Morningside Primary School EYFS Teacher Application Pack

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Morningside Primary School Applica'on Pack EYFS Teacher

Contents Welcome 3 Applica-on Process


About Us 5 Working with Partners


Key Priori-es


About Primary Advantage 8 Job Descrip-on 9 Personal SpeciďŹ ca-on 10 Contact Us 11

Morningside is commi;ed to safeguarding and promo'ng the welfare of children and expects all sta to share this commitment. We welcome applica'ons from all sec'ons of the community regardless of gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orienta'on or age.

Welcome Dear Applicant, Thank you for your interest in applying for the posi-on of EYFS Teacher at Morningside Primary School. We hope this pack supports you in finding out more about our school. The pack includes background informa-on about the school and our federa-on, Primary Advantage. It also includes informa-on about the applica-on process and the job descrip-on. Morningside is an outstanding two-form entry primary school in the London borough of Hackney. We are located in very close to Hackney Central in the heart of a diverse, vibrant and exci-ng community. Our children come from truly diverse backgrounds and speak many different languages. We are one of eight schools within the Primary Advantage Federa-on. Being part of this Federa-on allows us to offer the unique opportunity to be part of a community of commi]ed teachers and leaders who regularly share best prac-ce and support each other. The federa-on has allowed us to grow as a school but s-ll maintain our dis-nct and unique iden-ty. Our Local Authority Board (LAB) ensures that Morningside makes decisions that are best for the school and its community. We are looking to appoint an efficient and efficient EYFS Teacher. The successful candidate will be based in Nursery and the post is a one-year fixed term contract. The role requires someone who is passionate about children’s learning and who has a rich knowledge and understanding of how learners learn. The closing date for this applica'on is: Monday 8th October 2018 at 12pm Interviews for shortlisted candidates will take place on Thursday 11th October 2018. If you have any ques-ons about the applica-on process please contact Venessa Williams on 02072541010. Please send completed applica-on forms to

Kind regards, Janet Taylor Headteacher

Applica'on Process

Salary: Mainscale with possible TLR depending on experience Applica'on Closing Date: Monday 8th October 2018 at 12pm Interviews will take place on: Thursday 11th October 2018 Star'ng Date: Nego-able

1. Please ensure that you read the applica-on pack thoroughly. 2. Complete the enclosed applica-on form; CVs will not be accepted. Applicants are required to complete a suppor-ng statement. Without these documents, we may be unable to process your applica-on. 3. Please specify the role you are applying for. The reference number for this applica-on is: MSIDE/EYFS18 4. We highly recommend that you visit our school before applying. Please contact the school office on 02089855382 to organise a visit 5. Should you have any queries about the applica-on process please contact Venessa Williams on 02072541010 6. Completed applica-ons should be sent by email to SHORTLISTING Once we have received your applica-on you will be no-fied via email. Successful candidates who have been shortlisted for interview will be contacted shortly aher the closing date. Candidates must ensure that if they are successful at interview, that they are able to provide evidence of their Right to Work and Remain in the UK. The school is not able to employ any person who cannot validate their Right to Work and Remain in the UK in line with the Asylum, Immigra-on and Na-onality Act 2000. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Successful candidates will be required to apply for an enhanced Criminal Record Check via the DBS. We are commi]ed to safeguarding and promo-ng the welfare of our children and expect all members of staff to share this commitment. All qualifica-ons and references will be verified.

About Us Morningside is a two-form entry primary school with a Children’s centre. the community is culturally and ethnically diverse and we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. Our age range is from 3 to 11 years old and we have 458 children on roll. There are two classes in each year group with 30 pupils in each class. We have two nursery classes with sessions in the morning and ahernoon, some children are full -me. 36% of pupils are eligible for free school meals. 62% of pupils speak English as an addi-onal language. We have a children's centre that supports members of our community. Our vision is for the school to be:

• A place where children can achieve their full poten-al in academic, crea-ve, personal, physical, moral and spiritual development;

• A caring place where children and adults feel they make a contribu-on and are valued as

individuals; a place where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibili-es and where children learn respect for themselves and others.

• A partnership between children, parents, staff and the community as a whole.

Working with Partners CHILDRENS CENTRE Morningside Children’s Centre is a place where families can access a range of different services, based under one roof, to help and support. The Centre brings all the different support agencies together to offer a range of services to meet parents’ and children’s needs, all in one place. Our Centre is somewhere children can make friends and learn as they play. Families can get professional advice on health and family ma]ers, learn about training and job opportuni-es or just socialise with other people. There are a range of ac-vi-es available at the Morningside Children’s Centre each day. These change on a monthly basis. Below is an overview of our current provision. WITH SECONDARY SCHOOLS The move to secondary school is an important step for pupils and parents. We work in partnership with our local secondary schools and Hackney Learning Trust to ensure our children and their families are well-informed about the transfer process. The children par-cipate in visits to local schools and we invite secondary teachers to visit our school for specialist lessons.

WITH INTERNATIONAL LINKS As part of our curriculum, we aim to develop children’s awareness of global issues. Children make links with schools and communi-es in different parts of the world. WITH PARENTS AND FAMILIES We know that the most successful educa-on takes place when parents/carers, staff and governors all work together. Parents and carers are involved with the whole school community in a variety of ways: • • • •

Parent Teacher Associa-on Helping with visits & in class Suppor-ng with fund raising events A]ending curriculum evenings

HACKNEY LEARNING TRUST (HLT) HLT is a department in Hackney Council’s Children and Young People’s service. The Hackney Learning Trust is responsible for Hackney’s children centres, schools, early years programs and adult educa-on.

Key Priori'es Our key priori-es for 2017-18 are as follows: ACHIEVEMENT FOR PUPILS •

To provide focused CPD opportuni-es and improved performance management for support staff

To improve systems of peer and self assessment

To refine the Fundamentals and Founda-ons checks

To provide challenge for the most able pupils, especially those who are disadvantaged


To further develop pupil leadership & pupil voice opportuni-es

To monitor a]endance to ensure it is in the top 30% na-onally with no groups below target

To work with the whole school community to ensure they keep themselves safe from the relevant risks including those associated with bullying, online safety, exploita-on and extremism

To further improve behaviour for learning


To refine and develop our approach to tracking, evidencing and repor-ng on pupil progress and achievement

To develop leaders at all levels

To further develop our curriculum offer to focus on experien-al learning and the crea-ve arts

To increase parental and community engagement so that it impacts posi-vely on pupils

About Primary Advantage PRIMARY ADVANTAGE FEDERATION St John the Bap-st is a part of the Primary Advantage Federa-on. We are a group of eight schools in Hackney working together because we believe our schools can gain many benefits from working collabora-vely and can achieve more by working together. We have made a commitment to a shared responsibility to the wider educa-on community, the provision of good quality educa-on and the improvement of life chances for pupils in the community beyond that of our own schools. Teachers, support staff, school leaders and Governors have added exper-se in working alongside colleagues to improve provision and outcomes for pupils. OUR COMMITMENTS Every teacher is a great teacher; every school is a great school. We aim to move incrementally towards excellence in all aspects of our work. All pupils will make good or be;er progress and will be properly equipped for the next stage of their schooling. Learning environments are of high quality where pupils feel safe and secure, known and valued and mo'vated to learn. Curriculum provision is bespoke, broaden horizons and inspires our pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible ci-zens. Our learning community provides opportuni-es for growth for pupils, staff and families. PRIMARY ADVANTAGE NATIONAL TEACHING SCHOOLS Primary Advantage has achieved teaching school status. Teaching schools are outstanding schools that work with others to provide high-quality training and development to new and experienced school staff. They are part of the government’s plan to give schools a central role in raising standards by developing a selfimproving and sustainable school-led system.

Find out more about Primary Advantage Federa'on by visi'ng 4

Job Descrip'on - EYFS Teacher Post Title: Reports to: Direct Reports: Based: Key Contacts: Internal: External: Scale:

Class Teacher Governing Board, Execu-ve Principal/Headteacher and Member of Senior Management team Ancillary staff when based in their classroom Morningside Primary School Other Teachers within the school, Execu-ve Principal, Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher Local Community, parents, Agencies relevant to du-es Mainscale with possible TLR depending on experience

ROLE SUMMARY • The current School Teachers’ Pay and Condi-ons document describes du-es which are required to be undertaken by teachers in the course of their employment. In addi-on certain par-cular du-es are reasonably required to be exercised, and completed in a sa-sfactory manner. It is the contractual duty of the class teacher to ensure that his/her professional du-es are discharged effec-vely. • This job descrip-on sets out the du-es to be undertaken and performed to the sa-sfac-on of the Execu-ve Principal/Headteacher and governing body by the class teacher. The du-es set out below relate to the overall class teaching requirements and related expecta-ons of a class teacher. KEY TASKS AND ACTIVITIES: 2.1 Within the class: to ensure the full implementa-on of the Na-onal Curriculum Orders for all subjects, or the Founda-on Stage content as defined in current DCSF documenta-on (as applicable to the year group) and in accordance with school policies.


To monitor and report the quality of pupil a]ainment in all subjects to the Execu-ve Principal/Headteacher and governing body


To assist in the selec-on of resources for the curriculum


Monitor and assess own performance and take a proac-ve approach to professional development


Effec-vely manage pupil behaviour, encouraging a high standard of behaviour and mutual respect between pupils and all members of the school community


To promote and facilitate parental involvement in teaching and learning through a shared school/home approach


To work with support staff and other teachers in the classroom to effec-vely plan for a range of needs and be suppor-ve of and sensi-ve to the needs of other colleagues


Create a posi-ve, s-mula-ng and innova-ve environment for learning. Maintain a well organised classroom with appropriate displays, resource areas and materials


Encourage interac-on and teamwork within the school, share ideas and new ini-a-ves and iden-fy new ways of teaching the curriculum. When required, take a leading role in an area of school development


Plan and implement a curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils in the class and develop personal and social aspects of learning


To advise other staff including NQTs, and students on teaching prac-ce, and to assist with inset for staff and governors when required to do so


Develop effec-ve ways of overcoming barriers to learning and sustain effec-ve teaching through the assessment of learning


To work with Hackney LEA on local and na-onal ini-a-ves for all subjects of the Na-onal Curriculum.


To work across the federated schools if and when required.


To keep under review the methods of planning and delivery of the curriculum, recording pupils’ progress and make any required assessments.

Personal Specifica'on

Qualifica'ons Essen'al • Degree level qualifica-on. • Postgraduate professional Qualifica-on e.g. Postgraduate Cer-ficate in Educa-on. • Willingness to con-nue professional development. Desirable • QTS (including skills tests). Communica'on • Applies effec-ve verbal communica-on skills . • Presents informa-on and ideas clearly, by using language appropriate to the audience. • Posi-vely influences the opinions of others through factual discussion. • Adapts personal style to suit individual situa-ons and needs. • Creates an environment of trust by delivering on promises. • U-lises report-wri-ng skills to accurately reflect a situa-on through posi-ve language. • Confident in leading staff mee-ngs as appropriate. Other skills required for the role • Demonstrates excellent classroom prac-ce. • Exercises flexibility in order to accommodate changes in work priori-es. • Balances tasks and resources in the organisa-on of a wide range of ac-vi-es. • Provides con-ngencies to deal with the unexpected. • Thinks clearly and logically in working through a problem making referrals as appropriate. • An-cipates progress against key performance indicators • Monitors progress against key indicators. • Enthusias-c and posi-ve astude.

• •

Awareness of the needs of children who have a variety of needs. Understand the nature of a Church of England Primary School and be willing to teach R.E. and a]end collec-ve worship to meet the expecta-on of the Governing Board.

Accountability/Freedom to Act • Makes rou-ne decisions based upon guidelines and procedures laid down in the established framework. • Contributes towards the effec-ve delivery of performance targets. • Leads by example in standards of behaviour in the work environment. Leadership/Management skills • Ability to lead school based projects or developments.

Contact us

Morningside Primary School Chatham Place Hackney London E9 6LL Tel: 020 8985 5382

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