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Issue # 238 ISSN: 1821 - 8075 06th - 11thJuly / 2017



CAR DEALER Car Buyer Car Seller Car Rental

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Welcome and enjoy our delicious food FREE DELIVERY

Kariakoo, City centre & Upanga

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Trouble shooting repair and Regas. Have your car AC serviced for super cool..



Dar Free Market, Ali Hassan Mwinyi Rd, Oysterbay Cell: 0716 508151/0685 733333/ 0754 589633

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The qualites and properties of water we drink can determine the quality of our hearth.Over 10 years of medical research has proven than Antioxidant Alkaline Water not only helps to prevent but also to reserve chronic illinesses.

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BILKHIS FABRICS & INTERIORS - KINONDONI ROAD, OPP Bakwata Your FREE Copy ISSUE no Mob: 238 +255 713 789 411, 0718 586 163

Mohan's Oysterbay Drink Ltd. Morogoro Stores. Haile Salessie Road Oysterbay Tel: +255 22 2 600 457 Open: Mon- Sat 09:30-17:00 Sunday & Holiday 11:00-14:00

Contents 8 HOTSPOTS Event & Entertainments


T h e 2017 M e d i eve l B a n g u et


Yo u r S m a r t p h o n e i s making you stupid?


J o i n t h e S p u r Fa m i l y To d ay


K i d s - P l ay P l a c e s G a m e s Shopping


Da r ' s B i g g e r & B et t e r Ta b l e s Ac t i o n


P r i nt Yo u r C u s t o m i z e d D e s i g n W it h A ny C o l o r Yo u Wa nt . . .

PUBLISHED BY P R I M E L O C AT I O N I N V E S T M E N T S L I M I T E D Te l : + 2 5 5 7 6 7 7 1 1 1 2 0 Email:

Sales & Marketing +255 755 686 868 / +255 715 727 742 / +255 755 415 582 Design & Layout : +255 768 942 218 All rights reserved Š. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, the publisher c a n a c c e p t n o l i a b i l i t y f o r a n y e r r o r s o r o m i s s i o n s t h a t m a y o c c u r. T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s t h e exclusive property of the publisher and no part of the contents may be reproduced in any f o r m p r i o r w r i t e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e p u b l i s h e r. Terms and conditions apply.

Mohan's Oysterbay Drink Ltd. Saphire Height Next to Colosseum Haile Salessie Road Oysterbay Tel: +255 783 749 749 Open: Mon- Sat 11:00-20:00 Sunday & Holiday 11:00-16:00 Mohan's Oysterbay Drink Ltd. Five ways Branch City Centre Tel: +255 22 2 128 388 Open: Mon- Sat 09:30-17:00 Sunday & Holiday 11:00-14:00 Mohan's Oysterbay Drink Ltd. Mikochen Branch Garden Street, Dar es salaam Tel: +255 732 924 897 Open: Mon- Sat 09:30-17:00 Sunday & Holiday 11:00-14:00 Mohan's Oysterbay Drink Ltd. Arusha Branch-Esso Road Unga Ltd, Arusha Tel: +255 784 243 362 Open: Mon- Sat 09:30-17:00 Sunday & Holiday CLOSED Mohan's Oysterbay Drink Ltd. Mwanza Branch Nyakato Foods Campus Nyakato Industrial Area Musoma Rd Tel: +255 787 979 833 Follow us on facebook @ mohan's oysterbay drinks

Weekly Weather forecast, Dar es salaam

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PowerEdge R730 server Performance 2-socket, 2U rack server with tremendous flexibility.

Fire Brand Technologies: +255 713 774 781 Computronix Centre: +255 688 568 526 Media Technologies Ltd: +255 784 636 363 Computer Gallery: +255 717 910 071

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Hot Spots, Events & Entertainments The George & Dragon Pub A classic English pub in the hear t o f Ta n z a n i a ’ s e c o n o m i c c a p i t a l Dar es Salaam, and is open 6 d a y s a w e e k , Tu e s d a y - F r i d a y from 4pm to Midnight, Saturday from 2pm to Midnight, and Sunday from 1pm to 11pm. Ser ves classic English dishes including a vast BBQ selection and with a fine selection of various beverages both local and from around the globe… beer s, ales, whiskies, gins, wines, etc. A l s o f e a t u r e s t h e m a i n i n d o o r p u b, a s p o r t s b a r, a n d a b e e r g a r d e n that has a resident DJ playing all your soulful house anthems twice a week, with a monthly ol’ skool night ever y fir st Friday of the month.

Tr i n i t i h a s b e e n e n t e r t a i n i n g a n eclectic Dar crowd with exquisite cocktails, live enter tainment, DJ's and awesome themed par ties. Come and enjoy a semi secluded openair bar & lounge in a tranquil green environment. An oasis within the urban hectic. E v e r y 2 n d & 4 t h We d n e s d a y o f the month we host Dar's most c h a l l e n g i n g q u i z n i g h t s , We d n e s d a y i s S t e a k a n d W i n e D a y, o r d e r a n y type of beef for TZS.18,000/= or TZS.20,000/= accompanied with a glass of Spier red wine. Call 022 213 7575 Msasani Road 26 Dar es Salaam

Call 0717 800 002 Haile Selassie Road

News Café

We o f f e r a p r e m i u m e n t e r t a i n m e n t e x p e r i e n c e f o r o u r a s p i r a t i o n a l customer base by ef ficiently ser ving wor ld-c lass food of ferings and p r e m i e r b e v e r a g e c h o i c e s i n a n a t m o s p h e r e t h a t i s c o n t e m p o r a r y, v i b r a n t a n d r e l e v a n t w i t h a n i n - h o u s e D J & 2 i n t e r n a t i o n a l C O C K TA I L bar men specialized in drinks. Call 022 266 665579 Haile Selassie Road Dar es Salaam

Despicable ME3 Gr u (Steve Carell) and his wife Lucy (Kristen Wiig) must stop for mer '80s child star B a l t h a z a r B r a t t ( Tr e y P a r k e r ) from achieving wor ld domination. Dir ected by Pier r e Cof fin and Kyle Balda, co-dir ected by Eric Guillon, and written by Cinco Paul & K e n D a u r i o.


T he animated film is pr oduced by I l l u m i n a t i o n’ s C h r i s M e l e d a n d r i a n d J a n e t H e a l y, a n d e x e c u t i v e pr oduced by Chris Renaud, dir ected by Pier r e Cof fin and Kyle Balda, co-dir ected by Eric Guillon, and written by Cinco Paul & Ken Daurio, will be r eleased in theater s in summer 2017.

The SabaSaba Dar es salaam International Fair

Cape Town Fish Market

South Africa's premier seafood restaurant brings a fresh taste of S o u t h A f r i c a t o Ta n z a n i a . The menu offer s a wonderful combination of both South African and Ja panese dishes. For those w h o a r e n’ t t h a t p a r t i a l t o s e a f o o d , there is also a choice of meat and poultr y as well as a number of vegetarian dishes. C h i l d r e n a r e a l s o c a t e r e d f o r. E v e n i f y o u ’ r e n o t a f i s h - l o v e r, y o u ’ l l definitely find something on the m e n u t o s i n k y o u r t e e t h i n t o. Call 0758 555 366 1 8 0 M s a s a n i B a y, Msasani Peninsula, D a r e s S a l a a m , Ta n z a n i a

Element Lounge Whether you are looking for an amazing dining experience or sip cocktails or to dance the night a w a y, E l e m e n t L o u n g e s t y l i s h l y accommodates all. This restaurant lounge curiously blends fine dining with relaxed comfor t, opening at 6 PM. It is where ear ly birds can retreat after wor k for a casual, well-deser ved drink and where sophisticated palates can indulge i n a s u c c u l e n t m e a l a t d i n n e r. Light, bright, fresh, and consistent. Call 0713 504 104 Haile Selassie Rd, O y s t e r B a y, D S M

Karambezi Café Sur r ounded by a panor amic 180 degree view of the majestic Indian Ocean and has an exclusive setting for a special dining experience. The greatness of the endless sea combined with the war m, comfor table atmosphere and excellent cooking, makes for a no b e t t e r w a y, a n d n o w h e r e b e t t e r, t o enjoy your meal. Call 0763 935 867 Located at Sea Cliff Hotel Masaki Peninsula Dar es Salaam.

Baby Driver Starring: Jamie Fox, Kevin S p a c e y, A n s e l E l g o r t & L i l y James

A talented, young getaway driver (Ansel Elgor t) relies on the beat of his per sonal soundtrack to be the best in the game. When he meets the gir l of his dreams (Lily James), Baby sees a c hance to ditch his criminal life and make a c l e a n g e t a w a y. B u t a f t e r b e i n g coerced into wor king for a crime boss (Kevin Spacey), he must face the music when a doomed heist threatens his life, love and freedom. See it Only In Cinemas.

7th July, also known as SabaSaba day, has always been one of the holidays we look forward to, as Tanzanians. SabaSaba holds a political and festive significance to us, as it happens to be the founding day of the Tanzanian political party Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) in 1954. Of course, the shopping experience is always something to also look forward to.Here are the reasons why the trade fair has remained popular.

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Top Restaurants


Fast Food Bandari Grill - New Africa Hotel

Come and experience the relaunched flavours of a sumptuous lunch and relish a spread of new and exotic delicacies. Mon-Fri 12:00 pm-15:00 pm Buffet @34000 Tell: 2117050/51


100% Pure Healthy & Spicy

BAHARI BAKERY LTD At Masaki, Kunduchi & Dar ar free market

Tasty food and great coffee with support of all things local. Sandwiches, Burgers, Salads, Smoothies, Coffee, Baked Goods, Fully Licensed, Free WiFi. Oyster Bay- Dar es Salaam Tell: 0787 866 286

Bella Napoli Italian Restaurant

WE CARTER FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND EVENTS Kunduchi Beach Kichangani, House No. KUN/MTN/1560 Tel: +255 222 650 068 Mob: +255 767 337 168

Cape Town Fish Market

South Africa’s premier Sea Food Restaurant There is also a choice of Meat and poultry as well as Vegetarian Dishes Book your Exclusive Beach Table. Msasani Area Te l ; 0 6 7 7 7 7 9 9 9

Flame Tree Lounge Central meeting point in Dar es Salaam, its sophisticated and inviting setting. Enjoy a cappuccino, herbal tea or a light meal, or relax with a cocktail in the evening on the beautifully manicured outdoor terrace. Hyatt Regency, Lobby area

Tell: 0764 701234

Double tree by hilton Oysterbay Sunday: Swahili Night: Get a real flavour of Tanzania at Our Swahili Night from 18:30-22:30 Tshs 48.000pp Saturday; Samaki Garden Night: Savour an eclectic mix of fresh seafood, complimented by melodies from a live saxophonist, every Saturday from 18:30 Tsh 60,000 pp TEL: 0770 000 006

Wonderful Wednesday Enjoy up to 20% off your favorite Pizza and Pasta Dishes. Kids Eat Free Thursdays Haile Selassie Road Tell: +0778 497 776

Deli @ Ramada Encore

Enjoy a light and freshly made meal with a cool beverage in the heart of Dsm The Ground Level Cafe at Ramada Encore Hotel is the ideal place to relax and enjoy a healthy menu offered with a wide range of hot and cold beverages. Ghana St Dar es Salaam Phone:+255 (0) 222343434

Epid’or French Bakery uses the best ingredients & counts on bakers with years of experience to offer the greatest freshest variety of breads, Patisserie and Specialty Cakes. Haile Selassie Road, Masaki Tell: 260166

Spur Steak Ranch

Spur is steak house Franchise menu mainly Features Beef Burgers, Steaks and Ribs but also includes Salads, chicken, Sea food and Vegetarian options. Sea Cliff Village Tell: 0764 700657

The Bay Restaurant

With a light lunchtime menu and daily special's the Bay restaurant is the perfect spot for a fantastic coffee, slice of cake or a tranquil spot for that crips glass of wine and light conversatition catch up. Tell: 0783 539 090


Quality halal meat!

News Cafe

Jamhuri Street -City Centre Tel: +255 676 786 191 / +255 743 786 191

SALT RESTAURANT Enjoy the beast brunch and lunch at News Cafe Dar es Salaam, all day, every day. Haile Selassie Rd, Phone:+255 22 266 6655 Open 8AM–11:30PM

Salt offers the discerning diner a tantalising selection of wholesome, delicious snacks and meals

Phone:+255 783 180024 +255 784 277388 Toure Drive / Ghubba Road Dar es Salaam

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Holiday Precision Air

Fly with us from Dar es Salaam to the following destinations • Kilimanjaro • Arusha • Mwanza • Bukoba • Nairobi Diamond Plaza, 1st Floor, Mirambo Street/Samora Ave, Dar es Salaam Tel: +255 (0) 22 2191000 Cell:+255 787 888 417/408/409 E-mail:

World Air Travel & Tours LTD Yo u r s a f a r i t r a v e l p a r t n e r f o r Ta n z a n i a a n d E a s t A f r i c a . W i t h over a decade of experience we a r e e x p e r t s o n Ta n z a n i a a n d E a s t Africa and we have developed safari tours that will make your d r e a m A f r i c a n S a f a r i a r e a l i t y. Ground Floor Palm Residency Suite No. 8, Chimara St, Dar es Salaam. Te l : + 2 5 5 2 2 2 9 2 4 1 0 2

IATA Accredited Travel Management Company We are specialists in corporate travel and confident in our ability to provide prompt and efficient Tr a v e l M a n a g e m e n t s e r v i c e s a n d solutions to your business needs. 2 n d F l o o r, V I VA To w e r s Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Dar Es Salaam. Te l + 2 5 5 ( 2 2 ) 2 1 0 3 4 2 7 - 3 1 / 2103420/21/24

Acacia Building, 84 Kinondoni Rd, DSM Te l : + 2 5 5 2 2 5 5 1 0 0 2 0 Email: w w w. s w i s s . c o m


Mbudya Island

Offers various options to scale A f r i c a ’s h i g h e s t M o u n t a i n M t . Kilimanjaro, visiting cultural local tribes, pristine beaches on the spice island of Zanzibar and neighbouring islands of Mafia I s l a n d a n d Pe m b a I s l a n d . 16, Zanaki Street,Dar es Salaam Te l : + 2 5 5 2 2 2 1 3 7 7 1 3 Email: w w w. k e a r s l e y s . c o m

Slipway Rd, Dar es Salaam Tel: +255 22 260 2430

Wa r m r o o m s w i t h v i n t a g e a c c e n t s in a stately hotel offering a restaurant, a bar & an outdoor pool S e a v i e w, B a r a c k O b a m a A v e Te l : + 2 5 5 2 2 2 1 3 0 1 3 0 Sea Cliff Resort & Spa Zanzibar

Zanzibar is a unique destination, f i l l e d w i t h h i s t o r y a n d c h a r a c t e r, beautiful beaches, exquisite views, colours, a variety of experiences a n d w o n d e r f u l p e o p l e. W e l o o k forward to welcoming you to this exotic island. Kama Village, Mangapwani, Z a n z i b a r. Te l : + 2 5 5 7 6 7 7 0 2 2 4 1 - 9 E : r e s e r v a t i o n s @ s e a c l i f f z a n z i b a r. c o m w w w. s e a c l i f f z a n z i b a r. c o m

Hotel South Beach Resort Kigamboni, Dar Es Salaam. 8 K . M . F r o m K i g a m b o n i Fe r r y Te l : + 2 5 5 7 6 3 4 2 8 7 9 4 + 255 684 111 852

w w w. h o t e l s o u t h b e a c h r e s o r t . c o m

Tr a v e l s t a r t Ta n z a n i a Cheap flights, incredible hotels and affordable car rentals Peugeot House , Plot No 36 Bibi Titi Mohamed Road Dar es Salaam Te l : + 2 5 5 6 8 8 9 4 8 1 7 0 +255 22 2124881/2 Email: w w w. t r a v e l s t a r t . c o . t z

Ngorongoro Conservation I t i s o n N o r t h e r n Ta n z a n i a . A h o m e to the vast, volcanic Ngorongoro Crater and “big 5” game (elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino). Huge herds of wildebeests and zebras traverse its plains during their annual migration. Te l : + 2 5 5 7 6 3 5 8 5 1 5 4 w w w. n g o r o n g o r o c r a t e r. o r g

Nice beach. Awesome place for a f u n p a c k a w a y f r o m t h e c i t y. Surrounding water clean enough for swimming and the grilled fish o n t h e i s l a n d i s s i m p l y a w e s o m e. Pe r f e c t f o r a g e t a w a y p i c n i c a n d o u t d o o r f u n d a y. Bongoyo Island

20 minute boat ride to a tropical island, white sands and warm clean waters. Fo o d a n d d r i n k s a b o u n d a n d t h e walk around the island is a 1 hour walk (low tide).

Africa's largest and best airline. Flying to over 38 destinations worldwide, with direct flights to international hubs such Mumbai, Buenos Aires and London. Bibi Titi Mohammed St, Dar es Salaam

Fly Air Tanzania to the following destinations:• Mwanza • Bukoba • Kigoma • Mbeya • Kilimanjaro • Zanzibar • Dodoma Garden Ave, Dar es Salaam Customer Care +255782737730/0782782732 Te l : + 2 5 5 2 2 2 1 1 8 4 1 1

Maktaba St, Dar es Salaam Te l : + 2 5 5 2 2 2 1 1 6 6 8 2

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Freedom Computers Limited

7/20 Uhuru Street, Kariakoo near Msimbazi Round-About Mobile: +255 753 777 499 or 0655 777 501 Email: sales Web:




Network System Integration | Cabinet Switch Router PABX | Fiber cable, telephone cable Network cable and cabling products | Security solutions CCTV installation | Access system Security Alarm


Easenet Data Cabinet

Routers and Switches

Dahua CCTV Cameras

Quality is our first priority. Page


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ISSUE no 238

Easenet Networking Cables

Block 75 Indira Gandhi Street/ Morogoro Rd / Near Tronic Tel: +255 688 857313, +255 652 886666, Email: Dar es salaam- Tanzania,




Danish Hair


Located in Kawe Beach, DSM It is an international salon dealing with all types of hair. The management has graduated in Europe and holds accredited certifications in hair and beauty, with extensive experience working abroad and in Tanzania. Services offered include: Hair Design, Hair Treatments Facials, Massages Steam Room, Mani Pedi Please book in advance for all treatments so that a professional and personal service can be provided. +255 782 201 055 We look forward to welcoming you!


Imports high branded beauty products for women´s FACE, BODY, HAIR, MAKEUP and NAILS. We cover the wholesale market and retailing through our new shop UGLOW which is situated on the Upper Floor, Sea Cliff Village. In the region, we have exclusive distribution rights for all of our products which are based on trusted companies from ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN and the USA, all with an extensive experience in the beauty industry. OUR VALUES: - Beauty is our Inspiration - Diversity of Culture and Origins motivates us - Quality and Effective Products are our Brands Providing an Outstanding Service is our Commitment Opening Hours: Mon to Sat - 10:30am to 6pm We are closed on Sundays Business Address UGlow, Upper Floor, Sea Cliff Village, Masaki

The Touch Spa & Salon

Struggling to find the perfect haircut? Hair impossible to style? The Yusria Touch Spa is proud to introduce their new celebrity hair stylist, Arnel. Arnel comes to Thåe Touch Spa from Manila, Philippines, where he worked as the hair stylist for Philippine television, movie, music and other celebrities. Arnel is available only at the Village Walk Masaki location. To make an appointment to see Arnel, please call The Touch Spa at Village Walk Masaki at +255 752 224 237

RHG Hair Beauty & Saloon, A place where you can re-energise with Services that include Massages, Traditional body scrubs, Rejuvenating Facials, Vanilla and Almond manicures and Pedicures as well as other packages designed to help you unwind.All products used are 100% natural locally sourced * biodegradable and not tested on animals. * Except for certain Essential Oils. Lemon Spa (Dar es Salaam) Haile Selassie Rd. (adjacent to George & Dragon) Masaki, Dar es Salaam Tel: +255-(754)-814 531 +255-(752)-220 120

One of the best barbers in Downtown Kinondoni Dar-es-Salaam • It is very popular and highly rated. • It is also one of the most classic barbers in the area. • It also usually opens early. RHG Hair Beauty & Salon is upscale and luxurious high-quality, services. Our Service: Hair Cutting , Kid's Hair , Machine Shave, Hair Coloring, Facial Treatment Wave Texturing Bleach, Caucasian Asian Hair ,Massage Kinondoni - DSM Tel: +255 713 626 737

The Esquire Room Tanzania is an abode predominantly for gentlemen, offering barbering and spa services. We have a great variety of HAIR, FACE and BODY Treatments. We provide SPECIAL WEDDING PACKAGES as well as GIFT packages for MEN! Messanger@EsquireRoomTz

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Smiles dental clinic is a family friendly private dental practice that caters for the holistic dental h e a l t h n e e d s o f Ta n z a n i a ’s g r o w i n g elite population. A s Ta n z a n i a ’s g r o w i n g p o p u l a t i o n becomes better educated and more affluent, people are becoming more aware of and are in demand of esteemed social services including better medical a n d d e n t a l c a r e. Ali Hassani Mwinyi Road, Plot No. 106/27 Nedco Building Mob: +255 716 012

JD Pharmacy Ltd Viva towers & Toure Dr +255 22 260 2465

Alfaqee Investment Co.LTD

Healthy Eating Procedures. Preventing weight grain, cancer, diabetes, stroke and all other diseases. Call Stanley +255 653 496 522

Location: Ilala w w w. a l f a q e e i n v e s t m e n t . c o m Te l l : + 2 5 5 7 1 9 6 1 7 0 4 5

Dealers in GYM and Home accessories, Electronics and shoes from e v e r y d e s i g n ( A D I D A S, P U M A , A I R WA L K , F I L A , A L L - S TA R C O N V E R S E , E D H A R D Y, T O M M Y, T O M S, Z A R A & M A N Y M O R E P R O D U C T S. O n t h e b a s i s of perfecting traditional products, According to modern body-building concepts and requests the best GYM products, Visit our store now for your healthy body buildup, FROM UNITED KINGDOM (UK).


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Dar es Salaam - Hodari Chapter


Why choose to be or use BNI members? SIMPLE!

We meet the highest standards of customer sa sfac on in order to maintain membership

Deals with Solar PV Systems | Solar street lights Power back up Systems | Solar water Pumping systems Solar Water Heater | Pico Solar | Mini Grids

Tel: +255 784 844704 / +255 784 731315 Email:-

Freedom Computers Limited

We sell Desktops, laptops, servers, switches, batteries , adapters CCTV and networking items

Ground Floor, Ubungo Plaza Tel: +255-22-2460-100 Fax: +255-22-2460-100



Selling, Letting and Marketing

Vist us: Mikocheni near TMJ hospital or Online Tel: +255 767 711 120 Email:

We are located om Uhuru Street, Kariakoo Phone number: 0655 777 501, 0753 777 499

FEDHA INVESTMENTS One Stop Shop for Financial Services

E-Money I CRDB & NMB Agent I Bills Payment I Air Tickets Payment


Recruitment • HR Consultancy Payroll Management • Training

6th Floor, Oyster Plaza, Haile Selassie Road, Tanzania Mob: +255 784 940950, +255 767 940950, Email:

• Mpesa, Tigo Pesa, Airtel Money & Hallo Pesa • Bank Deposit & Withdrawal • Government, TRA Motor Vehicle License, Schools Fees payment • LUKU, DAWASCO, DStv, STARTIMES, AZAM, ZUKU payment • Smile, TTCL & Smart Internet payment • Airtime Top Up-All Networks • Precision Air tickets payment Pamba Road Behind ATC House Tel: +255 716 165929 / +255 779 438543 Email:

Maintenance & Repair of All Car Makes & Models

Our Services


• General Car Servicing • Computer Diagnostics • Mechanical Repairs • Engine Repair & Overhauling g • Auto Electric Service & Repair ir • Panel beating and spraying

We also offer Mobile Garage service at any location and time.

Head office: Lindi and Bungoni St. House # 188 Tel: +255739 444444/+255682700007 E: / Web:

Business =breakfast mee’ng held every Thursday @ 7am at New Africa Hotel Tel: +255 784 844 704 E-mail: With over 145,000 members worldwide,BNI is the largest business networking and referral marketing organization in the world. Last year alone, BNI generated 6.9 million referrals resulting in $3.1 billion dollars’ worth of business for its members.

TECHNOLOGY Yo u r S m a r t p h o n e i s m a k i n g y o u s t u p i d


study from the Univer sity of Chicago suggests after discovering having your smar tphone in c lose pr oximity not only distr acts you from the task at hand, but reduces your ability to handle more complex cognitive actions like remembering and pr ocessing data. For those w ho depend on their smar tphone for most things (so, e ver yone) the effects on their cognitive capacity may be most severe.

The problem stems from your br ain using a bit of your cognitive capacity to stay on tr ack when you know your phone is right next to you, begging to be touched. It gets compounded when something like a notification gets your attention, causing you to think about what that notification (text messages from f a m i l y, e m a i l f r o m a b o s s ) a c t u a l l y m e a n s , s e n d i n g y o u r b r a i n on a tangent that distr acts from your primar y goal. So, fr om this r esear c h, if you find your friends for geting things consisitently or losing the ability to solve new problems and see patter ns, you may have to think of advising them to slow down on smar tphone use. S o u r c e : - L i f e h a c k e r. c o m


Elite Computers The largest Apple Authorized Reseller in East Africa since the 1990's. +255 783 245 424 V i v a To w e r s , D a r e s S a l a a m .

Freedom Electronics Fo r laptops, desktops, adapters, batteries, cables, CCTV and networking items. Te l : + 2 5 5 7 8 6 4 3 7 2 1 3 , +255753777499, Kariakoo, Dar es Salaam Simply Computers Providing internet & data, VOIP and web development with over 16 years of s e r v i c e. +255 22 212 1601 Zanaki / Makunganya Street, Dar es Salaam Computron Distribution Ltd Fo r a w i d e r a n g e o f I T S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s . E: Phone: +255 789 563 702 Samora Avenue, Dar es Salaaam


Laptop City Yo u r s o u r c e f o r t h e h o t t e s t L a p t o p offers in Dar! +255 753 99990, +255 716 555 111 Zanaki and Kaluta Street, Dar es Salaam Getcore Group C o n s u l t i n g, design, development, m a r k e t i n g, h o s t i n g a n d o t h e r s e r v i c e s t o p o w e r u p y o u r b u s i n e s s o n l i n e. Email; Te l ; + 2 5 5 6 7 9 7 8 8 5 6 6 Jamhuri Asia Street, Dar es Salaam Rana Premium ICT Solutions Fo r s u p p l y, i n s t a l l a t i o n a n d s u p p o r t o f h i g h q u a l i t y, c o s t e f f e c t i v e I C T b u s i n e s s solutions. +255 767 888 566, Old Bagamoyo Rd, Dar es Salaam Mitsumi Distributors One of Africa's largest IT distributors. +254 20 3744921 Libya Street, Dar Es Salaam

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Funcity LARGEST AMUSEMENT A N D W AT E R PA R K I N E A S T AFRICA. F u n c i t y C o n s i s t s O f Tw o Main Parts, The THEME PA R K a n d T H E W AT E R PA R K . The Fun City Theme Park Will Have 30 Different Rides And The Fun City Water Park Will Have 25 Different Slides And Even The First Wave Pool Ever In TA N Z A N I A . FUN CITY Is Ver y Versatile, A s I t C a n P l a y H o s t To Families, Schools And Also Corporate Gatherings, Keeping Ever yone Well Entertained And Happy Through The Whole Fun City Experience. Call 0712 786 000 W w w. F u n C i t y. C o . T z

Fantasy Land for Kids New place for kids to have fun!! Jumping Castle Tu n n e l , Tr a m p o l i n e , R o c k Climbing, Velcro Wall, Obstacle, Face Painting, E l e c t r i c Tr a i n , D o n k e y Rides, Rolling Ball and Clown Shows are some of the things you can find at Fantasy Land! OpenSat Sun and Public Holidays: 1pm-7pm Phone:+255786124686

ADVERTISE YOUR BUSSINESS HERE ! Contact Tel: +255 767 711120 E mail:

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Plots Selling And Buying Has Never Been Easy. You Need Professionals’ Assistance







Strategic and prime located beach plots available for SALE at Tzs 5,000 per sqm



Located at Mitwero 10km from Lindi town and about 1km from tarmac road








For more information contact: VIWANJA TANZANIA, Tel: 0767 711120, 0754 711120 Email:


1,177 sq.m 1,596 sq.m

Conviniently located at Kerege beach side with short distance from DarBagamoyo road.

PRICE Tzs 8,500 per sqm

1,368 sq.m

924 sq.m

1,212 sq.m

1,357 sq.m 2,570 sq.m

1,686 sq.m

1,765 sq.m

1,735 sq.m

1,548 sq.m 1,369 sq.m 1,338 sq.m

1,602sq.m 1,366 sq.m

1,287 sq.m

979 sq.m 965 sq.m 1,270 sq.m

For more information contact: VIWANJA TANZANIA, Tel: 0767 711120, 0754 711120 Email:

1,357 sq.m

1,577 sq.m

1,190 sq


1,465 sq.m

GENERAL ADVERTS Gplm Cleaning Services Mbezi , Dar es salaam +255 (0)744 752761 Limpio Cleaning Solution Kinondoni kunduchi, near Silver Sands Hotel Dar es salaam +255 (0) 654 221534 Abbott &Smith Cleaning & Furmigation Services Kinondoni, Oystebay, Dar es salaam +255 (0) 765 250217 ECO CLEANING &RESTORATIONCO LTD Kinondoni , GEPF House, Regent Estate Ali Hassan Mwinyi Rd +255 (0) 786 144255 +255 (0) 783 29111 Mr Clean Limited 123, Samora Avenue, +255 212 093 9

CLEANEX GROUP Kinondoni, Dar Free Market +255 (0) 765 250217

Sunshine Laundry & Dry Cleaner Along Ghuba rd, Msasani Kinondoni +255 754 328 032 Alfa Dry Cleaners Gadern Avenue, PPF Tower +255 755 463 333 +255 752 898726 Shoppers Plaza Dry Cleaners Haile Selaisie rd DSM +255 765 155 935 Kings Laundry & Dry Cleaners New Bagamoyo road, Makonde, Mbezi Beach +255 22 264 7568 Super Clean & Dry Cleaners Kinondoni Muslim, Dsm +255 713 789411 +255 716 289944

TAN CLEANING COY (water tank cleaning services) Kinondoni B, close to Open University +255 (0) 655 375 533 Fumigation Services -PEST GUARD Ilala Kisutu, Asia street (off Jamuhuri street) Plot no 2082/77 next to Zam Zam stationary +255 (0) 222 123 567 +255 (0) 222 123 565 +255 (0) 753 515 635 Tropical Fumigation Ilala,Kisutu, Avalon House, Zanaki street , Dar es salaam +255 (0) 758 465 997 +255 (0) 653 121 230

ISSUE no 238

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Plots Selling And Buying Has Never Been Easy. You Need Professionals’ Assistance

RESIDENTIAL PLOTS FOR SALE KEREGE BAGAMOYO Conviniently located at Kerege beach side with short distance from Dar-Bagamoyo road.

PRICE Tzs 8,500 per sqm

sq .m

.m sq 41

3,394 sq.m

4,172 sq.m

22 1,0


.m sq

sq 00


845 s

3,162 sq.m

3,965 sq.m 3,532 sq.m

3,574 sq.m

3,888 sq.m

3,927 sq.m

4,021 sq.m 4,045 sq.m

2,205 sq.m 2,379 sq.m

4,029 sq.m







1,464 sq.m


1,184 sq.m


950 s


1,975 sq.m

1,5 24

1,184 sq.m

sq .m

1,965 sq.m

For more information contact: VIWANJA TANZANIA, Tel: 0767 711120, 0754 711120 Email:

Real Estate


WANTED PROPERTIES Looking for a 3 bedroom house with a moderately large compound in areas with easy access to the main road. Budget: TSH 70M –TSH 150M Phone: 0767711120/ 0714031906 E: Looking for space for a fast food restaurant. Preferable areas should be: • City centre • Oysterbay or Msasani Peninsular • Mikocheni or Mbezi Beach • Mlimani city • Bagamoyo road (between Morocco and Mwenge) SIZE: 120 SQM Tell: 0767 711120 0714 031906 E: A 3/4 bedroom Villa needed for rent. Preferable areas are Masaki or Oysterbay. Phone: 0767711120/ 0714031906 E: SITE/ WARE HOUSE NEEDED FOR RENT: Looking for a site or warehouse along the main road between Tegeta and Salasala areas. size required – Site : 6000sqm actual warehouse : 1000sqm. Phone:0767711120/ 0714031906 E:

PROPERTY SHOP Selling, Letting and Marketing Tel: +255 767 711 120 | +255 754 711 120 | +255 714031 906 Email: ISSUE no 238

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