Primary Agent - February 2022

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Get to Know … Jessica McWilliams IA&B Education Senior Director

Years with IA&B: I have been with IA&B for nearly 24 years – over half of my life! I started with IA&B (PIA at the time) straight out of college. I literally grew up here!

Role at IA&B: I have spent my entire tenure within the Education Department. I started as an Education Manager, booking speakers and traveling about 100 days a year. I now oversee the Education Department.

Best part of your job: The people. If the pandemic has taught me nothing else, it surely showed me how important people are in my work life. I love our members, education participants, and faculty. I’ve missed seeing them all over the last two years and have enjoyed reconnecting in recent classroom programs. I’m also extremely blessed with the best team and work family!

Favorite sports team: Pittsburgh Steelers!

Favorite vacation spot: Anywhere with sun and water, whether it’s a beach with waves (and no sharks) or a lake with a boat and fishing!

You can reach Jessica at: 800-998-9644, ext. 503 |


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