4 minute read
Trucking drives Australia
THEY say everything is delivered on the back of a truck, except for a baby. Or that without trucks, Australia stops.
We got a firsthand lesson of this during the pandemic supply chain crisis and the great toilet paper rush. Trucking is essential to our modern standard of living.
The 200,000 people and 59,000 businesses of Australia’s trucking industry drive our economy.
Almost 80 per cent of non-bulk freight is moved on Australia’s roads, which is 234.6 billion tonne kilometres of goods.
road freight industry is NSW, which moves 81.2 billion tonne kilometres.
Victoria moves 48.9 billion, Queensland 42.2 billion, and Western Australia moves 40.3 billion.
sential in the other states and territories. That was clear when the supermarkets in
Darwin began to empty when highways were cut by flooding.
Trucks would not be able to move any of this freight without the road network.
Australia has 877,651 kilometres of roads, including 45,496 of non-urban highways and 6488 kilometres of urban highways.
Across all levels of government, Australia spends $30.8 billion on the road network each year, but governments government deserves credit for putting more money into rest areas almost immediately upon coming to office.
Including both hire and reward trucking businesses and other industries which have heavy vehicles in their operations, we get all of this done with 115,481 articulated trucks, 373,426 heavy rigid trucks and 175,041 light rigid trucks.
Whilst articulated trucks are critical to linehaul and keeping our nation connected, it is worth noting that the majority of the truck fleet are rigid trucks, and two-thirds of rigid trucks operate in urban areas.
We also know that there was a 59 per cent increase in electric heavy rigid trucks in 2022. Electrification is coming, in urban areas, whether we are ready for it or not.
Trucking drives the economy, and impacts on trucking have an impact on the wider largely from improved access. Unfortunately, the results have fallen far short of this.
Heavy Vehicle Road Reform, to change how trucks are charged for roads and how roads are funded, has been predicted to deliver up to $17.4 billion in economic benefits, again largely linked to better access. These reforms have been spoken about for a long time, but delivery is another matter.
Governments continue to talk up and bank the eco- nomic benefits from more productive heavy vehicle access – but then fail to deliver the goods.
The greatest hope we have had for real change on access is the move towards automated access – pioneered by Tasmania.
Implementing an automated access system is one of the most promising reforms facing the trucking industry, with the potential to finally deliver on the long-cited economic gains from better access.
As trucking drives the Australian economy, this is a vital economic reform for the nation.
That’s why it will be one of the key sessions on the program for Trucking Australia 2023 on the Sunshine Coast. The trucking industry understands that a job is not done until it is delivered. Governments must heed this lesson and finally deliver the economic gains from better access.
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5 To tender higher than someone else is to what (7)
7 Whatare lengthwisethreads on a loom? (4)

1 Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia were known as the three what (6)
8 Whatisthe capital ofLiberia? (8)

3 InearlyEngland,what was a smalllandholderbetween gentry and labourers? (6)
6 Francis Greenway came to Australia as a what (7)
4 Whatbranch ofmedicine isconcerned with diseasesand abnormalitiesofthe heart?(10)
10 In 1982 who madethe firsttelevised147 break in snooker? (5,5)
8 Name the stripes of NCOs and police officers, etc (8)
9 What is a motorless aeroplane (6)
12 Whichinventor (Thomas ____)tookout more than a thousandpatents inhis lifetime?(6)
13 Whatisthelastwordof“RuleBritannia”?(6)
10 What was dammed in 1970-72 as part of a WA irrigation scheme (3,5)

15 TheMisfits in1961 was the last film starring Marilyn Monroeand which otheractor? (5,5)
7 Which two-toed African flightless bird is a sort of cousin to the emu (7)
5 A starthat suddenly brightens thengraduallyfades is called what? (4)

6 Which film,1984’s BestPicture Oscar winner, was filmed inPrague? (7)
9 Where wasLouisArmstrong born? (3,7)
13 Name the Labor politician from 1960 to 1967 who survived an assassination attempt in 1966, Arthur ... (7)
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11 Whichwomanwasmarried on 29April1945, and died the followingday?(3,5)
11 What relates to financial matters in general (6)
15 Name the former capital of Pakistan (7)
19 What cloth isspreadover a coffin? (4)
12 Which term is the plural of locus (4)
20 Whatisaninformal wordfor“avery long time”?(5)
12 Whatisthe widening channel of a river wheresaltwater mixes with freshwater?(7)
14 Inheraldry what isthecolour silver?(6)
17 Montevideo is the capital of which S American republic (7)
21 What diseaseisalso knownaslockjaw? (7)
13 What is often referred to as the opposite of cheese (5)
16 What nationality was Vincent Van Gogh (5)
19 Which non-human anthropoids have no tails (4)
21 Name British units of currency (6)
22 What is another term for a traveller, especially on foot (8)
Quick Crossword
23 Name a tropical Sth American large lizard (6)
16 Millionsofrecords fromwhichUS immigration entry islandareaccessible onthe internet? (5)

17 WhichEnglish college wasfoundedby HenryVI in 1440? (4)
18 Which word describes the beat of any rhythmical movement (7)
20 Name one of the four seasons (6)
24 Name the English painter and sculptor 1830-96, Baron Frederick ... (8)
Findafinishedcrosswordbydeletingoneof thetwolettersineachdividedsquare.

25 What is another name for a hot spring that sends up jets of water and steam (6)
2 Name a favourite of Elizabeth I, who was beheaded in 1618 (7)
3 What is a supplement to a will (7)
4 What is a roll of parchment with writing on it (6)
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