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Is your business RVSA-ready?

Ensure you’re prepared for the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018.


The Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 wil l come into effect on July 1, 2021. The Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 (RVSA) will replace the existing Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 (MVSA) on July 1, 2021. The implementation of RVSA is complex and will see increased accountability on designers, manufacturers, suppliers and importers to comply with standards and regulations.

The BIC Secretariat wishes to remind bus manufacturers and component suppliers of the following key information and dates. This user guide applies to the following businesses that are a: • holder of identifi cation plate approval/s (IPAs), or is seeking to apply for vehicle type approval (VTAs); • holder of component registration number/s (CRNs), or is seeking to apply for component type approvals (CTAs); • holder of sub assembly registration number/s (SARNs), or is seeking to apply for component type approvals (CTAs); • currently registered test facility, or wishes to be a registered test facility in the new RVS system.


• Road vehicle standards legislation (RVSA) full commencement date: July 1, 2021. Refer to infrastructure.gov.au/vehicles/rvs/index.aspx • Implementation transitional period: 12 months from the commencement date. • RVSA introduces two type-approval pathways – VTAs and CTAs. VTAs replace IPAs and eligible holders of

IPAs may ‘opt-in’ to become VTA holders.

“The implementation of RVSA is complex and will see increased accountability on designers, manufacturers, suppliers and importers.”

• VTAs can remain valid for up to seven years (opted-in

VTAs are valid for up to fi ve years – see below). For a guide to VTAs, refer to: infrastructure.gov.au/vehicles/ rvs/vehicle-type-approvals/index.aspx • IPA holders may opt-in at any time in the six-month period from July 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021. (A benefi t of opt-in is that it is a simpler application process and allows the use of existing test reports,

CRNs and SARNs). • While an IPA approval holder can rely on existing

CRNs and SARNs to opt-in, if a new/different chassis or approved component were to be added to the opted-in approval, it would need a CTA (see below). For a guide to opt-in arrangements refer to: infrastructure.gov.au/vehicles/rvs/vehicle-typeapprovals/opt-in-arrangements.aspx • Component type approvals: CRNs and SARNs are being replaced by CTAs. Applications for CTAs are now open (CRNs/SARNs cannot opt-in). Test reports for a CTA application must be from an approved testing facility (see below). For a guide to component type approvals refer to: infrastructure.gov.au/vehicles/ rvs/component-type-approvals.aspx • Existing CRNs and SARNs: continue to remain valid during the transitional period for IPA holders who chose not to opt-in (including for any IPA amendments); continue to remain valid for fi ve years for approvals that opted-in using CRN/

SARN evidence; and cannot be used for any RVSA applications (i.e. new applications after July 1, 2021). • Testing facilities: applications for testing facility approvals are open now. Where a testing facility applies for approval before July 1, 2021, its fi rst annual levy of $970 will be waived. For a guide to testing facilities refer to: infrastructure.gov.au/vehicles/rvs/ testing-facilities • Validity of test reports (RVSA-approved testing facility): if a testing facility is approved under the

RVSA, existing test reports remain valid as long as the testing facility remains approved under the

RVSA. Any testing conducted under an RVSA testing facility approval will remain valid even if the approval subsequently lapses.


• Current testing facility approvals and component type approvals can be found at: https://rover.infrastructure. gov.au (a search function will be added soon) • Legislation guide and resources: infrastructure.gov. au/vehicles/rvs/rvs_legislation_guides_and_resources. aspx • Glossary of terms: infrastructure.gov.au/vehicles/rvs/ rvs_glossary_of_terms.aspx • Members are also encouraged to subscribe to the

RVS news update found at: infrastructure.gov.au/ vehicles/rvs/subscribe.aspx

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