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CONTENTSFEATURED10 Q&A WITH ROB WALBECK IA&B of Pennsylvania Government Relations Committee Chairman Rob Walbeck shares what sparked his interest in legislative advocacy and what he has learned along the way. 12 A 1,000-FOOT VIEW OF LEGISLATIVE IA&BADVOCACYGovernment Affairs Director John Savant discusses how effective lobbying, grassroots outreach, and a strong PAC work in concert to benefit independent agents and their clients. 16 AGENTPAC CONTRIBUTORS Thank you to the IA&B members who recently supported AgentPAC – IA&B’s state-based political action committee. MONTHLY2 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 3 DON'S DISCUSSION 4 COVERAGE CORNER 6 NEWS & NOTES 19 STAFF PROFILE 21 UPCOMING EDUCATION IA&B is the premier resource and champion for independent insurance agents in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware. Periodical postage paid at Mechanicsburg, PA and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Insurance Agents & Brokers, 650 Wilson Lane, Suite 200, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. Primary Agent (ISSN 1543-3110), Permit # 638-620, Issue # 2022-9, is published monthly by IA&B Service Group Inc., a subsidiary of IA&B. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent of the publisher. The information in this publication is general in nature and not intended to serve as legal, accounting, financial, insurance, investment advisory or other professional advice as to any reader’s particular situation. Users are encouraged to consult with competent legal, financial, insurance, investment advisory and/or other professional advisors concerning specific matters before making any decisions. We disclaim any responsibility for any decisions or actions by readers. Statements of fact and opinion in Primary Agent are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of the officers or the members of IA&B. Participation in IA&B events, activities and/or publications is available on a non-discriminatory basis and does not reflect IA&B endorsement of the products and/or services. JOIN US ON SOCIAL LinkedIn.com/company/IAFacebook.com/IABforMEMEDIA: and B Twitter.com/IA and B YouTube.com 2022SEPTEMBER >>>>> 1IABforME.com |

The September magazine also includes a list of AgentPAC contributors – IA&B members who financially support the association’s political action committee. If you’re among them, thank you. If your name isn’t on the list, I ask you to consider a contribution. We’re all in this together, and together we have great strength.
Ask IA&B members who have been around for a bit, and chances are they’ll cite political advocacy as one of the most valuable assets of their association membership. In fact, you can count me among them. That’s because over the years there have been no shortage of issues requiring IA&B’s involvement at the state level of government. Sometimes it’s playing offense, sometimes defense. Sometimes it’s for our clients’ benefit, sometimes our own. Regardless, it’s the strength of a unified voice representing independent agents that has benefited all of us time and again. This issue of Primary Agent is dedicated to IA&B’s legislative advocacy. On the following pages, you’ll read about the issues that motivate our members’ involvement in government affairs work, as well as the strategies that IA&B relies upon to build a successful advocacy program.
Best, INSURANCE AGENTS & BROKERS 650 Wilson Lane, Suite 200 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 191 Main Street, Annapolis, MD 21401 800-998-9644 | IABforME.com IA&B BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Richard M. Rankin, CIC Chair Murray Insurance Associates, Inc. | Lancaster, PA D. Bradley Rosenkilde Jr. Vice Chair R&A Insurance, Inc. | Hunt Valley, MD MEMBERS Greg FamousBennett&Spang Associates Aberdeen, MD Sarah Brown, CIC, CRM, AFIS Keller Brown Insurance Svcs Shrewsbury, PA Kate Dawson, CPIA Ferri Dawson Insurance Murrysville, PA Andrew Enders, Esq. Harrisburg,Enders PA Len Gieseler, LUTCF Evans Hauseman & Richard, Inc. Pottstown, PA Bruce D. Kraft, AAI, CIC Arbor Insurance Group Allentown, PA Shayne McIntosh, CIC JPI Insurance Associates Dillsburg, PA Chris Miller, CIC Miller Insurance Protection Team Jonestown, PA Michael Papa, CIC, MBA Diversified Insurance Industries, Inc. Hunt Valley, MD Bill PurdyPurdyInsurance Agency, Inc. Sunbury, PA Kent Reynolds, CIC Blue Ridge Risk Partners LLC Hagerstown, MD Jason ProminentRodriguezInsurance Svcs Wilmington, DE Donna Roper E K McConkey & Company York, CandacePA Shoupe, AAI, AIC CBM Insurance Agency New Castle, DE Tara Silfies, Hampson-MowrerCPCUAgency, LLC Bethlehem, PA Bob Smyrl, CIC Robert L. Smyrl, Inc. Hatfield, PA Michael LighthouseThomasInsurance Svcs Gambrills, MD Sheila Wells, CIC, CISR Williams Insurance Agency Rehoboth Beach, DE NATIONAL DIRECTORS Mike Ertel (PIA) The Jacobs Company, Inc. | Columbia, MD Mark Monroe (IIABA) Griffith Insurance, LLP | West Chester, PA Diana Hornung Hanby (IIABA) IOA National, Inc. | Wilmington, DE Richard M. Rankin Chair of the Board 2 SEPTEMBER 2022

Neither the Insurance Agents & Brokers
My customer recently initiated a voluntary termination program, including severance pay, and some senior-level employees accepted. Will these severance payments be included as remunerations/payroll for Workers’ Compensation purposes when the employer is audited?
employees shall
B. REMUNERATION – PAYROLL 3. Exclusions; Remuneration excludes d. Dismissal or severance payments except for time worked or accrued vacation. Maryland: The NCCI Rate Manual, at RULE 2—PREMIUM BASIS AND PAYROLL ALLOCATION, Rule 2 - B-2-e, provides as follows: RULE 2—PREMIUM AND PAYROLL
legal advice. Producers and agencies
Pennsylvania and Delaware: Both the PCRB and DCRB Rate Manuals, at RULE V – PREMIUM BASIS, Rule V - B.3.d, provide as RULEfollows:V–
Please note, however, that monies paid for time worked and/ or for accrued vacation would be considered remunerations for audit purposes.
While no laws, either in our three states or at the federal level, require an employer to pay severance pay, doing so does come with some considerations. These include what effect, if any, severance payments may have on a Workers' Compensation premium audit. In each of our three states, this issue is governed by the respective state’s Workers' Compensation “rate manual,” which we all know is subject to change from time to time. At present, in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland – under both PCRB/ DCRB and NCCI rules – “dismissal or severance” payments are expressly excluded from remunerations/ payroll and should not be subject to additional premium for audit purposes.
to the topic or topics
or omissions
This document is not a legal opinion and should not be relied upon as such. The intent of this document is to provide a general background regarding the topic or topics discussed, not to provide should consult an regarding specific situations specific questions with respect covered in this document. nor any of its be responsible any errors regarding any made in this document, any regarding any any other in this
THE BOTTOM LINE Whatever the
errors or omissions
statutes, regulations, court rules, and/or
government documents cited
document. DON'S DISCUSSION IA&B Legal & Corporate Affairs Director Don Bankus Are you a member with a question? Contact Don at 800-998-9644, ext. 603 or DonB@IABforME.com. 3IABforME.com | DON'S DISCUSSION
B. Payroll 2. Excludes: e. Payments for dismissal or severance except for time worked or vacation accrued.

Short-term home rental companies, diminished during the height of quarantines and travel restrictions, have returned in a big way. With a record number of travelers responsible for a record number of bookings, a logical conclusion is that more of your homeowner insureds will cash in (if they haven’t already.)
Companies like Airbnb attempt to ease the obvious concerns of hosts by including various insurance products on a per-rental basis, and it’s likely you will receive inquiries regarding the extent of coverage offered. As is the case any time you are asked to provide counsel regarding coverage for which you have no control or aren’t familiar, proceed with caution. Advise your insured that such products are likely proprietary and that inquiries should be posed directly to the home rental company’s risk management team.
On the flip side, when the insured’s inquiry is regarding coverage (or lack thereof) in the homeowners’ policy sold by your agency, your counsel is necessary. While the ISO never intended its HO form to be appropriate for owners who frequently rent their homes, prior editions made exceptions for some short-term exposures as well as remained silent regarding other risks and perils … … but oh how times have changed.
Following are some key provisions from the latest edition of the ISO’s 2022 homeowners form (specifically, the HO 00 03 03 22) regarding home-sharing. In summary, coverage is virtually non-existent. Insureds concerned with the protection implied by the rental company must consider an endorsement or separate policy.
By Kevin C. Amrhein, CIC, CBIA

In prior editions of the ISO HO-3, specifically defined terms regarding home-sharing were added by endorsement. In the 2022 edition, the definitions are incorporated into the policy form as follows:
7. “Home-sharing network platform” means an b.a.networkapplication,online-enabledwebsiteordigitalthat:Isusedforthepurposeoffacilitating,formoney,mutualexchangeofservicesorothercompensation,therentalofadwellingorotherstructure,inwholeorinpart;andAllowsfortheagreementandcompensationwithrespecttosuchrentaltobetransactedthroughsuchonline-enabledapplication,websiteordigitalnetwork.
The policy states that the terms roomer, boarder, tenant, or guest do not include a “home-sharing occupant.”
That’s all for now. Until the next round…cheers!
The same goes for claims of damage to personal property.
IABforME.com/educationofferings: COURSECOVERAGELearnmoreaboutemergingpersonallinescoveragegaps,plusearnCEatthisupcominglivewebinar.Memberpriceisonly$75. PERSONAL LINES CLIENTS & THEIR NEW NORMAL SEPT 15 9AM - NOON CE PA: 3 GEN MD: 3 PC DE: 3 GEN Register today. 800-998-9644,IABforME.comoption1 COVERAGE CORNER 5IABforME.com |
The policy excludes claims of theft or vandalism to the dwelling or other structures arising out of or resulting from “home-sharing host activities.”
The policy does not cover any fair rental value arising out of or in connection with “home-sharing host activities.”
The valuable exceptions to the “business” exclusion for certain rental exposures do not apply to “home-sharing host activities.” Medical payments coverage does not apply to a “home-sharing occupant.”
b. Any other related property or services made available by an “insured” for use during such: (1) Rental; or (2) Mutual exchange of services; except those property or services provided by another party.
a. Has entered into an agreement or arranged compensation with an “insured” through the use of a “home-sharing network platform” for “home-sharing host activities”; or b. Is accompanying or staying with a person described in Paragraph 8.a. above under such “home-sharing host activities”.
A “BUSINESS” WITHOUT EXCEPTION “Home-sharing host activities” are considered a “business” and are not subject to any of the valuable exceptions which apply to part d. of the “business” definition.
PROPERTY NOT COVERED Property of a “home-sharing occupant” is not covered, nor is property of a person occupying the “residence premises” as a result of any “home-sharing host activities.” Further, any property used primarily for “home-sharing host activities” is not covered.
Kevin C Amrhein, CIC, CBIA is IA&B's withconsultant.educationHeworksourCISRand programs, as well as our special topic seminars and webinars. him at one of upcoming training
8. “Home-sharing occupant” means a person, other than an “insured”, who:
6. “Home-sharing host activities”
(1)a.means:The:Rental or holding for rental; or (2) Mutual exchange of services; of the “residence premises”, in whole or in part, by an “insured” to a “home-sharing occupant” through the use of a “home-sharing network platform”; and

After a two-year hiatus, Crab Feast is back! Member agents and company partners are invited to crack crabs with industry friends.
Nineteen interns from seven member agencies and three carrier partners attended IA&B’s inaugural Intern Day in late July. The half-day event highlighted the opportunities and advancements in the industry.
Christina M. Pritchett, CISR Elite Wilgus Associates, Inc. Bethany Beach, DE Roxanne Glessner Cameron, CISR ACM Insurance Agency Elkton, MD Amber Patterson, CISR Howard Hanna Insurance Services Pittsburgh, PA
IA&B President & CEO Jason Ernest hosted the event, which included a young agent panel discussion with IA&B Members Shayne McIntosh, CIC, and Alexandra Yeity, CISR. In addition, Matthew Knowles, of IA&B Member Agency Knowles Insurance, shared his insights on the cyber market, and Agents Council for Technology Executive Director Chris Cline provided his perspective on the evolution and future of insurance.
Congratulations to the following three IA&B members who received their state Outstanding CSR of the Year Award, sponsored by The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research. They now advance to the national competition.
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022 6-9 BoondocksPM Restaurant Smyrna, DE IA&B member/partner price: $50 Includes all-you-can-eat crabs, shrimp, chicken fingers, fries, and corn on the cob, plus beer, wine, and soda. Register by Friday, Sept. 16 at IABforME.com

APPLY TO BE AN AGENT: WWW.GUARD.COM/APPLY/ o s’ C ion We distinguish our Workers’ Compensation coverage by providing value-added services before, during, and after a claim. Upfront loss control measures Responsive claims handling Facilitation of quality medical care (when an accident does occur) We’ve been successfully protecting our policyholders and their employees since 1983. Browse all of our products at www.guard.com. Our Workers’ Compensation policy is available nationwide except in monopolistic states: ND, OH, WA, and WY. THANK YOU, VOLUNTEER LEADERS September marks a new administrative year at IA&B. As such, the following volunteer leaders will end their terms. We sincerely thank them for their dedication, time, and vision. IA&B Board of Directors: Lisa A. Leach Goth, CIC Charles P. Leach Agency Inc. New Bethlehem, PA J. Marshall Wolff, CIC, CPCU Kressler Wolff & Miller Inc. Easton, PA IIABA National Director: G. Greg Gunn, Lemoyne,Gunn-Mowery,CICLLCPA 7

A sincere thank you to these partners for supporting the independent agent network. PLATINUM PARTNERS PlymouthMillersErieAcuityInsuranceMutualInsurancePennNationalInsuranceRockAssurance GOLD PARTNERS Amalgamated Specialty Group Chesapeake Employers Insurance Company Chubb Donegal Insurance Group Farmers of Salem Iroquios Mid-Atlantic Group Keystone Insurers Group Inc Liberty Mutual/Safeco MMG Insurance Company Mutual Benefit Group Nationwide Insurance Company Progressive Thank You Interested in becoming a partner? Reach out today. Tim Wonder, IA&B VP-Membership 800-998-9644, ext. 351 | TimW@IABforME.com 8 SEPTEMBER 2022

Insuring Opportunity through Mutual Success. HarfordMutual.com 800.638.3669 Harford insurancetop-performingisInsuranceMutualGroupaWard’s50®property-casualtycompanyforthe second consecutive year. 2022 & 2021 We partner with independent agents to insure restaurants, contractors, mercantile, and other commercial entities.
AgentPAC is IA&B’s state-based, bipartisan political action committee which supports the election of candidates and legislators who understand the issues important to the independent agent and broker community. Support of these candidates who are critical to IA&B’s government affairs work would not be possible without AgentPAC contributions from engaged IA&B member agents.
Lee Dotson, a long-time contributor and chairman of the IA&B of Delaware Government Relations Committee, shares what drives his support.
And that support helps when [IA&B volunteers and lobbyists] meet with legislators to oppose or support legislation. Every day we are advise insureds to protect their assets – cars, houses, business, lives, etc. I have always viewed AgentPAC as career insurance for our industry.”
“It is so important that agents meet with legislators in their district to discuss bills affecting our industry. But if you don’t have time, then you should send a check to AgentPAC. Money given to the political action committee is used to financially support agentfriendly candidates and lawmakers.
Join the effort and learn more about AgentPAC by visiting IABforME.com/ political_advocacy.

Q. IA&B membership consists of many young independent agents who are just entering the family business. What advice would you give them?
Q& A
A. Stick with it. Insurance is a difficult profession but can be very gratifying. When I first started, I didn’t realize how important it was as a safety net.
Q. You’re active in IA&B’s advocacy efforts – having attended the Big “I” Legislative Conference for several years and now leading the IA&B Government Relations Committee. To what do you credit your interest in politics?
Rob Walbeck, CIC is president of Walbeck Insurance, a full-service independent agency in Homer City, PA. He currently chairs the IA&B of Pennsylvania Government Relations Committee and previously served on the IA&B Board of Directors.
A. It was always the plan. Like most boys, I wanted to be like my father. He was active in many organizations, and people looked up to him. I started working here when I was 11. Every day after school, it was my responsibility to come in and empty the garbage. I can remember getting a bi-monthly $13 paycheck and having to give half back toward my college fund.
Continue with professional education, and learn the specifics of each coverage. Having the ability to learn the clients’ business and look for potential coverage gaps helped me gain their respect at an early age. I started the Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation process early on and have learned so much at the CIC seminars throughout the years. Not just coverage but sales and management, too.
A. The Legislative Conference was where I really became interested in the political process. I was overwhelmed when I first went to Washington, D.C., but [former IA&B President & CEO] Rick Russell and some experienced agents helped me gain my footing. By the end of it, I was hooked. with ROB WALBECK
Q. You followed your father and grandfather into the agency. Was that always the plan? Why or why not?

Q. Tell us about your hometown – Homer City, PA!
A. Two things I learned at the Big “I” Legislative Conference are that Congress wants to hear from people in their District and that money talks. Those hold true on the state level, too. I have always trusted IA&B to know who our friends will be and which ones need our support.
Q. We understand you’re an avid golfer and skier! What’s the best course you’ve played and mountain you’ve skied?
For anyone who hasn’t had the opportunity to attend, I strongly recommend going. Walking the halls and meeting with Senators and Representatives is truly something that needs to be experienced. For the most part, everyone listened to what we had to say. They didn’t always agree, but at least they listened. I was also surprised at how many other organizations were in Washington, D.C. doing the same thing. Each one pushing their view. I realized then how important it was to become involved. If our voice isn’t heard, there is no one to blame but ourselves.
Although Portmarnock in Ireland or Laurel Valley in Pennsylvania are top contenders.
A. Indiana County is coal country. There are three power plants that once provided most of the power to the Eastern seaboard. Unfortunately, climate change has hit our community hard, and we have lost many jobs. Homer City is a small town of 1,800 people located in the heart of the county. Rob Walbeck is an avid skier in the winter months and enjoys golf the rest of the year.
AgentPAC is not a $1M PAC so they have to spend wisely.
Q. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned about the legislative process during your involvement with IA&B’s advocacy efforts?
A. Nothing is done quickly. To get a bill passed, it first has to come out of committee and then must be voted on in each chamber. After that, the reconciliation process begins with the goal of making the House version and the Senate version acceptable. After that, the President or Governor must sign the bill for it to become law. As an example, we have been trying to increase minimum limits for personal autos for years now [in Pennsylvania]. Every time we get close, another interested party has an objection or an amendment, or the legislative session ends, and we have to restart the process. I am hopeful that we will have something to celebrate this fall.
Q. Thank you for your ongoing, generous support of AgentPAC. What drives your commitment to IA&B’s political action committee?
A. I am fortunate to have golfed and skied all over the world. My favorite ski mountain is easy – WhistlerBlackcomb near Vancouver, B.C. I have a couple favorites for golf courses, but if I had to choose one, it would probably be DragonRidge County Club in Las Vegas.

In Delaware, a first draft of a recently proposed employee misclassification bill redefined independent contractor in a way that would have completely upended the existing relationships between independent agents and insurance carriers, potentially jeopardizing their compensation programs. IA&B and other industry representatives promptly requested an amendment to preserve agencies’ status as independent contractors and the continued ability for carriers to compensate agents through Incommissions.Maryland,a proposal to ban the use of credit-based insurance scoring (CBIS) was dramatically reduced in scope after IA&B input, instead allowing individuals to apply for exceptions to existing CBIS rating rules based on certain life events, such as identity theft, or the death of a spouse, child, or parent. IA&B also convinced the Maryland Senate to remove a demographic reporting requirement that would have been impossible for agents and carriers to adhere to without violating other state and federal laws, but the legislative session ended before the bill saw a final vote of passage.
Laws are like sausages; it is better not to see them being made. For every law that makes it way to the Governor’s desk, there are typically several iterations of amendments and language that was scrapped due to the unintended effects they would have. Elected officials come from a wide variety of backgrounds; they can’t be expected to be an expert in every topic they vote on.
When IA&B staff meets with lawmakers, we bring the expertise and experience of our independent agents to the table, a resource that lawmakers typically find value in. We also talk with legislators about the issues independent agents are facing that they may be able to solve. In Pennsylvania, the Cannabis Banking & Insurance Act was passed earlier this year after IA&B staff discussed with lawmakers a legislative issue that made independent agents at risk of penalty for providing their services to legal cannabis-related businesses. The conversations and meetings between IA&B staff and our elected officials don’t just benefit agents. Many lawmakers see IA&B and its members as a resource they can rely on – a way to understand the complicated world of insurance and be better leaders for their state.
Direct Lobbying: Your Insurance Against Bad Legislation
A 1,000-Foot View of Legislative Advocacy
With a constant presence in the state capitols, IA&B works daily to monitor legislation and regulations that affect independent agents, and to advance laws and regulations that benefit independent insurance agencies. Here’s how we do it....
By John Savant, IA&B Government Affairs DirectorBy John Savant, IA&B Government Affairs Director
Imagine if the laws regulating nuclear power plants were written without the input of nuclear engineers. To say the least, the results would be disastrous. The same can also be true of insurance-related bills that are written without the input of independent agents.

The power of IA&B’s grassroots outreach was on full display earlier this year in Delaware’s legislative session when a bill was introduced that would ban the use of gender as a rating factor for auto insurance. Introduced at the request of the Delaware Insurance Commissioner, Senate Bill 231 was tied to a flawed report that the industry was charging female drivers more than their male counterparts. There was only one issue with the report: it used one or two outliers to generalize an entire market.
AgentPAC, IA&B’s political action committee, is a fund made up of voluntary contributions by IA&B members that helps people who are supportive of independent agents run for political office. Decisions to support candidates are made solely based on their policy positions on insurancerelated issues, as well as their voting record (if they are running for re-election).
Like it or not, elections are expensive. Yard signs, curated walking lists, and political mailers are a vital part of any serious electoral campaign, and they all cost money.
AgentPAC helps cover the costs of running a successful campaign, enabling candidates to focus less time on fundraising and more time on connecting with voters.
Grassroots Outreach: Making the Voice of Independent Agents Heard
IA&B staff testified at a Senate hearing on the bill in April, arguing that it would lead to increased auto insurance rates for women – particularly youthful drivers – but, in spite of swaying several votes, our efforts fell just short. SB 231 ended up passing in the Senate by an 11-10 vote. Direct lobbying can be an extremely effective tool for educating elected officials on an issue they may be less familiar with, but it becomes less effective when a legislator has already formed their own opinion. In the case of SB 231, most legislators were already aware of –and had read – the misleading report by the Department of Insurance. It wasn’t until insurance agents directly contacted their Representatives that support for SB 231 fell apart. IA&B Government Affairs Committee members sent letters and met directly with dozens of House members, providing detailed examples of how SB 231 would affect their customers’ auto insurance premiums. Even many of the bill’s sponsors were swayed by the data that agents provided, and SB 231 lost the support to come up for a vote in the House.
The lesson from SB 231 is clear: Direct communication between agents and their elected officials is a powerful tool for defeating legislation that would harm independent agents and their customers.
Female drivers generally pay less for auto insurance than male drivers with otherwise similar risk profiles, because female drivers have fewer and less severe accidents.
While direct lobbying is the first and most common way in which IA&B reaches out to lawmakers, the single most effective way to change a legislator’s position on an issue is for them to hear directly from a concerned constituent. And with over 1,150 member agencies across Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware, it would be difficult to find a legislator who doesn’t have an IA&B member living in their district.
AgentPAC: Putting Money Where Your Mouth Is If direct lobbying and grassroots mobilization are the tools that IA&B uses to reach out to and speak to legislators, AgentPAC is our tool for ensuring that there are people in office on both sides of the aisle who are willing to hear what we have to say.

▲ Register to vote, and vote in every election. Get to know who your elected officials are, and make sure they know you. Keep an eye out for advocacy updates through IA&B’s weekly Agent Headlines email, and take action if IA&B is asking you to contact your legislators about a bill or an upcoming vote. Taking a few minutes to write an email to your representative can make all the difference.
You can help IA&B’s advocacy efforts by taking the following actions:
Lee Dotson, Chair Burnett Metcalfe
Jason Rodriguez
Linda KipLarryBradKentStaceyMcCannNicholsonReynoldsRosenkildeSandersWhite
With state elections rapidly approaching this November, AgentPAC and IA&B’s advocacy team are working to ensure the voice of independent agents is heard in our state capitols. The strength of IA&B’s advocacy efforts lies in our membership: the experience and knowledge that IA&B shares with legislators, our collective voice on the issues that matter most to agents, and our ability to pool our resources through AgentPAC to support those who support us.
Government Relations Committees independent agents who volunteer their time to provide feedback on proposed legislation, meet with lawmakers, and occasionally testify on behalf.
Yasik Lisa Broadbent 14
Contribute to AgentPAC to help elect candidates who support independent agents. You can contribute online at IABforME.com/political_advocacy. have an existing relationship with your elected official, are interested in government affairs, and/or would like to get involved, please let us know. IA&B’s Government Affairs Director. can reach him at JohnS@IABforME.com or 800-998-9644, ext. 607.
Email JohnS@IABforME.com.JohnSavant is
members –
Peter Wolff
Relations Committee Thank you to the IA&B Government
Pennsylvania Committee
Delaware Committee
Maryland Committee
Craig Mader, Chair Hanes
Independent agents who run for office – like Pennsylvania State Senator Chris Gebhard, Pennsylvania State Representative Chris Quinn, and Maryland Delegate Courtney Watson – are an invaluable asset when it comes to educating their colleagues who do not have experience working in the insurance industry. Other AgentPACsupported candidates may not come directly from an insurance background, but they value the expertise that IA&B members bring to the table and ask for our input before voting on insurance-related bills.
▲ If you
Rob Walbeck, Chair

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2021 CONTRIBUTORS 16 SEPTEMBER 2022 Presidents Club ($1,000+) Tod Aronson E R Munro and Company Shannon Hutton-BlewsBlewsInsurance LLC Steven Buterbaugh E K McConkey & Company Andrew Enders Colonial Park Realty Company Greg Gunn-MoweryGunn LLC Michael Harter E K McConkey & Company Douglas Loesel-SchaafLoeselIns Agency Inc Deborah Remaley Remaley Insurance Inc Governors Club ($500 - $999) Joanne Bankos Collens Wagner Agency David Beck The Weimer Group Frank Ebner E K McConkey & Company Robin Fetterolf-Dunckley Steely & Smith LLC Jeffrey Glass E K McConkey & Company Lisa CharlesGothPLeach Agency Inc John Olkowski E K McConkey & Company Joseph ETimothyKresslerMarshallTheDeanEDonnaReschiniReschiniAgencyIncRoperKMcConkey&CompanyWimmerWeimerGroupWolffWolff&MillerIncZieglerKMcConkey&Company Senate Level ($250 - $499) Sarah Brown Keller Brown Insurance Srvcs Scott Burns Burns & Burns Associates Inc Henry Dunn Henry Dunn Inc James FitzsimmonsFitzsimmonsInsAgency Inc Len EvansGieselerHauseman & Richard Inc Dorine Goodridge Kelly Insurance Agency Inc David Gusmar Altany Loynd & Lindquist LLC John SheeleyHollisterInsurance Agency Patrick Kelly Kelly Insurance Agency Inc David King Horst McIlrathBruceVisionJayKnowlesRobertInsuranceKnowlesAsscLemelinInsuranceMcIlrathInsurance Agency Darla WilliamMechlingGMechling Agency Christopher Miller Miller Insurance Protection Team Roger Myers Roger W Myers Insurance Agency RichardRichardLLCODonnellK.O’Donnell, Jr. Agcy Jeffrey Olsommer-ClarkeOlsommerIns Group Inc Adam Purdy Purdy Insurance Agency Inc William Purdy Purdy Insurance Agency Inc Richard Rankin Murray Insurance Assoc Inc Tara Hampson-MowrerSilfies Agency LLC William Simpson Simpson & Mccrady LLC Kim RRobertAgencyTroast-SingleyTroast-SingleyInsuranceLLCWalbeckEWalbeckAgencyInc House Level ($100 - $249) Bret Atwood TGIF Solutions Inc Marybeth NorthshoreBaranInsurance Agency EugeneLLC Bartoli Assured Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania Connie Bence Helwig Insurance R Jeffrey Coup Coup Agency John Coyle J Coyle & Associates Wanda Cupp Cupp Insurance Agency Inc Gary BoardmanDix & Hamilton Co Duane StrausserEptingInsurance Agency Jeff MPFFeckoInsurance Inc Leonard Garza Premier Group Dawne Griffith The Insurance Buffet LLC Patrick Tri-CountyHalcovichInsurance Associate Dennis GroupAAdvantageHamsherInsuranceInc Jesse Harlan Don Jacobs Insurance Servs Inc Randall Hart Annie W Metzler Insurance Agency HerrnbergerPaulSwift-HopkinsGeorgeIncHeigelIncHerrnbergerInsurance Inc Jocelyn Howard C W Howard Agency Inc Edward Ifft Jr. Ifft & Palmer Associates LLC Cynthia Kish Henry H Shoemaker Agency Marvin IronbridgeKleinInsurance Agency LLC Jon LawtonLawtonInsurance Agency Inc Glenn Williams-CleavelandLebby Company Mitchell Marcus Mitchell Group Inc Charles McHugh Mchugh Insurance LLC Mary Wilkinson-DunnMcKinley Company Mark MearhoffMearhoffInsurance Agency, Inc Richard Michael Michael Insurance Agency Inc Scott CharlesMillsMMills Ins Agency Mark GriffithMonroeInsurance LLP Owen WengerMyersandMyers Ins Claire InsurancePantaloniAgents & Brokers Service Group Inc Joseph Pastor Barr’s TheCharlesInsurancePatersonPatersonAgency, LLC PENNSYLVANIA
We sincerely thank everyone below for contributing to AgentPAC in 2021. Your financial support helps make sure your voice, collectively with other agents, is heard during the legislative process, and helps us as we advocate for ways to strengthen agents’ political interests on key insurance and business issues in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware. 17IABforME.com | Toby PepperPepperInsurance and Financial Services LLC Ray TeeterAprilReinardReinardAgencyResslerInsurance Agency Inc J William Rittenhouse WM Rittenhouse Agency Inc John Shields R J Lutes Insurance Agency William Siegel Siegel Insurance Inc Mark Sitler The Hartman Agency Inc William Slovik Slovik Insurance Agency Robert Smyrl Robert L Smyrl Inc Jeffrey Spotts Spotts Insurance Group Inc Harry Triolo ChristopherTLC Vogt Baron Insurance Group LLC Robert WhitfordWardInsurance Network Inc Timothy InsuranceWonderAgents& Brokers Service Group Inc Greg Zinn Zinn Insurance, LLC Up to $99 Victoria Hatfield Hatfield Group LLC Blake BDH/KonhausHenry LLC Robert Hogue Walker & Associates John DimelingWoolridge&Schrot Inc Presidents Club ($1,000+) David Rosenkilde R&A Insurance Inc Governors Club ($500 - $999) Gary Berger HMS Insurance Associates Inc Bryan AntietamHanesInsurance Assoc Inc Craig Mader Page & Associates Insurance Inc Janice Walker-PooleWise Insurance Inc Senate Level ($250 - $499) Tony FamousBennett&Spang Associates, LLC Gregory Bennett Famous & Spang Associates, LLC Henry BradleyBradleyAtlantic LLC Blair Mattheiss B J Mattheiss Insurance Inc Linda McCann Bay Shore Insurance Inc Larry EdwardSandersLSanders Ins Agency Charles Clifton Veirs III C Clifton Veirs Agency Barry WinsteadWinsteadInsurance Agency House Level ($100 - $249) Todd Boyle Boyle Insurance Group LLC Daniel Burris Olde Towne Insurance Agcy Inc Jason Call Blue Ridge Risk Partners LLC Brian CreamerCreamerInsurance Agency Richard Gerety Rick Gerety & Assoc Inc Murray Hankin Hankin Ins Agency Inc Kimberly Matney Matney Insurance Services Inc John CompleteRolkerPlanning Serv Inc Timothy Schaefer Schaefer Insurance Services King AmericanWhiteInsurance and Financial Services Inc Steve AmericanHenryChurch Group Of North Carolina Up to $99 James OmegaCrassasInsurance Agency Inc Stacey Nicholson CNR Insurance Inc Senate Level ($250 - $499) Wallace Howell Pratt Insurance Inc Jim Watkins The Hilb Group of Maryland LLC dba Pfister Insurance David Wilgus Wilgus Associates Inc Peter Wolff Wolff Insurance Agency Inc John PolandYasik&Sullivan Ins Inc House Level ($100 - $249) Steve Burnett CBM Insurance Agency LLC Richard WeymouthCorroonSwayze & Corroon Insurance Inc Lee BellevueDotsonInsurance Services LLC Candace Shoupe CBM Insurance Agency LLC Joe WilliamsMooreInsurance Agency Inc Up to $99 Sheila WilliamsWellsInsurance Agency Inc MARYLAND DELAWARE
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What keeps you busy outside of work?
Outside of work, you’ll typically find me spending time with friends and family – usually hiking, cooking, swimming, or playing volleyball. Time spent with loved ones is time well spent! You can reach John at: 800-998-9644, ext. JohnS@IABforME.com607
Best part of your job (so far!): The best part of my job (so far) has been all of the people at the association that I’ve interacted with.
When did you begin at IA&B?
I joined IA&B recently – April of this year!
John GovernmentSavant Affairs Director
Role at IA&B: As IA&B’s Government Affairs Director, it’s my job to keep track of the bills and legislation that are proposed by our elected officials, talk with IA&B members about how those proposals would affect independent agents, and then convey those policy positions and concerns back to legislators in order to amend or prevent the passage of bills that would be harmful to members and their customers.
Get to Know …
Job prior to IA&B: Prior to joining IA&B, I was the director of Government and Community Affairs for the Reading-Berks Association of Realtors, where I worked with state and local government officials to promote real estate professionals and homeownership throughout Berks County, PA.
I joined IA&B during the final, action-filled week of Maryland’s legislative session, and right in the middle of some tough fights on several legislative issues in Delaware and Pennsylvania. Being able to rely on other IA&B staff and OUR Government Relations Committee members has been extremely helpful for me to be able to hit the ground running and make sure IA&B’s voice is heard in our state capitols.

SAVE TIME & MONEY GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BENEFITS. CONTACTQUESTIONS?TIMWONDER, IA&B VP-MEMBERSHIP 800-998-9644, EXT. TIMW@IABFORME.COM351▲LegalandCompliance▲AccessMarkets&Carrier Relations ▲ HR and Hiring Solutions ▲ Marketing, Branding, and Websites ▲ Insurance for your Agency ▲ Online CE & Education ▲ Industry News ▲ Advocacy & Government IN-PERSONAffairsCLASSES RETURN Check out the list of in-person courses and live webinars at 800-998-9644,RegisterIABforME.com.Today. option 1 IABforME.com IABforME.com |20

SEPTEMBER 2022 Register today! 800-998-9644, option IABforME.com/education1 EARN CE WITH SCHEDULEEDUCATIONIA&B PRIMARY AGENT Editor: Karen 800-998-9644,KarenR@IABforME.comRobisonext.606 Contributing editors: Jennifer Ross Megan Fioretta Sarah Jacoby Sales Account Executive: Laura 717-430-2351laura.gaenzle@theygsgroup.comGaenzle IN-PERSON CLASSES ARE BACK! DATE TOPIC LOCATION Sep 13-14 CIC - Commercial Property Institute Harrisburg, PA Sep 20 CISR - Elements of Risk Management Pittsburgh, PA Sep 27 CISR - Agency Operations Newtown Square, PA LIVE WEBINARS DATE TOPIC TIME Sep 7 CISR - Commercial Casualty I 8AM-3:45PM Sep 7 Hour w/ Sam: A Numbers Game - Mastering the Coverage Symbols in a Business Auto Policy 2-3 PM Sep 8 Lurking: Surprises in Contractor’s CGL Policy & Endorsements to Watch Out For 9AM-12PM Sep 8 Ethics: Essentials for the Insurance Producer 1-4 PM Sep 13 CIC - Commercial Property Institute 8AM-5:00PM Sep 14 CISR - Personal Lines Miscellaneous 8AM-3:45PM Sep 15 Personal Lines Clients & Their New Normal 9AM-12PM Sep 15 More Money, More (Insurance) Problems? Mastering P&C Coverage for the Affluent Market 1-4 PM Sep 19 Leadership & Liability: Insuring Executive Risk 1-4 PM Sep 21 Hour w/ Nicole: Personal Umbrella Issues & Answers 2-3 PM Sep 21 William T Hold - Personal Lines 8AM-4:00PM Sep 22 Personal Lines Coverage Concerns: Annoying But Important 9AM-12PM Sep 22 Agent’s E&O: Defenses & Preventions for Insurance Prof 1-4 PM Sep 27 Using Property & Liability Endorsements to Fortify Farm Risks 1-4 PM Sep 27 Contracts Agents Should Read 1-4 PM Sep 28 Hour w/ Sam: Home-Sharing & How to Handle It 2-3 PM Sep 28 CISR - Life & Health Essentials 8AM-3:45PM Sep 29 Commercial Property - Direct vs Indirect Damage 9AM-12PM Sep 29 Chris Amrhein’s “Adventures in Aging”: Medicare & Other Retirement Healthcare Solutions 1-4 PM 21IABforME.com | WELCOMENEWMEMBER Dott Insurance Group LLC Pittsburgh, Greensburg & Johnstown, PA For information about membership or benefits, contact: Tim Wonder, TimW@IABforME.com800-998-9644,MembershipVP-ext.351

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