3 minute read

Kyle Rheiner, CIC

Arthur Hall Insurance, West Chester, PA

Agency Principal, Food & Beverage Practice Leader

Age: 39

Years in Industry: 11

How did you get your start in the insurance industry?

I had a newborn at home and was wasting a lot of time commuting to a job I wasn’t passionate about, so I decided to “dare mighty things.” I resigned from a large, Corporate America financial services company to start life over from scratch as an independent agent in order to create the life I envisioned for our family.

What does your typical workday look like?

The day starts early with fitness, meditation, reading, and journaling. From there, I get my daughters on the bus and get to work, wherever it may be that day – the office, home office, or on the road. I check in with my team, see what they need assistance with, and let them know what I need assistance with.

If I complete my three major tasks in a day, that’s a win. I set goals for the week and communicate with the team so we can chip away at them together throughout that week. I “time block” tasks to avoid interruptions. There might be a large presentation I’m working on, calling clients or targeting prospects, reviewing renewals with my team and underwriters, working through situations with my clients – but ultimately, there’s lots of phone calls and problem solving on a daily basis. Mondays and Fridays tend to be office days with the middle of the week being out and about.

When the day is done, it’s dinner with the family, coaching my daughters, watching the Phillies, reflecting on the day … repeat.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Seeing others succeed. I love working with and providing value to our team and our clients. Each day is typically different, and that keeps things interesting and exciting. The flexibility of schedule and the ability to create your own destiny is alluring, and it’s great to see our staff and clients creating great experiences for themselves and their families.

What’s the best professional advice you’ve received?

“Think about what you want your life to look like at age 65 and work backwards into how to achieve that.” Also, “Raise your standards.”

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

Becoming a shareholder at Arthur Hall Insurance, in my favorite town, and in my favorite niche. Also, earning my CIC designation and having the opportunity to be on the cover of two insurance magazines has been validating and exciting.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Still focused on daily improvement: setting new goals and achieving them; always improving myself, my family, fitness, mindset, and our agency; and helping others. Daily, I write in my journal that my “why” is to “provide experiences and inspire others” – and that’s what I hope to.

What tips would you share with someone just starting out in our industry?

Have fun. Never stop learning, and fight through "the dip." It's not easy and can be draining at times, but keep moving forward. It'll work out.

Be creative, and "be curious, not judgmental" (courtesy of Ted Lasso).

If you weren't working in insurance, what would be your dream job?

I believe this career allows me to follow my dream of being an entrepreneur and building a business. I also get to travel, eat great food, and meet new people. I truly enjoy it.

But if I weren't in insurance, maybe I'd be a motivational speaker or maybe I'd do something that would involve golfing, fishing, and cycling -- at the same time.

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