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Chair of the Board's Message
Last year at this time, we were blissfully unaware of what would unfold throughout 2020. This February, while we’re all a bit battered and bruised (and if you’re like me, a bit ticked at the ominous pall that’s hung around to squelch our natural desires for experiencing a full and rewarding life), there seems to be a collective sense of optimism and a feeling that recovery and normalcy are just around the bend. So be it!
Of course that begs the questions: What is normal now? And will everything go back to the way it was?
On a professional front, many of us spent last spring reacting to a litany of circumstances that included technology challenges, HR issues, telecommuting, and those mind-numbing, joyless Zoom meetings. It’s a blur for some, but we made it work, and we came through for our employees, clients, and communities.
Now is the time for reflection and introspection. What are the takeaways from the past year? What worked, and what didn’t? What do we want to keep? And what can we not wait to do away with?
Remote work is prime example for consideration. The pandemic forced many independent agency staff to telecommute for the first time, but should that work environment and those processes continue to be incorporated into our operations, at least in part? Turn to this month’s feature article to find considerations for remote hiring.
As we all pick up the pieces and determine our path forward, I encourage you to rely on IA&B. Your agents’ association is committed to providing the resources and support necessary for whatever your new normal becomes.
I wish you and yours a belated Happy New Year! I hope you are ready to work your plans for 2021, to go forward with great confidence, and to grow your businesses.
Craig S. Mader Chair of the Board