 projects should be revised. •  2 projects underwent directly evaluation process. (Hatay, Elazığ) •  3 projects were withdrawn. (Amasya, Osmaniye, Sinop,) •  12 projects went through peer review process. •  After the review process, 5 projects were decided to be supported (Aydın, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Hatay ve Siirt).


Applicants (20 cities) TÜBİTAK



2. Public Institutions Research and Development Projects Grant Programme (KAMAG)

TUBITAK’s 1007 Programme’s Base TÜBİTAK

The R&D Situation of Public Sector in 2005: •  Purchased based Public Procurement in Public sector. •  Import based Procurement of Technological Goods or / and Systems. •  Transfers of large amount of resources to abroad for the imports of technological goods and systems.


1.  Increasing the efficiency of project evaluations to have a better match between R&D outcomes and the needs of public institutions. 2.  Increasing import-substitution and decreasing foreign dependency of the country. 3.  Using potential R&D resources such as human resources and infrastructure to build up production capacity of the country. 4.  Increasing cooperation among universities, public and private agencies. 5.  Increasing employment opportunities and quality in the labor market. 6.  Increasing qualified R&D personel within the country.

KAMAG - Programme Cycle TÜBİTAK

Customer Public Institution

Project Submission Project Proposal

Customer Demand Customer Needs

Project Partners

Private Sector

Interdisciplinary Consortia


Public R&D Institution

100% Funding Rate and 10% overhead

TÜBİTAK 1007 Programmes’ Features TÜBİTAK

•  Applications: ü  are taken two times a year. ü  are taken in two steps. •  Projects Grant: ü  Upper Limit

5 million Euros.

ü  Grants are %100 lump sum.

•  Grant Duration: ü  Upper Limit:

48 ay

Basic Actors TÜBİTAK

1.  TÜBİTAK: The National Funding Agency 2.  Customer Institution (MK): Public sector institution that comes with a project to the programme. 3.  Project Executor (PYK) Universities, private firms or public R&D institutions that prepare and manage a project in accordance with a need of Public Institution.

Customer and Executor İnstitutions TÜBİTAK

•  Possible Customer Ins. 1.  Ministeries 2.  Presedencies 3.  Municipalities 4.  City Governments etc.

•  Unabled Institutions: 1.  Non-Profit organizations 2.  Vocational Bueraues 3.  Unions and Clubs 4.  Cooperations etc.

Cautions TÜBİTAK

Customer Institution: 1.  Should prepare project proposal together with the project team. 2.  Should be top qualified institution within public sector. 3.  Should determine its’ R&D needs as rigourous as possible. 4.  Should have a well written Project Results Implementation Plan.

Cautions TÜBİTAK

Project Proposal: 1.  Should not be pure basic research. 2.  Should be more than an effort of data collection and description of present case. 3.  Should not basically aim to finance labatory infrustructure. 4.  Should not be towards solution for commercial needs. 5.  Sould be consistent with the activity areas of public the institution. 6.  Sould be the first study planned at the national level.

Evaluation Criteria TÜBİTAK

•  First Stage Evaluation: 1. Consistency of Project with mission and responsibilities of Customer institution. 2. Consistency of Project with 1007 Programme. 3. Cossistency of Project Results Implementation Plan.

Evaluation Criteria TÜBİTAK

•  Second Stage Evaluation: –  R&D Feature –  Impact –  Technical feasibility •  Institutional Infrastructure •  Project Team •  Project Management Based on these factors panel evaluations, grading and reporting are done. •  Budget negotiations.

Project Phases TÜBİTAK

Project Submission

Project Evaluation and Execution Phase

C P Project Evaluation

Project Execution

Project Monitoring




Customer Institution (C)

Project Ending


Project Executors (P)



Implemetation of Project Result Phase Implementation of Project Results

Monitoring the Implementation

Finalization of the Project





•  Evaluation of project proposals –  Administrative evaluation (Eligibility Check) –  Scientific evaluation –  Financial evaluation

•  Result oriented monitoring of approved projects on 6month basis during execution –  Administrative monitoring –  Scientific – R&D monitoring –  Financial monitoring

•  Monitoring of implementation process of the customer public institutions

KAMAG – Evaluation TÜBİTAK

Pre-assessment Process (Administrative evaluation): Projects are evaluated by TUBITAK experts in terms of format and content, R&D activities and their compliance with the programme eligibility requirements. Peer Review Assessment (Scientific –R&D evaluation): Projects are evaluated in terms of their R&D feature, impact factor and technical feasibility by the panel of subject experts. Budget Assessment (Financial evaluation): During Budget Assessment, administratively and scientifically eligible project proposals are financially assessed. This assesment is done by the participation of external subject experts, programme specialist and financial experts from TUBITAK. Project proposals can be eliminated at any stage of the evaluation, while a revision of proposals are possible during the evaluation process.

KAMAG – Monitoring of the On-Going Projects TÜBİTAK

•  During project execution, two subject related experts (besides TUBITAK experts) are assigned for project monitoring. •  Monitoring is carried out in terms of: –  project management. –  compliance with envisaged commitments. –  compliance of the expenditures with the regulations –  achievement of the expected results. –  execution of the programme in compliance with the regulations.

KAMAG Monitoring of the Implementation of the Output


Monitoring related to Project Results Implementation Plan (whether activities are being implemented according to the approved plan) On-site monitoring carried out by subject experts and TUBITAK experts.

Project is considered as completed according to subject experts and TUBITAK experts after confirmation of successful application and dissemination of project outputs by customer institutions.



Computer Vision Based Forest Fire Detection And Monitoring System


Customer Ins.: Forest and Water Ministery Executor Ins.: Bilkent University Project Budget: 770.000 TL


Other 1007 Project Examples TÜBİTAK

•  Installation of Disaster Management and Meteorological Early Warning System in Rize Province •  Production of Eco-­‐Ductile Advanced Cement Based Composites for Sustainable City Infrastructure •  The Production of Biogas from Agricultural and Animal Wastes and Utilization of Obtained Gases in Integrated Energy Conversion Technologies •  Investigation of the Convenient Wastewater Treatment Systems for Small Communities: A Model Study in Yamula Dam Basin •  Renewable Energy Powered Zero Emission Boat (REPZEB) Project


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