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Alexis Burns is executive vice president and fourth generation owner of Burns & Burns Insurance. Headquartered in Clarion, PA, Burns & Burns is a full-service independent insurance agency with nine locations throughout Western Pennsylvania.

Q. You began helping at the agency at a very young age.Was there ever any doubt that you’d join the familybusiness? And does your sister or any other familymembers have interest in insurance?


A. I’ve always had an interest in insurance and hoped that my dad and grandpa would ask me to work at the agency one day. It was important for me to get realworld experience after I graduated from the University of Pittsburgh. I worked at a different company first and learned about sales, the dos and don’ts of management, and office politics. Basically, I wanted to earn my keep and be a valuable asset to Burns and Burns. My sister is doing the same thing right now, gaining a unique and helpful perspective that will aid her in the future if our dad asks her to join the agency, too.

Q. What are the best – and most challenging – thingsabout joining a family business?

A. Getting Three to work generations... alongside my dad and grandpa every day is the best gift I could ever ask for. We all have different strengths that complement each other. There’s an incredible amount of trust, and we all share the common goal of wanting to bring Burns and Burns to its fullest potential. The most challenging part of the family business is being held to a very high standard. However, I enjoy the challenge, and it keeps me even more motivated.

Q. Your role includes a bit of everything – sales, HR,marketing. What’s your favorite part of your job and why?

A. I really enjoy the variety and getting to work in so many different parts of the business. If I had to pick a favorite part, it would be getting to work with my clients and building relationships with them. I feel like I was born to be in sales. It’s so fulfilling and gratifying to be the matchmaker between the clients and their insurance providers. I come in to a client’s life as the underdog, because let’s face it, no one really wants to talk about insurance. This is where I come in and make it a much more enjoyable experience for everyone.

Q. Having multiple locations must be challenging at times!How do you create operational cohesion? And how aboutcamaraderie?

A. Creating cohesion and camaraderie is something we continue to work on. We have recently created monthly internal newsletter where we get to hear about the exciting things going on in each other’s lives inside and outside of the office like new babies, marriages, milestone birthdays and work anniversaries, and designations. Since our offices are geographically spread across the state, we utilize current technology. We started having frequent virtual meetings with producers and customer service representatives. This is a great time to share announcements and exciting news going on within the agency and helps us stay connected.

Q. You’re young, have a degree in marketing, and worked for a tech firm – all of which surely armed with you some fresh ideas when you joined the agency. What’s your best advice for introducing change and encouraging a team to embrace it?

A. I think what has helped me is keeping the big picture in mind when presenting new ideas or processes. If individuals understand the “why,” they are oftentimes more open to the change. For example, we just switched over agency management systems about two years ago. We found that breaking it down into feasible and actionable pieces or goals is helpful for embracing change. People understandably get overwhelmed, and it is important to provide training and practice along the way.

Q. What’s the best professional advice you’ve received?

A. “You will never regret trying your best.” My previous boss out of college would wrap up each week with this encouraging piece of advice. Hearing this would always make me want to do my best. I still remember him and his message to this day.

Q. Let’s play four favorites! What’s your favorite …

Hobby? I am just getting into biking. My husband and I bought new bikes and spend time together riding on a trail near our house. It’s very refreshing to step away from work and enjoy nature with my best friend. I also enjoy baking in my spare time. My go-to crowd pleasers are my triple chocolate brownies.

Sports team? Pittsburgh Steelers or any Pittsburgh team

Vacation spot? My favorite vacation spot of all time is in Jupiter, Florida. My grandparents spend the winter months in Jupiter, and I’ve always enjoyed visiting them there from a young age. This is also where I ended up meeting my husband! So of course, it’s a place with some great memories for me.

(shameless plug) IA&B member benefit? The IA&B team is so responsive and helpful whenever I need them – which is often. As a young agent, I have found them to be a valuable resource and tool. I especially love getting to work with [IA&B VP-Advocacy] Claire Pantaloni. She is my go-to girl!

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