A UM-Dearborn Perspective

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Research and Educa-on in Automo-ve Engineering:

A UM-­‐Dearborn Perspec1ve Dongming Zhao, Ph.D. Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

1. Center for Lightweigh-ng Automo-ve Materials and Processing •  U.S. Department of Energy’s Graduate Automo8ve Technology Educa8on (GATE) program •  GATE program encourages research into automo8ve design and manufacturing methods that reduce vehicle mass •  Research on the rela8onships between these materials and their func8ons within automo8ve systems, in addi8on to know proper8es of materials such as magnesium and fiber-­‐ reinforced composites

Lightweight Automo-ve Materials and Processing (2) •  A lightweight materials concentra8on within the graduate program in automo8ve systems engineering •  Courses focus on automo8ve alloys, ceramics, polymers and composites, and designing with these materials

Lightweight Automo-ve Materials and Processing (3) •  Informa8on repository: Compiling the latest research so that informa8on is easy to find and is accessible •  The Automo8ve Materials Database – a web-­‐based repository of lightweight materials that puts the latest informa8on at the finger8ps of engineers, designers, researchers, and students

Lightweight Automo-ve Materials and Processing (4) •  Research areas cover –  Material Proper8es and Characteriza8on –  Joining –  Machining –  Plas8cs-­‐and Composites-­‐Processing: New environmentally friendly low-­‐cost lightweight thermoplas8c-­‐based composite/metal hybrid system –  Metal forming

2. Ins-tute for Advanced Vehicle Systems •  Reconfigurable Vehicles for the Emerging Market •  Parametric Model for Vehicle Design –  Occupant Packaging and Ergonomics –  Mechanical Packaging –  Body Structural Analysis

•  Driving Simulator •  Spray Form Technology

3. Center for Electric Drive Transporta-on U. S. Department of Energy's Graduate Automo8ve Technology Educa8on (GATE) Program •  Power electronics and electric machines •  Hybrid powertrain control and power management •  BaWery management and control •  Thermal management of Electric Drive Vehicles (EDV) •  Vehicle to Grid (V2G), charging infrastructure, grid impact of EDV •  Reliability, diagnos8cs, and prognos8cs of EDV •  Noise, vibra8on and harshness (NVH) of EDV

Electric Drive Transporta-on (2) •  Power Electronics and Electric Drives –  New topologies, devices and configura8ons of power electronics circuits –  New materials in power electronics hardware –  Op8mized usage of rare earth materials in magnet manufacturing –  Failure mode of power electronics hardware –  Fault tolerant energy conversion components and systems

Electric Drive Transporta-on (3) Hybrid Vehicle System Op-miza-on and Power Management –  New hybrid configura8ons for op8mized u8lity and energy efficiency –  Opera8on control op8miza8on for mul8-­‐mode EDVs –  BaWery modeling, control and safety –  Fault detec8on and management on system level –  Drive train system design, control and op8miza8on

Electric Drive Transporta-on (4) Thermal Management of EDV Systems and Components –  Efficient climate control system for EDVs –  EDV system thermal management –  BaWery cooling and hea8ng control –  Thermal management architecture design

Electric Drive Transporta-on (5) Power Grid and EDV Interac-on –  EDV charger design and control –  Impact on power grid and management on grid level –  V2G technologies and applica8ons –  Infrastructure planning and construc8on for EDV transporta8on

Electric Drive Transporta-on (6) Reliability, Diagnos-cs and Prognos-cs of EDV Systems –  Reliability modeling for EDV components and systems –  Reliability based design op8miza8on –  Sta8s8cal model verifica8on and valida8on for EDV durability –  Physics-­‐based prognos8cs and system health management

Electric Drive Transporta-on (7) EDV Noise, Vibra-on and Harshness –  EDV acous8c characteris8cs –  Noise, vibra8on and harshness minimiza8on –  EDV structure design for beWer acous8cs

4. Intelligent System for Automobiles Intelligent System •  Tools for intelligent vehicle opera8ons •  Vision technology for driving safety •  Mul8-­‐purpose signal processing and analysis for customized driving environment •  Intelligent system and tool development for auto manufacturing processes

Wireless Networking for Transporta-on •  Ultra wideband (UWB) radio, cogni8ve radio/ so[ware radio •  Inter-­‐vehicle and intra-­‐vehicle wireless •  Smart Grid, wireless sensor networks •  Wireless controller areas networks

5. Sta-s-cal Analysis for Auto Market Supply and Demand Global Automo-ve Life-me Analysis –  Market supply and demand –  Residual value forecast for financial opera8ons, resale strategy and floor prices –  Op8miza8on on supply and demand: comprehensive study and tool development for auto markets –  Reten8on forecast –  Op8miza8on of rental, sales, residuals, and finance

Auto and Manufacturing related Degree Programs •  Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in Automo1ve Engineering (Rackham) •  Ph.D. in Automo1ve Engineering •  MSE in Manufacturing Engineering (Rackham) •  MSE/MS in 10 Engineering and CIS fields (Rackham) •  Con-nuing Professional Educa-on: Cer8ficate Programs, Special Design Classes, Workshops

Coopera-on with Global Educa-on and Industry Communi-es •  Global Educa8on Programs •  Exchange/Visi8ng Programs •  We are reaching out to global educa8on and industry communi8es, and exploring opportuni8es to cooperate with our programs in all colleges and schools

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Thank you! The University of Michigan –Dearborn www.umd.umich.edu

College of Engineering and Computer Science www.engin.umd.umich.edu

Contact: Prof. Dongming Zhao College of Engineering and Computer Science dmzhao@umich.edu or 1-­‐313-­‐593-­‐5527

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