Primary Advantage Federation Governor Manager Application Pack

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Applica'on Pack Governance Manager

Contents Welcome 3 Our Background 4 Our Vision 5 Our Commitments 6 Teaching School 7 Job DescripBon 8 Personal SpeciďŹ caBon 9 ApplicaBon Process 10

Primary Advantage is commi9ed to safeguarding and promo'ng the welfare of children and expects all sta to share this commitment. We welcome applica'ons from all sec'ons of the community regardless of gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orienta'on or age.

Dear Applicant,


Thank you for your interest in applying for a post in one of our federated schools. I hope this pack supports you in finding out more about us. The pack includes some background informaBon about the federaBon, informaBon about the applicaBon process and the job descripBon. Primary Advantage is governance through a FederaBon structure, working to the School Governance (FederaBon) RegulaBons. As a large federaBon working across eight schools, geWng our governance right is crucial to the success of organisaBon and ability of Central Governing Board (CGB) to discharge responsibiliBes and have a clear line of sight into our schools. The role of Governance Manager is a newly created post. The Governance Manager will be fundamental to ensure that FederaBon is compliant with all governance legislaBon and leads on maximising the potenBal of our governance arrangements. The Manager will act as the bedrock for our all the FederaBon’s governance delivery. The Governance Manager will provide core proacBve clerking support to our CGB, Business Commi[ee (BC), ScruBny Commi[ee (SC) and Local Advisory Boards (LABs).

The role requires self-moBvated, approachable and organised individual to lead and manage governance administraBon, in addiBon to providing experBse on legislaBon to support, develop and shape the future of the federaBon The closing date for this applica'on is: Wednesday 13th September 2017 The interviews for shortlisted candidates will take place on: Wednesday 20th September 2017 More informaBon about each school can be found on the schools’ websites. Please note that we will be closed over the summer holidays. Applica8ons can be sent in but all ques8ons and queries will be answered the week beginning 4th September. Please contact Venessa Williams on 0207 254 1010. Please send completed applicaBon forms to Kind regards, Sian Davies

Our Background Our journey started in 2001 when St John and St James opened as a Fresh Start School. Since then we have worked with many school and teachers in Hackney and beyond and have grown into a FederaBon of eight schools. Our schools gain signiďŹ cant beneďŹ ts from working collaboraBvely and can achieve more by working together. We have made a commitment to a shared responsibility to the wider educaBon community, the provision of a high quality educaBon and the improvement of life chances for pupils in the community beyond that of our own schools.

Our Vision Every teacher is a great teacher; every school is a great school. We aim to move incrementally towards excellence in all aspects of our work. All pupils will make good or be9er progress and will be properly equipped for the next stage of their schooling. Learning environments are of high quality where pupils feel safe and secure, known and valued and mo'vated to learn. Curriculum provision is bespoke, broaden horizons and inspires our pupils to become successful learners, conďŹ dent individuals and responsible ciBzens. Our learning community provides opportuniBes for growth for pupils, sta and families

Our Commitments

Primary Advantage Na'onal Teaching Schools Teaching schools are outstanding schools that work with others to provide high-quality training and development to new and experienced school staff. They are part of the government’s plan to give schools a central role in raising standards by developing a self-improving and sustainable school-led system. St John and St James, Holy Trinity and Springfield are designated teaching schools, working in collaboraBon with the other five schools in the federaBon; St Ma[hias, Morningside, St John the BapBst, Gainsborough and De Beauvoir. The schools work in partnership with primary schools across the borough and beyond and play a key role within the Primary Advantage NaBonal Teaching Schools Alliance. Primary Advantage is a federaBon of schools working together because we believe our schools can gain many benefits from working collaboraBvely. We have made a commitment to a shared responsibility to the wider school community, the provision of good quality educaBon and the improvement of life chances for pupils in the community beyond that of our own schools. Our work on improving provision for children will conBnue to see us working in partnership with schools in Hackney, across London and into the County of Suffolk. We will be working closely with our strategic partners, The InsBtute of EducaBon and Hackney Learning Trust, to effecBvely deliver IniBal Teacher Training (School direct and PGCE), ConBnuous Professional Development, talent management, school to school support, the brokering of Specialist Leaders of EducaBon and research and development. Primary Advantage NaBonal Teaching School Alliance will see all schools within the alliance achieving more together.

Job Descrip'on - Governance Manager Post Title: Governance Manager Start date: 4th September 2017 Remunera'on: P01 £34,254 to £35,070 pro rata (dependent on experience) Contract: One year fixed term Approximately 603 hours a year in term Bme, any addiBonal hours will be paid at the same rate Reports to: ExecuBve Principal, FederaBon Business Manager and Governance Adviser Liaises with: Head teachers, teaching staff, Finance and administraBve staff, Governors, local community representaBves, union representaBves, and other external agencies Loca'on: Clerking at schools across the federaBon and central office meeBngs and support

ABOUT PRIMARY ADVANTAGE We are a group of eight schools in Hackney working together because we believe our schools can gain many benefits from working collaboraBvely. We have made a commitment to a shared responsibility to the wider school community, the provision of good quality educaBon and the improvement of life chances for pupils in the community beyond that of our own schools. Teachers, support staff, school leaders and governors have added experBse in working alongside colleagues to improve provision and outcomes for our pupil ROLE SUMMARY Primary Advantage is governance through a FederaBon structure, working to the School Governance (FederaBon) RegulaBons. As a large federaBon working across eight schools, geWng our governance right is crucial to the success of organisaBon and ability of Central Governing Board (CGB) to discharge responsibiliBes and have a clear line of sight into our schools. The role of Governance Manager is a newly created post. The Governance Manager will be fundamental to ensure that FederaBon is compliant with all governance legislaBon and leads on maximising the potenBal of our governance arrangements. The Manager will act as the bedrock for our all the FederaBon’s governance delivery. The Governance Manager will provide core proacBve clerking support to our CGB, Business Commi[ee (BC), ScruBny Commi[ee (SC) and Local Advisory Boards (LABs). More than this, the post holder will also contribute to the effecBveness of key decision-makers within the organisaBon by overseeing the governance framework, meeBng all compliance and regulatory requirements and providing advisory support to governance stakeholders. Through developing and delivering a tailored governance model for Primary Advantage, the Governance Manager will enable our governance structures to fully meet the evolving needs of our organisaBon whilst demonstraBng best pracBce in FederaBon governance.

KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Governance Framework • Overall responsibility to ensure governors act in accordance with, the Primary Advantage FederaBon Instrument of Governance and Scheme of DelegaBon including undertaking the annual review to ensure these documents are compliant with relevant statute and reflect the distribuBon of responsibiliBes throughout the organisaBon. • Lead on the development of the annual Governance Workplan in conjuncBon with Chairs and ExecuBve Principal, ensuring alignment with high-level organisaBonal planning • Responsible for individual Central Governing Body (CGB), Business Commi[ee (BC), ScruBny Commi[ee (SC) and Local Advisory Board (LAB) meeBngs to fall at strategic Bmes to ensure fulfilment of regulator requirements and delegaBons • Hold strong understanding of Primary Advantage FederaBon’s internal governance structure, consBtuBon, procedures and delegaBons including the board code of conduct Clerking/secretariat support • Translate annual Governance Workplan into standing agendas, report templates and agenda item briefings for CGB, BC, SC and LAB • Deliver high-quality papers and reports in format agreed with key governance stakeholders to meet agreed deadlines, including supporBng staff with relevant aspects of reporBng • Oversee smooth delivery of all governance meeBngs including taking and circulaBng accurate minutes • Overall responsibility to ensure Bmely two-way communicaBon and informaBon flows between all Bers of governance within the FederaBon, including, on occasion, presenBng agenda items at Board, Commi[ee or Advisory Board meeBngs • Support relevant governor panels (exclusions, disciplinary, grievance, complaints) in conjuncBon with other colleagues as required

Undertake regular skills audits to aid with succession planning acBviBes and assist with annual board evaluaBon process and ongoing governance quality assurance

Induc'on, training and communica'ons • Undertake first-line recruitment of new Governors, Commi[ee and LAB Members in line with the overall Primary Advantage approach • Undertake all aspects of Governor/ Member appointment, record-keeping and membership • Plan and coordinate Governor and Member inducBon and training including signposBng to opportuniBes available through Hackney Learning Trust and London Diocesan Board for Schools • Signpost Governors and Members to relevant communicaBons/ newsle[ers to help fulfil role and ensure that governance stakeholders are briefed on key development in local and naBonal educaBonal policy Risk, compliance and regula'on • Signpost Governors and Members to relevant communicaBons/ newsle[ers to help fulfil role and ensure that governance stakeholders are briefed on key development in local and naBonal educaBonal policy • Develop Primary Advantage’s approach to idenBficaBon and management of risk including maintaining risk registers • Deliver internal audit strategy including coordinaBon of annual internal audit plan and inspecBon visits • Maintain Primary Advantage policy framework including ensuring policies are updated in a Bmely manner in accordance with legislaBon and key changes are communicated to school • Carry out pracBcal elements of company secretarial role including ensuring quoracy at all meeBngs, filing annual returns and maintaining all required registers such as minutes and conflicts of interests • Support Governors and LAB Members as required around Ofsted and Diocese inspecBons or other significant events, including providing briefings • Mobilise knowledge of legislaBve requirements including Safeguarding, Whistleblowing, Health and Safety, EqualiBes, Data ProtecBon and Freedom of InformaBon and work with colleagues to fulfil them • Prepare any briefings requested by Chair/ ExecuBve Principal on governance queries and present in a clear, logical manner • Keep watching brief on evolving policy and legislaBon affecBng UK educaBon including FederaBons specifically

Other • •

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Keep watching brief on evolving policy and legislaBon affecBng UK educaBon including FederaBons specifically Work with the Chairs, ExecuBve Principal, FederaBon Business Manager and Headteachers to develop key governance stakeholder relaBonships for the Primary Advantage FederaBon in order to foster a strong culture of support and construcBve challenge ConBnually idenBfy areas for improvement within the Primary Advantage FederaBon governance framework To undertake any other reasonable addiBonal duBes relaBng to governance of the Primary Advantage FederaBon as requested by the Chair, ExecuBve Principal and FederaBon Business Manager To engage in relevant training and development as appropriate The Governance Manager must be available to a[end all CGB, BC, SC and LAB meeBngs, these are usually held in the early evening. This post is subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

The Governance Manager must be available to aCend all CGB, BC, SC and LAB mee8ngs, these are usually held in the early evening. This post is subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. To Be Noted • This post is subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. • This is not an exhausBve list of duBes and responsibiliBes, and the post holder may be required to undertake other duBes that fall within the grade of the job, in discussion with the manager. • This job descripBon will be reviewed regularly in the light of changing service requirements and any such changes will be discussed with the post holder. • The post holder is expected to comply with all relevant policies, procedures and guidelines, including those relaBng to Equal OpportuniBes, Health and Safety and the ConfidenBality of InformaBon. • Because of the nature of the post, candidates are not enBtled to withhold informaBon regarding convicBons by virtue of the RehabilitaBon of Offenders Act 1974 (ExempBons) Order 1975 as amended. Candidates are required to give details of any convicBons on their appointment form and are expected to disclose such informaBon at the appointment interview. • Because this post allows substanBal access to children, candidates are required to comply with departmental procedures in relaBon to Police checks. If candidates are successful in their applicaBon prior to taking up post, they will be required to give wri[en permission to the Department to ascertain details from the Metropolitan Police regarding any convicBons against them and, as appropriate the nature of such convicBons.

Person Specifica'on

Qualifica'ons • Maths and English GCSE or equivalent at grade C or above • Qualified to degree level or equivalent, or able to demonstrate sufficient relevant work experience (desirable) • Right to work in the UK Communica'on skills • Confident in leading staff meeBngs as appropriate. • Knowledge of school governance legal/ policy environment (desirable) • Knowledge of FederaBon legal/ policy environment (desirable) • Experience of governance in a school, corporate and/or legal environment (essenBal) • Experience of meeBng management and minute taking (essenBal) • Experience of managing across and upwards to relevant colleagues • Experience of monitoring systems, processes or projects • Experience of record-keeping

Specific Skills • Understand the nature of a Church of England Primary School and be willing to teach R.E. and a[end collecBve worship to meet the expectaBon of the Governing Body. • Strong wri[en and oral communicaBon skills • Strong interpersonal and stakeholder engagement skills – able to foster relaBonships • Strong a[enBon to detail • Able to write accurately, clearly and concisely and provide succinct reports • Able to interpret financial and/or school performance data • Ability to prioriBse conflicBng demands and balance on going deadlines • Fully computer literate, with suitable experience of standard office sopware Accountability/Freedom to act • Leads by example in standards of behaviour in the work environment. • Personal vision is aligned with the ethos and values of the Primary Advantage FederaBon and a commitment to ensuring the best possible educaBon for each child • Adaptable, organised, detail-oriented and systemaBc in approach to work • Confident and able to work independently on own iniBaBve, within an overall framework • ConscienBous and takes personal accountability for delivery of goals • Focused on delivering and regularly reviewing support, soluBons and key processes • Adept at working with others to resolve conflicts or compeBng prioriBes • Commi[ed to on going personal

Please note that CVs will not be accepted without the applica'on form . Applicants are asked to complete all the standard informaBon required on the Primary Advantage applicaBon form. Applicants are required to complete a suppor'ng statement. Without these documents we may be unable to process your applica'on.

Applica'on Process

Please specify the role you are applying for i.e Governance Manager. The reference number for this applicaBon is: PA/GM17. Candidates are advised that when compleBng the references secBon on the applicaBon form to please ensure that: • Your first referee must be your current, or most recent, employer • You provide a referee who can confirm your suitability for the role

Shortlis'ng Once we have received your applicaBon you will be noBfied via email. Successful candidates who have been shortlisted for interview will be contacted shortly aper the closing date. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to complete tasks prior to interview. Candidates must ensure that if they are successful at interview, that they are able to provide evidence of their Right to Work and Remain in the UK. The school is not able to employ any person who cannot validate their Right to Work and Remain in the UK in the line with the Asylum, ImmigraBon and NaBonality Act 2000. Following the interview, Primary Advantage will contact candidates by Monday 25th September 2017 to confirm as to whether they have been successful or not.

Successful candidates Successful candidates will be required to apply for an enhanced Criminal Record Check via the DBS. We are commi[ed to safeguarding and promoBng the welfare of our children and expect all members of staff to share this commitment. All qualificaBons and references will be verified.

Primary Advantage FederaBon Holy Trinity Primary School Beechwood Rd Dalston London E8 3DY Tel: 020 7254 1010

St John & St James CE Primary School

St John Bap'st CE Primary School

Holy Trinity CE Primary School

Morningside Primary School

SpringďŹ eld Community School

Gainsborough Primary School

St Ma9hias CE Primary School

De Beauvoir Primary School

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