Morningside Finance & Admin Manager Application Pack

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Morningside Primary School Applica'on Pack Finance & Admin Manager

Contents Welcome 3 About Us 4 Working with the community 5 School Development Plan 6 Working in Partnership 7 Primary Advantage NaConal Teaching Schools 8 Job DescripCon 9 Personal SpeciďŹ caCon 10 ApplicaCon Process 11 Contact Us 12

Morningside is commi9ed to safeguarding and promo'ng the welfare of children and expects all sta to share this commitment. We welcome applica'ons from all sec'ons of the community regardless of gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orienta'on or age.

Dear Applicant,


Thank you very much for your interest in becoming an Finance & Admin Manager at Morningside Primary School. I hope you will find this informaCon a useful introducCon to our school. The pack includes informaCon about the school, our federaCon Primary Advantage, informaCon about the applicaCon process and the job descripCon. The closing date for this applica'on is: Tuesday 12th September 2017 The interviews for shortlisted candidates will take place on Monday 18th September 2017. Morningside is an outstanding two-form entry primary school in the London borough of Hackney, located very close to Hackney Central in the heart of a diverse, vibrant and exciCng community. Our children come from truly diverse backgrounds, many different languages are spoken. Our school has been through a period of considerable change over the last few years and our aim is to build on the hard work that enabled the school to make rapid improvements and to secure excellent learning opportuniCes for all of our families. We are looking to recruit a self-moCvated, approachable and organised individual to manage our administraCon team as Finance & AdministraCon Manager. The main duty of this role is the management and monitoring of the school's budgetary and financial systems. The successful candidate will also be responsible for personnel management and the maintenance and development of the school's buildings and premises. If you have any quesCons or would like to arrange a visit, please contact Venessa Williams on 0207 254 1010. Please send completed applicaCon forms to If you are ambiCous and eager to teach we would like to meet you. Kind regards,

Janet Taylor Headteacher

About Us Morningside is a two-form entry primary school with a Children’s centre. the community is culturally and ethnically diverse and we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. Our age range is from 3 to 11 years old and we have 447 children on roll. There are two classes in each year group with 30 pupils in each class. We have two nursery classes with sessions in the morning and aaernoon, some children are full Cme. 36% of pupils are eligible for free school meals. 65% of pupils speak English as an addiConal language. We have a children's centre that supports members of our community. Our vision is for the school to be:

• A place where children can achieve their full potenCal in academic, creaCve, personal, physical, moral and spiritual development;

• A caring place where children and adults feel they make a contribuCon and are valued as

individuals; a place where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibiliCes and where children learn respect for themselves and others.

• A partnership between children, parents, staff and the community as a whole.

Working with the Community WITH SECONDARY SCHOOLS The move to secondary school is an important step for pupils and parents. We work in partnership with our local secondary schools and the Hackney Learning Trust to ensure our children and their families are well-informed about the transfer process. The children parCcipate in visits to local schools and we invite secondary teachers to visit our school for specialist lessons. CHILDRENS CENTRE Morningside Children’s Centre is a place where families can access a range of different services, based under one roof, to help and support. The Centre brings all the different support agencies together to offer a range of services to meet parents’ and children’s needs, all in one place. Our Centre is somewhere children can make friends and learn as they play. Families can get professional advice on health and family magers, learn about training and job opportuniCes or just socialise with other people. There are a range of acCviCes available at the Morningside Children’s Centre each day. These change on a monthly basis. Below is an overview of our current provision.

School Development Plan Our key priori'es for 2017-18 are as follows: Achievement for Pupils

• • • •

To provide focused CPD opportuniCes and improved performance management for support staff To improve systems of peer and self assessment To refine the Fundamentals and FoundaCons checks To provide challenge for the most able pupils, especially those who are disadvantaged

Behaviour and Safety of Pupils

• To further develop pupil leadership & pupil voice opportuniCes • To monitor agendance to ensure it is in the top 30% naConally with no groups below target • To work with the whole school community to ensure they keep themselves safe from the relevant risks •

including those associated with bullying, online safety, exploitaCon and extremism To further improve behaviour for learning

Leadership and Management

• To refine and develop our approach to tracking, evidencing and reporCng on pupil progress and • • •

achievement To develop leaders at all levels To further develop our curriculum offer to focus on experienCal learning and the creaCve arts To increase parental and community engagement so that it impacts posiCvely on pupils

Working in Partnership Primary Advantage Federa'on Morningside Primary School is a part of the Primary Advantage FederaCon. We are a group of schools working together because we believe our schools can gain many benefits from working collaboraCvely and can achieve more by working together. We have made a commitment to a shared responsibility to the wider educaCon community, the provision of good quality educaCon and the improvement of life chances for pupils in the community beyond that of our own schools. Teachers, support staff, school leaders and Governors have added experCse in working alongside colleagues to improve provision and outcomes for pupils.

Our Commitments Every teacher is a great teacher; every school is a great school. We aim to move incrementally towards excellence in all aspects of our work. All pupils will make good or be9er progress and will be properly equipped for the next stage of their schooling. Learning environments are of high quality where pupils feel safe and secure, known and valued and mo'vated to learn. Curriculum provision is bespoke, broaden horizons and inspires our pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible ciCzens. Our learning community provides opportuniCes for growth for pupils, staff and families.

Find out more about Primary Advantage Federa'on by visi'ng 4

Primary Advantage Na'onal Teaching Schools Teaching schools are outstanding schools that work with others to provide high-quality training and development to new and experienced school staff. They are part of the government’s plan to give schools a central role in raising standards by developing a self-improving and sustainable school-led system. St John and St James, Holy Trinity and Springfield are designated teaching schools, working in collaboraCon with the other three schools in the federaCon; St Maghias, Morningside and St John the BapCst. The schools work in partnership with primary schools across the borough and beyond and play a key role within the Primary Advantage NaConal Teaching Schools Alliance. Primary Advantage is a federaCon of schools working together because we believe our schools can gain many benefits from working collaboraCvely. We have made a commitment to a shared responsibility to the wider school community, the provision of good quality educaCon and the improvement of life chances for pupils in the community beyond that of our own schools. Our work on improving provision for children will conCnue to see us working in partnership with schools in Hackney, across London and into the County of Suffolk. We will be working closely with our strategic partners, The InsCtute of EducaCon and Hackney Learning Trust, to effecCvely deliver IniCal Teacher Training (School direct and PGCE), ConCnuous Professional Development, talent management, school to school support, the brokering of Specialist Leaders of EducaCon and research and development. Primary Advantage NaConal Teaching School Alliance will see all schools within the alliance achieving more together.

Job Descrip'on - Finance & Admin Manager Job Title: Responsible for:

Finance & AdministraCon Manager Data & AdministraCon Officer, AdministraCon Officer, Site Manager/School Keeper and Catering Manager/School Cook.

Responsible & Accountable to:



Morningside Primary School

Key Contacts:

ExecuCve Principal, Headteacher, Senior Managers, School Business Manager, AdministraCon Officer, Data & AdministraCon Officer, Children’s Centre, other school staff, pupils, Governing Body, the LEA, parents and care givers, and other outside bodies such as building contractors.


36 Hours (Full-Time or Term Time + 2 Weeks TBD)


P03 Grades 38 -41 (£38,007 - £39,855)



To produce regular financial management data each month, or when requested, for monitoring purposes and ensure Cmely producCon of financial reports and returns as required by the LEA.


To manage the income generaCon acCvity for the school.


To manage and co-ordinate the purchase of goods, services and supplies and ensuring that the school obtains the best possible value for money from suppliers and contractors.

• To provide support to the Headteacher in ensuring that the pupils are able to achieve their learning potenCal through the provision of high quality financial and administraCve support services • To enable teaching staff to maximise their capacity for delivering the required curriculum by providing financial and administraCve support to them.


To manage the school’s pegy cash system.

• To oversee the school's database on pupils and staff and the management of the school premises.


• To be responsible for all finance and administraCve funcCons within the school, Children’s Centre and Extended school services, including human resources, informaCon technology systems, premises and catering.

To deal with any financial irregulariCes that may need further invesCgaCon in accordance with recognised financial regulaCons, school policy and best pracCce.

10. To manage the receiving and banking all monies for the school.


12. Co-ordinate the work of the office staff, ensuring efficient running of the school office.

• To lead and manage the financial and administraCve funcCon for the school in order to support conCnuous improvement and to maximise the delivery of high quality educaCon and learning of pupils.

13. To manage the school's administraCve and secretarial funcCon

1. To manage the preparaCon of financial proposals, including budget forecasCng and strategic financial planning and to provide professional and technical advice to the Headteacher, ExecuCve Principal and governing body. 2. To ensure the efficient and effecCve use of all resources by means of regular monitoring of the school’s expenditure through devolved budget holders and to review these to ensure best value pracCces. 3. To support the Headteacher, ExecuCve Principal, FederaCon Business Manager and Bursar in the preparaCon of budgets, allocaCon of budgets and accounts. 4. To work with the FederaCon Business Manager and other federaCon staff to implement agreed processes, develop and share best pracCce.

11. To arrange and parCcipate in regular audits.

To review and monitor all financial and administra've services and processes involved in crea'ng an efficient and effec've support structure to the school.

To line manage the leader of the catering team in ensuring the school kitchen/catering contractor complies with necessary Health & Safety regula'ons, provides healthy school meals operates effec'vely.

To determine the most efficient and effec've use of the school’s support services resources, including physical resources by managing the Site Manager/School Keeper, in monitoring and reviewing all facili'es issues including health and safety in order to ensure the provision of high quality, safe and secure facili'es.

1. To supervise with the Site Manager/School Keeper to ensure that proper funcCon of services to the school, e.g.. Gas, water and electricity.


To supervise with the Site Manager/School Keeper concerning visits from, and the payment of, maintenance contractors.


To liaise with the school’s Payroll provider re starters, leavers, reCrements, and variaCons to employment contracts.


To develop appropriate financial and administraCve support service strategies, acCon plans and programmes of work to help meet the school’s objecCves and to seek out posiCve ways to respond to opportuniCes and resolve problems.


To ensure the resoluCon of salary queries raised by staff in liaison with the Headteacher and Payroll.


To be the lead contact with the school’s Payroll provider.


To liaise with staff and the Headteacher regarding maternity leave, paternity leave, adopCon leave and any other special leave requests and queries.


To maintain staffing records and carry out data and census returns when required.


To supervise the Site Manager/School Keeper in ensuring the efficient and effecCve uClisaCon of space around the school site.


To manage the Site Manager/School Keeper to ensure the school’s environment is the best it can be.


In liaison with the Premises Officer/Site Manager, be responsible for buildings maintenance including, furniture and equipment, ensuring security and repair.

To manage, the school’s risk assessment, survey and tes'ng porbolios.


To liaise with external agencies/organisaCons and the Site Manager/School keeper to ensure all necessary and appropriate risk assessments, surveys are implemented to required standards within the Cmeframes given.



To liaise with external agencies/organisaCons and the Site Manager/School Keeper to ensure that all recommendaCons highlighted via assessments, tests and surveys are implemented to required standards within the Cmeframes given To ensure that the school implements and maintains the required risk assessment logs, manuals, reports and informaCon as required.

• To carry out systems management for the administra've networks of the schools, taking responsibility for data security. 1.

To idenCfy development(s) for the use of IT systems to improve the effecCveness of the school’s administraCon.


To manage all pupil and staff data input and the producCon of reports as required.


To manage the producCon of statutory, school census and workforce census returns.


To manage the process and record management for the statutory tesCng process and the general producCon and maintenance of pupil records to ensure the school complies with all regulaCons and legislaCon.


To maintain an effecCve and efficient filing system.


To ensure that all records are kept accurately and comply with the requirements of the Data ProtecCon Act.


To ensure that all computerised data is kept accurately, and in compliance with Data ProtecCon legislaCon. To ensure effecCve communicaCon through newslegers, legers and the school website etc with key stakeholders.


To liaise with external agencies/organisaCons to arrange any relevant training requirements as required to ensure knowledge is current, relevant and up-to-date.



To ensure the Headteacher, the Site Manager/School Keeper and any other relevant stakeholder(s) are updated with any changes or requirements in relaCon to risk assessments and surveys as appropriate.


To highlight and discuss any concerns idenCfied through risk assessments, tests and surveys with the Site Manager/School Keeper and the Headteacher.

This is not an exhausCve list of duCes and responsibiliCes, and the postholder may be required to undertake other duCes which fall within the grade of the job, in discussion with the manager. This job descripCon will be reviewed regularly in the light of changing service requirements and any such changes will be discussed with the postholder.

To support the Headteacher, Execu've principal and the school’s Federa'on Business Manager in the fic'on of human Resource Management.


To maintain and monitor staff sickness absence and other forms of leave and produce appropriate reports, referrals and staCsCcal data.


To responsible for all and DBS checks, reCrement dates and fixed term contracts, maintenance of the Single Central Record and to act on any checks and dates that come from the reports to ensure the school is carrying out its HR funcCon inline with agreed HR policies.


To ensure all staff are recruited and employed inline with Safeguarding Children and recruitment policies, good pracCce and legislaCon.

The postholder is expected to comply with all relevant policies, procedures and guidelines, including those relaCng to Equal OpportuniCes, Health and Safety and the ConfidenCality of InformaCon. The postholder may be required to work outside normal school hours on occasion, with due noCce. Because of the nature of the post, candidates are not enCtled to withhold informaCon regarding convicCons by virtue of the RehabilitaCon of Offenders Act 1974 (ExempCons) Order 1975 as amended. Candidates are required to give details of any convicCons on their appointment form and are expected to disclose such informaCon at the appointment interview. Because this post allows substanCal access to children, candidates are required to comply with departmental procedures in relaCon to Police checks. If candidates are successful in their applicaCon prior to taking up post, they will be required to give wrigen permission to the Department to ascertain details from the Metropolitan Police regarding any convicCons against them and, as appropriate the nature of such convicCons.

Person Specifica'on Qualifica'ons • Relevant NVQ4 or degree qualificaCon or equivalent experience.

Experience and Knowledge • Experience of maintaining effecCve and efficient levels of administraCon within a busy environment. An understanding of budget management and accounCng techniques. • Experience of undertaking a range of administraCve and technical duCes. • A sound knowledge of a range of computer applicaCons, including financial management systems. • Working knowledge of relevant legislaCon, policies and codes of pracCce, eg. Data ProtecCon Act, Freedom of InformaCon etc. Desirable • Experience within an educaCon sesng. • Experience of budget monitoring and account reconciliaCon. • Experience of recruitment and retenCon.

Skills and Abili'es • The ability to adapt to constantly changing prioriCes and demands. • Able to analyse and interpret complex informaCon and make recommendaCons. • Able to apply problem solving techniques to different situaCons to achieve a favorable outcome. • Able to negoCate ‘best value’ with suppliers. • Able to communicate with a range of audiences including colleagues, governors, agencies etc. • Able to idenCfy work prioriCes and to manage own workload to meet deadlines. • Able to show sensiCvity and objecCvity in dealing with confidenCal issues.

Accountability/Freedom to act Communica'on skills • Strong interpersonal and communicaCon skills to effecCvely manage areas of responsibility and to liaise with all key contacts. • The ability to use a wide range of communicaCon channels to effecCvely manage the operaCons of the areas of responsibility, applying tact and diplomacy in communicaCon. • The ability to maintain a professional and confident manner. • To understand the need to adapt communicaCon style to suit the audience and situaCon.

• Able to work independently, being proacCve and demonstraCng iniCaCve. • Able to make rouCne decisions based upon guidelines and procedures laid down within established frameworks. • Able to make judgments with regards to when it is appropriate to liaise with others including external agencies.

Please note that CVs will not be accepted without the applica'on form . Applicants are asked to complete all the standard informaCon required on the Primary Advantage applicaCon form. Applicants are required to complete a suppor'ng statement. Without these documents we may be unable to process your applica'on.

Applica'on Process

Please specify the role you are applying for i.e Finance & Admin Manager. The reference number for this applicaCon is: MSIDE/ FM17. Candidates are advised that when compleCng the references secCon on the applicaCon form to please ensure that: • Your first referee must be your current, or most recent, employer • You provide a referee who can confirm your suitability for the role

Shortlis'ng Once we have received your applicaCon you will be noCfied via email. Successful candidates who have been shortlisted for interview will be contacted shortly aaer the closing date. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to teach an acCvity or lesson and will be advised of the details of the lesson observaCon prior to interview. Candidates must ensure that if they are successful at interview, that they are able to provide evidence of their Right to Work and Remain in the UK. The school is not able to employ any person who cannot validate their Right to Work and Remain in the UK in the line with the Asylum, ImmigraCon and NaConality Act 2000. Following the interview, Primary Advantage will contact candidates by Friday 22nd September 2017 to confirm as to whether they have been successful or not.

Successful candidates Successful candidates will be required to apply for an enhanced Criminal Record Check via the DBS. We are commiged to safeguarding and promoCng the welfare of our children and expect all members of staff to share this commitment. All qualificaCons and references will be verified.

Morningside Primary School Chatham Place Hackney London E9 6LL Tel: 020 8985 5382

St John & St James CE Primary School

St John Bap'st CE Primary School

Holy Trinity CE Primary School

Gainsborough Primary School

SpringďŹ eld Community School

De Beauvoir Primary School

St Ma9hias CE Primary School

Primary Advantage Federa'on

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