2 minute read
Chair's Message
“No one wants to work anymore” is a saying I often hear when speaking with employers. I’ve read a few articles that challenged the “want” part of that sentiment. These pieces look at where employees have gone, and it turns out, there just aren’t enough workers out there. There has been a mass exodus of the labor force since COVID-19, and that wave of retiring Baby Boomers that we’ve heard about for years is now crashing on our shores. Simply put, as a society, we can’t replace lost workers fast enough.
Whether no one wants to work or there just isn’t enough talent out there, the labor shortage is real. If you’re struggling to replace, retain, or attract new talent (and who isn’t), this issue is a must-read for you. Our HR Consultant Karen DiGioia has a feature article on employee performance management. Also, check out the interview with Mike Gaetano, of The Hartman Group, who shares his strategies for successful employee recruitment and retention.
In addition, the staff and board of IA&B are tuned into these challenges and are actively doing something about it. We’re well on our way to the creation of an insurance school to attract and train new agency staff. After several focus groups with agents (thank you if you participated!) and carrier partners (thank you for your contributions), the board approved the business plan for our school. We expect to have the first class start at the beginning of 2025. Then, later next year, our first batch of graduates will begin to fill the gap in the independent insurance agency labor market! Stay tuned for more details in the months ahead.
Until next time,
Sarah Brown, CIC, CRM, AFIS
Chair of the Board