Head of Mathematics for Teaching Schools Application Pack

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Head of Maths Application Pack Primary Advantage Federation

Contents Welcome


Our Vision & Approaches


Outcomes & Achievements Primary Advantage National Teaching schools

5 6

Pupil Outcomes


Federation Quality of Teaching


OfSTED Survey Inspection February 2011 10/11 Head of Maths Job Description


Head of Maths Personal Specification


Application Process


Contact Information


Primary Advantage Federation

Primary Advantage is committed to safeguarding and c/o Holythe Trinity promoting welfarePrimary of childrenSchool and expects all staff to13 share this commitment. We welcome applications Richmond Road from all sections of the community, regardless of Dalston gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation and London age.

E8 3HY Tel: 020 7254 1010 www.primaryadvantage.co.uk

Primary Advantage Federation c/o Holy Trinity Primary School 13 Richmond Road Dalston London E8 3HY Tel: 020 7254 1010 www.primaryadvantage.co.uk 2


Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in applying for the position of Head of Mathematics for Teaching schools at Primary Advantage. I hope this pack supports you in finding out more about us. The pack includes some background information about the federation, information about the application process and the job description. More information about each school within the Federation can be found on their websites. If you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit, please contact Venessa Williams on 0207 254 1010 or email recruitment@primaryadvantage.hackney.sch.uk. The Primary Advantage Federation is seeking to recruit a Senior Leader with responsibility for Maths across our schools and beyond. Responsibilities would include Leading the development of maths across the federation, the modelling of best practice and the delivery of CPD for our acclaimed Primary Advantage Maths Programme. This is a high profile role working across our Federation as well as supporting other schools. The successful candidate will be an excellent leader and teacher with first class organisational skills. You will be a self-starter with drive, vision and creativity for the development of our existing CPD programmes. You will be committed to the development of teaching and learning, have strong mentoring and coaching skills and a passion for maths. You will need to have a love of learning and a desire to make a real difference to our students and community. You will be joining a fast-paced, ambitious federation with an outstanding, open team. You can expect to work in a supportive yet high energy atmosphere and receive support in developing your vision. Primary Advantage is a highly successful group of schools currently comprising of 6 primary schools all based in Hackney. We have been designated as Institute of Education specialist partners in initial teacher education and professional development. In addition, our Primary Advantage Maths Programme has been successfully implemented in Primary Schools across Hackney and beyond and is now being used in over 60 schools. We are seeking to appoint an outstanding candidate to work alongside the PA Mathematics team and our other support teams to further develop and implement a professional development programme for schools.

If you are ambitious, successful and excited by learning we would like to meet you.

Kind regards, Sian Davies 3

Our Vision & Approach

Primary Advantage Vision We are a Federation of six schools called Primary Advantage. We believe our schools can gain many benefits from working collaboratively and can achieve more by working together. We have made a commitment to a shared responsibility to the wider education community, the provision of good quality education and the improvement of life chances for pupils in the community beyond that of our own schools. Teachers, support staff, school leaders and governors have added expertise in working alongside colleagues to improve provision and outcomes for pupils.

What is our approach? 

We work in partnership, pooling our expertise and resources in order to achieve collectively what we may not be able to achieve individually.

We believe passionately in improving the life chances for our pupils.

We do not tolerate low expectations.

We match tried and tested strategies that we know work to the needs of the schools and use our experience of supporting schools in successfully implementing them.

We promote a collaborative approach whilst developing the capacity of each school to serve its own community and retain it’s distinct identity.

We recognise the importance of individuality, spontaneity and creativity in developing innovation.


Outcomes & Achievements What outcomes do we want? 

Every teacher is a good teacher; every school is a good school.

Teachers use the most effective teaching methods to motivate learners and raise aspirations. As a result all pupils will make good or better progress.

Quality learning environments where pupils feel safe and secure, known and valued and motivated to learn. Robust teaching and application of ICT skills ensure our pupils are properly equipped for the next stage of learning.

Curriculum provision which inspires and motivates pupils and broadens their horizons. Our curriculum supports community cohesion through an international curriculum strand.

We work with precision and move incrementally towards achieving outstanding grades in all aspects of each school’s work.

Through pupil partnership work we continue to break down locally perceived boundaries and help pupils to work harmoniously with pupils from other areas of Hackney.

We seek to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of each school by capitalising on centralised services and sharing systems and procedures.

How will we achieve our goals? Effective Leadership Our leadership structure aims to make the most of our shared resources, maintain high expectations and secure high standards. The Executive Principal has significant, successful experience in school improvement and working across more than one school.

Well trained and experienced staff Our schools are special places to work. We attract and retain staff at all levels that are willing to think flexibly, work with rigour and precision and go the extra mile. We have been successful in retaining experienced staff because of the opportunities we are able to offer across the partnership. We have identified that working in partnership offers us improved opportunities for centralised training and development. Each school in the Federation is able to offer a range of skills and support to other schools. Our schools also have identified lead practitioners to provide support in key areas.

Each school is led by a highly effective Headteacher who has the skills and experience required to motivate, inspire and to hold their teams to account through rigorous monitoring and evaluation. The Headteachers are autonomous and hold the decision making Shared systems and approaches powers for their schools. They retain a teaching We have developed key approaches which we know make the most commitment and maintain a relentless focus on significant impact on pupil outcomes. These are well considered improving the quality of teaching and raising systems, approaches or policies which can be implemented in a range standards. of settings with the appropriate levels of support.


Primary Advantage National Teaching Schools

Primary Advantage National Teaching Schools Teaching schools are outstanding schools that work with others to provide high-quality training and development to new and experienced school staff. They are part of the government’s plan to give schools a central role in raising standards by developing a self-improving and sustainable school-led system. St John and St James, Holy Trinity and Springfield are designated teaching schools, working in collaboration with the other three schools in the federation; St Matthias, Morningside and St John the Baptist. The school works in partnership with primary schools across the borough and beyond and play a key role within the Primary Advantage National Teaching Schools Alliance. We have made a commitment to a shared responsibility to the wider school community, the provision of good quality education and the improvement of life chances for pupils in the community beyond that of our own schools. Our work on improving provision for children will continue to see us working in partnership with schools in Hackney, across London and into the County of Suffolk. We will be working closely with our strategic partners, The Institute of Education and Hackney Learning Trust, to effectively deliver Initial Teacher Training (School direct and PGCE), Continuous Professional Development, talent management, school to school support, the brokering of Specialist Leaders of Education and research and development. Primary Advantage National Teaching School Alliance will see all schools within the alliance achieving more together.


Pupil Outcomes July 2014 (contains KS2 un-validated data) KS1

At the end of KS1, pupils are expected to achieve a level 2


At the end of KS2, pupils are expected to achieve a level 4, they are also expected to make 2 levels of progress from KS1 to KS2 e.g. L1-L3, L2-L4, L3-L5

Year 1

% pupils achieving or exceeding the expected level in the Year one phonics screening test


% of pupils who have achieved a Good Level of Development by the end of the Reception class


Spelling, punctuation and grammar


pupils who achieved L4+ in both English and maths

2L (3L)

% pupils achieving 2 levels (3Levels) of progress from KS1-KS2


Average Point Score

Key Stage 1 - Reading, Writing & Maths %

Reading L2c+




St John & St James Holy Trinity Springfield St Matthias St John the Baptist Morningside Hackney 14 National 14

97 100 90 88 93 90 90 90

90 100 80 86 77 78 83 81

65 31 27 30 30 27 28 31

18.9 17.7 16.4 16.2 16.3 15.8 16.4 16.5


Writing L2c+




St John & St James Holy Trinity Springfield St Matthias St John the Baptist Morningside Hackney 14 National 14

100 100 90 88 89 85 87 86

90 90 83 64 75 65 73 70

45 14 23 12 11 20 17 16

17.9 16.4 16.1 14.7 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.1


Maths L2c+




St John & St James Holy Trinity Springfield St Matthias St John the Baptist Morningside Hackney 14 National 14

100 100 100 88 95 95 92 92

94 100 97 84 77 87 82 80

55 35 23 32 30 25 25 24

18.4 17.9 17.2 16.4 16.3 16.6 16.2 16.2


Key Stage 2 Reading, Writing & Maths %


St John & St James Holy Trinity Springfield St Matthias St John the Baptist Morningside Hackney 14 National 14

4c+ 97 100 92 92 93 92 86 89

5+ 87 52 65 44 33 27 47 49

6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2L 100 90 96 96 95 91 93 91



St John & St James Holy Trinity Springfield St Matthias St John the Baptist Morningside Hackney 14 National 14

4c+ 97 100 96 76 93 93 89 85

3L 66 35 60 37 61 37 44 35

5+ 63 43 62 24 28 31 35 33

APS 31.8 30.1 30.2 28.9 28.4 27.9 29 29

6 23 0 8 0 2 0 4 2

2L 100 100 100 96 100 96 97 93



St John & St James Holy Trinity Springfield St Matthias St John the Baptist Morningside Hackney 14

4+ 97 100 96 80 91 92 86

5 53 43 54 24 42 42 40

6 30 10 24 0 7 17 10

2L 100 100 100 86 100 96 93

3L 55 25 64 51 56 37 43

APS 31.6 30.1 34.1 26.8 29.2 29.9 29.3

National 14







3L 66 35 68 31 68 59 47 33

APS 31.8 29.6 30.7 26.5 28.3 28.1 28.3 27.9



St John & St James Holy Trinity Springfield St Matthias St John the Baptist Morningside Hackney 14

4+ 93 100 92 80 81 78 78

5+ 83 57 69 48 56 51 53

6 23 0 0 0 2 3 5

APS 33.4 30.4 32 29.3 29.8 29.2 29.9

National 14






Federation Quality of Teaching 2011-14 St John & St James

Holy Trinity


St John the Baptist

St Matthias


End of 11/12 Outstanding

38% Outstanding

38% Outstanding

33% Outstanding



62% Good

62% Good

67% Good

70% Good









30% Satisfactory











School and LA grading


School and LA grading


School and LA grading


School and LA grading



Inadequate School and LA grading



School and LA grading


End of 12/13 Outstanding

55% Outstanding

50% Outstanding

50% Outstanding

18% Outstanding


45% Good

50% Good

50% Good

82% Good








18% RI









School and LA grading


School and LA grading


School and LA grading


School and LA grading


Inadequate School and LA grading

42% Outstand- 20% ing 58% 81% Good 0% 19% RI 0% 0% Inadequate 2

School and LA grading


End of 13/14 Outstanding

45% Outstanding

47% Outstanding

70% Outstanding

18% Outstanding


55% Good

53% Good

20% Good

82% Good






10% RI











School and LA grading


School and LA grading


School and LA grading


Inadequate School and LA grading


School and LA grading

22% Outstand- 38% ing 56% 44% Good 22% 18% RI 0% 0% Inadequate 2

School and LA grading

2 9

OfSTED Survey Inspection (February 2011) In February 2011, the Federation received the following OfSTED Survey Inspection report Dear Ms Davies Ofsted 2010 – 11 survey inspection programme: leadership of more than one school Thank you and your team for your hospitality and cooperation, and that of your staff and pupils, during my visit on 26 and 27 January to look at the leadership of the federation. Please pass on my thanks to the local authority representative, the parents and governors that also gave up their time and made a valuable contribution to the visit. The visit provided valuable information which will contribute to our national evaluation and reporting. Published reports are likely to list the names of the contributing institutions but individual institutions will not be identified in the main text without their consent. The evidence used to inform the judgements included: interviews with senior leaders, middle leaders, governors, staff, parents, local authority representatives and pupils; and the scrutiny of relevant documentation. The effectiveness of the federation leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving improvement is outstanding. Outcomes 

Attainment at the end of Key Stage 2 is at least in line with the national average with a strong trend of improvement over several years.

Even though the environment beyond the school can be sometimes turbulent and challenging, pupils make outstanding progress across all stages from very low starting points.

Different groups of pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities and a wide range of vulnerable groups, make exceptional progress because of the precise, relentless and well -managed early intervention and support they receive throughout their time in school.

Pupils’ skills and knowledge for their future lives are very well developed.

Attendance is in line with the national average and is improving.

Pupils’ attitudes are exceptional as is their enthusiasm for learning and school life. Pupils are excited and pleased to talk about what they have learned. Continued overleaf


Provision 

Teaching is consistently good with a growing number of outstanding features. The application of the teaching and learning policy is adhered to unswervingly with rigour and relentlessness.

The federation ensures that the consistency of the high quality of teaching and learning is supported by equally high-quality professional development and training which focuses on the important details and refinement of assessment strategies.

The curriculum has been enriched by the federation’s development of subject leaders and planning. The strong emphasis on a practical approach to learning, aligned with stimulating visits, motivates pupils’ interest. The rigorous planning and teaching of literacy and numeracy skills by staff are outstanding.

The care and welfare of pupils are a real strength of the federation. Excellent links with a wide variety of agencies are in place. Thoughtful, caring and responsive approaches to individual pupils and families make this aspect of the school’s work outstanding.

Leadership and management 

Your vision, determination and extensive strategic skills and expertise are outstanding. You demonstrate great drive and ambition for the schools, applying a forensic precision to the procedures that maintain the federation’s trajectory of improvement.

Other leaders and managers across the federation, especially the heads of school, have a passion for being equally precise and detailed in their monitoring and evaluation of progress, attainment and the quality of teaching.

Exemplary systems support leaders’ rigorous analysis of practice and provide feedback to teachers on how to improve further. The information provides a general picture of the proportions of good and better teaching across the schools and the federation. However, providing this information about separate subjects is less developed.

The governing body is an effective and strategic group which knows the federated schools well. It provides excellent and robust challenge and support in equal measure.

Areas for improvement, which we discussed, include: 

developing an even more analytical overview of the quality of teaching and learning which identifies the proportions of good and better teaching in separate subjects, especially literacy and numeracy.

I hope that these observations are useful as you continue to develop the leadership of the federation. As I explained previously, a copy of this letter will be sent to your local authority and will be published on the Ofsted website. It may be used to inform decisions about any future inspection.

Yours sincerely

John Seal Her Majesty’s Inspector


Primary Advantage Federation Job Description - Head of Maths Role Summary: Key Accountabilities in addition to those of a Main Scale Teacher – Please also refer to the Job Description for Class Teacher.

Job Title: Head of Maths

The Head of Maths:

Reports to: Head of Teaching Schools, Executive Principal

Is responsible for managing the operation of key areas in the federation schools.

Principal in monitoring and reviewing the quality of teaching and learning including assessment, recording, and reporting pupils’ attainment to all statutory bodies.

Area of Responsibility: Maths Leadership across the Primary Advantage Federation 

Assist the Head of Teaching Schools and Executive Principal in the whole school self-evaluation processes.


Effectively lead the areas of responsibility developing policy and practice and ensuring effective selfevaluation.

Salary: L6 - L10

Will provide support for the Head of Teaching Schools in the day to day running of the school and can deputise in his/her absence.

and performed to the satisfaction of the Executive Principal and governing body by the post holder. The duties set out below are in  addition to the overall class teaching requirements.

Under the direction of the Executive Principal, may also be required to work across the federated schools and foster appropriate links Key Tasks and Activities between the schools if  Undertake weekly teaching necessary. commitments.  Will provide support to  Undertake full responsibility schools beyond the for all matters relating to the  Federation and deliver our school in the absence of the training and support Head of Teaching Schools. programmes.  Work flexibly in the presence of the Head of Teaching Duties Schools to assist the smooth day to day management of   The current School Teachers’ the Teaching Schools working Pay and Conditions closely with staff of all document describes duties designations. which are required to be undertaken by teachers in the course of their employment. In addition certain particular duties are reasonably required to be exercised, and completed in a satisfactory manner. It is the contractual duty of the post holder to ensure that his/her professional duties are discharged effectively. 

This job description sets out the duties to be undertaken




Effectively manage duties and responsibilities across schools. Teach in classes across the federated schools, providing targeted intervention for pupils, PPA cover for teachers and other cover as required, demonstrating excellence in professional classroom practice. Assist the Head of Teaching Schools and Executive

Undertake responsibility for the selection of resources (including those related to ICT) for the areas of responsibility, accounting to the Executive Principal for the expenditure of the delegated budget allocation for the subject. Undertake professional training for all aspects of school leadership and management and keep up to date with new initiatives across the curriculum. Assist the Head of Teaching Schools and Executive Principal in the performance management of staff of all designations.


Maintain good communications between staff of all designations.


Maintain a positive school ethos, be pro-active in the pastoral care of pupils and ensure the school’s policy for behaviour and discipline is applied consistently and fairly by staff of all designations. Please see the next page


Primary Advantage Federation Job Description - Head of Maths 13.






Play a significant part in promoting and facilitating good relationships with parents and other agencies.

schools adopting the PA maths programme. 22.

Work pro-actively with outside agencies, community organisations, the churches of the federated schools and 23. other schools and promote the sharing of good practice. Work with the Executive Principal and Head of Teaching Schools and other members of the Leadership Group to ensure the school culture supports the church ethos. Support and encourage all staff at the school to find and use opportunities to support and development of the whole child through spiritual, moral, social and cultural activities.


Provide advice and training to schools’ leadership teams and maths leaders to ensure effective implementation of the programme. Monitor and report on effectiveness and impact of the programme to the PA Schools' senior team. Undertake various other responsibilities as directed

Other Responsibilities Note

The duties and responsibilities of the subject element of the post may vary from time to time according to the changing needs of the school. The subject leader section of the job description may Advise other staff including be reviewed at the discretion of the NQTs and students on teaching practice, and to lead Executive Principal in the light of inset for staff and governors those changing requirements and in consultation with the post holder when required to do so. and the governing body. Provide training and support to schools across the Federation and beyond the Federation.


Continue to develop innovative practice.


Work with the Hackney Learning Trust (Hackney LA) on local and national initiatives.

Particular Specific Responsibilities 21.

A key role in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the professional development programme for primary 13

Primary Advantage Federation Personal Specification - Head of Maths

Requirements 1.


Degree level qualification.

Postgraduate professional Qualification e.g. Postgraduate Certificate in Education.

Willingness to continue professional development.



Strong interpersonal and communication skills to effectively manage and liaise with all key contacts e.g. staff, pupils, parents.

Employs a wide range of communications channels to effectively support the management of the school applying tact and diplomacy in their communication with others i.e. parents and pupils. Communication is internal to the School however it is important that communication style and content is adapted according to the audience.

Demonstrates sound presentation skills that are applied at both internal senior management meetings and at external events on an ad hoc, infrequent basis.

Presents themselves in a professional and confident manner, thereby maintaining the respect and discipline of their staff and pupils. They will hold an important and trusted role in the local community – interaction with all customer groups is a very time consuming element of this role.


Other Skills Required for Role

Multi-tasks to adapt to constantly changing priorities and demands to manage conflicting pressures.

Applies analytical thinking to solve problems and/or resolve conflict with pupils/parents on a daily basis.

Able to build supportive networks with the community, Federation and Diocese, Local Authority


Accountability/Freedom to act

Implements policies with limited scope for flexibility in the way these policies are implemented. The Principal is ultimately accountable for the decisions taken.

Whilst constrained by overall national and School frameworks, there is a degree of interpretation in the way in that their responsibilities are carried out, usually agreed with the Principal.

There is no formal designated budget. The allocation of funds within the Key Stage budget requires more senior approval.


Leadership/Management skills.

Provides limited strategic leadership to the School, contributing to strategic decisions taken by the Principal.

Effectively delegates responsibilities to others in the School, to ensure the successful operations of the school.

Leads by example, is highly driven, motivated and able to translate that to staff, thereby ‘taking staff with them’.

General Comments The Leader of Learning will be required to focus his/her work in one school but is required to work across the Federation and foster appropriate links between the schools. He/he will be required to teach in classes across the schools and provide a model of good practice for teachers. He/she may be required to adapt and change plans at short notice. The Leader of Learning is required to be flexible in a constantly changing work environment and in implementing the School’s policies


Application Process Applicants are asked to complete all the standard information required on the Primary Advantage application form, and to submit a supporting statement, addressing all the criteria identified in the person specification. CVs will not be accepted without the application form. Please specify the role you are applying for i.e. Head of Maths. The reference number for this application is: PA/HM15. Candidates are advised that when completing the references section on the application form to please ensure that: • Your first referee must be your current, or most recent, employer. • Your second referee should be someone who can confirm your ability for the role i.e. a previous employer.

Successful Candidates Candidates must ensure that if they are successful at interview, that they are able to provide evidence of their Right to Work and Remain in the UK. The school is not able to employ any person who cannot validate their Right to Work and Remain in the UK in the line with the Asylum, Immigration and Nationality Act 2000. Successful candidates will be required to apply for an enhanced Criminal Record Check via the DBS. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and expect all members of staff to share this commitment.

Completed Application Forms Completed application forms must be received by 9:30am on Wednesday 30th September 2015. Interviews will take place on Thursday 8th October 2015. If you have any queries or would like to arrange to visit our schools, please contact Venessa Williams on 0207 254 1010 or email recruitment@primaryadvantage.hackney.sch.uk.

We look forward to receiving your application.


Springfield Community Primary School Castlewood Road London N16 6DH Tel: 020 8800 9007 Fax: 020 8800 8738 Email: admin@springfield.hackney.sch.uk Please visit our website Springfield Community School

St John & St James’ CE Primary School Isabella Road London E9 6DX Tel: 020 8985 2045 Fax: 020 8985 5768 Email: office@johnjames.hackney.sch.uk Please visit our website St John & St James CE Primary School

St John the Baptist CE Primary School Crondall Street London N1 6JG Tel: 020 7739 4902 Fax: 020 7729 2347 Email: office@st-john.hackney.sch.uk Please visit our website St John Baptist CE Primary 16

Holy Trinity CE Primary School 13 Richmond Road London E8 3HY Tel: 020 7254 1010 Fax: 020 7275 8589 Email: admin@holytrinity.hackney.sch.uk Please visit our website Holy Trinity CE Primary School

St Matthias CE Primary School Wordsworth Road London N16 8DD Tel: 020 72541148 Fax: 0207 2759215 Email: admin@st-matthias.hackney.sch.uk Please visit our website St Matthias CE Primary

Morningside Primary School Chatham Place London E9 6LL Tel: 020 89855382 Fax: 0208 9866881 Email: admin@morningside.hackney.sch.uk Please visit our website Morningside Primary


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