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Issue # 262 ISSN: 1821 - 8075 22th - 28th Dec 2017

Travel & Holiday Kilwa Ruins One of the old trading towns of the Indian Ocean connecting trade from trade with Arabia, India and China, par ticular ly between the 13th and the 16th centuries, when gold and i v o r y. A s t h e U N E S C O w o r l d heritage site. Kilwa is perfect for magnificent views and rich histor y in scenic settings. Saadani National park Not among the popular wildlife checklist but its exceptional biodiver sity and location makes it for a unique treat for the eyes and soul. Go for a relaxing safari for a few days to unwind at the beach combined with game drives & guided walks up to the w a m i r i v e r. World Air Travel & Tours LTD Yo u r s a f a r i t r a v e l p a r t n e r f o r Ta n z a n i a a n d E a s t A f r i c a . W i t h over a decade of experience we a r e e x p e r t s o n Ta n z a n i a a n d E a s t Africa and we have developed safari tours that will make your d r e a m A f r i c a n S a f a r i a r e a l i t y. Ground Floor Palm Residency Suite No. 8, Chimara St, DSM Te l : + 2 5 5 2 2 2 9 2 4 1 0 2

Africa's largest and best air line. Flying to over 38 destinations wor ldwide, with direct flights to inter national hubs such Mumbai, Buenos Aires and London. Bibi Titi Mohammed St, Dsm

Be dazzled in Zanzibar Gold Zanzibar Beach House and Spa can ver y well be a synonym for par adise. A lush oasis of elegance where you can regenerate mind, body and spirit. This 5-star hotel is within the region of Mnemba Island on the Spice Island of Zanzibar on the nor thwest of the island. This deluxe hotel boasts 67 fabulous rooms that stretch across an oasis of seclusion, privacy and still calm beaches of Kendwa.the N g o r o g o r o C r a t e r.

Fly with us fr om Dsm to the following destinations • Kilimanjaro • Ar usha • Mwanza • Bukoba • Nairobi D i a m o n d P l a z a , 1 s t F l o o r, M i r a m b o Street/Samora Ave, Dar es Salaam Te l : + 2 5 5 ( 0 ) 2 2 2 1 9 1 0 0 0

Bongoyo Island

Pemba Island

20 minute boat ride to a tropical island, white sands and war m clean water s. Fo o d a n d d r i n k s a b o u n d a n d t h e walk around the island is a 1 hour walk (low tide).

Secluded and untouched, this island gives the guest a promising diving experience. It is sur rounded by cor al r eefs that have bar ely been explored and is tagged as one of the top dive sites in the wor ld.

Precision Air

Offer s various options to scale Africa’s highest Mountain Mt. K i l i m a n j a r o, v i s i t i n g c u l t u r a l local tribes, pristine beaches on the spice island of Zanzibar and neighbouring islands of Mafia I s l a n d a n d Pe m b a I s l a n d . 16, Zanaki Street,Dar es Salaam Te l : + 2 5 5 2 2 2 1 3 7 7 1 3 Email: sales@kear w w w. k e a r s l e y s . c o m

Tr a v e l P a r t n e r i s c o m m i t t e d to meet customer’s needs and expectations in the tourism, car rental and logistics through utilization of dedicated and well trained staff through moder n management style that meets I n t e r n a t i o n a l s t a n d a r d s . Tr a v e l Par tner is one of the fast growing travel and tour operator s in Ta n z a n i a . F r o m t h e i n c e p t i o n , t h e compan has under taken a number of credible and large scale projects which have strengthened its capabilities and increase its fieldwor k experience.

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ISSUE no 262

Travel & Holiday 84 Kinondoni Rd, Phone:+255 22 551 0020

STA Travel Tanzania   Phone:+255 758 828 384 Open t8:30AM–5PM Emirates

Haidry Plaza Complex Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Mon to Fri - 08:30 - 16:30, Sat-08:30 - 12:30 Sunday, Closed Tel: +25522 2116100/1/ 2

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines   India St, Phone:+255 22 216 3914

LAM Mozambique Airlines

Airline Ticket Agency Mission St, Phone:+255 22 213 4600

Kenya Airways   Peugeot House,Upanga Road, Phone:+255 22 211 9377

Hotel South Beach Resort Kigamboni, Dar Es Salaam. 8 K . M . F r o m K i g a m b o n i Fe r r y Te l : + 2 5 5 7 6 3 4 2 8 7 9 4 + 255 684 111 852

T h e Ta n z a n i a n c o a s t n o r t h of Dar es Salaam is an idyllic 300 km stretch of wide sandy beaches and tur quoise water s. Covering some 500 kilometer s from Mozambique to Dar es Salaam, the south coast o f Ta n z a n i a i s a s p a r s e l y populated and almost entirely o v e r l o o k e d a r e a . Ta n z a n i a i s a l s o h o m e t o Z a n z i b a r, A r u s h a National Par k, Ba g amoyo, Lake Manyar a National Par k, Saadani National Par k, Serengeti and t h e N g o r o g o r o C r a t e r.

Tanzania Safari – Under Canvas

w w w. h o t e l s o u t h b e a c h r e s o r t . c o m

On this camping safari you’ ll experience fantastic wildlife, i m p r e s s i v e l a n d s c a p e s a n d m e e t t h e l o c a l p e o p l e . Yo u ’ l l v i s i t t h e S e r e n g e t i , L a k e N a t r o n , Ta r a n g i r e a n d t h e N g o r o n g o r o C r a t e r.

Ta n z a n i a W i l d l i f e S a f a r i Experience fantastic wildlife, impressive landscapes and f r i e n d l y, local people on this safari including Lake Manyar a, the Serengeti and the N g o r o n g o r o C r a t e r.

Romantic Zanzibar – Honeymoon Spend a romantic honeymoon or holiday with your loved one at the luxur y Melia Resor t on t h e e x o t i c i s l a n d o f Z a n z i b a r. Manyar a, the Serengeti and the N g o r o n g o r o C r a t e r. ISSUE no 262

PUBLISHED BY P R I M E L O C AT I O N INVESTMENTS LIMITED Te l : + 2 5 5 7 6 7 7 1 1 1 2 0 Email: advertise@

Sales & Marketing +255 715 727 742 +255 755 415 582 Design: +255768942218

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ISSUE no 262

Hot Spots, Events & Entertainments

Karambezi CafĂŠ Surrounded by a panoramic 180 degree view of the majestic Indian Ocean and has an exclusive setting for a special dining experience. The greatness of the endless sea combined with the warm, comfortable atmosphere and excellent cooking, makes for a no better way, and nowhere better, to enjoy your meal. Call 0763 935 867 Located at Sea Cliff Hotel Masaki Peninsula Dar es Salaam.

Deli @ Ramada Encore Enjoy a light and freshly made meal with a cool beverage in the heart of Dsm The Ground Level Cafe at Ramada Encore Hotel is the ideal place to relax and enjoy a healthy menu offered with a wide range of hot and cold beverages Ghana St:+255 222343434

Element Lounge

News CafĂŠ

Whether you are looking for an amazing dining experience or sip c o c k t a i l s o r t o d a n c e t h e n i g h t a w a y, E l e m e n t L o u n g e s t y l i s h l y accommodates all. This restaur ant lounge curiously blends fine dining with relaxed comfor t, opening at 6 PM. It is where ear ly birds can retreat after wor k for a casual, well-deser ved drink and where s o p h i s t i c a t e d p a l a t e s c a n i n d u l g e i n a s u c c u l e n t m e a l a t d i n n e r. L i g h t , bright, fresh, and consistent. C a l l 0 7 1 3 5 0 4 1 0 4 - H a i l e S e l a s s i e R d , O y s t e r B a y, D S M

We o f f e r a p r e m i u m e n t e r t a i n m e n t e x p e r i e n c e f o r o u r aspir ational customer base by ef ficiently ser ving wor ldclass food offerings and premier beverage choices in an a t m o s p h e r e t h a t i s c o n t e m p o r a r y, v i b r a n t a n d r e l e v a n t w i t h a n i n - h o u s e D J & 2 i n t e r n a t i o n a l C O C K TA I L b a r m e n specialized in drinks. Call 022 266 665579 Haile Selassie Road Dar es Salaam

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ISSUE no 262

Hot Spots, Events & Entertainments The George & Dragon Pub A classic English pub in the h e a r t o f Ta n z a n i a ’ s e c o n o m i c capital Dar es Salaam, and is o p e n 6 d a y s a w e e k , Tu e s d a y - Friday fr om 4pm to Midnight, Saturday from 2pm to Midnight, and Sunday from 1pm to 11pm. Ser ves classic English dishes including a vast BBQ selection and with a fine selection of various beverages both local and from around the globe… beer s, ales, whiskies, gins, wines, etc. Also features the main indoor p u b, a s p o r t s b a r, a n d a b e e r garden that has a resident DJ playing all your soulful house anthems twice a week, with a monthly ol’ skool night ever y fir st Friday of the month. Call 0717 800 002 Haile Selassie Road

Tr i n i t i h a s b e e n e n t e r t a i n i n g a n eclectic Dar crowd with exquisite cocktails, live enter tainment, DJ's and awesome themed par ties. Come and enjoy a semi secluded open-air bar & lounge in a tranquil green environment. An oasis within the urban hectic. E v e r y 2 n d & 4 t h We d n e s d a y of the month we host Dar's most challenging quiz nights, We d n e s d a y is Steak and W i n e D a y, o r d e r a n y t y p e o f beef for TZS.18,000/= or TZS.20,000/= accompanied with a glass of Spier red wine. Call 022 213 7575 Msasani Road 26 Dar es Salaam


Tel: +255 767 711120 Email:

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ISSUE no 262

Top Restaurants & Fast Food E p i d ’o r Epid’or Fr enc h Baker y uses the best ingredients & counts on baker s with year s of experience to offer the greatest freshest variety of breads, Patisserie and Specialty Cakes. Haile Selassie Road, Masaki Te l l : 2 6 0 1 6 6 T h e B a y Re s t a u r a n t With a light lunchtime menu and daily special's the Bay restaurant is the perfect spot for a fantastic coffee, slice of

Double tree by hilton Oysterbay Sunday: Swahili Night: Get a r e a l f l a v o u r o f Ta n z a n i a a t Our Swahili Night from 18:30-22:30 Ts h s 4 8 . 0 0 0 p p


Coral Ridge Spur

Golden Tulip City Center

Buy one get one free

Grand buffet from

offer Burger offer!

The Fire restaurant at

Call 0764 700 657

C a p e To w n F i s h M a r k e t South Africa’s premier Sea Food Restaur ant. T her e is also a choice of Meat and p o u l t r y a s w e l l a s Ve g e t a r i a n Dishes. Book your Exclusive B e a c h Ta b l e . Msasani Area Te l ; 0 6 7 7 7 7 9 9 9

Akemi Revolving Restaurant


Lunch buffet : 12 – 3pm

Journey of Specialities from

35,000 tshs & A La Carte light

6:30 – 10:30 Tshs 48,000

lunch from 12 – 3pm with a se-

Call 0779 00 00 06

Tshs 30,000. Double tree by Hilton,

Call 2129351

Oysterbay night,


lection of dishes ranging from 15,000 to 19,000 tshs only. Call 687 360 360

F l a m e Tr e e Lo u n g e Central meeting point in Dar es Salaam, its sophisticated and inviting setting. Enjoy a ca ppuccino, herbal tea or a light meal, or r elax with a cocktail in the evening on the beautifully manicured outdoor ter race. H y a t t R e g e n c y, L o b b y a r e a Te l l : 0 7 6 4 7 0 1 2 3 4 Ta s t y f o o d a n d g r e a t c o f f e e w i t h s u p p o r t of all things local.Sandwiches, Burger s, Salads, Smoothies, Coffee, Baked Goods, Fully Licensed, Fr ee WiFi.Oyster Bay- Dar es Salaam Te l l : 0 7 8 7 8 6 6 2 8 6 B e l l a N a p o l i I t a l i a n Re s t a u r a n t Wo n d e r f u l We d n e s d a y Enjoy up to 20% off your favorite Pizza and Pasta Dishes.Kids Eat Fr ee T hur sdays Haile Selassie Road Te l l : + 0 7 7 8 4 9 7 7 7 6 Bandari Grill - New Africa Hotel Come and experience the relaunched flavour s of a sumptuous lunch and relish a spread of new and exotic delicacies. Mon-Fri 12:00 pm-15:00 pm Buffet @34000 Te l l : 2 1 1 7 0 5 0 / 5 1 AKEMI Open ever tday from 10am, our classy bar offer s great selection of cocktails an extensive wine menu with unbeatable view and delicious bar snacks. Monday to friday we have a Happy Hour with drink promotioons from 5-7pm, with live band enter tainment ever y friday 2 1 s t F l o o r, G o l d e n J u b i l e e To w e r s , O h i o S t Te l l : + 2 5 5 7 5 3 3 6 0 3 6 0 N E W A F R I CA Monday-Sunday: Happy hour at Onyx Lounge Saturday - Indian Nite at Bandari Grill with live music Thur sday -African Nite at Bandari Grill with live music TEL: 2117050

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s Y



Imports high branded beauty products for women´s FACE, BODY, HAIR, MAKEUP and NAILS. We cover the wholesale market and retailing through our new shop UGLOW which is situated on the Upper Floor, Sea Cliff Village. In the region, we have exclusive distribution rights for all of our products which are based on trusted companies from ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN and the USA, all with an extensive experience in the beauty industry. OUR VALUES: - Beauty is our Inspiration - Diversity of Culture and Origins motivates us - Quality and Effective Products are our Brands Providing an Outstanding Service is our Commitment


Contact Tel: +255 767 711120 Email:

Opening Hours: Mon to Sat - 10:30am to 6pm We are closed on Sundays Business Address UGlow, Upper Floor, Sea Cliff Village, Masaki

The Touch Spa & Salon

Struggling to find the perfect haircut? Hair impossible to style? The Yusria Touch Spa is proud to introduce their new celebrity hair stylist, Arnel. Arnel comes to ThĂĽe Touch Spa from Manila, Philippines, where he worked as the hair stylist for Philippine television, movie, music and other celebrities. Arnel is available only at the Village Walk Masaki location. To make an appointment to see Arnel, please call The Touch Spa at Village Walk Masaki at +255 752 224 237

Danish Hair


Located in Kawe Beach, DSM It is an international salon dealing with all types of hair. The management has graduated in Europe and holds accredited certifications in hair and beauty, with extensive experience working abroad and in Tanzania. Services offered include: Hair Design, Hair Treatments Facials, Massages Steam Room, Mani Pedi Please book in advance for all treatments so that a professional and personal service can be provided. +255 782 201 055 We look forward to welcoming you!

The Esquire Room Tanzania is an abode predominantly for gentlemen, offering barbering and spa services. We have a great variety of HAIR, FACE and BODY Treatments. We provide SPECIAL WEDDING PACKAGES as well as GIFT packages for MEN! Messanger@EsquireRoomTz

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ISSUE no 262

HEALTH & FITNESS ELITE DENTAL CLINIC You can visit our complete services section and deliver quality dental services and consultation We are operating at Oasis Office Complex , Haile Selassie Road, Msasani, Opp Best Western plus Peninsula Hotel

SMILES DENTAL CLINIC Smiles dental clinic is a family friendly private dental practice that caters for the holistic dental health needs of Tanzania’s growing elite population. As Tanzania’s growing population becomes better educated and more affluent, people are becoming more aware of and are in demand of esteemed social services including better medical and dental care. Ali Hassani Mwinyi Road, Plot No. 106/27 Nedco Building Mob: +255 716 012

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General Advert

32 SEAT MIN BUS Full AC comfortable seat for Hire most suitable for tours, hotel staff, delegates, private occasions, airport shutters etc

+255 788 297357 The Furmigators Warioba, Mikocheni B +255 713 309 139 +255 786 309 139 Limpio Cleaning Solution Kinondoni kunduchi, near silver sands hotel . Dar es salaam +255 (0) 654 221534 Abbott &Smith Cleaning & Furmigation Services Kinondoni, Oystebay, Dar es salaam +255 (0) 765 250217 GREEN WASTEPRO LTD Lumumba, Morogoro Rd. OPP Vijana building, Plot No. 65, 5th floor +255 (0) 687 990 099 ECO CLEANING &RESTORATIONCO LTD Kinondoni , GEPF House, Regent Estate Ali Hassan Mwinyi Rd +255 (0) 786 144255 +255 (0) 783 29111 CLEANEX GROUP Kinondoni, dar Free Market +255 (0) 765 250217 Super Clean & Dry Cleaners Kinondoni Muslim, Dsm +255 713 789411 +255 716 289944


Contact Tel: +255 767 711120 Email:

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General Advert

Limpio Cleaning Solution Kinondoni kunduchi, near Silver Sands Hotel Dar es salaam +255 (0) 654 221534 Abbott &Smith Cleaning & Furmigation Services Kinondoni, Oystebay, Dar es salaam +255 (0) 765 250217 ECO CLEANING &RESTORATIONCO LTD Kinondoni , GEPF House, Regent Estate Ali Hassan Mwinyi Rd +255 (0) 786 144255 +255 (0) 783 29111 CLEANEX GROUP Kinondoni, Dar Free Market +255 (0) 765 250217 TAN CLEANING COY (water tank cleaning services) Kinondoni B, close to Open University +255 (0) 655 375 533 Fumigation Services -PEST GUARD Ilala Kisutu, Asia street (off Jamuhuri street) Plot no 2082/77 next to

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Kids-Play Places Games Shopping

"The Dance Studio offer s ballet, contemporar y and pilates classes to children aged 3+ as well as adults with and without prior dance experience. Classes ar e taught by a Royal Acad=emy of Dance (RAD)cer tified instr uctor with more than 20 year s of professional teaching experience and we welcome those who wish to take RAD examinations as well as those simply looking to have fun and improve their fitness. For more infor mation, visit t h e d a n c e s t u d i o. c o. t z , contact S i m o n e a t i n f o @ t h e d a n c e s t u d i o. c o. t z o r o n + 2 5 5 7 5 9 3 8 7 2 1 5 o r visit us at The Little Theatre, off Haile Selassie Road (next to the Protea Hotel)

Fantasy Land for Kids


Contact Tel: +255 767 711120 Email:

New place for kids to have fun!! Jumping Castle Tu n n e l , Tr a m p o l i n e , R o c k C l i m b i n g , Ve l c r o W a l l , O b s t a c l e , F a c e P a i n t i n g , E l e c t r i c Tr a i n , Donkey Rides, Rolling Ball and Clown Shows are some of the things you can find at Fantasy Land! OpenSat Sun and Public Holidays: 1pm-7pm Phone:+255786124686

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REAL ESTATE WANTED PROPERTIES IMMEDIATE WANTED HOUSE TO BUY Looking for 3 bedroom house in a secure neighborhood, should have at least 5 car parking space and convenient road access. Preferable areas: • Mikocheni • Mbezi beach • Kunduchi • Salasala Phone: 0767711120/ 0714031906 E: WANTED STANDALONE HOUSE FOR RENT: Looking for a 3 to 4 bedroom house, should be in a good location, with convenient road access and in a secure neighborhood. Preferable areas include Regent state, Mikocheni and Msasani. Phone: 0767711120/ 071403190 E: WANTED APARTMENT TO BUY Looking for a 4 bedroom apartment with modern facilities in Upanga East or Masaki. Budget range: USD 250,000 Phone: 0767711120/ 0714031906 E: WANTED APARTMENTS FOR RENT. A 2/3 bedroom apartments with all key features and amenities are needed for rent. Should be in a good location. Preferable areas include Masaki and Oysterbay Budget range: USD 1200 Phone: 0767711120/ 0714031906 E:


Contact Tel: +255 767 711120 Email:

LOOKING FOR STUDIO APARTMENT TO LET : Should be spacious and modern, preferably in Masaki and Oysterbay areas with the following amenities: • Gym• Swimming pool Phone: 0767711120/ 0714031906 E:

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RESIDENTIAL PLOTS FOR SALE KEREGE BAGAMOYO Conviniently located at Kerege beach side with short distance from Dar-Bagamoyo road.

PRICE Tzs 9,500 per sqm

For more information contact: VIWANJA TANZANIA, Tel: 0717 376 677, 0767 711120, 0677 303344 Email:

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