THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT We were lucky enough to have an in-person board meeting this past month, our first in well over a year (more about that the next time I write). The highlight of this meeting was the opportunity to recognize our 2021 Young Agent Award winners for our three states. And, because we couldn’t properly do so last year, we invited the 2020 winners as well (a total of six Young Agent Award winners). We opened our board meeting with a 90-minute panel discussion with these winners, and it was both enlightening and refreshing.
These young agents came from diverse backgrounds – some part of a multi-generational family agency; some exposed to insurance early in their careers and on the path toward bigger roles in their agency; and some who made the jump from an entirely different career, choosing insurance for its perceived stability.
Richard M. Rankin, CIC, Chair Lancaster, PA
But despite these different entry points into the industry, they all shared very similar perspectives. The consensus among these impressive young agents was:
Gregory H. Bennett
1. They want to be challenged. They are up for it, and they are looking for an environment that fosters it. Too often, young agents are given menial tasks, and that will not suffice for long. 2. They are seeking mentorship, and not necessarily within the agency. The young agents on this panel expressed a desire to learn from, and commiserate with, colleagues. They are eager to learn but want to do so on their own terms.
D. Bradley Rosenkilde Jr., Vice Chair Hunt Valley, MD
Sarah M. Brown, CIC, CRM, AFIS Shrewsbury, PA Andrew Enders, Esq.
Harrisburg, PA
Len Gieseler, LUTCF
Pottstown, PA
Jason R. Hess
Coraopolis, PA
Lisa A. Leach Goth, CIC
New Bethlehem, PA
Christopher J. Miller, CIC
Jonestown, PA
Michael A. Papa, CIC, MBA Hunt Valley, MD William H. Purdy
Sunbury, PA
Kent Reynolds, CIC
Hagerstown, MD
Jason Rodriguez
Wilmington, DE
Donna Roper
York, PA
And, on the refreshing point, they all spoke glowingly of the insurance industry. Too often, us “veterans” speak disparagingly of insurance, or about how we fell into it. However, these young agents were extremely complimentary of their profession. They were appreciative that the insurance industry is ever-changing, very rewarding, and quite flexible.
Candace Shoupe, AAI, AIC
New Castle, DE
Tara S. Silfies, CPCU
Bethlehem, PA
Robert L. Smyrl Jr., CIC
Hatfield, PA
Michael Thomas
Gambrills, MD
I’ve said it many times – the future is bright for independent insurance agents. I’ve been exposed to hundreds of impressive young agents over the years, and this panel was further testament to a rising new crop of agents. IA&B will continue to foster young agent talent, and we will strive to deliver what they need. It’s a true win-win proposition.
Sheila Wells, CIC, CISR
Rehoboth Beach, DE
3. They are looking for advancement. These young agents are looking to take the above two points – to be pushed and to learn – and use them to move up. They aren’t content with status quo, and they hunger for opportunities to advance.
J. Marshall Wolff, CIC, CPCU Easton, PA
NATIONAL DIRECTORS Michael P. Ertel Sr. (PIA) Columbia, MD G. Greg Gunn, CIC (IIABA) Lemoyne, PA
Jason F. Ernest President & CEO 2
INSURANCE AGENTS & BROKERS 5050 Ritter Road | Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 191 Main Street | Annapolis, MD 21401 800-998-9644 |
Diane Hornung Hanby (IIABA) Wilmington, DE