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Get to know the recipients of the third annual IA&B Young Agent Award – Kyle Brasure, Jennifer McClure, and Dave Rivell. IA&B recognizes these exceptional young insurance professionals for their commitment to their profession and their community.
New for 2022: IA&B recognizes six additional young agents as Movers & Shakers. Growing interest in the Young Agent Award – and an impressive pool of nominees – prompted the creation of this additional recognition category.
I had the honor of meeting and speaking with the Young Agent Award winners highlighted in this month’s magazine. As I often say – the future is very bright in our industry. To that point, it is critical that IA&B evolves and adapts along with the industry, so that we remain a trusted resource for all the young professionals currently coming up through the ranks.
The boards of directors of IA&B have recognized this need and have undertaken a key initiative to assist both them and the IA&B staff with setting our future direction. We have secured the services of Minding Your Business, Inc. (MYB), a Chicagobased firm that works exclusively with associations to help them plan for the future, with the singular goal of ensuring that these associations remain relevant to their members.
This project is comprehensive. MYB has been conducting months of discovery work – studying the current structure of IA&B, interviewing IA&B staff and board members, as well as member agencies of all demographics. They have conducted focus group meetings with small agencies, large agencies, and young insurance professionals. And they have completed a full-membership survey to get even more input. MYB will then leverage the insights from this research to envision a sustainable future vision for IA&B.
At the end of this year, IA&B will have a new strategic plan, a refreshed vision statement, and a strategy map. This will guide our direction both in the short- and long-term future and will ensure that we remain the go-to resource for independent agents in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware. This is an investment into the future of IA&B – but just as important, in the future of our member agencies.
Let me conclude by again congratulating the Young Agent Award winners, and to sincerely thank the company sponsors of this award.
Best, Jason F. Ernest President & CEO
IA&B Vice President - Advocacy Claire Pantaloni, CIC, CISR
Are you a member with a question? Contact Claire to find the answer at 717-918-9202 or ClaireP@IABforME.com.
QUESTION: How can I get rid of a customer who is becoming an issue to my agency and staff?
At some point, every agent runs into a “nuisance” customer who is aggressive, offensive, or tries to trip up agency staff. However, getting rid of such a customer is not always simple and requires precautions. The best options to sever the ties are listed below. Regardless of which you choose, you need to address the second part – formalizing the separation. To protect the agency, you must make it clear that your duty to the policyholder has ended.
Ask (diplomatically) the customer to go elsewhere, transfer the customer to the carrier’s in-house agency, if they have one, or consider a Broker of Record (BOR) letter if you have a friendly competitor willing to take on a challenging customer. If you can frame the issue to show that there is a lack of trust and that it seems fruitless to pursue a business relationship when trust is strained, the customer should see the writing on the wall, and you should be able to gently push them out. Obviously, if the customer has been offensive or even inappropriate to your staff, this may give you more freedom in your communication, but we would
urge you to stay courteous.
What about asking the company to non-renew? While likely the first thing that comes to mind, it is the most difficult to implement and most likely to cause other issues. Non-renewing implies compliance with state laws and regulations governing policy cancellations, including the requirement to disclose the reason for cancellation/ non-renewal and for that reason to be permissible. For policies that are mandated by law (e.g. personal auto), non-renewals and declinations of coverage must be documented so that the applicant can ultimately access the state’s market of last resort. Caution is in order.
Because a few E&O cases have arisen from agents’ severing ties without formalizing that separation, it is essential to retain proper documentation. A letter placing the customer on notice that the agency will no longer be the agent of record and that coverage will not be renewed through the agency should be sent by certified mail, return-
receipt requested.
The letter should identify the carriers and list the policies currently placed with the agency so that the customer knows exactly for which policies the agency will no longer be the agent of record (use the term “including” in case a policy is accidentally omitted), and it should include when this change becomes effective. IA&B offers a template letter that can be found at iabforme. com/member-resources/agencymanagement/eo-prevention.
Be sure that no monies are being accepted by the agency for policies currently in force. Maintain the file and all documentation.
This document is not a legal opinion and should not be relied upon as such. The intent of this document is to provide a general background regarding the topic or topics discussed, not to provide legal advice. Producers and agencies should consult an attorney regarding specific situations and specific questions with respect to the topic or topics covered in this document. Neither the Insurance Agents & Brokers nor any of its employees shall be responsible for any errors or omissions regarding any statements made in this document, nor any errors or omissions regarding any statutes, regulations, court rules, and/or any other government documents cited in this document.
Learn about state-specific P&C trends – and what they could mean for your business – in the newly released P&C Market Share Reports. IA&B member agencies and partner companies have access to Market Share Report summaries, as well as a recorded webinar analysis by Paul Buse that delves into premiums, loss ratios, penetration rates, lines of business rates, surplus lines, distribution styles, top carriers, and commission.
Access to the summaries and webinar analysis are exclusive benefits for employees of IA&B member agencies and partner companies.
Questions? Contact Claire Pantaloni ClaireP@IABforME.com 717-918-9202
Congratulations to the fall 2022 IA&B Insurance Education Scholarship recipients!
Full CIC Designation Scholarship
Veronica Martin, Contemporary Insurance, Reading, PA
Full CISR Designation Scholarship
Michael Krzanowski, W.N. Tuscano Agency, Greensburg, PA
Agency Scholarships for CIC
CrossKeys Insurance, Reading, PA
Enders, Harrisburg, PA
Ickes Insurance Group, Boswell, PA
R.C. Chase Insurance Agency, Erie, PA
Stubbs Insurance Associates, Wernersville, PA
Agency Scholarships for CISR
Ferullo Insurance Agencies, West Chester, PA
Murray Insurance Associates, Lancaster, PA Zinn Insurance, Lebanon, PA
New! Agency Scholarships for CPIA
Diversified Insurance Industries, Hunt Valley, MD
Rossbacher Insurance Group, Corry, PA
Agency Scholarships for CE Webinars
Gerhart, Hartman & Ritner, Boyertown, PA
Liberty Insurance Agency, Pittsburgh, PA
Do you carry the life line of authority in Pennsylvania? IA&B now offers on-demand annuities training to meet Act 99, which applied a new CE requirement in June 2022. Courses include:
▲ Annuity Best Interest Standards (1 CE)
▲ Concepts & Uses of Annuities (4 CE)
The new CE requirement carries staggered completion dates for licensees. Licensed producers with the authority to sell any type of annuity who have not completed any annuities training must complete the entire, four-hour training by the end of their next complete license period. Those who completed the annuities CE training required before the enactment of Act 99 must retake the modified four-hour training or take the one-hour course by Dec. 20, 2022.
Revised regulations regarding the sale of annuity products in Maryland take effect Oct. 8, 2022. The updates include changes to the continuing education/training requirements for licensed producers who hold a life insurance line of authority and engage in the sale of annuity products.
The completion dates are staggered for licensees. For those who have not completed any annuities training, they have until April 8, 2023 to complete a four-credit course. Licensees who completed a previously approved annuity training course have until April 8, 2023 to complete a new four-credit course or an additional one-credit training.
IA&B will offer on-demand courses to meet the four-credit and one-credit requirements. Watch Agent Headlines e-newsletter for updates, or check our online course listing.
The Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau proposed double-digit decreases effect Dec.1, 2022. Filing No. 2202 calls for decreases of -10.96% overall for the voluntary market and -16.14% for the residual market. At the time of this writing, the Department of Insurance was reviewing the filing. Stay tuned to Agent Headlines e-newsletter for updates.
Acuity has a 20year track record of beating the industry by more than double the growth and a full eight points on the combined ratio.
Congratulations to the recipients of the third annual IA&B Young Agent Award –Dave Rivell, of Element Risk Management in West Chester, PA; Jennifer McClure, of Diversified Insurance Industries in Hunt Valley, MD; and Kyle Brasure, of Wilgus Associates Inc. in Bethany Beach, DE. These three rising stars in the independent agent community were selected for outstanding commitment to their profession and community.
Employed for one year or more by an IA&B Member in PA, MD, or DE
Learn more about these exceptional young insurance professionals on the following pages, as well as in the video posted at IABforME.com/Agent-Award and on IA&B’s social media accounts.
The Young Agent Award is made possible with the support of these generous companies.
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I actually met my boss, David Wilgus, at a funeral. I was working in automotive sales and looking for a position that would give me more flexibility and weekends off. He explained that he was looking for a commercial producer, so I took his card and called about two months later.
I took a profile test and interviewed with David, and then I prepared for the licensing exam. For about three months I spent my days off reviewing what I studied with David.
I passed the exam on the first go-around, and then went to the Hartford School of Insurance before I even stepped foot in the office. When I returned from the class, I started as an employee of Wilgus in November 2009.
The only things typical are the days and times we work. Probably one of the most interesting parts of this career is that your workday can change in a minute. You could have a client that calls up with a claim, or a referral that calls in needing help. It keeps things exciting.
Learning from my clients about how and why they started or purchased their business. I mainly focus on small and mid-sized commercial where the owner is very active in the business. Each owner has a unique story, and learning that story is the most interesting part of my job.
Insurance sales trainer Jeff Gelona said, “No one gets into insurance because they like insurance; they get into
insurance because of the freedom it offers.” This is one of the best parts of the career – it allows a great work-life balance and unlimited earning potential.
Earning my CIC designation. It has been very helpful in progressing my career.
I would like to learn how to develop an insurance program for condo associations, so perhaps starting an MGA and selling the program to agents.
Be persistent! I tell the new agents that this is a turtle race. It requires a steady, persistent approach, whether it’s learning a coverage or making a cold call.
Also, be comfortable asking questions. If you did not get all the answers the first go-around, do not be afraid to continue to call and ask more questions. No client has ever doubted my ability as an agent because I asked a lot of questions. I always explain that the more knowledge I have, the better I can represent you to the carrier.
Running a restaurant. I love seeing people’s reaction when they enjoy a good meal. And the fast-paced environment would keep things exciting!
Wilgus Associates, Inc. Bethany Beach, DE Commercial Lines Manager/ ProducerI answered an ad in the newspaper for a receptionist position at an independent insurance agency. I quickly progressed to an assistant account manager, helping service a niche book of business – doctors and homebuilders. A few years later, I was promoted to an account manager, servicing primarily smallbusiness accounts.
My day is filled with a variety of tasks. Time management is crucial when multitasking. I start with checking my scheduled appointments and calls. Then I review new emails and follow-up activities so I can set my to-do list. At this point, I determine what is urgent, what is important, and what can be delegated. Most of my day is filled with responding to client emails and prepping or following up on renewal items. Another portion of my day is helping new team members learn our procedures and assisting existing team members with their needs. As no day really goes as planned, I end my day with reviewing the progress on my to-do list so I know what needs to be carried over to the next day.
I absolutely love building relationships with clients. I especially like it when I get to build their insurance program from the ground up; it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I really enjoy watching my clients grow their business operations and being regarded as a valued business partner. One of my passions is serving others, and I get to do that every day!
I was very fortunate to have a professional mentor at the beginning of my career. Early on as an account manager, I primarily serviced small-business accounts. One day, a producer asked me to handle his book of business, which consisted of larger accounts, and I jumped at the opportunity. He taught me how to prepare a marketing submission, analyze claims, and negotiate premiums. He also taught me how to build relationships with clients and carriers. He was my greatest motivator to obtain my CIC designation. He had his CIC and expressed to me how important it was to enhance my knowledge. He was truly a great mentor and helped with my path to success.
My CIC designation is by far my greatest professional accomplishment. I put a lot of effort into studying for the various exams and pushed myself to complete them in a two-year time frame. I have always enjoyed learning. The insurance industry is constantly evolving, and I really enjoy the continuing education classes this program offers, especially the Ruble seminars that drill down into specialty topics.
In 10 years, I hope to be an operations manager with a focus in career development coaching for employees. In my current supervisory role, I found that I really love helping my teammates learn more about coverages and providing value-added services to clients.
Diversified Insurance Industries, Inc. Hunt Valley, MD Client Relationship ManagerI answered a call from a recruiter. At the time I was selling software to government entities. I’m not super tech savvy, so I was open to opportunities. I flew out to Chicago, interviewed with FirstComp Insurance, and got the job as a marketing rep helping them open Pennsylvania. I liked the idea of being a part of something from the ground floor, getting to know new towns, and building long-term relationships with agents from across the state. Both the job and the insurance industry were a perfect fit for me right from the beginning.
Honestly, I do not have one, and it truly depends on the day. Because of this, I am big into time blocking and building consistent rhythms into days, weeks, quarters, and years. It has been a game changer. For example, I do everything in my power to spend every day from 9-10 AM on proactive, big-picture projects. I treat this window of time like it’s just as important as any other appointment and work hard to protect that time. Other than that, early mornings, mid-day, and late nights are often where I work on email to try and keep up, and then a majority of the rest of the day is spent with current and potential clients, different members of our team, and our carrier partners.
One priority is traveling around within our company. I love seeing our team face to face and simply spending time together where possible. I try to make sure I visit each office once a quarter. [Element Risk Management currently has 17 offices.] I have asked everyone who reports to me what would make them feel valued and cared for. It’s interesting because I get a lot of different responses, and I feel like an important part of leadership
is meeting people where they are and in ways that are meaningful to them, versus a one-size-fits-all model.
Some people are good if we’re talking on the regular and then set aside time once a month to take a deep dive; while others like to meet once a quarter to talk about career goals and personal development. Whatever cadence they prefer and topics they want to review, we build those into a standing meeting schedule. I make sure to do that – it’s something I have been lucky to experience myself through great coaches, bosses, and mentors over the years. Sure, I want to find out what we can be doing better as an organization and learn where the friction points are so we can help to remove them, but more importantly, I want our team to feel heard and know that we have their back.
Someone told me once, “Show me your checkbook and your calendar, and I will show you what your priorities are,” and that always stuck with me. I hope my calendar today reflects to our team that they are truly a priority.
Developing people, hands down. I love helping people realize what their natural gifts and talents are, and then helping them lean in on those to find ways to apply them to their life, their role, and our goals as an organization. This is very important to me because I believe it can serve people in many areas of their life and can even turn their “job” into a career that they are passionate about.
When people are free to operate in their natural gifting, I have seen them be better teammates, feel generally more confident, and have a deeper motivation to
New this year, IA&B also recognizes six additional young insurance professionals as Young Agent Movers & Shakers. Growing interest in the Young Agent Award – and impressive pool of nominees – prompted the creation of this additional recognition category. Congratulations to these recipients!
Age: 38
Agency: Prominent Insurance
Location: Wilmington, DE
Job title: Managing Partner Years in the industry: 15
Best part of your job:
The best part of my job is working with the clients.
Biggest professional accomplishment:
We are currently going through the process to offer franchising opportunities for individuals who are interested in becoming an independent agent/ entrepreneur. I am super excited about this because we will be able to help expose more minorities to the insurance industry via this avenue.
I am currently completing my doctorate degree (Doctorate in Business Administration) with a concentration of exposing and recruiting more minorities into the insurance industry. I am projected to finish and defend my dissertation in April 2023.
Age: 27
Agency: Frye Insurance Associates Inc.
Location: Laytonsville, MD
Job title: Licensed Insurance Agent/Producer Years in the industry: 4
Best part of your job:
Helping insureds with policies and working with my coworkers because we are one big family here at Frye Insurance Associates Inc.
Earning the CISR designation and being named an IA&B Young Agent Mover & Shaker. And outside of the industry, I’ve earned a few licenses for my coaching profession.
I played college soccer and then coached soccer at the collegiate level while obtaining my master’s degree and insurance license. Now I am the head coach of a youth team with a local soccer club, which I’ve done while working my full-time job at Frye Insurance Associates Inc. and earning my CISR designation.
Thanks for serving on the Government Affairs Committee and the Board of IA&B.
Congratulations Shayne!!
You really are a Mover and a Shaker!
From your friends at Erie Insurance
Age: 30
Agency: JPI Insurance Associates Inc.
Location: Dillsburg, PA
Job title: Commercial Producer Years in the industry: 5
Having the opportunity to build amazing relationships with teammates, carrier partners, community players, and clients is hands down the best part of my job. There’s inspiration, support, or something to be learned from every person you come across in this industry.
Getting my CIC designation was a momentous achievement (thanks IA&B, who made it possible through their scholarship program). There is no better policy training out there. While the process and content posed their challenges, working hard and seeing it through the fifth and final exam was exciting for me!
I’m a bit of an activity/sports junky. I love golf, soccer, skiing, and exercising in my free time. Gotta stay active; preferably outdoors!
Age: 39
Agency: Gunn Mowery LLC
Location: Lemoyne, PA
Job title: Vice President, Personal Lines Service Manager Years in the industry: 20
Working with my amazing team at an awesome agency, and the ability to watch us all grow together. I couldn’t ask for a better set of coworkers or a more supportive boss and management team. I also love working with our customers to help them understand insurance so they can make an informed decision on their coverage.
Making it to the role of Vice President and Personal Lines Manager by age 37. And having the ability to be the team leader of a successful department and amazing team. Also, with the encouragement of my past and current bosses, I was able to earn six designations and am working towards several more.
I love to sing and love the theater. In fact, I wanted to be a Broadway actress, but I found my way into insurance and never looked back.
Age: 29
Agency: PDM Insurance Agency
Location: Biglerville, PA
Job title: Personal Lines Agent, Office Manager & Director of Marketing
Years in the industry: 6
The best part of my job is helping and educating people. Being able to provide peace of mind to someone is a great feeling. I take a lot of pride in my work, and I always strive to do my best – not only for myself, but most importantly for my clients. I think there is a lot to be said about what we as agents do!
My biggest accomplishment is achieving my own office within PDM Insurance. There was a time before I started with PDM that I didn’t think insurance was for me. I started out with State Farm, and the office I had been working at was closing. I was discouraged and unsure what I was going to do with my life, and then Rita [McMullen, president of PDM] found me, and I haven’t looked back! Each year with PDM has been a stepping stone higher, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!
I am an ordained officiant and I have married four couples, with a 100% success rate!
Age: 39
Agency: Unruh Insurance Agency Inc.
Location: Denver and East Earl, PA
Job title: Personal Lines Supervisor, Sales Agent Years in the industry: 19
I love that I am one of the women who is changing the idea of what an insurance sales person and (future) agency owner look like. I’m thankful to all the women who came before me, and I hope that we continue to inspire young females, like my daughters, to thrive and be successful in their profession – no matter what career path they choose. Of course, my other favorite part of the job is setting up our clients with better coverage than they’ve ever had with any of their previous policies.
This honor ranks pretty high on the list! Another was when our agency was named the “Giving Network Agency of the Year” by one of our primary insurance carriers for our volunteering and community work. My grandfather, Bob Unruh, started our agency back in 1977, and he made sure this was always a priority from our humble beginnings.
I’ve been to Disney World way too many times. It’s my favorite place on Earth! I also love traveling anywhere new, and visiting the major National Parks is on my bucket list. The ultimate vacation destination for me though would be the Galapagos Islands, but I have a few more insurance policies to sell before I get there!
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Continued from page 17
grow their Your location insurance knowledge. Seeing people take ownership of their own development and connecting that to where they fit into our industry and our vision as an organization is rewarding on a way deeper level than just work.
For me it’s a little complicated because I called on so many agents over the years that consistently gave me great advice and were so generous with their time. There is almost an “in the aggregate” concept for me of getting to know so many great agents and getting a diverse view of our industry from them as a group. Individually, Tom Kolongowski, Tony McIntyre … there were just so many people who leaned in with me over the years who I’m super thankful for.
The industry itself seems to breed that. Not only was I blessed to have some great mentors, but I also have some incredible colleagues who believe it’s part of your job to serve this industry and pay it forward. I want to reflect those same values for people here within our own organization and for the industry itself.
I think it’s that we [Element Risk Management] have proven, on a small scale thus far, that you can be personal and professional without becoming robotic or corporate. Yes, all of our offices are owned by one company, and yes, we have a team of 80. But, I hope that even if we have a team of 500 someday, it still looks and feels the same way it does today, just on a larger scale.
Our team is on a path of proving that we are better together, and you can do the right things for the right reasons while still growing into a larger professional organization. I have heard people say, “Show me your friends, and I will show you your future.” In this setting I would say, “Show me your team…” and the future looks very bright for Element. We have a team that I am both proud of and thankful for.
In the next 10 years, we want to be on the Insurance Journal’s list of the top 100 privately owned agencies
in the country, while still having a great culture and operating on the same principles that we stand for today.
If we simply keep our heads down and keep doing what we are doing, that will most certainly put us on that list. Our team is as good as it has ever been, and looking at them, I have no doubt that we are going to get there on our way to even larger goals as an organization … and they all know what those goals are. But that said, I cannot wait to celebrate that particular milestone together. That is going to be one epic party!
For some reason it feels like we have an image problem, and in many ways, I do not understand it. Insurance is an incredible industry that provides what so many people are looking for in a career. It is incredibly stable through changing economies, has unlimited career paths and opportunities, and allows you to build lifelong relationships around industries that you enjoy with people that you respect.
I may take some heat for this, but I am not a fan of the branding around being an “insurance nerd.” I have never once felt that way about what we do, as I feel like I have been working at a complex craft that is worthy of the effort and understanding. We are advisors to our clients. Lawyers, accountants, and financial planners do not seem to market themselves in this way, so I do not think we should either. I believe this is a major opportunity for us an industry. We need to be better storytellers and do a better job of communicating what it is we do and where we add value to our clients as part of their advisory team.
Lastly, I think there is a huge opportunity to expand where it is that we look for talent. People have not been banging down our doors, so I think it’s up to us to expand our horizons to pursue the best and the brightest in untraditional places. You can teach insurance. There are other things about being a good teammate and serving others that you can’t teach. And for those that are already doing this, we need to have them out front leading the charge.
I would restore classic muscle cars and have a hot rod shop. Or I’d run a smoothie bar on a beach in Mexico, where I’m a surf instructor or smoothie barista when there are no waves.
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Kier Ewing
Tim Wonder, VP-
800-998-9644, ext. 351 TimW@IABforME.com
Editor: Karen Robison KarenR@IABforME.com
800-998-9644, ext. 606
Jennifer Ross Megan Fioretta
Laura Gaenzle laura.gaenzle@theygsgroup.com 717-430-2351
Oct 4 CISR - Commercial Property Mechanicsburg, PA
Oct 11-13 Property & Casualty Licensing Study Course Mechanicsburg, PA
Oct 18-19 James K Ruble Graduate Seminar King of Prussia, PA
Oct 4 Home & Auto Exposures Your Insured Doesn’t Share 9 AM-12 PM
Oct 4 Is This for Real? Understanding & Insuring Emerging Risks 1-4 PM
Oct 5 Hour w\ Cathy: Three Commercial Property Insurance Problems and How to Fix Them 2-3 PM
Oct 6 Cyber - Evolution, Exposures, Incidents & Insurance 9 AM-12 PM
Oct 6 Nailed It: Understanding Insurance Requirements in Construction Contracts 1-4 PM
Oct 11 Social Security and Other Retirement Income Solutions 1-4 PM
Oct 11-13 Property & Casualty Licensing Study Course 8 AM-5 PM
Oct 12 CISR-Personal Residential 8AM-3:45PM
Oct 12 Hour w\ Dave: Fast Facts About Flood 2-3 PM
Oct 13 Autos, Garages & Dealers - Knowing the Difference 9 AM-12 PM
Oct 18-19 James K Ruble Graduate Seminar 8AM-5:15PM
Oct 20 CISR-Agency Operations 8AM-3:45PM
Oct 25 Flood Insurance, FEMA, and the NFIP 9 AM-12 PM
Oct 25 Why Good People Do Bad Things: Deep Dive Into Agency Ethics 1-4 PM
Oct 26 CISR-Commercial Casualty I 8AM-3:45PM
Oct 26 Hour w\ Nicole: Homeowners Loss Settlement Issues 2-3 PM
Oct 27 Homeowners in Real Life: Tales of Claims & Coverage 9 AM-12 PM
Oct 27 Agent’s E&O: Duties, Best Practices, Operations, Workflows, & Certificates 1-4 PM